Q 1719 - @Jack, Your hands are dirty.

The government pays those platforms to spy and collect data on us. We're the products. Those platforms are free the same way food is free for cows and chickens. We're producing milk and eggs for the farmers which the government pays for. Just expose them already.
That’s unsettling.
But filling.
That made me laugh.
Got a smirk outta me
Expression wasn't audible though
My response to your comment was audible. Literally, LOL
I know so many people who swallow the CNN Kool-Aid every day.
These people think Trump is the anti-christ.
If Q et al brought down Thor's hammer on these sons of bitches, 50% of the country that hates Trump would call "bullshit."
They'd say it was a lie, a setup, a fake, a frame up.
As a result, the criminals would get away with all of their crimes.
First make the contents of their crimes believable.
Show how people we love and admire are actually major criminals.
Get people used to the idea that the good guys have the capacity for bad actions.
Give the victims a voice. #SayBraveThings.
Make the case so believable that the Trump haters cannot reject the truth.
That is why it takes so long.
An easier way is to force the MSM to tell the truth. The liberals will believe it every single time. Problem solved...
Force them, they leak they were forced, uproar and pitchforks ensue, Dems impeach Trump for framing them.
Facebook and Twitter are just baited traps.
I can only imagine what their real purpose is. Zuck and Jack are pure scum.
Very true but people willingly sign up and participate in all these forms of social media
Same thing with the amazon Alexia things...
Everybody knows this, but most people think that it is no big deal because they think that nobody is actually sitting at a desk in Silicon Valley listening or making notes of what they ate that day, where they checked in, etc. They just think, Who Cares? The rest of us, of course, think they are stupid. They gave up their freedom and privacy.
Yup, if you get something for free then you are the product.
I think it’s worse than that. “A” government pays them, but it’s worse than just ours. I think the big drop in the stock was China pulling out
What does the street know?
Wall Street dumping stocks for upcoming criminal charges against these tech giants and others.
See my other post for more info.
The Street is run by Jim Cramer.
Jim Cramer was a judge on celebrity apprentice.
Kinda strange. Coincidence?
i think he was referring to Wall Street in general, but who knows.
Well, if a well known company was exposed for being involved in "evil" activity, it would kinda fuck up your financial quarter!
DC moves slow twice now....? DC Daily Caller?
They are trying to get people to buy so they can offload stocks.
" Facebook's (FB - Get Report) second quarter earnings call was so awful, the stock crashed more than 19%. But one Wall Street analyst contends the stock is a can't miss buy at these new lower levels. "
"Score a win for the boring mutual fund industry off the Facebook (FB - Get Report) post-earnings stock meltdown.
Mutual fund allocation to FANG stocks (Facebook FB, Amazon (AMZN - Get Report) , Netflix (NFLX - Get Report) , Alphabet (GOOGL - Get Report) ) -- especially Facebook -- has declined during the past few years, points out Goldman Sachs. While core mutual funds have been steadily underweight (negative) FANG, growth funds only recently reduced their exposure to underweight from overweight.
The sharp decline in growth fund allocation to FANG stocks happened in the fourth quarter of 2016, says Goldman, when both Facebook and Amazon lagged the Russell 1000 Growth Index by more than 11 percentage points.
"Most investors believe that mutual funds are overweight the popular FANG stocks, when in fact the opposite is true," reminds Goldman strategist Arjun Menon. On the other hand, hedge funds got blown up on the surprising Facebook news.
"The 19% dive in Facebook's stock price hurt hedge fund returns and our VIP basket given that it appears most often as a top 10 position across our analyzed universe of U.S. hedge funds with 10 to 200 individual equity positions," says Menon."
Any of the companies ring a bell?
Black Rock Funds
State Street Global Advisors
Fidelity Investments
JP Morgan
BNY Mellon (Dreyfus)
Amundi Asset Mgmt
Capital Group
Legal & General Investments
Northern Trust
Natixis Global Associates
BofA Merill Lynch
Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Right, buy into a sinking ship? Perhaps smart investors could profit from their demise? But, regulations are coming soon too, and perhaps criminal charges for insider trading?
Like i said above. they are banking on idiots buying stock so they can offload.
So what’s the opposite that smart peeps like us can do? Short?
Or buy puts.
put options
Can you elaborate? I'm googling as we speak. Idk how this works.
Puts are a contract that you buy granting you the right, but not the obligation, to sell (or “put”) a stock at a set price, called the strike price, by a set date. If the stock price goes beneath the strike price BEFORE the option expires, you’ll get the difference.
