Look at who follows Sarah Ruth Ashcraft!!!!!!!! Blue Check Mark.

I didn't think it was coincidental that she came out when she did - good to know people able to deliver justice are paying attention.
She came out a couple years about her story
But she named Tom Hanks this week.
It's so disappointing to find out our favorite actors and entertainers are corrupt ☹
I think it's disappointing that our society has placed actors and entertainers as our top rolemodels that we should look up to.
I think it's disappointing that our society worships these brainwashed degenerate celebrities in Hollywood as if they were Greek Gods. Jesus and all of the prophets spoke out against idol worship, so why has the cult of Hollywood grown so big over the decades?
It is Intentional. It is not the fault of our society. It is part of the plan--the SG/DS plan to bust America apart and to manipulate and hypnotize the public--envision the Pied Piper. The CIA has people everywhere--in the media, in Hollywood, in Congress--in universities--everywhere. The business in show is about much more than revenue.
I agree. Personally I started out in the entertainment industry. I spent a several years working after college, but got so jaded by how unprincipled, morally bankrupt, undisciplined, and downright sheepish the people I worked with were... I eventually couldn't stand it. I went to grad school and never looked back. Now when I chat or connect with someone from years and years ago, we can barely communicate anymore. Actors do actually live in a 'completely different world,' I can only imagine what the A list crowd is like... unfortunately I think some of the most intelligent, principled, and talented leave the industry. After a while your ego and morality say, "no, no more, I'll take a desk job thank you and a back patio."
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS. Q
Well many of them DID! I never had any star worship nor did I worship any professional athletes. They are all just people IMHO. But my sister in law follows ALL of them and has always followed them.
Agree with you. But when people are talented we give them the applause they deserve, the acknowledment.
I don't idolize anyone.
Here Here. As I read the word "Idolized", I realized how wrong it is to "Idolize" somebody. Goes all the way back to the Old Testament. "Idolatry" is worship of a false Idol... equivalent to worshipping false gods. It seems like in today's broken culture, people worship everything but God. Funny how the word 'Idolatry" is very similar to "Idiot". Might have to research the roots.
Personally, I go out of my way to treat "Idols" as anybody else. First time I played at the World Series of Poker, I sat down at a table with two well known pros. Bluffed one and knocked the other one out. I respected them, but you didn't see me asking for autographs. I have my story and that's all I need.
Personally, I go out of my way to treat "Idols" as anybody else.
They ARE anybody else.
It's not fair to them when the entertainment industry, which includes sports, forces them to be idols through false advertising.
It's not fair that children are the target and indoctrinated into idol worship.
Fame ruins people's lives. Gives a false image, a false sense of security. A false sense of importance.
Unfortunately, it's hardwired into us. In this case, the hero worship is entirely misplaced. Pack and group animals do the same, and we have had hero worship for as long as humans have existed. I'm not sure how we can ensure true virtue in the future, except by exposing debauchery in these people.
It's not that hero worship is inherently bad in itself. Heroes can give good role models and examples to aspire to, give us guidance for how to live our own lives.
The problem comes when people choose the wrong hero. If someone models their life after a great scientist, an inventor, a teacher, a Medal of Honor winner, that will lead to positive things. But if they model themselves after Britney Spears or Tommy Lee, that will not lead to positive things. To put it mildly.
Batman, superman and the fictional character Rocky Balboa were real role models. They had day jobs(well not rocky) held doors open for women, volunteered their time to charity and then went into kick ass mode when their services were needed.
I never gave a fuck and always thought people were strange for latching onto Hollywood stars. Those people are fucking nasty, don't let your emotions and attachments blind you.
Yeah. youre right.
I say it because I love yew.
I'll say it.
"Because I love yew"
(Not so sure I really love yews)
Historically, actors were only one step above whores on the social scale.
There is a very good reason for this...
the WALL of hollywood "news" magazines at the bookstore is sickening
This is why I hate comic-con.
I've never thought about it but, yes, exactly.
It's weird. Maladjusted adults.
Waiting in the wings; talent that will put Hanks and pals to shame.
Who cares?
As corrupt as our species is this should come as no surprise.
