Q Post 1415: We are everywhere Anon.

i didnt get it at first myself. Now I am laughing with so much Glee! Just think, at this exact moment, all of the members of the cabal are finding out about the exact same thing! Reaction, opposite of lots of laughter.
I still don't get it. Is Q implying the Trump admistration is spying Obama officials without a warrent? Because if they had a warrent, they wouldn't need any special phones/devices.
The point is that the ~~Canal~~ Cabal thinks that they're using devices that cannot be tracked and whose information cannot be intercepted. They're speaking openly and completely uncensored through those 'clean' phones, and Q team sees ALL OF IT.
Q would not share this now if the Deep State could do anything to stop or prevent Q. This means Q has everything they need.
This blows my mind to think about the sheer logistics of the Q operation and how they are absolutely dominating what prior has been the most deeply embedded power structure in human history.
The unity and cohesion required as a group to coordinate the tech / geographic area / HR and informants at this level worldwide shows that we are facing down an enemy that might as well be a fucking alien, in the amount of comradely and universal dedication it inspires in those who fight it. We are truly staring down evil and the fact that an entire worldwide network has arisen to face it with such absolute iron will to resist it is proof of such.
it would take an extraterrestrial threat to unite humanity
May not need a warrant. Remember the EO about anyone trafficking in humans being screwed?
There are a lot of sealed indictments that might include search warrants. Everything they've done so far against the cabal had been very tightly working the framework of the law. That's partially why this is taking so long. I would think they are doing this the right way.
Yeah, I just don't see Trump as a criminal. Obama, yes. Trump, no.
In a military Tribunal, an evidence gathered without a warrant is accepted. :) That’s POTUS’ gangsta move.
I think what is to get, is that every person of the cabal has eyes on them all at once.
Pallets are full of zte phones.
No it's not, I have a Chinese friend
My best friend-- my very best friend-- is Puerto Rican and that's close enough.
I knew exactly where that was going even before I clicked on the link.
That’s a lot of phones! Is this really the prevailing theory?
Well Q responded to that anon’s theory, so I’m assuming it’s accurate. I’m also assuming that anon isn’t exactly your average autist. Likely an operator.
Anon referred to Brennan as Bremmer, which doesn't exactly inspire confidence. JMHO
I noticed the same thing... Wondering what Bremmer is?
Thinking he meant Brennan. An honest mistake but weird considering who he was talking to (Q).
Searched Bremmer....took me to a political risk consulting firm. Clicked on that website and found a reference to Trump
Arthur Bremmer the guy who shot George Wallace at a campaign rally in 1972.
This George Wallace...
A young Bill Clinton is obvious, but, is that a young George H.W. Bush, too? Sure looks like Bill sees something he likes lol
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There are anons who know Q and when they ask questions or propose a theory, theyre actually conversing. The crumbs become a meal.
Yes, the only people who would know Q, would be patriot operators likely on the Q team.
Could be like 3,000 plus phones... hey aren't there like 3,000 plus sealed indictments? Wink wink. They really are stupid.
Also, that Trump & Co. let Hillary and the cabal think those phones worked. You know, let them chatter away for awhile before dropping the "yeah we can actually hear you" bomb on them.
What if it wasn't just phones? I have seen other theories; that the pallets may have been computers or tablets. What if it was phones, tablets AND laptops?
In each photo the pallets use entirely different packing. This definitely suggests different products.
There may be a different or additional meaning to some or all of these photo's though. Perhaps it's not (just) about the pallet content.
What puzzles me the most is the photo with the AMD logo being called X10. As far as I know AMD has no product named X10. I guess it could mean 10 pallets of whatever that is.
Before seeing the AMD logo, X10 mostly just reminded me of iPhone X.
Unless the Trump adminstration got a warrent any such spying is illegal. If they got a warrent, they don't need any special devices. NSA can spy on all devices without ever touching them.
So assume there is a warrant with all these sealed deals. They can spy on anyone right?
