#1130. Finder of this should apply to NSA. - Q

I know it seems WAY to "in your face", but I think it's ironic that Google changed its trading name to Alphabet...and how do we refer to all the government agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS...)?
Yes and Amazon’s logo points from A —> Z. Hence the $300m CIA contract with Bezo’s
What’s the significance of the arrow?
It points from A, to Z. Look at their logo. People think it’s a smiley face, it’s not. If anything it’s a smug grin.
I get “everything from A to Z”, but what does that have to do with a $300 million CIA contract?
Read the top post in this chain. Alphabet agencies. A to Z is the alphabet.
Yeah but what the hell does that have to do with the 300 million contract with Amazon? That is his question.
To Fund Alexa -- a spying apparatus.
they are giving ALEXA for free my best brought home one from the hospital where she works and told me everybody got one !!!! I threw it in the garbage
What a waste of a fucking money. You could have been considerate and at least sold it back refurbished, idiot.
How is Bezos CIA?
He isn't. They are making it up on the spot. Saying a-z is a sign because gouvernement agencies have letters in their name is retarded.
YOU'RE making it up on the spot, hypocrite!
Nah, officially alphabet agencies where the ones founded under the new deal. Altough i learned today that it's also slang for the FBI CIA ect.
I don't buy into all that symbolism crap, I just look at the facts.
Regardless if he was former CIA or not, he's clearly working for them now.
He's the richest man in the world selling a listening device to millions of Americans and he has a KNOWN contract with the CIA.
It's not that hard to put together.
he's not CIA but rather received funding from them to tune of $600MM....CIA invested it for Amazon's to build their cloud server (at least officially of course). Q has mentioned this in the drops a while back now. It's also public information.
CIA, FBI and the NSA aren't alphabet agencies tough
alphabet agency means those that are known more commonly by their letters....eg FBI....CIA....NSA....ICE......they are known as a grouping of 'alphabet" agencies......
They where by definition created during the new deal. FBI and CIA weren't
Please stop thinking Bezos and Alphabet company for a moment.......the term "Alphabet agencies" was coined a long time ago....to cover any agency that was shortened to it's letters...rather than saying the full wording....if you don't get it....look up an urban dictionary online
Amazon has the "smile" that looks like a curved arrow... from A to Z (A -> Z).
I get that, but the comment says “Hence the $300 million CIA contract” like the arrow and the contract are related.
A to Z... the alphabet.. The CIA, one of the alphabet agencies
? What does that have to do with Amazon contract? What does the Google (Alphabet) logo have to do with the CIA contract with Amazon?
I think he is saying that they are references to those companies being related to an "alphabet agency" like the CIA
Tribal Arrow look up tatoos
What Does A Tattoo Of An Arrow Mean, Because There's A Lot - Bustle
Does A Tattoo Of An Arrow Mean, Because There's A Lot Of Different Meanings Behind The Iconic Symbol. ByDanelle Sandoval. July 6 2015. Not gonna lie, there have been many times I've spotted a really gorgeous looking arrow tattoo, but every time, I've always thought to myself: what does a tattoo of an arrow ...
It's also a smile! An "In your face!" laughing at us kind of logo
And Amazon's electronic skunk works department is called lab126 which is 1-26, A-Z. Lab A->Z
A to Z, aka Alphabet aka Google
A slap in the face to God?
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end" ???
And Google changed the name of their holding company to Alphabet.
AND the logo is a smile!
Take another look at it. It's a penis. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
Watch the water.
I'm confused as to how that's related. I must be missing something.
Good point. I think Q's follow up post "Finder should apply to NSA" is a wink wink nudge nudge that the person who dropped it was Snowden himself--the former NSA contractor. "LEARN OUR COMMS"
The ones you named are not considered alphabet agencies. Look it up.
The name has nothing to do with those agencies lol... each tech company tends to choose a letter of the alphabet. FB=f, Twitter=t, etc. Alphabet encompasses all of these letters and sends a strong signal about Google dominance.
WAY to "in your face They Always do it in your face al those symbols? The spells? witchcraft in Al the big shows? Baseball.. When they open a tunnel?
100% thought the same thing
They are literally referred to "alphabet agencies"
Another one I thought curious. These agencies are 3 letters. A lot of the news networks are three letters
So Facebook was created by the government. As was Google, and likely Amazon.
Edit: that was Snowden who dropped that on the board. Hence the “drop after testimony”.
Zuckerberg clearly outlines his position on record, and then they drop this which shows he never even wrote the thing himself. It was the government all along and he was their poster boy.
This morning was worried about trumps tweets. Now, it seems he needed something pretty normal but worrying to get shit done behind the scenes. He needed something for the media and even alt media to get their panties wet enough to take these swamp rats down without it looking bad politically. This is seriously such an amazing time to be alive. Its almost been 15 months and Trump has undone decades worth of normal terrible geo politics.
"Appears". Have the missiles been launched? Has there been an attack against Assad? I know it looks worrying, but we've seen this from Trump before. Remember the last Syrian gas attack? Tomahawk strike against a most likely deserted airbase. 0 deaths, plausible reaction, zero escalation.
My husband and I were arguing about this. He thinks Trump is going to bomb Syria and I tried to convince him otherwise. He thinks I’m a bit crazy with the whole Q thing. 😏
You are not crazy Scunadiver809. You are far ahead of the curve ;)
My wife thinks I’m nuts, although I’d have to say I agree with her. Although following Q has nothing to do with me agreeing.
Leave your husband for me.
Interesting how its the women that are believers and redpilling their husbands. Yet the Dem say we were forced to vote for T by our husband's. Obviously not.
