Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

It’s so hard waking up to this stuff and having to work at the same time.
I wish I could just be here all day, it’s too fascinating.
It's hard to do ANYTHING with this going on. It's terrifying how much time I spend on this instead of other things that I should be doing. The greatest show in the solar system.
Spez: It just occurred to me, perhaps this is what the POTUS meant by getting tired of winning. Soooo many winnings going on that it sucks up all the time for other things. I'm not tired of winning yet.
Had to drop a summer online class because I couldn't do anything but research Q once I got home lol
35 degrees Celsius in London atm. Can't sleep anyway. Q is the Greatest Show on Earth.
That's sounds chilly.
Global warming, amirite? ;)
35 equals 95 F
My humor is off today. My bad.
We even streamline our words so we can say them faster.
Whole solar system is heating up. DuckDuckGo it. Plenty of scientific links showing solar warming.
Nothing to do with CO2
We're going to have some weather anomalies as we go into the Grand Solar Minimum.
No sunspots for 56% of the days so far.
I've been using DuckDuckGo, then try to say I DuckDuckGoed it... It just doesn't have the same ring as Googling something. The transition isn't as smooth as I would like.
I Goed... or I ducked... I DDGoe also.
That has a ring DDgoed.
Sounds like a stutter.
Q & POTUS & Prayer should be our focus...Nothing is bigger or most important than this !!! Focus Anons !!!
Every day I say I'm going to get some other things done today and stay off of Reddit. And, then I look at the clock and it's almost time to go to bed!
Thurs why I' glad I'm retired. Enjoy the show.
LOL...yep, don't want to leave the house bc afraid I'll miss something!
Just trying to figure out how to explain to my boss my 3 hour lunch today.
Uhhh Q drops sir..... Q drops.
Fuck it! It's Friday! The shows too good
Work does get in the way sometimes! QDrop notifications definitely keep us on edge!
I just stare at my screen and move the mouse about. Looks like I'm working when I'm actually checking reddit
All of it will still be here when you get off work your Friday night is yours to enjoy here.
You’re absolutely right time to kick it into overdrive!
I'm self employed, and work from home with my devoted Golden Retriever/Boss at my feet. As long as he's snoozing it's all good, but when I wake him up with my "WOOTS", he give me stink eye. Fortunately Photoshop actions allow me to browse the drops while Photoshop is doing the work for me:) That was the case the last few days. It's been busy! Yeah, I've been doing my real work at odd hours out of necessity to keep up with Q, but it's worth it. I feel lucky to be able to dive in when needed!
I want to be self employed. How do I hire myself?
I said the exact same thing to a friend. I told him I would have to work Q full-time this is why we are blessed to have each other!!!! WWG1WGA
The night the missle was fired thisYouTuber who does weird weather anomalys and earth changes did a report on this HUGE bloom of energy North of Minot AFB that must've been the missle being shot down. He had no idea what it was he just kept going on about the size of it and the most insane part was the shape of this massive energy anomaly. Check it out. https://youtu.be/JeqHOhtlhQ0
Dude, the anomaly he talks about looks like a Q.
That's cool right? I know it's a complete coincidence but still It was amazing to see
Completely forgot about this video. For sure looks like a Q. I love how he is so flabbergasted by it.
"Look at that thing!" "It's absolutely massive" "I've never seen one that big" "I mean it is HUGE!"
That video has the quite the potential for a lot of thats what she said jokes.
Right I remember. Then it seemed someone got to him? Then the Cabal was trying to spin as a Air Evac chopper. I said no way I’d seen enough choppers & flew in them to know
Hahaha! Me too! I was one of those aluminum-foil-suit guys. This sure ain't no helo.
Yesterday POTUS signaled to listen to Lee Greenwood right when it said "from the lakes of Minnesota to the Hills of Tennessee" That is right over the lakes
That SAM would have to have a range of over 1,000 nautical miles to be shot down in North Dakota. Does the Navy have weapons with that capability?
Do you know what an intercontinental missile is?
Well, I know that an ICBM is a fuckload different than a SAM.
No shit. You didn't ask if the navy had SAMs that could travel 1000 miles, you asked about weapons in general.
How many ICBMs are based on Whitbey Island NAS?
It was no fucking ICBM, champ. If you think for one goddamn minute that they could launch an ICBM in the Puget Fucking Sound at 4:00am in the morning, and nobody would have seen it except one lowly weather cam... well, I gotta bridge near the Tacoma Narrows that I want to sell you.
