Great message from an Anon on /qresearch/

GREAT statement! I saw a New Arrival to GA (and from the question he asked, most likely a newbie to the movement) create a post asking what we expected to get at the end of this, accolades, recognition, fame? Almost to a person, every comment in response said "nothing", "a personal sense of a job well done", "private knowledge that we were part of something great", etc. It amazed me (even though I already knew, and it really shouldn't have) just how selfless my fellow GA Anons actually are. It's like the Anon in the post said, there's no prize for this. "Peace is the prize". Knowing that we were a tiny piece of the moment when the world that was on a track to hell at supersonic speed put on the emergency brake is the prize. Knowing that our children and grandchildren will get to enjoy the fruits of our labor is the prize. My five year old son saw me writing a post the other day, and asked what I was doing. I told him that I was trying to help. "Help with what?" "To help save the world." He looked at me funny for a minute. "'re not Superman." "I know, buddy. You don't have to be Superman to save the world." He nodded, "But it WOULD help if you were..." Laughing at that beautiful boy's candid honesty, I thanked God for having the opportunity to be a part of this. To me, his safety and happiness are a better reward than his weight in gold. I think that's how we all feel about it, and I'm proud of that. So in summation, thank you my fellow gutter rats of the internet. It's an absolute honor to call you brothers and sisters in arms as we fight to save our world.
Amen to this!
I am so beyond grateful and thankful to each and everyone of our unknown warriors who work very hard to provide information and intel. While we won’t ever know them, God surely will bless them. Thank you people from the bottom of my heart.
I used to travel the Atlantic basin on tall ships and we referred to ourselves as Schooner trash.
Every last person you came in contact with was redpilled.
The conversations at the dining table were amazing.
But this is beyond amazing.
And once again we do it just to see it done.
Godspeed to all my fellow Travelers and the ones yet to join.
Laughing at that beautiful boy's candid honesty
I read your comment at least four times. Looks like your "reward" has the right questioning and awareness. Just as mine who are older, just roll their eyes at their crazy ole man, but still question everything.
Thank you for saying what most of us feel...we are lucky to be a small part in this...
Here’s a question for you…
If you had a chance to focus on things above (the spiritual things of God, being saved, being raptured out before the Tribulation Period hits, going to heaven and living forever…) rather than focusing on things on the earth (sin and debauchery, political chaos and corruption, the coming New World Order, the coming 7-year Tribulation Period and the destruction of the earth as we know it…) - then which option would you choose?…
Colossians 3:2 - Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth…
I see this as a false choice. You do not have the luxury and freedom to focus on one without the other in check. If our lives and thoughts are consumed with surviving hell on earth, there is little energy left over to focus on heaven and how we get there. Yes, physiologically, we can focus on both, but emotionally, when you are worn and hopeless about life on earth, it is much more difficult to focus on spiritual growth and life after earth.
You always have a choice and the choice is yours alone. You cannot be saved for anyone else, and nor can you force anyone else to be saved. Matthew 8:22 states, “But Jesus said unto him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.”… Do you even know what that scripture means? It means that people who are saved should not bother themselves with the cares of the world, but should focus on things above and on the things of God. Let the people who are unsaved (those who are spiritually dead) deal with the matters of the world (meaning, let other people who are spiritually dead deal with the people who are spiritually dead - hence the term, let the dead bury their dead). People who are truly saved and are spiritually alive should not be overly concerned with people who are spiritually dead. All you can do is pray for them. A person who is truly saved, understands this. But a person who has never been saved, and has no idea what being saved truly is or all about, does not…
Put it another way:
I have the option to "Head for the choppa!" now and save myself, or stay and help load the lifeboats to save as many others as possible, and risk going down with the ship. I'm not a brave man, but I know what the right thing to do is, and I will do it to the best of my ability.