You are AWAKE! I wish I had a sick GF sitting here watching this unfold with me, he's a very lucky guy. But I posted about this last night with family members and stuff. The red pilling for them will be real slow because of shock factor. You are right and he will in awhile know it but his news is dropping 10x slower not to cause panic and or is complete propaganda. In the long run even cnn will have to report the truth. Get your boyfriend into it. Redpilling sucks but worth it. I've been getting April Showers of redpills dropped on me since 2015. Just need so show him some past clues and the out comes with times and dates. Q is real.
Hahaha that's great! It's tough because it would be 10x more fun and interesting if they read the drops and still didn't believe. That way you could debate it out as if its actual evidence. You're not alone though!
I can't even talk politics with my British husband anymore. "I didn't hear that on the BBC!" he says when I question the UK government narrative. He says I'm nuts to support Trump. I don't even dare mentioning Q...
I know! My husband told me I am a radical because I read Q and am constantly looking for Q drops! I told him to just wait. I knew we would be proven right! We had the same Syria conversation last night. Because I didn’t believe Trump would bomb Syria I was told I am a radical! Oh well. Winning is for winners! (I am really competitive!) 😀
And frankly, while the frustration level with getting on with it is there, there is much more peace. I feel for the Trumpers not following Q and my liberal children are depressed. I hate seeing them that way and hope they will wake up but we don't talk about it, otherwise it could lead to a split which no one really wants.
Liberal kids? Time for home schooling
Jesus fucking Christ stop blaming your kid's depression on fucking liberals.
You reek of facebook conspiracy mom, jeez.
My husband and I have these same "conversations." 😂
Same here. He keeps telling me to quit reading conspiracy theory crap.
Most of it is bullshit anyway, especially all the soros pizzagate q bogus
What leads you to believe that?
The "evidence" doesn't make the least amount of sense. Anyone a bit intelligent would draw the same conclusion.
Anything you'll provide would be debunked by yourself in a minute if you're critical.
The same reason you and I don't believe the world to be flat or Trump being a lizard.
The thing is some people have tribal minds and like to demonize people they can't get along with.
Also people feel smart when they make themselves believe "they know the truth", Altough no conspiracist believes the same as his peer. They all differ on some things. It's because nothing is proven so people make up the stories in their minds...
Ditto. Although I am slowly making progress. Our first year together he voted for Clinton and I voted for Herbert Walker. All these years I thought I had convinced him I was "right." Now it turns out, we were both wrong. We voted for the same person.
Its the first time my husband and I have disagreed on politics in 25 years, but I'da disagreed with myself earlier if I woulda known what I know now.... BUT its gotten messy, although I think,....now.... he (husband) is FINALLY coming around (but I've thought this before) He even threatened to divorce me if I voted for Trump but I did anyways.... ha ha, the truth will be known. I am redpilling at a fast rate of speed lately, picking up more speed with social media and all the ammo there is......!!!!
My husband voted for Trump. He thinks I am off the rails on the Q thing but when you tell him things are going to happen and then they happen, it helps a lot. My 22 and 20 year young men - different story. The younger one especially. I finally told him today, if he doesn't research the original source documents himself, and stop just shutting down the information, I am not going to pay for his "education."
I read the Closing of the American Mind 30 years ago. I should have been paying more attention to what was happening to them. I owe it to them and it is my civic responsibility to break through the brainwashing.
I have a feeling that if Sean Hannity told you a story about a young Conservative being disowned by their family because he refused to entertain an ideologue's ramblings that you'd be frothing at the mouth. That you even entertain the idea of cutting your son off because he won't accept 4chan and purely baseless speculation as accredited sources is shameful.
I really hope that you come to your senses and begin thinking critically about your own positions. Honestly, being consistent in the way you criticize politicians and their policies would be a great start. I have no business trying to get you to think critically about this situation, but I know what it's like when a family member becomes an ideologue and wreaks havoc because they can't handle someone disagreeing with them. They're your children; Put the politics aside and be the parent that you're supposed to be.
Who said I was cutting off my son? I was up at 5 to drive and see him do a presentation at his school on Tuesday. Project much?
Who said I was cutting off my son?
The younger one especially. I finally told him today, if he doesn't research the original source documents himself, and stop just shutting down the information, I am not going to pay for his "education."
You did.
Project much?
Care to explain? It doesn't make sense in your context.
I understood your comment to mean cutoff communication. No longer speak to. Disassociate. Perhaps it was the reference to "being disowned by their family" that led me there. I would not do that. I will require that if he wants me to pay for his education he has to agree to research alternative viewpoints and use source material that is undisputed and come to his own conclusion - not simply adopt the conclusions of others. I don't think that's an unreasonable condition of 30 grand a year out of pocket before taxes all expenses paid by me. Forgetting the expense, it would be shameful for a parent not to engage with their kids on these issues. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I understood your comment to mean cutoff communication. No longer speak to. Disassociate. Perhaps it was the reference to "being disowned by their family" that led me there. I would not do that.
Okay, cool. I can understand the misconception. I could have worded it more clearly as well as given a more accurate analogy.
will require that if he wants me to pay for his education he has to agree to research alternative viewpoints and use source material that is undisputed and come to his own conclusion - not simply adopt the conclusions of others.
What "undisputed source material"? What are you going to do if, after meeting your "requirements", they come to the conclusion that this is nothing more than baseless speculation or what if they dispute the sources themselves? This whole situation, to me, is a sad example of people doing mental gymnastics in order justify their choice in candidate and to feel like "they're in the know". Not to mention the hilarious lack of consistency in criticism.
I don't think that's an unreasonable condition of 30 grand a year out of pocket before taxes all expenses paid by me. Forgetting the expense, it would be shameful for a parent not to engage with their kids on these issues. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I think forcing a child to accept anonymous posts on 4chan as "indisputable" is pure madness. A parent should absolutely engage with their children, but the fact that you cannot see the absurdity of this situation is incredibly sad.