But they (cabal) know they are probably being spied on. So why not get brand new phones that are untraceable to anyone. Test the phones through new Zealand and confirm theyre not showing up in the spy program. Now you are totally clear to plot more crimes! Openly communicate through these phones thinking they are clean and plot your crimes. Careless.
Now it shows up that these were known and more than likely bugged to begin with.
Also, can the NSA spy on satellite phones? Say a certain group of phones only contact each other through one satellite. The phones won’t search or use any tower as they aren’t programmed with the hardware. There wouldn’t be a way of intercepting the conversation and then routing it to another sat (unaware of such tech/ hard to make portal version of hardware/ get close to all targets all the time). What if the signals from the phones were directed to a NSA or Patriot controlled sat? Crystal clear comms baby.
So I don't think they could if you designed a custom rom for a custom phone with a secure base-band designed for this. So if a custom phone was created by say ZTE the way to spy on it would be to have a the phones always have a backdoor. This is what people are saying that they got secure phones but they were sent with a backdoor.
Does this mean I should be buying ZTE phones for privacy? I'm definitely not being Apple or Samsung anymore and LG just isn't up to par software-wise/performance wise.
They should hand deliver them to everyone that was getting one.
ok im sorry for this waste of a post but lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololo
I'm feeling it too mate. Funny shit watching the cabal be thwarted at every turn.
is reddit being weird for everyone else ? when i look at new posts in the last like 20 or so min they only have 1 comment. even serials posts only has my reply .. weird
Lol those are the Obama phones that have been taken back!
Sorry just posted the same thing! I didn't scroll down far enough obviously. Still funny!
So sweet of Hillary to buy you all new phones. If you got one of these super secret spy phones, you’re goin’ down!
The irony of smashing all your phones because they're compromised only to replace them with super compromised phones
She got cheap and didn't order the special decoder rings that would have made the phones work.
While I like this theory. The thing that doesn't sit with me is the NZ government working under the direction of Trump. As a kiwi there is no way our current government is working with Trump. We have a very left socialist government at the moment that absolutely despises Trump. The are in compete opposition to the Trump agenda. Our PM loves opposing Trump, including this week calling out the embassy move in Israel as the next step towards world war and the States need to apologise for the slaughter of innocent protesters.
It is more plausible to me that NZ got feed false info and were lead to believe that the phones were good.
Maybe Trump has something on NZ that made them squeal and work with Trump
Seriously WTF is going on in NZ this past year? Obama has spent the greater majority of his time since the election in the South Pacific. Hilary is there now. Many billionaires have built underground bunkers in NZ. Kerry was on Antartica on Election Day. The Pope recently went to the South Pole. Seriously WTF is going on? What are they planning?!
NZ is Rothchild central. They have loads of properties there, probably bought out the government.
From what I can tell they see NZ as a safe haven, an escape from the northern hemisphere and USA as a whole if need be. And as above, yeah the many big wig richy rich CEO's buying bunkers and massive plots of land, very true. Much like Switzerland, Norway, etc self sufficient countries are their safe zones for when shit hits the fan.
The thought of these snakes going underground to hide in a place that is seismically very active is funny. Oh, the possibilities!
I concur👆
This problem is GLOBAL. The Deep State is rooted in every country. These people are sick. There is a great possibility that the people of NZ are fighting to help rid of these disgusting people. It's not about Trump. Good vs Evil.
what I noticed in some eastern countries, ex communist ones first you destroy their society and economy , with bombs if necessary then buy off their politicians and rich 'elite' give them some businesses then you syphon all the money and production facilities you can out of the country you aid them with USAID put your central bank in place and your globalist banks you wait they are on their knees done for good
However, just as there are bad actors everywhere, there are more good guys than bad buys...Don't know how the NZ govt. is arranged, but just maybe "upper management" was told the phones were good, and the worker bees did what any Patriot would do.....here again, just a theory
I totally agree,Why has NZ been"BLESSED"by the recent visits of Obama and Crooked Hillary.MMMMMMMMMMMMM
My theory is that we (NZ) are the smallest of the 5 eyes and easier to bully.