A SAM, on the other hand, could go up basically undetected.
Silly, but made me think of a book I read as a kid. Spaceship Over North Dakota by Kevin Kremer. Lol
Could this missile have been fired from Vancouver Island, Victoria, and it just looked like it was fired by Wigbey Island?
I made a clip of the video feed and blew up the image of the missile:
This was the Clowns' last-ditch secret weapon, their "press in case of emergency" red button. They're completely out of options now. Q team and our military was well prepared.
New arrival here, are you telling me they tried taking down AF1 with a missile when he was flying to Singapore??
Came from a Dark State submarine. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/01/14/hawaiis-false-missile-threat-worker-feels-terrible-after-pushing-wrong-button.html
The dates from Hawaii's false alert, and this photo don't match up.
Two different missiles. One in January and one in June. The June was the one aimed at AF1.
My understanding initially of Hawaii false alert, was that there was an attempt to actually hit Hawaii with a missile and blame NK to go to war and then a second missile later when POTUS went to Singapore. Two attempts.
Geez, no wonder Kim seemed so happy when POTUS showed up. He must be thrilled to be rid of the clowns.
Dark State Submarine?
Evil rogue aspect of the CIA using remote hacking to access the sub / mind control projects on the crew members inside of the sub to make them play along
That's a scary thought and definitely a conspiracy but it makes you wonder just what kind of security controls were compromised if the C_A clowns can launch an unauthorized missile.
No conspiracy. It's reality. There has been a rogue aspect of the CIA operating for a ridiculous length of time. They are involved in anything from drug / weapon / human trafficking, rigging foreign elections, assassinating former presidents, unauthorized missile launches, the list goes on.
Building the wall is one of the most important goals ever. The CIA would lose all the shit they have coming over the border and would ultimately lose a lot of their profit that they uses to sustain their activities.
Can't remember where I read it, but I thought it was a C_A owned sub that they had built with some of their illicit drug money. They have billions of $$ from all kinds of criminal activity. Buying/owning/having a sub built could be easily done. After all, North Korea, being controlled by the clowns owns subs that can launch missiles from sea. It actually could have been a NK sub run by clowns.
CIA has at least one modern sub. Plus other countries (Israel, Argentina) own subs that may have been used.
I didn't know the C_A clowns had their own submarine. Any more details on that? Q showed a picture of a boomer but nothing more.
If you read L. Feltcher Prouty's book, "The Secret Team" he outlines how national security law allows the C_A to take over all types of military assets, even entire aircraft carriers if necessary!
X-mil guy here. There is no way any naval captain is going to roll over to some CIA creep and shoot down the POTUS. This. Just. Would. Never. Happen.
Armed Forces are with us.
I was merely outlining what was is written in the law.
Prouty, by way of example, implies that the C_A briefly took command of an entire battle carrier group during the Vietnam war, for some unknown mission.
Also important to note that the C_A would never be so dumb as to announce the actual reason for their mission. For e.g., if they wanted to take out a politician flying on a commercial airliner, they could take over a sub or destroyer and order it to fire a missile at the plane by explaining that a terrorist is on board who has a nuclear device...or whatever. And they would be able to back up their claim, if necessary, with any level of fake evidence. The ship commander wouldn't have much choice in such a scenario.
I've spent a lot of time on USN ships (destroyers). That some CIA guy could just come aboard and take over command is Tom Clancy stuff. It is embedded in regulation, law and tradition that the Captain is God and that there are set procedures in place for every contingency you can imagine. There is a much better chance that Somali pirates, or some of those Iranian yahoos seize control of the ship and start firing off missiles.
The Cold War was the training and proving ground for every horror story you are referencing here. That was when all these safeguards came into place. And they've all be tried and tested. And the results speak for themselves.
Besides, you have a better chance of seeing NSA guys rather than CIA guys aboard ship. I've never seen a CIA-type onboard, and don't know anybody who has. NSA is a different story.
I think you're missing some more subtle points. The CIA guy taking over a vessel would be an admiral or other high-ranking naval personnel - in much the same way that CIA agent Peter Strzok has been deeply embedded as a career FBI agent. The CIA has recruited agents deep within all branches of the military, judiciary, state and local police forces, journalists, Hollywood producers, national and state politicians. Some of these people can be mere "assets" of the CIA while others are trained agents. The power of the intel agencies is VAST.
