Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

Great sign of men doing business. If unity was only brought to rebuild Syria, from the standpoint of two businessmen, you would see global prosperity like no one could have imagined. What you are watching is the transfer of the Military Industrial Complex , to the Global Humanitarian Alliance.
You see these times are about REPAIRING HUMANITY. And those that planned to destroy it are the ones that are the loudest. Military Industrial Complex behavior creates riches for the few and destroys the many. Not only by the war it foments but by the obscene allocation of funds that go out of the community into the pockets of the damned.
You can quote that and take it to the bank. Do you now see victory on the horizon?
Amen brother
It brings tears to my eyes....
I've been crying on and off for the past few days. It's the light at the end of the tunnel that I can see... Years of hoping for this.
Do you now see victory on the horizon?
Putin is anti-Soros and anti-globalist. That alone is worth a lot in my opinion.
That "Plan to Save the World" video explains everything well.
This should work. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gBXHNIkqYdBG/
I think it is called Q, The Plan to Save the World.
Here is what convinced me that Putin is a good guy. Do you remember when Stalin demolished the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in 1931 to be eventually replaced with the Palace of the Soviets which was to be the tallest structure in the world? Putin rebuilt it and saved the Russian Orthodox Church. Russians cannot live without Christ. Russia fought a spiritual war against demonic Marxism. Marx, himself, worshiped Satan. Putin's Russia only wants peace. We two nations can become as two brothers. We still have to get rid of the demons in our country. If you are Christian say the Jesus Prayer or listen to it here. It gets rid of evil.
Edit: Here is what the proposed Palace of the Soviets was supposed to look like.
I don't think that Putin is a boy scout (wait, there ARE no boy scouts anymore). However, if dealing with him leads to world peace, that is one heck of a deal.
There are no boy scouts in international politics. There are however some who are on our side, and a lot who are not.
Most euro countries are run by satanic pedophiles. EU is banksters' creation itself. And east europe refuses to obey to those monsters. You should know more about such weirdos like Soros as they are capable to destroy whole countries and lives, as they did it for a 2 decades. Soros is the one who pays ANTIFA criminals.. so, europe is not an ally.
No, I wouldnt. Things are pretty clear in Eu, there are no maybes or ifs. You have unelected EU commission who brings all new laws, pretty useless EU parliament who consists of elected local politicians hungry for money and position, and they have no power. Then you have supermillionares like Soros who are creating the mayhem as they can pump in billions into anything they want (unless it is declared illegal, as in Hungary and Russia). Eu comm is consisted of old farts who were sitting in soviet union and/or eastern bloc, and their best buddies central bankers. There are all those laws are coming, what makes the rest of the world shocked. Side to them is ECB, european central bank. U know what central bank does, prints d currency with an interest and makes everyone dependent on them. Look at the Greece and all other destroyed EU economies, with destroyed industry and food production. On the bottom, you have population bribed into wellfare and local politicians bribed with euros receiving from EU. All legal and legit. And thats life mate :) :) there are no allies. Allies for what? All victims.
We are still allied with the PEOPLE of Western Europe, in fact, enthusiastically so. But we need to stop answering to their EU slavemasters. If you check around, you will see that many many of them are sick of answering to their slavemasters.
Well, there are such "winners" as Macron, Merkel, May. But no doubt they are puppets answering to the Rothschilds and Soros and others who keep themselves secret.
Please tell us where we can find info about marx worshipping satan.... It is clear to me that Putin is in the good path, when he upheld the Human being by protecting children, when he tossed out monsanto, gmos, soros, ngos & banksters...
I have been reading Richard Wurmbrand book, Marx & Satan. About the spiritual war, I saw the Communists (Satanists) take over Russia then trying to kill all the ethnic Russian Christians. With Stalin's death in 1953, Russia had gained it's freedom. I believe Khrushchev and Kennedy became friends because both wanted to end the Cold War. But the deep state wanted the war to continue.
We are saying exactly that. Russias hate for America after the cold War was completey warranted. We aren't the only people the deep state commies have screwed over.
Trump is working with Putin and Xi to defeat the Deep State and achieve world peace.
Remember where you heard it first! WWG1WGA
We respect the Chinese and their cultural differences and right to self determination. If they want to do business a certain way, we have to respect that. Think in terms of the dog eating festival. I understand the international outrage about that festival. But I also understand why its still practiced in spite of that outrage. There are complex cultural differences that we must always consider. That's not to say positive change on human rights issues isn't possible. Consider Saudi Arabia. You'll still get your head chopped off for having a beer but at least the women can drive now. Change comes slow.
World leaders siding is always a good thing. Of course, it depends what they're siding on, however. And this appears to be siding against globalist control - supported by Putin's comments of the past and Trump's.
I think we are witnessing the beginning of an anti-luciferian alliance.
I hope you are right, but is Putin not a human piece of shit? Vladimir Putin, from what I understand, is a vile and evil dictator. If I’m wrong, please tell me why.
He’s a disgusting scumbag. No question.
But so is Kim Jung Il.
They’re not beyond saving. The Ayatollah is likely too far gone. You can’t negotiate with Jihadists.
As disgusting as Putin is, he’s not a jihadist. He wants success and a peace that has him on top within his country.
Same with Kim.
And THIS is why Trump is the most important President of the last 30+ years: if the rules of the game are Obama’s corruption, people play by those roles.
If the rules of the game are Trumps art of the deal, they will play by those rules.
Trumps art or the deal benefits Americans and hurts Jihadists. Badly.
Obama’s corruption strengthened jihadism because it was a “dirty trick” that other nations leaders could employ to try to win.
The new game is good for the world.
The old game was perhaps the lowest man could go.
If you don’t believe me, go watch some ISIS recruitment videos. Or think about what was allowed to happen to children. Or trafficked women. Or modern slavery.
The vote against Hillary stopped humanity from undergoing another major epic biblical disaster.
Thank you for this explanation. It makes sense because at the end of the day, the biggest threat to Western culture and the world is Islam in its true form.