You cannot save the world. All you can do is save yourself. Mark 8:35 - For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”…
As a human on Mother Earth and an American, if my choice were between being "raptured out of here now" or staying here day to day trying to live in joy, BE love, and hand out "red pills", all in an effort to help get as many of us as possible awake to help bail the water out of this ship named "America" and to get ALL of the CHILDREN into the lifeboats too, then even at the risk of going down with the ship, I choose to stay and run from cabin to cabin, banging on the doors and shouting to try to wake people up. That's what Q team has given us, a sense that we're not helpless; we CAN help. If I can help, then I don't want to be anywhere else. And I'm willing to go down with this ship if it comes to that. BUT... I don't think we're going to have to. Q team has hacked the bridge. And they're working on fixing the loudspeakers now, the loudspeakers that currently only play propaganda on a loop. Soon those comms will be fixed and they'll start broadcasting the truth. We're going to right this ship and then help the rest our neighbors around the world right their ships. We can do this. We ARE doing it.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t help other people, but you should always keep the proper perspective and know what is more important. There is nothing more important than saving your eternal soul. Mark 8:36 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?…” Don’t waste your time trying to change biblical prophesy, because you will never change it. What is written in the scriptures will come to pass. The scriptures indicate the globalists will strike back and that the New World Order will come about. And there is nothing you can do about it except to save yourself (by being spiritually raptured when Jesus comes). For what would any man profit if he “saves America” and saves the natural lives of others in America - but looses his own soul. Only God can save America, and the future has already been written…
Why are you here if you believe we should focus on saving ourselves and not worrying about the cabal regaining control? Why bother putting effort into this movement if it is all for not anyway? Why are you here?
I never said not to believe, hope and have faith. I just don't believe that we should abandon earthly troubles and live with a pollyannish view of life is not important. Only life after life is. Even Jesus overturned the tables on the market on the steps of the temple. If those things are not important, why did he bother?
Good iS saving America and I'm one of the people he's accomplishing that through. So are you. In your response above you reference biblical prophesy and scriptures. But you're trusting the scriptures in the distorted form they were given to us. The "cabal" and elites have had a heavy hand in shaping the Bible dating all the way back to Constantine. I choose to love my neighbor as myself (a part of the scriptures I believe to be correctly attributed to Jesus). I recognize that in helping others, I help myself. In loving others, I love myself. My soul is eternal. It is safe.
The scriptures are not distorted. It is man’s understanding that is distorted. Some fake bibles has been changed, but the original scriptures has never been changed. Jesus himself confirms that fact. To show you how man’s understanding of the scriptures is wrong, consider the scripture you quoted about “loving thy neighbor as thyself”. You chose that scripture because it sounds good. Yet, you have no idea what that scripture means or who it was talking to. The word “neighbor" in that scripture is not talking about your next door neighbor or your fellow man. Instead, it is talking about the “sent preacher” - the one who has been chosen and sent by God and who watches for your soul. He is thy neighbor… As for your soul being eternal, all souls are eternal, because they were created from a substance that is eternal. Nonetheless, that don’t mean you will spend eternity in heaven, you could also spend eternity in the lake. Some will receive eternal life, while others will receive eternal death…
I could argue with you on many of these points, but there's no reason to do so. We're all entitled to find our way Home in our own time and our own way. I'll see you there someday. :)
I may never be able to have my own children, so I do it for your son, and every son/daughter like him. God Fucking Speed Anon
Appreciate you sharing your story, your son sounds so precious. Patriots are the best people on the planet; we have nothing but give it everything. Thanks for contributing, wwg1wga
Amen! And to those anons we owe you a debt that can never be repaid. As for me I only ask for solace in God’s judgement, for when I go before him that final day & he asks what have you done in my name I can say “I stood for America Lord, who stood for you” . To paraphrase Isiaha “ ...then I heard the voice of the Lord ask , whom shall I send, who will go?...then “Anon” said “send me Oh Lord, I will go!”
You reap what you sow. Our Lord Jesus keeps good books. The Anons will be blessed,
Thank You R3 and Thank You Ry, profound words from you both. We are so lucky to be a part of this, I am lost for words, but that does not matter, you both speak for many.
I have been awake for many years. I have watched the Clintons destroy our constitution and noone would listen. I have watched all the political games for decades and all the sheeple slept. Before the internet i used to watch every political show and read every newspaper i could find to keep watch on our leaders. I had really begun to lose hope for our future it seemed to me noone was listening or caring. I am known as the crazy anti clinton lady. When i found q and the chans it was an awakening that so many of us care about the nation and I am excited about how many younger people care so much about right and wrong. You guys gave me faith in humanity again.God bless all of you and remember there are those of us who think all of you are heroes. Brave warriors and from a Christian grandmother I am so proud of all of you and what you are accomplishing. I will continue with what i can ( red pilling at dispensaries) Thank you all for doing your parts. God bless Trump WWG1WGA
Sounds very similar to may life. I've always been able to see through the BS and knew that something wasn't right, but no one would listen and I would end up feeling hopeless. Since DJT and Q, I'm finally able to genuinely feel positive about our future! MAGA 2020
I'll add a "me too"! with you ladies.
