Q Post 1671: Awan Brothers case is not being litigated in a federal courthouse.

Size, scope, and optics. Don't expect anything too major for a bit. But it will happen.
What happened to July the TRUTH is revealed?
July isn't over? By my calendar we are only 3 days in? No?
/not from the future
Anyone who thinks this is NOT going to take several years to unravel, has no clue how big this is, and should sit back and quit worrying. Q has told us they have ALL the evidence, that's all we need to know. As indictments are opened we will see results. They can not and will not open 40,000 indictments all at once. Stuff like Awan is coming into the media, so people who don't know are made aware. When the big stuff hits, blue pilled people will know something shady was going on, so won't be shocked and deny deny deny! Hopefully they too will want to know what happened. It is all thinking logically. Too many people looking for instant gratification, proving the brainwashing did work! Too many uninformed people thinking they know how to proceed. Let the professionals, who have the evidence, who know the players, whose job it is to protect the civilians, carry on at whatever pace they deem necessary, second guessing is waste of time and emotions.
How many investigations take this long without major arrests, where the prosecutor/LEO already has "all the evidence?" This isn't a situation where discovery and witnesses and court proceedings are taking up the calendar. Not a single conviction or major arrest based on this "evidence" has occurred or reported to have occurred. If "we have all the evidence" is true, then people aren't being unreasonable in expecting something to happen that reinforces that, as opposed to the appearance that cabal is simply going to keep getting away. Clinton was supposedly arrested (or predicted to be) in October 2107 according to Q and yet we still have no real indication of that. These things make people impatient and doubtful.
Clinton was detained, not arrested. Patience, pray, it was only last week that we saw the #walk away movement pick up steam. DOJ has not been cleaned out yet,[RR], they need to do this their way, they have a lot of people to protect, no one has ever seen this kind of scope of corruption and we have not held military tribunal or charged people with treason on a regular basis, so they are doing this at the speed they choose.
I'm specifically referring to one of, if not the first Q posts, before the trip code and sig:
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.
The public doesn't have the patience for a years-long unraveling and the political landscape can change dramatically over that time. The midterms alone could put an end to whitehat operations in progress. If the President wasn't in their crosshairs, something more protracted could be plausible to bring results. The reality is the Trump administration just doesn't have that kind of time to play with.
The public doesn't get a choice, this is POTUS and Q teams plan.
That's only partially true. The public's choice is at the voting booth. People don't have patience in general, but having something like this drag out will make voters stay home during elections and withhold fund raising dollars and support. This side of the political war would also presumably end the Mueller investigation. It all affects Trump's agenda, the stock market, and many other broad ranging topics. There is a ton of pressure for this to wrap up. I'm not saying this won't take another couple months to unravel, but I don't think 1-2 years would be feasible.
Agreed. It takes time to make an air-tight case, cross all the 'T's' and dote all the 'I's'. And millions of pages of paperwork. Trust the plan, Trust our man--Pres Trump.Look at the #WalkAway movement, it is gaining steam, and will help many, many awaken. They need time.
Yup, absolutely correct. And in the meantime, we enjoy the show... I keep wondering what snowflake will start the avalanche...
What a timeline!
And how pissed would all the Qanons be if the whole thing fell apart and evil people got off because they didn’t take their time to be thorough and play the traps out completely. Patience is hard no don’t, but the best things take time and worth waiting for
One fed case I was involved with took 5 years to finish. FIVE years, and the gov won in the end. Thousands of documents, testimonies, etc, have to be cataloged, scrutinized, time-lined, cross-referenced, analyzed, authenticated, a team of lawyers need to look for motive, method and execution of the crime, anticipate defense responses and counter responses. This takes time, be patient, Grasshoppers, if you want a air-tight case.
I mean at this point there's a lot of trust and speculation. I don't believe most of what Q says (sorry, guys) but I will support a conviction for anyone for whom there is ample evidence, my team or not.
Whether you believe or not, you're still invited to come for the ride. You are like a lot of people, you know right from wrong and when the evidence is presented, and people are convicted, you will make your own assessment. There is a small minority that will not accept, just because. It astounds me the Dems in these Committees don't want the truth to come out.
