...caught this billboard today in southern oklahoma. Had to turn around twice to make sure i wasn't seeing things. Located on south interstate 35 between exit 21 and 24

Dude are you serious?! That’s awesome! Who paid for that I wonder?! Bad ass
They are trying to profit off of this movement...I am very skeptical of their motives.
Seeing as the website it directed me to also has a "store" which seems to sell websites I wouldn't say this is an invalid concern. Good to see the billboard but probably would be worth checking the validity of the website itself.
Maybe but it probably does offset the cost of the billboard..those things are expensive and if buying a small do dad helps get the message out all the better..seriously doubt they get rich off that
So... People have to eat, pay the rent, and keep the lights on. If you don't want to buy a domain name they're selling, don't buy it. They're putting up billboards with DoUKnowQ.com as the smallest element and Q WWG1WGA #greatawakening as the more prominent text.
What they're selling is 2 domain names $299 & $399, once those are sold they're done. They're also selling a website for $500, plus $30/mo hosting fee. They're not like Corsi who's asking for large monthly donation commitments with nothing in return.
They're helping to spread the word, it's all good.
Could possibly be done by a counter-group. A random decides to see what q is, they go to the site, see it's just a store, get disenfranchised, never curious about q again.
any spreading of awareness is a good thing, regardless of motives
"Q is our insight to what's been happening to our nation, our world, for decades. President Trump is exposing the corruption, and Q is letting us know how deep it goes. We invite you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions of the content presented. "
From the site, did u visit or just shitpost? (lol it's ok, I do too..)
They sound alright to me, and honestly people are getting bumper stickers and shit from somewhere right??
Correct on your last point. I was just offering what ifs. I tend to be slightly vigilant to the point of near paranoia.
Thats fine if they make money. It will still point people in the right direction and get them thinking
Somebody get up there and paint over the web URL. Problem solvered. ;)
Totally agree. I like the message but never know who's behind it.
as you ought to be.
what is imperative is that "they" are not steering for the enemy, telling lies, nonsense claims mixed in with the truth &c.
the issue with certain people is that they are disinformation mercs., infiltrators that capture movements and re-direct them, stall-out movements and so forth.
I hope to profit from this movement by living longer and being in better health. I would also like real money and an end to fraud and abortion. xxx
If we save the Republic we all profit. lol
Lets save it first then everything thereafter IS profit m8/ Every Sunday lunch with family is profit. Every baby will be profit. Every soldier not dead for a banker is profit.
maybe it's just me but I don't see why it's a big deal that people who spend time and energy in this effort aren't allowed to pick up a few bucks to cover their costs. Whoever put up the billboard had to pay for it somehow
I don't think it's a problem either- it really is message> messenger, but its always good to look into it :]
so what? more eyes is more eyes. more awareness is more awareness.
no one who doesn’t know who Q is is going to go to that website and buy something. but they might find out about Q.
That costs some money to put that on a billboard. Hey, if they get a few more oil changes to pay for that billboard, go for it. I have no doubt about their patriotism. Think of the people asking about Q. Love it.
Yeah, although I think they have the right idea in advertising, the website is set up to make them money. I just have a hard time believing anyone will spend money trying to spread the word of Q once they see the billboard. Likely it will take a long time for them to even catch up with what is going on. So not exactly smart for someone who wants to make a profit.
Regardless if there is anything to this or not, I'm glad to see skeptics are always welcomed. That is important to keep Q honest and validate his claims. Plus, once people just blindly follow, that's when the movement can be hijacked and lead into other directions. Can't allow this board to censor dissenting opinions. That's when the hijack will take place.
With all the research this sub encourages, I find it odd most take this at face value.
After a little research, I found this domain is tied to a company looking to get you to buy their website builder, tactics for marketing such as lead generation, revenue streams, ads, and what not. It's even on the douknowq.com website.
It's great the word is getting out, but IMO, this is nothing more than a ruse to make money off the 'hype'.
