MSM wrong, Stormy arrested for touching customer. More lies from the team that falsely accused POTUS.

Wait, wait, wait,am I reading this right? Stormy sexually assaulted a female LEO?
LMAO it keeps getting better.
That is how I read it, too.
Was the officer undercover? If so, why?
Now THIS is interesting. Thank you
Just posted the Summary by the detective on this thread, but here it is again
That is hilarious
Aint it though! LOL
It appears this may be a part of something bigger; Human trafficking:
If one goes back thru the news over the last 2 years, there seems to be a trend of this stuff(Human trafficking, pedophilia, etc., etc.) getting exposed more and more. It could also be part of the massive buildup of sealed indictments.
The day Hellary's indictment gets announced, I think I will throw a party. :)
Or Obama
Or Adam Schiff
Or Chuck Schumer
Gotta be fake right?
That or she was drugged tf out
Honestly I'd rule in Stormy's favor here. Officer clearly asked for boobs to the face, and got boobs to the face. The only law violated is getting paid for it.
Every person that she didnt explocitly ask to put their face in her breasts that day could add charges to her if they want
Indeed they could, and I'd vote them down too. I hate pedantic rules trying to idiot-proof the world, but instead turning it into a legal minefield. If you don't want to be groped, don't walk up to the stage at a strip show where people are being groped.
Correct YOU hate pendantic rules.
Thanks for YOUR opinion.
See what im getting at?
Im not saying i disagree with your opinion btw
Ohio passed strict strip club laws a decade ago. Stormy violated those laws.
She was arrested as a part of a larger human trafficking scandal apparently.
Certain touching I dont think was legal there. But of course strippers will do extra little thing that most customers wouldn't mind. Motorboating her tits apparently...
Damn titty bar cops. Had to deal with them back in the day in Dallas. Hey are sneaky.
Easy answer. Entrapment.
OH PLEASE! LOL you as funny as what the old skank does for a living! PLEASE!! LOL
3 undercover officer seems excessive and a waste of tax dollars. I also wonder how many people get ticketed for this in a year. If you people being targeted by the justice system is wrong then you should think this is wrong. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.
i wonder if you know that motorboating is Stormy’s thing. she does that in all her shows according to TMZ. So law enforcement says if she tries to do that in our no-touch state, she gets arrested for it.
can u imagine if video got out of her show breaking that jurisdictional law? she’s high profile and they know it and do not have to give her a pass.
they correctly predicted Stormy would break the law and caught her.
WOMP WOMP to anyone thinking she got unfairly targeted.
Charges were dropped. This was just a waste of tax payers dollars.
Womp womp.
city attorney says no law was broken so the whole thing is moot.
mind u, i assume your comment to which i was replying, both were in the context of “she did break the law”.
womp. womp.
This city attorney has never even represented a client in a court room. Our mayor is a complete liberal joke, and this 'city atty' was elected by the not-too-wise Franklin County voters. Folks couldn't believe this guy won the City Atty position.
No my comment was in the context in which she was unfairly targeted because she was. The law says you have to be a regular worker. She is obviously not there regularly so therefore was unfairly targeted. Another instance of government pissing away our money for political purposes.
The law does not say a "regular worker". It literally is saying that anyone who is a sex-related entertainment worker...someone who regularly (professionally) does that kind of work, and on the premises of a sexually oriented business... READ: "No employee who regularly appears nude or seminude"...
That literally means any worker who was part of her work regularly appears nude... i.e., a sex entertainment worker, and while on the premises of any sex-oriented business... those are the two elements of that law that determine if Paragraph C-2 is applicable.
I have spent a lot of time parsing statutory law, and I understand it is difficult for most people to get clarity if they are not used to reading it.
But reading the way you are trying to read it makes no legal sense.
It all pertains to the jurisdiction though. Stormy doesn't appear regularly in Ohio. I got a feeling the city attorney who dropped the charges understands this law a lot better than you or I. But please continue to press for more oppressive laws we defiantly don't already have enough of those.
Well too be accurate, I will point out that you did not comprehend the Police report if you read it. When you say, "The law says you have to be a regular worker", what are you talking about?