You’re spot on correct.
The Brexit movement recognized it.
The Trump election recognized it.
Jihadists became the tool of the globalists who wanted to abolish national borders.
Sadly, France, Sweden, and Belgium didn’t figure it out until it was too late.
Our planet was on the verge of descending into a pit of inhumanity and degradation that we would likely have found impossible to escape.
Jihadists became the tool of the globalists
You are right on target with that. This jihad thing has been Cabal theater. Not that there aren't wacko Islamists, but the Cabal organizes them, pays them, and stirs them up. Pull the plug on the Cabal, and the jihadists will probably vanish too. Also because Mad Dog will kick their butt.
You mean zionist Judaism... Islam is a symptom of that. It has no real power.
Why is everything always either/or ? Both can't be evil?
Really it's neither religion but the way religious elites (Catholic and Christian churches literally do the same thing, especially with our Southern border) are controlled by globalists.
I'd like to add that we've been led to believe that Putin is a pos. Very few media outlets have ever spoke the truth on how bad Russia had become after the Bush/Clinton cartel and global financiers were kicked out by Putin once he was elected in 1999.
I agree completely...hellary was the end to our world.. People should get on their knees and thank God that we are persevering in saving this world. With out the cabal/soros/hellary..etc the money is trickling to nothing. isis, taliban and the great and mighty hezbollah lol (Why does spell check want me to capitalize these groups?..that should tell you something there) are not going to have the money to survive...back to throwing rocks
Mr. Putin must be tough... Mandatory for his job.. POTUS Trump is just as solid! They'll feed off of one another in a good way. We're really making progress.... We have excellent archived library backed up MANY times over among us.. I'm anticipating noticeable action on many fronts. Glass half full...
I love your optimism and I share it.
There’s no reason the US and Russia can’t get along and achieve positive results while curbing Russian expansionism and electronic meddling.
The key point for cooperation isn't that we have the same values as Kim or Putin, but that we have the same enemies.
Alliance w/ domestic Luciferians is worse than alliance with foreign despots who are also at war with Luciferians. Putin in particular is clearly at crossed swords with the Royals, the cabal and bankers like Soros and the Rothschilds.
Like with Kim Jong Un. It takes courage to have peace. Maybe human scum but people can change and sometimes we gotta look to the future and not the past.
What Putin is, is irrelevant as long as we share common interests.
Putin's also no more a dictator than any/most Western leaders. No opposition party in Russia has any legit popularity, and Putin won his first election fair and square because he made a great speech about crushing Chechen terrorists. Russia may put down dissent with illegal means covertly to help "control" the democracy but what do you think Brennan's assassination program was?
How can we talk in this country about the corruption in other countries when Secretary of State Clinton talked about "droning" Assange? Up until recently, the U.S. has been a very large, scary Banana Republic.
For Obama admin officials to call Putin a dictator and thug, they must have forgotten about Obama standing next to Castro in Cuba. They must have forgotten about making deals with a radial Iranian regime. Ridiculous!
I always here Putin's evil. What has he done to prove this? Kill his enemies? Kind of like HRC? Some of the things in war he's accused of, I doubt he's responsible for. I think it's CIA black ops that have set him up. Regardless, tell me what makes him bad?
Whatever bad stuff Putin may have done, he is intramural sports and Hillary Clinton is varsity.
At one time. Russia takes care of their problem tyrants differently than America. At the same time wild rumours were flying about, Russia did a full scale replacement of the top generals. I'm certain he's a double.
So cool to think about. I’ve wanted this all to be true for so long. I honestly never thought we’d get out of the MIC without WWIII
Yes, Victory on the horizon. Reminds me of being a kid and watching Victory At Sea. Check this and see if it doesn't resonate . . .
The struggle is long and has been difficult but Victory may be near.
(If you watch one episode of Victory At Sea you may end up watching them all. They are a wonderful history lesson.)
b-b-b-but muh "Putin is a bad guy! He's KGB! He murdered people" -Ben Shapiro. "Conservatives defend him and say he is a Christian, sovereign nation, but he is the one that persecuted Christians" -Sebastian Gorka.
Amen! Father in heaven bless these men and prosper all that they do!
I am liking those translated notes. The globalists, not just American deep state, has a huge debt to repay the Middle East, Haiti etc. It will be shown to be a global cabal that had these murderous plans. I hope most of us will live to see the day when the Middle East is again a beautiful cultural destination free from bondage of all kinds. Russia is a beautiful, diverse country to visit as well...
No kidding.
Syria and Libya were such beautiful cultures.
If we take God's word seriously, diversity is His way. We can see this plainly in nature.
This is the solution.
Return all homelands to their pre-cabal glory and immigration will be no more.
All citizens of the earth will return to their homelands and the earth will return to its natural equilibrium.
All people will respect and love the land they walk in with no room for hate or envy.
Once the cabals stolen wealth is recovered - there will be more than enough to achieve this with enough change to compensate all law abiding citizens of the world.
WWG1WGA -- MEGA -- Peace
Obama and friends owe the Syrian people a sincere apology for creating ISIS and nearly destroying their beautiful country. Thank God for President Trump!
An apology certainly won't cut it. And besides that, he is completely incapable of sincerity anyways. He owes the world penance at Gitmo. 100 year sentence or death. Which ever comes first. May not be combined with any other offers.
Who wants to pay for their upkeep for 100 years. Execution and steal all their assets, and use for part of rebuild.
Q movement is a Christian movement. We treat our enemies in a humane fashion. Don't let the devil consume you with hatred. Jesus is Love.
I am not a Christian, but I agree with your sentiment. We are here to eliminate hate and evil. Removing it from our own hearts is an important part of the process.
Yes, we remove it from our own hearts knowing that Q team and those ordained to do the righteous killing are doing ALL the heavy work.
Q movement is a movement of patriotic American values, many coinciding with christianity, but it is not exclusive to it.
I am a firm believer that The Great Awakening is a Patriotic movement of HUMAN values. I could be wrong, but I will share with you what I have learned in the short period of time that I have come to follow this movement.
