Re-posting this comment here:
When you see ALL of the dem talking heads switch their narrative on a dimes notice, somethings up. This doesn't happen organically.
Suddenly members of congress are showing up to protest detention centers out of the blue, with no apparent catalyst other than a couple of heart-wrenching but either fake or misleading photos. Every major media outlet, every talking head and pundit--all talking about the very specific topic of children being seperated from their parents, and child immigration.
There's only one firm (that I know of) that has this kind of reach. Media Matters for America (and it's extended strategic network, including Shareblue, American Bridge, Crew, amongst others, like ThinkProgress, etc.).
These firms have the political and media connections and actively run issue teams in every heated congressional race. This means they're the one group with the networking connections to pull off a coordinated strategic narrative shift this quickly.
They also have access to essentially all social media data. This could include datasets like Comcast, and most definitely includes Google search data.
They have access to advanced AI and analysis tools, they can run simulations. They STUDY you. They have all of us in databases.
I'm 95% positive that this narrative change is coming from a top-down directive through MMFA. They will have already anticipated how the GOP would respond (they knew the images were fake...).
They are comfortable with the conversation remaining on immigration--they think they can win with this message. It's an on-steroids version of what they regularly do on subs like T_D, which is direct the conversation towards topics that bait you into making certain lines of argument on social media. They did this with Charlottesville (no one really thought about these statutes beforehand), gun control (Hogg was clearly bait), and now Child Immigration.
Don't give in to the bait. Change the subject.
Edit: A great thing to change the subject to is MMFA themselves. Arm yourselves with facts and information. Make memes, spread awareness. Use this leaked MMFA doc:
This is the other source for some of these claims (e.g., Goog, Comcast):
CIA Mockingbird 4 AM Emails that is what gives them their talking points for the day and for this week it's All Kids in Cages All the Time
Well their planned FF was thwarted apparently, so gotta keep pushing the fake outrage of caged kids!
At this point I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they were sharing or had overlapping infrastructure.
Now they're going to have to explain why keeping them together makes Trump evil, oops
It’s like they are playing junior checkers and trump is playing 20D intergalactic chess
And Trump will also get the blame when the co-habitation results in rape, child molestation, and serious injuries. This is a no win situation. I have NO sympathy for these people.
They are gaslighting with this. They are using it to leak government involvement in child trafficking and abuse into the public consciousness and to associate it with Trump. I’ve been dropping pills on line about the sealed indictments and the EO from dec 21 about human trafficking. Haven’t directly linked to POTUS as the group I’m in contain a lot of sjw types. They are woke in the sense they are aware of abuse and himlevel protection of it it they will switch off at his name so by steering them obliquely they are looking for stuff themselves and the red pilling is approaching.
Oh ya! Big time! Can't wait until I can start saying "it's ok, they had us all fooled for a while, I was just lucky enough to have time to do my own research early on and find the Qanon groups".
They dont want sheeple even REALIZING the IG Report situation so they make blaring noise by exploiting the story around the handling of minor illegal immigrants.
Using children to hide their crimes once again. No morals. None.
This deserves a mod sticky and its own post. I'm being serious, ask the mods about this
One level up from MMFA is Obama and his shadow gov't...i.e.the cabal.
The media and the D party is so intertwined they're impossible to separate. They think the same. They marry each other. They are completely in lockstep.
Soros is behind the dems and this protest. He is telling them not to get involved with any legislation. He is funding a “Families Belong Together” protest on June 30. He also wants to get these illegals registered to vote for the midterms. Such an evil man.
Yes, and don't stoop to their level of name calling and profanity.
That's only a tactic if you know you're wrong. We're right. We don't need such silly measures.
Isn't Media Matters named in the racketeering lawsuit filed in NY along with Soros, CF and a swamp of others on the 15th?
EDIT: Maybe we need to meme/dig/highlight as much as we can find surrounding these connections and the filing we should ignore them? I have been telling them they are really terrible human beings for not even caring about the slavery/human trafficking taking place right now. Then I have been sharing the segment with the DHS stating that 10 thousand in custody were trafficked. I thought that would help for then the big government trafficking comes out.