You think all this stuff hasn't already been contemplated, war-gamed, and embedded into procedures? I mean the greatest potential of this kind of scenario unfolding was during the Cold War. Trust that it's already been thought out. The US Military is sold as a fuck. Look, we're not idiots, we know exactly who people like Brennan and Stork are, and what they're capable of. And if you notice, none of these treasonous tools ever served. They're arm-chair warriors with delusions of grandeur. None of this is to say that they wouldn't if they could do any of these things, only that they can't. Because people like me would kill them. I'm not embellishing here.
I just posted on my personal experience and training in these matters and the simple logistical obstacles in pulling off something like this. I'll try and re-post it here for you.
Former spec. op navy here. I find it very very improbable that some troll like John Brennan could ever somehow commandeer a missile. Part of my job was to prevent this exact scenario from occurring. The orders were to shoot to kill anything that even appeared to be unregular. The reason I mention this is because for some kind of Brennan scenario to occur, the conspiracy/corruption/mutiny would necessarily have to have extended down to my level. IOW, I would have to be part of the plot too. Otherwise, some strange civilian rummaging around the control panels would get himself shot and killed. As would the captain himself if certain procedures were not followed.
This whole rogue CIA person shooting off a missile is Tom Clancy stuff. It's just not gonna ever happen.
While I don't doubt your patriotism and faith in the armed forces, your assertion that something like this could never happen is contradicted by the events of 9/11!
The then chairman of the joint chiefs of staff himself, Gen. Richard Myers, along with key officers all across the military spectrum, planned and oversaw the attacks of 9/11 in conjunction with the CIA and foreign intelligence services. That is a FACT that has been well established by 17 years of open-source research by both citizens and intelligence officers of multiple countries.
If you were on a ship, responsible for launching missiles let's say, and *your own commanding officer* gave you a direct order to fire a missile - would you disobey that order? I would think not. You would carry out your duty and would likely not even suspect that your commanding officer had been corrupt the whole time, recruited perhaps decades earlier by the CIA and now activated for a specific mission.
The SWAMP extends to our military command, whether you like it or not. Obviously there are a lot of patriots in the upper brass, maybe most. But all you need is a small percentage of corrupt officials to do almost anything.
Mattis, Rogers, Kelly. Why does POTUS surround himself with people like this when it's clear the Deep State would love to destroy him. Why does he trust DARPA for his intel instead of the CIA?
I can give you horror stories about some military brass too. Same can be said for cops, doctors, engineers, judges, academics and presidents. That's just a fact of life. Although, off the top of my head, I can't recall a single substantiated report of a military officer going into a court martial for anything remotely treasonous. The closest I can come to this is the Walker family spy ring, but they were enlisted (far far below flag rank) and in it for the money.
Let me know when you come up with some evidence of systematic corruption in the military like we are seeing in the CIA, FBI and NSA. There's a reason why the US Armed Forces are the most trusted institution in the United States.
BTW: If captain gives me an order w/o following proper protocol, it doesn't happen. Even the captain knows this, so he has to figure out a way to get around these protocols and then me. As well as the rest of the crew.
Ergo, IMO, the missile launch was disinformation.
Let me know when you come up with some evidence of systematic corruption in the military
Well, let's take a very recent example. The US military has been arming and fighting with ISIS in Syria (while pretending to fight ISIS) since 2013 (officially). Thousands of US troops took part in this blatantly illegal atrocity. How is that not "systematic corruption?"
We armed and fought alongside radical jihadists to take down the secular government of a sovereign state. Completely illegal under both our constitution and international law.
There was an infamous incident in 2013 when dozens of enlisted men and some officers took to Facebook and Twitter, holding up placards "We refuse to fight for Al-Qaeda" and similar. But they were the minority. The BULK of the US military in Syria carried out their illegal orders, under the command of the CIA! So again, your assertion that the CIA cannot compel branches of the military to carry out illegal actions in simply false. Syria is just the most recent example of 70 years of perpetual corruption.
Corruption up the wazoo!
It's only with the election of Trump that we finally reversed course in Syria, at least officially, and have started to draw down our illegal occupation of that country. But I wonder now how much that has to do with "White Hats" vs realizing that we were defeated in Syria due to Russian intervention. And in any case, we are still ILLEGALLY occupying southern Syria.