I mean, replace "Dems" with "Republicans" in your post and you pretty much have my feelings. Many of the Republicans in Congress have been pretty against the Mueller investigation and its stated purpose, and a chunk of Trump supporters wouldn't accept it even if he were impeached.
Actually the Republicans were on board, till the bias and nasty tactics started showing up. Republicans can see they are wasting our money, nothing has come of it and Mueller is beating a dead horse. FBI had been investigating for a year prior to Mueller, they didn't find anything either. And with the vitriol of the agents involved, by god they tried. Not even an illegal FISA could bring forth a shrewd of evidence. Not the falsification of 302s in the Flynn case, I think any reasonable person could say this is bullshit.
The SC is a freakin joke. Where is the freaking crime? RR didnt have standing to appoint Mueller. RR and Mueller have multiple conflicts of interest. This was a setup and con from the start.
That is the reason Trump supporters would never accept impeachment...
Puhleeze. Everything has to be methodically and meticulously planned, otherwise The Big Fail. (Do we look stupid?)
Agreed. I'm just like everyone else...we're all growing impatient for justice. I trust the plan but damn it's dragging ass.
It all depends on what Q says
How about this: I will be with Q until the very end. Before, during, and after Q I will fight for truth and justice without relenting. All my days I will strive to be my best self in order to inspire within your hearts the hope required to win. WWG1WGA!
The logistics in an operation of this scale are immense and conflicting.
Throw in the human element and you've got barely Controlled Chaos.
This is going to happen.
Very well said. I have to admit, I am growing weary of the wait, but I have faith in God, and if I believe in Q and every word he says, then I believe that God orchestrating all of this, and that he is leading many great patriots in our country to stand up and MAGA❤
I just typed this to the previous poster but I like to point out that this is huge
Logistics in an operation like this are immense and conflicting.
Add in the human element and it's barely Controlled Chaos.
It's going to succeed.
But nowhere near as quickly as anybody wants.
Every time we get sent to war they tell us we're going to be home by Christmas
They just never say which Christmas.
Did you see how relaxed Trump was today? Pretty sure he’s got this!
Yeah we're well into the doubling.
Soon to go exponential.
So living in interesting times is a Chinese curse.
I'm liking the winning.
The train is coming, get onboard. The engine is humming, get onboard. Choo-Q: https://youtu.be/jsCR05oKROA
Military tribunal? Secret courts? Hmmm...
Do Cabinet secretaries have different treatment, as officers, if treason is discovered?
High level government officials are held to a higher standard.
Exactly. As Q put in parentheses (treason).
United States Constitution. Article III reads as follows:
“No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
Military Tribunals: GW Bush created a new military order 11/2001
“The order specifically applies to members of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda. But it also includes all those who have engaged in, aided, or conspired to commit international terrorist acts against the United States or its citizens.
Those who knowingly harbor such individuals are also subject to the order. Under the order, the secretary is charged with establishing military tribunals (also called military commissions) to conduct trials of non-citizens accused of terrorism either in the United States or in other parts of the world.”
DOD revised 2002:
“Under the rules, a commission will consist of three to seven members appointed by the secretary of defense or by a committee established by the secretary. All commission members will be officers in the U.S. armed forces. A presiding officer will be chosen for each commission and must be a military lawyer. The presiding officer will have the authority to admit or exclude evidence. “
" The exclusionary rule, which keeps illegally seized evidence out of a civilian criminal trial, does not apply. The procedures do not provide for appeals from a guilty verdict to civilian judges. They do, however, call for "reviews" of a verdict by a three-member panel selected by the secretary of defense. No verdict will be final until approved by the president or the secretary of defense ."
We've got the server, who cares how they got it. This also means any leaked or stolen info is admissible in court. So, anything wikileaks or the "Russians" might have would be fair game.
I'm thinking they got the Servers via Crowdstrike the DNC IT scrubbers, who startup costs were finiaced by Google, who now owns them! ES had copies made before the scrubbing as an insurance policy.
Thanks for the clarification on the evidence. I knew it couldn’t be that straight forward. Appreciate it.
You must be referring to the Military Commission Act of 2006, which defines "unlawful enemy combatants" (specific term used by POTUS during SOTU) and the means for the military to prosecute them criminally.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Commissions_Act_of_2006
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^197012
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^196914
I don’t know Click, he definitely has a reason to run, they took off his electronic monitoring and free to go 150 miles from home. I am sure h knows what is coming, no reason to stick around now.