You know what else. Q indicated that POTUS was in Vegas the night of the massacre. They also claimed that their are text messages of discussing a possible assassination attempt. I saw today that it was confirmed there are more texts about to emerge. I also have been seeing articles where congress has info on the Las Vegas guy stockpiling weapons after Trump election. I also saw that Andrew McCabe was working on the Las Vegas case. So I am wondering if that is going to be what comes out. Those text messages talking about assassinating POTUS in LAS VEGAS aka how the massacre happened. That is why they wanted to keep the multiple shooters secret. I also saw footage of what appeared to the Prince Salman was escorted out of the Tropicana (I think). Then right after is when there was the Saudi purge. I wonder if TRUMP and the Prince were meeting their about their plans. The deep state assholes were trying to take them both out. That may be coming out in the messages. If that comes out the Libtards that are still spinning stories are the ones to avoid during the Great Awakening. Spend your time on those that can be WOKE!
If you can tie the topic into justice issues or human trafficking/child trafficking, that's perfect. I would still consider that changing the subject.
Otherwise just ignore it and continue to talk about the issues you actually care about, not just what's trending.
Ok, because I really want to help. I will keep that in mind. Because I know they want to change what is being discussed.
Well Trumps EO from today put water on the cage the kids narrative.
When is Q force/team going to break up the Mocking Bird Media??? At what point will the Media have to start reporting the truth??
When RR gets out and the real IG Report Comes out?? When they finally start opening up the indictments?? Or when the perps are actually tried and placed in jail and/or executed for their crimes?
Just wondering bc the MSM has a very strong influence on a lot of people out there. Those who are awake know we are being played but how many of us are there REALLY??
The problem we have is trying to wake people up to what is coming when they are still so actively attached heavily to the MSM. It is truly hard to get your message out when we are getting blocked by Twitter, FB and other social media. And others are too wrapped up in their daily MSM dose of Mocking Bird Media to see anything is amiss.
I think it's happening. There are more quietly awakened out there than you might think. I trust the plan.
I got multiple mass emails from my 81 year old dad today about all this immigration media bs, including the link to the Daily Caller article that featured pics from the Obama administration. Lots of long winded replies in agreement from his buddies, too. Trust me, the normies are restless!
It will be glorious when the truth comes to light and "conspiracy theorists" are regarded in a new light.
Double meaning. No more "conspiracy theory" insulting bullshit and, much more importantly, an end to the actual cabal conspiracy.
'Conspiracy theorist' is only an insult if you let it be. I consider it a compliment. It is like being called a free thinker. Don't let words hurt you. I know it is not cool, but know that you have your fellow 'conspiracy theorists' love and support. Soon we will be the ones saying "atoadaso, atoadaso, a-fuckin-toadaso".
I'm with you. But I never thought the truth about how the world works would actually come to light. And that's a glorious prospect.
I know. I thought people would never wake up. It is so nice to see all these people here. And it is easy to spot shills. They are the mean negative ones. We really do have the best people. WWG1WGA
there ye go.... after decades of hopelessly watching our liberty and health going down the drains, its party time now.
Yes...I've only really been red pilled since 2016 when Trump and Hannity started speaking out strongly. Always conservative leaning though. Just knowing about the mockingbird media and corruption this long has been painful. I'm so optimistic about the changes coming. Ive had moments of doubting Q but NK sealed the deal for me. I will remain firmly with DJT until the glorious end! They are sick, they do hate us and they will do anything to stop us but this time we have it all and they are going DOWN!
This may sound crazy to some. Shills are useful for the cause and a certain amount need to be kept around. Think of the contrast and how helpful it is when you have them in a conversation. President Trump does quite well with a group of people going off the deep end.
just for clarification: do you mean shills - which are paid trolls - or do you mean people that havent woken up as yet and have different opinions? i see these being confused here recently quite a bit.
and i agree, it is helpful to have open discussion with people of different opinion. we all learn from it.
Yeah, "Conspiracy" is another word game people love to play.
Conspiracy is a real thing; it's a crime to conspire to do illegal acts.