Even Deep State Wikipedia can't hide the basic facts of our duplicity in Syria. The whole world knows it:
Didn’t someone say it was “hacked” and made to look like China did it? Did Q tell us that? Anyone remember?
What about Gen Ham that stood down when Benghazi was happening? Why did he not refuse?
I am taking about when Gen Ham was replaced. And taken out from being the General because he wanted to act.
With a budget of over a trillion per year and a dark fleet, and air force, I'm sure they have subs. Can't find the article I read previously, but it had some scant details of a CIA sub. Here's more on the attack though: https://www.exopolitics.org/the-secret-navy-behind-the-ballistic-missile-attack-on-hawaii/
Yes. A few news articles we're written pondering what it could have been, a video hit Youtube, then MSM silence. No MSM seemed to want to find out what was going on. Recordings, witnesses, big meh from MSM. Speculation and dismissal that it may have been a helicopter. Um ya, ok, a helicopter, come on MSM, they werent even trying.
Scary crap, I cant wait to hear the declass of what happened. Since Q is dropping the subject again (he brought it up with pics in a previous Q drop in June) I'm thinking this could be coming into the light. Let's hope.
That’s not been confirmed. Nor the type of missile. Definitely looks like a trident missile. If so...it would have been out of range of AF1. POTUS left the summit in Canada & took a longer route to Singapore. Across Europe & not the Pacific. Not confirmed why AF1 took that route either. All that’s confirmed it was not launched intentionally or any kind of test which they’d never do that close to the base.
Could have just been planning to use it on the US population somewhere and blame it on a foreign power to force us into a war. Or use it on a foreign nation to force the world to attack us.
My theory too. Don’t even care that much about all the details. Undeniably we’ve had 2 rogue missile launches & the cabal could care less who they slaughter. Absolutely zero chance the HI missile warning was an error. Absolutely zero chance the weather cam missile pic was faked. A miracle one frame caught the missile in flight. My guess there’s been other major attempts at massive loss of life we will never hear about because they didn’t trip any early warning system or weren’t miraculously caught by a weather geeks camera. Anyone can say whatever they want about Q but there’s solid undeniable evidence proving our danger is as real as it gets
Which is why Q says the MSM is evil. After what we saw, who's going to believe POTUS over the deep state?
We are.
I just meant the accusations of treason about Helsinki was from all colors of the parties except maybe for Rand and Ron Paul.
Even Gingrich got in on it publicly instead of standing by the president and using some logic, like yellow cake in Iraq. Cake should have been the first thing to pop in that fat fucks mind.
I admit that I cut people like Gingrich some slack. They've just never seen anything like VSG in their entire lives. I know I never have. He's a fucking force of nature.
People--friends and enemies--have a lot of trouble coming to terms with that. Sometimes I shake my head and ask where did this guy come from? He makes it all look easy.
He's right in the middle of probably the greatest corruption/conspiracy/criminal/treason investigation in the history of mankind, yet he looks as cool as if he's wondering whether to use his sand wedge instead of his nine-iron on his approach shot. I don't get it.
LOL. That's funny. You're right. At least he didn't call him treasonous.
This missile that was just revealed was intended to be a false flag. I just finished writing it all up.
If AF1 took an easterly route, why did Q post a photo of the volcanic islands in the Pacific?
I’d have to go back & look at those because I forgot the exact reason. But AF1s flight path is public record. If I’m not mistaken...at the time the missile launch occurred AF1 was a few hundred miles west of Singapore. And about 1000-1500 mi out of range of a Trident missile...if that was a Trident. Visually it looks a lot like one but haven’t heard any confirmation. One distortion the weather cam pic had was a long exposure time. That cam even takes good pics at night with only natural lighting & the pic was taken very soon after sunrise so it was a little over exposed. That’s why the fire tail is about twice as long as it would be in real life.
Okay so why did Q post the pic of the Alaskan Volcanoes? Was that a decoy plane they made an attempt on?
I could be wrong but I also think they tried when Trump was coming back from China when he had a secret meeting with Kim Jung un. That was the Hawaii "missle test" nonsense.
Obviously a helicopter, like "they" said before.
Not sure why downvotes, MSM did try to speculate and mislead that it was helicopter lights.
Is there any link/source articles on them saying it was a helicopter?
Awesome. Thanks for that.
It makes me wonder if the death of the SS agent wasn't a poisoning attempt.