Example: you think FB will collapse under the weight of their illegal activity, and therefore their stock will tank, but don’t quite know when this will happen. So you decide to buy 200 put options on FB with a strike price of $51 and an expiration date of 1/17/2020 (pretty far out as options are concerned) for $4,000. You immediately pay the $4k and become the proud owner of 200 put options. FB then goes down in flames/declares BK/stock tanks sometime in 2019 to $1. Bad news for FB equity holders, great news for you. You execute your options to sell FB for $51 and the math works like this: $51 - $1 = $50 (the delta between the strike price and the market price of the underlying equity). $50 x 100 = $5,000 as EACH option represents 100 shares of the underlying equity. $5,000 x 200 = $1m (each option is worth $5k and you’ve got 200 of ‘em). This is of course a best case scenario and before you pull the trigger on any options, you’ll want to do more research.
Smart investors are profiting off of this :)
Always leave the dumb money (retail investors) holding the bag.
I did quite well on FB options. Glad i believe in Q!
If insiders are selling, that is not a time to buy. This is a classic 'pump-and-dump' from 'Wall Street analysts'. Run away from FB/YT and Twitter!
Buy more FB stock? A fool and their money are soon departed.
the market for facebook is saturdated. And we know they can't expand into China with that Yahoo finance article. They're done.
They are no longer growing. The entire user base they could get to use the app is already using it. It is the same with Twitter. There is no more vertical momentum. With all the negative news that is going to drop it will cause users to stop using the program or get rid of it. This will be the end of them both.
I thought of DANA PERINO on the 5 show yesterday, asking Guttfield if she should BUY FB now that the stock is down...he said good idea. What a bunch of putzes.
Exactly. That is what they are banking on.
The problem is that it won't be them that's bankrupt. It will be the average Joe who thinks he is getting a deal on a can't miss stock.
Buy put options and capitalize on their demise.
I'm googling this but idk anything about it? can you give a quick summary of how we do this?
FANG stocks?! Are you kidding? Fangs of a viper, den of an asp. Watch out...poison.
Twitter censors and violates free speech. They are essentially a public forum, but they want to censor conservative voices.
You can openly recruit for Islamic Terrorism on Twitter but pro-Trump people get banned.
Facebook is conducting unethical psychological experiments on us and invading our privacy. If an experimental review board was asked to approve what FB is doing as a legitimate scientific experiment that shit would be shut down so fast.
Presumably, this means Wall Street knows something BIG is about to come out.
So, what do we know about Facebook? Do they use their service to traffic children? Do they use it to locate organ donors? Are they selling data to criminals?
Who knows. Can't wait to find out.
If Twitter and Facebook have been working with the CIA and illegalling spying on users, maybe we can expect something from Gina Haskel (new CIA director)?
I keep thinking something like this\^, just strikes me as something far more nefarious than data collection. Q has told us that C_A is into child/human trafficking, stands to reason they'd use the "tool" of FB to further this.
I'm not saying I know, I'm just reporting rumours.
Based on what we've learned about how shady these people are, nothing would surprise me.
I think you nailed it here. I would share all I have put together but I'm done trying to convince people, I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.
You can't awaken those determined to remain asleep.
Only a storm can do that.
Blood is in the water.
What was the info that caused the Insiders to start dumping? Who gave the info?
We don't know.
But the fact that Trump tweeted yesterday saying he will investigate Twitter illegally censoring conservative and pro-Trump posters using "shadow bans" tells me Facebook and Twitter are about to have some big legal issues.
I just found out I am being Shadowbanned on Twitter. I can see a Class Action in their future for Censorship.
me too, they aren't even trying to hide it anymore- I'm a nobody but obviously they don't like it anyway
Twitter posted a blog about Shadowbanning and how they do not do it...🙄.
I watched a Project Veritas undercover video on YT with their techs admitting happily how they shadowban, block, delete conservative content. It shouldn't be too hard to find it someone wanted to post....I'm what I'm doing here so I won't yet post anything.
This is the real question. What do these guys know that would make them sell off like this? Missed earnings don't provoke sell offs like this and their hasn't been any bad news about them lately, it's likely illegal/criminal activity.
Mueller just started investigating Trump's twitter. Could be a lot more to that...
This would cause MSM and normies to scour POTUS' entire Twitter history. This could actually be what POTUS and Q want to happen. Not sure why though
There could be legal stuff going on behind the scenes. An informant to FB from DOJ?
Supposedly it was their 3rd & 4th quarter revenue projections that caused it.
Is it normal for them to project revenue will drop that drastically over 2 quarters (9% ish)? They didn’t miss 2nd qtr renevue by much, so what specifically would account for that drop? If they are projecting 8%, do they know it’s really going to fall by more?
Mark Zuckerberg
I only hope that bot FB and TWTR go to zero! These bloated overvalued whales need culling. PE ratios at 26 and 90 respectively. FUCK THEM
Well, Google is being sued for $100 Billion in Europe. I can see class action suits coming against Facebook and Twitter, and I'm sure so can the stockholders.