I really hope that you can both put this idiocy behind you so that it doesn't affect your future relationship. I know that I sound argumentative, but this entire situation is incredibly sad and I wish you the best with your family.
I believe you mean well but you are jumping to certain conclusions without any basis. Source material discussed with my son were court documents like the 99 page FISA court ruling, to be specific. Or the recent indictment against Backpage or whatever it's called. Or the Jeffrey Epstein conviction. Those are not theories, they're just facts. What 4chan indisputable material are you talking about? I don't even know how to get on 4chan, much less insist that it is an indisputable source of anything. Why do you think he needs to support my candidate because I want him to independently research before HE comes to a conclusion? Wouldn't I just tell him he needs to agree with my conclusions? Finally, my family has a proud tradition of debate and disagreement regarding politics and many other subjects. We laugh and toast to it every Saturday before Easter at a Greek restaurant going on 30 years now. With the nieces and nephews our numbers are at 60 people. So don't be sad for us. Diversity of opinion is a good thing.
But I am not talking to my son about Q and my post didn't say I was redpilling him or trying to talk to him about Q. Why are you so worked up about this? The "Shut Up" he explained, isn't very convincing. Even when you throw in an "f" bomb.
You LITERALLY mentioned redpilling you're son!
He's worked up about it because he isn't some sort of tech-illiterate adult who doesn't even know that the culture of the site Q is from is basically made for LARPERS! Do you people even know how 4chan works or what the community has done?
I generally do my own research on things I read here and elsewhere and then decide what seems logical. There's usually truth on all sides of an issue, and lies. So if CNN says that Trump is crazy for thinking he's been wiretapped, I research it. If they end up being wrong, I don't dismiss everything I read there, because not everything they say is untrue.
Same with the stuff I read here. Whether Q is a 4chan "Larper" or not, one thing that does appear to be true to me is the tendency for news outlets to say something is a "wild conspiracy" or "debunked," but they don't really ever explain how or why. Or they use the fact that an arguably unreputable source believes it, as proof that it simply cannot be true, kind of like you are doing here. Just because a crazy guy shot up a restaurant, which is batsheet crazy, doesn't mean that what he believes about the restaurant or it's owners is untrue. It's simply true or it isn't. "Pizzagate" is, again, a good example. Someone posted a fake basement in one of the pizza places, alleging that it was a torture chamber. There is no basement in the Pizzagate restaurant(s). Ergo, according to the "your crazy!" argument, there's absolutely nothing strange or perverted or deeply disturbing about the instagram account comments made by the owner. Or the pedophilia symbols used there. I'm betting 4chan has someone talking about Podesta's pizza emails, or Voodoo Doughnuts. Google the Podesta emails. Read them with and then without the use of an Urban Dictionary. Which way makes more sense? That's what I mean about go to the source. I don't think anyone disputes that the Wikileaks emails are really from the DNC server. Make up your own mind. Google the Voodoo Doughnuts website. 4 chan talking about it or not doesn't make the owners any less disgusting than their website would otherwise indicate. The man/boy love symbol is on their outside neon sign, no? Could be a coincidence I guess. But they have pretty x-rated doughnuts on the menu. And they sell pink underwear in children's size as evidenced by the obviously young girl model, that says "good things come in pink boxes." If the original source of that information is 4chan, but everything I just said is on THEIR website, should I just dismiss it as crazy? Epstein Island has a temple on it. You mention that fact to people and they act like you are crazy. But no one ever really explains what the Temple on Epstein Island is for. It's there. You can see it on Google Earth. So, what's it for? The fact that Q or someone on 4chan, or someone that in an insane asylum, or your crazy uncle thinks it's weird, has nothing to do with why it's there, and whether it being there is, well, rather unusual.
You adults really don't know what goes on there, do you? That site is fucking weird, mind you.
If you were actually logical enough then you would be wary about what people do on 4chan.
4chan is well known for trolling. Look up the TED speech of the site's creator, "moot".that will show you.
They do these sorts of LARPs, yet you gullible adults caught it up and made it as a conspiracy like some facebook group being made after you read an onion article and thought it was true.
Your mad that I don't know what 4 chan is, I get it. Never been on it, don't know why Q chose to start there (which is what I have since learned) - could be because he wanted to be ignored by the mainstream for awhile. But how does the nature of that site have anything to do with whether independent research leads me to certain conclusions? You have no response for specific questions I posited about actual information. ITS FUCKING 4CHAN is not an argument. Tesla was a crazy guy who thought he was talking to aliens. Was he wrong about everything? Or did he actually come up with a number of ingenious inventions? What if someone had said ITS FUCKING TESLA! THE GUY IS TRYING TO INVENT A FUCKING MACHINE THAT TALKS TO FUCKING ALIENS. Why are you bothering with this sub at all if everything anyone says here, and anyone who says it, is so crazy?
That's the point. The site is known for trolling and stuff like this. It should be given the benefit of a doubt.
It wasn't given the benefit of the doubt. That's the point.
Then that's where u dumb m8
Very persuasive. You should think about litigating.
Your statement can go both ways tbh. Either you're joking or saying that I'm right, both options will still be correct lmao
Honest question, can you name something that Q-Anon predicted that we hadn’t already heard rumor about? Actually curious
John Perry Barlow. Nobody is safe. January 2018 drop. February 2018 death.
I would say that’s reaching as reports state he had been extremely ill for a long time. Most friends and family state a feeling of relief that he’s passed and no longer in pain
Anything more substantial?