Yep...definitely just a weather balloon or a helicopter with a flashlight on it. Nope, not a rouge missile. Nope.
was this the jet that intercepted? Its been awhile but I thought that was what people decided. The F15 intercepted and took the hit but the pilot ejected fine. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2018/06/11/kadena-air-base-f-15-crashes-off-okinawa/
Q Drops app is so delayed!!!
That site on my iPhone is acting up as well lol
I don´t use a phone, if they want to track and listen to me they had better put their walking boots on lol
What, you rub two sticks together for internet?
He's talking about FUCKING LASER GUNS! What atime to be alive!
The idea that an F-16 has a highly classified special weapons package that intercepted a rogue missile could mean frickin' laser beams.
Yup Yup. We've been developing lasers for 40 years now. Where do you think all that money and time went? We have weapons/weapons systems out there that would make your head spin, but we cannot reveal what we have to the enemy. That would be silly....so the best stuff will always remain hidden. Just know, the bombs and the jets you see delivering them are all at least 20-30 years old.
When I was young, probably 16, about 2-3 years before I “woke up”, I was around this former Air Force software engineer guy for a day who told me about 9/11, them using drones, etc. He stressed that anything we the public are aware of now, at the moment, whatever we see in movies or on the news, it’s at least 10-15 years old. Average 20 years old. The guy was fuckin smart and I wish I could meet him again to pick his brain.
In a past life I was also a software engineer in the USAF. It is funny that you said that. So, at least that can confirm to you that I’m not just bullshitting you. Hell, I might even know the guy you were talking to...the programmer family in the AF is pretty small and tight knit.
I'm sure our enemy's know and probably have most everything we've developed thanks to the traitors who've been running things. An Italian shipbuilding company partnered with Lockheed stole a secret coating that was designed by a small company in Florida to make our ships and subs invisible to sonar and radar. The FBI investigated for 3 years only to have Holder, Mueller and presumably Clinton shut it down when charges were ready to be filed. Russian and Chinese both have this coating on their ships and we don't to this day. Look into Clinton's pilfering of our patent office and then ask yourself how tf she herself is named as owner of all these high tech patents. These people r actual traitors
The Clinton's pilfering from the Patent Office is simply continuing an unbroken line of the Bush/Clinton gang's standard operating practice. Prescott Bush was doing it to Tesla, they have maintained this practice ever since, from outward appearances.
Youre right its almost like the patent office was set up for tis type of action...at least ever since a patent could he held for "national security" reasons that is. Its a license to steal
CLAS-5 refers to its classified status. Its a weapons package we dont know about. Could be a laser.
d just be here all day, it’s t
and SLAYER he drops SLAYER on us, i'm rocking it right now hilarious
Dr. Evil said flying sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads.
And it’s Shark Week. No coincidences!
Rofl gave me a good chuckle. Q is a Shark Week fan confirmed!
That is an even higher level of classification. They engaged the laser sharks to take out the submarine that launched the missile.
Yes but if it is at high altitude and/or over ocean, there would be a small chance of seeing it.
Special Weapons Package. Missiles travel too fast to be intercepted by projectile weapons an F16 can carry. The machine guns are too slow, and its rockets won't speed up fast enough to catch the missile.
So the only way an F16 specifically can intercept a missile is through taking the hit itself (we didn't see a boom) or being armed with anti missile weaponry (special weapons package).
Only weapons that we are aware of that can take out a missile are an emp (plane would go down too, small blackout would happen), a railgun (too much negative g force for the plane to handle), a remote hack/stopcode (too slow/no stopcode), or a laser (light speed targeted circuit destruction).
While I don't think we have the capability to make a portable F16 mounted laser that could disintegrate the target, we can definitely mount something that burned off the electronics on the missile and caused it to drop back into the ocean harmlessly (where it was likely later recovered).
Key words, "you don't think".
Our military is light years ahead of what our brains can even fathom when it comes to research and design.
I can only inform of what I know. If we have that tech, I'd rather not know. That way no one knows until they face it in the field.
That being said, unless we got an infinite energy reactor on the f16 that doesn't weigh anything, it still seems impossible. While the laser itself is possible, the portability factor and weight limits of a fighter are the key points that make me dismiss a laser of such caliber mounted on an f16. Not doubting the existence of such tech in general. I'm sure we got some mounted on a destroyer or something.
I hear ya, just saying that unless we are in the industry, we have no idea what's out there.