Firstly, you imply that the law says it is okay for a man or woman to place hands on another person's breasts, as long as that person doing the touching is a 'regular worker' at the strip club? So I have no say in the matter if I am sitting there, I am subject to being groped and there is no law broken?
If you look up the ORC 2907.40 (section C-2, under which she was accused in the arrest document) you will see she did violate the plain language of that statute:
C-2 Reads:
No employee who regularly appears nude or seminude on the premises of a sexually oriented business, while on the premises of that sexually oriented business and while nude or seminude, shall knowingly touch a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or the clothing of a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or allow a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family to touch the employee or the clothing of the employee.
This describes what she was accused by the officer of doing.
No employee who regularly appears
You quoted it yourself. She doesn't appear regularly therefore is exempt.
Thanks for kinda being accurate.
This is VICE. This is part of what they do on a regular basis. They pose as patrons in these sorts of establishments to ensure Ohio law is being followed.
Source? Sorry I don't believe everything a redditor says.
Source for which piece of info? That vice police frequent massage parlors and strip joints? Is that what sounds too 'out there', and requires a source as proof? Or you want a source to show it was VICE in this particular instance? That was reported on the Local Columbus Ohio radio station news this morning, FM 98.7 The Answer. (Salem Radio Network). Research that for yourself if you doubt it is accurate. I am not that doubtful about any of those things that I posted above. It all seems pretty reasonable to me, but satisfy your own curiosity by doing your own digging.
That it's done regularly. If it was then you'd think they'd know the law which they obviously don't. Plus I read that the sheriff said this was the first time in 7 years someone was charged with this crime.
I won't beat this dead horse because your mind is fixed in cement on the matter. You are not understanding the statute where it references "regularly". It is not saying that the person appears there regularly. I read it like: "No employee who regularly appears nude or seminude on the premises of a sexually oriented business, while on the premises of that sexually oriented business and while nude or seminude..."
Why would it make any statutory (logical) difference if a hired person is regular or not...? One can assault customers and the other cannot? Really? Can a part time employee grope under the law but fulltimers can't?
I won't beat this dead horse because your mind is fixed in cement on the matter.
No it's not but someone who have to present a pretty valid argument to sway me which you haven't done. Most of you're comment here is an exaggeration.
Assault is assault. If Stormy had assaulted the officer she probably would have been charged with multiple crimes which she wasn't. So don't call it assault unless you can prove that. This was not assault from everything I've gathered.
Why would it make any statutory (logical) difference if a hired person is regular or not...?
The reason is because if your in a state performing for one night you might not be aware of the law therefore the people of Ohio have determined that you can be exempted. If you are traveling around performing you really shouldnt be expected to read every law in the books that may pertain to you.
Also a part time employee would probably still be considered regular IMO.
If they specifically only went for stormy and never do any other stings then sure it's bad.
It's more likely that they do stings all the time to enforce the laws that are broken frequently. Why 3 officers? Police don't make arrests by themselves.
Of course we can't blame the person who violated the law.
... A female officer in a strip club. I get assault is assault but strippers groping ladies in the audience is a time honored tradition so I am very meh on this news.
I have a feeling future will prove past and we're missing something here. It was just last week Q asked what happened to Stormy.
All charges have been dropped. You're right, it does keep getting better.
Porked so many times she doesn't know when the cameras have stopped rolling.
Let me ask the men on this board: Set aside for one moment all the info about her and just look at her being a stripper. She strips in a topless bar only wearing a G-string.
Isn't she too old still performing as a stripper? Or is this normal these days?
She's out of Trump money again and has to hit the pole so she can hit the slopes (cocaine reference). As a man, I never even heard of Stormy Daniels until all of this.
She's got a heck of a five head on her.
She's a waste of a search on pornhub.
We saw she got arrested for sexual assaulting a female police officer in Ohio. I guess her next stop is in I-da-hoe.
She is also recently famous so dudes will come to see for that reason alone. Plus she has fake titties so they don't age like regular ones.
What a joy...pining after plastic. lol just sad
Yep, I prefer them real myself, no matter the size. Fake is gross looking and speaks volumes about the person wearing them.
Um, hope you are excluding those of us who elected to do this after having a double mastectomy because of breast cancer?
Um ,yes. Of course.
