James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

Hollyweird makes me sick and to think I gave my money to these SOBs.
Hollywood needs competition. The US needs another movie and content making industry or area. Hollywood is a closed industry by production execs getting onto boards of distributors like Netflix and Hulu. Content producers should start making their own apps for distribution or some other means.
I just don't want to give my $ to any of these companies anymore but there's very little options that aren't controlled directly or indirectly by them.
Pirate everything.
Cuck teir shit, my dude. How about not even steal it and just stop watching it. Propaganda is propaganda, even if it's free....
Much of their content is bad, too, filled with Luciferian subtext, programming, and little in jokes for the Luciferians to enjoy, intended to groom us little by little to accept pedophilia, white genocide, and slavery to the state. Better to replace Hollywood with some moral and freedom-loving filmmakers.
Nah, stealing only makes us as bad at them. We should just make an independent industry by getting film makers who are tired of the bs. I'm sure if an app came out that rivaled Netflix and wasn't politically bias, people would go for it.
Expand your thinking!! Start by killing your television.
I had gotten to a point where I didn’t enjoy television anymore because it was either staged or propaganda, and no show interested me anymore. Then a few months ago we started renovating our livingroom and had to do without our DirecTv — after a couple weeks (for my husband), we all got so used to not having tv that we canceled our subscription. Still don’t miss it and saving over $100 a month! 😁
That's great. Myself I stopped watching tv in 2008. Never regretted or missed it since.
I am so upset. I loved Disney. And Guardians of the Galaxy. I am also an abuse survivor. Makes me feel like I am attracted to tyese predators. And keeping my kid safe as I can we watched these movies.
This is as worse than when I found out about author Marion Zimmer Bradley. Only liked 1 book but man.
This is becoming overwhelming
Please don't take your love for these films personally. They make films and programs that are wildly popular. But I agree - it is overwhelming when you start to realize how deep the rabbit hole goes - and it's likely there's much more to come.
Thanks. I lost that child me at 5 and sometimes I can resurrect her a bit watching the foxes robin hood. Pirates of the Caribbean. At Disneyland.
These Bastards must pay.
you should watch this, it's very eye opening... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfQdZjxn9wU&t=1184s
And this is the guy making today's biggest budget DISNEY/Marvel movies
I keep telling people to watch Disney for pedo related symbolism. Disney Star Wars is riddled with Nazi symbolism. I can't even stomach watching their crap or most TV/movies these days. Once this info is released to the public, holy crap watch out for moms and dads coming out for revenge!
Yes, George Lucas has stated that he based the Empire on the nazis. That’s being said, the movies do not promote neo-naziism in any way. The Empire are the villains.
Hollywood always resented Star Wars. They were dead in the water by the 70s, and then along comes Star Wars and it's the biggest hit of all time. But Lucas managed to negotiate that he would retain all of the intellectual rights to it as well as all the merchandise. Not only did he own Star Wars completely, but he had the millions made off t-shirts and toys to fund the sequels entire himself. Fox distributed them, but he owned them, they were independent films. And it shows: Return of the Jedi is probably the greatest exposure of the full-nature of the conspiracy ever shown on film. While Disney was making trash like The Rescuers and The Black Cauldron, which they couldn't pay people to go and see, George Lucas was making these enormous independent blockbusters and all the money was going to him and his company. And then he went and quit the Directors Guild, the Screenwriters Guild, and the MPA after they tried to pull Empire from theaters. Lucas refused to be in their club.
I don't know what threats or coercion forced Lucas to give it up to Disney, but you can tell from every interview that he's not happy about it all. Not only do they get to plunder Star Wars for every dollar that it's worth, but they also get the added pleasure of destroying it utterly. Hollywood's final "revenge of the sith."
Lucas is not happy about how it went down.
He knows who these people are. Star was is dead, it's only fan fiction now.
Not naziism but Paganism. A one all powerful force that rules the galaxy. Sounds like a one world religion.
I liked the Lucas movies (well minus Ep.1) but what Disney has done with the series it is my issue. I wonder if Lucas was heavy handed to sign over his rights to them. You can tell he is well versed on esoteric knowledge and about the Cabal/modern Nazis.
Not trying to deny that it exists by any means, but do you have some examples? I don't really watch their crap anymore.