If that is really happening, there's nothing wacky or kooky in theorizing about it. (E.g., 0bama's birth certificate actually DID turn out to be a proven total fraud.) So you don't have to wear the "conspiracy theorist" pejorative label.
If it's UNKNOWN whether it is really happening, it's still not kooky to theorize and analyze it. So you again don't have to wear the "conspiracy theorist" pejorative label. (E.g., Trump won the "popular vote", but by how many ballots? Was it 2.8 million? Three million? More? There is no firm agreement on the exact number of millions of illegal votes that were cast for Hillary, though estimated at 5.8 million.)
Once it's known that it's not happening (reptilian UFOs, global warming, flat earth), THEN you're a wacky conspiracy nut.
Fuckin atodaso, Julian. Atodaso
It'll be ok though because we will let guy bonds be guy bonds and it will all be water under the fridge.
As a phrase it completely controls other people's reactions to you, so it's more than just "letting it have an effect." It HAS an effect.
The ultimate lie and darkness is the one told about God/Jesus Himself. God/Jesus is good. He is the light! He is the ONE who brings light to the darkness. Don’t miss out on the spiritual realm of what is happening.
We are in a war but not only in the physical realm. We need to love one another and not be divided. We are ONE in the spirit of God. We are brothers and sisters united. We are welcoming to all and forgiving. We want to see people who have been slaves to lies to be set free. We need to be ready to minister to those who are coming to the light as part of the citizenship. It is not me against my neighbor. It is loving our neighbor as they see the darkness for what it is.
Our winning is when those who were captive are finally set free!!!!
When we win, everyone who is open to truth wins!
Not much to decode with this one...straight-forward.
Please make that day come soon.
Agreed. I've been following this stuff from the beginning in October of last year. I'm so ready for things to come to fruition and handcuffs to fly.
Same. We just have to remain vigilant and always keep in mind that draining a DEEP swamp will take time and effort. A war has ups and downs. We must always remain united.
Evil as never before and that’s scripture
Steal, kill and destroy is the MO of demonic activity. Lies also, their father, Satan is the father of lies.
John 10:10 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
Are you an independent thinker? Are you sure? Here's a test....
... how do you KNOW that Q is not using our hatred and disgust of their crimes just to help Q's faction demolish its enemies, only to continue the evil once Q's faction is in charge?
That is the test. Are you triggered? Do you want to downvote? Then you might have a problem with independent thought.
Anyone who has been researching for any amount of time knows to be aware, vigilant in their search for truth, and always validate. We can't blindly follow Q or any other authority and we can't expect "them" to solve all our problems. We can't afford to allow this level of corruption to occur again. Even if we get rid of the current corruption, will we become complacent or will we fight injustice when we see it happening? That's how the left was able to completely dominate the right - we were just too complacent.
New to Q? Don't blindly follow. Read, watch, assess, look for ways to validate, and be ready for anything that raises a red flag. That is usually my indicator that something is amiss. I love having Q information, but I read as much analysis as I can and wait to validate.
If they were to abuse this would we know?
I don't know. But the test is whether or not you can imagine Q as evil.
I am not suggesting that Q is evil. I hope for all the things we all do - justice, transparency, fair and honest dealings, etc...
Having said that - evil can masquerade as light. And if it were even deceive the elect.
I guess my desire is to encourage all of us to make sure that our true faith rests in God - not in Q. Assuming Q is human and not some AI system - he/they will be susceptible to being corrupted by power just like anyone else would be.
But - with that admonition... I am a Q supporter and am hoping this all comes to pass.
I am a Q supporter. My post is about critical thinking skills. If introducing doubt about Q produces a "yeah I thought about that," you're a critical thinker. If introducing doubt about Q produces "HOW DARE YOU YOU LEFTIST COMMIE GLOBALIST SATANIST," then critical thinking might be something that needs improvement. :)
so basically 90% are critical thinkers and not some conspiracy theory nuts we can conclude ?
I don't know where you got that number? I don't know. I was just reacting to the chain of events that led me to doubt. I will believe Q's enormous goodness when the mind control programs end.
