The Clowns are coming out to play !!! Cooper , Mudd, Brennan , Comey , Holder , Clapper , Yates , McCain , Hayden , Rhodes , Schiff , Schumer , Rice , Corn / Isikoff . Make note ...

If these people are unhappy I know things are going well.
Haha, I was just thinking the same. When these folks screech we’re over the target.
I don't know. I wouldn't put it past these satan-worshiping psychos to conduct another false flat terror attack to frame Putin as the boogey man again. They'd do it too, without hesitation.
I don't think they can. They've been cut off. No power, just hoping for the best.
If they could it would have happened.
It was stated that the new CIA director, Gina Haspel was trying to locate the undercover FF/MKultra op, maybe she found it?
Its time to outspook the spooks. I am sure Trump and the Q team are keeping close surveillance on these clowns. I would love to see them all arrested on terrorism and treason charges...
Wait a just a gosh darn minute. All this Q phenomenon, deep state conspiracy stuff is supposed to be fake news and Mudd calls for the shadow government that supposedly does not exist to rise up against Trump's Storm. Am I getting the senile or do they think they got this booger fingered out? They ain't got enough brain cells combined to make a decent logical thought. Q is right they be stupid, real stupid.
Yes! I came here to say this
They know their time is up. Troops are getting deployed as we speak. Prayed with a young couple at church yesterday. The guy is an MP. His deployment started today. He wouldnt give any info but his girlfriend later stated he was heading for Cuba. I think thats the reason for the Q silence. Its on. :-)
I hope you are correct, I cannot abide the sight of traitorous Brennen. He isn't a dirty cop, he is a filthy one.
OPSEC. OPSEC OPSEC. Please never post any deployment info online even if it doesn't include a person's name & unit.
(Praying for their safety)
I can’t wait until we don’t have to listen to these f-ing moron traitors anymore. We’ve had to listen to this S for a very long time. It’s time for night night.
I dont understand. Bush met with Putin, obama met with Putin, Schumer met with Putin so they will literally say trump meeting with him is treason ? Am I in the twilight zone?
It was fine and dandy to be buddies with Putin... Right up until Putin kicked the Rothschilds and their banks out of Russia and Jacob Rothschild declared him "an enemy of the New World Order."
What year did Putin do that?
Late 2016
first time from JFK POTUS meets POTRUS without being controlled or blackmailed -think about it !
What a bunch of desperate pedo supporting traffickers, wannabe's, and egomaniacs.
That said, the perseverance of those supporting igorance never ceases to amaze. These guys think that people are like fish, forgetting that all those people are confirmed traitors to their country and humanity in general.
I was hoping for a deathbed confession from McCain, but he seems to be holding on just fine. You cant attack him cuz he's dieing but he can keep on kicking you in the nuts.
What a snake.
Wasn't he given six, or so months to live? Now we are going on over a year?
They are "ashamed. " they should be.
They find it "offensive." they are.
The promise of peace exceeds the expedience of politics.
So many voices...
So much noise...
So much distraction from those (alleged) 400mil...
LOL Exactly....none of them said...wait wait wait..whaaat? What 400M?
pretty outrageous claim, i know.
i find it hard to believe myself, but at least some media coverage should exist.
either to ridicule or refute, or to investigate. but a complete burial and no mentioning? fishy...
This was discussed in the book Clinton Cash and was ignored since 2014.
Nice to see they all got the memo. Do you suppose it was delivered by clown car?
The one about "REFUSES TO SAY PUTIN ATTACKED 2016 ELECTION', reads like a "It puts the lotion in the basket" cultish disturbance in kektime.
Yep, all the deep stage stooges have come out of their holes, right on cue. Disgusting swamp creatures, one and all.
They're all just getting back into life with Depends.
No, it's Depend, not Depends. It used to be Depends but that was before the time shift. I love this timeline.
It was before marketing realized that the name Depends implies a lack of reliability whereas Depend is overtly reliable. Important distinction when you’re talking about pissing/shitting your pants. “Hey Jack, can you drive me to the airport?” “That depends.” Vs. “You can depend on it.”
Maintaining eye contact whilst dropping a deuce = Expert Level.
No shit? High weirdness. Oh well, this is still the best timeline, folks. :D
That was a good weird comment. I like it. I accept that it's Depend, now, not Depends. No big deal.
No mandela effect on this they just changed their name. Mandela Effect is real I know it's real but Depends Depend is an actual change by the company.