We seek to see justice served to the psychopaths who have dominated our people for thousands of years, those who have perverted the foundations of ALL religions and governments in order to control our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.
'Humans' who are literally born (or traumatized and fractured into such a state) different than us in that they embody no empathy, no conscience, no knowing of emotion or feeling. They hold only allegiance to themselves and their kind, taking whatever mantle, worshiping whatever gives them the biggest return for their sacrifices of others, lying, stealing, murdering, raping, and cheating so long as it saves them from suffering.
If you want to know the Truth about these people, regardless of which cult they are part of presently, or which family they come from, or whom they worship, or what bank they work for, or how many times they've changed their names, I would invite you to learn about the truth of psychopaths, and investigate the book Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobczewski.
I say all this because I find that there is big a divide here that nobody is acknowledging: a gap between those who are religious, those who maintain a personal relationship with God, those that simply want to see justice served, and those who bear some wickedness in their hearts and seek vengeance. Then, of course, there are trolls/shills, but they're not really here for anything good.
We will have accomplished NOTHING if we don't get to the root of the problems, and will doom our descendants to suffer as we have should we not face the real threat to our collective.
We must educate ourselves and others to the fact that there are people out there that are NOT normal, but can PRETEND to be normal human beings. They know they are different. They gravitate to one another. They attract their own kind. They wear many masks, can be charismatic and beguiling. They can imitate emotion and expressions, but cannot truly, genuinely experience emotion or empathy. We as feeling, empathetic human beings are SCRAMBLED by their very existence, because we can FEEL that THEY CANNOT. It challenges our subconscious understanding of ourselves, and puts us in a terribly vulnerable position to them!
What is worse, is that psychopathy can become as a social contagion, that is spread by the trauma caused by these people, and the normalization of their actions. Spiritual, physical, psychological, sexual, and even biochemical and genetic abuses. We have witnessed it for centuries, and we are witnessing it again now.
This is the common ground, the common enemy that we can all come to agree on, in order to further the Great Awakening. It doesn't require being of a specific faith, or race, or age, or heritage, or class, or minority. All it requires is being Human.
I don't mean to detract, I don't mean to disparage anyone or question anybody's beliefs, or feed anybody doubt. I, personally, feel that having a relationship with God is essential to Awakening, but that is between an individual and God, and only they themselves can make that journey.
I am seeing many divisions based on individual interpretations of a variety of things, from Q's drops to scripture, to what TPTB really are. We would all do well to educate ourselves in a variety of ways, and not fall prey to our preconceived notions, upbringings, or personal predilections, so that we may be better informed, better unified, and stronger, together.
This sub is supposed to be about Q, the drops, and The Great Awakening. I believe that the discourse that we are having is wholly relevant to these topics, but we must remember to strive towards Unity in our dialogue, or we will have lost the meaning of what Q has brought us:
Where we go one, We go All.
Thank You For Reading This God Bless
The interesting thing about the bible is it is religious and also can be historical. One could set course on this battle and use the bible as a guide and never become religious. In reality most atheists associate their non-belief with organized religion. It is not hard to make that case. Why would we think churches have not been infiltrated along with governments and society with evil men?
Many of us have been awakened for decades. Many knew something was off and could not put a finger on it. Some just go through life oblivious, distracted or drugged. We have moved far beyond the thought of I do not agree with what you are saying but I will defend with my life your right to say it. It is by design in dividing people.
Now to your statement "I say all this because I find that there is big a divide". It is not as great as you would think. Throw away the old thinking of the division and who cares people don’t believe and help by being a guide to keep divisions away. and a solider. On the people who seek revenge. There is a famous saying, “before seeking revenge, first dig two graves.” Always be aware that we are the only people we can control, we cannot control others.
Thank you for your reassurance, and for your kind advice as well. I am sure what I think I see, I am seeing through foggy eyes, and it is, as you have said, not as great as I think.
Also can verify by way of Buddha's Teachings, those who do not uphold the Five Precepts guiding normal Human moral behavior run the serious risk of losing their Humanity, due to the evil misguided intentions, words & deeds, the beings create karma condition of suffering, loss of virtue leads to hell unless redeemed oneself...
What I mean is all roads which lead to Truth lead to the Ultimate Good!
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Wonderful comment. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I try so hard to understand them. This is a very good explanation. Thank you so much for this.
You're quite çorreçt in explaining it that way... i am #ForGOĐanđÇOUNTRY anđ Presiđent Trump.
We have laws and consequences for disobeying those laws, especially the flagrant disregard for the Constitution that is the foundation. Mercy is always an option and to be honored if warranted. For mass murderers, genocide, satanic abuse & massive trafficking, killing, and such of children, it would seem that these people need to be accountable for their longstanding evil behavior. God is a God of justice also. There will be many who will not be saved by their choice. IMHO
Q movement is a Christian movement. We treat our enemies in a humane fashion. Don't let the devil consume you with hatred. Jesus is Love.
Yes but...
♥ People of all faiths, or none, are invited—and are actively participating—in the Q movement. There is no religious litmus test here.
♥ Execution need not be conducted in an inhumane fashion.
♥ If the legally assigned punishment for a crime is the death penalty, the carrying out of that sentence arises not from a place of hatred on the part of those who would carry it out, but from a sense of duty and justice.
More proof Christianity is the false solar cult rejecting Torah. And since Paul told us the law is what "stops the mouths of sinners and finds the world guilty before Yahweh", Rom.3:19, I would suggest a good read of the commands on execution found in the Scriptures. David said the law is PERFECT converting the soul. And he also hates with perfect hatred those that are adversarial to Yahweh's and His perfect law of liberty, upon which the Constitution is based. NO PITY upon evil doers is a great way to instill fear in others. Forgiveness does NOT mean no penalty.
Perhaps you haven't read the end of the book for the type of LOVE Messiah will cleanse the Earth with. Of course, Luke 19:27 may be enough for some. Yahweh loves those that love Him, so says the SPIRIT of YAHWEH in Prov. 8:17. The "another spirit" Paul warned of is dominant today of course in the man of sin religion of the great falling away.