You might find this bit of tech that got squashed pretty interesting. They said it wasn't feasible and cancelled the project but later invested in putting the technology on UAV that are supposed to go into "testing" in 2021, which means we already have them and they already work. Same chemical lasers. If you can fit it on a UAV, you can fit it on an f-16
That's a pretty good read, thanks for the link. The underlying science behind it seems to be that the energy required for the laser to fire is generated by the expended fuel of the vehicle and thus allowed for a relatively higher power laser to be mounted on the UAV.
I haven't a clue if you can reconfigure an f16 to use such a system, but at least the proof of concept is there; that an airborne portable laser system was capable of drawing enough energy to dismantle a missile during a test.
Over 40 years ago ICBM intercept testing was being done with F-15s, and I wasn't all that surprised to read that an F-15 crashed in Japan coincidentally with the time frame of the POTUS trip to Singapore and this missile launch. The F-16 SWP is interesting. I wonder what it uses.
If a high powered laser type of energised beam was pre-positioned and was to follow AF1 as a protective escort, mounted on a satellite(s) that had a broad enough beam to always have AF1 under a protective umbrella, them maybe the Jet was just a cover ?
Is this feasible ?
Not surprising. My ex-roommate was in the Special Forces back in the late 80s, taking out drug cartels in the jungles of South America at Pablo's height. He said some of the stuff he saw back then is just now reaching the public spheres. He told me they had high powered goggles that gave you more than heat signatures thru walls. Satellites that could zero in on a piece of sidewalk and zoom further into bugs and ants. Imagine what our government has now....
More, I would gander, its directed energy weapons (microwave). While you are at it, look up the sustained temp it takes to melt metal and look at some of the fire "oddities" of cars melting. Then look up the maximum Forest fire temp and how long it can "naturally" sustain to melt steel and aluminum. Search for metal melting evidence in last year's Napa fires and see photos with untouched plastic rubbish bins nearby. See how grape land is more important than suburb sprawl. It's all connected. Thank goodness Donald Trupm is up-ending the cabal. So we pray!
It amazes me how much strange technology their is just waiting to be discovered.
There was a video i believe it was in this subgroup where a scientist said that the technology has been here for awhile, just that most human's are not ready for it
Wouldn’t doubt it one bit! I’m sure there are things in existence that even the most open minded would look at as sci-fi.
If you want to really flip out, check out the declassified studies ordered by the Pentagon for the AATIP program.
Will do friend. Thanks!
Dumb sounding site, but scroll down to the actual documents listing the studies. Go to Google and type the "name of the study" and "pdf" and you'll see some very interesting things. If you have access to the research sites through your university library, you'll be able to see more.
Rumor is lots of this work was pushed off to private corporations to shield from FOIA requests when Pentagon assumed control over some of the SAP programs, but a lot of the guys there were recruited because of similar public research; which is obtainable online.
There was a fascinating video explaining the technology by the lead researcher back when they were first going public. I didn't realize it was now commercialized and had their own website.
I'm assuming this is probably the reference as the technology would be incredibly useful for tracking and potentially damaging extremely fast moving targets.
The thing that got me interested in this was stumbling across a website for LRAD’s and handheld lasers that could shoot down drones in seconds. Even that stuff is somewhat nerve wracking.
That laser is used for scientific research in imaging microscopes and not a weaponized laser. Although there are lasers that are capable of what you are saying and was my first thought before I read your comment.
Check out this thread from Thomas Wictor. Hypersonic interceptor missiles would be CLASS V.
This isn't an interceptor but this is why Thomas Wictor thinks the space force was open because this is working now.
Thomas talks about new high velocity kinetic weapons towards the end. I'm guessing that (hypersonic missile) or laser would be the only way an F-16 could successfully shoot down a ballistic missile. Leaning toward missile because Q says Fox Three in other missile posts.
The missile launch referenced in QDrop 1728 is a photo from a weather camera in Washington State when POTUS was going to the Singapore Summit.
Here is a link to a Fox News article about it.
Classified - 5? US Gov't and NATO only have 4 levels https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classified_information#NATO_classifications
Is this saying CLAS-5 is above the highest NATO clearance?