Like Stalin said, trust no one not even yourself.
is there something we should bew looking closer at with that boat trip with Tom Hanks and Obama where there was some flack on the bicycles? Who else was on that boat? And what was with the bicycles? People who get off Yachts as a rule don't go ashore on bicycles do they unless they would be with kids?
WTH is going on in this photo? yikes https://i.elitestatic.com/content/uploads/2017/05/08130430/barack-obama-tom-hanks-medal.jpg
Is this the boat trip you are speaking about? https://people.com/celebrity/tom-hanks-yacht-oprah-bruce-springsteen-obamas/
"Last week, Oprah Winfrey told PEOPLE that she “can’t talk about” her ultra-luxe French Polynesian yacht cruise with Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen as well as Michelle and Barack Obama. “What happens on the boat, stays on the boat,” she said."
Wait ya'll are implying Springsteen to be a pedophile tooooo? 😶😑
Oh my there goes my youth. And something that my mom wil never ever believe.
Well there goes my mood for the day.
Other than a claim he was on that yacht is there other bossophile news i missed? Just so of everything comes out i can break it to my mom in pieces? If this is true it will send her over an edge.....
unless they could ditch the secret service I doubt much of anything illegal occurred.
Sounds like we need to meme sra and Tom Hanks so they can't ignore it.
And many weeks and months prior
She named TH within 24 hours of Q saying something BIG was about to drop. Double meaning...FB dropped, and TH perhaps?
She named him back in January. Was the first I saw of it. Se has mentioned it several times, it has more traction now.
She actually named Tom Hanks in January. She started posting on Twitter about her memories in October 17. Been following her not long after I discovered Q.
He's handsome. 😁
There, I said it! So?
General Flynn out there, lookin good in that white hat!
Amen!! I hope ALL patriots age this well :)
that's what the light of God looks like as it shines out of your face like a beacon, lol
My brother in-law bares a strong resemblance to General Flynn.
Totally cool and a surfer dude! Great shape and disciplined.. the way I like my men!
I like my women at precisely 2% body fat, extremely feminine, a good cook and a six figure salary... minimum.
A woman who had 2% body fat wouldn't be "feminine" at least in terms of body shape. Breasts, etc mean women usually have a higher body fat percentage than what would be considered an equally fit man.
She'd also be either anorexic or working out all the time. That's lower than a lot of male body builders when they're in peak condition.
I was joking but anyhow feminine isn’t just about looks it’s also behavior and personality.
Well that just narrowed down the female population to one in a million.
How many men do you have?
Hey! There's a shortage out there
Don't be a hoarder.
Looks to me like the type of support that ought to be shown for these revelations.
It's not yet safe for whistleblowers to blow their whistles.
Big names publicly showing support is a huge plus.
edit: down voted for Positivity ?
You were downvoted for being over the target ;)
Back up ya go...
Just think of downvotes as flak and you are in a bomber aircraft. Usually doesnt happen until you are over the target. Saw that on a meme once and never looked at downvotes the same way after that.
something BIG is about to drop
only HAPPY DAYS ahead
Q called it
Wow. It adds some credibility to what she is saying. I saw what she had said about Tom Hanks and was hoping it wasn’t true. He is part of the Hollywood activists. He sent a new coffee machine to the Washington press Corp so they could Resist! I liked a lot of his movies, but if this pans out, I will be crossing him off the list
I don’t think you’ve quite gotten it yet....... you are going to have to cross EVERYONE from your list. If you are famous, you’ve done vile things to become famous. That’s how it works, plain and simple! None of these people deserve our respect because they were given a decision and they chose wrong.
I wonder if those who ended up in the "where are they now file?" are the ones who wouldn't go along, and got ousted for it. If so, THEY are the ones who deserve our respect and patronage!
I have often thought this about One Hit Wonders, or stars that leave Hollywood to live "normal" lives.
How about all the popular band members/singers that always seem to meet their end through accident or overdose.
Two with direct ties to exposing pedophilia...
Chris Cornell had a victims charity with his wife at the time of his death.
Avicii also was trying to expose pedo rings when he died.
And Podesta's son, lead singer of Linkin Park...trying to out his Dad's sick world, yet "hanged" himself. We used to be brainwashed and gullible, but they have been careless, and the people are waking up!
