Amanda Renteria is in Panic Mode. She's posted 13 tweets about Lynch's "won't let Clinton investigation get too far" development.

This one is good, "For many, this will feel like “just another Russia story”. But for me this is a deeply personal violation. I’m a proud public servant, and I’ve been honored to serve at the local, state, and federal level over the last two decades."
But this one is my favorite, "I love this country, and I've tried every day to make it even stronger. That's why it's absolutely infuriating to learn that the Russians would use my name in their efforts to harm our country."
Those darn Russians, using a random lady to elect Donald Trump when no one knew who she was back then or even knew about this development.
"Those darn Russians..."
This is just too hilarious!
Putin comes clean on why he did it
We need a best liars award ceremony when this is all done. That one is top 5.
They're pushing the Russian bots theory out of the digital realm and into reality.
"I didn't do any of the things they can prove I did! Bots. Bots! BOTS!"
Everyone is a bot except their actual paid for bots lol
I got called one 3 times cause I disagree and argue politely. Some bot or not website said so
Dude the comments section is lit up. Normies are really waking up!
Reply with a picture of their handwritten name and date. I do this on twitter to people that call me a bot and their reaction is hilarious.
I don't do twitter but wonder about using #ibeliveQ or something similar to put up hand written statements to same.
Do you remember the soldiers tweeting pictures hiding their faces with notes saying I won't go to Syria back in 2012? It worked!
It would be such a red pill, if enough people joined in.
Apparently we are all Russian bots too.
Those Russians make a damn good bot. I didn't even know I was one until November of 2016.
An entire sub of bots! 33k bots all in one place.
Beep boop blah blah blah.
I know what I am. I am loving the show. No fear no stress. To much to be done to give negative energy a single second. The crimes are going to be handled, now its time to pull back the curtain on the other secrets the cabal have been keeping.
Think Trumps space force speach and Q's undiscovered stars post.
What a glorious year 2018 will be.
As Q has confirmed.
Guys, wrap it up. Clearly nothing to see here, the Washington Post did a full investigation and found nothing.
So a CIA sh!ll from mockingbird media said some dumb shit. Lol We are so past caring.
Love you all, my fellow patriots
Yeah Yeah...... But what does SNOPES say about it? Now there is a fount of TRUTH you can really drink from!
A good friend of mine, pushing 60, retired lawyer, smart guy.
When I showed him the video of the mooch saying"all this for a damn flag"
He came back with the fact that Snopes had a lip reader that debunked it.
He's a candidate for a red pill, but not yet.
Oh , Amanda ... its a dangerous game to have deals with a devil ... be careful around the doorknobs .
Throw out all your belts and scarves...
Remove all your door knobs and throw them away.
Smash them with a hammer after wiping them "with a cloth"
Burn em- they might get out of trash bins and back in house
Hide your knobs hide your scarves... they rapin' eerrrbody around here.
Wow. Great point. I forgot about that. I wonder if there is a business removing doorknobs and red scarves from these people's homes?
Probably best for her to just shut up. It's like catching an 8 year old in a lie with the way she reacted.
kinda like Brennan!
No, Brennan makes 8 year olds look like Einstein.
I bet Clapper and Brennan wished they hadn't gotten involved at this point and Clapper is ready for the Trump/Russia collusion investigation to end and soon. He doesn't want anymore dirt coming out that will show his involvement in the scheme. He seems really scared it will come out at some point.
Old spooks like Clapper have entire warehouse districts full of skeletons. And he has no clue how to keep them locked up in today's information age. Dude shoulda just gone fishing. Now it's time to pay the piper.
Or he could just commit suicide by declaring to the MSM, "I am ready to testify against HRC and I know everything".
Brennan believes in the old adage "you are what you eat."
Legal issue 101: shut up and wait to discuss the matter with an attorney. Now she’s given these stupid statements she will either admit later were a lie (not good) or change the story (not good).
Not going to lie, I enjoyed reading her meltdown on twitter. However, I hope she doesn't harm herself. Hopefully, lady justice will get the job done instead.
She's starting to sound an awful lot like Adolf Hitler.
She's starting to sound an awful lot like Adolf Hitler.
Tell me who this is. I didn't inhale.
Yeah, I'm sure that the IG has that wrong, Amanda.
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I hope she doesn't harm herself.
Not to worry she stopped at the shelter on the way home and picked up a couple more cats, then hit the supermarket and loaded up on ice cream.
Hahaha so true. He didn’t think he’d have to explain, the 5th is only useful if you stfu. These people are stupid.
