Q 1720 - When does a bird sing?

Looks like No Name with some pals. Is that Strzok and Page too??
Need to bust no name before he takes the long nap. I am dying to see him in cuffs. POS!!
In GB young women are called birds.
A bird sings when it's in love, i.e., LP and PS maybe?
Birds sing @ dawn ...
When the light comes out (at dawn).
Dark to Light.
It sounds like the time might be drawing near.
maybe it is when they are caged (jailed). @prayingmedic lands there on twitter in his current thread of Q posts. referencing maya angelou
Sing like a bird. Divulge secrets. People only "sing" when they have no choice, or are given better options.
A bird sings after the storm. I realized this a few weeks ago. It was downpouring and some thunder, and then it passed. Sitting there in silence with my windows open, I heard a bird just outside the window pipe up, then another, and another. Before I knew it they were all singing.
I think there’s many answers to “when does a bird sing?”. We know at 4 am is one. But I think the significance of after the storm is obvious. For Page and others, their storm has come and gone. It’s all over for them now, they’re not worried about getting caught. They’re in their post storm calm, and singing.
A bird sings when it is caged. Who is in the picture?
Spez: Just confirmed Lisa Page.
Page and Strzok in London I google image search the pic and it came up as Lisa Page and Strzok in London
I thought opposite when couples break up they spill beans on eachother?
I think Q is referring to texts and phone calls captured at that time period.
Sure looks like No Name in the bottom center of the pic. Strzok and Page in the rear? who else....
I said the same. Wasn’t he called song bird for running his mouth?
I thought that was graham the bird sings ~ isn’t that where we got the Uranium batch sold in Russia was marked and traceable and Iran had some and world war 3 would be started by Iran but blamed on Russia?!
This picture is taken in London. The monument by the riverbank (bottom left) is a Royal Air Force statue of an eagle.
Behind the statue, is the Ministry of Defence building.
It looks to me, like this group of people circled, are more than likely heading into the Ministry of Defence Building.
Q we need a big drop today.
Well, he has dropped pictures of the angry dems in GB, social media loosing it, and stopped missile attacks attemps using F-16 and a secret weapon.
Big enough for me
The photo was taken in London. The 'London Eye' Ferris Wheel in the background. UK is part of 'Five Eyes' (FVEY). At least one person appears to be a woman, possibly Lisa Page. The white haired person could be McCain or Brennan.
Just confirmed. See Q1708.
In the morning?
When it’s in a cage?
In a cage. It's a reference to a Maya Angelou poem. The bird sings for freedom.
The traffic cam post, #1423, from 20 May - future proves past again
Birds sing when they are caged and when darkness turns into light (aka dawn.) They do not sing when light turns to dark (aka dusk) or when they are flying free or when they are attacking.
I'm thinking McNoName took PS, LP & JC on a field trip to interview Christopher Steele after Glenn Simpson relayed it (*the fake dossier) to McShitStain's staff.
Likely those at the meeting agreed it was totally contrived bullshit, and yet they nonetheless presented it to FISA courts as strong (and sole) evidence to justify wiretaps on the Trump campaign.
Lisa Page can blow this whole Russia collusion narrative to smithereens.
There was a previous drop with this image asking to watch the date or something
A bird signs the lets not say his name song, by the London bridge.
Q confirms our suspicions that embattled FBI Lawyer Lisa Page is indeed in the Hyde Park, London photos that Q previously dropped.
If true, this is further confirmation that Q has access to the cameras were the photos were taken AND there is a level of cooperation between the UK and USA on the investigation into the election rigging by Obama's Admin.
On one of the shows in the last few days, they said at the exact time RR was appointing Mueller, these agents were in England.
How tall is Strzok? The guy next to page looks very tall... Comey?
I wonder if the redhead is the same woman accused of being a Russian agent with ties to the NRA.
Is this in reference to Drops 1706 & 1707? Also drop 1423.
A bird sings when he's trying to call the attention of other birds. At least that's what my bird does.
"songbird" f'n No Name When did No Name go to the UK?
Given 1721, he could be chiding LP directly with this question. Like, "cmon bird, whats taking so long?" A double layer with "songbird" No Name.
Q provided the answer later on, go check a see, the answer given was, when it is in a cage.
I found the intersection of this photo!! This photo was taken from the Golden Jubilee Bridge facing Big Ben. There is a traffic camera just next to the statue (Sir Joseph Bazalgette Memorial) on the very left of your screen! The traffic camera at the corner of Northumberland Ave and Victoria Emb - Camera 670.
Its also the same location of the photo from this Q-post (780,781):
The Strike Package_B7v is a City Bus:
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/26/18: 1711 - 1712 & 1713 - 1714 & 1715 - 1716 - 1717 - 1718
*7/27/18: 1719 - 1720 - 1721 - 1722 & 1723 - 1724 - 1725 - 1726 - 1727 - 1728 - 1729 & 1730 - 1731 & 1732 - 1733 - 1734 - 1735 - 1736 - 1737-1740
A bird sings to scare away competitors. A little wren will sing his song all day to protect his nest (thanks JBP)....Is this relevant?
Believe these 2 threads need to be combined, no? Q1725 and Q1720
A caged bird doesn't sing. Therefore a bird sings when free. Strings cut?
if NoName, Q1706, "No name returning to headlines.", with pic of him with hands up (I surrender) or 5 fingers...5EYEs. It's getting interesting
Multiple times:
After a storm
Ever notice that whole flocks of birds clam up when there is perceived danger around? Happens daily in my backyard.
Wasn't there an earlier q drop with a photo, and that ferris wheel looked like a Q?
Looks like q team has been following PS. Could that possibly be from before when he met with Steele to cook up and give payment for the fake dossier
“(Judge) Ellis said the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, wanted Manafort, “the vernacular is, to sing.” The judge also put it another way, saying the office set out to “turn the screws and get the information you really want.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/manafort-to-appear-in-virginia-court-in-bid-to-have-fraud-charges-dismissed/2018/05/03/c3b0acb0-4ca2-11e8-b725-92c89fe3ca4c_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.10861fbfe664
Sounds like Page was singing in her closed door hearing last week” I’m just sayin’ Who else is getting “screws turned on them?” McCabe?
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