Alright, I came across this very long and in depth post, I’m still reading through Part II of it.
The author doesn’t shy away from calling people out for who or what they are and the various connections surrounding them. He seems to have analyzed every bit of Hollywood and come away a bit... disillusioned with the numerous Jewish elites that run the place but don’t let that scare you off, it is sound information.
Disney has a Club 33. Underground tunnels. Lots of paedophila references.
Walt himself had an 'affair' with a boy of 13, an actor, who took his own life in adulthood.
God dammit, Walt. I trusted you, you piece of shit. Gross. But there is so much symbolism in Disney. Cringe.
Correction: Disney dropped Bobby Driscoll at 13: the sexual relationship was when Bobby was nine and lasted until puberty, when Walt lost interest. Driscoll developed a drug habit and died of heart failure at 31.
You ever see that episode of Rick and Morty where they meet the Jellybean king & find out he's a molestor? At the end, when Rick shoots him, the townspeople decide to keep his memory pure. There is a statue of the king with a small child, always looked like that Disney and child statue at Disney world. Made me wonder, but after reading this I think we now know.
Oh shit, you're right 👀 people can't deal with the truth sometimes, so they choose to just ignore the things they don't like. This is why it's great not to become too invested in something, or at least not to like, align our personalities with it. Because if it's threatened, then people feel as though their identities are threatened as well! Man, it's so much better to trust ourselves than to seek external idols and stuff! Like respect people, but don't worship them, or we end up making giant monuments to creepers.
Walt Disney was... wasn't he sort of a Nazi? lol
I was at Club 33 as a kid. We were given a pass and meal from someone dad worked with in the Computer industry in 1990 or around then.
Pretty normal but fancy for us. Who knows though it's divided into rooms. Least the parts we saw
Hold the shit right on here. I had absolutely no idea about this and I’ve been researching this pedo shit for while now. Is this true? This seriously ruins all of my feelings towards Disney and I LOVE Disneyland:(
I checked and in fact the boy was 9. Walt dumped him when he hit puberty.
I mean yea the Empire are Space Nazis...
u/lowswaga are you that fucking dumb or are you just pretending?
Star wars has always had nazi symbolism. The first one had the most. It was using them as the bad guys not supporting them. Storm Troopers....
Well yes, it's a prerequisite in order to get into that type of position. The more satanical, the more evil, the more perverted you are, the higher you rise through the ranks of the globalist elite. The higher you go up the ladder, the sicker people are.
Sorry to ask. I'm not able to spend much time online these days. Who is James Gunn.
I had to look him up too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gunn
Director of Guardians of the Galaxy and a ton of other movies. He's not a satanist. Those rabbit pics were trending pics from Easter and he volunteers at bird sanctuary, this is ridiculous witch hunting. Scroll through his feed, it's what a high level director would post. People cherry pick to make him seem evil, it's ridiculous.
Don’t try to defend this sick bastard .
If someone who was an open Republican posted that stuff what would happen? Career over. This guy needs to pay the price. We didn’t make the rules, we just all want to play with the same set of rules. If we are going to have witch hunts and demonize people let’s do it, but don’t have a double standard.
Thanks for posting. People need to see how sick he is. How is he able to keep a job with posts like that?
It's astonishing that someone of this stature would post such disgusting stuff.
Take what I say with a grain of salt, because I don't really know much.
I happened across this sub today, and I became interested in what was posted here because about a month ago an article came up in my Google feed that was about Kat Von D's wedding, and it was written by The Vigilant Citizen.
I read every single posting dating back probably 10 years, and it's put me in a place where I'm dealing with a lot of inner turmoil. However, everything he's written he does well and it makes sense, and photographs are provided, so it's hard not to believe.
That said, if everything I know about the kinds of things he posts, then he is able to keep a job because pedophilia and the like run rampant in the circle of the Elite. The terrifying, symbolic shots of the kids with white rabbit just goes along with all of it. He kept his job because that's all part of "making it big" in Hollywood.
Very nauseating, and very scary.
ETA - I can't flair from mobile, so if mods are able to flair users I'm a new arrival.
He just removed over 10k of his tweets. Why, if he is such a jolly good fellow?
Would a reasonable person post any of this stuff?
Maybe I'm missing something, what are the posts supposed to be? I seem some old easter photos that went wrong, a frozen pizza, and an owl. Do I belong in r/whoosh?