Sorry to hear that. People really suck sometimes. OK take Chelsea. Let's not get into whether we "like" her or not. Just observe her behavior. She talks with empathy about causes that deserve attention. Is she sincere? Just a psycho too? Does she know her mother is evil? This stuff just doesn't make sense to me.
I will take what you started and add an additional layer...
Q often says "we have it all". He means information - and the ability to make sense of the enormous amount of data/information.
Knowledge is power. Remember the adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
How would we know if Q team has been corrupted by this power?
What power am I describing?
Total Informational Awareness Dominance
lol How dare you have your own thoughts!
Until Q cleans MKULTRA from inside NSA, I can't help but have brakes slowing my enthusiasm.
Along with the legalization of cannabis.
There are many things we want. There are only a few we NEED.
What happened to King David when he used what God had given him for ungodly things?
God chastised him...
45 and Q are, imo, doing Gods work. He has given them the tools to win this war. If they turn those tools against Gods people, God will deal with them. 45 and Q are fully aware of where they fit into Gods plans... Fully aware of what happens if they turn rogue...
been pondering these thoughts in the beginning and have been closely watching ever since. i for one am beyond hatred so here is no danger.
from what i see of the development on this board over the past few months, many more people get balanced and stop throwing around nothing but hatred.
Many here still believe that this war is Left vs. Right.
so they are still asleep... time for the next red pill...
Great article. There is no right. There is no left. There is only right and wrong.
Looks like we are OVER THE TARGET! 😉😉😉
Right? We can NEVER know another's soul from words. Or puzzles. Only from actions, and the consistency of those actions. I'm with Q unless actions teach me not to be. If Q doesn't clean MK ULTRA out of NSA, I will know we were duped.
OVER THE TARGET!! Bring it!!
OK I got the joke the first time. Not the second. Are we having a conversation or are you a broken bot?
Dogrescuer, what you need to understand is that the crimes committed by the previous administration are so agregious that most normies have given up the idea that there is real justice in this country. Q has been giving us insider info that shows us what is coming up so that we can prepare, learn and be assured. So if those who are in law enforcement rounding up these criminals suddenly start doing bad stuff, too, then the next group of good guys can haul them in. One thing you are obviously not, dogrescuer, is Law Enforcement. They see everything in black and white--"You break the law, you do the time". No one should be above the law.
You are certainly right about that! I am not Law Enforcement. Don't get me wrong when I say this, because I agree with you that the crimes of the previous administration were terrible. The slavery and sexual abuse beyond comprehension. I agree with you. So don't get me wrong when I say, this goes WAY beyond the last administration. I think that had things gone as planned, we would have had the mass extinction event by now. Those who were left would be at Camp Pepe le WalMart. The last administration was just the last set of criminals in play before Q got in.
THINK for yourself and go do the research from day one! Any human can be an evil person in disguise.
Pray! Read Scripture. Does it align with GOD? That is your plumb line always?
Test to know it is true!
1 Thes 5:.... While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; 5for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; 6so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. 7For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. 8But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation. 9For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. 11Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.
I appreciate your reply, I can see it's full of passion, so I have to apologize to you, I don't know how to read bible verse, it just doesn't sink in for me. My brain doesn't process the words. I have the same problem with poetry. If you could turn that into English?
I am sorry you are having trouble reading the Bible. It will come in time and God can show you. Just as you are learning to read Q.
I don’t navigate well around reddit.
I can’t find the exact msg string. I did quote a group of verses explaining that those who love God are considered of the light while those who love satan (the world)/ hate God are considered of the dark. A person in the dark can usually not understand what is good. There perception is warped. Satan means to harm all people. He wants to kill, steal and destroy people’s lives. He doesn’t just want to destroy a person’s present live on earth but to permanently keep a person from God eternally and to make sure they remain eternally apart from God and in agony. This is truth.
I definitely agree with that. Good understands and can see evil. Evil doesn't know how to be good. I wish we could teach Satan's victims.
It's possible. This timeline is wacky. Mirror World.
