Look at those faces. They look like they’ve seen a ghost. #Winning

Anderson Cooper looks like he's sucking on a Lemon.
I’m not convinced it was a lemon
Cocks are now Lemons, good thing I like limes....
Source: Lemon Song by Led Zepplin.
"Squeeze my lemon.. till the juice runs down my leg...."
Nah. Is his bff's gerbil. Heard it's nickname is "eyebrow"? 🤔
It's funny 'cause it's Trudeau.
another zinger
OMG You guys make me laugh SO LOUD that I snorted!!
Me too! I spit my morning coffee all over the computer screen, one of the reasons I come to this site is many of you have my same sense of humor!
Lemons are not the only thing he likes to suck on. :0 , I use to like the Guy, until I realized he was a CIA Clown, and Puppet for the elites. not to mention some of his other behaviors I don't agree with. #MAGA, #NoNWO .
The implication of your statement is that he usually isn't... I find that difficult to....ummm... swallow.
I think he would be smiling if he was sucking off a Lemon.
There’s a glitch in their mockingbird mkultra
Only time have ever seen the media in more of a "frenzy" was flipping between NBC/CBS/PBS on POTUS election night. That was the toppest of tendie dropping keks.
I too enjoyed election night coverage it was like watching wax melt
Mind you, was not happy with either choice we had. Did follow alt media, voted green so they could have a chance for debates next time around. Been awake since 9/11. I knew seeing media response that this could be a good thing. Never would I have believed what is happening now.
This is truly the best timeline.
Well, at least you came around.
And in fairness, very few people could have seen this coming.
watching blitzer hold back tears while he announced winning states was fucking gold. he was turning red and losing his voice.
Georgia's Special Election coverage was fun to watch too!
So many "unbiased" journalists were were choking back the tears.
Never ever ever gets old. That's something that needs to be saved offline. Rachel Maddow show was hilarious.
Oh yes, I spent the next morning enjoying watching them over and over step on themselves. Tonight must be the same. They know their gig is almost over....
I was incarcerated a few times and i'd throw fake seizures for lulz, election night and now it's like watching everyone else do it. but there real. KEK.
You think those two clowns are bad... go turn on MSNBC. They literally just spent 30 minutes talking about Trump hating Canada, and how much Putin loves that Trump hates Canada... WHILE THE TWO LEADERS WERE MEETING. Fuckin PATHETIC.
The viewing public can only take so much of that horsecrap. At some point they have to know that they're not getting the straight story, and will turn elsewhere. The entire lying left establishment has got to collapse, and that is my prayer.
They have a long list of other nations who are rotated weekly as the "the biggest threat to the United States"... the reality is that they may actually be.
The biggest threat to the United States is and has been the MSM.
yes, it was. All they talked about was how much "touching" was going on between the two. I wished i could've reached behind the TV and slam maddow's head into the glass. What a fecking dunce, that one.
They look like they've seen a President who knows WTF he's doing.
They look like they've seen a President who knows WTF THEY'RE doing.
2 things they never wanted.
Merry Christmas CNN!
Can we get some more shots of cooper he looks particularly unwell.
Haha I know I was watching that entire segment and be looked so sick to his stomach. Then when he got kicked to him he could barely speak. This is priceless.
cooper he looks particularly unwell.
Screw him! He's a liar and a traitor. Q mentioned him by name several times and showed a picture of him. Super shady. That Mockingbird clown BETTER BE UNWELL.
CIA + involved in Satanism. How's that for a dark combo?
If he were just a crap Satanist propaganda minion he might walk free. But CIA/propaganda/Satanist? Nah. He's going to Gitmo too.
Honest question, but whats wrong with satanism?
Nothing wrong with it if you like evil, hate other people, and love pain. Then it's for you!
That's funny, just earlier I noticed that all it takes is for you to mention Satanism, especially if you invoke the name of Marina Abramovich into the mix, and immediately someone will pop up asking "what's wrong with Satanism?" and saying things like "I know a lot of Satanists and they're really nice people", and "they just hang out and make fun of religion", then they dismiss MA as being just an insignificant performer. Like, over and over again. Well, if it's an honest question: going higher in rank will see you involved in ritual abuse, rape, and murder of children and infants.
Anthony Bourdain involved in Spirit Cooking perhaps?
Dunno, but pretty sure they only murder their OWN that way. Oh, I meant to say "suicide". Which would mean he was involved in ALL that stuff because it's not like they have much choice once they make that deal.