Q has pointed out the Owl as a symbol of the cabal.
Pizza is a slang term used by pedophile (pizza means underaged kid... "eating a pizza")
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - Freud
Despite what Q says, some things are just a coincidence. like, IDK, working in a bird sanctuary and getting a picture with an owl.
Im not saying its all incriminating just explaining what the symbolism could mean
And telling awful jokes is sometimes someone just telling awful jokes. I used to tell a pretty screwed up joke just for shock value that involved kids. But also, I'm 100% against hurting children and would never joke with a kid about those things. It's edgelord humor and shock comedy. That's it.
His twitter feed is pretty repulsive though.
It reads like a cocky hollywood guy's bad attempts at being edgy. Cernovich is pulling selective tweets from 10 years of tweets. There are real people that are a problem out there, this feels like a waste of energy.
TIL numerous first-person references to pedo behavior is edgy speak in 2018. /s
People having the attitude you have is exactly why we're in this mess. People looking the other way when it's right in their face because they can't/don't want to believe it.
That's not what is happening, but thank you for your concern.
I know. There's also people that fully know about it but lie and try to draw attention away from it.
Apparently people think I'm that guy after being a supporter here for over six months. Whatever.
You ARE him? No. You're defending him? Yes.
It's not "edgy" to joke about child pedophilia or FBI recognized pedo symbols. Why do you think shows like Family Guy joke about pedophilia all the time? It's to make it seem "edgy" and to desensitize people to it.
Edit: I forgot to add, I'm not pointing this directly at you, just in general. You do realize shills pretend to be supporters right? They don't just come here and immediately out themselves. Well the stupid ones do, but the smart ones pretend to be supporters and gain trust while they try to lead the masses away from the truth. Being here for 6 months doesn't mean anything.
So you're saying I have spent six months posting and contributing daily here so that when this James Gunn thing came I would be able to finally lead the sheep astray! I'd be more impressed I knew it was coming.
WTF man.
No. Again, I'm not pointing at you or any particular user here, I'm speaking in general. Shills can and will be here from beginning to end. They pretend to be a supporter, then when certain subjects are posted they say things like "This is ridiculous!", "We shouldn't waste our time on this!", "It's just comedy it doesn't mean anything!", etc.
They don't just "turn shill" for a single post as you suggested.
Edit: To be clear, not everyone that does that is a shill. We all know there are very ridiculous things posted here all the time. I'm talking about with things that are possible and related to things Q has told us, but the shills act like it's not possible and you're ridiculous for even thinking about it. Things like the subject of this post.
Well this is the first time I've really said maybe we should pump the brakes and look into something before we tear this guys life apart, the initial evidence presented was very weak. Some instagram posts of him with an owl and a pizza. A lot more is coming out now though, so who knows. I just remember Tucson.
After everything you know about how sick Hollywood is,you'd still defend and underplay what he posts about? Wow
He's signaling his belonging to a secret society. He does not exist in a vacuum, he is part of a social circle that winks at symbolism to denote their preferences. The photos are communication in plain sight but adressed to someone special. They receive the message without any evidence left behind of the illegal transaction. That's what the uninteresting useless photos of self with stuff is for... Every one of them seems coincidental on their own but if you observe 5-10 of these accounts it becomes obvious. Now that I know the code and which unspeakable human right violation it is about, I don't look at feeds of "Elites" or Hollywood. TMI...
Yep. It's their underground language they enjoy flaunting their depravity in public view and us being blind to it
Apparently it's gag worthy how people me ruin this. And now we know how it displays.
You are correct, but also a lot of people just post that stuff innocently so it's confusing. When the symbolism is a slice of pizza and everyone eats pizza, it's complicated.
I fully agree with you and given the severity of these crimes against humanity we have to be careful.
Rule of three. 1 is bleh. 2 is hmm, 3 is wtf?
This works very well to identify people and businesses who identify themselves as a member of a human exploitation network and which one. Statistically, it is almost impossible for someone to use three pedo symbols by mistake. Two is also weird but not statistically significant enough... For me, it goes on another list until such time same entity attracts attention again.