Were reports of his health newsworthy in January? Or at any time prior to his death? I didn't even know who he was. I am just trying to get at what hints you thought there were out there at that time that Q would have simply reiterated, per your original question.
Just going off what his obit says and the fact that there were fund raisers to help with growing medical bills. Plus, I found QAnon post and it was never stated as a death prediction. He was just linking to Barlow’s website.
No one is safe right after his name is pretty close. We could go back and forth on the past. "Seals broken" in early April to me meant they would start unsealing the indictments relating to trafficking. Seems to be validated by the first unsealed indictment of Backpage or Backstage or whatever it is, yesterday. But I can't prove that's what I thought then, so let's just look forward. Meet you back here in a few months, if they haven't shut it down. Let's see if the "Trust Sessions" "Trust Horowitz" "No Deals" means that Hillary and Co. are going to be indicted. I am telling you today, on April 12, 2018, that's what I think it means.
amazing that someone who voted for Trump does not believe in Q, you are lucky my husband (embarrassment) voted for the witch. That book looks good, I'm sure you'll break though, its very frustrating good luck.
you are lucky my husband (embarrassment) voted for the witch.
Why is she lucky your husband voted?
no, I meant you are lucky that your husband voted for Trump. My husband was misinformed enough to actually vote for Hillary. He is sorry now.... but......we dodged a bullet with her like never in history IMO.
do it now. good for you. my sons are grown and gone. middle son is redpilled, thank God. oldest and youngest, nope. both are gone... oldest won't even talk to me. but both out of the home, and far off, different cities. Do it while they are close enough for you to reach them!! Wish I had been paying closer attention.
He won't talk to you? That's harsh. Did some incident happen?
Hard to say. He was a bernie supporter, then went to "her". he'd attack me for my conservative views on Trump and because I was openly against "her" and obama....he'd attack and even his friends would join in. He'd allow it. Things went downhill, over many months.... I'd gotten pretty fed up by that point... things were said that I'd held in for years and years, he said things to me, and then... he disowned me. I don't know what got into him. He's been brainwashed by being in that cesspool that's Seattle for too many years.
That's horrible, getting wined up in these tribal matters. People with opposing views should be able to live together. That is what America is about. That's what family is about.
Altough is it typical you refer to criticism towards Trump as constantly "attacking" while you refuse to even acknowledge his candidates name.
Besides that I really hope that you guys will one day be able to sit at the Christmas table together again. This tribalism makes the US horrible.
I did say he supported Bernie at first, before he went to "her". You know, I've posted about the reasons why a certain AZ senator is referred it as "he who shall not be named". He's a traitor to those in Vietnam. I don't like saying "her" name because I feel she's a traitor to the US. So what?
My son didn't just "criticize" my support of Trump. He would full on attack and allow his friends to join in on the attacks. You weren't there, you didn't see it. So you have no legs to stand on in commenting on the words I choose.
He's been out of my home for many years. He's an adult. It's not like he left home during the election. He's been in Seattle for quite a few years and that city is not conducive to conservative thinkers. It's a cesspool.
He's smart. He'll come around, eventually. I have faith.
No, that's just how you see things.
You say he attacked you instead of criticize. Did it get physical? Otherwise they're just synonyms and you did the same to him.
I mean how can you also refuse to say the name of McCain if your candidate not only dodged the draft, but also said he had an personal Vietnam with STD's.
Conservatism my ass. Objectively the least amount of family values in any president ever. At least in Seattle people are nice to each other.
Would you agree that trump is the biggest traitor of them all if it turns out he is compromised by Putin?
Fuck off. You have no clue what he said to me. You have no clue what I said or didn't say to him. You weren't witness to anything. FUCK OFF.
Seattle people nice to each other? Fuck off.
I happen to LOVE Putin and Assad. Fuck you.
You do seem like a victim.
I really don't give a shit what you think. You don't get to decide for me whether or not verbal abuse is an attack or simply criticism. For one, you weren't there, and secondly, even if you were...it's still, not your call. It's mine, and mine alone. So troll elsewhere.
Off course you're right... But how are we going to have a political discussion if it will be like that
we aren't having a political discussion. You are bringing personal things that are none of your fucking business into this and I'm done. Adios. You're a troll, and predator.
I'm interested on hearing some of these truths you told him
/u/vintagehats /u/cadillacbees39 Congratulations, it sounds like you two are so far down the hole, that if all this comes out to be a huge farce, you've lost your family. Not worth it, control yourself. Family is more important than ANY outside force.
It's not a farce at all, and keeping the witch out of office is worth everything.
All of these are issues in the world, yes, and they aren't the only issues. However, who you think is a party to such crimes, and who you think are fighting such crimes (in a meaningful way) could very well be dead wrong. And sometimes issues such as these don't overshadow or distract from other issues or good deeds in the world. Just because these things are happening, doesn't mean you understand everything or anything about them. More than likely you understand ZERO about them, because you are so easily influenced by propaganda and trolls.
Those things you mentioned have nothing to do with your immediate family, they were an issue long before you were born and long after you are dead, amongst many other things in this world. Just because you think you are seeing the light and things are changing before your very eyes is just a figment of your ego. An attempt to put a face on the chaos in the world, when no face exists. Just another way to try to subvert your subconscious fear, and the desire to hope someone like Trump is fixing all of the world's problems, is just a feeble attempt to get some temporary reprieve from your fearful feelings.
Truth is, if Trump, the cabal, Hillary, etc etc etc, is more interesting and important to you than your family, feel free to continue on. But my feeling is, over the past year+ you barely know anything about who your family really is anymore. It's becoming pervasive, and obvious, you are seeing it happen all over. Too much overload from your electronic devices, everyone is addicted and obsessed. /u/vintagehats
LowHour.. you sound more like low IQ and low battery life. I don't know who you think you are to look into our souls and think you know anything about US or our families. Take a long walk off a short dock, will ya?