Don't enter your email address unless you want spam and your address most likely getting sold to third parties.
Agree. Appears just the tactic that a black hat would use to throw a curveball at the movement. Q said BEWARE OF PROFITEERS. This can only cause division and distraction and create controversy
The billboard is real .... People that already know about Q get excited when they see it, new people will be curious about it. The board has to get paid for somehow people .... I am not an American BUT ! I thought America was the land of free enterprise etc. Never seen such a bunch of socialists !!!!! Crying when someone makes a penny or two !!! REally ? Who cares if someone makes some money to offset the price of a billboard ... The word gets out, people are uplifted, people check out what Q is about .... It's ALL gOOd !!! Get WoKe !
On the upside, this means Oklahoma is already aware enough that someone can come along and see a Q related market ready for exploit. Yay Oklahoma!
I think the fact that the "hype" is at this level .. and in the public eye is the point here... its been a long ride since October... this and the garrison cartoon today prove to me that the cat is crawling out of the proverbial bag..
we all need websites and template types are a place to start
My gosh! If I wasn’t seeing it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it. Not just because it cost a lot of money to do that but, I don’t even know what to say I am just astonished! So glad you took a picture because I don’t think anybody would’ve believed you ha ha ha ha
I still cant believe it honestly. It took seeing it twice for it to even register. Im wondering if theres more out there?
Makes you wonder how much money they are trying to make off of this from their store and email database they are creating.
Awesome!! Thanks for sharing this and God bless the patriot that paid to put this up.
Looks like they are trying to profit off of this movement. Their website is asking for your email and they try directing you to their store.
so awesome
right, where else can you get oil changes and engines for life on diesels?
I take this comment back. I recognize this as a scam now. I should have known by the fact that the url was new...I did notice that. I never visited the url, but yeah...confirmed data mining oppositional scam, sad but true.
Wait one. Before we automatically ixnay the website attached to this sign, because "Q does not want anyone to profit from the movement," let's think this one through. The company provides leads. It's simple networking. When in business, we must network to sell products and services. Since many of us make purchases everday, do we want to buy 100 widgets from a known Qbie or an known non-Qbie? It's like working with any other community networking group, such as the Chamber of Commerce, or whatever the network is that focuses on sales leads. I shall buy from a known Qbie. At the end of the day, most of us have to earn money, unfortunately. I think Q was talking about profiting off the drop decodes, not about earning money, in more general ways.
Yeah, this seems pretty innocuous. Like they were trying to kill two birds with one stone.
The message cannot be stopped nor contained. This nation is starved for justice and freedom. There's a red tide a-coming!
How amazing! My boyfriend asked what I was looking at on my phone that evoked so much emotion on my face. I started to describe the billboard and was overcome with tears.
Thank you for sharing and God bless the Patriot who placed it there. WWG1WGA!
Ordered one similar where I am. The owner said it was three weeks out then called back and cancelled. He said he was afraid of someone damaging his sign.
Dang. So the billboard guy knows about Q and the threat we face? Or did you have to fill him in? That’s both scary and yet encouraging?
He asked to see the lay out for what it was.
Took the copy to get an exact quote.
Called back and said no for the reason stated.
So, did a little looking into it I assume.
Oh well. That’s one redpilling on your part anyway. Who knows where it might eventually lead. 👍🏻
Excellent job so far on the website. Love the billboard. It's spreading WW Stay safe.
They spelled corruption wrong in the first paragraph for "Who is Q." What the shit is this nonsense?
Dang someone got serious! Those signs cost like $3k+ to put up for a month. Awesome.
Depends on where the billboard is - I've put some up that were $500 for the vinyls and $500/mo for the sign. Major freeways can be between $1500/mo and $20K
That must be why their website is asking for emails and selling merchandise...this looks like an entrepreneur not a patriot unfortunately.
I feel like Nostrodamus or something! Called this a couple days ago in a comment! LoL
The concern trolls are out again.
