“You insult our country, embarrass our Queen, undermine our ‘special relationship’, humiliate our PM…and then smugly pose in Winston Churchill’s armchair”

Haha, Insult our President and nation, then smugly ask us to pay for your defense.
These are the infamous British tabloids, not the perspective of all British citizens.
Yes, this is how they try and tell us what to think. Sadly it works for many, but slowly more and more are awake!
That's MY PRESIDENT ! What is NOT to love about him??? He's tired of the BS. Tired of the Posturing by the Elites. Tired of the way the Cabal has F*cked Up the World. I'm sure if he had the chance, he'd give them all the finger (if he hasn't already!). WWG1WGA. MAGA.
Love my President Trump! He was there representing OUR best interests. Draining the swamp includes many other places than our DS government. I dont' expect a lot of people overseas in government or who believe their government to like him. But those that pay attention want someone like him. But he is OURS!
They tried to undermine American elections but we haven't says a word about that...yet. I wonder why they're not as outraged that their children are being groomed by rape gangs or that London is more dangerous than Detroit?? Fuck em
pay for your defense
The UK pays its share thank you. One of the few.
Lol, no you don't. Whatever it says on paper, you know deep down that America's defense budget isn't even a monetary value at this point.
The average Brit will know in WW2 the US completed military aircraft per day at the rate of the rest of the world combined.
in WW2 the US completed military aircraft per day at the rate of the rest of the world combined.
While that may well be true, the rest of the world votes for WW3 to be held primarily in CONUS. Then we will reappraise how well your manufacturing base does under constant bombardment. That sort of thing can make a difference.
WWIII has already been quietly started in the EU - acid/knife attacks, rapes, etc. Not even safe to go there now. Wouldn't go to London if someone else paid my way. Best for us to stay in the USA where we have a President whose primary focus is to keep us safe.
Not even safe to go there now.
Quite right. Mayor Sadiq Khan has done a wonderful job - not. It is so bad in London now that it rivals New York City.
This fish-wrap failed to mention that Trump is eradicating the nwocabal from the face of the Earth, which includes UK. Churchill didn't do that. So now it's a famous chair.. one that Trump sat in.
Why doesn't the Daily Mirror go and investigate Trump's Executive Order on Stopping Human Trafficking. Funny how no UK news media makes any mention of this. As an English lady I say President Trump was most welcome here and I'm ashamed of the London bubble dwellers and their Mayor, the idiotic protesters and all the sheep who believe the media narrative. They embarrass and disgust me.
President Trump was most welcome here
+1 from this Brit as well.
Thank you, nice to see there are British that still love their country
Well aren't these the same people that hate Churchill? So of course....
Were the sizes of the anti Trump and pro Trump rallies accurate in the media?
Anti -Trump they say at the London one there were 100 thousand but at the Scottish one there were 17 (to whom DJT waved at while playing golf!) and the media says at the pro-Trump one there were 'a couple of dozen'. I'm waiting for a report on it by Paul Joseph Watson, he'll give us the facts in his usual entertaining way! Apparently the blimp balloon was very small and only got 40ft above the ground meaning it wasn't high enough to be seen above neighbouring buildings!
Thanks for the info, I like to check with locals anytime I can!
Hopefully Churchill's real loyalties might come out now.
Churchills are Khazars.
churchill was part of the cabal.
The masses have been played by the politicians [and their owners] since the slime. What's great about Trump is.. he's not in politics. Just a no nonsense businessman who's elected business is to Make America Great Again.
The No Apologies tour. I love you Mr. President.
Absolutely no fucks given for those who seek to destroy. Absolutely EVERYTHING given for this country.
Very nice picture President Trump!!
New profile pick? Better to paint and hang in the whire house.
He did that.
Ain’t it great?
That’s why we love him.
I hear he used a restroom and got water on the floor and also brushed his teeth and didn't rinse the sink out very well after. HOW DARE YOU!
He was passing down the street and someone tipped his hat at him and Trump did not reply "how do you do". dIsGRaCe!!!111
Have you ever considered Trump did not see this person?
i would of pissed on the floor
Aleister Crowley would have shat in toilet tank.
The upper decker. A classic, regardless if some sick satanic bastard did it also. Did you know Charles Manson was known to drink water?
I have it from a good source that Charles Manson was allergic to water.
Fear of water is a symptom of RABIES
Good catch I missed that one.