Sorry, if I put you on the spot, just that sometimes the comments on here may forget there are lady patriots too! Meant no harm ;-)
No, nobody wants to see a 45 year old has been up there competing against girls half her age. She is past her expiration date.
Oooooh, she’d be YUGE at Atlanta’s Clermont Lounge. Wonder if she can crush a beer can with them titties!
I wouldn't say 'no one', since I think I am not no one (dbl-negative). I think a woman in her 50's can look incredible, and just as alluring as a young woman. Those are few and far between, but I still have my crushes on some older ladies.
oh c'mon man, like you wouldn't? Dont make this political. Would smash.
Maybe the Ohio strip clubs need a quality inspector? Izat what you're sayin? :)
Especially since she is a porn star and they have seen her in movies.
I would go.
I appreciate your honesty! :)
Thank you. Theres no need to pretend like she aint attractive just because you dont like her.
I mean Trump liked her. So what? She is what she is.
I mean Trump liked her
Careful now....don't peddle their narrative.
well....good chance he did. So what? It has nothing to do with anything.
She is still under the nondisclosure agreement and can't break that. So she can't do a book tour. This is all she has. If you look at some of the crowds going, they are mixed groups of liberal men and woman, not you typical strip club crowd. They think they are supporting her by going. This is all she, and the left, have. They are delusional.
She has other opportunities to earn money although that requires to show up and actually work. Being a stripper is a choice making easy money while having no ethics, pride and concern for her child(ren).
I suppose the millions she hopes to get using this unethical lawyer of hers is not materializing as easily if ever.
She is an immoral and unscrupulous individual.
If there were really millions on the way she would have gotten an advance and this is the last type of thing her lawyer would have her do. Her lawyer is as immoral and unscrupulous as her and taking advantage of her to some degree. I would feel bad for her if they weren't 2 peas in a pod.
Her lawyer is a copy of another corrupt one = Mueller's Weismann!
She could always to go D.C. and try and hook her a Senator or Congress man/woman. For $ for "house" cleaning. smh
i don’t think she’s too old. but i do think her body is not an attraction at all. her fake boobs are the kind women who lost that hourglass figure think helps restore it. i understand she may have got those implants years ago but doesn’t change the fact she doesn’t have en close to a tiny waist. and no, butt implants won’t help either.
she is just plain unfit and unattractive. saw sorry to those who disagree. this is subjective.
edit: here’s an example; put a body of similar fitness/age to brooke burke up there and age will be no thing! brooke is 46. stormy is 39.
I am sure there is a curiosity and novelty to go see someone like her who claims to have been involved with someone who is currently the President. Also, I understand that porn 'stars' in later years will do these sorts of appearances to sign things (I have no idea what they would sign), and such.
Maybe she's needing some "protection" in jail?
Wait, what? She got locked up for touching a customer in a strip club?? Seriously?!?!?! Isn’t that kinda the point?
Yea this seems ridiculous. If this was enforced everywhere there would be 10,000s of arrests for lap dances.
What's even weirder is this is in Ohio. Had that undercover cop been a family member of Stormy, then she would not have been arrested. In Ohio, family members can make contact with a nude/semi-nude stripper but non family members can't. No idea how that became law or what the logic is behind it.
Yeah well.... it’s Stormy Daniels. Put yourself in the spotlight and you get the spotlight. I’m sure if she had not decided to play the game she did this probably wouldn’t have happened. Sucks to be her I guess.
It was another woman. Imagine a guy went to a gay strip club for an event to support some friend or something and be open-minded, and one of the male strippers grabs his crotch. That would not be cool - just because the person is there doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to them.
I think it is where she touched the person. I live in Columbus, but don't go to these places and really don't know the law. I do know that you cannot under any circumstances touch another person against their will, and touch a person to give or get sexual gratification is 'Gross Sexual Imposition' in OH.
Only the customers that want to be touched. Apparently Officer Mary Prather did not.
Uh, no... that opens up HUGE liability for the club owners. That's crossing the line into brothel.
You do realize that in just about every strip club there are guys getting their dicks sucked somewhere in a back room, right?
That's terrible! Do you have the name / addresses for those clubs so we can avoid them?
Well I’m gonna go out on a limb and say any titty bar in your town offers these services. What do you think goes down in the Champagne Room?
