>>112557 (GAB) I think people aren't just saying #FJB but also #KissMyAss to all #Democrats!
>>112558 (Twatt) Christmas Keks
>>112559 (Twatt) Look at all these Far Right lunatics, urging people to lose weight and take vitamins
>>112560 (Twatt) Conspiracy Theorists need new conspiracies..
>>112561 (Twatt) Left still crying
>>112562 (Twatt) Imagine being the kind of braindead loser whose entire political worldview is based on a phrase as incoherent and stupid as "Let's go Brandon" Palmer Report proves its lets PapiTrumpo stay inside their hear for free..
>>112563 (Twatt) PalmerReport loves PapiTrumpo and supporters
>>112564 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NEW - Infowars host Alex Jones has called Trump a "coward" who risks going down in history as "Josef Mengele 2.0" for his vaccine support in an "Emergency Christmas Day Warning".
>>112565 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NEW - 3 football players died of heart attacks in the last 5 days.
>>112566 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Ministers plan to send Covid teams armed with Covid jabs door-to-door to reach five million unvaccinated Britons.
>>112567 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NOW - James Webb Space Telescope blasts off into space on Ariane 5 rocket.
>>112568 (Twatt) The Pope hasn’t died! ITV news. “His death was announced”
>>112569 Reuters (Twatt) Pope says Italy's plunging birthrate is a 'tragedy'
>>112571, >>112572, >>112573, >>112574, >>112575 U.S. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden visited the Children’s National Hospital on Christmas Eve. They spoke with children, after which Dr. Biden read out excerpts from ‘Frozen Olaf’s Night Before Children’ to them
>>112579 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NOW - Austria: Protest in #Vienna for peace and freedom, and against Covid restrictions and compulsory vaccinations.
>>112581 (Twatt) “I am proud to announce that I will be running for re-election in the new District 9, which includes areas in Mohave County, La Paz County, Yuma County and Maricopa County that I have already represented for the last decade,” Gosar said
>>112582 LaurenBoebert (Twatt) Did the federal contractors who are collectively being paid $5 million a day for cancelled construction of the border wall have to prove vaccination status?
>>112583 (Twatt) Remember, the DOD’s vax mandate has nothing to do w/ COVID & everything to do w/ pledging loyalty & purging dissent.
>>112585 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, but I get the distinct impression mi Melanita is hiding the Christmas Cookies from il Presidento… CHRISTMAS WAS YESTERDAY!!! WHERE ARE ALL THE FRIGGIN COOKIES??!
>>112586 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LIGHT HAS OVERCOME DARKNESS!!!
>>112587 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Conservative memes are now more powerful than CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, and WAPO - combined - and they know it.
>>112588 (Twatt) NY Times Editor, 49, Dies of Heart Attack One Day After Moderna Booster
>>112589 (Twatt) Father who played 'Let's Go Brandon' joke on Biden says he's receiving death threats
>>112590 (Twatt) The $FJB community is legit - a lot of Gorilla energy in here
>>112591 (Twatt) Male to female trans #Antifa rioter Joshua "Eva" Warner, who was federally charged over assaulting officers in August 2020, had her case dismissed after completing just 30 hours of community service. Warner was arrested & quickly released at multiple Portland antifa riots.
>>112593 (Twatt) Fellow physicians: if you are afraid to lose your license or hospital privileges for asking questions or saying what you think, ask yourself: what has happened to our profession? And who do you serve?
>>112594 JuanitaBroaddrick (Twatt) If you have natural immunity and refused the VaXx……you have survived the greatest psychological warfare in history.
>>112595 (Twatt) The media has spent more time investigating the man who told Biden "Let's Go Brandon" than the BLM domestic terrorist that drove his SUV into the Christmas parade in Waukesha. #JaredSchmeck
>>112596 (Twatt) Robert de Niro got a standing ovation at the Tony awards for saying "F Trump" …and the left is now crying because a random guy got Biden to say "Let's go Brandon."
>>112597 (Twatt) The Democrats spent Christmas Day doxxing the father who got Biden to say “Let’s Go Brandon, I agree.”
>>112602 Project DYNAMO rescues Americans from Afghanistan with help from local aviation company (SeeBSAustin.com)
>>112603 Lethal Drug Included In Over The Counter Covid Test Kits, Big Pharma adds lethal Sodium Azide to DIY test kits (Cantcensortruth.com)
>>112604 KkkilleryAccount (TWAAAAAAAAAAAAT) Merry Christmas! (George Washington does not approve)
>>112605 (Twatt) UPDATE: Crazy Delta mask lady was arrested by the FBI
>>112606 (Twatt) They said the vaccine stopped transmission. Now they are lying and saying they didn’t. VIDEO PROOF
>>112607 Spider bites Australian man on penis again (BBC.com)
>>112608 (Twatt) 82% of the people who tested positive at my clinic last week were fully vaccinated (Houston).
>>112609 Probably the saddest most disturbing photograph I've ever seen……. There must be Tears In Heaven. (TeaParty.ning.com)
>>112610 (Twatt) Wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks.
>>112611 (Twatt) BREAKING: Ghislaine Maxwell jury has returned. Day 4 of deliberations begins.
>>112612 (Twatt) The NASCAR Brandon says that no corporations will sponsor him now, because of the “let’s go brandon” term.
>>112618 (GAB) I don't know who needs to hear this, but a man isn't President because the MSM says he is.
>>112622 #570
Archived Breads
Previously Collected Notables
>>111785 #564, >>111964 #565, >>112112 #566, >>112301 #567, >>112403 #568, >>112527 #569,
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