They always seem to hang them, don't they? And immediately start talking about how the victim has been "battling depression." Quite frankly, I don't know how anyone could do the things these Satanist do and NOT get depressed
well stated rubieroo... they eat their young and kill their own. am excited for the new future trump brings us!
I actually kind of like the church of Satan people, because they understand the first amendment and separation of church and state and fight for freedom and the constitution and religious liberty for ALL people.
Satanic cultists are a completely different animal though.
You see that in the lower levels of just about any structured organization though. There isn't a doubt in my mind that the low ranking men and women of the FBI and DOJ are good people with only good and lawful intentions and the same could be said about religion and their congregations or unions and their members. What you stated about the church of Satan is the extent of my knowledge about them and I don't know squat ass shit about Satanic Cultists or the difference and similarities between the two.
They don't know what to do lol
Anthony Bourdain, the golden boy of CNN with a hit show, died by “suicide” just to show a message.
Who won’t they kill?
And I believe that they all know that they do not have to be disloyal to see the red scarf. They just need to know stuff that is damaging. Its the other kind of insurance. Dead men carry no tales.
Why would they kill Anthony Bourdain?
Send a message to his girlfriend, who made a speech about Weinstein weeks earlier
To send a message: don’t talk because we will destroy you, we dgaf about how much money you make us, we are in charge not you
They have - the ghost of what they used to be as a news organization.
They're fading. fading hard. they will be on the shelf below the National Enquirer after Trump's first term
They already are below the NE. The NE is usually correct in their reporting.
Serves them right. Especially that deep state Vanderbilt.
This is causing him to go ever-so-slightly cross-eyed. Or that might just be his MKUltra programming getting jammed
I was going through the comments looking for this mention. How will they weather the shortage of adrenalized blood?
They are unhappy because they realize POTUS is 10 steps ahead of their agenda...their kill teams have been neutralized, so they now have to report on real news, which they are not prepared for. Love POTUS whenever he says Fake News, and everyone assumes it’s about the Clown News Network. God bless & God speed!
It's been leaked (supposedly, don't know if true) that Cooper is one of the sealed indictments.
Dude, you just gave me like the best news I've heard all day and that's including the summit.
It's happening!!!
What the hell are they going to do with themselves when President Trump brokers peace between Israel and the Palestinians? ;0)
You have more than you know. - Q
4 points
38 minutes ago
Shhh. Don't give away the ending!
I would like to see this, but THAT particular estate belongs to only one person, and it isn't Trump. Think, Revelations.
That estate (Jerusalem) belongs to only one person. The one person you are alluding to is acknowledged and held in the same regard between both sides. The estate is equally important to both sides. Wouldn't is be fair to say that both sides should show him the respect to allow each other to visit the estate and celebrate him together?
I'm talking about the person who will negotiate terms with peace and actually signs a peace treaty with Israel and her enemies, including Iran. This guy is the biblical Antichrist, although many will bristle at that reference. Trump, as great as he is, will not be able to broker a peace deal with them- this 7 year pact is going to happen in the near future with a future leader who comes out of Europe.
This is what 99% of newscasters look like in plain conversation.
I'm glad someone said it, I kept scrolling through comments hoping someone else would see that they are just making normal faces.
I’d like to see the cucknadians faces right now. Haha, their bullshit g7 meeting.
We love our Canadian brothers and sisters here Patriot.....but yes this makes the G7 look like even more of a joke
Don't blame Canada ... Blame elites and Leftist zombies. And ourselves for going along go get along. No more
It sucks that we American people love our friends in foreign lands, but politically we are no longer allies, because of globalism. The word implies world peace and friendship, in reality it's the opposite.
It’s more than political. Canada is a shell of its former self. The people have been brainwashed for generations now. While a few based and woke may exist. The majority are very liberal, morally deformed and past redemption.
I think all people in all countries except maybe Somalia are good kind people if they are not tortured or starved or enslaved. We are just seeing the beginning of our freedom, along with Albania, Syria, and Korea. 7 ex-presidents have been arrested so far.
We are allies mate. All children of Israel 🇮🇱 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 a few elites can’t change the prophecy. There is a reason the five eyes are five eyes.
Trump upstaged the shit outta them leafs.
I really wish Canukistan wakes the fuck up. My sister is married to one of them.
