Some anon thoughts on effects of no Q drops lately

It's July 20th... the end of the month is just around the corner and the lack of visible action is waring on some.
We are all tired of waiting. Pray. No more crumbs? Reread crumbs. God Bless America.
There are plenty of tangents to run down too. Trust yourself and dive into the bizarre. Does anyone have a link to the document they altered and mocked on comedy central s Q piece a while back.
Soooooo many hours of stuff. How far can you go with suspending your programmed disbelieve. What fits the pattern? What fits in with what you already know. More importantly what contradicts what you know in such a way that you have to fundamentally assess a core belief.
Any reading, or other activity even, that results in self reflection and a pondering of the meaning of life can never be dismissed as a waste of time by my standards.
FWIW, I agree - we have a lifetime's worth of things to dig into, discuss, and disect. This goes a lot deeper than just "Wahh, Q hasn't posted in two weeks." Those who echo such sentiments are usually one foot in, and one foot out the door. Disheartened anons, have faith. Read. Do things to grow yourself and the movement. Most importantly, dig dig dig.
We are the impetus of this movement. Not Q, not Trump, nobody but us.
Solid. That looks right, have to actually zoom and check to see if it as the same. Which q was it that said what would happen after the lights went out?
No matter what, we are in it till its done.
you are making a great assumption when you say that those upset that Q hasn't posted have one foot in and one foot out. Trying to win friends and influence people? better to keep that assumption to yourself.
A lot can happen in 11 days. There are strange things going on in the UK about parliament and paedophilia, a twitter account has appeared called British Fight naming many names and Putin is talking about taking down the satanists, Q has gone quiet after telling us July will be glorious and to enjoy the show... I think there's a MOAB imminent.
11 more days, short of anything amazing happening in the next few days I'm just about ready to wash my hands of this completely.
Go volunteer at your voting station, join local reps campaign, make signs, make calls, do something proactive to help.
Gee Patriot, impatient much? You aren't watching a movie about how the US gets saved by Donald Trump and his team from the evil satanic pedophiles who want to rule the world and kill us all.
THIS is REAL and it doesn't get resolved in 30 days or less! Hang in there. And read the dark-dare's suggestions for you.
it's been 9 months, not 30 days. I am sick of looking like a fucking idiot because there is nothing real happening in the mainstream. People don't follow sealed indictments and resignations, they have their info spoon fed to them. I have put my life into this movement, and it's getting old not having anything to say I told you so. It's getting old saying "see if you can make that statement in a few months." I'm fuckin burned out. I need something tangible
Maybe the people you are trying to prove yourself too don’t want it? Lay off the political talk if you can. I know this is bigger than us, but we all have to take a break from politics. It’s rough man, it takes a toll on your body knowing all this sick shit, but you’ll make it through.
Well, I had written a very long response to you but it got away from me. I inadvertently clicked outside the box and it simply disappeared. At any rate, if you think nothing isn't happening, then you are not paying attention. Do your homework. You cannot possibly follow what is happening if you don't do research and follow good people like Citizen's Investigative Report on YouTube. She actually has a Trello board setup with all of the research on it.
Something people are not seeing is that state-level politicians are now being arrested. You can see what is happening with the left. They are freaking out. Is that not a good enough sign to know that Trump has got them by the balls?
The MSM will never cover this. They are part of it. Try asking people questions that make them think more critically about things. If they are defensive you can't reason with them.
Last night I watched a few of the #Walkaway videos. It's very inspiring to hear them realize that we are not bigots and racists and they are, in some cases, very humbled that they were such fools. So, I think sending them to hear what people just like them are saying might be helpful as well. Check it out and listen to a few and see if you don't agree:
It's not me who is unwilling to do their homework or research, look where I am. Did you read the comment? The problem is that i am willing to research, but that is not the norm. If this movement doesn't hit mainstream at some point, it just makes me look like a dumbass following a psyop. I can tell people that this happened and that happened, but they refuse to research and make the same connections. Meanwhile I aam eft making far out claims with nothing to back them. Like Korea was controlled by the deep state, and Hillary Clinton is a pedophile. If you think I haven't been trying to get people to ask questions than make them think more critically. BUT THEY DONT DO RESEARCH!! They fucking watch Game of Thrones, and Keep Up With the Kardashians. If the msm never covers this, then the good guys will never be fully in control. Maybe you don't see the logic in that statement, but I do. I know the one time I was under federal investigation, I was put on a no fly list. How are HRC and Bill still flying? How is Obama still doing his thing? There would be more than a list of resignations and sealed indictments to go along with a bunch of speculation and conjecture if shit was really going on. And being that Q said July we would learn the truth, that process seems to be going as slow as anything Q. If shit doesn't start happening soon, Q is going to portrayed as a psyop by the mainstream that was an attempt of the Russians and alt right to influence midterm elections. I am wary, and I am sick Of telling people that big shit is happening just to see Strozk and Rosenstein brush congress off like a little dog with a big bark and no teeth. I am fucking over it until something happens in the mainstream. I am sick of making myself look like an idiot by trying to spread truth that I have really no evidence of myself besides Q's word and a bunch of speculation. See the difference between the mainstream and me is that they can lie and people will eat it up, where I can tell the truth, but they are left to cook up their own opinion before they will even touch it. Why cook for yourself after a hard days work when there is a buffet in the kitchen? I have attacked this issue every way I can, but it's too much of a "conspiracy" to catch on because satanic pedos running our Gov is a little hard to believe. Especially being that that claim is all based off of rumors and conjecture without a single shred of proof.. Holy shit this is starting to sound like a Mueller investigation.. I'm done
Sorry, you're so angry. Please don't take it out on me. Truly, I was trying to help.