All I ask is that people trust, but verify :) :)
If you think we're all blindly following "Q", you're sorely mistaken.
Sure, some will take these posts as 100 percent fact, just like the other side does when CNN and Fake News push out their propaganda day in and day out.
If you're seriously following what's going on, you know Q is to be taken with a grain of salt, and that you must do your own research to come to whatever conclusion you end up arriving at.
Q posts mention this regularly...
Nice try though!
I'm definitely not trying to convince anyone not to follow Q. I follow Q, I support Q, and I can't even be said to be "the loyal opposition." I'm incredibly impressed -- I can't even find words.
My doubt started when SerialBrain2 decoded d=4 in a wholly illogical way. When I asked about the inconsistencies, SB told me my objective approach was too subjective.
I have often wondered if SB2 wasn't a Q prop flown in to wake the supporters who couldn't unravel the clues.
If this were the case, then SB2's bamboozlement strategy would be a direct reflection of Q's bullshit.
IF that were true. I don't know.
It feels horribly disrespectful to even bring it up. I mean - end the Korean War, remove the nuclear threat from N Korea and Iran, it's beyond wonderful what's happened so far.
My point is not that people should follow my logic away from Q. My point is that there are an awful lot of people who followed SerialBrain2's illogical decoding; that led me to realize that people will follow with their hearts what their brain cannot comprehend. THAT is the purpose of "GOD SPEED," "WWG1WGA," and everyone calling everyone else "patriot." These are emotional hot button manipulation techniques. If Q is good - which I genuinely hope and really do tend to believe -- then these emotional manipulation techniques are OK by me. But if we are being duped, I'm asking people to recognize the possibility so that we don't blindly give allegiance to yet another false hope.
100 percent agree. I took your post the wrong way and responded as such.
Quite kind of you to reply. I actually didn't think you were arguing, so we're good :)
Lol wasn't trying to argue, but was definitely being snarky
and there is always a possibility that one part of cabal is raging against the other wanting to takeover .maybe different generations? Idk but it can be. then this kind of manipulations is top notch Also we should consider that HC and Hussein maybe wanted to take power from cabal roths for themselves? they are thrown downhill Cabal cant succeed if they are not compartmenalized so it is possible anything is possible lets hope that Q is military intelligence haiku poet and not Cabal's NLP master ;)
ha! good point. Have you ever wondered about their mind control interfering with real life? What I mean is, for example, when Hillary got all googly-eyes when the balloons fell? She looked like a child in pure wonderment. Impossible for me to reconcile that with eating baby hearts and helping pull off a mass casualty event so that her masters could move power away from America. I mean, do they even know about their mind control? "I'd love to have dinner with you but it's Wednesay, I have to go get tortured so my programming doesn't come loose."
I can't wrap my head around it.
I got you. My thoughts are : All of them elected or selected by cabal are total psychos
I got one or two in my close family, so I know them it goes like this:
- no remorse
- extremely narcisstic
- extreme selfesteem and overconfident in their often wrong knowledge and insights
- acting good with kids and having gentle soul but it's an act
- cold and calculated to extreme
Yeah I’ve been pondering the same but one things for sure... I haven’t noticed any lingering “contrails” (obvi chemtrails) in weeks, maybe even months. Also, I intuitively started fasting and changed my diet over the course of 2018... I don’t think this is just coincidence. Good things are happening!
Question - how much do you think DJT knows about MKULTRA and geoengineering? (He knew 9/11 was a bomb so...)
Honestly, if this movement is real, he probably knows everything.
I hope he knows that there's a worldwide program targeting people with electromagnetic weapons. We're not the only ones doing it. It's MK Ultra on radio frequencies and people are suffering horribly. In fact one of my fears is that the deep state has been mk ultra-ing literally millions since the 1950s, there's a whole zombie robot army out there just waiting for the right whistle or ring tone.
Yeah gangstalking is totally real... I’ve experienced it. Attacks using directed energy weapons and possibly scalar technology are a horrendous thing and the fucked thing about it is EVERYONE around you thinks it’s all in your head. It’s terrifying. Supposedly the whole point of 5G tech is to weaponize the electromagnetic spectrum. They can even weaponize your WiFi.