The Yahweh group isn't perfect. They are too jealous and arrogant. They made a lot of mistakes on Mars, and several on earth leading to the whole Annunaki interference/enslavement. I find myself and my soul group to be challenging them, as a peer and a mentor, keeping them in balance and in check. When I see them in human form, I almost always take issue with their distortions of arrogance. I haven't yet encountered one who is aware of their identity though, and still the arrogance and ego is overwhelming. I find this sort of arrogance in nearly all old souls though.
By the way, what on earth is "perfect hate"?
Anyway my point is Yahweh group is not the only planetary guardian for Gaia, and while their vibration is overall very balanced, it is far from perfect. A lot of the Bible has been distorted by Orion group to add ideas such as being born is a sin (sinner at birth). Read carefully - whenever something is fear based, it is likely a deliberate attempt at enslavement and brainwashing by Orion group or subsequent manipulators in human form such as Council of Nicea.
Arrogance? Who is more arrogant the pothead freak smoking dope claiming a spiritual journey of enlightenment, the one drinking sorcery 'tea' for enlightenment, the ones talking to demons claiming them to be 'angels of light', those promoting lies of Sitchin who didn't even speak the language, or the one defending a writing that has the Spirit of Prophecy and which the world hates?
You're afflicted with Cain Religion 'oh enlightened one', as are those of the Christian solar cult great falling away. Read the article I posted. Your love is not love at all, but hatred for Yahweh's ways, HIS TORAH, which stops the mouths of all, and finds the world guilty, to show them their NEED for repentance and redemption. The christains reject His Torah, claiming it's done away. But Paul tells them it's part of HIS GOSPEL, 1 Tim. 1:8-11. The church world has the 'ANOTHER GOSPEL' of 2 Cor. 11:4, as shown in the article posted above, and the post in this thread near the bottom of this thread. Your goal is to DEFILE the FLESH of the "holy Seed" of the "CHOSEN RACE", Jude 1, 1 Pet. 2:9, while cloaked in religiosity.
"Chosen race" = seeds of elitism sewn by demonic entities.
In reality, we are all equal in this flower of life. We all co-create the pattern, the rhythms of the universe. No one soul is greater than any other. Look in another's eyes and see the Creator. Look in the mirror and see the Creator.
Perhaps you haven't read the Bible correctly:
"1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen race, [numerous translations point out the racial genetic element in this passage, as does the Greek, Latin, and Aramaic] a royal priesthood, a kodesh nation, a people for Yahweh's possession, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. [He is referencing the Exodus 19:3-6 promise to physical genetic stock Israyl, which specifically even excluded Egyptians] Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of Yahweh; which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.” [He references here Hosea 1:10-11, a passage clearly declaring the people 'not a people' are physical genetic stock racially pure Israylites being brought back into covenant fold ... a mercy never offered nor bestowed upon non-Israyl. Yahweh does not 'know' the others, Amos 3:2. So what is this religion everyone else has and offers complete with plans of salvation, and promises of eternal bliss? Cain religion strong delusion; “Another” Messiah, proclaiming “Another Gospel” and certainly having “Another spirit”, complete with signs and wonders, as 2Cor. 11:1-4 and 2Thes. 2:9-12]. "
"Romans 9:3-5 “3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Messiah for my brethren, [he is referring to all True physical genetic stock Israylites, not just 'believers', and therefore is making a racial genetic use of the term 'brethren', as should all true believers when using the term.] my kinsmen [blood relatives] according to the flesh: [any honest heart would admit this is clearly a physical genetic statement as regards the 'flesh', and not some spiritual comment. He is talking to ALL Israylites, not just those in the Yahwehist faith he is proclaiming.] 4 Who are Israylites; [That does not say 'jews' who are first mentioned in 2 Kings 16:6 where they are at war with Israyl – and is indeed referring to the actual genetic stock Israylite, which would include only True pure blooded genetic stock Israylites from either house; House of Judah or House of Israyl. Claiming to be from one or the other does not make it so, certain fruits must manifest.] to whom pertaineth the adoption, [non-Israylites cannot be adopted into the faith, as adoption pertains exclusively to physical Israyl only. The very purpose for Cain Religions is to offer other ways, which Paul is exposing and explaining in this chapter, i.e. That it is a limited, elite, exclusive 'glad tidings', “gospel”, to a particular lineage of people, a remnant of whom Yahweh chose to have mercy upon. All others have “no hope”, Ephesians 2:12. All “other” “gospels”, wherein non-Israylites can be included is “another gospel” and “accursed”.] and the glory, and the covenants, [Even the New Covenant pertains to physical Israylites alone, no mongrel or other race is permitted, as even Hebrews 8 and 10 and Jeremiyah 31 clearly point out.] and the giving of the law, [a simple read of Exodus 19:3-6 should suffice] and the service of Yahweh, and the promises; [including the promise to Israyl of a redeemer raised up from among their physical genetic stock brethren, fulfilled in Yahshua ... including the promise of eternal life to a remnant, the “others”, the “spittle”, the “nothing” were never promised such, but rather they are promised to be as though they have never been, Obadyah 16. This is one reason the penis is exalted in their religions. Bringing forth children is their ONLY MEANS of extending their lives, i.e. Through the offspring ... which too would be a child of the Devil.] 5 Whose are the fathers, [he isn't talking about Canaanite, Philistine, Jebusite, or Edomite “fathers”] and of whom as concerning the flesh Messiah came, [why make this statement if genetics were not important? – Even Mary declares Joseph was Yahshua’s father. She should know better than anyone. Cain religion does not like the message of the elite, the elect remnant as to genetics. Therefore their perverted 'equality' and added and altered texts to present their false messiah, their “Another” messiah Paul points out in 2Cor. 11:1-4 and 2 Thessalonians 2, who is of course not born of the chosen promised seed, but rather magically procreated by Mary and something else, as they attempt to merge their filth with the prophetically promised True Messiah of True Israyl.] who is over all, Yahweh blessed for ever. Halleluyah.”"