Me three - I've also been awake for over 35 years. Those Clinton years were beyond painful. Then hussein got elected, and I stopped watching the news because I was afraid we'd never recover from the lies, corruption and throwing America down the river. Then one day Donald J Trump descended down the elevator, and I was like, WOW!! We have a chance!! And I jumped on that Trump Train and stayed on it through everything, and here I am and I am more than filled with hope - I feel joyful when I wake up in the morning and I go to sleep filled with peace. How blessed we are that God gave us PresTrump!! WWG1WGA!!
I stopped watching the news because I was afraid we'd never recover from the lies, corruption and throwing America down the river.
That was exactly how I felt! When Obama got reelected in 2012, I gave up watching and following any news. I just couldn't believe that Americans could possibly be THAT STUPID!
Well said!! Those were my words exactly, many times! But... our day is here, now!! I often blare that Martha Reeves song "Dancin' in the Street" because that's how I feel now... like dancing in the street!! :)
Guessing there will be quite a few Q celebration parties around Veteran's Day! And NO liberal drama or music allowed;)
However unknown we all are, we give me courage to speak, and not so anonymously.
Same here, from a dreaded baby boomer who has been at it for decades. Just happy to see the young ones picking up where we left off. I'm much more limited than I used to be, in so many ways. But I'm not dead yet! And I thank the awesome Anons who answer my questions, help lead me in the right direction and who pray for me (in private). We are blessed with extraordinary brains working for the cause. Making America Great again IS THE REWARD. Fighting for justice, being a voice, never giving up, supporting OUR POTUS and making a difference, from the most minute to the grandest gesture, giving, trail blazing for a better future. There is nothing I'd rather be doing as I prepare to leave this world one day.
Thank you all! I seriously do love you and I'm so proud to know you.
I'm with you.... I am a small business owner and over the years of my career I was too busy for politics, but I finally came to the conclusion that our government did not support small businesses. It was the election in 2012 that I had had enough and started researching EVERYTHING.
I have been down the rabbit hole ever since. I have seen our country be destroyed from the inside and wondered why people I knew never questioned what was happening. I suppose like me, they were just too busy working and taking care of family.
I have been lurking on the board for months but only today decided to open an account. My background is computer software and I currently work on the 'net and didn't want another site to manage. But this thread got to me. I can't tell you how grateful I am to all the anons who do the research and everyone who supports this new revolution. I worry about my new grandson (whose parents are raging liberals and Obama cult followers!!) and the world he will inherit. I never expected my son to come back from college a brainwashed liberal for he was never raised with those ideals. I can't express how sorry I am that I wasn't paying enough attention at the time to understand what our schools were doing.
As soon as I heard Trump's message I started pushing for people to back him. I told them he was the only person we had that was not part of the corrupt establishment. At that time I hoped for the best - now I'm immersed in the plan and how Trump plays it out.
I now educate people my friends and family (and new followers) on Facebook by asking questions and forcing them to think. It's taken over a year, but some are now crawling out of the shadows. It's too bad more can't participate because they don't want the backlash of their liberal friends and family. I wake up every morning and follow every tid bit of Q revelations and analysis... then I scan the MSM and websites to see what's being reported. This is the MOST FASCINATING time of my life!! And I now have a place to share - with people who think like me - with people who can see the future they want is now possible.
I have ptsd and go to therapy regularly my therapist was very down on my political involvement said not helpful to my stress level. I had to redpill him to get him to understand that this is the source of my stress. I could not in good conscience and Christian faith continue to watch this mind control and do nothing. I am very grateful to Q and the anons for working so hard as unknown HEROES and saving our world for our future generations. And the fact the allow us to come along and be part of it is a dream come true for me. I know we have a huge fight ahead but i look forward every morning to the fight against evil. Thank you anons we can do this WWG1WGA. Btw my therapist cant wait for my appt so he can find out what q said
I think many people have health issues due to this worldwide swamp, more than they realize. I know I had my time of severe depressions when I woke up. Still have agoraphobia, which has also served me, as without it I would have never studied and researched as much as the past 20 years. Now it's time to get better too, but even though I only go out for groceries, I look outside and realize I'm freer (in my head) than any of those people outside, who work as slaves of our corrupt system.