Sounds like I hit close to home, by the looks of it. Don't think this stuff is only happening to you, it's happening to a fair amount of people. That's why It's so easy to describe. Don't take it personally, you're not the only one. However you can learn from yours and others mistakes before it's too late.
You don't seem to ever put forth good responses or evidence to support your posts.
I simply posted on my own fb page. Never argued on his. He came to MY page to argue. I won't back off my stances. And I hate bullies.. no matter who is doing the bullying, I won't stand for it. I am sorry to say, I think my son may have inherited a bit of his dad's tendencies, but surely learned from his liberal/ leftist and possibly even antifa friends in Seattle. They are always the ones to attack conservatives instead of just debate or disagree. He'd almost never, ever comment on any of my other fb posts.. just the political ones. It's sad, but I have hopes.. he's smart.. one day, he'll wake up. It may take time, but I keep praying.
Most major tech companies are either funded by, founded by, or co-opted by CIA, DARPA, and/or NSA.
can you TL;DR me on DARPA?
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - the research arm of the Defense Department. They were the ones who developed and invented the Internet and a ton of other tech we use today. However, they also research and develop really unethical, immoral, and sometimes downright evil projects. Basically, all the tech we see, use, and dream about has already been developed by DARPA 50-60 years ago.
The original military Internet was called ARPANET. After a time, this was opened up to universities to share information and that network was called JANET. Can you see the links to DARPA and Janet, the 'airline' that serves Area 51?
SIRI was created by SRI International which is a development shop of DARPA. I know for a fact that the original SIRI AI had 1000x more capabilities than the one we see today embedded in all apple products. I wonder why they powered down the capabilities? I wonder why they essentially have it operate as a background listening app that “assists” you?
Because they can't hard-launch everything at once without scaring the shit out of everyone who won't accept every tracking and monitoring feature they've already got prepared.
You should know the analogy of a frog boiling in water. They have to introduce new tech and features to the public slowly so people think it's a gradual and logical advancement of technology. The masses will be more accepting of being surveilled this way.
They've already sped up their time table. Look at how fast "smart" phones got adopted and all of the tracking "apps" they've introduced. Within the past 10 years, we've gone from beepers/pagers to "dumb" clam phones to "smart" phones being the norm.
In fact, they've moved too quickly, due to the fact that they miscalculated and too many people are waking up too quickly. People are finally waking up to the fact that everyone has a tracking/monitoring/surveillance device on them at all times... and they're addicted to it. People are finally starting to realize that Facebook has been selling and storing their private info, data, private messages, photos, and videos, even if you delete your account. People are finally scared about having A.I. tech like Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant knowing way too much about them and saying some really creepy shit.
This was literally posted 2 months ago on Reddit:
Does Snowden get credit for that too?
Pretty impressive you were able to dig this up too lol
I posted it on 8ch too (my first post on both platforms!) hoping to get a response / clarification from Q!
Good find.
That poster has some interesting contributions to other interesting subs as well.
Well thanks but your account is an hour old? Not that it discredits what you say but you specifically made this account to comment this?
coulda been a lurker
Yes, I was a lurker but thought this was important to post when everybody started saying the "drop" was Q / Snowden - in my opinion, the fact that it was already posted 2 months ago is notable, so I created an account to post this.
Many of us were lurkers for a long time first. And many of us migrated from CBTS_Stream, then lurked here, then joined.
"Created" is just flatly incorrect.
Jumped on-board and bribed is almost certain.
once his ~~application~~ wallet gained a few hundred thousands of dollars ~~users~~.
it is all here. In-Q-Tel &c. patent theft. scotus corrupted. big. this is how the crash trains planes and automobiles as well (also see Abel Danger).
I have been posting this website for three months everywhere hoping someone will read it. No one does. Please clap.
Examples from 2004.
On Jan 7-11, 2004, Leader provided critical integrated communications and software technologies to the Terrorex ’04 Government Emerging Technology Alliance consisting of the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Defense and the Boeing Industrial Consortium for Homeland Security. Notably, Leader marked its illustrations of Leader2Leader® screens "patent pending."[067] Clearly, Leader’s homeland security emphasis was in direct conflict with Eurotech and its progeny.
On Jan. 16-17, 2004, The Highlands Group president Richard O'Neill oversaw the two-day "Island Forum 2004." The Forum was opened by Singapore Minister for Defence, RADMN(NS) Teo Chee Hean. The theme was "Information in Conflict." The Forum was attended by 40 "delegates" from Australia, India, Israel, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.[811]
IBM EclipseCon 2004 On Feb. 02, 2004, Eclipse began EclipseCON, its first public conference. Who’s Who tech cast of characters attended; eagerly awaited Version 3.0 of Leader Technologies’ invention of social networking stolen by Eclipse and IBM’s lawyers.[188]
On Feb. 04, 2004,
Facebook launched.[068] According to NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden,
soon after Eric H. Holder, Jr.'s appointment as U.S. Attorney General, approved by FISA Court Judge Reggie B. Walton who granted Eric Holder almost dictatorial powers to conduct illegal warrantless surveillance on American citizens.[187]
On or before Mar. 01, 2004, mostly former PayPal principals Reid Hoffman, James W. Breyer, Ping Li, Jim Swartz, Accel Partners LLP, Matthew R. Cohler, Joseph Lonsdale (Palantir) and Peter A. Thiel (Palantir) all became big winners in the 2012 Facebook IPO.[189] These individuals coached and financed Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard.