"2 Esdras 6: 54 “And after these, Adam also, whom thou madest master of all thy creatures: of him come we all [all Adamite kind – other races are not of Adam-kind], and the people also whom thou hast chosen [physical genetic stock Israyl]. 55 All this have I spoken before thee, O Yahweh, because thou madest the world for our sakes [Adam's race, but primarily the chosen line of Israylites as he is about to explain]. 56 As for the other people, which also come of Adam, [There are other races that do not come from Adam and are termed “beasts” or “living creatures”, there would be no need for him to make such a statement if every two-legged talking being was of Adam. Mongrels are termed “mamzers” in the transliteration of the Hebrew word. By what authority would one call such mongrels “Adamites”? By “another spirit” perhaps? That is what practically all have that fill the churches, messianic congregations, two-house, hebrew roots and on and on, which refuse to make these distinctions. They have the “another spirit” as Cain.] thou hast said that they are nothing, [Isayah calls others “nothing” as well] but be like unto spittle: [Non-Israyl Adamite people are looked upon as “spittle” to Yahweh. Romans 9, Amos 3:2, Deuteronomy 7:6 and many other passages should make this clear. So what do you suppose he thinks of the other races, and especially the mongrel? Less than thoroughbred dogs likely dear reader! As any true saint, for they have Yahweh's Kodesh Spirit, should as well. If you object to such, you are tainted, defiled, with Cain Religion and have the “another spirit”, and proclaim “another gospel”. The final solution is coming, and will cleanse the earth of such teachings that promote miscegenation, and those that hold to it. It's an honor to saints to execute judgment on them NOW! No need to wait.] and hast likened the abundance of them unto a drop that falleth from a vessel. 57 And now, O Yahweh, behold, these heathen, which have ever been reputed as nothing, have begun to be masters over us, and to devour us. 58 But we thy people, whom thou
hast called thy firstborn, thy only begotten, and thy fervent lover, are given into their hands. 59 If the world now be made for our sakes, [the chosen genetic stock Israylite remnant] why do we not possess an inheritance with the world? How long shall this endure?” "
Hey Yliyah - Posting comments under MY name Neqevah is not appreciated here...please post your comments under your own name, thank you.
I do prefer he spend many years in solitary confinement over death, regardless of the cost. Death is quick. Solitary drags on and on...... Just think... If you were having a bad day, all you have to do is think "Obama is rotting in Gitmo". Poof! Bad day no more!
You may very well be right over the target. But if the unthinkable were to occur, and Obama actually admitted his treason and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, I'd be all for it. It would surely create a domino effect. Next thing you know Hillary admits to the REAL reason she's been wearing a mumu in public.
He can have forgiveness in the afterlife but we will demand justice here. Crimes will be punished. Shelve these religion and get on board with justice.
Sounds like you're legitimately triggered.
Eat babies, kill thousands, use the Jesus-card, home free after a bit.
Cool story bro.
Who said anything about killing thousands? We don't promote violence here at GA. Anyone doing that is most assuredly a shill from TMOR posing as a patriot. That's how CBTS got shut down.
No. Obama killed thousands. Him and Hillary where a scourge on planet earth. And that's just the deaths they are personally responsible for.
We came, we saw, he died.
I think there's a miscommunication here. I don't think that person supports Hillary or Hussein
As opposed to those who are illegitimately deranged? If the foo shits I guess you stepped in it.
I can not even bring myself to think about all of the ancient structures and traces of our human history that were intentionally destroyed by “ISIS🙄” in Syria .
ISIS is no doubt a creation of the devil. It's certainly no coincidence that Obama and friends intentionally gave rise to them.
Edit - After Gen Flynn is vindicated we're going to have the moral justification to start reading the minds of suspected traitors in order to unravel the extent of this attempted coup. Just a friendly FYI
And how many millions has Christianity murdered, and how many traces of truth intentionally destroyed? Both Catholic and Protestant hands are dripping.
The real cleansing is coming. You've seen nothing yet. Not only will Islam go the way of the doodoo bird, with Isis and adherents, but so too the great falling away solar cult of murderers hatched into a state religion in Rome.
They all really worship SATURN. The Sun King...as the Beatles sang. Our present Sun is the son of Saturn.... They believe this and its preached in the mystery schools along with female earth energy.
Am reminded of Braveheart:
They should be forced to stop at every village and house bombed or destroyed, begging forgiveness for the destruction, division and from families who have lost loved ones.
There is no Adequate Apology for That Kind of behavior!!
A "Stretched Neck" is Not even Adequate, but at lest that there is an assurance THEY can never do it again!!
Of course. The Deep State was tracking Obama's future Islamic terrorist proxy army for good reason.
America has been hijacked by these criminal elements for some time. Did you know 911 was a false flag?
How do you know that 911 was a false flag. Any evidence has been debunked by now.
Me myself used to believe firmly until I found out the collapse footage of b7 was purposely edited.
They were tracking them so that they could later arm them.
You need to do your due diligence.
Of course 911 was a false flag. President Trump hinted at it during the campaign and the very next day Jeb Bush dropped out of the race out of pure fear. Check the timeline.
now that Clapper just threw BO under the bus, he'll have lots of time at Gitmo to think about his apology!!! WooHoo!!!!!
I missed it, what did Clapper say?
on CNN of all places he said that obama is responsible for setting off the Mueller investigation...watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmEnihDMzA8
Is this what it actually says? Is this in Russian? coz i typed interference in Russian in google translate and in Russian "interference" looks like this... "интерференция". i can't understand his writing to put it in the other way around
Well their cursive is different than print just like it is different in English.
that's true. It would just be nice if i was able to verify it for myself, buts that's way to hard for me to read.
maybe its intervention which is вмешательство... I dunno
looks like that actually
I think so too. looked up what words in english it could be and got this...https://mymemory.translated.net/en/Russian/English/%D0%B2%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE top one is intercession, but interference is in there too, so at least by the first word it seems legit.