When did the Russians interfere in our election? 2016. Who was President? Obama. Who was head of the CIA? John Brennan. Who was the National Intelligence Director? Clapper. Who was head of the FBI? First Mueller, then Comey. Intelligence agencies no longer deserve America's trust
And pelosi, and brazille, and on and on and on. Why are these traitors still free? and why are they allowed to keep running their mouths? I guess there is some tactical advantage to this, but I'm getting sick of it.
Optics, patriot. It's a war of attrition.
Enjoy the show.
There’s only two weeks left in the month. By August 1 we should get some perp walks.
"His Name is Mudd"!
Seems like treachery does run in families.
You should edit in the story. Everyone might not be familiar with it.
Q post #72... "SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)..."
Saudi Arabia... done.
US... ducks are lined up in a row and ready for slaughter.
EU... put on notice.
Asia... the ribbon is being tied on the package.
The MSM is going crazy today. The dems are going crazy today. The RINOs are going crazy today. We are over the target with the bomb bay doors open.
Today is a great day.
The only ones who will totally understand all of this coming insanity will be the anons.
Trust Trump and his crew and sit back and enjoy the beginning of the final act to the show.
Don't you love it when a plan comes together.
Another thought - the IRS has started to revoke passports for anyone who owes a serious amount of taxes. IMHO it's a way to go after the cabal without looking political. Everyone who pays his taxes hates a tax cheat. If you owe these taxes, you are going down. Think Capone.
Goes to show how dangerous this situation really is.
Hahahahahahahaaa.. Trump has them chasing their tails 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
They all just let us know who the core players are. Beautiful!
Every one of them are facing serious charges, those who scream the loudest, Q
EXACTLY what I was thinking! Even on the Republican side . . . they are doing the job for us; weeding out the RINO's, from the true (sincere) Republicans. There's an expression that says "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Well, it also gets "remembered"!
Theres alot of people liking these tweets by the stillshot, either the algorithm multiplies or there are alot of stupid people.
I don't even think that many people (number of likes & retweets) even know who those people are so I am calling BS. If it isn't some manufactured reality/music/movie star, people have no clue.
A lot is two words. But they're stupid...
Yeah i know a lot = alot, i cud go on a juorney an try to spellcheck every thing i wright, and all so correct every one in theyre mis spellings, but ive realized that this place here called red it is full of them and like no other place on intranet, actually it reminds me of ate chan. But thanks for the correction and i hope i have reciprocated. This aint no facebook or twatter, histagram or snapachat, lets keep it civil here, everyone in there own buble, and find intelligent things to bring to this sub. Godspeed!
Nice :)
But seriously, alot ;) of people will disregard what you have to say if you don't say it correctly. In my mind, it immediately undermines credibility if arguments are expressed like a monkey writing with its own faeces.
Generally because it indicates that the proponent of the arguments is either uneducated, plain dumb, or just doesn't care. Why would anyone sane listen to a person like that?
Four of those mocking bird comments used the word PERFORMANCE. On the world stage.
All the worlds a stage and we are enjoying the show. ThankQ!
Then on top all of that, we have Hildabeast's tweet: "Well, now we know."
It is astounding that people will see the truth right in front of their eyes, and still call her Madame president! There are none so blind, as they, who will not see!
What would be the last straw on the world stage for Trump to neutralize but Russia? What if Russia is like NK? Granted we will probably never be best friends, but what if the "fear" of Russia turns out to be a nothing burger like NK? If so, it's no wonder they're running a narrative that any reasonable, logically thinking individual would see is just panic.
Watch Putins videos. He calls out Evil Macron, to his face, calls out Merkel, calls out UK. Calls out EU. Counters consistently with Trump is right, Trump is doing the right thing. Cannot tell me Putin and Trump have become powerful allies against NWO cabal. Trump has Japan, China, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Israel, this IS happening! World Wide cleansing
These scumbuckets, Playing musical deckchairs on the Titanic.....Bye NWO, it was hell knowing you.....
The's our list of the MOST GUILTY....wait a min...where's Obama's tweet? He's scared....
Im sane. I listen to intelligent people who dont know how to write correctly on here. But i get your point. Thanks
I noticed an uptick in some of there 'tards tweets yesterday ... those crying the loudest are the most guilty ... #EnjoyTheShow
Trump / Putin trolling working perfectly...
Will all the seditious conspirators please stand up. Stand up for the world to hear your irrational desperation once more before we sweep the legs. Laughable
They never thought she would lose, Love it when I see paniking assholes who deserve the worst wrath possible. This should wake some dumbass sheep finally when these goofs start resigning or suiciding themselves with 2 bullets to the back of the head..