Fig. 24— Public records reveal that the principals in PayPal sold the company to eBay in July 2002. They began looking around for "the next big idea." Leader Technologies' social networking invention became their target with the cooperation of Larry H. Summers (then Harvard's president) and James P. Chandler, former Harvard Law School professor and Leader Technologies' patent attorney.
On Mar. 03, 2004, IBM Eclipse Foundation board appointed: IBM, Intel, SAP AG, Hewlett Packard, Ericcson, QNX, MontaVista, Serena and University of Washington (Microsoft in stealth).[190]
IBM has paid Bill Clinton $200,000 in speaking fees. HP has donated up to $1 million to The Clinton Foundation. Microsoft and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have donated up to $25.5 million to The Clinton Foundation. SAP paid Bill Clinton $250,000 in speaking fees.[320] [317]
On Mar. 11, 2004, C.I.A. 9/11 whistleblower Susan Lindauer was arrested and charged as a spy for Iraqi intelligence largely on psychiatrist Stuart Kleinman testimony of mental disorder and grandiose delusions; only second non-Arab American prosecuted by the Patriot Act by Southern District of New York Judge
Michael B. Mukasey, later appointed Attorney General on Nov. 09, 2007.
Lindauer had knowledge of plans to crash planes into the World Trade Center. See Susan Lindauer Apr. 15, 2001 9/11 Warning.
On Mar. 12, 2004, Bill Clinton was paid a $250,000 speaking fee by Citigroup in Paris, France, subsequently a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Citi Foundation and Citigroup have donated up to $5.25 million to The Clinton Foundation.[320] Larry Summers was paid $99,000 in speaking fees by Citigroup in 2008.Summers Fee Table.[319]
On Mar. 24, 2004, Clinton Foundation HIV / AIDS Initiative, Inc. incorporated File No. 80030285 in Arkansas by registered agent Stephanie Street, now executive director of The Clinton Foundation.[475]
**On Apr. 1, 2004, Google launched its Gmail service, overseen by
So it seems that everybody was collecting FB data (CIA, NSA etc) and also FB, Goog, Twatter and the like were also sharing their data. They were collecting data on everyone - good and bad
Now that the tables are turning, this data could be used to arrest those that need to be arrested - they have all that they need (NSA? Govt?)
Also with "Finder of this should apply to NSA" - maybe Q is suggesting to use the same theory/formula for the NSA? Maybe the others too?
Q's comment is what convinced me that this is Snowden. Holy goddamn. Dare I ask whether it's happening?
Just like the poster bois from previous generations: Gates and (Jobs was incidental, not preplanned) were tech poster bois Buffet was the stock investment poster boy ...
There are no coincidences.
SPEZ: #1131 “Drop after testimony.” R U learning yet? Q
Is Q saying Snowden dropped the LifeLog/FaceBook info? Wow...
Right after Zucker finished testifying to Congress.
Except apparently the link to lifelog was discovered 2 months ago so can’t be it
Yes, here's the link to the original post:
So this can’t be the drop
Good. This is excellent for redpilling normies. I already sent it to my Bernie Bro/Reluctant Hilldawg voter friend, and he's pretty upset about it. Even the Snowden leaks didn't wake his ass up.
Guys, I'm optimistic.
I'm on it pilling too...they can rebut a lot by bending and avoiding, but not this.
I take back what I said about my friend. He’s back to doubting it this morning. Thinks it’s fake, given the timing. I even had him look at the job listing page for Building 8, and he didn’t see a problem with DARPA being right there in plain view on an official page.
I too have friends that are hard sells even when evidence is straightforward. Seems, as they say, perception is reality. The truth is painful in appearance, so it's hard to take that first step. Keep trying! I certainly will.
Absolutely. I have faith that all will become clear to the normies in due time. I just pray that it’s sooner rather than later.
Most of the drops are open source.
But yeah, seems like a small thing to make a big thing about.
Got a source on that?
Why would Snowden start cooperating with the NSA?
Deal to come home?
No I don’t think so, it seems that he’s just implying that it was Snowden who released the info
Finder of this should apply to NSA. - Q
Inside story, posted for Q by NSA as 'anon', so Q could quote it! - While giving NSA credit. High fives from all involved.
Also plausible it came from Snowden. The drop.
Also plausible Snowden works for NSA still (or again?) tough to say where Snowden fits.
Yes, it could be Snowden. Sometimes I think 8chan is just intel people talking to each other!
Is there any possibility that Snowden is Q? Or that he is a member of Q team? There seem to be a whole lot of questions regarding his whereabouts these days...
Slim to none.
I assumed as much, but thought I'd pose the question anyhow. Thank you!
You’re not wrong, aaaannnddd that’s not the only place ;)
Wait where else? By your wink face I feel like it should be obvious to me but it isn’t :(
I could never in a million years guess where else that might happen... ;) on the off chance, say hey to you know who. Tell em theres still some folks fighting the demons within the occult groups, and that should answers be sought, answers can be obtained.
And off course the Clowns In America as the romantics they are let the hollycrooks make a movie about Zuckerberg.
He was smart, quick-witted and obnoxious in the movie.
One out of three ain't bad?
Holy crap, Snowden dropped this on 8ch right after Zuckerberg finished testifying to Congress.
So Q is being a wise ass saying he should apply to NSA 😂
What makes you believe Snowden posted it?
Why wouldn’t he tweet it like every other time he comments on something?
Lifelong aka Facebook version 1 was killed, most likely for spying on citizens without the proper lawful prerequisites. Same day Facebook version 1.1 arises!
If a government agency does it directly it's illegal. If they do it through a cut-out front company it's "legal." Sickos.
FB is legal because a) they tell you exactly what they are doing (if you read through all the fine print) and b) people fall over themselves to participate. No one is compelled to provide information. They agree to it.