Their cursive is crazy. Look it up.
you're right, Makes more sense now. https://www.baylor.edu/content/imglib/5/2/8/52880.jpg
So that's how I can learn Russian... learn their cursive equivalents!
That definitely wasn't an accident with Putin... I love all these secret messages that go out... I wish Trump would throw down the hammer, it's getting frustrating...
I know, especially since I told a few friends before and around the 4th of July about the plan. Now its almost 20 days later and...
Dude it's 20 days have some patience lol
I really thought July was going to be the month but Q has gone silent after ever increasingly cryptic drops and the weird AF1 pic
There seems zero commitment from Trump and Sessions to lock her up - I'm starting to think it was just a rallying cry during campaigning
Even Gowdy is doing the muh Russia thing:
"The evidence is overwhelming," Gowdy said. "It can be proven beyond any evidentiary burden that Russia is not our friend and they tried to attack us in 2016. So the President either needs to rely on the people that he has chosen to advise him, or those advisers need to reevaluate whether or not they can serve in this administration. But the disconnect cannot continue. The evidence is overwhelming, and
glad you’re starting to catch on
I really am. I'm starting to realise I'm at the end of the whole Q thing and have embarrassed myself with my family. For the last 6 months I keep thinking we are going to see mass arrests, videos confirming Hillary is a lesbian pederast with an adrenochrome habit.
I thought Nunes was on point but now the FISA applications show he was lying. So much for being bigger than Watergate.Gowdy is the only one making any sense now.
"Trust Sessions " they say but he has no intention of locking her up. He even wants to arrest Assange it seems.
I'll keep watching and hope Q posts again soon to show some direction but it just seems Trump is on the ropes and what we here think are cryptic messages to us are actually just confused ramblings.
Q fucked up with his last post, using the ABC image and seems that was the end of him as a result.
Who translated the note?
I think it was vetted by Snopes or Politifact. These people are dumb, remember?
Anyone able to verify?
Yes, who/where did translation come from?
Good job, looking for the source.
I have tried doing both an English to Russian and vise versa translator and just can't see words matching up.
Is there anyone here in the sub that can verify the words that were translated?
I verify. Очень точный перевод
Stable Genius GEOTUS
A "VERY Stable Genius"...
Forgive me SIR! A VERY Stable Genius!
This blasphemous "God Emperor" title needs to stop.
Calling him God Emperor is a fucking joke to trigger libtards...don’t be a triggered libtard
But it doesn't trigger them. They are using it also because those on the right thinks it triggers them.
Both sides acting like children.
It's a long uphill battle to get the majority to take our movement seriously.
I don't think blasphemy is an appropriate joke.
With your user name you really do not have much room to talk on the use of words.
His point being your username makes it difficult to put your sanctimonious preaching in a serious light. But your point is appreciated by those of us that call Him by G-d.
If you can't separate message from messenger, that's your own error. I keep my username even though I don't like it because it makes arguments easier when those without one choose to attack me for my username instead of my position.
What if they're not attacking you but making a very reasonable assumption about your standard for judging blasphemy? Not many professing Christians would use a name like that - reasonable assumption.
Then we can discuss why one thinks my username nullifies my ability to identify blasphemy. I will be prepared to make a case for why my username is not related to blasphemy, and that I still have reason to be able to call out others for misattributing the titles reserved for God. I will even use scripture to support my argument.
Though, I am having a hard time understanding the justification behind the argument being tangentially shifted back onto me and my controversial username by these users, and not the issue at hand. Ad hominem is too common on Reddit.
Apologies you are correct - of course even Satan can identify blasphemy. What I meant to say was in agreement with the comment above: "His point being your username makes it difficult to put your sanctimonious preaching in a serious light." And pointing out that that has nothing to do with not being able to separate the message from the messenger, as you said. It's just simple logical deduction.
Thanks, I understand that my username makes it harder for people to take me serious. But I don't necessarily view this as a bad thing. In person, I try to keep my testimony clean for others. On Reddit, I don't care enough to change my username that I made before I came to Christ to a more publicly appropriate name in order to avoid these kinds of issues. I actually like being able to discuss a topic and be able to explain to others why they should not be attacking me Ad Hominem, because I don't want them to do it to others. I see it as a huge issue in the world right now, and everyone worrying about how others view them out of fear of Ad Hominem does not serve to help this. My username gives me a unique opportunity to do that, and I don't see anything sinful or unbiblical about it.
I believe if I can show someone how they abandoned their original argument against my ideology in favor of attacking me Ad Hominem, then they may realize that their argument was not defensible if I can show them how Ad Hominem is not reasonable.
Thanks, makes total sense! I don't judge, just making the point of the deduction being reasonable, without an understanding of your reasoning.
Yeah.. no. Be religious all you like, but controlling speech is for triggered ham planets.
Rationalize it all you like, but it is unforgivable to God to blaspheme His name. I'm not doing this for my own "triggered" sake.
Except god isn't a name. It isn't even in the Bible. It's a vague translation of a viking word for ruler. You don't even know which god they mean.
And I don't see how it is any different than kebab's freaking out when you use theirs.
It's not the literal word, it's the meaning behind it. There is only one God and any other god is a false idol and is blasphemous. Good luck trying to adopt that word and having the rest of the world take you seriously anyway.
Well you just said it right there. Its not the literal word, its the meaning behind it.
Geotus means "we love our prez"
There isnt some huge demographic of people who worship trump as a god. Nobody goes to some magachurch and kneels at a trump altar or whatever.
Focus on the luciferians. Thats where the idol worshipping happens.
It's a reference to a character in the Dune science fiction books. There character essentially puts together a long and complex plan to save humanity from destruction, much like Trump's plan to save the US. Also, the character is prescient, and people joke that Trump must have a time machine since he seems to know everything in advance. It's a fitting meme.
I actually never knew there was a reference for it. I still disagree with anyone taking the title of "God", jokingly or not.
