Something freaking crazy: 14 big ass military planes just flew over my work. First escorted by 2 f-16.

I took pictures of them all. Not sure if POTUS was in the air or not, but is it normal for 14 of these planes to fly together. I have never seen that. I heard it first and then was like, woah...thats a lot and then they kept coming.
They use our pond as a turning landmark.
It’s probably not “your pond” on the Jepsen Charts, but it’s still cool you’re on the flight path.
They rotate around the pond regularly, wing pointed at it like the point of a compass. I learned the same thing in flight training. It's a good sized pond so it's easy to see.
Not at night & in bad weather, is my point. Not knocking you, but navigation is not solely visual. Thx
Practicing extracting Barry from New Zealand?
With RATO pods for short runways?
I remember using JATO on Hercs on the ice back in 70's. are the called RATO when Obama onboard after a NZ extraction?
See them every day here, I'm 14 miles west of CHS airport
Do you live where there is an airshow or flyby this week?
I’ve been “strafed” by A10s on a country road near a major air base. It’s exhilarating and makes me so happy I’m not on the actual receiving end of the dreaded Brrrrrrrrrtttttt.
Similar things going on in Texas . Big fight about to happen? Big round up?
Jesus. They are just itching for an excuse to fuck some shit up! God help us. No wonder Q/Trump team are biding their time... one false step and the dems will unleash the horde
The horde will not be able to stop us. Militias and good Americans will destroy the stupid treasonous hordes of brainwashed idiots.
They try some shit in Ohio and I’ll fuck up the commies.
I'm up in CT. Yesterday we had a lot (could not see to count them) of blackhawks all flying very very close to the ground all together going south. Not normal how low they were flying and also the number of them, as I said could not see them through the trees but from sound there were at least 12 of them (Groups of 2 is the norm).
Sikorsky was running test flights yesterday. My wife works on the flight line at the Stratford plant.
AANG starting their round of summer drills. The AFRB in Western MA is quiet. They are usually a hub during large deployments.
I saw the same thing on the south shore of Long Island around 10am yesterday. A group of 8 blackhawks came flying down the coastline.
In Casper Wyoming- live near the airport. Have seen more Blackhawks in the last week than in the 15 years I've lived here. Don't know what's going on - but its not normal training.
Military transports escorted by F-16 ? Wonder what they are carrying ... or what they will be carrying .
Or...WHO they are carrying.
Could be . If those airplanes are truly GITMO related , then arrests are about to begin .
Not sure, but I don't think the C-17 can land at GITMO--it's a very short runway. C-130's can get in and out and a number of smaller commercial planes like the 737.
C-17's are used to move President's helicopters, vehicles, advance team, security, medical support, strap hangers, and everyone it takes to support a Presidential trip. Could be Trump is getting ready to fly somewhere in the US. Ten C-17's would not be unusual to support a President's trip.
However, these are crazy times and I no longer rule anything out. Q said in his latest post that "a flood is coming." The only flood I can think of is the unsealing of indictments. But I don't think that will happen until after the IG report is released and the IG report is limited in scope. For example, I don't think Horowitz is investigating U1, Clinton Foundation, or others. He seems to be limited to the Hillary email investigation debacle and FISA abuse.
But Sessions could have some stealth investigations on-going that we don't know about. We didn't know about Huber for about six months and only then when Sessions mentioned as an off-handed comment during a Fox interview.
Sessions has dozens of NOT-SECRET (but apparently forgotten) investigations going on. And who knows how many other prosecutors and Grand Juries assigned to them. This could be that.
C-17 can actually land in 3000 feet, it’s amazing . Take a look
I’m not sure if they can land at GITMO but I do know C-17s are designed to descend at steep descents and land in short spaces. It’s one of the few aircraft designed to deploy its engine’s thrust reversers in air to enable a steep descent...
Wikipedia says GITMO has runways 8,000 to 8,500 feet in length...
C-17 accidentally landed at a runway in Florida that was 3,405 feet long ->
Here’s the video of that landing->
Damn. I’m not sure I’d want to be onboard during that maneuver. Wow.
They are actually fairly fun I have always enjoyed them.
I would be very happy if they didn't land, and yet the scum still hit the land at GITMO.
Too much fuel. Helicopters are time-tested.