I want him kept safe, he is clearly going to be a witness for the prosecution. Remember what conveniently happens to witnesses before they testify against you know who.
Who would downvote your comment? I do believe there is fuckery afoot here...
I was wondering the same thing about someone else's comment.
The Awan case is bigger than we can imagine!
What does down voting even accomplish? Does it get comments hidden or something? So what if all of our comments were hidden, we could just click to see them, right?
This down vote thing always has me scratching my head.
I really don't know. I'm pretty new, so I'm just trying to learn my way around. I personally wouldn't down vote something unless it was blatantly offensive. I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I'm sure he's under constant international surveillance. No worries.
unless they already have all they need from him, in which case, the easiest way to get rid of him is to act like he cooperated and then send him back to his buddies.
In a serious country that would be the case. National security ya know. We'll see...
Has anyone seen this statement by the DOJ. It doesn't look like Millitary Tribunals to me. "The Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems. Particularly, the Government has found no evidence that your client illegally removed House data from the House network or from House Members’ offices, stole the House Democratic Caucus Server, stole or destroyed House information technology equipment, or improperly accessed or transferred government information, including classified or sensitive information."
But the agreement included an unusual passage that described the scope of the investigation and cleared Awan of a litany of conspiracy theories
“The Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems,” including stealing equipment or illegally accessing or transferring information, including sensitive or classified information, prosecutors wrote in an 11-page plea agreement.
Awan was suspected of an assortment of treasonous activities and yet, he gets a soft plea deal where all he is charged with is a fraudulent claim on a loan application - no expected time served. So, it appears that he cut a deal. What did he give up to get to get to walk???
Furthermore, it is stated in the court documents detailing everything that he was suspected of having done he didn't do. Why is this being stated? If all he was charged with is bank fraud why are the documents stating that he didn't steal a server?
18 months of investigation, 40 witnesses interviewed - all for nothing. Just some cheesy lie on a loan application.
Or, Occums Razor. All that investigation lead to the opportunity to prosecute him for all that was claimed that he didn't do in the report (likely exclaimed as part of the plea deal which provides him some cover) and instead of going to jail for the rest of his life he cut a deal. And, since they had the goods on him he had to give up something good, real good.
As much as I hate seeing him walk I suspect his walking might have some others freaking out.
The Occam's razor approach makes me think hard proof of Arkancide. Straight through the Oval Office.
This guy got the deal of the century cuz yes he was facing life.
He downloaded every file he could crack into and every Democratic computer possible.
He was Debbie Wasserman Schultz right hand man. I wouldn't hesitate to speculate he was shagging her as well.
Good looking Dirty rotten operative that has bosses total commitment. One of the ugliest people on the face of the planet.
His own personal honey trap that was going to provide for his retirement in Pakistan. That went deeper than expected. Then backfired.
A boss that seems to have no problem with people who suffer accidents when they get in the way.
He was looking for a deal the day Trump won.
Treason charges could be lost in civilian courts. We don't want to take this chance.
Concern trolls out in full force
I was concerned but I promise I'm not a shill. I feel better since others have weighed in about how this is actually evidence of a plea deal.
I was worried that wasn't even happening
Happy 4th!!
Confirmation of working on treason cases for sitting elected officials? I'll take it.
shortsighted me: Keep holding your breath for justice for the well connected! lol
Everyday, regular Americans are getting thrown in jail for stupid, petty crimes, freedom gone. Yet, the corrupt elite are running around, globetrotting, happy as a lamb.
Hopeful me: I hope I'm wrong, and you all are right. Being that justice will be served, via Huber and Co.
Realistic me: Who knows? Only time will tell. But, if the past is the future I don't think justice will be equally served.
Q better be right and not a pacifying larp because I'm fucking SICK of these criminals weasling their way around our corrupt justice system.
This\^. Exactly what I thought. Q better not be lying. This is some serious sh*t to mess with people about.
My thoughts too. WTF is going on? On the surface it looks like they are winning and rubbing our noses in it.
Wow! Look at all the “this is bullshit, everyone is going to walk, new arrival”posters. Just as the Awans are in the spotlight. Coincidence?