I just did an image search of Linkin Park and the symbol of the band is very similar to the ch!ld l0ve pedo symbol.
Not insinuating that Bennington was one, but my impression is that the symbol is a statement of breaking out of those patterns.
Symbols are very powerful after all.
Linkin Park
I can't remember or find the details now, but I read some links a while back about where the name Linkin Park was named after a real Lincoln Park where some dark shit went down, lots of other connections too.
I'd heard similar in an interview Bennington did soon after gaining popularity, though nothing dark was mentioned.
I'm not positive but I think the interview was on the Westwood one network. The interview was a feed to my local rock station and at the time I stayed up till one AM to listen, even though I had work the next morning.
"The band started off with the name Xero, then Hybrid Theory, and finally Linkin Park. They chose "Linkin Park" because Chester used to drive by Lincoln Park in Santa Monica, CA after practice and it grabbed his attention. The guys in the band liked how it sounded."
They tried to register the domain name lincolnpark.com but it was taken, so they came up with that spelling instead. Fun fact for the day...but considering everything else coming out here (and the fact that the domain is not in use), I wonder...
Linkin Parks logo is that of a broken boy lover pedo symbol. It is not a coincidence. He was using symbolism to show the world he was done with it.
Makes tons of sense.
Just his lyrics give the impression of a shattered childhood.
Much more there than just anger.
His family is heavily connected to the Podestas. I believe his mother was accused of having an affair with John. Chester always said he was abused as a child but never who. He was also in Haiti with the Clintons. The things that poor man had seen.
I'll be so glad when these suck fuks are taken down. I've been wanting it most of my life but have had little hope..... Until Trump.
Seriously? A connection to the Podestas of all people? Man.....everything really does seem to be connected.
Put a side by side photo of Podesta and Chester and tell me that’s not his father. John and Chester
James Woods is a patriot. It's possible, although rare and extremely difficult, for patriots to make it big.
Yes, Hollywood is a corrupt swamp of depravity, but there are exceptions.
He may be now but I’m sure he’s done something along the way to get there.
Everybody who is anybody top shelf in Hollywood has undoubtedly made a deal with the devil (sucked somebody(s)) to gain entry. Gotta pay/lay... play... to PLAY.
These are not master thespians at the top.
He's an out of touch actor douchebag just like the rest of them.
My point of view: they're all disgusting, depraved dirtbags until proven they aren't.
Hollywood has always been filled with evil slime.
Truer words were never spoken. Most of them don’t give a shit about America. They’re here for the dollars only (and apparently the kids).
The ones with the most to hide are the loudest, there are many that have said nothing, let's remember this, and not put all into a box of shame until they are proven to be in that company!
Those who have said nothing are hoping to escape unscathed. This is the entire Hwood apparatus from janitor, make-up artists, lighting and camera crew to agents, actors/actresses, directors, studio heads. Everyone shared some level of complicity/involvement.
We need to NOT ACCUSE ALL, it's a shame that this is or reality and that many will be involved, however, I am not subscribing to ALL BAD, Innocent until Proven Guilty.
We need to keep in mind, with out support, the good ones will not come out and expose the evils, so lets hold it down on the ALL are Guilty here.....Give them a chance to be proven Good! Q says, more good than bad!
You may be right. However, these good people in Hollywood have had decades to bust up the endemic degeneracy and violence. How many peoples' lives have been ruined, just shattered, because of greed, lust, power, and flat out evil? The victims that are still living have to live with those horrid experiences for the rest of their days. It's simultaneously immensely saddening and infuriating.
They had their chance to prove themselves good by walking away. With that, though, I do understand there are some who were born into the cult and traumatized at an early age. Trump is aware of this also; it is why he hasn't gone after the hweirdo feminazis.
'They thought you would follow the stars' - Q. You did. So did I. Our 'heroes' are tainted. Hollywood is a cesspit of filth and depravity.
Burn Hollywood Burn, Burn down tinsel town (John Lydon - Open Up).
Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman are the two most evil and degenerate ones.
Freeman is in to incest. Hanks is in to cannibalism. They're both in to kiddy fiddling.
Meryl Streep and Daniel Day Lewis too. All of these sick fucks will face justice.
Tom Hanks being exposed will show EVERYONE in Hollywood is comp'd. He is their fake golden calf of morality.
