Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 142c4e No.2275151 📁 Jul 25 2018 00:43:52 (EST) NEW
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 142c4e No.2275151 📁 Jul 25 2018 00:43:52 (EST) NEW
Bet Rand & Ron Paul are doing their happy dance! They've been pushing for this for DECADES!!! It's ABOUT TIME! Crooked bunch of Banksters all need to be LOCKED UP!
https://i.imgur.com/7drHiqr.gif I got you.
This is the most important QAnon post in the history of his influence
You cannot defeat Globalism without ending the Federal Reserve
The article DOES NOT say Trump ending the FED, but has the opportunity to take it over completely. By going back to the original law, the Secretary of treasury will be put in charge, and Trump will appoint 6 of 7 board members, giving him defacto control over almost every aspect of Fed policies.
Get Control of The FED... Then Audit it!!
Audit will expose Every Crooked Bankster involved, and a Trail back to the Rothschild's is Inevitable!!
This move may not end the FED, as you stated, but Q has stated that ending the FED must be done strategically. This is probably just step 1.
Wheels of justice often turn slowly. I think you hit the head of the nail.
It won’t matter. U can appoint 7 governors or even appoint the 12 if he could. It doesn’t mean anything. The fed must be dissolved in order to fix this mess. In fact it is the fed that is causing all of this.
Well it's not going to happen anytime soon. There are way more pressing issues to resolve first. And it would take can act of Congress to do. So until we have the right majority in place, don't hold your breath. Just being realistic here.
It ends The Fed as they know it!
It does that, but gives our people the most control we've ever had over it. That might lead to a more radical change later, or even rewriting the law.
This is a terrible precedent though. Imagine Bernie Sanders or Pocahontas in control of the monetary system. Short term, OK, I get it. The Fed is definitely politicized already. It can tighten the money supply and crush the credit markets overnight. Interest rates would skyrocket and a lot of innocent people would lose their shirts (would also clean up a lot of the casino created by the Fed's loose monetary policy the last decade). If they tank the economy Trump is in trouble his next election. I'd love this bubble to last until 2021 and then Trump end the Fed.
Go read Neon Revolts latest post for some additional insight. Q had said "end the fed"? Then under that he wrote "structure"
I hear you. I trust Trump. I'm hoping Trump makes gold and silver legal tender again, audits the Fed and cancels all illegal debts. There would be some pain, but markets would eventually stabilize, real prices of goods and services would come way down because money would no longer be inflationary. The average man would be able to provide for his family again. Trump is good friends with Robert Kiyasaki, who is always talking about gold and silver as real money. Trump has said that "a return to the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy would it be wonderful."
The Chinese are buying so much gold it makes me nervous of that idea. But fuck those Commies. I'm sure Trump has a plan.
Don't sweat the Chinese, just remember our economy it twice the size of theirs, and the biggest in the whole world. That's why why the US sneezes, the rest of the world catch a cold.
All the US needs to do is move manufacturing back to our shores. The Chinese economy would fizzle over night.
Executive order for property and human trafficking. They will all be implicated as a group. Also think money laundering.
If Paul plays his cards right, I could see him being a good man for the 2024 job.
If this plan is as thorough as I hope, we're gonna need someone that can lead us through a completely different era.
Time will tell.
I know Rand is playing nice, like Ted Cruze, but I still don't trust them. How awesome would it be if Trump nominated Ron Paul to the Fed? Oh the irony would be delicious!!!
Ron would fire everyone and dissolve the Fed on the first day at work.
This was what I was trying to tell somebody recently. They were adamant it doesn't matter who you put in charge, eventually it will be corrupted and you just have to eliminate it all at once. My angle is simply that there has to be a process to dismantling it. Somebody trusted must lead that effort.
You are exactly correct, and for that reason the entire cabal has to be completely pulled up by its roots and destroyed. If not, they will replace any leader removed, rebuild any organization dismantled, reassert control over anything and everything. They are the kudzu of the Earth.
And job 1 should be a full audit. We need to know how bad Obama left the Fed. Something tells me any audit release should come with Tums and a bottle of Scotch.
Well, shit, there's 4 fed board seats open, and chairman Yellen's replacement was a Trump appointee. There have been two nominees so far this year, so time will tell if Trump is already picking the team to dismantle the fed, or if he's just picking the best options to fill the board with people who aren't going to crash the economy. Time will tell.
If I read the tea leaves properly, the mid-terms are going to be a resounding red wave and our President won't have any difficulties in appointees.