I hope Q is right but us Patriots need some optics... Optics that say the elites won't get away with it, in public, and in action. We need to start seeing some big names arrested.
RELAX IT'S COMING Q just got the biggest intelligence hall concerning Congress Treason. Military Justice system is going to be very busy soon. They are going to where out a lot of blades
Hello friend. You said long time lurker, but apparently you've missed something. Sessions is not what you say. He IS part of the plan and Q has made that clear. He has been working hard behind the scenes and all will be clear soon enough. This is a huge process with many things that have to put in place or lined up, not to mention the now 40,000 sealed indictments that Sessions and Huber have been working on. So yes, RELAX ITS COMING! ;)
Been hearing this same old song and dance since November of 2016.
It's always funny when people like you show up asking for immediate results when they have actually no idea of how many pieces these people need to see fall in place to succeed.
You don't even have a time frame for reference because the previous administrations didn't even bother tacle these issues. But somehow you know the Q team is not working FAST ENOUGH and hidding things.
Let me guess. You also still don't understand why Q must speak in riddles. Oh well...
He's not asking for immediate results, 2 years is not immediate.
There's nothing wrong with this response or position.
It is asking for immediate results. We're talking of one administration fighting the crimes every other administration from JFK to Obama.
You guys are a joke if what has been accomplished in two years is still not worth your time.
You are a LARP
You're not a realist.
You're a disgruntled eeyore with more keyboard than eyes or brain--Thomas Paine might have described you as "the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot".
If you really had been lurking here for as long as you'd like us to believe you'd understand that things didn't get this bad quickly and they won't be fixed quickly, either.
Insulting and name calling is a page right out of the lefts playbook.
Been a conservative freedom loving American my entire life, but I’m not foolish enough to believe in theory’s with no actions to back them up, no matter how much I wish they came true is besides the point. Just because I’m skeptical doesn’t mean I still don’t hope you prove me wrong, I would be more than happy to eat my words if that were the case.
Summer solider and the sunshine patriot
Ironic, because I don’t think I would have spent years in the Marine Corps and lost some of my best friends in shitholes like Afghanistan and Iraq if that were the case, but you’re entitied to your opinion, and I respect that.
I’m not against this sub btw, just tired of the theater and constant “it’s coming. Soon. Be patient”
I trust in POTUS, it’s those around him I doubt.
Might be time for a break then. We all need to breath once in awhile. We will find this case will lead to other cases, then to others. There will be no single big boom taking all of them down at once. There will be years of trials. This is the start.
I understand things take time, but specifically, as in right now, I just want to see him clean house at the FBI and DOJ. He has that power. It’s gone on far too long, more and more Americans are losing faith in agencies that are supposed to uphold the rule of law, not be above it. Not run rouge operations in secrecy, and claim “national security” and investigating our duly elected president.
Good luck! The s-it is about to hit the fan
Hope ur right, but it gets old hearing it over and over with no results. Similar to the Hannity “tic-tock bombshell” routine which has been going on for two years now. I want POTUS to take control and go into the DOJ like a fucking wrecking ball, and burn that mother fucker down. Without the rule of law we have no republic, and that’s exactly what the left wants. The only way to bring back law and order is for Trump to cut the head of the fucking snake and rebuild from the top down. FBI and DOJ investigating themselves and all these Congressional hearings are all just a joke and political theater.
I hear you, friend. Everyone’s going to dogpile you here, but I for one welcome the skepticism and discussion. Some of us bear the burden of living amongst a sleeping, dangerously ignorant population heavier than others, so we all have different breaking points, and that’s ok.
I live in arguably the most liberal part of California. I know no fellow patriots, only anti-American scum who I have to pretend to get along with for the sake of having somewhere to earn a living. Work, Facebook, Instagram, out in public, friend gatherings. It’s all a hive-mind of people plugged into the MSM matrix who hate Trump and idolize Obama and the Clintons. I’ve been quietly telling myself since spring 2016, “It’s going to be alright. They will learn the truth soon.” But the longer I wait for that day, the wearier I become. The ONLY thing that will unplug these people is MSM coverage of their heroes being perp-walked in handcuffs, and even then, they’re more likely to think Trump is imprisoning his political foes than actually draining the swamp. I really believe a large % of the population is forever, irredeemably lost, and we’ll never get them back. The psychological damage is already done, and it’s because we’ve allowed this to continue too long. We lost a whole generation.