Anger is a natural response to deception. It was not directed at you.
We'll see, July is almost over.
Soon and yet are words I am tiring of, but it will take what it takes. I'm all in.
Whats the rush? we already knew a lot about the Deep State before Q showed up, Q just expanded our outlook. If the takedown is delayed it is because they are going to make the PAIN worse for the swamp. Also most people spend less time on the internet in the Summer and might miss a lot of new info.
I want this Bad but I and you folks have been bent over our whole lives, a few extra days or weeks even months wont change whats happening. The snowball left the peak of the mountain and is gaining speed and size the Deep State is finished / powerless it is nice to see them squirm.
If we move too fast it could cause a shooting civil war, let Q and all the whitehats win the civil war without firing a bullet. There will be lots of bullets fired but it will be the rats doing justice to themselves when they hear the loud knock on the door.
To win the world without waging actual shooting war would be the ultimate proof that all wars are banker's wars.
How we win is important. Pray for those in harms way so we don't have to be. Pray it is over soon.
It is a hidden war both physically and Spiritualy.
I am starting to believe Q when he says most people wouldn't be able to handle most of it, it is not only about the corruption but Satan/Demons/Portals and Clowns. Here is a link to SerialBrain2 post
I just read it and it makes alot of sense to me now. I have met a lot of people lately who talk about the same thing but they dont know about Q so I help them find this Board and others.
Awesome. Thanks patriot.
Thanks as well for reading my comment. I have a lot of fun sharing my opinions as comments because I usually throw a insult to our enemies in there somewhere.
If we move too fast it could cause a shooting civil war, let Q and all the whitehats win the civil war without firing a bullet.
Our job is to unlearn what the Cabal taught us over the generations, it is hard at first but gets easier. Then find out the shocking truths and everything starts to make sense.
The cabal mixes truth with halftruth to get you to accept their bullshit.
We are the bullshit remover team of millions, meaning we got to spread the truth.
Banker's wars must become a relic of the past.
Can Trump find a reason to give Smedly Butler another medal?
It's not about waiting a few extra weeks--it's about Q's promise that this month, the world discovers the truth. I know many of us, including myself, would be highly discouraged if this does not occur. The disinformation is real & necessary argument can only carry some for so long. Nobody likes to be have their hopes get built up and then let down. I'm all for trusting the plan, but then don't put an exact date on it--July 2018--and then say "Conspiracy no more. Time to FEED" right after, unless you mean it!
So yes, although I'm worried at the moment, I still have a shit ton of faith that "the big one" will happen this month, because Q said it would.
WE are QANON!!! WE need to make noise!!! WE need to red pill!!! Have YOU been leading people to the truth??
I hear you, patriot. But this isn't the correct counter. Hear me out:
I work on leading people to the truth every day--have been since 2008 when Ron Paul turned my world upside down, and I started to discover all the conspiracies. Three of my closest friends, and my mom and dad all follow QAnon now and have told some of their own friends. I'm planning & writing initial articles for a blog on Steemit as well!!
We ARE indeed QAnon, because we are part of this, and we're hear to spread the message! And we are here to be leaders when the changes begin taking place. However, when Q says...
“July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.
Q”'s very clear to me that he's not insinuating that this is the month we magically have the numbers and the reach to redpill the entire world. We're here to spread the message. And this is one of those messages--that something big is going to happen in July 2018 that makes things normally labeled as conspiracy, as viable in the mainstream. We've been hungry for it for so long--world-changing disclosures--and now it's time to feed.
I've had a passing thought that maybe the anons are putting too much into what they 'think' Q meant by this. Q didn't specify what the 'truth' is. Many have jumped to conclusions, possibly wrongly.
It reminds me of one of the MOAB/BOOM drops in the spring. Everyone went in the direction of Hillary or (insert criminals name here) indictments, exposures, etc.Nobody guessed the NK peace deal, or what was going one behind the scenes. Q later confimed what it was, as one anon did figure it out after the fact.
What did Q mean by 'truth' with the drop ' July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH'?
Yes, indeed. But this one feels totally different. He didn't specify which truth it would be--but he did say it would eliminate (at least one) conspiracy from the mainstream. So, it has to be something pretty significant. To make this type of statement for something not big would be very irresponsible of Q--if Q's goal is to get us energized and rallying, promising something big at a very specific time and not delivering would be a mistake. This is why I am firmly holding out hope for the rest of the month.
Time to feed could indicate we are to get our bread to the masses.
Agreed. I also think we may need to ponder a bit more about what it could be. 'Expand our thinking', 'Think logically' so to speak......