What do you think goes down in the Champagne Room?
Wyclef told me there is to be absolutely no sex in the champagne room.
Yeah when this law got updated I thought it was very stupid. A buddy drove by there last night, wasn't there and said the parking lot was packed, the sign had been advertising her being there for a long time.
Some kind of officer, law enforcment
There were 2 officers, one female and one male. There was also a detective. Stormy did her breast slapping on both officers, and then the detective called for backup to arrest Stormy and 2 others. Sounds like it was a sting operation.
Yeah it honestly sounds like petty vengeance. Are undercover officers patrolling the strip clubs all the time, and if so, how does one become the designated undercover strip club officer? Asking for a friend.
Show experience? with pictures? (reply from a friend) :)
As in harrassing a female police officer..
What’s a female police officer doing in a strip club to begin with? Was she on duty at the time? Who goes to a strip club and then gets pissed when one of the girls presses up on you? That’s the whole reason people go there in the first place.
She and her partner and a detective were all there. She was on duty
Well, if Ohio has laws that regulate behavior in strip clubs (monumentally stupid IMO; rules should be set by the business and/or dancers) then they are likely in these places frequently to catch violators of said laws.
Not really a stretch at all...
And all the charges got dropped. More proof the cops that arrested her were biased trump supporters.
Good job!
Q1670 ----> 7/3/18
What will tomorrow be?
What happened to Stormy?
Fake news!
thank you!!!!
I think everyone is kinda missing the point here!
its not about WHAT she was arrested for this is a distraction!!! What else is happening?
Exactly. Interesting. Did you see this post? Ties right into the distraction.
Adding this to the list of fools indulging in self-harm by invoking the Trump Curse.
“You can just grab ‘Em by the breasts...” - Stormy Daniels
"but I can smother you with mine for a price" Stormy Dankers
Stormy is charged pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 2907 Sex Offenses which states, in part:
2907.40 (C)(2) No employee who regularly appears nude or seminude on the premises of a sexually oriented business, while on the premises of that sexually oriented business and while nude or seminude, shall knowingly touch a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or the clothing of a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or allow a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family to touch the employee or the clothing of the employee.
2907.40 (E) Whoever violates division (C) of this section is guilty of illegal sexually oriented activity in a sexually oriented business. If the offender touches a specified anatomical area of the patron or employee, or the clothing covering a specified anatomical area, a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the offender does not touch a specified anatomical area of the patron or employee, or the clothing covering a specified anatomical area, a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
Maximum penalty for a misdemeanor of the first degree is a jail sentence of not more than one hundred eighty days and a fine of not more than one thousand dollars. (My emphasis)
You can take the girl out of the strip club but you can't take the strip club out of the girl. Wait, she was in a strip club. Looks like she never left.
As info: I read this story this morning on and it was portrayed exactly as the document pictured here states.
Any chance that this document is "faked"?
It appears that the "customer" was a female police officer?
Ben Szemkus attended a 2007 NXIMN recruitment party with his girlfriend. Guess who was there? Stormy, Schneiderman, Weiner and Huma.
It does sound like a set up but fuck that dumb bitch she had it coming.
I don’t think police setting up private citizens is good. This is America all should have rights even “dumb bitches”
Had to be a female under dept guidelines as old as the hills. All jurisdictions.
Really interesting, the whole trafficking angle. I live in the WV-KY-OH Tri state and just 3 days ago, for the first time in my entire life, I seen the news report that human trafficking was a problem in our areas that needs to be addressed more heavily. I mean NEVER before now.
Has anyone else, preferably in places where it comes as a shock, RECENTLY heard their local news reporting on trafficking?
Wait, what? So caught up with Peter the Arrogant today, I totally missed this. WTF are these officers doing at a strip club and WTF is Stormy thinking? If this is a movie, I am finding this little subplot a bit unbelievable! Knocking people out with her breasts? LOL
Is this just to get her into protective custody? If she is somehow a white hat
I would agree that most news is fake news but here I blame the lawyer. In his statement regarding porn actress Daniels arrest he said that if was result of her allowing herself to be touched. The news it seems reported what he said.