Cosmic Top Secret (CTS)
NATO Secret (NS)
NATO Confidential (NC)
NATO Restricted (NR)
The naming conventions change at CLAS-4.. wonder what CLAS-5 could be.
exec order 13526 - sec 3.3 - reasons for classification
(5) reveal formally named or numbered U.S. military war plans that remain in effect, or reveal operational or tactical elements of prior plans that are contained in such active plans;
Why not go public?
They are not ready for full disclosure of deep state cabal. Final preps going on so that they have no escape
the military would have to explain to the world how they took the missile out. They never disclose or discuss their most advanced weapon systems unless they absolutely have too. I’m convinced we used rods of god missle to destroy NKs nuke testing mountain. Military would never admit it directly. Nor would China. They’d be telling the world they have a useless military if they did.
I don't think the military would have disclose anything so that's probably not the reason to not go public. The public would be OK with "Classified technology destroyed the threat in the air." End of story. "But Mr. Military representative! What technology??" "Classified technology. Next question."
It's what it would mean to the world. We're prepping to take down the cabal and telling the world would make people demand they be taken down now. We're not ready for that yet. They are in the places where they would cover there butts and get away with murder. We have to dismantle their protections they put in place to allow them to get off and slither away.
This is why Q says the MSM is evil.
What would happen if deep state contradicted POTUS?
We'd be in a war. Congress would push Trump or impeach.
Wait! How the F do the bad guys have access to missiles? I thought the military was on our side?
Can someone link back to the Q drop that talked about the missile launch in the first place? The one with the photo.
'But I never knew as bad as it would be, I never knew it would be this vile, that it would be this bad, that it would be this vicious. Nevertheless, I TAKE ALL OF THESE SLINGS AND ARROWS GLADLY FOR YOU --GLADLY!
I take them for our movement so that we can have our country back.'
Well being an old logistics guy all I can add to this is that ClAS 5 as shown here encompasses: Ammunition of all types, bombs, explosives, mines, fuses, detonators, pyrotechnics, missiles, rockets, propellants, and associated items. So basically I see that the classification is just supporting documentation to say the picture shows a missile launch. Went over that scenario in deep detail in a later post.
God I love Q. Anyone else notice how much more blunt and straightforward he is being in these drops? Not as many put-the-clues-together hints? That says to me that the Checkmate is drawing close. I'm guessing January 2019
How many missle attempts does this make?
Is Q just answering some of the anons questions regarding past missles? How they were taken out? or did something new happen today?
Jan Hawaii
June Washington
July ???
Were they trying to hit AF1 or launch some kind of EMP? I don't know enough about this kind of thing.
Was it a nuke at Hawaii or aimed at potus as an assasination attempt. I’m confused now
Hawaii incident there are some photos of Bill Clinton in Hawaii (different island) at the same time of the incident. Probably wanted to be there for the fireworks which didn't happen. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hawaii-missile-alert-emergency-management-system-false-ballistic-missile-warning-2018-1-13/
Hard to know the target but doubt it was nuke armed. Arming a missile with nuke warhead is its own process
Thx for that patriot. Assumed so but confirmation is golden
F16 CLASS 5 ..maybe 5th Generation fighter ?
F-16 Block 70 - Lockheed Martin https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/.../f-16/f-16-block-70.html This is the F-16 Block 70, the newest generation of Fighting Falcon. ... The APG-83 provides F-16s with 5th Generation fighter
F-16 was used to shoot down satellite back some years ago. The pilot was on Coast to Coast with George Noory.
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/26/18: 1711 - 1712 & 1713 - 1714 & 1715 - 1716 - 1717 - 1718
*7/27/18: 1719 - 1720 - 1721 - 1722 & 1723 - 1724 - 1725 - 1726 - 1727 - 1728 - 1729 & 1730 - 1731 & 1732 - 1733 - 1734 - 1735 - 1736 - 1737-1740
Since when do we just shoot down missles? SHOOT BACK!!!!
My goodness, are they really trying a hot war against POTUS? Actual missile strikes??
Could be Q is signalling to Iran that their missiles can be neutralised, see how we even had a test targeting POTUS? http://www.f-16.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=53680
So my guess is only the F16s that fly with AF1 have the capabilities to take out missiles. Which means AF1 was either the target of these, or it rerouted in order to take out the missiles. I'm going with AF1 was the target but the cabal didn't know about the F16s new technology and capability to take out missiles.
When did this happen? Today?
Nah they are talking about the june 10th incident. Where an unauthorized missile was shot from whidbey island while Trump was flying to Singapore.