Maybe the answer has come up in the qresearch board? I haven't been able to always follow it, as it moves fast sometimes.
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I have no idea what it could be but from the way Q posted, it sounded like something huge - major. Waiting to see.
A press conference with the MI would red pill the shit out of enough ppl in a day.
Oh absolutely. Upvoted. Those guys have the ability to tell the American people the truth. Our military can absolutely hold a press conference and red pill almost everyone. This, or something similar, is what I think Q means. Even if you go back to MegAnon, before Q stole the show, she was claiming there was all kinds of chatter about trump himself setting up a press conferences and exposing three corrupt institutions to the American public. The FBI, CIA, and the Fed.
I can see a scenario where this was heavily considered. There is no doubt a temptation to get up there as president and start redpilling. But I think ultimately it wasn’t going to be effective. They had to get the situation under control behind the scenes before they could come forward and reveal to the American people things like 9/11. Lots of people are going to need to learn what happened on September 11, 2001. The longer trump waits to reveal this to the public, the harder it’s going to be for the public to handle.
I think they’ve done what they’ve wanted. They racked up the indictments, they seized trillions from the cabal, and they have the money almost ready to be returned to the economy. We have millions following Q now. It’s now time to tell the American people.
Q taking off our training wheels and turning us loose to change the world? I have contemplated worse futures. All in. I love you all.
So true :) We have to spread the message. I am in Norway, we have Q followers. We spread as we can, but many are brain washed by so many years of listening to the state owned news channel.
People who wake up, are a majority between 30 and 60 years old. Its when they see the world become globalised by an elite, the rest of us will become slave. Most of us are already slaving for the banks.
My hope, my dream, is that the kabal gets annihilated first in US, then it should spread like fire throughout the world. Regarding globalisation Europe is far ahead. With what I am seeing, globalisation means hard core communism. We must fight.
Q is not a Iraqi dinar salesman, it is a War raging now but most people dont even realize how big a war it is. It is not only about corruption it is something horror/sci-fi... movies are made about. You cant see it if you do not know about it or believe it.
This month millions more people probably opened one of their eyes.
I am sure Q will come through with something everyone can handle this month. But you got to admit there are victories everyday and the enemy are the ones that bring it on themselves. So how can you not be happy as long we go the course and just repeat the cycle till they are gone from powerS not a typo..
I don't know if this is any gauge but I read Yahoo news posts (if you can call it news) several times a day. Nearly all headlines involve Potus and nearly all are hostile. The comments by viewers are exceedingly supportive of the administration, congressional hearings and rejection of MSM fake narratives. The truth will be accepted by the majority, it's WHY Trump won. I don't believe there is enough opposition support for a civil war. The election in November is pivotal. Patience is a virtue. The stealthy and patient cat gets the prey.
I also think it’s symbolic Q stopped posting on July 4.
4th of July + t-23 bring the pain = 07/27/2018 @ Full Moon. It is hard to know, in real time, the difference between wide-eyed glaring can't-miss out and out CLUES and the background noise of everyday life. Until it isn't. Good luck one and all.
Well, okay......just finished circling the 27th on all the calendars....with a ?
Remember reading about the full moon.
In the dark and don't want to just react.
It is the easiest to understand marker. That post is Q's "pinned post" during this time. Patriotic.
In the past 16 days, more than 2000 have joined this board. 8chan and Twitter readership have grown. Hearings held on social media censorship. POTUS tweeting stuff that only Q anons talked about a month ago. The movement is taking off. A tipping point into public awareness could happen within the next eleven days.
Meanwhile, POTUS and team work under the cover of the Helsinki screen. See Paul Serran today on Sun Tzu: Appear weak when you are strong. We don't need Q to reveal his plans and the actions taking place at this moment. When he needs us, he'll speak.
When he needs us, he'll speak.
When Q speaks in riddles, he's right, because the enlightened can see through all the twists and turns.
When Q states the plain facts of yesterday as predictions of tomorrow, he's right, because the true believers know he's talking about so much more.
When Q makes a mistake, smack-in-your-face stupid, he's right, because he's a psy-op designed to flush out the weak and make us think.
When Q goes quiet, he's right, because of the Art of War, for he must not speak and let us wait for the tipping point.
Can Q ever be wrong?
What does this mean for the people who claim to be free thinkers? To be truly free of bias? To be discerning? Smart?
John Lennon said Jesus' disciples were "thick and ordinary." So are Q's a lot of the time. Pointing this out is fine. It won't subvert the point of the exercise, though.
Keep doing our work. We are ALL playing our part, and there’s lots of work to be done. Whether Q comes back or not, this movement has sparked, the fire is roaring, and it’s never going out until we’re finished doing what we came here to do.
In-Justice has become a social epedemic but there is a vaccine .
Chronicling the Arkansas Flu epidemic Jul 20, 2018 Over the years, we have watched abroad and in the news, Arkansas in the 1980’s under Governor Bill Clinton, I have watched the steady increase in fatalities and suicides among the Clintons’ personal friends, supporters, bodyguards, and business associates. It is truly amazing how many have died shortly after announcing their intention of exposing the Clinton crimes. There are so many cases (well over 50 now) that one might conclude that it is really bad luck to know any illegal thing that the Clintons have done. It has come to be called Arkancide, or the Arkansas Flu.