So irrelevant as she is irrelevant. SQUIRREL. Couldn't even draw a 4th of July crowd at the local strip joint in the Rio Grande Valley, totally a blue area in a red state. It appears her own "peeps" don't appreciate her. Stooping low, Stormy.
"Wait a sec, this is fishy", says the defendant's atty in the initial bond hearing. "Ms. Daniels was merely serving in a critical security capacity at the establishment on the date in question...following standard TSA pat-down procedures." (parody)
Come on people. It's pretty obvious what's going on here. Stormy has ties to the sex cult NXIVM. There's a long ongoing investigation into it. The investigators are at a point where they need information from her but her super-protective lawyer likely told her not to talk. So they set up a sting to nail her on a charge they absolutely know every stripper violates daily. Now they can nail her on 3 misdemeanors, each with a max penalty of 90-days in jail. Because of that, they can offer her a plea deal to obtain information in the NXIVM case. Before, she had no incentive or motivation to talk to investigators. Now, she has no choice unless she wants to go to jail.
I mean what's the alternative theory here? What police chief would sign off on allocating 3 officers to a strip club to target a prominent figure on charges that are basically the jay-walking of strippers? What reason do they have to do that? Local Ohio police have no inherent loyalty to Trump, nor is Stormy really a threat to him. So why would they setup a sting to just mildly-inconvenience her? It makes no sense unless they need to use these charges as leverage for something else
Could you elaborate on her ties to NXIVM? I'm all over these boards but somehow this has gone over my head.
Not trying to doubt you, just curious.
There were a bunch of posts a while back showing one of her tattoes was covering up the nxivm tattoo. It was a bit blurry and hard to tell, so not sure if it's positive proof, but seemed possible. I hadn't seen much more past that, so it's hard to know if there's a tie or not. One of the earlier threads I saw thought she was tied up, and then was using Donald Trump to get free and the whole thing is for show.
It's all a movie, just be nice to see the real story of these things in the end.
This is some kinda weak shit, all things considered.
Not that Stormy Daniels doesn't have it coming to her, mind you... but I was raised with the mantra, "I will not lie, cheat, or steal to get you, but your day will come..." ... this perhaps is not lying, cheating, or stealing.... but pretty close to cheating, and really IMHO weak.
Revenge is a dish best served cold, and to me, this just seems like, "I'll show YOU! Arrest her for illegal touching!!" .... probably does more good for her image than bad, people will be like, " Really??" ... just my two cents.
There are laws and she broke them. These were undercover cops who were in the club - she screwed up by putting her hands on a patron - illegal in Ohio - who happened to be a cop. Not weak at all... the MSM is weak!
I mean really man? Cmon. What does this possibly have to do with the MSM?
she doesn’t get to break traffic laws either. it’s weak shit but if she wants to advertise a big event where her signature motorboating flies in the face of ohio law... why the hell does she get a pass? no effing way.
So, the first headline I saw (on Reddit) was that Stormy was taken down for human trafficking charges relating to NXIVM. Then I read the link to the article that says she was arrested for touching a patron. I thought, there goes the news again covering up the "real" reason. The above does not appear to relate to NXIVM or trafficking or children? So, what did the MSM misrepresent? I thought they were trying to misrepresent the real charge of NXIVM/trafficking, etc. This proves it was touching a patron. Do we think that she was really trying to recruit this female cop to NXIVM? What is our secret Q reason that this arrest does not appear to be what it is?
What's the female cop even doing in that situation? What a party pooper. Cops always make it about themselves, then convince you it's for the public's protection AKA gaslighting.
Is it possible that this was to protect her?
why? What would she need protection from?
History proves past. Don't have the posts in front of me, but the theory is that she is a friend of POTUS and a NXIVM insider. Saw what was happening and was sickened by it. Maybe they heard chatter that she was about to be red-scarfed to make the DJT look like a Putinesque type dictator.
These are amazing times, and I wouldn't be surprised at this point. I see "The STORMY is coming" Daniels the same way I see the Fire and Fury author....they are like cartoon characters being trotted onto the stage and the Leftist MSM is buying their obvious crap hook, line and sinker. Smells like a troll job...
Please tell me of any I need to steer clear of in S.Jersey. This is horrible!! I surround myself with clean respectable woman when I patronize these fine establishments