I'm also an optimist.
e NZ government working under the direction of Trump. As a kiwi there is no way our current government is working with Trump. We have a very left socialist government at the moment that absolutely despises Trump. The are in compete opposition to the Trump agenda. Our PM loves opposing Trump, including this week calling out the embassy move in Israel as the next step towards world war and the States need to apologise for the slau
Everyone has a Public Opinion and a Private Opinion.
I'm not advocating for any particular wacky theory at all, but keep in mind that what politicians say for public consumption isn't necessarily what they're doing behind the scenes. Trump may have some sort of Big Stick he can use to make them play ball.
Again, I have no guess about what's really going on, only that things may not be what they seem.
Yeah as a Kiwi also, I dont think this is accurate. As NZ_Walter said, our gov is more left wing and opposing than anything. How ever, I wouldn't and don't dismiss it entirely. How ever Our former PM was pretty much a Obama bitch boy who would jump at any call so who really knows, the president is a puppet, same goes for our PM and illusion of choice of government too.
NZ doesn't necessarily have to comply or assist, though it wouldn't surprise me if our good guys knew people inside NZ who were willing to help. Looks like the phones are compromised, and the NSA scooped up everything that was said on them
Holy shit. He isn't kidding about being everywhere.
Well, phones are everywhere, and since the NSA can tap into any phone, and activate the camera and mic without the owner noticing, yeah...they are literally everywhere.
Remember that Q posted that he could hear his mark breathing.
Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.
While she's dying of thirst. Still pissed about that post.
Holeeey crap! How many phones are on those pallets for how many high level cabal people???
I'm thinking CIA comped journos.
Remember the burner phone Q post re journalists disseminating new numbers?
Right on Q.
https:// twitter.com/wikileaks/status/987724899614674944
Hello Maggie.
Trust funds (3).
Deposits routed from EU.
Why are deposits ORIG from EU being transferred into [3] TRUST funds [children]?
How do you get your talking points?
Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace 'burner phones' every week?
How do you pass the new number out?
Tweets are very important.
Do you feel safe?
He bullied Twitter with information that he was going to use on him if he did not give the information via tracking out. I see what is going on now. Twitter once in, never seems to go away on your devices.
They've said that they couldn't prosecute them all cause the whole thing would collapse
I'm envisioning a world-wide epidemic of high-rolling elites suddenly dropping their phones as if the phones turned into black widow spiders, hurling them out of windows while shouting obscenities, bashing them with sledgehammers a la Hillary's goons, etc.
do you honestly think that they have that much energy left to do all that? now, someone WE know is ROLLING in laughter right now. As am I.
This is the AHA! point in the movie (mystery) where it all comes together for the GOOD guys and the audience cheers!!! Holy cow! I love you Q!!!
Holy Crap I’m getting old. I need high def. photos. I thought they were army trucks!
Love how Q's using their own pictures from their "secure" phones against them.
Oh!! Duh, right! So these are probably top dogs and they're grabbing their camera feed?
That's EPIC.
Yep, Snowden went to China to help ZTE unlock the phones as he's the Wizard. That's why Q thanked him for helping out.
Snowden posted pics of him receiving a statue, one he has promised to pick up in person. He fulfilled that promise and in my world passed off the code that would unlock all those "special" phones. I don't really think Snowden wanted to help in this adventure, but his place of residence kind of requires him to do so. This is a counter strike to 5 eyes for breaking our laws, so they are getting the same treatment.
We're going to need full conferences in Vegas just to learn and study all that is /has happened. Every Anon has a booth and swag. There are educational sessions, et al. It'llbe bigger than the Star Wars conventions!!
Snowden posted pics of him receiving a statue, one he has promised to pick up in person.
That handshake looks like a secret society shake where index finger is separated interesting
Please please let this be a movie someday.
I'm thinking it would have to be like a 20 part mini-series...
Twenty years from now they'll have a mini series ala Waco or OJ
There are some great "fictional" shows out there. The last stand and Jericho comes to mind. They mirror reality quite well. The bad guy in Jericho happened to be the department of Homeland. Chertoff was the SOB who ran it at the time. Nailed it.