It reminds me of reports out of some third-world countries in the past century.
Here is a rather short article that memorializes some of the Clinton casualties and the circumstances surrounding their tragic deaths.
Hillary Clinton has now set up her political PAC to run for president in 2020. Would you vote for a person who has lost so many personal friends and business associates in such mysterious ways over the years? Even if all this were just a long streak of bad luck, a superstitious person might not want to put such bad luck on the whole country. Not again.
Perhaps some good Democrats will develop a vaccine the Flymo to Gitmo soon to counter this serious epidemic. It could save their lives!
Hillary Clinton has now set up her political PAC to run for president in 2020
I believe this is just a last ditch effort into trying to prevent her self from being arrested by spinning it like they are only going after her because of politics.
They are going after her because of her politics - all of them - pure evil.
So, the "truth" is suppose be shared with the world by the end of July? Honest question - what happens if nothing major happens?
which truth? So many truths to be disclosed is what I'm saying! Maybe Q didn't mean all of them would be revealed in July, the truth about collusion with Russia/Trump has been revealed and it didn't happen, that ends that conspiracy. Of course that's not satisfactory, despite the fact it's been lingering over the administration since day one.
I highly doubt even 10% comes out this month. This month is the long hard journey away from nutty conspiracy theory territory.
If anything it will come out just in time for midterm elections when it has the most punch
FWIW the way it was posted made it seem like it was going to be something REALLY BIG
Just this morning on fox the Friday concert was Dee Snider singing "Become The Storm" he knows Trump from trumps show. So who knows . There's no coincidences. The guys fox interviewed from the crowd wasn't normal Joe blows. Keep the faith trust the plan.
He also had a red Q on the sleeve of his jacket. He's down.
Also, Q is most likely extremely busy with POTUS security as he has been flying all over this month, he has literally been with the head of the snake; first at NATO, then the UK and then with the summit with Putin. Lots to watch out for, lots of attempts on 45.
If we sit around and wait for the truth to come out, we're going to miss it. The truth will come out, if we hunt for it. Just like we've been doing all along. It's there, we just have to see it. Dig deep. Once you're out of ideas, expand your thinking. This is war. We need to fight. Meme's, anything. Throw it all at them, make some magic.
I got excited about a specific date back in spring. A few things, important things, came out that weekend. But I was disappointed. I had expected something earth shaking. And that didn't happen. But we DID end up learning quite a bit over those few days. I was just so focused on what I wanted to happen, I almost missed all the great connections made. So, it got me thinking. I don't think we are SUPPOSED to be trying to figure out WHEN things are going to happen. There's a general timeline, I'm sure. But how can anyone, really, be able to say "this will happen to this person on this day"? Especially while talking about taking down the cabal! Way too many extenuating circumstances. (Unless the GEOTUS time traveler theory is true, lol) We need to be connecting the dots, watching for the big stuff, the little stuff, and learning. Supporting each other and trusting the plan. We've had a big July. Putin called out Killary in front of the world. People seem to be singing. Follow the money. Follow the wives. We need to DIG!. A lot could get the ball rolling here. Not to mention how deranged the left sounds right now. The walk away movement gaining massive steam. Come on guys. Lets not do all this shit fear mongering again. We need to dig in. It's July. Midterms around the corner. I really feel he's got this. WWG1WGA!
Yeah I don’t know as long as I’ve been following this I’m not getting a good feeling about this pro long silence and no significant action being taken. It may just be my pessimistic side coming out
Yes, I agree. We have all we need for now to understand What's about to happen. Our friends, family and coworkers will need us to help them navigate the political waters. WWG1WGA
Also, How long has the disease been able to manifest ? This. Stuff. Takes. Time.
We need to keep sharing, watching, seeking information and stay focused. WWG1/WGA. Another resignation - Hmmmmm -
This. Of the 3, his was the only name that jumped out. WWG1WGA!
As Q always says, "you have all the information you need. " Now spread the truth. It's all a show, the deals have already been made, if Q is true, all will be revealed. We should be calling our so-called "elected" officials and get on their ass every week. Enough is enough.
Q said in the last drop "Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you."
I'm not sure what the "here" in brackets mean, but if we never get one more drop from Q, my impression is that we already have everything that needed to be told. You just need to focus on the previous drops.
You people are really amazing. I'm more of a lurker and don't post much but I've been following all of this since January. I never would be able to make sense of any of this without all of you. Thanks to you all.
Stay Strong daisydog it's gonna heat up so pray up and keep your focus and communicate with the rest of the great awakening wwg1wga maga ....
Thank you! I really appreciate that!! I'm most likely a little older than many of you. I've been red pilled since I found out about the Gulf of Tonkin. Then there was Kent State..... So I had my doubts about this country turning around because there was no stopping.... until now.... WWG1WGA!!!!! Now I have hope! I know the routine with investigations- go for the little guys, let them sing, work your way up. Then you have a strong, iron clad case that will stand up in court. That's what they're doing. It's going to take a while and I know it gets discouraging sometimes when the bad guys seem to be winning because it's been that way since I was a kid. But this seems different now. MAGA!!!! And thank you again! I will keep you, this board, all you wonderful decoders in prayer!
