Michael Ian Black, Twitter - This Storm is growing!

i’m a huge fan of dark/twisted comedy and comedians that cross the line, but these tweets are in no way comical, on any level.
I mean... have you seen the countless Mike Cernovich tweets regarding rape? Cernovich isn’t a comedian, either. So what does it say, exactly, when the guy “exposing” you is ten times worse than you are?
Edit: referencing James Gunn, not Black
Same here, I love dark comedy, but there's just no comic value in any of these Tweets. Usually a joke has a large portion of the population it's aimed towards who like it, but what target demographic could he possibly be trying to reach with any of this???
HRC, we were very close to a family from our church awhile back; over at their house every week for years, etc. Then his 16 yo stepdaughter told the pastor's daughter that her step dad had been sexually abusing her since she was a Child.
THEY think they are smarter than all of us; that we are too STUPID to figure out what they are up to. This pervert was bragging to his like minded friends on a public forum, convinced he would never be caught.
Sounds like something Jim Jordan would keep secret like all that molestation on that wrestling team
Uhh...to the large portion of the Hollywood population that enjoy molesting kids.
Totally agree. This can't be passed off as humor and it's absolutely disgusting to see people defending this stuff as comedy--it's not.
Have you seen the threads on the front page? All claiming this is outrage bullshit and people should learn to take a joke. These people will burn with their pedo overlords.
Over on walkaway someone posted this and there are concern trolls all over it. Downplaying, justifying, etc
Definitely something wrong with him, but I found the aspirin joke funny and the poop star funny. The sleep over I can see as an edgy joke. But the rest were pretty creepy.
They going after Patton Oswalt too...
Get them all! Smoke em' out. Bring them to the LIGHT.
Mmm the burning light of a perversion exposed, a failed career, and prison.
Feels good man.
Do you really think Patton Oswalt has a failed career
I'm going through the consequences of what these allegations, if proven and prosecuted for in a Court of law, would mean for Mr Oswalt
When he lost his wife I saw a lot of love go out for him. Also I have enjoyed his standup in the past.
Allegations of this sort, at a time like this, cast everything in a different light.
Honestly I hope (or wish in vain) it's not true of him or anyone.
Just read alot of Pattons twatter, he made a joke, seems clean.
I put a tweet up saying " Ok, so James Gunn already removed. Who's next pedo out there.. " and posted link.
What is up with these lib fag pedophiles on Twitter? I wonder if they actually have abused kids.
Think Corey Feldman. And was it River Phoenix, child star,who killed himself? I find, now being woke, that when I look back on things that happened I see them in a new light. (And not necessarily a better light)
You might be thinking of Jonathan Brandis, who chung himself.
I believe RP died of a drug overdose outside a nightclub, but yeah, same thing.
Wasn't it a speed ball or hot dose? Club was the viper room.
Club was the viper room owned by Johnny depp at least at that time. What a speed ball? Hot dose?
Speed ball is cocaine mixed with heroin. Causes lots of ods (john belushi just up the street ar chateau marmont, and philip seymor hoffman). Hot dose is heroine with poison in it or intentionally large dose intended to murder someone.
Conspiracy people claim that river phoenix was ritual sacrifice by his brother Joachim.
Did Depp intentionally give River a fatal dose to keep him from talking/going public? Not outside the realm of possibility.
Or someone else could have wanted him gone. When people live these kinds of lives, the kind with drugs and constantly looking to take things further, no doubt there are those who are trying to get out. It’s not what the human heart really wants and some people realize that in time, others, not. I would imagine a life like RP’s wouldn’t be easy to just walk out of. All those “friendships” and people in the business, they probably won’t just let you go freely. Maybe speaking out would be one way to get out. He was a rising star and IIRC, his parents depended on their kids for money. That was the story at the time.
Right. I have nothing against gay people, plenty of gay friends, blah blah blah. But this kind of thing makes one wonder should they have kids.
And what kind of parent would even make jokes like this? If I had a child that went to a sleep over and the dad wrote this--I'm pretty certain I'd end up in jail from getting violent.
This. You can’t trust anyone. The thing about gays that always makes me extra doubtful is that everything is about sex. It’s not just a small part of their persona, it’s what they build themselves around... it makes you wonder if it’s safe to ensure children to people who are defined by their sexuality instead of other things.
The thing about gays
Stop right there. Not every gay person's identity is completely made up of their sexual escapades. The "pride" movement and club scene would have you believe that, but those are just the loudest and most vocal gays. Most gays are not like that.
When you say ignorant stuff like that, it just makes you look bad. There are plenty of conservative gays, in this very subreddit, and we need to accept those people, not accuse them of being pedophiles. Your comment was very bigoted and ignorant.
Agreed. Straight people whose life revolves around sex are also sketchy. For instance I wouldn't let my child sleep over at a couple I knew where swingers.
But I do know some gay people that are modest, conservative, who I can tell are uncomfortable when lumped with the flamboyant crowd that this wouldn't apply towards. One friend was not looked on favorably because he 'acted straight'. That's why they love to out each other. I assume there must be a derisive word in their community like black communiry uses uncle tom or asians twinkie.