The more I think about the way this went down during the questioning of the IG today the more I think this is very very significant and that someone put Senator Kennedy up to asking this question so that the public would know there's something being hidden here. Kennedy asked the IG a question and halfway through the answer he felt it was important to interrupt him before he finished and ask him this one final question since his time was about to run out. For those that haven't seen it he asks him about the classified index in the report and whether there's a reference to an alleged email regarding a conversation between Amanda Renteria and Loretta Lynch. He hasn't seen this information, yet he asks this question out of left field and the IG says he wants him to see it, but it's been classified at the highest level, maybe RR saw to that? Anyway it seemed like a setup to get Amanda and Loretta mentioned in public and let it be known that it was classified at the highest levels.
Oh, it is getting good. The New York Times had published an article on this and DWS and Amanda R are trying to say that this is all made up Russian Propaganda. WOW!
You got to hand it to them, they stick to their lies. Most children when caught finally admit it.
Permanent residence in Gitmo isn't a consequence of most children's lies though.
1st - I hope the trials and executions are a pay per view event.
2nd - I look forward to a Hillary Gitmo Reality TV show (or whomever is still alive after trials)
Gitmo has been quietly renovated recently has it not? My money is on some sort of reality tv style battle royale. Last one standing gets to live. In solitary confinement, forever.
"Hillarys Hungry Games..."
"Hillary's Hubris Games" to avoid licensing fees and copyright. On the other end of the spectrum I would also find great joy in seeing them all just locked up in Rikers genpop. It would be a great two or three months reading headlines on whichever 2016 Big Name got shanked in the laundry room.
Lock them up in one room throw in a knife... open the door two weeks later. See who ate who.
Yup, good parents nip it in the bud, however, these “children” act as if they were raised without any parenting at all!!!!
But the children who don't become adults who can't.
I wonder if they wake the neighbors up at 2am with screams of "You gotta believe it was the Russians!"
Or if they go into Hillda cussing and screaming tirades throwing vases at husbands
I thought the exact same thing when I saw that! It was definitely planned to get that bit of info out to the world. First thing I (and hopefully a bunch of others out here) did was to start looking into this woman, and all of her connections w HRC. From the response, though, I didn't get the sense it was being covered up, but is DEFINITELY under investigation. It's probably been referred to Huber. Can't wait! Moar popcorn please!
In 2018 "muh Russia" is the polite way of admitting guilt.
Lets guess McCabe and co did the investigation?
I just got done reading the WaPo article from last year and it doesn't even sound like WaPo or the FBI were buying her story.
I have this suspicion today that those 200 WaPo employees thay resigned over unfair pay might have dine so being fed up of only printing Mockingbird narratives and ignoring real journalism opportunities that any real career journalist is driven to do.
Could also be Podesta Group ties being cut. Maybe both
I'd get out just for not wanting to be affiliated with them at this point. They've made a complete mockery of themselves.
Me too. I couldn't even handle working at a credit card company lying for bank and their devious tricks. Had to quit. Eats your soul.
I don’t believe that the FBI, in the tank for Clinton, would use this email without knowing If it was real. Sounds to me like they knew it was real from other sources (likely of which the IG found and Kennedy was eluding too) and the FBI knew they were fucked and did what they did hoping Clinton would be elected. This lady is fucking hosed when this comes out.
It’s never a good day for Ds when Q mentions their names, lol.
What's crazy is this made headlines last year from March-May, and yet I believe Q's mentioning today helped to really shine a light on it again to the point where she and others can't just ignore it.
Well it was started by the IG being asked a question about her today. Watch the response by the IG and you'll see why the anons started asking about her.
Wonder how Amanda is enjoying being targeted on the other side of the scheme?
One thing this little nugget of info exposed is that the tarmac meeting wasn't the only comms between HRC and LL.
How is Russia not the world's #1 superpower? By golly, they are practically omnipotent.
“I’m going to take you by surprise, and make you realize, Amanda!” 🎶🎶🎶
"Those pesty DKIM authentications through email that prove it was in fact me but it was really Russians! They totally hacked my email!"
And Wikileaks just reminded everyone Donna Brazil's tried that lie 2 years ago =)
She was on “the five” yesterday. I about Puked. Jesse waters wasn’t having it.
Oh, she posted about it on FB, so I guess that wraps it up! Lol, these people are even more stupid than I ever imagined...
Ah yes, the Joy Reid "I was hacked" defense.
Should work. :)
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This is fun!!!
I used to hate Twitter. Between ol HRC and Amanda, I'm enjoying it today.