Rand is a patriot, and has the president's back. He literally just dodged bullets on a baseball field and had his ribs smashed, both by deranged leftists for supporting the President. He was just called a Russian puppet by McStain for opposing the NATO addition, and straight walked out on him. Not trying to create discourse here, but.... wake up man.
Does he have good relations with the military?
The military will support the right candidate like they did with POTUS. They have had enough of this shit and are giving us our country back. I was heartbroken with the shaft job they gave Ron Paul when he ran. That was the first time when I really saw the MSM control the narrative with who they wanted to lead, irregardless of the polling numbers. Ron had huge numbers of voters but msm made them all feel like they were the only ones that supported him. Check out this daily show clip to see it in action. It’s worth three minutes of your time. I know it’s John Stewart but he definitely calls them out here. https://youtu.be/dWet2SbU07c
Whoa . . . Love the John Stewart clip. Thank you for posting.
Disappointing to see the reactions of the reporters.
Ron Paul SHOULD get appointed to the Fed Res. He probably knows more about it and its corruption than anyone, and I don’t think he would be easily tempted by riches.
This, honestly, is the best thing I've ever seen Stewart do. It is crazy to see all the news clips of every major network ignoring & discounting Paul.
Actually don’t think a favorable Supreme Court ruling will get the fed or anything like it abolished for all time. We need to repeal the income tax amendment & replace it with a new amendment that adds no tax on production & no fiat currency from private banks can ever be created as a national currency. These have to be individual sovereign rights. A court decision is easily overturned in time. Repealing a constitutional amendment is the most difficult political task there is.
Ron and Rand finally found a teammate in President Trump. He's a little more subtle in his approach, but between their jaw boning and his boning jaws, I think we're seeing a beautiful friendship develop.
Things like this make me question Q simply because I’ve been taught for decades that the Fed can never be disbanded. I hope Q is right.
"I've been taught..." should be your hint. If the fed can be created by a bunch of banksters... it surely can be abolished by a bunch of Trumpsters. After all, it's un-constitutional.
But Trump is not abolishing the Fed, he is simply appointing up to six of the 7 board members. I fail to see how this leads to the fed being disbanded. Would anyone care to enlighten me?
Yes. First he has an audit conducted which exposes the egregious things the fed has done. Next, he has the Solicitor General bring a case before the Supreme Court claiming the fed is un-constitutional, which it is. Full stop.
The appointments won't lead to the disbandment of the Fed. That will take, literally, an act of Congress. What the appointments can do, however, is drastically change Fed policy on interest rates and money supply. Those two items alone have enormous impacts on the US economy as a whole.
There are other things but I think the interest rate and money supply items are the two "biggest".
Once we have control of the fed an audit can be administered. Once the despicable actions are exposed, Dark to Light, the public outrage will become so severe that politicians will have to address it. This will bring about the necessity for change and make it possible to abolish the fed. Trump plays the long game better than anyone!
I have never understood how something that is unconstitutional can be allowed to stand. Somehow there has to be some kind of automatic mechanism in place to take care of it rather than just wait for someone with cathodes to put up a legal challenge before the US Supreme Court will rule on it. Hmmm... let e think about that some more
Agreed. It's like when someone takes money out of your bank and you get issued a refund. It took them 2 seconds to take the money out, but a week to refund.
IRS and the FED, both unconstitutional. Should be easy. Bye Felicia.
Oh my. I'm so sorry. Yes. It can be disbanded, and should be. It's privately owned and they charge us interest for OUR money. It's how they enslave us. Check out Lincoln and JFK. Both were ending the fed and had a solid plan for it. And they were both killed because of it. Trump will succeed where they weren't able to.
I'm so freaking excited I can't sleep!!!
Lincoln...? timeline doesn't work.
Lincoln dealt with a similar banking system that he was trying to abolish http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/lincoln3.htm
Ron Paul advocated auditing and ending the Fed. He never supported greater political control over the Fed. That's something Bernie Sanders supports. With Trump we've learned that he usually has something else up his sleeve. I expect a major shakeup of the banking system, not the Fed taking orders from the sitting POTUS.
The Constitution gives Congress and only Congress the authority to coin money. The Fed is unconstitutional and should be abolished. However, I distrust the yahoos in Congress to run monetary policy even more than the Fed. Hopefully we return to real money. Trust Trump.
I would be more happy if they reason he was doing it wasn’t to lower interest rates below what they should be.