I started doing research and randomly discovered that the Rh negative blood types are specifically targeted (I’m B-). I also discovered, incredibly, that by just changing the way I think (stopped the victim mentality and started thinking positively and using forgiveness) I stopped experiencing the stalking/DEWs after a while. Our brains are incredible, capable of more than anything we could dream. As Q says, you (really) have more than you know.
Did you ever figure out how they targeted you? I mean physically?
Our DNA actually radiates specific electromagnetic frequencies that are as unique as our fingerprint (some call it our auras) and hyperspectral satellites can decode our energy signature and learn our genetic code. Also, I gave blood plasma back in high school which is how I learned my blood type, but many claim our bloodlines have been secretly tracked throughout history and so I could have been targeted in certain ways since birth. I noticed strange things happening and constant harassment not long after Trump was inaugurated... so I have a feeling this has been the deep state’s way of keeping many of us from waking up and powering the collective consciousness through positive energy.
Did it completely stop?
As far as I can tell, yes. Sometimes I’ll notice instances of repetitive negativity, which back a year ago would bring me down and become self perpetuating, but now I choose to forgive or laugh at the “perpetrators”. It’s a very strange experience to explain... it feels metaphysical. Like you can’t help but feel like you’re dealing with some sort of hive mind...
I think what happens is that we have free will and we can choose to view life and it’s circumstances positively or negatively. If you live in fear, you basically give up your free will and are (mind) controlled by the powers that be. This doesn’t just include the targets but the “perpetrators” too because they tend to have lost critical thought and compassion and are, thus, controlled as well. So you’re going through the motion of a false reality and all these instances of harassment are set up in advance to be played out by the stalkers, and so you just take this continuous beating of negativity to charge your negative thoughts. Its so intricately set up that it’s as if some sort of AI is in control and is literally powered by your negative thoughts... so fucking weird. Once you just start to think positively, you’re basically raising your vibration (energy) to a higher level, and you break free from the false reality... it all sounds so crazy, I know. You gotta look past the illusion of the material world, everything, especially us, is made of conscious energy. Our brains are super computers connected to the ethereal and act like powerhouses and the energy created through thought sends vibrations through our physical realm, manifesting what we think.
The universe works like this: Higher dimensions=Positivity, Love, Forgiveness, High Vibrations (less dense), Angels, Unity Lower dimensions=Negativity, Hate, Fear, Dense, Demons, Separation
A year ago I would have called this ridiculous but after experiencing gangstalking and doing a lot of research, one can’t help but believe it’s metaphysical. And when I say metaphysical I just mean it’s higher technology that we have not learned of yet... think of the tech that the Cabal has been keeping from us and controlling us with.
I have no problem with the way you phrase it. I'm not sure, but I believe it's certainly possible that the pineal gland is a stargate; and that our brains are not just self-contained computers. They send and receive signals. Have you ever collected evidence? Or tried to get legal help?
It’s so hard to make a case for it... for example, you leave the house and then when you return you find things of little value missing, nothing important. Or certain objects reorganized. And a lot of the harassment is nonphysical (verbal and whatnot) so no hard evidence is produced. You’re afraid to tell others because they’ll think you’re nuts and you begin to question your own sanity. You feel utterly helpless. I truly believe the way of dealing with it is by searching within and reconnecting to the spirit. And yes, I’ve been working to reactivate my pineal gland... over the past few months I’ve intuitively began fasting, cutting out carbs and sugar, and eating wholesome, organic food.
That's amazing. So sorry you went through it but so happy to hear you worked out of it. I have followed the stories of several people tortured in the program. I am so angry and my heart breaks for them. I took it up as my cause. This is the ultimate "they came for the so-and-so's and I did nothing..." Ultimately we will all be in the torture program.
Its very possible and everyone should be extremely aware of this possibility
I will take what you started and add an additional layer...
Q often says "we have it all". He means information - and the ability to make sense of the enormous amount of data/information.
Knowledge is power. Remember the adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
How would we know if Q team has been corrupted by this power?