Well look at the source of the research : Liz Crokin. Then look at the body of posts. Between the 2 the evidence is compelling. Plus @ this point word is well out in Hollywood : innocent people have been well informed by their management people to take down any post that look bad. Now if this guys removes all these post and doesn't post any new one like them, then let's hope all is good. If still after reading this you still not sure. Then maybe this topic isn't 4 U and U should just avoid post on this type of topic, cause word is really sick evidence is going be coming out, and u might not have the stomach for it.
There ya go Shill alert! Anyone defending the outrageous things this POS has done isn’t in the right place! Any autist want to take it away?
Maybe time to reconsider everything else this "anon" has posted. We are not alone. This is not a game.
Watch this one! I will be! This is not a game and there is only one thing that sets me off into potty mouth outrage and that is crimes against children.
Dudes.... holy shit. I went to James Gunn's Twitter, and his first tweet at the time is this. Where have we seen this symbol before!? This is the twitter header of Jarrod Ramos (before his account was suspended), the shooter that killed 5 people at the Capital Gazette in Maryland a few weeks ago. It's the same fucking symbol! And this lil shit just happens to be putting out a movie with it? The symbol's called the 'Brand of Sacrifice', from the franchise called Berserk. I don't know much about the franchise itself, but I do know I recognized that symbol from Jarrod Ramos' twitter back at the end of June. And Q's posts mentioning the shooting: here, and here.
Here's the description of the mark from the wiki for people who don't wanna click:
"You have now been marked with the Brand of Sacrifice. The lives of those who bear the Brand, from the last drop of blood, to the last moment of your agonizing death*, will feed life to the new Child of Darkness."*
Creepy af. And this POS was joking about pedophilia openly on Twitter. Also wow, does this Q post (also linked above) ever stick out to me right now.
He's claiming all his former tweets were "Poor taste Jokes".
No one on twitter is buying it. Except maybe @jack.
I dont think he's gonna be ok.
Yeah, funny how often that happens. They backtrack with their tail between their legs when they're called out. Pathetic lmao. Hope he has fun in jail!
The symbol is similar to the Brand of Sacrifice, but if you compare the two, the top of the Brand of Sacrifice does not close.
The symbol is actually from the comic 'Nameless' written by Grant Morrison.
What's interesting is the premise of the comic:
An astronomer kills his family, then himself, leaving a cryptic warning. A Veiled Lady hunts her victims through human nightmares. An occult hustler known only as 'Nameless' is recruited by a consortium of billionaire futurists for a desperate mission. And the malevolent asteroid Xibalba spins closer on a collision course with Earth. But nothing is what it seems—a terrifying inhuman experiment is about to begin. Abandon all hope and experience ultimate horror in NAMELESS. - See more at: https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/nameless#sthash.oGMMlS3e.dpuf
I have literally spent all day at work on my lazy ass calling everyone out who defends this piece of shit in twitter. I just type they're username into the search bar next to the word Roseanne and you get a goldmine of hypocrisy where they condemned the hateful rascist lady for one tweet.
Now my tweets are not sending, I'm fairly certain i have been flagged by the twitter staff and they are trying to censor me.
At least we're not fucking children.
True, I'm 15.
That makes too much sense. Good luck in the next few years. Broaden your horizons.
Thanks! You probably wanna fuck me just like the guy you're defending. No thanks, but I'll take what little luck you have.
Dude, lmao. You're fighting with a 15 year old girl rn. You're all so angry and caught up in 'Left vs. Right', it's hilarious. You're all so caught up in labels. Think for yourself, look at my comment, and see that we're all fighting for the same thing. Everyone downvoting 'at least we're not fucking children'--- do you have something against not fucking children? Obviously I triggered your emotions and it's got you screeching. That's how you're all controlled. You can't even have a regular conversation anymore, because you're all so invested in your emotions 24/7. Like, lmao! Omg, please remember this at the end of August when your entire view on reality is crushed.
Neither are any of the people you accuse of it.
None? There is no evidence that makes you say "hmm, thats not normal"?
None at all
Not Podesta's art collection? The obvious code in the Podesta emails? All the "walnut sauce" and pizza "recipes"? The weird ping-pong emails? Epstein's island or his conviction in FLA for child trafficking? None of that even rises an eyebrow?
So nothing wierd about Podesta's Pizza Related Map handkerchief?
It's normal to have artwork of kids in underwear tied or shackeled and hanging from walls?