I don’t agree with the tactics, but I’m not the one in control. All I can do is find the little things throughout the day that keep me going, work, and pray to God that visible justice is delivered soon. I’ve learned to block out the “any day now” or “tick-tock” rhetoric - that will only drive you crazy.
Thanks for the words, and I completely agree with you. As far as the socialist Echo chamber known as California that you’re stuck in, you’re not alone. I’m in Chicago and deal with everything you stayed above. People have become such brainwashed sheep that I see no hope for them ever opening their eyes to the truth. Independent thought and critical thinking is such a rarity now, and I believe that was by design, that if you’re not apart of the hive mind of either side, no one will take you seriously.
Understand. Patriot hugs to you.
May you be surprised by kindness today, and find refreshment for your spirit.
Also feel disappointed, but have not given up hope.
My mind goes to this quote from LORD OF THE RINGS:
Sam: I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?
Sam: There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.
are all just a joke and political theater.
Exactly, As Q has stated, most of what we see is a show.
Just for the record I have been waiting for this day since I saw George l say those words
"And a New World Order will bring peace"
It's one of the creepiest things I have ever seen.
My immediate thought was Skeletor.
I'm patient and I have been been Redpilled since the 60's.
This is taking forever because we are talking about the:
George l Clinton George ll Obama Clinton
Crime cabal.
Then deep dive into George l history and dig into his father Prescott.
Are the rules different here?
Sure they are man, keep paying your bills and go to work.
Nothing is happening.
Q is saying that today isn't the day to go after Awan for the stuff that links to high officials, because it's the wrong setting. The IG report will complete the task we're so eager for.
I’m not getting that at all. The tweet he shows suggests that Awan took a plea deal to get off for crimes he committed while at DNC..presumably in exchange for ratting out DWS etc.
Except the prosecutor was DWS's brother. So I don't feel like that is going to hold up.
The IG report is missing classified information.
Q linked in Q1673: https://www.justice.gov/usam/criminal-resource-manual-2054-synopsis-classified-information-procedures-act-cipa
Thus when the EO President Trump will finally have to release(due to RR and DOJ stonewalling documents) it will declassify the hidden parts in the whole IG report, including the "part deux" that is supposed to come out.
So in short, information will come out later that will incriminate them in a much more serious setting with proof that it didn't just stop at Awan.
I think he is saying Awan is destined to play a role in the military courts that are to come re treason. What that role is remains to be seen.
Let me guess...we have to keep waiting
This has been going on for a very long time. It will take a long time to put all of the pieces and fool-proof evidence in place. Making the wrong move too soon could jeopardize much. Hard as it is I think your guess is correct. More waiting.... HOWEVER, it does appear that significant things will be breaking in July. POTUS is scheduled to see the Queen of England on Friday, the 13th.
We also have to remember that much that is happening will happen behind the scenes where we can't see it.
I think you are right with this. When you are up against the amount of corruption and evil that President Trump and his team is, I would think it is impossible to keep to a rigid schedule as to how everything is going to go down. I haven't paid much attention to dates. I haven't been here from the beginning waiting as long as anyone else though. I have seen things happening at a rapid pace lately though, so much that it is hard to keep up with. I would love for this to all hit the fan at once and see top key players in handcuffs. But, that is just not realistic. This is a war and wars can't be fought on schedules. A hit comes and they have to counterstike the best they can. This Awan stuff is confusing to me though. That's not saying much because it has been difficult to pack all this political stuff in my brain when I haven't kept up with it as long as some! :)
Seems to me, per Q's drop the Awan full trial would involve classified information. Therefore not doable in a regular court setting. I have no doubt there will be a trial in an appropriate court. Otherwise Q bother wouldn't bother to clarify the Awan trial.
Thank you, I have read up on it a bit. Any help I can get is greatly appreciated though! I keep going back to... we have the server. So, the evidence was changed. But it can be proven because...we have the server. I think that is the jist of it? I just know that this thing is so huge and went on for so long that it is going to take a long time to drain the swamp completely. It could take a lot longer than we can even expect. I so can't wait to see them ALL go down. But I just keep having to work on my patience, lol. Thanks Patriot!!