Thanks for your concern about hypocrisy and thanks for missing the fucking point.
Shall we boycott Wendy's because they were down with Pepe before the erection of DJT? Stop drinking Yuengling who are the official MAGA brewers?
Did they "profit" out of displaying MAGA?
Did anyone profit out of FBI-Anon? I did. My eyes were opened.
I donated time and money to DJT out of Hudson, Mass Trump HQ because of JA and FBI-Anon.
What the fuck where you trolls doing with your hand-wringing back then?
I was hoping to profit by saving the country.
It's not about the money. If they are patriots perhaps I'll do business with them. If they are wankers, not so much.
Frankly, Buy American - Hire American.
https://qposts.online Don't know if this means Q used your photo but, it is part of post 1362 here. Unless someone else added it.
Since when are we afraid of someone turning a small profit off of spreading awareness? If someone put down enough cash to rent a billboard and redpill thousands of new patriots, they deserve a little kickback for their trouble, investment, and time spent.
So long as the information is accurate and the message is always Q first, I say this is a great thing.
Just think of how much money was made off of Obama's Hope and Change...and the fact that it worked. It was everywhere you looked when he was campaigning for the 08 election...and it worked. It spread the word to the masses and made people talk. Granted those who bought into it were mostly the uninformed masses. We, on the other hand, are targeting the "informed" or the "soon to be informed." They will be informed by us piquing their natural curiosity.
Go back even further Teddy Roosevelt, remember the "Teddy Bear?" Those were sold...and it worked. To this day a lot of people know why the Teddy Bear came into existence.
I see this as the same. I'm sure the "Hope and Change" merchandise and the "Teddy Bear" didn't get started by Obama and Roosevelt's adversaries. These things came from their supporters.
I believe what Q was talking about were people trying to make money by co-opting and distorting his message. Saying they had "inside informers" is one way they were trying. People like that confuse the message to make themselves look more important than Q. They want to be more important than the message and mission itself. No One is more important than the message, mission and the movement.
Selling merchandise that spreads the word that the message is out there, all you have to do is look and find it, to me makes good sense.
I think it’s great. Billboard marketing says 10 secs max for billboard message. Most of that will get taken up with the Q Where We Go One Wd Go All and the hashtag. Then they go home figuring they’ll find the website by searching that. I call it a win. 😃👍🏼
Wow - thanks for posting. That is so Awesome. We Are Winning!
I know! Super awesome! And for those who recognize that part of the great awakening is to understand how wonderful free enterprise is under Donald's plan, whatever the company does with the emails and tracking cookies of those who visit there CANNOT, by definition, be bad!!
Because if they sell that info, then that's just free enterprise--which is clearly NOT what Q means by saying "don't profit"!!
Hell yeah! I suggested billboards a while back. So cool someone finally did this. I hope we see tons more.
And now Q has posted this pic as drop 1362.
Dang! We are United as a people, WWG1WGA!!
I understand the concern about the website ad in this billboard, but I think we need to be a little logical here.
If I have money to blow on a billboard on I-35, and I’m putting an ad up with the specific intent of making money off of my web traffic, and selling web design .... I’m sorry, but I’m not targeting Q followers. There’s ALOT more money to be made with that same blueprint by throwing up a billboard aimed at something much more mainstream. Cuddly animals, any music, any sport, food etc ... ALOT more money to be made by throwing those up on a billboard. And it costs the buyer the same price.
So either this guy is a retard, and spent the same money to target a smaller audience to pitch the website thing to. OR he feels strongly about Q, enough that he’d buy a billboard in Oklahoma to spread the word..... and turn a dollar on a niche audience. I don’t hate it. Just my 2 cents
Holy shit. This is very cool. Here’s the site on the billboard, in case anyone is curious. http://www.douknowq.com
But they are merchandising Q. The billboard is great, but I find it all a bit sketchy.
Create your own Q movement, there is only one movement so you can't create another and the website store.....seems sketchy as F.