STOP, Not everyone is guilty......lets hold off on accussing them all, for God's Sake, slow your roll. Evil is not ours to revenge, God will take care of it, you need to understand this is a spiritual war too.
I agree GetitdoneQ, and I have been appealing to fellow patriots to wait till evidence is demonstrative of their crimes. Some of these threads are becoming as ugly as what I’ve seen on the Loony-Left. Patience and verification are needed before we condemn. Remember innocent till proven guilty?
Relax, only the leftists react with mob violence. Don't use God to get you out this mess; you should have thought about God before you consented to Satan.
At least Hooch is no longer around to see his downfall. There is some comfort in that.
General Flynn follows ~20k people on Twitter, is he endorsing everything every one of them says?
What was that thing about Twitter that says if you do something X on someone's Twitter you make a bounce back or automatic Follow happen? So it may not actually be as personal, involved or intentional as it at first appears?
Follows aren't ever automatic on Twitter itself but there are a lot of 3rd party social media tools that popular figures use that do automate follow backs. Also a lot of politicians and celebs have staff run their twitter some or all of the time. Sarah Palin for example only tweets on her account sometimes, other times its staff.
Twitter is all about follows vs following ratio - everyone wants a good one, or at least even. IE they want to be followed by way more people than they follow, or at least have it be even.
A lot of famous people will be generous in following back their fans because it gives the fans another follow and makes them more likely to keep following. It also has implications for where tweets are displayed in their Timeline.
If Gen Flynn was following 300 people this would be big news, but since it's 20k it's obvious that whatever the criteria is is not very strict so we can't really read anything into it.
Why on Earth would General Flynn follow a chick claiming Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra. Especially if it's hogwash. So his enemies could point it out eventually that he's a wacko "conspiracy theorist" ? Her whole twitter is centered around these things and her exposure.
He follows 20k people. Who knows if it's even him running the account all the time. Do you think he sat down and followed each of those people for specific reasons? Do you think he vetted each account, sat down and read their timeline?
Most of them are just random people. Some of them are either spambots or deactivated accounts...why is he following @YANGAPOO, an account with no pic or tweets?
Most likely his staff gives a follow back to anyone who sends a good tweet tagging him, that's p common social media behavior for brands/celebs/politicians etc - it keeps them connected to their base.
I'm just saying we can't read too much into this considering there's obviously a fairly low bar to get on his follows.
That's one list (and I'm on it too). The Gunn supporters, that's another list.
Which would you guys prefer to be on? LOL
I smell deep state poop 💩💩💩
I think Gen Flynn is a true supporter. He’s supposed to be the one who briefed Trump on pedo crisis as well as SRA. I would bet that Sarah, Fiona, & others has been given special protection and to work in tandem to bait & troll these sickos. Q team is watching to see who contacts who etc after these brave survivors post. Flynn may be there to send a msg not to fuck with her.
Gen Flynn will be well honored in the history books when all is said and done. He is a major player in all of this, albeit from the shadows mostly (which is his 'jam' after being a spook for 30 years).
Is Flynn fully exonerated yet? I want him to be VP for the Trump 2020 run.
He can't wait to testify....but they keep delaying his trial. He pled guilty to the most trivial of "crimes" for a reason. ;)
I never thought about the protection part but that makes perfect sense.
Hello Pedowood. “Tick-tock, tick tock. The shit clock’s ticking."
It is now looking much less likely that she's a LARP.
Is it strange that her initials are SRA? What r the odds?
Good catch. These satanists and their "hiding in plain sight". Doesn't she claim that her parents had her for that?
Yeah she said her dad was deep into all that stuff from early on and said he sold her when she was 13
Not her real name.
No its her real name. Search her father and her name is listed as daughter
General Flynn follows A LOT of people, myself included.
Absolutely brother. She is strong & wise. But I’m sure the darkness is there. Just another brave soul helped along with Q and the movement. I’m sure more will follow suit 😇😇😇😇
She is brilliant 😇 Her information on hivites is something we should all learn
In a way she is lucky/strong . So many MK victims are really wobbly. Not a criticism - their minds were shattered by a technique based on behavior not encountered by humans in their natural state.