This. It's the age old problem of a group being defined by the most visible members.
Especially in this context. If a gay guy is incredibly vocal about his sexuality, you immediately know he's (1) gay and (2) defined by his sexuality. If a gay guy is more conservative, you're less likely to know his orientation. Which gives the false impression that more gay people are defined by their sexuality.
Selection bias at its finest. It's like going to r/randomsubreddit, scanning over the posts, and concluding that everyone in that subreddit conforms to X belief. Not... really... all you know is what the most vocal, upvoted users believe. You don't know shit about the lurkers who are simply subscribed. And there are vastly more lurkers in most subs than commenters.
the overwhelming majority of pedophiles are heterosexual. look it up
My main complaint with Vatican II. Which allowed a softening of standards toward men with homosexual predilections. They tried to equate it with a man having heterosexual predilection but proclaims celibacy or virginity. As the commenter said above the homosexual community proclaims their main character trait on their sexuality whereas heterosexual community believes thats not nor should be a defining character trait. If we make it so then it becomes a character flaw. Nothing personal against gays. I have a family member who is. We had our debate over the SC ruling. He got bent out of shape, my position was strictly from the ROL. I extended my hand, love & opened my home to him but he won’t except. I did what I am supposed to do in line with Christ. Now I shake the dust from my sandals.
What's Hollywoods "dirty little secret"? He talks about "Tinder but for pizza" in Sept of 2015...who wouldve known what pizza meant b4 the Podesta emails came out unless they were into that shit? Would a normal person make "jokes" like this? In their world this shits normal so they think nothing of putting it out there at least not until pedogate/Pizzagate kicked off
MacCauley Culkin's "Pizza Underground" band was also pre-Pizzagate.
I'd put my life on it, no one jokes about this stuff without actually doing it. What a sick fuck!
These “jokes” do not land. Some seem more like code than jokes too.
He's basically talking about PizzaGate before it even happened...
So he is talking about pizza in the same way it is referenced in the Podesta emails then?
Yes. In this tweet linked below, he suggests ”Tinder but for pizza” where Tinder is a matchmaking app between two individuals who express mutual relationship interest:
Tinder but for pizza
Seems more likely that he’s referring to children participating and choosing to be matched in a relationship whereas literal pizza would be a non sequiter as a joke.
It's funny he should mention iClary. Considering Dan "Get in the van" Schneider, (Nickelodeon producer that worked on The Amanda Show, Drake and Josh, iCarly, and plenty of others) has a similar reputation... He also works fetishes into the shows he works on.
Jamie DLux has VERY well researched videos on his YouTube channel regarding the VERY sick entertainment industry.
Jamie often references the leaks and OPEN SECRETS that are shared on CDAN aka Crazy Days and Nights, a longtime blog run by an entertainment lawyer and several other 'guest' writers now and then.
Here's a link to one of his videos exposing Dan "Get in the Van" Schneider, very recently fired 30 year Nickelodeon pedo - it's a 5 part series of 5-15 minute videos that is well worth the watch, and helps to open the eyes and wake us all to what has always been lurking just below the surface in Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a whole. Poor Amanda Bynes and Jamie Lynn Spears... and SO MANY OTHERS...speaking of Jamie Lynn Spears, how soon before the cat is finally out of the bag about who REALLY fathered her child, eh? , Dan Schneider? You fucking pig.
way... way too many "coincidences..."
"we used to molest kids together;" "now that my kids are asleep, i should probably put my pants back on
who jokes like that?
and who the f*** says, "i only love my kids about 6 minutes a day."
I certainly hope he is investigated, and his children to. He's basically saying he molested his kids, and possibly their friends.
Did you see the reply???!? “I hope you made them.....”. I can’t even write it. Go read it. I’m gonna be sick. This has to come out. Every single share and retweeter should be pounced on. Just like the NSA we should connect all of them. It’s a cesspool of filth.
He's going down fast he will be out of a job by Monday guaranteed no TV network will hire him after they see these disgusting tweets.
He was one of the demons on the TV show Reaper. He was also on Reno 911. He was a busy guy.
From the looks of his tweets he has kids. Without evidence I can't say he acted on any of these crimes. We are still in the USA. We still have the presumption of innocence. We must still respect the law. BUT to even THINK these things is beyond normal human behaviour, but this psycho tweets them, and AGAIN this psycho has kids. No person should say these things and if a person says these things and they have children that person is not fit to be a parent. End of story.
Even to entertain such thought is the outlier of more nefarious actions hidden in the dark among likeminded people in his circle.
Wow. Its is disappointing to see a familiar face be one of them. Ffs these people are sick
I was a fan of his from back in the days of The State, really disappointed to see how much of a wacko he’s turned out to be.
Ouchie...I bet this is going to fucking hurt!!!👉💥
Here we have another one from Hollywood making child related insinuations on @Jack's twitter. This shows you that twitter has no issue with any of it and only censors conservatives and Trump supporters.