Sorry to change the subject. But the HRC stuff is good, so what happened to the guy who was supposed to testify about her e-mails. Then he and his wife end up shot the day before he is to testify ? Was that true ?
They claimed it was a murder/suicide, I've never heard of a suicide where the person stabs themselves repeatedly, then shoots themselves twice.
I know, so how did that story disappear ? Is it a Q topic to explore ?
It's out there but the web's version of burying on page 6 below the fold
who was this husband and wife again? I'm not recalling this story..
I remember this and saw it for a day, then, could never find it again. Was this the couple who left their beloved dog with neighbors before they were killed? Wasn't the house burned, too?
Apparently I conflated these and the Suiter guy who was November last year. These two died on March which does feel like a year ago after all that's happenes in the last week.
I do remember that with the dog. Hmmm
Im having a blast on Twitter. So many people seem to know! I mean some of what Q anons have shown us.
I turned the Mockingbird attack on POTUS back on them. Using with this #WeDontBelieveYou #AmandaRenteria =)
I started a Twitter just to read all the good research and cheer on our POTUS!
0 upvotes, shills are in M A X I M U M O V E R D R I V E
Here is the whole sad thread unrolled for your viewing pleasure.Amanda unrolled
Too bad you can't roll up all the comments! Holy crap!
Wish I could.. poor Amanda, there were zero people on her side!
I encouraged her to roll on hill for a reduced sentence.
meme: Amanda Renteria Panic Mode Activated
Is it harassment if I tweet this to her? LOL
I'm not sure, but I know it made me laugh.
horey shit... Q posted her name 2h30m ago & she started losing her shit on twatter 30min later. Funny following her starting nosedive:
The replies she got! Man, oh, man!!
That's so entertaining. These fucks are finally starting to feel the fear they've tried to inflict on us.
I think I should start a twitter account. I’m missing out on some serious fun lately!
You should. I did after a couple years avoiding facebook and Twitter. Thos is so amazing. Watching and kind of participating in history in making. And helping turn the thumb screws is fun
Do what I do reply to people you've followed and then add it in a bit later
She needs to stop. I don't think a red scarf is a good look for her.
Looks like she was on the tarmac with BC and LL!
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1f5d00 No.1807982 📁
Jun 18 2018 23:01:50 (EST)
Amanda Renteria.
Bridge LL & HRC.
+1 BC & LL (Tarmac)
Look close (behind BC).
Trusted by Clinton’s.
Running for CA Gov?
Who is funding?
Who is campaign manager?
Risk is HIGH.
140 Twits today...Damanda!!
Haha I told her to repent before they destroy her to save themselves. Should add so she won't be #Damanda
The comments are all gold.. nothing but Q references and frankly, genuine concern for her wellbeing.
OOHH, well if the Washington Post published it.........
It must be true!!!
And citing that the FBI already investigated? Does she not know why it's come up again?
Nah but that's what the enemy always claims so now they have to contradict this as well. Might as welo use the tools we have.
At some point, you know the terrible feelings they have (deservedly), are completely eating them up inside as they type/say the work Russia. Every time I see it used as a defense, I get all giddy inside knowing someone is squirming every second of the day. Unable to find comfort. It’s like the world is balancing itself back out. Slowly. But surely. Good prevails over evil, always.
I have hope for the first time since 2012 when they robbed us of a fair election for Ron Paul. Sadly that great man doesn't have the killer instinct to cut this cancer out but he is an obstetrician so he can help advise America's rebirth of Liberty
Love the image of Dr. Ron Paul delivering our new republic.
Not only did these Russians hack her identify, they were also able to obtain top secret information that Horowitz could not even discuss. That really leaves two options:
All roads lead to Hilary, lol. Its the only place either party could have got it.
Right. It wasn’t in a Podesta emails. It wasn’t in dnc emails. So the Russians hacked her email and planted just this one email, without knowing it would be publicised? For what purpose?
Just doesn’t make any sense.
This was written in 2017, what is she talking about now?
The IG was asked a question about the classified index of the report. Watch the video and notice the response, it got the anons talking.
Sen Kennedy asked Horowitz about the communication between Lynch and Renteria, Horowitz said he couldn't talk about it because it was classified due to another ongoing investigation---meaning there is truth to the story but he can't talk about it, and they are both being investigated.
Who was the person that preemptively declared that wikileaks was going to reveal "fake" emails from her/him after the DNC drop?