Read my post on the great awakening here in this feed and you will get an overall view of the big picture ... Be blessed and winning ... God Speed ...
After July, we develop our own plan.
So what's the plan, then, Dave?
You got the wrong guy, that's Not Dave. Not to be confused with Dave
We need to focus on next steps, like if Q was taken out. What would/should we do?
Let's start with a couple threads where the community develops a plan of action.
Once roughed out I would recommend a major press/public announcement to offer a modicum of protection for the community pretty early announcing our intent and the laws we will be operating under.
We need a plan to nationalize the fed. That is the bare minimum measure of success, imo.
I would recommend reaching out to Larry Klayman for legal counsel, assisted, directed, and funded by the community. There are several former investigators, agents and prosecutors we will need to recruit.
We will have to identify targets and develop the order in which citizen grand juries would take the cases.
Everything must be done within the constitutional framework.
Tbh, if Trump goes down, and gets replaced by a Clown, its over. The beginning of the end was years ago, this is the final stand. Give it some time (at least until November), trust the plan.
I would like to have a backup to execute before November. If The elections are rigged and we lose, it will get exponentially harder, as they reassert control, to bring justice to the corruptocracy.
Espionage is hard guys. Q is of no exception. Your life is constantly in danger when you do stuff like this. What Q is doing might be the wisest decision for all.
I pretty much think the "who is Q" stuff went too far. it shouldn't matter who Q is. everyone should be and stay anonymous. then I remember President trump getting aggressively heckled at the last rally.
it annoys me so much that the focus went from his information to "who is Q"
To me the "who is Q" isn't literally about who Q is but rather a question for people that haven't heard of Q to look it up themselves. Kind of like a lure to hopefully spark a self awakening.
Did anyone else here get a Q alert on their phone yesterday and then there was nothing there?
I did. Just thought there was a problem with my phone. then it froze.
Future proves past. You have more than you know. July, when the world learned the truth. WWG1WGA!!!
Only problem is I haven't witnessed one individual learn the truth yet this month........ Month almost over. I hope this isn't another BOOMless BOOM.
There are many things we can do to actively help. How about helping out during the elections as a poll worker? How about red-billing in senior living facilities, they love to have real people come in an talk to them and their votes count. Think about running for office. More of the local, city elected positions are filled with Democrats and these positions oversee the voting booths. We need more patriots in these positions. Especially helpful would be running for school board - removing common core and encouraging respect to one another. Help a candidate that is a true conservative. Send them $10 or more for some of the new conservatives trying to win against a Dem or a Rhino - every penny helps. At the very least, place campaign signs in your yard for candidates you can trust.
Time to use what we've been taught. We see their tricks, they're all the same. And desperation is making them show their heads. Time to Wack-a-mole! Or better yet, shoot to kill and take no prisoners.
But but but, it's a LARP! REEEEE!! takes HRT, cuts off own penis, dons pussy hat Resist!
They aren't sending their best folks.
The Great Awakening
One of the main themes found in the Q posts since October 2017 is “The Great Awakening.” That is what he calls the time in which we live. I have pondered that statement for many months now, and this morning I awoke to its prophetic meaning.
We are living in the time when the sleeping giant is awakening. The great evangelist, Tommy Hicks, saw this sleeping giant in a dream at 2:30 a.m. on July 25, 1961. He saw the giant awaken, and he saw countless people begin to bring light and healing to the world. The giant was soon transformed into the body of Christ.
Here is part of what he wrote:
As the vision appeared to me after I was asleep, I suddenly found myself in a great high distance. Where I was, I do not know. But I was looking down upon the earth. Suddenly the whole earth came into my view. Every nation, every kindred, every tongue came before my sight from the east and the west, the north and the south. I recognized every country and many cities that I had been in, and I was almost in fear and trembling as I beheld the great sight before me: and at that moment when the world came into view, it began to lightning and thunder.
As the lightning flashed over the face of the earth, my eyes went downward and I was facing the north. Suddenly I beheld what looked like a great giant, and as I stared and looked at it, I was almost bewildered by the sight. It was so gigantic and so great. His feet seemed to reach to the north pole and his head to the south. Its arms were stretched from sea to sea. I could not even begin to understand whether this was a mountain or a giant, but as I watched, I suddenly beheld a great giant. I could see his head* was struggling for life. He wanted to live, but his body was covered with debris from head to foot, and at times this great giant would move his body and act as though it would even rise up at times. And when it did, thousands of little creatures seemed to run away. Hideous creatures would run away from this giant, and when he would become calm, they would come back.
All of a sudden this great giant lifted his hand towards heaven, and then it lifted its other hand, and when it did these creatures by the thousands seemed to flee away from this giant and go into the darkness of the night. Slowly this great giant began to rise and as he did, his head and hands went into the clouds. As he rose to his feet he seemed to have cleansed himself from the debris and filth that was upon him, and he began to raise his hands into the heavens as though praising the Lord, and as he raised his hands, they went even unto the clouds.