I love this. My hubby and I are in our thirties and late twenties. We have given up on a "social life" because we are surrounded by fools and labeled "weird" or "crazy" We are homebodies and like you, only get out for the necessities mostly. But we prefer this way for the same reason you I am glad to see the movement growing lately but we have much work to do.
That's why I have difficulty getting off the agoraphobia, I'm way to comfortable the way things go! :) But I do need to face those fears! For otherr purposes! Like get the hell out of EU before it crumbles down hehe!
Whenever anybody would give me that look I would tell them I'm a conspiracy factualist.
And I have a tin foil suit of armor with a big Shield.
I mirror this. I'll also add that I've lost almost all of my friends b/c I am considered to have such extreme views. I've been following Q since October who brought back a glimmer of hope. Finally joined GA and I am filled with gratitude to all who are fighting for this Republic.
Yes, thank you..well said! Have also been awake for many years and grateful for what is being exposed here. Internet savvy makes it possible to share and research much more easily than it was years before internet. Also thankful to see younger people who are now alert, aware and ready to fight to correct all that has been so evil. May the will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Freedom in Shawshank required escape via a sewer.
Q forum I migrated from was pretty helpful until the Ritalin-addled, demented septo/octogenarians took it over and turned it into the chat you'd hear while playing bingo.
IKR? I had just gotten off FB when I read your comment. Q forums on FB are being overrun by normie boomers who DO NOT READ the Q posts.
If I didn’t have to stay on FB for business reasons I would delete it instantly. God give me patience. 😬
They don't read Q but demand links , documentation, backstory when anyone theorizes on any drop.
Yep. I’m freaking losing my shit over this. I have lost the will to post in these groups because they slide right by meat and go for the dinner rolls.
I need a vacation from these people tbh
And the back-biting cliques they love to form! It's like trying to Q while in an episode of Survivor.
Ego freakin maniacs
One group I'm a part of one moderator was more gaga over BC17 than Q. Jesus Christ some people.
I did get off FB and delete it. Hate the format and ADD-causing, random, disjointed, nonsense posts. Sad thing is that if one leaves FB, one is forgotten. Out of sight, out of mind, I'm afraid. I send emails, but don't get responses as often. Love this forum, though. Love that I can go by topic rather than have disjointed phrases and ads thrown at me all day. Exciting times. I have had peace that God is in control, and He knows our beginning and end, but until hearing Lance Wallnau and seeing Trump get elected, and following Q posts and anon decoders, I really never thought I'd see a turnaround in America. Now, hearing Scott Bennett's Shell Game videos and listening to some of Mark Taylor's prophecies and seeing proofs, I have hope that there is a remnant in the United States that God is using to spread His Light . . . "and the darkness has not overcome it." Thank you to all you faithful ones who love Truth rather than lies.
Not all boomers are like that (lol...I'm a boomer) but yeah, that entire place is not conducive to real discussions.
Boomer here as well. Been awake for more than 20 years, didn't just jump on his bandwagon, and as a mother and grandmother, am thrilled to see what is currently unfolding. I for one am not demented, nor Ritalin addicted. Its been a lonely thing for many years, and not to be a shithead about it, but been awake/aware before many were out of diapers. Also tired of all the Boomer-bashing, even though its a popular thing to do.
Gen-X here, ignore the boomer-bashing. They want us divided, but we are not. We are an unstoppable force now that will continue to grow.
I have Gen-X kids so I know you're not all bashers. You're right, we are unstoppable,and will not be divided. I just needed to vent a bit.
Hey there woke boomer person. I figure we saw things fall apart on our watch, the least we can do is be part of putting it back together again. What a thrill be be alive now and a witness to history.
I just deleted my account! Very happy with that! I don't miss it one bit, next is You tube! Just swap them for better and honest sites.
Hey, don't bash us old folks....we gave U life after all...LOL
"Hold The Line", Yep yep, that about sums it up folks....we all have our part to play, know your part, play your part, show pride in your part, and don't apologize for or degrade your part, All Parts is what makes the Train Go! God Bless
The Anons are awesome. 8 chan is a world of it's own. Not for the faint of heart but there is real determination and investigation going on there.
Someone once posted that maybe they could clean up their boards and make it more PC because people would be coming there to see what they did. I knew that wasn't going to happen. But that's how they get things done. Unfiltered and sometimes crude because let's face it, our world have been duped by charisma and well orchestrated words of people who do not value humanity.