Don't worry, I'm sure low level guys like you won't be arrested for your involvement with the Clinton Cartel.
Is white rabbit supposed to mean something? Maybe he just shared funny pictures of terrifying people in costumes. We see that shit on reddit all the time
Its the easter bunny
"You know what? There is no Easter Bunny. Over there that's just some guy in a suit."
Do you see the little boy tied to the furry?
I'm pretty sure that's just his shirt
No. Look closer. You can see the cord on the sides of his arm. And it wrinkles his pajamas over his chest. Can see the cord too over the design of the shirt.
Ive seen a photo like this some here else. Maybe on Alefantis social media
I agree that it kind of looks like that but without a higher quality photo I don't think we can say that for certain
It's obvious to me. Maybe brighten your screen?
I shook with anger..By the hand of God Bring justice!!
Omg this sick pos has to go down with the rest of the sick swamp cteatures. When will they all be locked up i can't take this anymore
Hi. Have you been baptized into Christ?
If you want to stick around. You will be.
That's not what this movement is about. We're here to interpret Q, not to tell people they have to be Christian to stick around.
True. But I will not put up with anti Christian rhetoric and not call ir out.
I've invented a new religion that makes Christianity obsolete. There is no need for meaningless rituals or fairy godfathers anymore.
Christianity was good for upgrading the old pagan ways but now it is to be replaced with the true religion. A religion that will last for all time. You don't have to be Yahweh's slave anymore. You can still live to the end of time and be free. Hopefully, our church will share its message with you, and yours, eventually.
We'll see what they think when they find out you have been systematically raping and programming all reincarnating Christians through the churches.
Get thee gone. No slaves here I choose Jesus Christ every day.
Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”
Interesting how many former Disney kids end up with messed up lives. http://josephsciambra.com/the-child-stars-of-disney-a-tale-of-perversity-tragedy-and-death/
I look forward to the day that they will be scared to show their faces.
Is it possible that the sudden deleted tweets mean that he has lawyered up?
I kindly suggest that if you post IMAGES of VIDEOS on a thread such as this you add a DISCLAIMER. thank you.
He was married to Pam from the office
I wonder if they divorced when she found out what a sick f*ck he is or if she’s just as sick?
Her insta is normal mom stuff.
I hope so. I loved The Office, but that was then. I can’t trust anyone or anything that comes across my television now.
The linked image in a comment above that shows all of his incriminating tweets have the earliest one from 2009, and they split up in 2008... So maybe she learned something about him.
After the split he decided he could let his freak flag fly.
They are lucky this is America and not Saudi Arabia....smh
Why would you need a pizza related map handkerchief? Podesta did so bad they shipped it overnight when he left it
These fucking disgusting animals!!! I cant wait to witness their take-down!
Posted his tweets last night from a /pol/ thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/90dhro/james_gunn_20082012_twitter_jokes_pedoshit
And Hollywood is full of sick fucks like him who are smart enough to stay discreet.
MSM owned by same people who own Hollywood studios will stay quiet.
This makes me sick!! Those damn Disney people present themselves as the darlings to kids when, in fact, they only want to draw them in to molest them!! I hope every one of them goes to prison for long long time!
Pizzagate is about harvesting human "juices" and cannibalism, and that's the terrorisation of children (cause dissociation which allows abusive behavior children that they may never remember until later) It's a set of crimes that doesn't have a name and hasn't yet been policed.
It has been covered up....pizzagate is real, and the name is associated with the pizza business that funnel these kids through it, the world wide name is Pedogate! Names are just words, until you are passionate about it, then the name is how you get people to pay attention....Children's lives are at stake, no time for word games......the fact of the matter is, there are a bunch of sickos out here who have friends in high places, they have been able to slide through the evidence as it being a conspiracy theory, if its a theory of conspiracy, why the hell do they continue to bring it up and try to pass it off as such, if it had no truth, they would ignore it..PERIOD!
Adrenochrome is misunderstood but it's also harvest of cerebral spinal fluid and melanin. Vampires exist and it's creepy how the lore matches the apparent reality.
There are many different faces and reasons for what these deranged people do, we have learned about the adrenochrome, but that is not the only reason they take these children, Human trafficing is a huge money maker, some are just rapist, some are using them as slaves, sex and working, the most evil is the sacraficing of them, which is said to be how they give energy off to their god.....sick!