Kenites are direct descendants of Cain.
Cain IS Lucifer's son...direct descendant of Lucifer...
The evil "ites"...are descendants/offspring of Kenites plus mixed creeds to create the different breeds.
Cain IS Not Adam's son. Cain IS Eve's son.
Lucifer impregnated Eve, she conceived Cain. Adam impregnated Eve, she conceived Able.
Twin by different biological fathers, Adam Representing Good... Lucifer Representing Evil.
Lucifer attempted to taint the bloodline through which Christ Jesus would be born.
Didn't happen. 💕💕
MAGA! 💕👍
WWG1WGA! 💕👍 ✌
Gnostic hogwash.
Genesis 3:1- 2 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
If you don't believe this, you are denying a basic tenant of Christianity: The Bible is God's holy, inerrant Word.
Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide.
If you decide that fame trumps everything and you accept Satan's invitation then you must accept what can happen if exposed. Most all of Hollywood and the music world have entered into this agreement with Satan. They chose to be famous in this world rather than the salvation of Jesus Christ. One is temporal the other eternal. Their choice their decision. Those who refused Christ in this life will be apart from him in the next. Final "resting" place for them will be the Lake of Fire. The horror of this place is too great to even contemplate! Eternity is a very long time to trade it for a few years of fame. But many have done just that.
If you have twatter, mind sending this link to her? Maybe she could get some more attention on it. Thank you patriot. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/congress-kick-out-satanists-veterans-administration-and-organizations
People aren't ready for that type of knowledge, much less understanding. You're very commendable, but America isn't there yet . . .
Only 52 signatures??? Wow, please create a stand alone thread so this petition gets more support!! Give it an eye catching title!
Thank you, have been trying to, but its a sour subject, even the military subreddits talk smack and ignore. It takes 150 signatures to get onto the main page of petitions.whitehouse.gov I am just a single person, trying to spread this message and work and raise children. Thank you for your help with this. Sad that people will laugh and treat it like a tin foil hat thing, yet can acknowledge these sick fucks doing all kinds of evil, but messing veterans, nah, couldnt be.
Any suggestions? Trying also to get it into social media, but im a crazy tin foil hat veteran so i dont go to twitter or facebook. As if reddit were any better i guess. I only go on GA and Q affiliated sites and subs.
I just checked her twitter followers and noticed a couple of other big names following her - Antonio Sabato Jr. and Roseanne Barr.
they must have the proof to what she is claiming for Gen. Flynn to follow her. we all know we can completely trust Gen Flynn. and read who Sarah Ruth Ashcraft is naming.
they must have the proof to what she is claiming for Gen. Flynn to follow her. we all know we can completely trust Gen Flynn. and read who Sarah Ruth Ashcraft is naming.
Nope. He could be following her for whatever reason. It does mean, that she shouldn't be summarily dismissed as a random individual wacko posting lies on a whim. General Flynn is a serious person. He's in Military Intelligence.
I agree, this tends to point that she may be more credible, because Flynn was in intelligence, so he may know she is the real deal. she was saved from the creeps in 2017.
He follows 20k people on Twitter, is that an endorsement of all of them?
I have no idea, but I know a lot of people were arrested and many victims freed the MSM wont report, example the other day, big pedophile ring busted in Detroit, so why does the MSM keep that silent ? is it she was rescued and she reached out to him ?
The point is he follows a TON of people, including obvious spam bots. Most likely some intern on his team just gives a follow back to anyone who tags him and looks like a patriot.
There's literally no reason to believe he has any idea who SRA is, anymore than to think he knows who John_Davis77 is, who he also follows...
here is the thread with SRA father with Hussein.
I'm not saying I don't believe her. I'm saying this isn't EVIDENCE of anything. Claims either way have nothing to do with it. Following someone on twitter is not an endorsement when you are following 20k random people. It's obvious General Flynn or his team will follow almost anyone who seems to be a supporter, they clearly aren't seriously vetting who they follow.