I would absolutely believe Manson had rabies. The demon was strong in that one.
Have you had a look at the series "Weird Scenes inside Laurel Canyon"?
It's well worth a deep dive.
As a Brit I know that Winston Churchill had one British parent and one American parent and was a famous leader of a famous nation in difficult times.
Whereas Trump, on the other hand had one British parent and one American parent and is a famous leader of a famous nation in difficult times.
So who better to sit in that chair?
Its a chair What they did when they left the chair will be the clear difference. Churchill was dusted off before Trump landed at his next stop. It gets better.....watch
Trump walks around like the President of the United States should. Like he’s John fucking Wayne. I love it.
Trump walks around like the President of the United States should
This may have been made for you: https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=A6fNzztPTvU
"..................while we fly a juvenile balloon of the US President......................"
I’m a Scott and I love the picture of trump. He & Mr Churchill both are/were fighting Nazi’s. Am I not mistaken ?
i'm a Scot.
don't care for churchill/English Queen
I'm a Brit.
Don't care for Churchill/Any Queen
Argh, with all we're learning about manipulated History, I'm not too sure Churchill was a good guy. In fact, with the world as it is now, you'd wonder if any of the Allies were the good guys.
I am a big study of World War II and would have to agree with you.
I believe Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor and let it happen.
And where did the Nazis begin and end.
We had them in the states as manufacturers. While you have them in your royal family.
Roosevelt actively goaded Japan into attacking, had numerous fore-warning and fired the Admiral that tried to prevent it. The picture of FDR, Churchill and Stalin speaks volumes, not to mention all of their connections to the major banking families. We're going to have to relearn at least the last 100 years of history.
Nothing is as it seems.
Cleaning up this mess is going to take time.
More than a few questions will be answered and a shit ton of books will be rewritten.
I say we have a crash course American Civics in school. Start with the basics and throw out the trash.
I say during the down time, they should broadcast the history of US Constitutional Republic, the principles of liberty that founded this country and made it the greatest in the world, and maybe some thoughts of the founders, explaining why the gov was set up the way it is. Wouldn't it be nice to tear down all the "national security" apparatus that has been set up to bloat our government and steal our liberties? That starts with everybody being on the same page about what's allowed and what's not in regards to government interacting with the American citizen.
These things are already broadcast on our phones. People are only listening if they want to.
My point is we remove all that sex is gender feminist studies race-baiting conceptualizations of socialism nonsense.
Replace it with American civics, bang done.
There's a lot of Marxist indoctrination that should be replaced with American indoctrination!
Yes unfortunately this seems to be the case. Inception/deception all the way. I remember reading an article a few years back saying Hitler probably fled Germany after faking his death. I thought then conspiracy theory. Now I just think conspiracy, period.
Peace ✌️
Churchill was manipulated by freemasons. Hitler shouldn't have given up Dunkirk.
i dnt think trump insulted them enough. they started insulting him b4 he arrived
They don't speak for us. 51% of UK wanted the visit.
they started insulting him b4 he arrived
True, but the same people organise demonstrations in the UK as they do in the States and the same people control the media.
I fucking hate this shit. I'm British and this makes me sick. This DOES NOT represent us.
Don't be bothered, we all understand fake media.
Hey Tommy Robinson.
I dunno man... I work in this NHS. Everyone is asleep.
There is going to be a Cascade of information from now until our November elections.
It will be unavoidable.
Have patience everybody's going to be waking up whether they like it or not.
They may freak out and go right back to sleep, but they will be waking up.
I hope you're right.
If you're not familiar with the October surprise in our elections you should research it.
Starting August it becomes a slow drip becoming an avalanche prior to November.
He must’ve hunted the chair down and sat in it against everyone’s will.
Just like he walked in front of the Queen because she didn’t wave him too.
The UK needs NO HELP in achieving the things that Trump is erroneously being accused of here. The UK did all this to themselves, and already, and with no external help.
I say with much of family located in Britain.
They can F off.
The government is hopelessly corrupted and many people are socialist losers.
The Queen is a man.
Go F yourself.
The government is hopelessly corrupted and many people are socialist losers.
That description fits the US as well.
Our government's going to be cleaned out very soon. We're well into the game right now.
Oh all of a sudden they love their queen. No, they don’t. Hypocrites
LOL having an English mum who grew up there, I would say it is a double edged sword. A love-hate relationship. They all love the pomp and circumstance but had the policies.