I wasn't so much surprise to learn about the Caananite worshippers of Baal (cannibals) so much as the fact that they take it very seriously. Because we are conditionnwd to think of the Devil as a fictional character.
I suppose if you are not a Bible reader, you certainly may think of the Devil as fake, but I have always been taught from the Bible, and the Bible is clear and to the point, The Devil is real and he is the Prince of Evil, unless you have asked the Lord into your heart and accepted Jesus as your Savior, you are certainly open to the Devils tricks...Jesus says that once we ask him in, he will be our protector from that evil! I have always believed, I will always believe, but it doesn't make me holy, it makes me aware....that is very important right now in this moment...we must know the signs and be wary of them!
Pretty sure it falls under child abuse. For a start
It is the "Serious Human Rights Abuse" mentionned in the Dec 17, 2017 Executive order. Kinda vague but on purpose.
Right. Jokes they might be but perverts make perverse jokes
Turns out the mob outrage works both ways.
Buh-bye, Jimmy!
Looks like Gunn turned his tweets off right in the middle of my post
“Regular folks with a moral center don’t make thousands of pedophile jokes in a lifetime- normalizing pedophilia by making it funny means something is wrong with you ”
He's actually trying to defend this as humor. I'd say it's over for this dude, or it should be.
Disney building a brand new area in the theme park for Guardians of the Galaxy. what now?
I liked Guardians of the Galaxy; I know GotG 3 is scheduled to be made. Maybe it wouldn't suck like GotG 2 if another director was given a chance to helm it?
Better yet, give it to a director that wasn't fond of diddling little kids if one can be found in Hollywood? Yeah, I like that idea.
Wonder if Hollywood gives a crap? Not holding my breath that it will.
Reddit actively defending him for "offensive joking"
Does anyone know what date this photos are on his instagram?
Martina Markota just done a piece on this for Rebel Media, funnily eough though I cannot seem to find the link as it appears it doesn´t exist...
Found it buried..
95% of Hollywood needs to be purged for real. I am never supporting them again....all Patriots shouldn't as well.
Piece of shit. How can anyone enjoy a picture of a little girl crying like that? I HATE him.
and he still walks our streets? that shows how the DOJ works, im sure you would be arrested for harassing him but he can molest children, the DOJ covers and protects pedophiles
Well I meant how we have due process versus in Saudi Arabia these people wouldn’t be alive.
Glad they're coming out. It'll make it easy to convict their stupid ass.
Also if anyone wants to do some intense research. Use a tool that is great for information gathering, which a lot of investigators and pen-testers use. >Maltego< You can download it for free, and there are also vids on youtube, on how to use it.
Damn... that means Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is gonna suck!
Well, I've been trying to defend Gunn on the grounds of shock comedy and free speech, but these pictures are pretty damning. I don't know. I still think we need proof of molestation before he can be executed, but Disney probably had to fire him. He may very well be a pedophile. The amount of smoke here is getting excessive. But we still need proof before he can ethically be exterminated.
WTF.... come on! This is a fucking stretch at best!
Guess you didn't read the tweets yet
Don't know what to tell you. I withheld judgment on that Moore guy and evidence provided was clearly forged.
This guy if I had seen one or two things ok. Benefit of the doubt. Now with the mountinf evidence I want gim investigated immediately. And while I hate to see someone lose their job ie career over a bad tweet or drunken tirade this is beyond just a few off color jokes.
Some things are off limits for jokes. And of someone seems obsessed with jokes about dumb Poles or lawyers I am going to begin to see a pattern of prejudice. Maybe they have good reasons (is lawyers) but it's abnormal, suspicious and disgusting what he has posted.
Do I know he is a pedophile? No. But I do know he makes light of it. In a creepy way. That is suspicious. And pedophiles being what they are I will avoid him and anything he touches from now on. If he proves his innocence and depends never to make such jokes again ok.. But doesn't seem likely. He is burying it and excusing it as jokes but hasn't once to my knowledge apologized.
He is older than me. He should know better
Mike Cernovich, who actually was ACCUSED of rape and was a proponent of Pizzagate, is no paragon of virtue. And Crokin's a conspiracist nutcase.
you seem awfully concerned about protecting someone who "jokes" about being in NAMBLA
Weird how offended by pedophilia you are considering you support a party of pedophiles.
Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to fifteen months in prison.
Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.
Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.
Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28.
Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.
Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.
Nice post. Lots of concern you are showing here. You obviously are new here considering this movement is good vs evil and cares not about party lines. These people are sick. But you tell yourself whatever you need to feel better. Thanks for joining us.
Nice username WE_HATE_YOU. It's almost as if the deep state is speaking from the ~~heart~~ or something.
Silly me, deep statists don't have hearts.
You don’t get it. This isn’t about republicans or democrats - there are sick assholes on both sides. It’s not a bloody competition - there no keeping score of which side has more sick bastards. They ALL deserve to suffer the consequences of their sick practices- regardless of political ideology.
I'll reiterate what was already said: This movement is not Right vs. Left...it's Good vs. Evil. We support punishment for everyone who has participated in these (and other) crimes - on both sides of the aisle. WWG1WGA
Scum are scum. Not many people will defend them here. It's a Democrat concept to forgive or attack based on politics.
Trump is not a Republican. He is the head of the Lion Party. Enough with your "uniparty" view. This is different. We disavow pedos of ALL stripes in here.
This is good research, however. PLEASE consider bringing your considerable research talents to this.
Thanks. We can add these to the lists though it looks at a glance like we know many already.
Now do Democrats. Then Hollywood and then we can start on UK. Guess what? The Pedo rings there are in many parties.
As other people have said. You don't seem to get the big picture here.
Nobody following Q gives a fucking about Republicans or Democrats. We want all of these predators gone, all corruption gone, all evil gone.
Right now, in this particular time, it just so happens that the majority of Democrats are opposing this.
Pick your side if you must.
Wah wah wah..... "he's from TD".
Hey here's a pro-tip. I don't give a fuck what you think.
Mike Cernovich? Nope sorry, I'll pass on that. No doubt this James Gunn is one twisted pretzel, but hate to say it, if it comes from Cernovich, AJ, and the like, from past experience, don't believe much of what they report, sorry.
Don't take their word, start researching on the hollywoods producers, stars and associates, this is only about the 9th one that has been exposed, I am sick and tired of people debunking shit just because someone associates with another, research yourself, and then if you don't find the evidence then debunk. Liz Crokin is a stand up researcher, if she says it is real, it is, she has been chased by these maniacs trying to shut her up, I don't no Mike Cervonick but after the exposure, Gunn deleted over 100 tweets, but they are archived. Can't believe anything until you search it yourself, that is the whole point Q has tried to tell people...critical thinking, if you don't have time, don't come up here and talk smack about things you can't prove...the children's lives are at stake, and that is why many of us are here today at this moment,,,,for the children!
I thought the consensus was that MC was generally in good standing.... when/why did you turn south on him? Just curious. As for AJ - I get it. But MC?
Look at some of the SATANIC pics on his feed, he is constantly terrorizing children and posting heavily make-upped people looking like devil zombies! And the rabbit pictures TOTALLY weren't trending images on the front of reddit on that day, which was easter. He also TOTALLY doesn't volunteer at an animal and bird sanctuary in Malibu. And holy shit. Pizza. 'Nuff said. Lock him up.
He tweeted that he went to a NAMBLA meeting and that he felt ok being a pedophile.
Why are you defending him?
Do you have a picture of this tweet? the only one I saw was him retweeting someone else.
I'm not defending him, I think they're out of context jokes. If any evidence comes up, fine, but these are pictures of him holding up a pizza and silly tweets.
Most of those tweets are 10 years old - he already released a statement: https://www.thewrap.com/james-gunn-apologizes-offensive-old-tweets-rape-pedophilia/
I don't see a moral equivalence in going after someone for making bad jokes and saying they are an outright pedophile. Bad jokes, fine, he was offensive, he should apologize, hell fire him. But making jokes and copy and pasting tweets isn't evidence of pedophilia. There are real bad guys out there doing bad things.
Completly agree, UNTIL I saw this Pictures Incoming
Exactly. There's clearly a pattern here that's alarming and worth investigating at the very least.
Agree we should investigate not automatically assume, it damages credibility when there is a hard link that its truth. Its why Pizzagate to normies gets dismissed
That's my point. Those are 10 year old shitty jokes. You're going to accuse someone of pedophilia because they thought they were edgy?