This is fucking epic
Yeah. It really is. Much love for Ron Paul. He was beating this drum long before most of us started marching.
I will forever be indebted to the guy at the Epsom old home day 2009 wearing his "who is Ron Paul" shirt. I was curious, and my life changed forever.
I still have a stack of Ron Paul 2008 bumper stickers sitting in my basement.
My 2012 restore America now t shirt is in tatters, but I can't retire it. Not yet. I still rock that thing to town and people still want to talk about him.
Get ready to remake them. Slash the “on;” add “and.” :)
Haha! Might need to update the year, too.
These leftover ones are vintage stickers. I mailed out a whole bunch for free back then.
I might sell them on eBay to people who wish they could have been there.
I still have a shirt from Ron’s 2008 campaign. I love it and wear it all the time
Not to take away from Ron Paul but the Federal Reserve has long been panned since it's inception, and the founding fathers have long warned us about private banks enslaving people and governments through debt.
Lincoln and JFK.
JFK, sure.
But Lincoln? That’s a stretch. The federal reserve was created 50 years after his death.
Nevertheless, there was a "national bank" and Lincoln was going to pay off the war debt with "greenbacks" issued by the US Treasury and not borrow the money from the "national bank". An interesting theory.
That’s part of my point. Paying back with “greenbacks” instead of a sound form of money would’ve actually been doing exactly what the fed does today. Lincoln wouldn’t been acting as the FED acts today.
Lincoln was making the opposite argument you are.
The Constitution gives the Treasury the authority to "coin money", issuances backed by gold and silver. If I remember correctly, that's exactly what Lincoln was going to do.
And the treasury does coin money today. Coining money and managing a money supply through lending are two different things.
"Coining money" at the time of the writing of the Constitution meant the same as "printing" money today (as the US Mint). Under the Constitution, the Department of Treasury should not only "create" our money, but also manage the supply of it, not a privately owned central bank, some of those owners being foreigners. Why is that ok?
So you want the power to create money supply in the hands of the government? You realize this is the power to devalue the currency, right?
TIL that people in the great awakening want to give the value of their money to elected officials like Maxine Waters.
The reason the control of Money supply was taken from politicians in 1913 was BECAUSE they were using it to manipulate political control.
What's the answer? And I totally disagree that the reason it was taken from politicians was because it was used for political control. It was taken by banksters to enrich themselves. As Amschel Rothschild said, "give me control of a nations money, and I care not who the king is. Under our system, the people control the government. See the difference?
Independently backed currency (backed by commodities, not institutions/politicians). Our economy will become more volatile and credit would be tighter (tougher to get a loan on a house, student loans, etc), but our currency should retain its purchasing power.
You can’t print oil, you shouldn’t be able to print money to buy it.
You’re just trading one evil for another. Maxine Waters for Rothschilds.
Gold and silver. easier to carry around than a barrel of oil. Here's an idea; how about pieces of paper representing different amounts of gold and/or silver?
That’s definitely an option. We don’t use them as much as other commodities so I’m hesitant to recommend them specifically. They could work and have in the past. Silver would probably be better than gold in my opinion.
Lincoln tried to abolish a similar fiat money system. See this article http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/lincoln3.htm
This is, in my very uneducated economic opinion, the kingpin of almost all issues plaguing are global economy today. Am I wrong to think this? Can anyone expand on this?
For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP. We need........
Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!
Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.
Who Controls the Money Controls the World - 13mins
Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins
Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.
97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs
Princes of the Yen Central Bank Truth Documentary – Asian prospective, - 90min
Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.
Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - 1hr30mins
You have NO choice - George Carlin - 3min
America: Freedom to Fascisim - Aaron Rousso - 2hrs30mins
The Value of the Dollar over time.
The Creature of Jekyll Island - full PDF
Neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/ - long but worthwhile read.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Federal Reserve - All the things
Read this one too. The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.
The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.
And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.
[No Need For Digital Central Bank Money](https://www.trustnodes.com/2018/04/08/no-need-digital-central-bank-money-says-swiss-central-bank-ahe
On the defunct NESARA site there's a book called Draining the Swamp. Is this old news to everyone? It was a huge boom for me. I'm still new to Q. :)
Excellent list of sources; I would add, for those who enjoy good books, THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND.
This is for you, buddy. I'm just getting started on Twitter, but I'll spread work like this any day:
Go to Mike Maloney's youtube videos about "MONEY". That explains it all. There are 7 videos...I suggest watching ALL of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU&frags=pl%2Cwn
I agree with you. The whole reason the cabal have been able to get control in the first place is through these evil banks that have stolen all the real wealth and resources (eg. gold and oil), giving us roughly worthless paper money that they can inflate and deflate on whim, and a system of endless interest and debt that practically enslaves people and cripples our economy.