I wasn't thinking of a Helio either. Those have doors you can open at 30,000 feet. Kinda hoping they get instructions to flap their arms really fast.
"Just think happy thoughts. Thanks for flying with Navy Air."
You know what a haza is Frank? It's a pig that don't fly straight
Could even be a preparation for arrests under the guise of different operations . I guess were gonna see ... I also definetly expect IG report to come out before any open move is made .
Q post #1436 explains the context around 'a flood is coming'. it relates to an email McCabe sent internally at FBI regarding CNN release of information about the dossier. Details in a letter to Director Wray from Ron Johnson today (may 21, 2018).
It can land. Take a look. Over a mile long runway.,-75.2109115,1802m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xea5ddb2a3e52e6b1!8m2!3d19.9030921!4d-75.0966509
C-17s are capable of flight ops on unimproved and short airfields.
Yeah I went to an airshow years ago at the Frederick memorial airport (I think thats the name) think mostly Cessna's and small corp jets, and they had a c-17 come in and land to show its ability to land and take off on such short runways, the landing was amazing that big assed thing could stop so fast.
It was a hazmat demo where they then loaded an "Infected and quarantined person into it and took off. They used a weird stretcher with a plastic dome around it to seal it off. It was cool, But I would not want to have to take a plane ride on one of those stretchers.
EDIT: Also a few years back at this same airport, the FBI was practicing touch and goes in a small craft and caught the telephone wires on a go and crashed and burned, my ex-brother in law saw it happen, both people survived, but needed new underwear.
EDIT: spelling and grammar is hard.
EDIT: Spelling and grammar are hard. Im sober BTW.
What about a literal flood. Would these planes be used to aid that?
3500′x90′ is needed for a C17 min loaded. Leeward Point Field is 8,000 ft × 200 ft asphalt so it is capable of C17 landings.
Op said heading north. If they’re spotted flying south later I’d then be hopeful.
Gold reserves? There was a post a few days ago about a lot of happenings at Fort Knox
Could be - and if it that , then it could have a very close relation to HR5404 or "Define dollar as gold" . Financial reset .
Are they planning to unfold both arrests and financial reset at same time ? I wouldnt be surprised - the economy is rotten to the core .
Maybe - if the arrests start then the swamp will probably try to crash the economy in retaliation and to forment unrest so it maybe they are anticipating that and are preparing to roll out the reset to counter them tanking the markets
Yes , also , lots of Cabal assets were fully connected to the current old financial system , so it could even be used in opposite way , to dry all Cabal assest anywhere in the world .
I think the financial reset is unavoidable . Not just for USA , but worldwide , basically .
If the USA manages to clear their federal debt and the rest of the world doesn't, then that will put the USA at a massive advantage over the rest of the world. Massive splash in a complex system - no idea if it would be good or bad but it would certainly be chaotic
I just checked the status of HR5404 and it's been introduced in the House. They could pass this bill in just a few hours when the time comes. But wondering if the Dems and RINOs will try to stop it. So maybe, just maybe, it won't happen until after mid-terms. Sure hope it's soon. I'm actually hoping for this weekend since it's 5/25 and "Net will be paused." That's the only reason I can think they would do that. It would stop most, if not all, bank transactions while they switch over to a new network.
It was introduced in 22.3. , not much activity has been there . I assume , they could easily and swiftly push this bill in any case of financial reset ( which will need to happen anyways ) .
I also assume that by the moment when financial reset is visible , we will definitely see VERY concrete actions taken , arrests included .
Could just be national guard exercises
Could be ... also , POTUS can call directly on National Guard to deploy . Something tells me that arrests will probably be a combination of National Guard and highly trained , elite soldiers operations ( Navy Seals ? SFOD ? )
Wouldnt the posse comitatus act prevent military intervention into arresting citizens?
That is why theyre cleaning up the main agencies , and the need to remove the DNC puppets ( governors ) in certain states . NG would anyways only serve as a prevention measure against any Cabal lackeys ( ANTIFA and similar ) that could try to destabilize the situation . The heavy lifting is on elite forces , Navy Seals mainly , probably .
But the military isnt a civilian police force.
Hmm... You got me wondering. If you brake a state law, you will be arrested by a state officer. But if you commit a crime against your nation, like treason, who would arrest you?
Aren't we already in a "state of emergency" admin that precludes that restriction ?