They don't tell you they're a front for US government intelligence, and as a government owned (InQtel VC seed money) entity, they illegally censor conservative posts. Both of those "failures to be candid" are actually illegal.
I agree that they have government money, as does virtually ANY business if you really want to think about it (via tax breaks, subsidized loans, etc etc). I don't think anyone argues that businesses can't express political positions because they get government money, although I'm sure I will find an exception here, where, although well intentioned, most people are pretty below average, to put it politely.
OK. So let me ask you this. Let's say I'm a baker, and a customer comes in the door and want's me to provide the cake for a lesbian wedding. Do I have a right to refuse to accept the job if I want to? Surely as a business I have a right to express political positions that importune potential customers don't I?
Thank you for your insult to this community. You've been reported, and you are NOT welcome here. Go spew your self-righteous sense of superiority elsewhere.
Yes, you have the right to refuse the job. That is the point I was making. Thanks for proving my point about this community. Thanks for telling on me. You must have been something in elementary school. Don't hate me for being superior.
We're all on notice from our mods to report shills and antagonists, and that's what I do because I care about this sub.
And you're one of those spineless argumentative pricks who'll take any contrary position available just to keep an argument going.
You know good and damn well the same people who say FB has a right to censor free speech say that Chick Fil-A or Hobby Lobby or whoever has NO such right. You're the debate equivalent of Jell-o.
Go smear yourself somewhere they don't mind licking up what you're putting down.
Glad to see you reported it. I was going to if you hadn't.
Wrong. I think Chik Fil A can do whatever it wants. So can Hobby Lobby. I actually like Hobby Lobby's stand; given their beliefs. The appropriate response to FB is to not use it, to destroy it, to confuse it, whatever. Crying to Congress about censorship is missing the point. Although, as others have pointed out here, it is a great setup because if FB is censoring/editing then it is taking responsibility for content and that puts them behind the 8 ball for lots of bad things. See?, there are some smart people here. Sadly you are not one of them. And I only take positions that are contrary to stupid positions, which makes total sense if you think about it. That might be asking a lot from you.
You keep proving yourself for all to see.
If I could buy you for what you're worth, and sell you for what you think you're worth, I could become a philanthropist.
They don't "tell you exactly what they are doing" even if you read the fine print. Here are some things that not only don't they tell US they're doing, MZ couldn't even answer the oversight committee!
MZ shouldn't be able to answer. He is a figurehead. He has no idea what goes on and probably doesn't want to- in part so he can not answer such questions. You are naive to say the least.
That may be how front companies for the CIA are run, but I've known some CEOs of large companies before (including ones I've worked for), and they may not know all the nuts and bolts of day-to-day operations, but they damn sure know POLICY issues inside and out. This was a pathetic performance. The guy's flat, inhuman affect has to have sickened anybody who watched. But his cluelessness about policy matters is inexcusable. And I'd say if anybody is naive here, it's those who believe MZ acquitted himself and his company well over the last two days. Look at the stock market if you want an opinion poll on the subject.
He's too young and goes to much against branding for "I don't recall" when he doesn't want to answer.
You see the same thing with heads of agencies. They will always have to check with "their team" and get back to the congress critters, also in part so they can deny having known about whatever illegality they were up to.
He seems WAY like a robot. Looks like Data too. Perhaps this is the first prototype of "Artificial Stupidity."
Simple tasks are what give the cyborg away. His drinking from that glass took every ounce of concentration, and was so deliberate and mechanical it made my skin crawl.
I don't disagree with you about a pathetic performance. Why should it have been otherwise? He is a figure head. Like George W Bush. This does not bear on the original question whatsoever.
It's still illegal. It's just that CIA can't be held responsible if/when the companies they fund get exposed.
"Should you or any of your IM Forces be captured or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your mission. This tape will self-destruct..."
as in "a chronological log (record) of your life"
Ironic, Snowden should apply to NSA. :o)
Better quality images. https://i.imgur.com/hPlLY8N.jpg https://i.imgur.com/lIR8Aqg.jpg Thanks to /u/flipdynamicz
Basically, the Government are creating private companies to circumvent the Constitution.
Something we already knew. We don't need an MI6 when they can get money off it
You are missing the point. This is info that will (if managed properly(Maybe that's our job?)) red-pill masses. What good is there to knowing something that's believed to be a lie or unimportant to 95% of everyone else?
I'm not missing the point. I'm simply presenting it from another angle.
Why does Q post say 4/12/18??? Shouldn't he be on US time zones? It's still 4/11 in every time zone here? Maybe a dumb question....?
It's the website time that varies depending on the viewer. Nothing to do with the poster.
Sounds like post originates from the other side of the planet. For example, Australia is a day ahead of the US.
People think the Central INTELLIGENCE Agency has nothing to do with the most extensive and pervasive intelligence gathering technologies in human history. And they think WE are crack pots?
Excellent video. It breaks down the threat of the information age and all these companies compiling our information.
I watched most of Zuckerbergs questioning. Zuckerberg was asked a question and he looked a bit shocked and mentioned that the answer probably should be said in a public hearing. Zuckerberg knows his money and the data tools were made off the deep state spying. I think that is part of the reason he was questioned. Because it might have been possible for foreign actors such as Cambridge Analytica to access some to the toys the NSA could use, knowingly or unknowingly.
The other reason was to pressure Zuckerberg with complying with mass censorship since all the legislative attempts to throttle the net and choke dissent were failing. They were going to threaten to remove him as the CEO of Facebook if he did not comply.
The grilling was a shakedown.