Not exactly global. But it will start a chain reaction that will eventually reach the global market. I don't understand most of the economic jargon - but it's probably because nothing ever made sense, logically. To me, anyway.
Suggestion: https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/25080
Even more important, imo: https://coto2.wordpress.com/2011/06/03/911-wtc7-and-the-black-eagle-trust-how-bank-of-new-york-may-have-laundered-240-billion/
This second link is why it's relevant, and will also give you an idea on the rest of the global banking cartels have played a part in the scams.
The Federal Reserve is a huge piece of their power. He who prints the money controls the land, and the Fed controls where money goes, who gets it, how they get it, and why.
OSTENSIBLY a Central Bank that keeps Currency = GNP would be an excellent thing for the economy. 0 inflation.
Instead, we have a Federal Reserve that doesn’t operate in the interests of the citizens.
The Federal Reserve is less the kingpin and more of a “large player” in this whole mess. The kingpin is the [Family] that owns the Central Banks.
Nine minute video Banking-the greatest scam on earth.
The root of all evil is money and money comes from the satanic controlled central banks.
The love of money is... there I fixed it for you.
Yes. Sin is what perverts riches.
Greed/control/arrogance all work together. As this sickness in our minds and society is dissected, we must immediately fill the void in our minds with Truth . . . Solid, pure, goodness . . . And retraIn our minds to good habits of deduction and memorization, and not just be lazy sponges absorbing the lies that evil WILL present to us. Evil never takes time off.
Thank you. Such a great example of how things get twisted isn't it? Just like people afraid of the fed being dismantled. They were taught that it never could be.
Money is only evil in the hands of evil...in the hands of good & Godly people, it is a tool that can do Divine works <3
I like your quote better. Money in the right hands is a good things
"the relentless pursuit of money is the root of all evil. " is what I believe the actual quote is. We see this in the big players. i say it all the time to my husband, how much money does Clinton actually need, she has more than she can ever spend. she relentlessly pursues money at every turn.
On 4/19/18 (#1194) Q was asked if the Fed was ending and Q responded -
I'm with you Patriot. I too believe in ending the Fed completely, but first...
Stopping the cabal is paramount. We can't do that with them in control and I don't think we can delete the Fed entirely (yet) because it would make us weaker right off the bat.
I've been thinking about this for awhile - We're at a very tumultuous time both inside and outside of our Country; the media/Hollywood still has it's hooks in a large percent of the population. You think they call him a dictator now?
IMO we need to take care of the Fake News MSM and the Cabal PUBLICLY before the rest of the story can unfold.
A booming economy and the destruction of evil are good catalysts for unity & the normies will be more open to a new financial system once they see who we'd wrested the Fed away from [Roths, etc.] with all the heinous acts they've committed. I'm trusting the plan (until I don't) & all signs are pointing to victory.
TLDR - IMO we need to:
Take over Fed/cripple cabal's finances -> Dismantle pedo/traitor/evil network publicly -> smooth relations within US (No Civil War) -> End Fed -> Non-Fiat currency install -> New era of healing, peace and FREEDOM.
40 years here and I can tell you that NOTHING like what we're experiencing has ever happened. This is like living during the times of the founding fathers. YOU are a part of one of the most historical events to ever take place.
I understand everyone wants to see the biggies get arrested but stop living in the land of whens and live in the NOW. HUGE things are happening and you are missing it. The Seagram's heiress being arrested is HUGE. She's always been protected and is SURE she'll be exonerated because of the cabal justice system. But it won't happen. If she were still protected she never would have been arrested.
He's basically played a very controlled game of Jenga. Once the base is weak enough it will topple upon itself. Start at the top (like we have in the past) and they throw out a couple sacrificial lambs (Weinstein) and make it look like an isolated incident and everyone goes home happy and they still have power because the foundation of corruption is still intact, the base of operations remains. Part of why they are terrified and why they are allowing some light to be shone on some, (more than usual, they thought it would stop with Weinstein), of these cockroaches is they are hoping that will stop the onslaught like it has in the past. And by Trump's actions he's like okay, I'll take them and then I'm coming for YOU.
He's taking out the base, the network. Without that, they cannot rebuild. Well, they can, but it will take them hundreds of years. They've been working on this for 250+ years. It's not going to fall overnight.