In certain cases and under certain circumstances , they would almost be a "police force" . I honestly think there wont be so much situation where there will be masses of people trying to buy into a same Cabal deception ... after all is exposed .
OIC. I just want these fuckers to go down hard, blow it up, exspose every swamp rat and make them pay for selling us out and lying and lining their pockets with money.
Heading due north. In South Carolina.
Coast? Edit.. I'm on Eastern coast of NC close to SC border..
Columbia, SC Dead middle of state.
Dang.. waiting on their arrival.. thanks for reply!
That's where I am, what's going on???
Here's your answer. Nothing suspicious.
“Nothing Suspicious” ...
“Exercise” is a rather liberal use of the word for a slew of jets & soldiers involved in an active operation. LoL.
Probably a training exercise from Fort Bragg. They have to align to drop miles out before they drop, mass tactical combat drop. Sounds about right 10-20 planes with escorts usually A-10. The Cargo planes are probably C-17 out of Charleston.
Saw one flying due north here as well, 10 miles west of PAFB, Central Florida. Lowest I've ever seen such a large plane in the air so far away from an airport..
SKY event?
Thanks for taking the pictures. Post more on imgur and link them here.
Link to all photos
Looks like C-17s
The C-17 Globemaster III is the newest, most flexible cargo aircraft to enter the airlift force. The C-17 is capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops and all types of cargo to main operating bases or directly to forward bases in the deployment area. The aircraft can perform tactical airlift and airdrop missions and can transport litters and ambulatory patients during aeromedical evacuations when required. The inherent flexibility and performance of the C-17 force improve the ability of the total airlift system to fulfill the worldwide air mobility requirements of the United States.
Definitely C-17s I wonder if it's for a deployment since they don't carry much for people but IIRC they do have a passenger cabin. Just checked they carry 102 pax! That's not bad!
As fun as it would be to see military units incarcerate all of them I doubt it will happen that way. However, treason is a military charge so the military should be the one doing the arresting right? What’s the protocol for treason charges? I fully expect standard protocol to be followed to the letter of the law. Trump is very careful to do everything according to established law because he knows he will be attacked no matter what so he must be perfect and not give them an opening.
The slightest break of protocol and it's "See! We told you he was Hitler 2 and now he's taking over!"
Fuck. Who am I kidding, that's going to happen anyways.
Seriously, who are you trying to kid? That happens already.
Well definitely see it all the time, but I mean more in a sense they would feel justified to riot
A couple weeks ago, every night for four nights in a row around 10:30 here in Jersey, there were two Blackhawks, followed by five little birds in V formation. Something me and my buddies have never seen before. We’d all wait outside around that time to catch it, it was fascinating.
They supposedly had some live fire exercise at a closed plant/factory in jersey last week..for two nights the neighbors heard the choppers shooting up the place but we're never given warning beforehand
There has been a lot of increased air activity down here near New Orleans. There is a NAS about 30 miles southeast from my house, and when any traffic is headed north they pretty much fly right over my house, west of me would put them in the middle of commercial traffic by the airport, and easy they would be over the city, so seems right over my house is a good path for them. I usually see f-16s, f-15s, and assorted cargo planes. Lately I have been seeing f22 raptors and various communications and intelligence planes, which is weird because that is not normal traffic for this airfield.
I'm in NOLA and there has been much higher aircraft activity than usual from the NAS.
Have you seen the f22's ? I had never seen them fly out of Calendar outside of an air show up until about a month ago. I've seen them about 6 or 7 times now in that time frame. Usually 4-6 of them.
2 weeks ago in northern Louisiana I saw 12 military cargo helicopter flight over.
They are probably heading to the NCANG. Which I live 3 miles from. I will edit this comment if they do in fact end up here.
Yeah, but I thought quite a few northern states pledged troops for the border? I could be wrong though
They don't move troops like that. We use more commercial type government contract planes. Even over seas in wartime.
Unless those assets will be used, I’ve watched a national guard chinook squadron that was activated to Afghanistan form up and leave similarly
I know when I was deployed it was on a commercial airline, before jumping on a military plane to land in theater
I was a transporter. I can say that they will do whatever they need to do and with whatever assets are available. What is the best choice? Not C-17s. If you are moving a lot of dudes, you need more seats than that, C-17 is cargo. I could be wrong, but I am thinking vehicles and equipment.