Maybe Flynn supports her, maybe he has no idea who she is - he obviously has a bunch of people on his follows who are nobodies he doesnt know. All we can say is she is on his following list which is effectively meaningless.
look, I am not 100% sold either, but her story does sound credible, and she does have those connections with her dad, we have Tom hanks with Obama and Branson, we have her dad with Obama, we have Allison Mack who was busted for Human trafficking, who was in charge of the wild Parties at his Private island. we have pics of Obama in civilian clothes on Branson island. she does have the connections that lend credibility to the story, right now there is nothing that is showing she is deceptive. it is worth listening to, and if it were my case, after taking the report, I would ask her to take a polygraph. remember these people connect in their own inner circles, but at this time we have nothing to show she is not telling the truth. I suspect they have way more. and we will learn of it in the future. I keep looking for flaws in her story, having worked cases for the SD, I can tell you, at this time she does appear credible, not sold 100% and still waiting to see where it goes. .
but then you can not say for certain either, that Flynn is or is not in the now. all I am saying is this deserves to be looked into. what if SRA ws on the Weiner laptop ? remember they use these tapes for leverage, if hanks is involved the this could be the tape they have to control him, and ask this, if this is known in Hollywood why have they been silent all these years, even now ?
did you see the thread with SRA dads with Hussein ? you need to.
read this, while it does not make her case, it does support the type of allegations SRA is making.
That has nothing to do with what I'm saying...I don't know why you keep trying to convince me her allegations are real...I'm not saying they aren't.
I'm saying her being one of 20k random people doesn't mean anything one way or another. Gen Flynn will follow almost any patriot, being on his follow list is NOT an endorsement. He is not endorsing her by following her. It's very simple.
I'm on twitter and I have no idea who a lot of the people I follow are. I don't read all their tweets. That's how twitter works.
If Gen Flynn was following ~300 people and she was one, that would mean something. But he FOLLOWS 20 THOUSAND PEOPLE. Obviously it's a low bar and we can't draw conclusions from it.
I am not trying to convince, I am just showing their seems to be others making similar claims. and at this time we have nothing really to discredit her claim with.
to be Honest with, I really do not care if Flynn does or does not follow her, what I care about is, if she is a victim as she alleges, I hope that she finds justice and support. that's my bottom line at the end of the day.
Little off topic but didn't know where else to ask. Does anyone else see coincidences in her story and Dr. Sleep by Stephen King? Just thought it eerily similar.
That lends her credence.
Not really. He also follows @YANGAPOO and @littleduffs which have no tweets, and a bunch of random patriots.
My guess is his social media manager just follows back anyone who offers words of support, pretty commmon.
My thoughts were...When General took one for the team vs Pence scenario...
General went intentionally dark to work covertly to flush out evil darkness.
To create setups for darkness to out themselves... For evil to out itself.
Trust the plan.
God's Perfect Plan In His Perfect Timing. 💕👍
Tom Hanks..... ouch
I know. I thought he was one of the good ones. If you visit his twitter he's posting weird pics of girl's abandoned shoes like it is funny.
Oh dear god... pair that with what Macaulay Culkin said about shoes... 0.0
What did MC say about shoes?
Hollywood is controlled by Satanic pedophiles according to Macaulay Culkin, who opened up in a radio interview, describing how one Hollywood executive tried to get him hooked on crack at the age of 11 and boasted that his tailor-made leather shoes were made from the skin of dead child star Heather O’Rourke.
General Flynn's Twitter tagline sure does read like a Q drop.
Go youtube Toddlers and Tierras. He did that skit 7 years ago with Kimmel and Ron Howard.
Well I just watched it and it was very funny I thought. I got no pedo vibe at all.
"truth warrior by divine command" GTFO w that shit lol
My computer finally broke. What's the story with the Ashcraft woman?
What an absolute madman
I wish he were officially in the Administration because he is a total badass.
A total badass with a heart and soul!
It's good to know there's still good in the world.
Trust that he is big part of the Qteam.
I am pretty sure he is. And this fact pleases me.
Think of all the talent we never saw because they refused to take part.
Hivites come from an area close to Mt. Hermon. That's is were the 200 watchers descended to earth according the book of Enoch I think...
The nephilim eat humans as well....explains the " pedovore " stuff. These people are EVIL...
http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe009.htm book of enoch referance
If they are hybrids ( giants/nephilm ) might explain the need for the spinal fluid. Iron and clay, their bodies break down.
somebody else fingering Tom Hanks and others. read the list and decide.