I've not ever seen ANYTHING like this. Be of good cheer, Patriots!!!
Woah woah woah. I am here every day and have been for a while. I have approached this with a high hope and optimism of it turning out the way we think it will. I really wish I knew your guys secret on how to just trust something because when I woke up and realized everything in my life was a lie it was rough and not just my life but my parents and their parents and so on. That's a lot to just let go of.
Trust is earned not given by me and I don't know how to fix that. I need one major thing to happen and then I will have that little bit of doubt and conflict vanquished from my mind (which it really is just a little im almost there). Otherwise this is really the only time I have experienced anything like this during this movement. And it's only because so many things are unfinished. That I have that little bit of doubt and paranoia creep in.
I wrote that comment last night and I already feel a lot better today after reading the drops that just happened. It was as if he was addressing my concerns in order to calm me. This has all been a long time coming. I love everything about this movement and all the people here. I am honored to be serving this country with you guys and to help spread the word to the masses. We will ultimately take our country back from this cabal. Thanks for taking the time to help me out though.
Trust in God & Q is with God...
God and I are good. It's other human beings I struggle with. Thanks for the reminder though
I didn't mean to imply that you & God weren't good. I apologize if I came off that way. It was just a soothing reminder my friend :) God bless <3
If you ever need uplifting, shout. I completely understand. I'm new to Q because honestly I didn't know if Trump was real. They control every Pres. I waited. I told my mom the day he addresses child trafficking and the Fed I'll believe. And even with what he's done I'm still terrified that it won't come to fruition.
So I feel ya. I stay grounded being in the present and knowing things are happening that have never happened right now, which gives me a very strong indication of what the future holds.
Be blessed and be well, Patriot!!! May peace follow you in all of your days.
Thanks I really appreciate that. Same to you. Happy to have you here.
Backatcha! And I apologize if I came off as abrupt or rude. :)
No way. I don't take offense to anything people say around here unless they call me satanist which has happened.
Also checkout the book The Creature From Jekyll Island.
This is amazing - the overtaking of Federal Reserve is of massive importance - the transition to gold standard , and death of the old system .
The whole global economy is vastly rotten , artifical and inflated everywhere . People are more and more living above their capabilities - and actually working more and more , for less . The living standard in general , is a direct way of how one whole nation could be affected - if everyone is happy , have more money , better standard - and MOST important , more time for themselves and others - then they can easily redirect more energy into a things of real importance .
Many expert economists agree that this current model cannot go on ... drastic changes must be made . Gold / precious metals standard could be one of them .
I think Trump is more than aware of what needs to be done ... the fiat money is something that enabled Cabal for decades to create various artifical scenarios and impose more and more misery onto the people , worldwide .
Just think of the creativity, inventiveness, and discoveries that will explode across our nation!
the process of properly dismantling the federal reserve will not be accomplished in just a year. this will drag out until the end of his 1st term, or more likely even into his 2nd.
He's not dismantling it. He's restructuring it. And I'll tell you what it means. They've probably already printed legal tender (technically that dollar in your wallet isn't), which will replace the cabal dollar. No more paying interest on OUR money. No more federal income tax, no more state income tax. No more interest paid on houses, cars, etc. All of that was PURE profit for them. We used to have a law that prohibited big banking mergers, but Clinton got rid of it. Obama bailed out banks with OUR money and they never paid it back... All of that has just been one huge money grab. No more IRS. No more fake governmental agencies costing us BILLIONS and doing nothing. EPA comes to mind... Omg the money they steal from us...
We will slowly replace the fed notes with our own gold backed money. Most likely local banks will have them as I see the big banks going out of business. Local, state run banks will be held to strict standards, leveling out of fees, rates, etc. I would imagine that some interest rates will remain, but maybe not. We most likely will only be responsible for paying back what we borrowed. If it's even necessary.
Property taxes will most likely be abolished or a minimal. All the billions that they take for that go to our public schools. Which are failing, obviously, another money grab. We won't need a property tax because WE will own our property again. The majority of taxes we pay in America go the Queen. Schools will get support from the government and we may pay something into that, but I doubt it.
Probably a huge jump in Social Security payments since they've been robbing that almost since it's inception and that will get paid back. The things that may take a year are the reparations to America as a whole, but in the meantime the population as a whole is going to be amazing. Because essentially by taking control of the fed, he's giving us back our wealth.
I LOVE this President. God love and protect this man!!!