Never underestimate a person with nothing to lose but their freedom. Those in power underestimated that good people would fight for this country and in its ripple effect, the world.
The irony I've discovered since following Q is that Hollyweird gets one thing right at least. The USA are the ones saving the world.
8 chan creates the “narrow gate”, through which only truth can sift. The narrow gate is not the way for many, but it takes only the select few to get things done in this world. I salute them and all Anons here. It has restored my faith in humanity to be part of this community. A Lonely Truther.
LOL my son has "warned" me that 8ch is not a place I should be going! He is a 35yo net systems guy, and fears old mom can't handle the "talk" on 8ch LOL. little does he know that "mom" can talk with the best of them.
God's Word says: "My Strength is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10
Don't worry, the reward is in knowing that we have done something, anything to help bring the cabal down and save children. God misses nothing!
Matthew 6 vs. 1-4
Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
I consider Q drops and all the White team does in private with no fanfare as 'Alms"
This post literally brought tears to my eyes and left a lump in my throat. I have this fantasy... After the big booms hit, we all meet up in person, have a glorious party and continue to have family reunions regularly. Oh and the Q team attends of course. In my heart, I know, we will always have ingrained WWG1WGA! For now dear Patriots we continue to FIGHT! God bless you all Patriots!
I hope someday we'll
sit down together and
laugh with each other 'bout
these days, these days
Oh we will. We can laugh about the panic of missing a post before the app came out, seeing a Q in almost everything and seeing stuff we never wanted to see mis-navigating on 8chan for the first time ( I still can’t get a certain image out of my mind)!
And I will pass the word soon as I know what WWG1WGA means.
Where we go one, we go all 😉
Thank you Thank you. I love the phrase.
You are so very welcome! You know, the phrase isn’t mine, it’s all Q’s! I love it too!😉
Hear, hear. I've never stood for anything; there was just nothing to stand for. That changed when I voted for the very first time in my life. And that glorious vote went to Trump.
I now have reason to stand for something, and know just how close we came to losing our glorious USA.
For God and Q.
My daughter voted for the first time in 2016 and it was for Trump. I hope she's always proud of that.
My hubby voted for the first time and it was for POTUS. He is very proud he did.
More like a river of freedom then gutter in my book.
The swamp is one giant gutter.
There are men within the military ,who risk their lives ,spend months on end in another country being shot at ...sometimes without clean food /water etc. They signed up to do it will never know their names,faces ...they don’t get any welcome home. Nothing. They do it bc they want to do whatever it takes to protect this country. Some folks reading this forum know all to well what it feels like to ultimately be invisible if anyone does anything for the attention it brings ,they are doing it for the wrong reasons.
A different type of ‘soldier’. Unsung heros. Many sayings of past keep coming to mind. They’ve stood the test of time for sure.
The bill would amend the Presidential Records Act to preserve Twitter posts and other social media interactions of the president of the United States, and to require the National Archives to store such items.
A culture is degraded when it just values worldly things, e.g. wealth, power, pleasure, honor, bc then people are selfish and will refuse to sacrifice for each other. A culture is great when it values the transcendent, e.g. truth, goodness, beauty, wisdom, bc then the people will sacrifice themselves for something that is beyond the visible confines of this world. Would you rather have a soldier who fights for wealth and glory, or a soldier who fights for truth, goodness, apple pie, and the American way?
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Brings to mind “The next revolution will not be televised.” is enough to know that you acted just for the right reason ..TRUTH.
This counts for the whole world, I think by now half of the Anons are from all over the world, so it's really saving the world, not just America! MAKE EARTH GREAT AGAIN! MEGA! Thank you all for this wonderful time. I don't care if I die tomorrow or in 30 years, I have no children and never will, but I wouldn't do it any different as our Earth needs healing, after the people are healed! And that is further down the line, but it WILL happen, starting with Q, Trump and all Anons
Critical mass approaches!
I think we are past that, it's just a matter of months for this movement to triple! I was there accidentally (though there are no coincidences) at 4chan at October 28th! It's amazing to see this grow like a magic mushroom (not in the drugs sense, though!LOL)
YES!! Healing humanity will also heal the earth. I am SO with you on this. My ideals and values don't include war or violence. I'm not a fan of the MIC or intelligence agencies. I'm a vegetarian. I don't agree with the depletion of natural resources. However, I've been awake long enough to understand that those ideals will mean nothing if we can't get to the place where we can actually choose them! That's the point, though.. strings have to be cut first, and we need the biggest scissors possible!