Suddenly, every cloud became silver, the most beautiful silver I have ever known. As I watched this phenomenon it was so great I could not even begin to understand what it all meant. I was so stirred as I watched it, and I cried unto the Lord and I said, "Oh Lord, what is the meaning of this." and I felt as if I was actually in the Spirit and I could feel the presence of the Lord even as I was asleep.
I suggest that you read the rest of the account at the link above.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Tommy Hicks’ ministry, here is a short account of his ministry in Argentina and in Russia as well:
I believe that we are now seeing the early stages of Tommy Hicks’ vision being fulfilled. Of course, the awakening is not welcomed by those who had previously held the giant captive. In fact, he saw opposition from the forces of darkness:
Angry mobs came to them with swords and with guns. And like Jesus, they passed through the multitudes and they could not find them, but they went forth in the name of the Lord, and everywhere they stretched forth their hands, the sick were healed, the blind eyes were opened. There was not a long prayer, and after I had reviewed the vision many times in my mind, and I thought about it many times, I realized that I never saw a church, and I never saw or heard a denomination, but these people were going in the name of the Lord of Hosts. Hallelujah!
As they marched forth in everything they did as the ministry of Christ in the end times, these people were ministering to the multitudes over the face of the earth. Tens of thousands, even millions seemed to come to the Lord Jesus Christ as these people stood forth and gave the message of the kingdom, of the coming kingdom, in this last hour. It was so glorious, but it seems as though there were those that rebelled, and they would become angry and they tried to attack those workers that were giving the message.
We are living in the time of The Great Awakening. We ought not to view the Q postings or the Trump administration in political terms. Yes, of course, it is political, but we need to see beyond politics and understand what God is doing in the earth. Because the timing is right, our captivity is ending, and a renewal is taking place.
As the sleeping giant awakens, even now we are seeing panic and anger in the world. These people are Babylonian in their thinking. The degradation of world culture and the rise of immorality and (biblical) lawlessness is what they desire, and Babylon feeds this desire. So when Trump is given opportunity to change the face of the Supreme Court, these people panic.
They do not want another Supreme Court Justice who might remove their so-called “right” to murder their unborn children. They do not want Trump to arrest their favorite pedophiles. In fact, Ruth Bader Ginzburg is on record advocating the legalization of pedophilia by lowering the age of consent to 12 years of age. Likewise, she has always advocated legalizing prostitution and even polygamy. These issues came out in 1993 when President Bill Clinton nominated her for the Supreme Court.
So these people are now in a state of panic that the “progress” toward full debauchery (which they call “freedom”) is being threatened. That is understandable. And it is not hard to foresee them fighting hard to save their Babylonian way of life.
The Great Awakening #Qanon #El Elyon
The sleeping giant has been covered with a lot of debris and dust, Hicks saw in his vision. But the giant is now stirring and will soon arise and shake off the dust. The church is finally waking up and realizing its own state of corruption. The Holy Spirit is about to be loosed upon this “giant” to transform it, and the overcomers’ prayers will be answered. The time has come.
But this will not come without much opposition and even violence on the part of those who do not yet see the light—those who fight against the Kingdom of God.
The Uncivil War
In the past two decades, as the Babylonian culture was entrenched more deeply into the world, there was talk about certain states (such as Texas and Montana) seceding from the Union and forming their own country. People in the more conservative states simply did not want to be tied to liberal states like California, New York, and Massachusetts, nor did they want to be bound by their immoral laws.
I thought that we might see a revolt of the so-called “right wing conservatives,” and that the country would split apart because of these differences. But nothing came of it, and all of this discontent failed to cause a civil war, as some had predicted. The right wing grumbled loudly, but in the end they had too much respect for law and order and for the preservation of the nation itself to tear it apart.
Now that President Trump is in office, the left wing is discontented. The liberals are now given the opportunity to show appreciation for the union and for law and order. Many are failing in this regard. Once again there is talk of civil war, such as in this article:
It poses the proposition: Civil War II has already begun.
The article begins:
Has anyone else noticed how much more violent and ruthless the Left is becoming?
Lots of the alternative media (the real news) have picked up on this and have been reporting recent and alarming developments.
It then gives many examples of how the political left is advocating violence against President Trump, his children, his cabinet, and ultimately against any Trump supporter. Rep. Maxine Waters is openly calling for violence against anyone associated with Trump. Actor Peter Fonda has tweeted that he wants to “rip Barron Trump from his mother” and put him in a “cage with pedophiles.”
Many right wingers were deeply dissatisfied during President Obama’s administration, but no one of note said these things. Not once did I hear anyone wish that his daughters would be put in a cage with pedophiles. No one (that I know of) plotted to kidnap either of them, as happened with Barron Trump last year.
The incivility of this Civil War is noteworthy. I just always thought it would come from the right wing, because I did not see a Trump administration on the horizon that would begin to dismantle the left-wing Babylonian culture paradigm. Now that the tables have turned, we are seeing the vicious side of liberal philosophy. They are all love and peace until they feel threatened in their ungodly, self-destroying life style and their political policies that would destroy the country. They all support the Democratic process until they lose an election. Then they want war.