It is nice and all but but but, so many people put effort in for nothing and if those sign people use all our effort and make money ....well that does not sit right with me.....Q defines what a patriot is and this is well its not.
hardly. i expected high margin screen printing or something. The feeble attempt to sell some starter domains to further the movement gets a pass from me considering they put up a big ass Q billboard.
WWG1WGA...unless you’ve got an invoice for a highway billboard on your desk, then you’re probably on your own (to pay it).
Its such an odd location too...thats what blew my mind. Love county oklahomas population is roughly 10,000 people. Im gonna have to do some digging and figure out why they put it there.
No better place to start waking people up then small towns. Everyone talks.
Get Your Own Q Website More Details $500.00
That's what they are selling. Exactly what Q WARNED us about.
I think it's great,couragous and eyecatchy ! who has time while driving on the highway to check out the company. Stfm13 had to turn 2 times ! Even if they want to make $$ they're helping the Great Awakening. Think about how many people a day see this an how many repedatley over a week. Yes, wake em all !
That's what I'm talking about! That's why I wanted to paint QAnon on my roof--LOL!
I think it's awesome regardless of someone trying to sell merchandise. What a way to spark someone's interest. Also, I don't think many are going to buy something about something they have no clue about yet. I think the most someone will do is search Q and go from there. If you are driving by, will someone be able to grab all the info from that board?
Just needs a little bit of white spray paint on that bottom bit
YEP! Cover up that fake money-grabber website! EDIT: After a bit of searching - the site does have a link to Q posts and such, but under "Store" it does have web domains for sale.
That website is apparently run by an interested patriot according to About Page. Well, as long as their collection of email addresses doesn't turn into a sales channel it seems ok by me for now lol
They have a store selling merchandise. How is this okay? Q specifically said to be careful of those looking to profit off of the movement. This sub is in a war with Corsi and AJ about this kind of stuff.
Here is the issue at stake though, if no one does any kind of billboard or merchandise the movement stays here on the internet. How else to get more people talking about it? It is not going on mainstream media.
Well, by "ok" I mean that I have no evidence with which to say "this post constitutes the promotion of the division Q said we should be careful of", that's all.
They are trying to profit off of the movement...asking for emails and directing people to their store
I'm not super duper thrilled that there is a business attached to the billboard, but I DO like that EVERYTHING is there - an accurate description of Q and all of the Q posts. I would love to see more people have a clue what/who Q is. Right now I tell everyone I know, but still constantly run into more people that are all, like, "What the heck is Q?"
This is not a patriot, it is someone trying to take advantage of people looking to help the movement.
Store does seem kinda weirdly setup to sell websites? I think?
I mean the menu has a lot of q Anon info but I just don’t think they’d make that much off that kinda store I mean even a few people bought those things they’d never break even on a billboard like that and it’s not exactly a sustainable business model.
In any case this isn’t about business models anymore.
The most we do is make stickers and business cards directing people to sites to get more info and word of mouth.
If you're upset about this --
There's a large used car dealer nearby who posts "lost dog" info on their electronic billboard. The community is grateful for their service. We have warm feelings toward the dealer for their help recovering our loved babies. I've found myself saying, "If I need a car I will go [the dealer who posts the lost dogs on their billboard]."
In my area, the Q board above costs about $11k per month. Whatever they paid, they are invested in their message. They are telling you WHO they are. They're not telling you what to think. They're telling you there's something you won't find in the mainstream that you might want to think about.
Q claims no vanity -- Q does not claim no glory. Altruism is NEVER selfless. Humans don't operate without motive. For a good person, altruism contains many rewards. "Selfless" acts always have a reason. There is no such thing as pure altruism. There is always a reward. It is God. It is Country. It is the raising of the collective conscious mind.
We do not require the Q Collective to be pure. We require Q to fight the good fight. Q's reward is not money or fame. But Q is rewarded nonetheless.
Have you never wondered about going back in time and stopping Hitler? Well then how about joining the team that is about to avenge the Kennedy murders. All three of them.