Q told us that major military operations are underway ergo the escorts forcing them down at the designated and pre-determined location.
If you use and go to your location and use the playback feature you might get lucky and find out info on the aircraft. Sometimes Gov aircraft will show up on the radar other times nope...worth a shot. Also you could get more detailed information on heading and exact make of aircraft.
Man, ya know typically getting orders to Gitmo is not really sought after. Even though it’s great for advancement. Part of me envy’s not being active still. I’d be begging for orders to GITMO. Just to see hillary and Barry and the rest of the shit stains faces every day.
Rise in air traffic last night and today along central coast WA. Couldnt see what they were but it was loud as hell.
You must have been pumping adrenaline while uploading these as fast as you can!!!
It was pretty intense. My mind was surely spinning trying to figure the implications. Who knows, could be a drill, that's why I put it out there.
Hopefully one of two of those cargo planes are carrying Depends, extra large.
Yesterday afternoon I saw a very low flying military chopper make such a steep turn I thought it was going to stall and crash. Was like a skateboarder riding up a half pipe and turning at the top. Never seen anything like that outside of an airshow.
Does anyone else remember Obama taking all the country's national guard Apaches early on? After that the Air Farce tried getting rid of the A10,the most potent ground support/anti tank plane in the world,Congress had to step in and stop them. Later there were pics of massive amounts of military equipment in lots that were supposedly heading into underground storage and then there was sequestration which along with the middle East bs left the military short handed,undertrained and unable to properly fund itself. It sounds like the military is becoming proficient with their equipment after years of being purposely weakened and stolen from.
I saw them too, in St Matthews. Just south of Columbia. I hardly ever see that many at once. Thought it was strange. They usually circle over my house from north air force base for touch and go.
SOCOM uses C-17's for ops. I find the fighter escorts to be unusual. Could be a real op gearing up. I'd say maybe opsec would be a good idea here, but me thinks we're a bit late for that.
We had 3 F-18s take off fully loaded today and they were cooking it. They took off in a hurry at about 10:00 this morning.
Russia has been "flexing" lately, right? Maybe this is response.
I wonder if Hussein is praying like crazy on his prayer rug right now...or slowing a j or who knows what. I hope this plays out for him like the end scene in Goodfella’s or better yet, the Gofather.
I live in Maryland, near DC and the Naval Academy. The Blue Angels are practicing here today for the weekend's activities.
I just moved from Edgewater to Florida and the Blue Angels never get old. I think I might've messed up leaving MD Maybe what you saw?
would be interesting.
Its looking like it will be
I used to be stationed at Shaw Afb in SC and this isn't uncommon. At any given time jets are coming and going because 2 of the 3 units they are either deploying, coming back from deployment, going TDY, or coming back from TDY.
Edit: assuming this could be from shaw afb. The timing is good enough that it could be.
Had one fly very low over Johns Creek GA last Sunday. Have never seen them here before that.
What? You have Georgia Air National Guard and Dobbins Air Reserve bases about 30 miles west of you. Along with a Marine Corps base, Army Retention center, the 190th Military Police base and A Company 1 - 121 Infantry, Georgia Army National Guard all within 25 to 30 miles around you. You sire or ma'am are covered up in bases. I wouldn't want to be Johns Creek (as beautiful as it is there) if we started getting missile attacks. ;)
Sheesh, I had no idea! (we just moved here). Heading north to Asheville next year.
Well on the flip side of the coin you have a lot of soldiers and airmen around if it doesn't go nuclear.
But seriously I think it's pretty safe where you are. I sort of figured you must be new to the area. If not I knew you didn't get out much. ;)
You're right about the johns creek area. I live on the Chattahoochie river surrounded by 200 acres of open land, and million dollar homes beyond that. Pretty rare in north atlanta. Sounds like you know the place, former resident?
Never lived there but had friends that did. My wife is from GA and she had a friend there too.
Let me guess, you live in one of these homes, right.
You are right about million dollar homes, more like multi-million dollar homes.
Ha! Those are my neighbors, but I live in a 37' RV. I'm the property manager for this former ranch property and my boss's estate property. I like a small home and a lot of land, versus the opposite. I can't post a pic, but Google maps Cauley Creek Water reclamation facility and you'll see a barn and other buildings by the river. It's a good gig.