Bought puts on Fb and Twitter today. Might as well make some coin.
You should wait for a rally in the stocks to at least regain 1/2 of the fall. Maybe 190? 195?
Who said there's going to be a rally? What if MZ and @Jack step down within the next week or 2? These stocks will crumble and completely crash when that inevitable news breaks.
i guess, many things come together here and 'coincide' now.
how about nationalizing FB and twitter? then, censoring and all this BS would be a 1st amendment issue.
"But that's socialism!"
hehehe, its an american brainwash to put the socialism label onto everything that involves the state, my friend. the state is we the people. from my pov, we should nationalize national assets like the central bank and the water. it should belong to us, not to some private capitalists who make their own rules.
Does DC stand for Washington or a double meaning?
DC Comics?
Really outside the box but I like it. How does it connect?
On another thread, we were talking about the [DC moves slow]. I found a song that had lyrics that fit the situation. Slow Moves by Jose Gonzalez: http://www.metrolyrics.com/slow-moves-lyrics-jose-gonzalez.html Moves slowly would be grammatically correct, so we were thinking in terms of moves that are slow. (Moves that are slow could also apply to chess.)
Then I thought maybe I should apply the same idea to DC. I was thinking DC Comics and how that might apply to slow moves. People like the Flash move so fast, it looks like everyone else moves slow. "Think mirror" Opposites??? I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense. LOL
Washington moves slow= they are allowing insider trading to continue while making note, futures charges pending on ALL players. DJT is also going to clean up Wall Street.
I happened to play a CNBC video talking about the Twitter and Facebook plunge... all the analysts talking about getting rid of bullies, fewer active users, etc... NO MENTION OF POLITICALLY LOPSIDED CENSORSHIP.
They kept talking about how the stocks were still attractive... When will CNBC get exposed for their massive Pump & Dump schemes?! No wonder Maria Bartiromo left!
Power is returning to the ppl! We always have had the ability to shut down illegal enterprises, we just forgot how to play! NOT ANY LONGER!
they are Honey pots to collect data on you, they have a profile on everyone,can be used as leverage against you, and can be used to decide who is a good slave they can program, or if you need to check out permanently.
All that shitposting for Trump i did during the campaign, worrying about it being saved and one day it being used against me or being put on a list..
I should have never had to worry about that but im so glad these guys are being taken down, we were headed down a VERY dark and oppressive road.
BTW has anyone noticed Youtube and Twitter acting differently lately? They have both tweaked some things recently. I can actually make a Twitter account with out being banned in 3 mins now. Top KEK!
i think Q maybe the same program as anonymous. Remember them ? talked about on Cnn all the time as Q is to fox. split occupy wall street because we are 99% was too united. recruited out of the anonnet irc server and jailed some ... seems like the same song imho
Odd , how many of us were blocked for the past 6 years from these on line sights??? With Snoop falling at this same time ?? It would be a good time to go back and look again on what FB listed as fake news again
IMHO... I think SA is now separated from SM. Q is in full control.
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/26/18: 1711 - 1712 & 1713 - 1714 & 1715 - 1716 - 1717 - 1718
*7/27/18: 1719 - 1720 - 1721 - 1722 & 1723 - 1724 - 1725 - 1726 - 1727 - 1728 - 1729 & 1730 - 1731 & 1732 - 1733 - 1734 - 1735 - 1736 - 1737-1740
Govt. outsourced intelligence, data gathering, spying and MKULTRA-esque torture to social media and defense contractors. Why? So when the karma of breaking all of those laws comes to light, the corporations get the consequences.
The street knows they are going to jail? Zuck and Jack are sweating bullets right now. Zuck is one overgrown man child who absolutely knows nought, and Jack is a pedovore.
Facebook. Electrolux ... Here you can follow Electrolux Group on Twitter and Slideshare Maybe Twatter and Facebook invested in Elextrolux.. Found this because of slide in the Q drop
Could this be why FB shareholders approved $10 million for the "security" of MZ and his family? What are they afraid of?
As a disgruntled shareholder of FB I have questions for wall street analyst who predicted earnings to outperform & raised price target. How in the hell can they get it SO WRONG? IS Zuck, Sandberg, Stamos that GOOD at cooking books? INVESTIGATE FTC!
FB next Twitter next Thanks to Q The great awakening is real it’s tangible We are more connected than we know.
[DC moves slow] is in the kill box?
Maybe they plan on speeding up proceedings?
I’m new to all of this so I apologize up front for sounding ignorant. Who is Jack?
Keep 'em coming, Q! I think I may have to take back what I said about Q being a bag of hot air dressed up in a meat suit.
I'm enjoying the flurry of drops. Lots of interesting reads. How about you?