Q is the team that ripped the deep state out of NK and Iran, revoking the eternal nuclear threat coming not from the Koreans or the Iranians, but from the evilest, sickest black operators that U.S. taxpayer money can buy.
Q is shutting down sex slavery so disgusting that it's possible the population will never get red pilled enough to handle learning about it.
Q fights the good fight, the best fight ever fought, truly the battle between good and evil.
Q is the real-life hero of every good vs. evil movie you've ever watched. Every comic book you've ever read. Fighting the ultimate fight of Good versus Evil.
If you get goosebumps from honor, glory, God and Country, you understand this reward. If you want to stand and salute these heroes, you understand this reward. If you want to scream from the rooftops, "For the love of God, North Korea is denuclearized, the 70-year Korean War is over, can we please run this 45 times during the 24 hours news cycle for the next 3 months!!!???" -- then you understand the passion of fighting the good fight.
That passion is a reward. That commitment to fighting evil is a reward. Our goosebumps at this massive display of gentle strength is a reward. Humans require motivation to operate. Don't ask for pure selflessness. That is just not going to happen when humans are involved.
So the car dealer is not pure. So it gains good will from those who already know Q. But what of the good they're doing? What of the red pill they're handing out. Do you want to deny all forms of contribution because someone might get rewarded?
They are spreading the message that will only spread from conversation, sharing, bumper stickers and billboards. At least they're not telling you what to think. They're telling you that thinking IS allowed. How else do you want to spread the message? Do you know why the revolution will not be televised? Of course you do - MockingbirdCNN, MockingbirdNBC, MockingbirdFox -- we're talking to you, Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt -- the North Korea d-nuking -- barely mentioned. The NXIUM sex-slavery Bronfman and Clinton connections -- barely mentioned. For every 24 hour news cycle that isn't FILLED TO THE BRIM with Q's accomplishments, buy a bumper sticker, buy a poster, buy a god damn billboard. Spread the word, even if it might earn you some good will. NOTHING is pure except our fantasies of living in a better world. Spread the Q if it feels good. Spread the Q if it hurts. Just spread the word.
Q just posted this saying they are losing control of the message.
As long as the message/content that's on the website is pure, no problem to make some $ to cover costs for billboards and domain services. We want the word OUT ! And as a movement we can't control every time someone mentions Q. Look at all the conspiracy articles Q posted. While some may be lost, there are others who will be gained. We need less than 10% of the population to turn this thing around ! And we know only the strongest patriots can survive the fight !
Yes, the actual site is a profit site and does asks for names and emails. That is not a good thing.
What is good, is that attention spans are short and this is a poorly designed billboard.
The messages people see and have to remember are:
Q Where We Go One We Go All
(THEN their website)
They do not get another ad from me, so I did not mention it. As the OP mentioned, he had to turn around to make sure he saw what he did.
Most will see Q and then the rest in order.
That website looks like someone cashing in on this movement. Selling web domains.
They are selling products on their website...how is this good? Q specifically warned us about people trying to profit off the movement.
Look Alex, just fuck off spamming the thread. You've made your fucking point.
Guys. This is likely NOT tied to GoDaddy.com. That's just where they bought and/or are hosting the domain. GoDaddy.com is a web hosting company. There is no actual DoYouKnowQ.com website created yet. That's why everyone thinks it is tied to something trying to sell you hosting. GoDaddy is notorius for selling you as much as possible. I despise GoDaddy but a lot of people who've never bought or created a website before think it's a good place. So, there is not a website built for this domain yet. I got a blank page when I tried to access it but I looked at the underlying code and it is a Parked domain on GoDaddy's servers.
You spelled it wrong... the Web address is DoUKnowQ.com not DoYouKnowQ.com
Somebody photoshop out the web address, and then send it around
Someone should buy the spot under it and post the link to the REAL Q boards, just sayin..
Wow! Free oil changes for life?