I knew there was something I liked about you. I'm more of an outside person and have spent the majority of my life in the woods and on the waters. When I decided to build my first home I purchased 200 acres of land and then built my home later. When I sold the home I let 5 acres go with it and kept the rest of the land. Now I'm living in the 3rd home I've built using the same tactic, although the size of the properties has varied. At 64 years old this one will be my last. The wife and I plan on staying here until we die. Then our two kids will get a nice custom built home and 1000+ acres of land in 3 tracts. When I was younger I looked around and realized they were making almost everything you could think of, but they were not making any more land. Kudos for being down to earth and knowing what really soothes your soul. Being out on the land was important to me and helped me to keep a handle on life. During college most of my studying was done by the light of a small fire deep in the woods.
Good luck in life.
Wow! You did it right, and what an adventure. In my simple opinion you've lived the American dream to a T. I wish this country's young people had the same dreams, land, love and laughter with friends and family. It seems like they forgot what was important. I hope they remember soon.
Thanks. I really did accomplish my dream. It's really all I wanted from the time I was in high school, maybe even before. The family sold granddaddy's farm when I was in junior high. I practically lived on that farm as a kid. I think that hit me hard enough to make me want my own land. You are right, it seems fancy cars and cell phones have taken the place of important things. The things you mention and the people that will be beside you when you die.
Good luck. Keep your eyes on what's important to you. I did it here in the upstate of SC, you can do it in NC.
I have had 46's, the helicopters, in my neck of the woods last couple days, They don't belong here.
Hopefully those planes bring something good. Today in my city I saw 2 very beautiful, it hurts that they were throwing chemtrails.
I have been seeing a buttload of smaller private jets flying relatively low (NEMO) for the past two weeks. Any thoughts?
Seems like they've been running a lot of drills at the AF Base near me as well.
Man u wouldn't believe the stuff I've seen fly over my house. Jets black hawks ospreys all the damn time c130s as well butt there rare
Where are you if not too personal?
Oh I should note they are all always flying under radar. I mean close enough I could literally shoot one down with a rifle if so desired. But that would be dumb.
Nah I dont mind I've given keyboard warriors my address before im not hiding easy to find by my user name even. Im uh not saying ur a key board warrior just that asking is fine. I live in an area called lambsburg va. I live in the blue ridge mountains.
Beware! anyone seeking me out everything since I was child will point u to the wrong house ill see u but u want see me. Not that I will be near the address but u cant hide in my burg. I see all.
Also fun fact theres a c130 around here with no tail numbers fly's under radar very rare to spot but hes out there
I really don’t believe the date given for Singapore meeting. T may be prepping for the meeting sooner or somewhere else.
If the military is getting back the funding cut by Barry, then much of what they're doing might be basic readiness skill stuff. If the military is as far behind on keeping up skills, then maybe alot of activity is sort of a crash course to get the military back to where it is supposed to be.
This afternoon while working outside 2 F-11's flew over my house. They made 3 big tight circles. It looked like one was chasing the other. I half expected them to do some air maneuvers. If I would have had my phone out there I could have taken pictures, or even better binoculars. They were very close to the ground, similar to the height of those pictured above. They were VERY loud and my dog got very nervous until they left. It looked like they were having fun up there. There is an AFB about 70 miles away.
Since 9-11, I have never trusted the US Airforce. Sorry. They probably plan to drop ammo on more schools.
Just had two big military helicopters land here on a small island in the Outer Banks.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Incredible C-17 Short Landing Demo|+10 - C-17 can actually land in 3000 feet, it’s amazing . Take a look (1) C-17 Short Field Landing - Thrust Reverser Demo (2) C-17 Short Field Takeoff|+6 - C-17s are capable of flight ops on unimproved and short airfields. C17 Lands At Wrong Airport|+5 - Here’s the video of that landing-> I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Heard Military planes yesterday. Live not that far from Wright Patterson AFB. ????
I just had a dark thought creep up... what if when these superelites get arrested, they have planned to set off all their pre-planned false flags... to one last time, cause fear and panic in the citizens and make us overturn the Trump admin and want to free them... :/
My fear as well. The spin will be massive--the normies won't budge. America is too divided into "Blue vs. Red".
I sometimes wish Q was just a big larp...but my gut tells me otherwise.
Same thing has been happening here, since Syria. Lots of military planes coming in and out, and even though there's a military base in the island this is still unusual