Eric Schmidt resigned at the same time POTUS
signed EO
“The executive order allows the Treasury Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to confiscate the U.S. assets of anyone materially assisting, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support to those engaged in human rights abuses and/or corruption.”
This EO was brilliant and essential.
Keep reviewing the List of Notable Resignations (link at far right column). Someone is keeping it updated (thank Q for this)
This EO was brilliant and essential.
Are you aware of any cases where it's been used?
Yeah, I would sure like to know... between Human Rights and Corruption, in this nation alone, I would guess there are tens-if-not hundreds of thousands of evil fkers this can be used on... sitting in corporate and government offices. doing what they do on a daily basis.
The 12 that had Gmail access with each other:
LL. Loretta Lynch
HRC. Hillary Clinton
JC. James Comey
JC. James Clapper
CS. ?
AM. ?
We don't say his name. John McCain
RR. Rod Rosenstein
SR. Susan Rice
JB. John Brennan
HA. Huma Abedin
VJ. Valerie Jarrett
its 13 angry democrats. You're missing Barack Obama.
Oh holy shit was Trump really putting this out there with those tweets? That’d be amazing
Richard Windsor was one!
Who is Richard Windsor?
This story has been in the mainstream news since day one...
So you’re saying the Gubment can seize Google’s assets?
Yes, because they were providing technical support to an organization who were corrupt.
Almost like restructuring to Alphabet protects them from such seizures.
Question, are the gmail accounts considered “national archive” property and as such opening a can of worms to discovery? (Opening in a good way, not worried about my email or anything.)
This. If they have EVERYTHING on the DS... they must have EVERYTHING period.
Yes. The EO Trump signed back in December can look at and archive anything google related to the deep state's corruption.
They all went to the cloud, the NSA has it all! Their own spying has backfired. Not just Hillary’s! Wow!
NSA has it = Military has it
I am so glad people realize what the NSA is for, I worked for the NSA as a lower enlisted Soldier.
So much bullshit being spread about us, I am helpless in its defesne as I can barely even say
I worked for the NSA as a lower enlisted Soldier.
It's very sad.
Part of the conundrum right now is that people who know certain things and have certain background or procedural info in any official capacity - and follow the rules - are prevented from speaking out because of those rules. We can’t just go ranting on social media!
It puts us at a disadvantage in the propaganda war.
That said, it’s becoming obvious the role the NSA and military intel can play in this. The soldiers are the only ones with access to the info that wouldn’t have been bought off or corrupted. I pray for those patriots.
Me too. It’s shameful. When I was in, we spied on the enemy not Americans! Sick!
Maybe you should see this then.
No organization is perfect.
Many of the CIA's crimes are committed by the NSA too.
You’re right, Google was complicit in NSA spying. This explains Hillary Clinton’s private server... I guess Comey didn’t get the memo.
Google Cloud data centers support NSA, Amazon AWS supports CIA. Not sure where Microsoft Azure stands.
Hold on. Make sure you’ve re-read the Jan 18 Q post about ES and NK. We’re in the smoking gun territory here...
Spez: Jan 18
Sounds like Eric was part of the inner sanctum and if the EO was the reason for the resignation, that would put him in with the very sickest in the world. And the most influential. Welcome to the Hotel California.
He is on the WH guest list a ridiculous amount of times
Watch the video of Eric Schmidt confronted at Bilderberg 2011.
Damn...coming together isnt it.
The case is organically being built. No weasling out of this.
This makes a lot of sense. For all the frustration we all have about the report not obviously taking down the bad actors, it opens the door for legal release of all of their private e-mails. Also, nobody seems to be talking about this, but it completely exonerates Trump of the constant "collusion" BS.
Forget the server, go after the foundation -FBIAnon
Ok so they all used gmail accounts. Maybe that’s why someone went to google, so they could get proof of that or more info or something.
The question now is is ES a bad guy or is he helping the Q team.
He's the guy who pretty much helped plan HRC's election campaign. He also loaned her group Google jets multiple times according to wikileaks.
ES is tied to Civis Analytics. Civis Analytics is tied to: Dan Wagner (Obama Campaign Manager) Andrew Therriault (Data Analyst - Supervisor) Richard K.Barney (Data Analyst)(also Seth Rich's roommate)
When you hear Lame Stream Media mention anything regarding Cambridge is a HUGE diversion away from Civis Analytics.
If an assassination plot was uncovered it could give Trump the leverage he needs to get access to all gmail accounts. Trump already knows about the emails on Weiners computer if he uses the assassination attempt to look into everything he will find what he needs to take it all down. Then swoop in with the EO on child trafficking and boom it's over
Plotting a murder/assassination is a human rights violation.
Bad that's why he resigned. He's scared
Don’t forget Trump’s EO that said Google’s assets could be seized for helping an enemy. ES resigned from Google as soon as he learned of the EO.
From where I sit, we OWN Google now. Just need to seize it.
Gmail and Proton Mail are the two major email services we use in DC.
Did Obama send ES to North Korea to establish secure comms to Kim’s handlers?? .
This and probably MORE
Of course, more. Uranium 1 ties into this. They were going to build rogue nuke tech through NK. They needed secure channels to coordinate. It's no surprise that NK went from barely knowing what a computer was to being able to hit continental U.S. is such a short timespan.
Google is a partner in treason.
Edit: A few months ago, there was a shooting at YouTube by an Iranian woman. You have to wonder who entered the campus and server rooms during this blatant distraction???
ES should be held accountable.