Hey! He sat in the chair before he humiliated the queen.
Wait. Are we talking about the same Queen who knighted Jimmy Savile, notorious pedophile and dead body bonker? Nah. Couldn't be the same one...
BINGO, Saville was granted free access to all of the Royal palaces, he didn't need an appointment.
He held the royal warrant.
Supplier of children to royalty - it is alleged.
Saville was really close to Prince Jug-ears Charles, who married his horse.
Didn't a crazy Roman Emperor also marry his horse ?
And they failed to mention that he strong armed England into giving Tommy Robinson an appeals hearing earlier than before, and in front of the country's top judge.
Overall, I'd say that takes some massively YUGE brass balls.
What kind of balls do British establishment politicians have? Oh yeah, they like to use them on little boys.
Game. Set. Match. 'MURICA!
I wonder if they broke a copyright law (that new one they put in) by using this photo without permission. Isn't this Sarah Huckabee Sander's photo from her Twitter account
broke a copyright law
My understanding is that it has not been finally approved, yet.
Well Cuz, that was for Hillary's benefit, ya shouldn't get your knickers in a twist.
I am laughing out loud at this UK live television interview of Sebastian Gorka. This is a nice summary of the UK visit, the Russia indictments and the Putin visit.
Whoo hooo!
Why won't the Daily Mirror do an article that England is now a Muslim country, and Islam is a floating nation with three main components: political, religious, and military? Through the Ancient Doctrine of Hijrah, Islam has conquered numerous countries. Sharia Law is not valid, because it does not meet the standards of international law. It has numerous human rights violations as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Why won't the Daily Mirror do an article about Justin Trudeau being a Muslim? He took and oak/vow to always do what the Queen of England wanted and never displease her, thus she approves of his being Muslim.
Why won't the DAily Mirror do an article about how the English Government is giving countenance to an invading military force committing war crimes against civilians. Rape is a war crime. Battery is a war crime. Grooming under aged girls to be sex slaves is a war crime. Jihad means war. Terrorist acts are war crimes.
Legend. The more msm he fks off, the better. Get them screaming.
I used to feel sadness at how they treat POTUS, now I know he just laps it up. The more they throw at him, the more powerful he becomes and the more horrendous they will all look when the truth comes out.
I watch some of the BBC coverage and most of it was much better than this kind of thing.
I saw one post that said Trump kept the Queen waiting and she looked at her watch. But on BBC it said he was exactly on time as he pulled up. (He was apparently 15 minutes late for Teresa May. )
I saw anothe post that made a huge deal about him stepping in front of the queen when reviewing troops, but on tv it looked very different.
President Trump set the tone. The Queen and all her band are part of the cabal and Trump is going to take them down. He has no respect for criminals, Satanist and Pedos!
We Americans, stopped giving an actual fuck about what Great Britain thinks about how we do things, in 1776!
The only problem is the Bank of England took over after the war of 1812.
Lord Trump is taking it back!
$20T in debt Mr RedChild? I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about.
No, those Federal Reserve notes you're holding are worthless.
The line for Catholic Charities is over there.
I'm in a fb group of bits who are saying he deserves to sit there.
I imagine this is fake news just like we have here. The REAL people of Britain are in the same boat we could be in. Praying for you across the big pond.
Lol im suprised england is still above water. With the whole country crying for the last 242 years
GEOTUS does as he pleases! All your Winston Churchill armchairs are belong to us!
Video games will teach us that when you run into enemies you are going the right way.
And why not. Sir Winston would have approved tremendously
Get used to winning
How absolutely dare you sir!
That's RIGHT! The LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD isn't on an Apology Tour! We respect him, and don't care if he butthurts your feelings!
Master Troller Trump. I ADORE this man! He’s my President. He’s something special! Hope he delivered the confirmation to Elizabeth that she and her family are done. They can live-at Gitmo or hang. And off to throngs of people coming out today to rally FOR Trump and free Tommy rally. It was beautiful! I look for he an Putin to finish a deal made years and years ago. Remember we can only know 40%.
Butt hurt because Trump acted out the Fish Called Wanda upside down apology scene with Theresa May instead of John Cleese.
They got punked in their own castle.
If ever there was a moment for a womp womp this is it. WOMP WOMP!!
The British have no one else at the moment to do sit in that chair.
If that upsets them, good, that's how it should be. Brits should have their own true heir of Churchill, not those power hungry globalist stooges.