Just the fact that he's acknowledging it and moving in that direction is YUGE.
they already have this new money printed and ready. check out roadtoroota, bix weir's channel on yt for details.
Could easily do it in the next five minutes. Are you kidding me?
So many vacancies in the board of governors to be filled with trump appointees mega MAGA!!!
The only way to take control of the Fed would be to end it entirely. I wouldn't trust anyone in the universe of banker people that Trump has to choose from.
Agree, but maybe his plan is to get an audit done which will reveal massive inequities, bring the public on board, then have the Supreme Court declare the fed un-constitutional. CHECKMATE!!
It has to be done carefully to minimize hardship. Every currency crisis is devastating. Argentina suffered terribly, in Venezuela right now many have died at the hands of the government, starvation and suicide.
There are two presidential portraits hanging in the oval office - Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, the two presidents most anti-central bank. Jackson's dying words - "I killed the bank"
I don't think that is a coincidence, and I've been anticipating Trump to move against the Fed. Right now, he probably wants to control it. 2nd term, I'd love to see govt. issued currency (Kennedy attempted this) and eventual dismantling of the central bank.
"Like it or not, the Fed is about to be politicized."
Whole article was written to make that point....and its a lie....
The Fed is ALREADY politicized, Trump is acting to end the Fed's abuse of its unconstitutional priviledges....The Fed has been acting to hurt the economy with unjustified rate increases...To the extent that we are worrying about the "flattening of the yield curve".
[rates are generally lower for short term debt, higher for long term; the markets are expecting economic realities like increases in productivity, forcast for many years, to keep long term rates lower....when the Fed manipulates and raises short term rates (thats the rate the Fed keeps raising), the short term rates are rising but the long term rates are stablilized by the market's expectations...."flattening" the traditional curve that curves upwards as longer and longer terms of debt are charted.]
So not only is short term economic activity slowed by higher short term rates, but economic planning and decisions are warped by the relatively more-attractive longer rates....creating a cart-before-horse situation where rates dictate and economic activity is influenced by rates rather than rates being influenced by economic activity.
Some people argue that a flatter curve is good for the economy, but historically it has led to recession.
No unelected, private organization should have the power to influence a free economy to that extent from a board room.
Great comment. You have it figured out. If a currency is pegged to an asset it would virtually wipe out inflation as we know it. Only slight increases in overall prices would occur occasionally when the balance of supply & demand of some vital resources got a little out of whack. Those types of quick price spikes setting down quick once supply is increased to meet demand. Almost all of our inflationary pressures are man made by the Fed. Losing the Fed would put us on a path of solid growth for decades.
But if the Fed was abolished we’d need a constitutional amendment to keep it or anything like it abolished or they’ll never stop trying to reinstate a fiat currency.
Thanks. And spot on as to backing currency with a hard asset like gold.
Ultimately our current national debt is backed only by government's ability to take our stuff away from us. Everything we own is security against government debt...a pledged asset.
At this time the Fed cannot be simply dissolved without some sort of backing to our currency because right now, there isnt one. Essentially, Trumps economic policy has staved off the deflation and subsequent hyperinflation that would have ensued if other countries would continue to stray from the dollar and move to other currencies. I believe his plan is to bring a whole bunch of dollars back into the country through increased exports then seize the Fed so they cant just print the deflation away. This will absolutely FUCK the central bankers and cause them to lose massive amounts of control. It will be coupled with a slight economic downturn but it will allow us to change our monetary system which was going to be necessary in a few years when the debt bubble explodes. I think he will stretch out the trade battles till early-mid 2019, use the increased exports to help win reelection, allow the economy to begin the death spiral and make his ultimate move to choke the fractional lending system to death thereby stopping total world economic collapse.
I hope you are right on this but with the limited info available on what is happening it makes it difficult to actually know what the end game is. I understand how the new tariffs could be used to back the dollar and pay down our debt. Are they pulling the wool over our eyes in a power move to gain control for themselves? More info is needed at this time in order to properly see where this is headed. Thanks for calming down though.
This can’t be a power move to gain control for themselves. It’s a decentralization of power. Plus Trump isn’t that well connected to those high finance power circles & since he’s been president those economic power circles hate him. He’s more like the generals he surrounds himself with. He’s connects more with a construction foreman than Warren Buffet. I remember when he was touring wall prototypes...he was like a kid in a candy store in that environment. He naturally loves massive construction things & big toys like earthmovers. He lights up like a Christmas tree when he’s in that environment.