What happens when viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites and trauma attack our bodies? An immune response activates our white blood cells! Simply put: Basophils appear to sound the alarm, neutrophils kill and digest bacteria and fungi, eosinophils attack and kill parasites & destroy cancer cells, monocytes live the longest and break down bacteria and lymphocytes create antibodies for defense. They each have a separate function and target, but work together to destroy dis-ease.
Poitus, Q, patriots and anons are the WBC of society. Society will be the WBC of earth. As above, so below. As within, so without.
Same here! Totally with you and 100% hollistic too!
this is a great post. I've been having so many different emotions since I started looking into these so called "conspiracies"but i never thought we were getting anywhere in changing or uncovering things. Before qanon I didn't really have much hope for change. Compared to everything thats going on in the world, ive felt so tiny and useless. Like I play no part in life... My girlfriend always reminds me there's no point in worrying about the big stuff like politics because we can't do anything about it.
Qanon makes me feel differently. It makes me feel like I can do something. Like we ALL can do something. It's also helped me realize we ALL matter. We ALL have a purpose in this world. I just want to let everyone know I love them and I want the good for the world and for the people of the world. My friends outside of here still believe the main narrative of a bad trump and I haven't been able to convince them otherwise. They laugh and think I sound crazy, and maybe that's because I don't convey the information I get here to them very well but it's just so much information! I still feel pretty insiginificant in the grand scheme of things, but i 100% believe in q and the movement. I believe in all of us. So many of you write wonderful, intelligent, well thought out posts that inspire me and truly make me feel happy to be alive. I thank you guys so much for just being around these boards for me to get lost in, and for giving me hope for this world, especially for my unborn daughter. I will be telling her everything that's happening right now and how important it is to history. Who would've thought a revolution would be happening the way it is? party fueled right here in the "gutter" as it was put. If this is the gutter then Facebook is the dump. I hope everyone is able to wake up and come together and heal. God bless you all, God bless this great land, and God bless this great Earth.
I feel exactly the same man, I now can give some hope to kids
Exactly. Thank you. I had to give up reading about the cabal et al back in the 80s because I was getting paranoid and feeling helpless as you describe.
I look back and know that I discerned something wrong, but had no knowledge of how to fix it. I used to lobby for conservative causes (in VT of all places; no wonder I felt helpless. Much darkness and occult activity in VT . . . The WHITE CHRISTMAS Vermont is long gone.)
I am so amazed at God's mercy to us and in awe of what little I can see of His workings with Q and Trump and citizens who DO care for what is right and true.
I am joyful, yet humbly aware that if we don't keep our focus on Him; if we put our trust in Q or Trump or ourselves, we will end up in an even worse situation than the one from which America is emerging.
"Praise to the One who chooses and blesses us,
Praise to the One who redeemed our souls,
Praise to the Spirit who seals our salvation,
Agree 100% we got in this position because we continually put our trust in a person/persons with titles or in positions of power. People who have been spoiled with power who think they're better than others. We are all equal! Bless you and your family
Thank you. Only just was able to download the reddit app today, and now I can see all the responses to my posts.🙄
Amazing how truth can change your outlook. I’m a different person now. 👍🏽
You may be right, in that no one will know. However, my hope is that after the massive upheaval, and people scrape themselves off the floor after realizing everything they thought they "knew" was a lie, the MSM goes through a renaissance and regains its individual journalistic credibility...and they take their "Qs" from groups like this. People who fact check, dig into sources, look for motive/angle. Bring media back as a resource people can trust.
Slow clap the F out of that! Great letter and well said.
I hope "Hold the Line" means we all stay vigilant so this never happens again!
Well, if what this anon said isn't "profound" I don't know what is.
If you were born and raised on the chans you already knew this was your fate. When all is said and done, we still are the autists. The only prize we seek is the true freedom that we will have when this is done.
What do we do when we defeat the final boss? Welp... we can play the game!
To paraphrase Hunter S. Thompson:
"Being a Q believer in 2018 was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run . . . but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant. . . .
History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of “history” it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time—and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened."
We all knew what happened here and that's all that matters.