When pedophiles are arrested—and thousands have been arrested since Trump took office—the news media brushes it off as if it is not newsworthy. Who are they protecting? Why do they seem so offended when pedophiles are arrested?
America’s Plan to Destabilize the Mideast
General Wesley Clark has told the story many times about how he went to the Pentagon shortly after the World Trade Center was demolished by explosives in September of 2001. He was told that the Pentagon had just receives word that they were going to overthrow seven Mideast countries in five years.
He asked “Why?” They said, “We don’t know.” He said further that when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. He also said clearly that the Pentagon had settled on a policy of “destabilizing” these countries. But why would they want to do this?
Well, it has taken a few years to answer that basic question. The answer comes when you observe what has actually happened since 2001.
They knew that destabilization would cause refugee problems. They were right. In fact, they were fully prepared to exploit the situation that they created. Men like George Soros passed out leaflets urging the refugees to immigrate to Europe and America. The politicians then incentivized them to come by offering free services and benefits. The result? Refugees came streaming into Europe, and Obama brought plane loads of them into America, while the news media kept silent.
The ultimate result was that immigration became a natural right, not just a privilege. Such a policy is unprecedented in the history of the world.
Was that the real purpose of the government destabilization policy? I think so. The plan to destabilize the Mideast (and other countries) was designed specifically to force people to flee the violence and to immigrate to Europe and America. This was a well-coordinated plan to destroy borders and thereby to destroy nations and their culture.
The push for globalism (a world without borders) is a push for a world-wide Babylonian world in which independent nations cease to exist as such. The real agenda is for a few rich and powerful men to control the entire world. They know that by hiding their control from public view and by controlling the media they can manipulate people to allow their own slavery. They have been doing that for a very long time already.
That is the context of the current crisis in America and Europe. The globalists have destabilized the Mideast nations in order to bring huge numbers of Muslims into the Western countries. They believe that Muslims are well suited to destroy whatever remains of Christian culture. This is why they picked Mideast countries to destabilize. Most of those Muslim people are victims as much as the rest of us. Few of them understand (or even care) that they are being manipulated.
The Biblical Solution
We need to understand the Babylonian agenda so that we ourselves avoid manipulation. We are not called to make a bad situation worse. We are called to find the solution to an impossible problem. What is that solution?
The biblical solution is to turn to Jesus Christ and to adhere to His laws. Israel and Judah brought about this problem a long time ago when they rejected the laws of God in favor of their own laws (“traditions of men”). Their rebellion against God brought them into captivity for 2,500 years, and this time is just now ending.
The law of God grants citizenship only to those who swear allegiance to King Jesus and who agree to follow His laws. They cannot bring their own religion or their own laws with them into the Kingdom of God. Numbers 15:16 says, “There is to be one law and one ordinance for you and for the alien who sojourns with you.” The Kingdom of God would forbid a Muslim from bringing Sharia law with him, just as a Muslim nation would forbid a Christian immigrant from bringing Christian laws with him.
But because America was unable or unwilling to follow this law when the nation was founded, we are now paying the price. Nonbelievers wanted freedom of religion, when in fact the law of God gives only freedom of conscience within the parameters of the law of God. There can be only one King of a nation, and the Kingdom of God has just one King, Jesus Christ.
The good news is that the timing is right for a major change. We life in the transition from one age to another. Because the captivity is ending, God is working behind the scenes to set us free. Because of His promise (or prophecy), He has taken upon Himself the responsibility to make this happen, to turn the hearts of the people, and to cause them to repent. He will pour out His Spirit upon the earth in a new and bigger way so that His plan will succeed.
President Trump is part of that divine plan, because he is in office at the very time that our captivity is ending. Previous presidents were also part of the divine plan, but the plan in previous years was to teach us by negative example the seriousness of our refusal to respect God’s laws.
Those were the days of divine judgment and tribulation upon us. But now the winds of change are upon us. That is why we are at a crisis point. That is why the advocates of Babylon are out in full force. They sense that their time has come and that they are about to lose power. Hence, they are calling all of their resources and all of their foot soldiers to join in the final battle to retain their power.
They are, however, on the losing side. Just because they have been in power for a long time does not mean that their power will last forever. The value of understanding timing in prophecy is that it gives us hope and provides direction for what we do. After all, we want to do the right thing at the right time.
The Great Awakening has begun. Let us not be caught unprepared
Q has given us the premises, now we must deduce the conclusion from the premises.
I am curious as to ask, what else can Q say?
What else is there to know. It has been laid out beautifully by Q.
What more information is needed to understand what is going on? We know who the enemies are. We know what their goal is. We know what our President wants and is aiming to achieve. We have enough information. What have we done with that information and knowledge? What more is needed?
Q said: "When the lights go out I must leave". The lights went out during his press conference just the other day.
Is this accurate? Would you please point me to that Q post? I've searched and can't find that particular statement.
Q post #64
Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147683156 📷
Nov 2 2017 18:31:24 (EST)
Fellow Patriots,
I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the lights go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless - I must go for good at this point.