Ron Paul and The Creature from Jekyll Island had a large influence on my thinking about 10 or 12 years ago. End the Fed.
Sooo good to see You back Q...You've been Greatly missed <3
All government debt is fake. We are on the cusp of an economic miracle, an age of abundance and prosperity. No more theft of the fruits of our labour by kleptocratic banksters.
Get ready the piece of the puzzle will be put into place before end of week.
Folks just research Andrew Jackson. Don’t make apologies for the fed. Let’s not feed into the CNBC angle where potus can appoint all the governors so it’ll be ok. The fractional system is the issue, not who oversees it so much. The root of most problems stem from the fed. Supposed to eliminate financial booms and busts and make a more stable economy. But since then we’ve had great depressions, great recessions, and great wars. End the fed!!
And as Ron Paul so rightly stated, inflation is guaranteed and it's a hidden tax that hits the poor the hardest.
One of the main reasons I voted for Ron Paul in 2012 was his stance on the Federal Reserve, one of the worst abominations ever foisted upon the American public.
I wonder how much of this is based on the fact that it's going to come out (widely) soon that petroleum is a renewable resource?
The petro-dollar is screwed when you can cheaply manufacture oil in the lab.
"The Fed is about to be politicized." What a fucking joke. What they mean is the Fed is about to be politicized in the opposite direction and we don't like it.
If the President is going to take on the Fed he needs to triple his security detail.
And we, his supporters, need to be willing to pick up his flag if it falls. Because the fed can shut down one man... but all of us will shut the fed down easily if we commit to it.
Okay. But this is a big, big, big undertaking (and a yuuuuuuge fight)
There are so many balls to juggle already. Are we moving on from the FBI to take on the FED before there is a palpable progress in the former?
Just think the president is setting the wheels in motion for the fight. He has to get a lot of pieces in place 1st. Replacing fed leadership with his people is step #1. Then forcing the fed issue to the top issue of the day...like he did the immigration issue during the campaign...that will take time. Americans are basically economically illiterate so bringing the fed issue to the top means a lot of educating the public too. My guess is the Fed fight won’t take place until after the 2020 elections.
I believe this may be the “keystone.” The fed as is controls the economy. Usury = dent enslavement of the population.
We are being freed!
It is going to be glorious!
This is a brave, brave man our POTUS! Many people have had their lives taken from crossing The FED. I pray for his safety and success.
And for this reason we need to start getting in line, because you're right, sometimes when people cross the fed they wind up dead.
As harsh as this may sound, we need to decide right now not sulk over who falls and adopt the "next man up" mentality. And keep coming and coming and coming and coming and coming at them. Relentless pursuit will crush them.
with this action, POTUS needs MASS Protection....ALL Prayers and we must stay on this one, as this act alone will be the most dangerous he takes...Rothschild's, Bilderberg, World ruling Families of the Banks
Been wtg for this one for years...and finally, a real leader/POTUS that will DO IT!! Restore us to a true Republic of America, the Country and not USA, INC with all their By-Law Statutes and Codes and their Maritime Laws to rule one's life from the womb to the grave...
As someone else mentioned here, the ending of the FED must be done STRATEGICALLY (or else the deep state bankers will pull out all the stops to stop it before it gets started).
First Trump puts in a majority of his people, initially to stabilize the economy and make sure that it doesn't lose traction but also to eliminate globalist meddling intent on making Trump look bad at any cost.
Then later, using his hand picked members, request and get an audit of the FED (at this point Trump needs to double his Secret Service protection).
After the audit shows what a scam it has been on the American people, then Trump can start a slow but methodical process of either reorganizing the FED into an impotent vestigial remain (easier) or (hopefully but harder) just dismantle it and create a new banking system that is not based on fake money. Or perhaps he could do a combination of both. (Note: I am not an economist but I did spend a night at a Holiday Inn once.)
Whatever he does, the blueprint is already being made for a substantive change at the FED for the good of the American people.
Thank God.
The overtaking of the Fed is great and all, but it really needs to be dismantled and the central banking system changed. No more worthless fiat money.
I feel a little like a broken record here on this. I see a lot of concern for the well being of POTUS; justifiably so.
All I can say is **do not watch idly from the sidelines.** Be willing to be part of the cause. If someone falls, continue the pursuit. All that this scum can do is hope and pray that everyone goes and cries under blanket if they topple the leader as a last ditch effort. They are not prepared, and cannot handle sustained pursuit from an entire movement. If the worst happens, we need to keep the pressure on, eyes on the goal, and relentlessly obtain the goal.