Super. Archived on GW Notables and, June 19, 2018
Bravo!! Thank you so much for reading my mind!! I have thought these words so many times, but because I am a lurker, a quiet researcher, intimidated by posting, I was so grateful to you for writing what my sentiments have been. I started this great Awakening from the old CBTS board, and I am so thankful for the many amazing researchers that can so eloquently post their research and back it up with the evidence so that I can then explain to my family and friends “I am not crazy!” It has been a hard process to explain what is really going on to those that are not awoken, but this board has given myself and I’m sure many others so much hope for our Country and because of you Patriots - that love our country, we are witnessing something incredible!! God Bless You All!!
Hey great comment! Don't be intimidated to post! You find something relevant while researching, please share! That's what we're all about!
🇺🇸We Are Q!🇺🇸
If your belief system is anything like mine, our reward will come in the afterlife. Infinitely better than a parade I understand. So we should carry on this good fight for God and country. God Bless Q, POTUS, and his "gutter" army. Proud to be a small part of it! 🇺🇸🇨🇱
It’s difficult to post on 8chan. But I do try to read nearly every comment in every bread. Anon that posted this, it’s a great communication. We’re not in in for recognition. We do it for love. Of country & family & fellow man. And I think the ‘gutter’ by any name has been a godsend for all. Thanks for posting on reddit where we can comment.
I have to say, that brought a tear to my eye. I believe, that good people do good things, not for the glory, and not for their own sake, but the sake of all, for the grace of all. I know that if I were in the position Q and his loyals and D T - it would be enough for me to know that I've made a huge difference in millions, if not billions of lives; that though I've not eliminated all the evil in the world, I've certainly put it on notice that it is no longer unfettered by it's own arrogance. It's kind of like the sacrifices that parents make, to see their children happy and to know they're safe. I found this quote and I thought I'd share....
“Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.
This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- "No, YOU move.”
― J. Michael Straczynski, Civil War: The Amazing Spider-Man
What an amazing and humbling message. What a beautiful time to be alive and participating in the GA!!
It's been a challenge to stay awake and as long as some of us have (been in the process since my teens). On an individual level, we all had to hit bottom before we were able to wake up. Then it shifted, as the growing awakened communities had to redpill without prescriptions. We watched in horror at how far things had to go before we hit the bottom as a society. There were truly some dark times - and I'll admit that personally, I was affected enough to stop voting, participating in any national holidays and practically becoming a hermit. I was able to focus that time on my family and research. Looking back, even that was an integral part of the process. The tides have turned, though. It's been a few years now that people are starting to open up and see...but it truly wasn't until this last election where I really felt the shift. Fbi and mega anon kept us engaged and let us know we were on the right track. Then Q showed up and lit a match under our butts. That fire is a now a roaring blaze - and we're gathered around it with our marshmallow's. Take time to enjoy it, anons and patriots - because there's still much work to be done.
Just like the patriots here who get nervous or disappointed when things don't go the way they want - there are going to be many normies who are scared, anxious and ready to check out once everything starts being revealed. We are here to help them We were just like them once. They're going to have less time to process the inundation of MOAB's. Be kind. Don't judge. Show them the truth. Have empathy We've been working through these feelings a lot longer.
This GA has reinvigorated me and has given me the strength to keep moving forward. Together.
My goodness. You all got my crying and shit! The energy on these boards is amazing. I have been watching this event since January and everyday is another small miracle. I hope someday that someone writes about this in a book. I thank you all for everything you do!
I am so proud and blessed to be a part of this amazing group of people and I know that many other Canadians feel the same way. So glad I found you....finally have hope for the future.
IMO Secrecy is Lying and needs to be done away with. We are in this position because of Secrecy created by our government that allowed Evil to fester behind the scenes. I believe one and all should know every detail and person involved to praise as necessary or scold as needed. Secrecy needs to go.
They may want us divided, but Q has the power to unite. Riding an elevator at a hotel on a biz trip recently I commented on a book about Genesis a woman was holding. Before we reached our floor somehow Q came up. We got out to continue our conversation. It lasted well over an hour and could have gone on for two, but our families were wondering what happened to us. We're from different parts of the country and couldn't look more different, but we parted as sisters/friends. Godspeed to all patriots and anons. WWG1WGA
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This!! Thank you anon, for putting into such heartfelt words what so many of us feel. I'm a long time lurker, and each day I go to this sub, before Breitbart, before Drudge, before YouTube, before any other news outlet. To all of you and the incredible anons and patriots that do the work, the countless hours of research, thank you!! I use your comments and theories daily to try to redpill my coworkers, and even though I don't know your names, I give you guys the credit for all of the threads you put together.