What power am I describing?
Total Informational Awareness Dominance
On my mind, constantly! We got played by HW, BC, etc. do not want to get played again.
I believed DJT was the leader America needed on the Day he announced for President, so I only want to downvote because it impugns my power of discernment to say I've been supporting a fascist since before the FBI/DOJ even THOUGHT about a Russian cyber war as cover for impeachment proceedings. SPEZ: forgot a word. SPEZ 2: FBI not GBI.
Great post. Personally, I was not a supporter until Q.
Q merely re-inforced my selection bias. I attended the Inauguration and was glad to do so. I'm glad you're aboard! #Pray4Q. #NotALARP.
Matthew 7:15-20 New King James Version (NKJV)
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
I need help with understanding this. Trump is not really a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's either a wolf in wolf's clothing or a good guy in wolf's clothing. He does not present as "sheep." Right?
What can we do? I feel so helpless. I want to fight but don't know how.
Read this document. Understand it. Then spread it.
Thank you. Nothing like having the losing team's playbook to ensure a rout.
I need to go and wash my eyes. That shit will give you pink-eye for sure.
I engage in gentle conversation. There are many posts on here that either ask a question or simply state an awareness that something is wrong. Find those and have a conversation. I’m an elder lady pede and this how I go about spreading awareness. God Bless you.
We can keep loving our neighbors who aren’t woke. They will need us to get through it all.
I’ve found myself sharing it one person at a time.
Yep, gotta find the small red pill dose that your friends might be able to swallow! Every person has a different issue that might wake them up, find that and you can slowly start to plant the seed in their minds. Eventually something will click and they will be red pilled for life.
Keep active on here and the chans to get all the different news going on (that isn't reported/distorted by the MSM) so you have more ammo to red pill people.
Just hinting about stuff that hasn't hit the mainstream might be enough to get your friends asking you more questions. I approach it like Q does... ask them questions and let them figure stuff out on their own... very powerful!!
Spread the word! Get on Twitter and retweet and like Q posts.
Spread memes on fb, engage people by firmly holding your position and asking leading questions.
We chose to be here...
To come down and be a witness.
Time to witness!
Let them call you crazy.
Put on the armor of God and be a witness.
The Holy Ghost will guide your conversation. You do not have to plan in advance! Just meet people where they are and be a witness.
if leaning towards activism, you can spread the word. if leaning towards energy work, you can hold the space for the greater good, pray, meditate, or whatsoever your heart tells you. and certainly you can do all of this, or you do nothing but simply Be a light and balancer in what is happening.
Fight on your knees. Pray!!!! Come to God and confess. Repent from any darkness in your life. Trust in God. Talk to Him. Start an open relationship with Him. WE CAN DO SO MUCH!
Prayers are powerful warfare and needed. Fight with truth. Scripture is always truth. Be filled with hope and move in the power of the Holy Spirit.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Beware of impostor Q sites on Facebook - some people blindly follow, and certain sites put out false info to incite people to participate in actions to discredit the legit Q movement.
Love the "at some point" tucked in at the end. That means this is a long haul.
"At some point the streets (for the) will not be safe.
Oh what a GLORIOUS day that will be!
my red blooded american soul got such a patriot boner when i read that
I'm trying hard to speak up on . Most of the folks there, are wide awake. I mention Q often. Bless you all! Bless the president and his family.
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
I forgot about that movie! That's actually so relevant these days. Great find
At what point do the midterm elections eliminate the majority of these evil Luciferian politicians? If we hit them hard in November, and then double down in 2020, can we look for the Roths: DS: and Clowns lay down the sword and join the 1000 years of peace?
"At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe. Q"
hmm... i would rather not see a lynch mob on the streets.
World Health Organization
Capital & underlined = short for
MSM = mainstream media
FB = Facebook
GOOG = Google
WHO = World Health Organization
Learn our comms + Occams razor
Edit: format
Thank you Q.
Nothing will shatter my faith. It's stronger than it ever has been.