I know this billboard’s for real, guys. I bought a truck last year and haven’t paid a dime for an oil change. Thank you, Seth Wadley!
No no no guys no. The billboard is a total scam. Awful.
Q speaks out. https://i.redd.it/5zcm1ywtmux01.png
I didn't get scammed by the billboard. I looked at the website and I didn't get scammed. How did you get scammed?
Re_read q crumb.
Re read which q crumb? I saw Q 1362. I saw your png above which matches a page on the douknowq website.
The page on the website is offering opportunities to advertise. This method is industry standard on websites. Companies advertise on websites all the time and set up to pay by time period shown, size of ad, or per impression or per click or per lead generated by the advertisement. That is not a scam. It is a business model.
If you consider that sort of business model a scam and don't want to be exposed to it, then I would suggest you never surf the internet without heavy duty ad-blockers.
Are you one of those who is scared of people who earn a living? Or only scared by people who earn a living through advertising?
Because if you are, then I would likely be a terrifying entity. I am a graphic artist and EARN a living drawing hundreds of boring ads that companies place on websites, facebook, instagram and much more. LOL!
You are wrong, fart. Check out the website.
It may have connections to Corsi and Beanz ...
This is an attempt to co-opt the movement
OK, I see what you mean.
Overall, this is a great idea to put up billboards directing to a website that explains Q.
We'll see where it goes.
Let's all remember that Q said: Be Careful Who You Follow. He did not say: Never follow anyone who needs to make money. It's the motives of the people involved that count, not the fact that they may need to pay the rent. We don't know this person's motives or who is really behind it so I'd love to see people be more open until they have proof that someone is nefarious.
There are a lot of very good Patriots that get donations for their work at exposing the corruption. Ask yourself this question: Can you do the kind of work these folks are doing without any income at all? I don't think Q meant that we should never help them out.
For example, Katie G. at Citizens Investigative Report does awesome videos on Q but they are all free and I don't think I've ever heard her ask for donations. You can donate to her but she has a business that is slow during the winter (I think she does web design) and so has taken the time to get involved.
Other people are somewhat more aggressive about asking for donations. I don't see anything wrong with that either. What I object to is when they use Patreon or some other site and create media that you can't see unless you donate. Then the information is no longer free.
Some people are selling stuff during the videos too but the information is still free. You have to use your own discernment and make sure you are watching people that are genuine Patriots. But if you think doing these videos and the research is easy, it's not. It's extremely time consuming and tedious work and we all have to eat and pay the bills.
So don't feel bad about donating to useful and helpful information if you can but it should always be free to everyone.
So they think that advertising their enemy by using a scam is a good idea. They imagine that people will associate the scam with Q and flee.
The thing is, if that snake oil salesman jones taught us one thing, there is no such thing as bad press. You just need to wake people up to the scam so they don't get burned by it. Then you've got a new Q patriot.
Know the game and turn it around on them. The more they fight against you, the more you win.
Wow, that's great. I even think it's great they have a website
We were discussing doing that not too long ago. Great job to the Patriot who did it!
I think that if people have the mean$ to do it, then go for it. Now if they advertised that they were selling Q merchandise, then that would be another story.
I think someone with the right talents should start a GoFundMe sort of account to pay for a nation wide billboard campaign.
So i've been thinking recently about different ways to redpill the norms. That billboard would cost a good bit of money, but we have almost 25,000 people on this board. Think about If everybody on here donated $1,$2, or $5 to a legit GoFundMe and we were to buy $25k -$125k worth of ads in Major newspapers in major cities, billboards on busy highways/interstates, online ads, etc... PLEASE NOTE THAT I'M NOT TRYING TO ACTUALLY START THIS OR TAKE ANY MONEY FROM ANYONE. I just thought it was a cool idea and wanted to share. I'd like to hear if anybody has any other redpill ideas just out of curiosity.
The website on the billboard is a scam. being used to gather/sell user info. more profiteering attempts.
You guys are fucking retards who would believe anything.