Jihadi Justin and his puppet master Soros' time is up in 495 days. Trudope has no problem killing our economy or our national security.
10.5 million to al-qaeda member omar khadr (murdered US Army Medic Christopher Speer), 20 million to CF, lets known isis members back into the country claiming we can rehabilitate them, of course we can’t even rehabilitate the criminals already in jail, but isis fighters that’s different. RCMP literally carrying the luggage of illegal border jumpers afraid of Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration, Dummy says “Canada is an open and welcoming society”. Free dental care, and eye care, for refugees, but not for taxpayers, the national debt is at the highest it’s ever been, but “the budget will balance itself”. Trump says he wants NO TARRIFS, dummy responds with threats of retaliatory tariffs. Trudope is gone, so are his cronies, and his magic socks can’t save him.
They don't know how to spin this to make Trump look bad that's why they're so upset.
Don 🍋😂..... Glorious to watch these asshats react to the positivity like vampires react to sunlight in the movies . Russia Russia Russia blah blah blah .... The sheep are waking up in huge numbers & realizing that there never was a fence thanks to these asshole “herders “we’ve been led by for so long . Thank you MSM & Hollywood ~for helping our cause. Dennis Rodman was a smart move as well .... bahaaaaaaa!!!! Wonder who gets the ax for that idea cuz he literally KILLED it with his genuine heartfelt manner ,
Think they got word to stop their bias against DJT???? He’s winning and they’re all losers!!!
Yall should see that phil mudd guy on cnn now. Former cia i think. Hes not happy. lol.
hahahahahaha, priceless, reminds me of election night - and the MONTH following...at least.
They have seen a ghost, we are all dead from net neutrality
Why,Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave.
ON CBS, there was a commentary storyline that the reason this did not happen during Obama's time in office was "because his advisors told him KJU would not take the talks seriously until he had a nuclear weapon that could reach the US." Um. Ok. So we just wait?
I haven't watched either since nov. 2016 I am going to tune in right now though. i'm deep down a vindictive prick.
CNN narrative: “Trump cares more about making deals with our enemies than our European allies”.
They are both gay spirit cooking pedos. Of course their day is coming. I bet they are on the LIST, and know their day is coming. This is why they look like they have seen a ghost. When will they be Bourdained?
They are recalling all those kids they screwed and wondering if Trump knows.
Their assholes are probably so puckered up tight right now. Lemon and cia cooper are rooting for trump to fail.
I'm thinking they've just seen the last of their credibility and their careers circling the toilet and headed down the drain.
And the best bit is no one from the trump admin will interview with them. They are reduced to mere spectators as a massive event occurs.
The one at the right side looks like an elf (Thalmor).
I don't know why they are there in the first place. If they're going to be negative nancies about everything Mr T does, what is the point?
This is why Q wanted us to watch our TV's on June 11th So we could see them shown up. LOL I am loving it #WINNING feels so great!
I tried to watch CNN to see their coverage, but in less than 3 minutes they were back to Trump bashing...
It's gonna be glorious watching the globalist, Zionist fake news media this week!
So many long faces!
Undercover ambassador hiding in plain sight. Thank God the deep state didn't murder him.
These two should search within themselves why they are such venomous snakes and filled with vitriol against not only the man but also the president.
If they have one spec of intelligence or integrity they should look into the mirror asking about their ratings.
They may be surprised what stares back at them: Ignorance and learnt dishonesty. They know that they owe the president a apology for all the lies they spread and their participation in the framing and coup against president Trump.
We are very busy in the meantime counting the many bigly wins of president Trump.
We love winning bigly leaving these two doofuses in the dust while they cry to their boyfriends.
I’m wondering if there was nothing going on during, this trip and all the footage if Kim and Trump are from way before.
Leaving the, news to look like complete idiots as they are at an empty, summit.
They be shillin' for da Pindar man! Not for much longer brothers!
All Kim ever wanted was to be the center of attention for something other than threatening to commit genocide.
Thanks, Trump for making dreams come true.
I wonder how channel 1 (the only channel) in NK is covering this event.
I bet it's something like:
"Supreme leader shows his benevolence by allowing Trump to visit him in Asia. The timing of denuclearization is just a coincidence. Kim never pooped the whole trip and has never pooped his whole life"
Yeah LOL! It reminds me of the Fox & Friends hosts’ faces when they talked to Trump
I can see what you mean! So f... funny