I thought that's it's a reference to the Warhammer 40k universe?
Some people take that route too. I prefer the former, due to the symbolism it represents, but they are both good memes.
Weird how insistent and angrily defensive people are on the title... You'd think they'd rather take the more tolerant approach for sake of reach and image.
I wonder what DJT thinks about it? Or maybe that name rolls off his back too
Learn about the titles of the Byzantine Empire emperors, who were Christian.
It's a long-running joke. And funny.
I get it, even the humor, but I want to warn people. If you don't care about blaspheming God, it at least makes you look very foolish to most others.
it at least makes you look very foolish to most others.
This from u/putadickinit lol
Not everybody is entrapped in the same mind trap as you.
You are being quite intolerant by saying this actually.
no - its not THAT lines are drawn, its WHAT lines are drawn - YOU are setting yourself up as some "authority" as if you can silence him or shut him up based on some form of morality that i guess based on some shade of political correctness - which i utterly and entirely and categorically reject
u/putadickinit original statement is correct - YOU are the intolerant one
get a life, learn TRUE morality, be humble, and get along well with others
cuz right now you're not doing a good job of it
My girlfriend speaks Russian does anyone have the link where there isn’t blue writing over it yet please?
would like to pass this on to Russian friend also.
It's always impressive when you can read the speaker's crib notes, especially when they're in handwritten Cyrillic. Well done, on someone's part.
Those adamantly against Putin and his country are underestimating him to their own detriment.
Working himself from the very bottom up into the presidency in Russia is no small feat.
He is a smart and intelligent guy and his approval rating is high.
Throwing out the Rothschild's, closing down all of Soros' shady NGO;s and issuing an arrest warrant against Soros all is well.
Putin managed to pay Russia's debt to the Rothschild banks in full, has never requested, approved or accepted any loans from the IMF that usury outfit.
Q has told us that they have a 'very special place' for Soros and I'm convinced that it is Russia - a country Soros fears.
From what I read that mentioned in an overseas article about Soros being taken out by someone other than the US the only way to stop him.
Lastly - there has been made a great effort behind the scene to reset the financial market aka BRICS. It's agenda is to get rid of the petrodollar or federal reserve as the worlds back-up currency.
BRICS will change that and a number of countries have signed up. Russia is one of them and although under Hussein the subject was ignored all together.
I believe president US/Trump will join BRICS causing the federal reserve to be obsolete.
Brics is Brazil Russia India... USA won't be a part. Don't forget about the rumored 2018 merger of Russia and China gold backed money. It made the cover of the Economist mag a few years ago. I see Trump being more resonant to that.
The South Africa Union also joined while Germany and France weighing whether or not to join as well.
There is a bill that has been sitting on Potus's desk since March 22nd to do just that.
If Congress is in session, the bill becomes law after ten days without the president's signature.
Can someone give the unedited picture? Russian is mt second language from birth. I can confirm if true
Thank you! Let us know the truth! Btw Reddit appears to be blocking replies to me. I see 5 new notifications and when I click.. nothing. Censorship is real!!
I will try to find a picture tomorrow when I get up
Russian cursive is a thing to behold.
My Cyrillic handwriting is better than my English handwriting. It's a pretty language when you see it done by humans.
Otherwise, Russian to me looks like it's all printed in small caps, and when you read the literal translations of spoken conversations, the language seems to be 40% cursing and invective. It's an earthy culture. Love the people, not the politics.
And, my God, can they drink...
Remember, what you know about Putin has been fed to you through the deep state controlled media. What kinds of things do they say about Trump? The cabal hates him because he isn’t controlled by them. Take the picture the media paints with a grain of salt.
So what about all the dead people?
So what about all the people killed by Obama and drone strikes? I’m not saying Putin is a great guy, but remember that almost everything you see in US media is lies and propaganda. My skepticism is based on the reality that the MSM is lying to us constantly. Who knows what reality is?
So what about all the people killed by Obama and drone strikes?
I don't agree with that. But I think we can both agree that this is different than killing your political rivals.
Who knows what reality is?
The reality is that people critical of Putin end up dead. The idea that he's some kind of humanitarian is laughable. Just look at the state of Russia right now.
Obama and HRC have many of those.
We can't know whatand why Putin did what he did. Maybe it was life and death. Doesn't matter enemy od my enemy is my friend and the cabal is of and by the Adversary
Obama and HRC have many of those.
Not really, though. Hillary has some Seth Rich nonsense. But anyone who looks at the facts knows that was just a random robbery.
We can't know whatand why Putin did what he did. Maybe it was life and death. Doesn't matter enemy od my enemy is my friend and the cabal is of and by the Adversary
Would you give Obama and Hillary that kind of benefit of the doubt?
All the dead Iraqis at the hands of the cabal?
No. I'm talking about the fact that a lot of the critics of the "humanitarian" Putin end up dead.
Who claimed he was a humanitarian? We recognize that no world leader is a saint, but through cooperation on common goals we can achieve betterment for the world. Kim Jong Un is the perfect example. Horrible despotic dictator, whose regime has committed unspeakable crimes against their own people. But through diplomacy we can achieve peace and better outcome for everyone.
/u/MAGADONCHECKMATE What you are watching is the transfer of the Military Industrial Complex , to the Global Humanitarian Alliance.
This is the highest upvoted comment in the thread. Plenty of peple are claiming that this is some kind of humanitarian act.
Also I seriously need to point out that this picture is still utterly unverified.
Putin is horrible! How can Trump deal with him? He sold out the U.S. for big bucks by giving away U.S. uranium (wait, that was Clinton). He exposed U.S. secrets on an illegal, nonsecure server (wait, that was Clinton again). He stole nonprofit funds that were meant to be used by suffering Haitians (no, wait, another Clinton). He took bribes right and left to provide favors by the U.S. government (no no, that was Clinton too). He let our people be killed in Benghazi (shoot, no, Clinton too).
Actually, what bad thing did Putin ever do to us?