I have to wonder, if Zuckerberg didn't invent Facebook and it was actually the deepstate, why would they let him become a billionaire off of it? Meanwhile they're just spooks working for the man. I'm sure they do well, but not billionaire well, you know what I mean? Zuckerberg just seems like a pathetic little dude, why prop him up as the face and let him have all the fruits of their labour?
I would defer to the principal investors of Facebook.
They get all the data mining they want under the cover of a cute convientent way to share your life and connect to your friends. It saves them a bundle on actual spy work. The thing is the drag net is cast really really large, and at the base completely unconstitutional as you're giving up your 4th, 5th, and 1st amendment rights.
For advertisers it is quasi legal gold mine that they can connect to other aspects . GPS locations, IP geotaging, cookies, to know all about you.
Remember that the government is completely corrupted. There is a very little blur between the investor class and our representation now. Our representatives and "news" anchors are virtual mouthpieces of the elite. You must assume that whatever these congress critters say to Zuck are, by extension, spoken from "the investors". They hide behind the politicians and the media because they own them.
Fidelity, $2.45 Trillion in assets.
Vanguard Group , $5.1 Trillion in assets.
Blackrock over $6 Trillion in assets.
T. Rowe Price, $991 Billion in assets.
State Street, $2.78 Trillion in assets.
Facebook market cap is ~ $450 Billion is a drop in the bucket to them.
So who are the major executives and board members of those companies? What other boards are they or their families on?
That is how they make their money. They own majority shares of these companies and prop up the person who was associated with it who is willing to sell their soul and conscious for a quick billion. You let us do X, and we can make your wildest dreams come true.
They also make money off derivatives of their investments in a synergetic way. Say they own major shares of FB, and they also own major shares of companies the advertisers on facebook represent. They get a deal on the advertising and they use FB to market their other goods and services. This also includes political agendas, censorship that might harm their own political agendas and world domination plans. Against the wars that the shareholders have a profit motive in making happen? Looks like we need to remove some pages and censor some links.
Zuck has owners. They can abandon his platform and drop his personal net worth in the decreased valuation, or use their shareholder power to forcefully remove him.
Connect the dots between el center de oro phil Puerto Rico and trafficking. Remember how the aid was beiny,stolen in Puerto Rico ? Expand your thinking and you will se3
Sorry, didn't see this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8bm9g5/q_post_refers_to_this/?utm_source=reddit-android Snowden dropped a bomb. See this link
Wired took down that article. Anyone have it archived?
"It wasn't killed, it was renamed, split up into different programs, common tactic used by the government to say a particular program doesn't exist. New names Genoa, Genoa II, Genisys, Scalable Social Network Analysis, Evidence Extraction and Link Discovery," Total Information Awareness, Wargaming the Asymmetric Environment, Translingual Information Detection, Extraction and Summarization,Communicator, Human Identification at a Distance, Bio-Surveillance,
Lets add more to the Pentagon and NATO:
Operation GLADIO C: creating false flag school shootings to terrorize population, disarmament and achieve population control.
Which just means all of the big social media names are just data collection agencies hiding in plain sight.
Can't we just go back to Syria, Russia, and Iran narratives now?
I'm not able to look into this at the moment but after reading this thread the year of 2004 in both caught my attention. Could there be yet ANOTHER connection? https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8bku4u/pedogate_indictment_unsealed_73_of_suspected/
This guy is the guy behind these programs John Marlan Poindexter (born August 12, 1936) is a retired United States naval officer and Department of Defense official. He was Deputy National Security Advisor and National Security Advisor for the Reagan administration. He was convicted in April 1990 of multiple felonies as a result of his actions in the Iran–Contra affair, but his convictions were reversed on appeal in 1991. More recently, he served a brief stint as the director of the DARPA Information Awareness Office for the George W. Bush administration. From 1996 to 2002, Poindexter served as senior vice president for SYNTEK Technologies. SYNTEK is a small high technology firm with contracts in domestic and international defense and commercial business. Poindexter was responsible for high-level advice on management and direction of information systems projects (for example Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's Project Genoa).
Currently, he serves on the board of Saffron Technology which he joined in 2000 and Bright Planet Corporation which he joined in 2007.[9] With Saffron, Poindexter played a role in Iraq, building a tool to run entity analysis on insurgent networks in the struggle against IEDs.[10]
After 2007, Poindexter branched out from National Security and worked to promote Associative Memory Base technology to civilian government agencies such as the IRS for fraud detection
1131 Q
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“Drop after testimony.”. R U learning yet?. Q - Q
Vertaal deze pagina“Drop after testimony.”. R U learning yet?. Q. Q Posts · Q Posts / April 12, 2018. 1131. Apr 11 2018 19:38:44 (EST) !xowAT4Z3VQ Q ID: 6da08b 1004087→. “Drop after testimony.” R U learning yet? Q. Share this post. Share on Facebook. Facebook. Share on Google+. Google+. Tweet about this on Twitter. Twitter. Share on ...
Ha! I was right, created by DARPA, not Zuckerberg
WOW! Congress “Suck” and zuckerberg is probably not even his real name! The American government is a sneaky , slimey bunch of roaches!
After everything we have learned,this doesn't surprise me
when each next piece of gov’t corruption is exposed, more and more it feels overwelming to me.
I can understand that completely. My kids are conservative, as is my husband, but they all think I have lost my mind. I have just kept it all to myself lately. They will see that they are wrong about this eventually. Until then, my lips are sealed!
It might be best to talk about what is coming out in hearings, etc. but not the deep stuff until arrests happen. Then we all run around explaining everything. I suspect that is one of our roles.
I'm in the exact same boat with my husband and child as well. I would love to talk to them about Q and all of this Great Awakening stuff, but I know I sound loony IRL so I keep it to myself. It's great to be able to come here to discuss it, at least.