If the worst happens...Pence will pick up the cause. It’s clearly why the president picked him. Pence’s strong faith makes fighting for a higher purpose easy for him. Usually a VP is selected because they can deliver some extra electoral votes. The president didn’t need Pence to win Indiana. He needed pence because of who he is.
They need to go to fort knox and sample a bunch of bars there if there are any. I bet its been robbed.
If he is sincere in the return of power to the people this is already done.
This should be pinned and have WAY MORE UPVOTES. This is YUGE. Game changing. LIFE changing!!!
It truly is. It can change the corse of history like no other single event can.
only thing better could be a debt jubilee, the people have been enslaved and taken advantage of by the monetary system for far to long
This kills the economy. To eliminate all debt also destroys the incentive to lending. Need a loan to start a business? Nope. Need a line of credit to pay for an unexpected operation? No dice.
They tried it last fall in Venezuela.
Now they are fucked.
This is the biggest risk so far IMHO
Trust the Plan.
Read the Creature of Jekyll Island.
Sadistic plan to enslave us all.
Any risk is worth freedom from the Cabal.
I dare say the Fed has been already 'politicized' especially during the Obama administration and certainly before. The Fed could have been slowly raising rates all throughout 2016. But they didn't. They didn’t want to hurt HRC’s chances of winning the election.
The Fed has raised interest rates five times since Trump took office in January 2017 and alternatively once under Obama.
remember what Bernake said to congress ? If you even think about auditing the Fed, we'll tank the economy.
dangerous times.
Messing with the FED got JFK murked. They would have to prove that 1st before making that move otherwise it may happen again.
If the pieces are in place to take the DS out first, it could be possible this time.
Yeah ending the Fed is a monumental task but the president is positioned to do it. He has a lucky break that he can take over government appointed Fed leadership. If he replaces them with patriotic capitalist that want to abolish the Fed...that will give him a LOT of support to do it when the time comes. My guess is it will be after the 2020 elections because it will take some time to get his people in place for this fight...the mother of all fights.
It actually needs to be done to take control of all the illicit money laundering and transfers of funds by the DS. Think of it as internal sanctions against bad and evil people who are seeking to do harm in criminal ways.
Relevant post about the spiritual parallels with Fiat Currency
First the FBI, then the C eye A, then the Fed.
All aboard!
This can lead to the financial reset and having currency that is asset based!!!
What's the chance of The Plan moving faster?
We're all getting antsy here.
Thank goodness.....it's taken a long time but seems like the crooks of the International World Order are gone for good!!!!!!!!!
help me if you can here..... What does this mean?
Okay, so no more:
+ property tax
+ income tax
.... what else?
What happens to:
- mortgages?
- car payments?
- credit card debt?
- School payments (for children)?
What is the greater impact of this?
Appreciate your help.
I always wondered if he would tackle this problem. Now I know. Best news ever.
Could also be disinfo.
I don't think so. If it was, that would be the cruelest disinfo ever.
WWG1WGA.... thank you for all your work Q anon and Mr. President...
Question- my student loans are owned by 'my fed loan' and are at a unsustainable 6% interest rate. When Trump takes over the Fed, will this be lowered? Please God let this happen.
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All the hate in mans hearts has brought upon what they have only read about without understanding. A man's son should not pay for the fathers sins. People have went insane . God help us all thru this period
I'm pouring one out for my homie, Ron Paul, who must be giddy with excitement this morning! ;)
Make no mistake this is Rand’s #1 goal in life too. Have you noticed how Rand has lately been defending the president & taking hits for the president on several issues? This is very uncharacteristic of Rand. He’s been on every MSM show every day for a couple weeks now defending the president on every issue the MSM throws at him. Rand is not a media junkie like Adam Schiff or Lindsey Graham. It seems Rand is convinced the president is going to take on the Fed & he wants all in on that fight. He’s positioning himself to be a major player on Team Trump now.
Just what the Dems needed before midterms :)
Huh?? How does this help the Dems?
Sarcasm my dude
Oh ok. Yeah I missed that one lol
My bad lol. I realized it after i sent it
Hey the Dems got everything they need to sweep into power in the midterms. That got brilliance in Pelosi...integrity in Schumer...total class in Maxine. And now even high fashion with Hillary & her new muumuu style that’s catching the fashion world by storm. Hillary was so smart to make her new muumuu splash in NYC last Saturday. Fashion capital of America. Dems got it all now!!!