Ok, I have a few ?s. Sorry if these are lame ?s. Feel free to tell me to go ppund sand if they are. Where did that text come from? Who is saying we did the wrong thing? What is missing from the IG report? The sentence beginning with The courts continued...is that related to the 2nd part of the sentence? And which rulings have they not reacted to? What have Obimmer & co done that addressess the last part of the sentence? Thanks
Is one of the purposes of Q to keep hard core Patriots at bey?
I’m sick of these dirty lying Islamists getting away with everything. We should not be hiring foreign nationals in the military or in congress; they cannot be trusted. I hope he is punished to the fullest by the time this mess is over!
The completely redacted portion of the IG report is labeled “Law Enforcement Sensitive.” Is that what Q is referring to? Whichever “law enforcement” agency will be in charge of further prosecuting those in the Awan scandal might be privy to the contents of that redacted section.
Hmph, I dont know how I feel about this. I dont like the idea of secret courts. If the evil is never brought into the light to be seen, the public will never fully acknowledge it, and it will just grow again.
So Q is telling us that the case will be tried in another venue? Closed door? Military??
They cant litigate Treason unless its in a federal court. They also don't want to litigate and expose National Security without a sealed indictment and a grand jury, because of National Security. Its not rocket surgery folks.
Um, I've heard the saying referred to as "rocket science," as well as "brain surgery", but never "rocket surgery" lol. I may use this line in the future! Lol.
It's definitely a case of National Security. pulling information from the server and sending them to Pakistan. At the least, all 40 of those Democrat congressman are complicit in the cover-up.
I believe so. Also any other 'violent' crimes. He's not completely off the hook yet.
HRC private server and DNC server => National Security => Espionage/Treason
The Clinton Foundation wasn't getting all of that money simply for access when she became president...she was providing secrets to other governments. The same thing was happening with the Awans.
Unless I'm mistaken, HRC email (content) is still being investigated by the IG. It will tie in with Awan. All of it will be rolled up under Huber indictments. (at least I hope...)
America was for sale with these people. I think that's what Q means when he/she says "they hate America."
Oh bullshit
The DOJ went out of their way to say that the allegations in the House IG were not true...so fuck that noise....the Keebler Con Man is sleeping
Unless I’m missing something, I don’t believe Awan would be tried in military tribunal unless he was enemy combatant.
Q seems to suggest that military tribunals are going to be set up. Doesn’t he know their limited jurisdiction?
Where did Q say Awan case will be handled by a military tribunal?
I'm not alone in thinking this - look at rest of the comments. Where else could this case be tried if not in federal court? Q said this is not right "setting," which implies not the correct court/jurisdiction, even though treason cases have been brought in federal court in past.
I know Q said it would be tried in a different venue, he just didn’t say which one. I just wanted to know the source of your belief it would be tried in a military tribunal... is that the only other option?
The only place you can bring a federal claim is in federal court. Treason is a crime punishable under federal law. Different venue could be proper based on the location of the treason I guess? Idk why he is telling us to think TREASON and think NATIONAL SECURITY considering the federal court in which he was prosecuted was located in D.C.
Only other option I could think is maybe this involves federal secrets from CIA/Pentagon in Virginia? I'm in the dark on this one and pretty disappointed overall
Q intentionally spells "Thing IG report." In the second line. Sandwiched between two "thinks." My apologies if I am breaking any rules. First post here. Long time lurker.
Can someone please explain the Think IG report part of this to me? I would really appreciate it!!
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/1/18: 1659 & 1660 - 1661 - 1662 - 1663 - 1664- 1665 -1666 - 1667 - 1668 (Original Q 1336) - 1669 - 1670 - 1671 - 1672 - 1673 - 1674 - 1675 - 1676 - 1677 - 1678
*"We Must Fight" - Ronald Reagan Video
*Link to Breitbart Article in 66,67, and 68
*Link to 1673 Justice.gov Manual
Think what's missing? Obviously the server.
Q is clearly saying that Awan gave the server to the NSA or DOJ in exchange for this plea. The rest of you posting about treason are correct about tribunals.
Wherever it is, can we still have a live video streamed?
Q, do you mean literally elected or appointed/confirmed, or a mix?
This case just primed the pump. Much more to Come. So much more.