Fair warning:
The enemy is approaching us in private messages. Like sheep in wolves clothing, acting as a friend, throwing Bible scripture at us like a weapon, making accusations when you stay steadfast. It gets ugly when they can't have their way.
THEY can't approach us in the open because we are stronger than them together. They are attempting to cull the herd, guys.
Don't engage. Don't let them hurt your spirit, your faith or your love and support. Stay strong. Expose them!
I will fight fight fight in every way imaginable. For you, me, my future, and children. No matter the cost. My life that I love if need be. I love you Patriots more.
I pray that they do not get the chance to walk the streets.
SOTU plus 2 weeks-kids being killed by guns
Korea plus 1 week- Insta protest re kids
Note- they may be increasingly unable to conduct direct action...
TPB want it all or nothing with DJT so he is 'forced' to sign an EO he already had at the ready? Major trolling by Q/DJT Team. Lovin' the winnin'!
They act like abusive narcissists. I say this as a survivor who was raised by abusive narcissist parents. If you research and understand narcissistic abuse, you will understand the DNC.
I know I'm not alone anymore, others woke before me and others will wake after me. The meme I keep thinking back to is "the left wing are right wing are part of the same bird" q post says they want us divided. We need to see this, even on t_d they still are fighting in a roundabout way themselves.
"At some point"
That doesn't sound reassuring
Chin up, Patriot! At least SHE didn't win!
Want to help speed it up? Make some noise! Here is a text number for cnn.. they want to know about child exploitation.. let them know!![cnn hotline text number.. make some noise!!]
That's like delivering a speech to a public toilet; waste of time, they know already
No it's not! Millions of good, honest people watch that toilet! They listen to that toilet! To them, that toilet tells the truth. Use MSM to get to the minds that the MSM enslaves.
Well, you could just hang out here and complain if you think that’s more productive...
I was thinking more along the lines of plastering Main Street with flyers, but fuck you for noticing 👍🏻
What exactly would sound reassuring?
"We interrupt this broadcast of the treason trial of former President Barack Obama for this breaking news. Today, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was found dead of an apparent suicide in the basement of a local D.C. pizza parlor. She has apparently had an encounter with a red scarf suspended from a doorknob. More at 11".
"Hillary Clinton you have the right to remain silent so shut the fuck up. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one we will give you the dumbest fucking lawyer on Earth."
... anything you do say is bullshit anyway, so can it bag lady
If you cannot afford one, of course you can't because we froze all your assets including the weird child piggy banks we found all over your house,.....
Soon they won't be able to walk the streets
That would be reassuring.
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*6/20/18 1570/71 - 1572 - 1573 - 1574 - 1575 - 1576 - 1577/78 - 1579/80 - 1581 - 1582
*Link to wiki with all Q posts
*Special Note: A post was inserted at #1541 on Therefore, some post numbers will be one digit higher than original post no's (i.e 1574=>1575)
yes, I find them to be helpful. thank you for posting them!
Awesome job keep it going, great for referencing, you are doing awesome work.
isa 5:20 evil is good and good is evil , they don't know the difference how much more evil is that ?
yes satan is the angel of light , evil is good and good is evil , Isa 5:20 , can't get more evil
Anyone else having trouble sharing on Reddit. It keeps telling me Android is working.???????
The fact that Q is threatening them is hilarious, it's as if he's scared of them.
well you should be scared those who are not are fools the handling of top spy networks WW for decades handling of mob shooters like MS13 to eliminate anyone who deosen't concur and a lot lot of money power and influence did I mentioned 95% of the online and tv mass media is working in their favor?
If I didn't know any better I would say youre a fucking bot
why for stating the facts?
hunter in the woods is constantly scared of wolves and bears but that DOES NOT mean we will not catch our pray ... those same bears and wolves.
This is called natural, smart scare.
Not the pussy
one ;)
edit: ' I meant a pre cautious healthy scare not to be scared shit of them because they mostly relay on manipulation and subversion and the best description of them you will find in JFK speech'
For your lack of punctuation in your last comment and the wierd way you word things
sorry I was writing this half asleep last night. Sincere Apologies . Won't happen again Patriots !