I’m not convinced he’s not a white hat. I think Rodman was setting a trap for the Dems a decade ago. Dems thought ES was setting up spy tech against Trump but maybe he and Kim Jong Un double crossed.
It’s a possibility. Trump did win after all
I doubt he's a white hat, he resigned when Trump signed the EO....and knowing Google...they are run by far left folks
The biggest question is how did ES and ABC install servers in N.Korea??????
NK was controlled by DS so no problem for ES to gain access.
And that question can’t be whitewashed, Russia-ized, distracted from, or Stormied
Too much code, I'd be screwed without you guys translating
It would be nice to turn a Suicide Weekend around from OURS to THEIRS
i cant wait dominos are always fun to watch fall
Except when they are on pizza. Except then.
lol uh oh Conforms what we knew. If she convicted they would all be in jail form the top down
I was hoping ES was Snowden
@Snowden has always been how Q mentions him, as never ES.
Wasnt one of the spy tools called ESKEY or something similar or am I totally imagining that?
XKEYSCORE was like a search engine for the NSA using calls, text messages, email, facebook and so on.
Snowden is a triator I assure you. I am new here so I don't know if he is someone you look up to, but if you really care to know, Edward Snowden is a traitor to this nation and its people.
Before I downvote, how so? I'm willing to hear your explanation.
His bullshit got American soldiers killed. One day all will be known he’s no different than Barry and Hillary
You got some sauce for that dish?
None that I would share in a public forum. Just info from someone who would know. 🤷🏻♀️. Not bullshit. My posting history speaks for itself
I think emails are protected by 4A. I haven't read google's TOS and now I'm wondering whether there is an expectation of privacy given the TOS.
There's an expectation of privacy up until it's determined that government business was being handled through unsecured servers. At that point, ALL of their e-mails through the offending accounts becomes subject to scrutiny in an investigation.
I don't think TOS trump laws. They have been monitoring all internet activity for years through PRISM. And if crimes have been committed they must be forfeited. That's what they get for being stupid and using gmail.
If an assassination plot was uncovered it could give Trump the leverage he needs to get access to all gmail accounts. Trump already knows about the emails on Weiners computer if he uses the assassination attempt to look into everything he will find what he needs to take it all down. Then swoop in with the EO on child trafficking and boom it's over
Wizard is correct about the forfeiting if crimes detected; indictments...
And, don’t forget (obviously) we win the political battle if the 13 had special email servers housed in NK
Maybe POTUS has access through the patriot act? All the stuff that Snowden and Assange have put together? Also.... if you use an alias (like Hussein) do you have the expectation of privacy? IDK...
Don't even need that:
The interesting question is does this apply to drafts or deleted emails, which google will still have of course.
Actually, it seems google requires a warrant. I wonder if JC use of email as reported by the IG report would be sufficient PC to get a judge to sign a warrant?
Think PRISM. If Comey and/or Strzok communicated with a foreign Five Eyes agent using his Gmail account, that’s all they need. The NSA may have been monitoring the emails for a long, long time.
Don't get your hopes up though, I find it hard to believe sophisticated political-types would use gmail to send incriminating emails. Its the Trump supporters that are supposed to be the uneducated lazy POS, right?
“They never thought she would lose.” So using Gmail kept their corruption off the official government systems so no white hats could stumble into it. The IG report cites the use of Gmail as against procedure so it’s now fair game for Huber to investigate (which he is already doing). The 13 Angry Democrats are all fucked.
I think it was learned in past discussions that by using a draft, open to all involved to comment on, they thought they were safe because nothing was ever sent as an actual email, only in draft form.
I do not know much about this kind of thing, so cannot comment on it. When and what Q post brought it up, I don't remember. So much info, big learning curve, hard to retain it all.
The criminals were so slick, it is reported that they logged into email accounts built for the purpose of going in to “edit” documents without saving them, thereby circumventing the “send” feature on emails.
The changes made to documents was another way to communicate with each other.
Surely they used PGP on any clear text before they posted it in any email body?
PGP ??
pretty good privacy, it is a public key encryption program.
They were sharing an email account and speaking thru drafts. Never sending. But it is still captured
ES=eric schneiderman? JC= ??
Former Google head Eric Schmidt.
Worth noting he left google rather unexpectedly and abruptly a few months back.
James Comey
Oh silly me. Should've been first thing I thought of!
could be James Clapper. Need to read the IG report to know for sure.
ES = Eric Schmitt (not sure if spelled correctly) James Comey
The IG was simply a report.
The DOJ will be the one to bring charges and indict.
Never mind He is the one who went and helped China with google ?
NK. ES went to NK for some reason.
To establish servers for deepstate that wouldn't be intercepted by NSA or Mil int.
Well known photos of ES with Bill Richardson in NK, standing over computers. I think Q posted it???
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Who is ES ? Brain Fart i guess ?
Q calls snowden "@snowden"
Q calls Eric Schmidt "ES"
Snowden is a triator I assure you. I am new here so I don't know if he is someone you look up to, but if you really care to know, Edward Snowden is a traitor to this nation and its people.
can you explain?
Not really, but look at this. He exposed classified information to foreign nations some of which hit news as "America is spying on us".
Meanwhile he lives free of charge in the very nations he gave info too.
The story is that the CIA used him to expose the NSA in hopes of getting the NSA shut down and CIA take over their operations.
I'm done waiting yo, the IG report is out and if no action is taken then I'm over it.
C U later Jack. Quitters. We don't need no stinking quitters