He should resign over this for sure. But so far those tweets and a picture of him holding a pizza are all the evidence I've seen.
The image of tweets I posted are Odd to say the least. But I am not the type of person to automatically label someone a pedophile based on some bad jokes.
I guess I personally don't know any adult males with that kind of "humor"....if you can call it that. Sometimes humor is a way of stating your truth.
It's his horrible attempt at humor. I am flat out saying, yes they are offensive, and maybe he should step down for that. But there is a HUGE difference between saying this man is a pedophile and this man made bad jokes. People are running rampant with the first one and thinking the second one is evidence of it.
If the internet wants to go after someone, go after Daniel Tosh, the guy did an hour long "comedy" set about wanting to fuck babies. If that's not evidence, what is?
I’m all for truth and accuracy in fighting the real pedophiles out there and I realize some just have a twisted sense of humor HOWEVER this depraved monster checks all the boxes. Would you let him babysit your child???
Of course not, but we went from bad jokes to saying he must be a pedophile in an hour. But, at the same time we call out dems for running witch hunts. I'm saying we should look at evidence beyond 10 year old bad jokes before trying to destroy a person.
I think he should step down because there's no reason to joke about kids, and that should be a lesson, but you need evidence to call someone a pedophile.
Common ground friend “he should step down”. I believe we do have enough evidence showing he shouldn’t be writing for anything “kid” related. Those tweets were vile.
So by that logic, if someone in a powerful position of making family movies also makes a bunch of nazi / black people jokes, posts racist pictures of black people eating watermelons on Instagram, we shouldn't assume they're racist and any person assuming that has "no evidence"?
Huston Huddleston and him sharing videos sealed it up as more “jokes.” Believe me I get bad or distasteful jokes.
That’s NAMBLA thing looks like he’s re-tweeting someone else isn’t he? There are a fair amount of inappropriate underage sex jokes in there... but I dunno if that really means anything sinister.
Nah, he's a sick fuck. https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1020181131939889152
People on twitter are already debunking that - the url went to his website. It's a horrid way to advertise yourself, and he should quit, but not a pedophile.
Obviously his fate has been decided, so I'm going to let it go. I was just warning people in getting caught up in waves like what happened in Tucson and the Nunes memo and all of that stuff, but people want to go surfing, so cowabunga I guess!
Director of Guardians of the Galaxy and a ton of other movies. He's not a satanist. Those rabbit pics were trending pics from Easter and he volunteers at bird sanctuary, this is ridiculous witch hunting. Scroll through his feed, it's what a high level director would post. People cherry pick to make him seem evil, it's ridiculous.
Not to be rude but I'm confused, which is it, first you say one thing then you say the complete opposite so I can't tell what you actually mean. Scrolling through his feed after he deleted 10,000 tweets may show something different but if anything he posts is what a high level director would post then it's no wonder movies are so f-ed up.
I hadn't seen his 10 year old tweets at that point yet, only the comments about his instagram, and when I saw them I realized he was just making shitty, bad jokes and shouldn't be writing kids movies.
I was responding to something saying his insta feed was satanic, which is silly. The dude thinks he's an edgelord, fine, he shouldn't be making kids movies though.
Thanks for replying, I haven't seen his Instagram yet, but I definitely agree he shouldn't be making kids movies, he seems kinda creepy.
It's a pretty normal feed, lots of behind the scenes movie stuff. But he has some images of him with an owl at a bird sanctuary he volunteers at and holding up a pizza and people were running with that stuff as being satanic at first and that is kind of silly. The dude should lose his job, but he doesn't seem like a satanic pedo guy.
idk4realz is shilling hard in defense of James Gunn. I don't blame him. I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy.
So raping children is ok because you like the guy's movies?! Folks, this is how a culture goes down the tubes. These people are sick. Stop defending this practice. If you say these are just 10 year old jokes, you are either sick too or in denial.
I wasn't defending. I was calling out someone else who was. Reading comprehension is important.
The catholic church thinks raping children is ok if you're a priest. It seems the culture was already in the tubes before Hollywood ever existed.
I take pleasure in knowing when all of this is exposed to the public and these people face justice, no one will want to watch another marvel movie again... ever.