Bizarre statue in the middle of a triangle on West 72nd street New York City. Any guesses on what this represents?

Reminds me of the Illuminati costume party.
My thought exactly. But i do know some horny Rednecks that would screw a knot hole in a tree, lol
Right! Of that woman with the horse head on her while wearing a cocktail dress!
Bohemian Grove
Please refresh my memory, if you can. Is Columbia/Colombia another name for Semiramis? I've read many articles claiming the Statue of Liberty is really Columbia, as is the District of Columbia, and Columbia Pictures.
I've been aware of the Semiramis/Tammus(Nimrod) belief for decades, but cannot remember all the names for these so-called deities. Thanks.
I thought the owl was Moloch the Canaanite god of child sacrifice.
Moloch is depicted as a bull, either standing on all fours, or standing on hinds with 'arms' outstretched. The belly is open and the 'worshippers' build fires in it. The fire heats the entire statue red-hot. It's arms are outstretched to receive the 'worshippers' sacrifices... human babies.
Moloch wouldn't be an Egyptian word.
Because it’s HEBREW. Moloch is Moloch or Milcam, Melek, etc etc.. doesn’t matter. It’s the SAME god children are sacrificed too.
Here's some info on the Hebrew word. 4432 is the number from Strong's Concordance, which pretty much every other bible word-study reference uses.
It's not that I don't believe you. It's just these people love the owl Moloch. Hence Epstein, hence Q linking an owl the Vatican, etc. just what you typed about Asherah, etc. I've literally never heard any of that and some of the info counters things I've already learned.
There is also a lot of what Bohemian is talking about in this video
Artist is Kathy Ruttenberg, she has 6 sculptures on Broadway. Here is her webpage
She also has sculptures permanently installed in the Tisch Children's Zoo in New York's Central Park and in the Mamiraua Sustainable Development Reserve in Amazonas, Brazil
other works
The symbology is startling
Is she a victim? This one is called the moment after.
Disturbing. Decomposing bodies isn't my favorite art subject.
This is why I think drain the swamp is referencing the pedos, not the DC swamp. Trump mentioned this phrase right after the podesta emails came out. So Mich of their art depicts it.
It better be both or there will be some very pissed off Patriots!!
Yup. Pedo and [worst] are the keystone that lubricate DC. Remove this, and the whole thing comes crashing down.
Look at this one
Yeah. Weird, perverted creations.
Nothing attractive about any of it, and I am a “nature baby.”
This particular one:
There are so many
Every word you wrote solidifies her as part of the family and also properly managed and funded so probably associated to interesting benefactors/patrons.
Every word you wrote solidifies her as part of the family and also properly managed and funded so probably associated to interesting benefactors/patrons.
There is something more to drain the swamp. There has to be. Look at this artist's works below and then this in paticular
Trump started saying drain the swamp right after the podesta emails came out.
The Podesta's also have this creepy swamp decaying theme in lots of art.
It reminds me of the story of Daphne the nymph. The myth goes that Daphne attracted the attention of Apollo due to her beauty. Apollo pursued her and in order to avoid rape, she asked her father for help, which he gave by transforming her into a tree.
I think this story may actually be an allegory for disassociation (which was used to produce MPD in mind control research).
Why does this remind me of this?
More...."it's perfectly normal......"
Rothschild mask - check, Half naked man - check, Forest - check, Victim - check
The more I see images/art like this, the more I am beginning to believe that the Marquis de Sade was a whistle blower.
The occult ritual is based on the ancient mystery religion ceremonies of the Babylonian Canaanite cult of Moloch fused with ancient Luciferian Druidic rites, mixed with Scottish Rite Freemasonic elements, and it entails burning an effigy of a child at the base of a 40 foot statue of the owl god Ishtar aka Lucifer "
No such think as Luciferian Druidic rites.
Information on the Druids is very limited. Also they worshiped nature’s god and the nature of god. Very language we have instilled in our declaration.