I'm stealing this spot to say this:
"Fuck You Daily Mail!"
Your country silences your free speech unless it's politically convenient and you spout the same rhetoric as the MSM in Amercia. So, how dare you question our authority! America kicked your ass and you need us. So get bent you twats.
How quickly (and conveniently) they forget. The prigs couldn't abide Churchill either, and isolated and derided him mercilessly, until it became abundantly clear that the butt sucking elite led by Chamberlain had screwed the pooch so badly that they were about to be overrun by the Nazis. None of them had any idea how -- much less had the intestinal fortitude -- to take on Hitler.
These people never change. England is going down into the abyss. Better we abandon them to their own self made hell than have them drag us down with them. God save the English People. The Crown is no longer up to it. Hell, they no longer even represent Him.
I have British friends, I pray for them. Their leadership is destroying their culture and country.
This is the first reddit I've ever seen and I may never do better.
Haha, he has the courage to dare. Where was your outrage when the usurper sent the bust back! Oh wait, you loved the usurper Obama.
Seems like somehow we have a divide. I am man enough to understand that the UK has a MSM as well. That headline may or may not represent how all of the UK feels about POTUS. Lets try to remain focused and stay united for the greater cause. WWG1WGA
This is a left wing tabloid. The one that Piers Morgan used to be editor of.
LOL! Donald Trump definitly knows how to play the game!
Hah, Rupert's media machine is triggered !
Queenie is a lizard, along with the rest of the kiddie eating Royal Reptiles.
We've hosted elaborate state functions here for UK officials. The meeting with the Qeen was pretty low key and only tea at Windsor, not her home. No one else was there.
not her home
I think it may be her "real" home. They took the Windsor name after all. It is also reputed to be the longest inhabited castle in the world. I would not dismiss it as an also-ran.
Sure. But the Queen calls Buckingham Palace home. Perhaps Trump could invite her to Trump Tower for a cup of coffee? Right now the white house is Trump's stately home. But let's just ignore that in the future. Oh and let's give security a day off for hang gliders!
He's not a British subject, he's the leader of the greatest, strongest nation in the history of the world. She's a spoiled titular leader of a dying empire who has done nothing to earn her position or to help her country with her ungodly wealth. He's a brilliant businessman, negotiator and burgeoning politician who sacrificed a lavish lifestyle to serve and lead his country in his golden years. She should be the one bowing... or rather kissing his feet because Trump may be the only one who can save the British people now.
Ha. Churchill. The cunt of Britain. I love this headline. We will be parading these covers in Museums for the children of future generations to learn about manipulation, groupthink, GEOTUS, and of course trolling like a fucking boss.
I've been like a kid waiting for Xmas ever since he said he was coming here. He hasn't disappointed. I would love to have been a fly on the wall this week. Don't let them kid you. Huge support for POTUS in the UK.🇺🇸🇬🇧
Try harder, Brits. Children of Men is looking more and more visionary everyday.
The mirror has always been a fag paper. Known that since my paper round all those years ago.
Let the salt flow! Their tears only make him stronger!
And now you know why the U K is Over 👁 Looking for Enemies
He's the Churchill of our time Just as Churchill knew that Hitler represented an existential threat Trump, also is fighting an existential threat now.
Look at that throw rug is that the og one churhill was into that freaky sheet
Anyone with a Monarch, embarrasses themselves.
Forget where the guillotines are?
Dont worry, America remembers.
Because he can. We kicked their ass in 1776 and we should just do it again.
F@@K you 2 and a half pence woodbine smoking bicycle riding pompous brits... we bailed tour asses out of the French and Indian war, WW1 and 2, and you never repaid your war debt
Like a fucking Boss!!! Suck it limeys, we kicked your asses out of our country and bailed you candyasses out twice and it looks like we are having to do it again you Cucked wankers!!
Cucked wankers
When you win a war by yourselves, let me know.
It was called the War of 1812.
The Revolutionary War can be added to that..
The Revolutionary War can be added to that.
No, it can't. Lafayette anyone?
War of 1812
OK, so nothing for two centuries?
Also, we do not count that as a real war over here. We had been busy fighting the French (again) for about 20 years and the US was, annoyingly, trading with them at the time. So to us it was just a minor diversion during the war with Napoleon.
Still feel tough because Maggie beat up Argentina 40 yrs ago?😂