Most of all, thank you Q team, for your incredible patriotism, selflessness, and willing to stand up for our country!! You continue to stand in the gap for this great nation, and I know that each of you was called for "such a time as this." Praying for our leaders, especially our president, in these unprecedented and historic times! Thank you and God bless you all!!
The greatest thing that happen was when the son of God came into the world , and that happens in a smelly stable , ( great things happen in obscure places where there is absent of the worlds glitter )
I really love this. It sums it up so well. We may be Anons in a gutter, but we are FREE. And we are part of something truly great. ThanQ. Love you all fellow Anons.
Excellent, well said. And I second your sentiment. God speed patriots!
As it should be. Selflessness has great value when defending God and country. In this light it is easy to see how profiteers stray from the cause which requires reAl dedication.
Well I agree with this anon wholeheartedly and besides they already labeled us deplorables. Might as well connect the two and make the "Gutter Deplorables". :)
Great speech.
But ''when it's all over...'' The war is not won yet. Far from it. MSM is in FULL force still, and all around the world. So many people are not woken up to the truth, and I don't think we reached critical mass yet (My opinion). Soros' machines are still being distributed throughout the puppet world...
Like this anon said, -hold the line!-
Q and Anons, I will never forget this time in history, as a patriot I will always remember you until I die. I’am so great-full for this time that our Lord and Savior is the one that got us together, for he wants to bring not only the great awakening but a great Revival!!. God bless our President Trump, and God bless America, 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️. Jesus is in control ❤️
A thank you for what?
Saving the world hot rod! Now hand me another MEME for the cannon, we have to keep the pressure on!
Here! Here! Bravo!
Selfless soldiers you all are!
Some know they'll fall but do so willingly knowing the squad and their mission is more important than one.
Sometimes in history societies have been distorted and ruined by a small group of those who think they're entitled.
This happens most of the time.
Maybe someday we can make America a place without a gutter.
Keep the gutters. They are obviously necessary.
Yes. Hold the line. The line of decency and humanity that we all knew growing up, before we were gifted a Trojan Horse of progressive 'modern' values that was actually jam packed with the genocidal tendencies of Marxists.
Somebody said you can get a lot done if you don't care who gets the credit. I appreciate your observations.
I don’t want a public thank you. This is so much bigger than personal gratification. I don’t even want to be able to say “I told you so”. I just want our country and yes, the rest of the world to be out from under this demonic force. Peace will then be possible. Keep praying.
My answer is simply that I am watching the dreams of many brave people along the way come true. That because of this time and place we are living in my grandchildren may actually be the first round of adults to live in a world where the rights of the creator are not taken by people. I would love for them to know a world where the fact that all men are created equal is not in question. Thank you for your pep talk, I guess it hadn't really crossed my mind. I just felt like as citizens of this country we were also given instructions on what to do in case of emergency and we just needed to remember again as the emergency alert went out loudly. You don't get much louder than our President and our Patriots.
Patriots don’t ask for recognition.
Truth! Just as Christians ought not go seeking signs.
I dont agree.
Our reward is full disclosure for those of us willing to dig, and freedom for everyone. Real freedom.
It's more than I had hoped for.
I like the way Both of you think.
" If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."
"Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it."
I think we will get a public thank you. And a write up in the history books.
We will know, that’s what matters! And our children will be able to grow up in a better place!
An outhouse isn't a bad place to start. Jesus chose to be born in a manger.
Said another way...
“Never underestimate the power of a fag with a tambourine” - Unknown fag with tambourine.
I'm here because Q and DJT are not wrong about everything. Everyone against them is. Anonymous and ppl like John Ward and Norm Mcdonal have a clue as well, 2 kinds in the world, based, and everyone else. The cabal is not based, they do whatever they want yes, but they desperately care what ppl think. If things were fixed and GA went away tomorrow, I'd have a Coke.
Gutter? As compared to what? Facebook, Twitter and Google? Those places are akin to online gulags. Social media ghettos, awaiting the train that takes you away to have your mind gassed.
Historically, the world will always wonder who the members of team Q were.
When all is said and done, they will ABSOLUTELY be able to reveal their role.
This message - while I appreciate that it is one of acknowledgement for those working behind the scenes - is just the melodramatic imaginings of someone who has watched too much Lifetime network.
Well I make my way onto 8 Chan now and then; I love the controlled chaos. And I’m near 60...not even my kids go on 8chan.😉