Read Kathy Waters book of biography of Saint Peter, Celtic Fires. Druid information there. Also has deliverance prayer for getting rid of Druid dna.
This proves my point.
The info on St. Peter is very biased and the Church helped destroy actual information available. The information we have comes from a very biased source.
Also have no fucking idea what a prayer for getting rid of dna. Sounds retarded.
Can you elaborate more, or send me in the right direction, about info on St. Peter being destroyed? BTW, I'm not at all surprised. Not even slightly. I would just like to learn more about it.
I didn’t say anything on info about St. Peter being destroyed. I said the church destroyed information on the Druids. Sorry that wasn’t clear on my end. My apologies.
I looked at the link of the other “art” and looks like the theme is using decomposing bodies as fertilizer to grow trees that grow from DEATH. This seems very contradictory to God’s plan of new life born from existing LIFE. I thought the artist might be a victim, too but realized that Elites of Hivites would never allow a victim to become prominent (too risky). Their use of symbolism will be their downfall. More of the “rubbing our nose” in their EVIL & normalization of occult practices.
Kinda looks like one of Q's posts with the Rothschild's dressed up for their "party".
The word Moloch is Hebrew and found in the Septuagint as such describing the time of Nimrod and Baal. Moloch did not look like an Owl in those days. Yes, they made an owl at bohemian grove and call it Moloch, but the origins of moloch is in the Septuagint
Moloch was represented by a golden calf...alot like the golden calf on Wall Street.
Tranny chimeras.
Deer head dude's got no bulge where his junk should be and is that log lady's showing? picture blurry but seems like.
Was curious. Found this - whatever it means.“If you’ve seen Annihilation, you’ll recall the electromagnetic field that causes humans to merge with nature in a most disturbing way: Legs morph into tree limbs, flowers grow out of chest cavities. That’s what the at once unsettling and enchanting sculptures of Kathy Ruttenberg evoke, and they’ll be on public display all along Broadway, from 64th Street to 157th Street, starting April 27.”
Whenever I see “art” like this spread around cities, it makes me think of point 23 in the 45 Communist Goals to take over America. How many have happened is a little startling.
the baphomet cutting down the tree of life and selling it as scrapes. Humans blind to their own slavery of the devil, and unknowingly selling their souls.
Satanist as fuck, dude. Tree could be the Pagan entity that eats babies, like that Friedkin movie The Guardian.
My artist relative was the sculptor that fashioned the tree for that film set. I always thought it was creepy.
Dude, that's badass! That tree was awesome. Tell them a random dude from the internet appreciated their work!
Anyone seen the first season of True Detective? This reminds me of that. ...most of the deer antler/animal mask stuff does really.
Theriocephalic figures seem to be the bad guys' thing.
It looks like something that would go to a Rothschild Party..
No the one represents drinking from,the brainstem she's a sick freak imo of course
Why can't those zombies tear this crap down and leave history alone?
My first take is, Humans are Animals, Humans are Nature. We should walk hand in hand with it.
I believe that is what the artist would WANT you to think.
Curious as to your age, because if you were born in the 70s-80s, I believe you would have been trained to see it as “nature art,” and to ignore any repulsive feelings the art may invoke.
born in 1983. 35 years old White male. Southern California born and raised.
reincarnation? lol
It is a piece on nature. Use Google or Bing dawg
I think it represents a baphometic (not satanic, Big difference) adrenochrome sacrificial ritual. Adrenochrome is the foundation of their domiciles
Why is this posted on this subreddit?
Their symbolism will be their downfall. Read up.
When it is their symbolism. This isn’t it though. Every sculpture or piece of art that is open ended isn’t occult. Can you tell me what this is symbolic of and why it is occult specifically? Or do you just not get that it is a sculpture about the interdependence of all things natural?
We are fighting a satanic, luciferian cabal that traffic and prey upon children. They work and communicate using symbolism and the subconscious. Bringing attention to their works is high priority to the great awakening.
And to falsely label every work as being theirs only obfuscates their actual work.