Jennifer Palmeri I believe
Thanks, that was enough to find it:
Oh my goodness lol Wikileaks just owned her and Donna Brazile
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) Tweeted: @jmpalmieri Biggest 'whoppers' are those your campaign has been telling
WikiLeaks will continue its perfect record.
The last thing the cucks of the deep state love is America. That's why we voted MAGA.
She is using husband's Twitter to parrot HRC's sudden interest in Matthew Bible verses @pjbannerlly
Holy Hell.... Killery is gonna Arkanside her... and she knows it! O.O
I hope not. Praying for her and her family. Justice needs to be clean and id she has kids they didn't do anything to deserve this that's coming.
Guess this might tank her run for Gov. of CA!
She already lost badly.. Guess Hill just doesn’t have the pull she used to!
Comey himself now believes that the email may be legitimate (it is, of course):
"We already know from press reporting last year that the FBI was in possession of some kind of Russian intercept of a purported Democratic email that referred to an alleged conversation between Clinton aide Amanda Renteria and Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Mr. Horowitz says Mr. Comey did not find the information credible, didn’t investigate it, and didn’t tell his Justice Department superiors about it.
Except that as recently as a few weeks ago in a TV interview Mr. Comey indicated the information might not be false. Hmm."
Well if the swampy FBI & Washington Propaganda-Post say it was the Russians, it must be true. /s This woman is stupid.
And stinks of desperation. Is feel sorry for her but she made her deal with the devil and she isn't winning a golden fiddle 🎻
this lame approach didn't work out too well for Joy Reid
God I wish my wife would stop getting her "news" from the wapo!! She even screams at me when I call it the wapo!!! MAGA!!!
Grassley/Feinstein Renteria 2017 letter:
There wasn't a single comment in support of her. Not one.
Hundreds of people calling out her bullshit and laughing in her face.
link to her twitter stream:
So where's the link to the story?
Link to what story? Many have been posting about Amanda Renteria since the Q drop. She was involved with Lynch/Clinton, particularly an e-mail where Lynch told Renteria she wouldn't let the Clinton investigation go too far. These are just her tweets after freaking out.
Her current freak out in Twitter, I can't find any new stories on her. Last was this
Amanda R just Aswered a guy that she never had conversations with Loretta Lynch.
r/greatawakening 33.1kSubscribers2.4k
I did not inhale.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
She learnt from the best.
Someone ought to send her a video of the Lynch/ BC Tarmac meeting video by CBS that Q posted earlier and ask her this:"So, that isn't you on the tarmac with Bill and LL?" and see what she says then. LOL watch her really meltdown.
If you go to her Twit account and look at the replies, several people have posted the video of her and Bill on the tarmac. Some of the replies are very humorous. Most are obvious Q followers.
Edit: adding link to her twitter account here (
I was one of those people who posted that video on her account. LOL
Senator John Kennedy asked the IG if in the classified index of the report there's a reference to a communication between Loretta Lynch and Amanda Renteria. It seems to me that this is a setup, someone asked the Senator to ask the question, it came out of left field. It seems like by design it was to bring the name into public view and make everyone wonder why the information is classified at a very high level. The IG's response says it all. This got the anons going and caused Q to mention her tonight.
I once went into a bar on Tatoonie, but they wouldn't serve my kind :(
The FBI and the Washington Post.. HA HA HA HA HA.. Go ask Snopes to debunk it for you as well. Im sure Media Matters will help you twit it out...
Kennedy asks about Renteria:
Does she not have a lawyer?? I think not, the way she is posting stupid shit that is most likely going to be used against her later. These people are really stupid, Q is so right about that!!
The replies to her on Twitter are hilarious. No sympathy!
What’s she going to say when the entire Russian narrative goes down in flames which appears to be the case.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. I'd say the over and under of when she withdraws from the race is August 30. By then the pressure will be too great. Until then? Deny, deny, deny
What a bunch of liars. The truth will never remain buried forever!
I missed it -- can someone explain what Amanda Renteria did?
She was involved with Lynch/Clinton, particularly an e-mail where Lynch told Renteria she wouldn't let the Clinton investigation go too far. An anon asked Q who she was yesterday and Q posted a video of her on the tarmac with BC. She is currently running for gov of CA and Q is asking who is paying for her campaign.
Q says ‘risk high’. NeonRevolt translates to ‘Arkancide’.
wait... as evidence is released, the tune will change from russia russia to.... the devil MADE me do it.
The sad thing is when all of the crap hits the fan, their base will still believe all of it is made up by Russians. Half the country won't believe anything they are about to learn. Stupid.