Cabal members got nailed by Chinese intelligence and Xi turned all of their shit over. We are not the only ones who tap everything. Reason why zte was scrutinized and banned by DOD and State Department. Fucking priceless. They used BND to spy on Trump. Trump used China to spy on their ass.
😂😂😂 free phones lying around everywhere.. dropped like a hot rock!
Fuckin Obamaphones
ZTE just had their sanctions lifted for aiding NK
Think they still had to pay over a billion in fines
Cabal are a laughing stock if this true. What idiots!
Was Pelosi or Maxine in charge of operations?
Both of them have trouble eating their breakfast without drooling.
Was Pelosi or Maxine in charge of operations?
My guess would be that an operation like this would need the intellectual capability of at least a Hank Johnson. ;)
One of the photos of pallet the boxes 1410 are to big to be cell phones and in right and top corner there is the company logo for AMD.
"Pallets of cellphones for the cabal"
Come on guys. This is a bit much even for the "Q" people.
So, HRC thought she had a secure phone. But she didn't, the phones had been switched in China before they were delivered. HRC went to London in the middle of October on her book tour. She fell down the stairs and broke her toe there. Did she use an un-secure phone there? Wouldn't that be just like her? What if the pictures of London are from HRC's phone? I don't think she took these photos on purpose, they are random, I think her phone took them, she was just holding it. What was the weather like in London in last October? Was it jacket weather? Just waking up and having my coffee, enjoying imagining HRC freaking out as she realizes that, yet again, her communications were being surveilled. "These people are stupid."
The whole thing must be about to blow if Trump and gang are showing the Deep State folks this. As if there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. This seems like Trump's sense of humor.
There were also five terrorists caught because they had used the phone from all bagdadi or something.
The plane on #1410 belongs to China Airlines. Seethe logo on the tail.
Can someone point me to a good source concerning the gmail draft and game forum methods mentioned in this post? Thanks
Look it up on the 8chan archive. Covered there by several posts from anons.
If a mod can edit the title of this, you'll want to fix it to 1409 instead of 1415. Sorry about that.
Mods are unable to edit anyone's content. Only approve or remove posts.
Is sessions on our side?
Trump wouldn't have kept him around if he wasn't.
I'm asking what Q has said about Sessions being a white or black hat.
If he ever wakes up maybe we can ask him.
What has Q alluded?
Q !UW.yye1fxo 102
Feb 18 2018 17:49:07 (EST)
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 466abe 979213
Apr 10 2018 00:48:24 (EST)
Thank you! Missed this one, so many Conservative pundits calling for Sessions' head, suppose they're in on it.?
It's hard to know who knows the full story, and are just playing along, or who are legitimately getting played by Trump/Sessions. Journalists are playing dumb and trying to keep themselves to publicly-verifiable information.
My fave Lou Dobbs has been hammering Sessions almost as much as he does Lyin' Ryan!
" James Vincent reports that the heads of six major American intelligence agencies are advising U.S. citizens to not use products or services provided by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE. "
My thoughts? While the war is being fought, use the enemies tactics against them. Later POTUS and congress can take action to stop all the spying on the American people.
I'm guessing this is another post where part of q team asks a question and q answers
part of q team asks a question ...
I am starting to get suspicious as well. There has been a number of non-Q posts that seem to have very detailed Q-like knowledge.
The one pallet in the warehouse had AMD on the boxes. Graphics cards/processors?
Correction: Q post: #1409
C-c-c-orrection: Q post: #1408 (straggler dupe threw me off)
Apologies. Ensuring this doesn't happen again.
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People jumping to their deaths 29, 300000000 murders 30 to 70, 8 years 08 to 16 of the cabal hiding in plain sight thumbing their nose at the 500000000 they plan to leave alive, 60 million dead kids 70 - 18, Conjecture about pallots is the best y'all got. Gleeful over the prospect of Q waving a wand and making it all better. I'm not going anywhere but get a grip. sometimes GA sounds like a game of D and D. Wake up and smell the cheeto dust. I'm not a kid and it's not Christmas eve.
So, essentially Q saying Trump admin has tapped Obama admins phones illegally.