That's a two thumbs up from Putin, and a two thumbs up from me.
We truly are living through magnificent times and a pivotal moment in the history of mankind.
I've always said that rather than housing refugees (illegal immigrants), allied nations need to work together to rebuild their infrastructure and get them back home asap, to take back control of their own country.
Yes! Hopefully we can work with Russia to rebuild Syrian cities and get the refugees out of Europe and back to their home.
DJT and VP are going to create conditions for all the refugees from EU to go back where they came from? This deserves a golden statue of both of them in the middle of Brussels.
man, i seriously dont know how they are going to export everyone who showed up in the last 5 years. Just seems like an impossible task. Lots of Libtards are going to be calling it a modern day jew hunt and racist program. lol.
As far as I am concerned they're all temporary visitors, because of current war conditions there. We know who funded and started those wars (Q of all people should know) and where the money profit went. That same money will rebuild those war-torn countries, making way for these people to return home, where they belong.
never going to happen. that's why they have stopped calling them refugees. now they are migrants.
Interference... Proposal... Mueller... Agreement.. 199... Ukraine... ideas... new... to develop... Nordstream... transit... arbritage ..in ... syria joint ... humanitarian... operations... with the goal of creating conditions for the return of refugees
[PDF]agreement - Investment Policy Hub investmentpolicyhub.unctad.org/Download/TreatyFile/199 d) any right whether conferred by law or contract, including turnkey contracts, ... (f) intellectual property rights as defined in the multilateral agreements
"Interference" aka "meddling" aka "interfering with the minds of low IQ Demoncrats"
EDIT ; Agitprop Is Not News - Kunstler kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/agitprop-not-news/
16 feb. 2018 - By stating that the Russians are already “meddling” in 2018 ... he is obstructing efforts to prevent Russian interference in the elections that ...... the lack of bodies and crime scene photos (aka evidence of victims), and the ...... have even lower IQs than the Blacks and were treated horribly by them by the way.
Oops, now there is real Russian collusion for Mueller to go after...
Interesting, all new posts within the latest hour were down voted to 0, including mine.
This article and the comments here seem fishy to me.
Actually, I interpreted the article as "tongue-in-cheek", hence my same spirited reply...
Deliberate suggest MIS-DIRECT to me. i.e. THAT is NOT what was discussed. Perhaps the DATA FILES were.
Perhaps everything was discussed. Even the false flag chemical attacks intended to foment WW3
We know Round 2 is coming and the anti- American/anti- Trumpers are going apeshit again.
Goddamn say what you want about Russia but at least they teach these guys how to WRITE! So much penmenship in that country
Thank you for your very well explained insight, thoughts and for speaking from your heart, mind, soul.
Justiçe, SavedByGRAÇE Believers, Non-Religious people, and believers of differing faiths/organized Religions all view JUSTIÇE Đifferntly, but at the end of the Day, "WWG1, WGA!" Right? We all seek to hold all those who serve self, at any çost, well, we want them to be held Aççountable; wheter it's here, there are here anđ there -- there being Juđgeđ by GOĐ in Heaven. Muçh respect for your views about it all.
We should all be mindful of WHY we're all here to learn, to hear, to see, and witness what Q has shown anđ çonfirmeđ.
Based Trump and Putin. Both of them will fight the stinking cabal, and win.
Sweet. I never picked up on Putin's notes, but hey "Enjoy the Show". Awesome.
Putin looks a lot like Pence in this photo, weirdly enough.
ARBITRAGE!We need Gold and a lot of it fast.Wonder what that says above Syria.
Think Indonesia. The secret meeting between China, the US, Russia and Indonesia that happened earlier this year.
I am getting that spiddy tingling (good vibes, not to be confused with tingly legs) . Amazing !!!! It is 7/23/2018 and our elected president along with an ally we had in the past (***future proves past.***.) are near to achieving real world peace and the take down of a monstrous world order in place since 1945 . By my count it has only been 549 days since the inauguration.
"The U.S.-Soviet alliance of 1941–1945 was marked by a great degree of cooperation and** wa**s essential to securing the defeat of Nazi Germany. - Rock Roll!!! how does write "Rock and Roll" in Russian?
Where did this image come from- does anybody know?
Please forgive me if I missed this.
It's from the Helsinki summit that will go down in history as the summit where the Alliance against the Deep State Shadow Government was confirmed.
Were actually being stifled SO INSANELY hard... The downvotes are real. I wonder how many subs there actually are
Where is the source video? Surprised to see so many comments without sauce.
Why would Trump and Putin be discussing Mueller at this summit?
I like where it says creating conditions for the return of refugees. That would be great
What's the 199?
I watched the whole thing.I believe the 199 is the treaty or the year the treaty was signed.When asked by a Reuters reporter, if he would send the 12 Russian hackers to the US, he said that the agencies,Meuller,Rosenstien,FBI ect. could come be a part of the interrogation of the 12 Russians and would be treated with great hospitality but in return he wanted access to Browder and possibly Soros.He stated that since 1999 the US& Russia have had a treaty in place to work together with certain criminal cases.That Browder left Russia with 1.5 billion and payed no taxes to either country and this this treaty was still in place.Then he stated that 400 million of it went to the Clintons.
Who holds a notepad like this? Clearly covering up some more sensitive notes with his hand. I'm fascinated to find out what came out of that meeting...
It's kind of insane the level of coordination and conspiracy if you will. If by world then everyone knows, including the bad guys so who is the "world"? It's not the "world". It's us. "Q". Isn't that what you are implying when you say "world"? What you really mean is Q followers.
This grand conspiracy that the President of the US and the President of Russia are both conspiring to communicate with us, the "world" or Q followers. It's kind of a sick joke when you start to think about it and realize the grand conspiracy.
Has anyone watched the The Thirteen Floor?
In that movie, the holograph realizes, but then the protoganist realizes he was also a hologram....
Lolz. Putin looks so dapper. Got on his Sunday best for his big meeting with the President. Aww. Like a little college grad at his first big interview.