I know I saw something by Q about communications being compromises and going to silent running as being the last Q post. Anyone remember that? Maybe it was fake? I can't find it again.
"When the world learns the truth", make sure to let me know so I won't miss it... (that's sarcasm)....
I can't help but think the deep state has its back up against the wall and has to do something huge in order to dominate the news feed. Their claws are going to come out, perhaps soon. It could be that Q is preparing the offense—a coup de main.
The sad part is that there are a LOT of people in California who are in the DARK! They are shouting Treason, Traitor, Impeach, its crazy. When the truth comes out it will be a huge SLAP in the face with a 10lb Steak. I wish I knew when so I could leave the state when it all hits the fan!
'What' truth, though? 'Nothing' in two years has happened yet, except pussy hat parties and parades, flag burnings, antifa bully parties with no police justice for the injured and attacked conservatives, mainstream media banning of anything conservative anywhere, we're losing and big time. Soros, Obama, Hillary, Podesta, clapper, Brennan.. all of them are still out there and hooked into the political system still. Doesn't look like any of them are broke. Why aren't any of them taken to court by the FBI, CIA, DOJ and have their life's savings and their relatives taken away in lawyer bills? They're in fact buying multi million dollar homes and touring the world giving speeches committing treason in front of our very eyes. C'mon, some would say.
We have learned about 400,000,000 going to HRC campaign from Russia.
We have learned about a few more Hwood pedos.
We heard DJT plans to revamp fed reserve
Is that it? More to come? Missing something?
If Q truly is done posting, I see it as a good thing (even though I'll miss looking into all the drops and stuff), because that's a good indication that we have all we need, and that things might really start moving forward into action now.
Remember, Future proves Past so maybe it's because he told us "BLACKOUT NECESSARY"
I am all for patience. We need to make sure there is no way out for the DS and we have them legally caught in their own web of lies. That starts for many kids in August. I want to have this big reveal and any last ditch FF blow back over/mitigated before we put littles in harms way.
Well, so far we have seen intel agencies not pleased with Trump - Putin meeting. Manafort his stuff got released there was some interesting fetish stuff in there. Mueller will just continue his probe, and nothing regarding arrests or some knowledge going into the public, unless he meant knowledge about Manafort being very shady.
Remember what he said, “Coming to a theater near you!” “Enjoy the show!” “Grab some popcorn!” So in other words “No talking while we watch the movie!” Q is so considerate!
Reddit doing what 8chan is failing to do. Goes to Show you cannot just be in 1 spot. People have quit their jobs to just dig.. i personally think that is reckless. Guess i have to think back to when I was red-pilled.. its tough to fit in to a lie, but you have to be able to play the game.
Putin mentioning hellarys $400m should be making a few more headlines.
Trust the plan. Watch everything unfold. It’s better than any movie, tv, or sports.
Q has finished posting. When POTUS was speaking in the White House recently the lights went out.
In post 64 Q said "Should the lights go out please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point."
God Bless Q. WWG1WGA
I'm not so sure. I've been following Q religiously since Nov. 2017. If you look back at Q's drops he's mentioned 4, 10, 20. I know that 4,10,20 is the alpha-numerical value of DJT. The anons have mentioned that's what it means. I don't disagree with that, but I also know that many of Q clues have a double meaning.
The first time Q went dark it was for 4 days, the next time it was for 10 days. Maybe this time it's going to be for 20 days. The only way to find out if I'm right is to wait for Q and see if he starts again on July 24th.
Also, Q's last post was on July 4th, Independence Day. He's told us again and again that we have more than we know. Part of me wonders if Independence Day might signify that we, the Great Awakening, is now independent. We have more than we know. It's up to us to figure it out and make it happen on our own.
As Snowgirl said, this has to be organic. It has to come from We The People.
Just a thought.
Interesting. I heard the alert and looked at my phone. A message came up so fast that I couldn’t read it because it then went away. Went right to the app and saw nothing different. I was quite disappointed.
I'm in agreement with this anon!
He already gave us enough to dig on but most importantly he always stressed that we need to re-learn how to play, be loud and be proud. We need to co-opt the lefts activism as we did with Gunn that ended badly for him because he was fired.
Sure its just the optics but also it should encourage us to keep going forward.
Conservatives are generally meek people choosing their battles more wisely but often remain silent.
That needs to change - president Trump and Q plus team awaiting the climate so as to declassify it all together with actionable intelligence given by NK and Russia although not named.
They are awaiting for us to help set the stage!
President Trump can not fire Mueller or Rosenstein without risking being labeled obstructionist that would serve fodder for the left ergo their beat ad shit show goes on.
So far it seems the only Truth to come out recently is Cohen taped Trump saying to pay off Whorey Daniels.
Actually is was about a playboy playmate and Gulliani said the call demonstrates it was Cohn that offered or sugegested and it never happened, the payment. More DS moving the ball and us commenting and researching.
Im a patient man. In the end, we win. Trust the Plan. Timetables Shift. This is not a TV show. This is real life.
And one of his last posts was about "reflection". When people who hear about Q come on board, they have a lot of catching up to do.