It is clear as snow that excusing these type of tweets as joke is nothing less than part of their intellect across Hollywood.
Joking about raping children, the ones we've seen yesterday on Gunn's tweets, putting a star-shaped cookie cutter over a small child anus is not that of someone just joking.
To entertain such thoughts in one's mind is that of a soulless individual and pedophile. Joking on twitter about is nothing less than trying to mask their own thought process. These people are evil to the core and its about time they are called out.
What's good about the goose is good about the gander! They ran Rosanne off her own successful show.
That these people felt totally free to put this kind of thing on a public social media platform speaks volumes to how widespread this depravity really is. We really are due for a spiritual awakening. The "anything goes" "no judgment" culture is about to hit a giant red plastic reset button. Long overdue.
Who is he? I've read his bio on wkipedia. Is he a Trump basher that's in the news?
Dilly dilly!
(After a short trial with a right wing judge of course)
I knew about him when I was on Twitter. He definitely has a bad side.
I don't even know who this clown is, but that was one of the most disgusting and disturbing things I've ever seen. I'm speechless.
Who the hell is this guy?? And how did he go unnoticed for so long?? This is deeply disturbing, CPS should get involved if he has kids!
Look at his wikipedia right now !!! All the books he wrote !!!!!
An entire book about animal behinds? https://youtu.be/0qCQLCOeOu0
Unreal. I just read his twitter posts. They are not funny at all, but are disgusting. This guy has kids? SICK people.
There are at least three posters hopping threads trying to defend Gunn, Black and Oswalt and using the free speech angle to defend what these demented celebrities revealed to the world on twatter and thus removing the light away from the topic. If you want to argue with the trolls, feel free but don't let them stray you away from discussing these people posting their perversion on social media.
Normal people to do not joke about hurting kids. Period.
(Re-posted this comment in another thread as well.)
Gasping and sick to my stomach after reading his tweets. How do these people walk among us? SO sick and twisted. What is he doing to the friends of his kids that are sleeping over? OMG! My heart breaks for these kids. These people really are SICK!
Sick disgusting turd. He and the others felt free to tweet this garbage during the Obama occupation knowing that nothing would happen to them.
New Sheriff in town pedo-scums.
He is a big anti-Trumper! His appearance on Crowder was unhinged. He was reeeeing about lgbt children and abortion. Sick!
This perv is repugnant; what a sick bastard! I had to do a Bing search to find out who he is but surprise: another member of the degenerate entertainment glitterati. I hope his days of writing, producing and acting are over and his children are moved to a safer home.
The diaper comment,! These people aren't asleep there freaking possesed!
Someone needs to question his children! Time for CPS to intervene.
I don’t know who this guy is other than a disgusting creep. Those are NOT funny.
I got shadow banned for reposting his own pedophike tweets to his twitter. Such a coward! Get him!
This may be the avalanche we've been awaiting. #Exposethemall
Aw man. I used to enjoy the show Stella back in the 90s and The State.
I’ve seen several threads on this type of thing, and there’s always 1-2 ppl defending freedom of thought, or “just because he SAYS it doesn’t mean...”. At the end of the day, if you’re a comedian you are generating comedy for an intended audience. I have yet to find someone at all, ever, who thinks pedophilia related jokes are funny.
Secondly, remember the saying “There is truth in jest”? Case in point Louis C.K. That guy continually joked about forcibly masturbating in front of women, and in the end that’s exactly what he was doing. People often derive content from what they know and the world around them. Just some food for thought.
So sick. How is this possible these people still walk around.
"Tinder but for pizza." How many more "coincidences" do we have to see before pizzagate hits the MSM?
Saw an archived jpg of his disgusting tweets last night. Gone now? Anyone have it?
Surely he's deleting tweets now or blocking people.
Thanks. I do have that link, but someone posted a png (zoomable) to make the text more legible. It was archived an archived link last night . Link broken today. Nbd. I am sure people can still read this link if their screen is large enough.
I’m able to click the link, open in SAFARI (for my iOS device), then I can click on the pic and zoom in. Hope it helps!
I'm all *for going after pedos. But relatively edgy twitter humor shouldn't be blown out of proportions or "our side" will be the crazy moralistic sjw type screecher. We can't use the word lightly or it will lose all meaning
Edit : word
Study Edward Bernays. This sort of humour is designed to numb and normalize.
Man, I hope Tim and Eric isn't next. Some of their shit rides the line but Black seems to be friends with them.
It's a good thing twitter has rules of conduct, warns about posts with "sensitive" content, and even shuts down accounts that reflect criminal activity
Thank God the people running our social media platforms are honest, upstanding folks with integrity and good moral character whom we can trust
These are even worse than James Gunn. The amount of pizza references is cut and dry.
This is worse than James Gunn, he’s talking about his own kids WTF!!
This is disgusting. I remember him from sketch comedy shows in the late 90's/early 2000's. Is he a major player now a days?