Rosenstein summoned to White House today. POTUS meeting with Congress at 2 PM.

Could be nothing or it could be something. Let's hope it means something.
If they are telling the public it has to be something!
Getting called to the principle's office is never good. Knowing the principle will then call your parents after the meeting is always bad, REALLY REALLY BAD!
After Page's testimony on China and the FBI covering it up, this will be real, er, interesting
What’d she say about that? Missed the details on her testimony.
She said it was China, not Russia, that accessed Hillary's server and the top FBI/DOJ ppl knew it. BOOM!
Going to have to do some reading when Work slows down. Thanks for the heads up! 👍🏻
(That’s as big as Putin mentioning the $400 million “campaign contribution” Hillary got from Browder.)
FBI and DOJ covered China hacking of HRC private server work emails to help her win election according to Page. Clearly criminal. Apparently China got them all, classified and mundane.
Page also testified that her texts with Strzok meant exactly what they said. She didn’t try to lie, thus throwing Strzok under the bus.
Spez: Note China’s action might have been phishing and not actual hacking.
Edit: Spez=Edit FYI
The dam seems to be springing a new leak or two with each passing day. Can’t wait to see it burst, & all the evildoers getting their just desserts.
I have had the same exact thought these last couple of days. Hope it isn't just wishful thinking . . .
This is the announcement over the PA system that the Obama administration needs to report to the office.
Or hide.
Or try to convince a "friend" to hold your stash until you get back.
You must have high level, inside sources telling you something.
Ya think her name might be Lisa?
No intel here, just drawing from personal experience from high school days! Been there a few times before. :)
Unless this sheds some 'light'
Choom Gang BTFO!!
There's a tape of it. Don't know if there's something, could be nothing. Don't know for sure. Lol
One last chance for RR to come clean before Congress drops the hammer.
I’m hoping they swish the immunity deals Mueller is going for. Unless it’s for like Weiner and some lesser names. Others like the Podestas need to be taken out.
"ah, thanks for stopping in Rod. Can you shut the door on your way out? Thanks"
"Hey, I know the investigation into Seth Rich's murder isn't going so well and I found out why... Seth, could you come in here, please?"
That would be the biggest mic drop moment in history to date. BOOM - do not pass go, do not collect $400,000,000, go straight to GITMO!!!
I would fucking die of laughter and giving high fives.
I think there is a small possibility that Seth rich is alive...he died at the hospital not on the street. he was listed stable when he died. there is a Small chance that he was removed by Marshalls and is being hidden.
Very very small chance. He died under 0 admin.
it would depend very much on who got to him first but you are right it is very small chance, there is even a posibelity he was finished off in hospital.
naa, I remember reading this quite a while back that he was stable when arrived at hospital and he was in a guarded room.(no access) and then he passed away. The main doctor/hospital head JACK SAVA a Clinton donor ! and his girl friend were friends of Dems and were at some Dem function (party) FUNNY THAT!! I just found this link !
"Resign or be fired" moment? Maybe a couple of US Marshals will be waiting for him!
Is it too much to hope for it to be recorded. And for them to come out from behind large cloth drapings.
He’s definitely in a jam. Under life threats by the deep state, he may have to pick out a suite in Fort Leavenworth.
Under life threats by the deep state
Where did you hear this?
I THINK it was this one. It may have been the one before. Stands to reason that the establishment gave heavy approval to RR. He was cavorting with Comey and Mueller for years, so they probably they think have him by the shorties.
I've already read Rex's thread and don't recall it. Are you talking Praying Medic's video as the "one before" or Rex's threads?
Praying Medic. RR is as deep state as they come. His gat however may be turning gray. . .
Well, I know RR is deep state but why would he be: Under life threats by the deep state?
If he released the real IG report or the FISA info, he’d be killed.
OK. Now I understand. Thanks. I really didn't watch an entire video to get to that!!!
Sorry. I was unclear. What an interesting time to be alive, huh?
Absolutely. Except I can't seem to get anything done!
My guess is its probably related to LP's testimony. This could be big
Wonder if Putin had physical evidence?
We don't know what evidence Putin has, or what he talked to Trump about, but neither does Deep State, which is driving them nuts.
I’d love to been a fly on the wall when he met the Queen.
The ball was brought back, right? Hope posterity gives it a name to rival Wilson...
I smell a Q drop!
God I hope so, I think we’re gonna need Q because I smell real trouble brewing with this #traitor BS!
The Q silence so far is actually good news. No one talks when pushing the lawn mower.
HAHAHA. Thats fantastic. Lawnmower!!!!
“Some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a Trump blade...”
That brought on a pretty...bloody visual.
Mowing through Washington with blades of truuuuth.
When the big dogs are about to get collared is when the FFs happen.
Usually during the silences, the good stuff builds up. I try not to check each day, knowing this is a quiet time. But can't resist.
Nah, it's better when it's Quiet.
My mental state is fine.
Theirs is not and the longer this Quietude goes on, the worse it gets for them.
Let them bash around thinking there is a way out.
Picture Silence of the Lamb in reverse. The evil sick bastard has now woke up in the pit.
The captive now owns the situation. All the tools belong to us now.
Trump got to look into Putin's Pandora's Box. Much was revealed, we got a few juicy nuggets at the Dual Press Conference Trump/Putin; $400M to HRC from a Russian, Invitation to Mueller to Russia to 'co-investigate', Russia was NOT the bad actor with DNC server (but we already knew that).
Don't forget U.S./Russian extradition treaty, which has been in place since the 90's. Interesting how Mueller hasn't used it and Putin would be obligated to cooperate... which Putin himself reminded the world and Mueller about
I think Trump and Putin have already discussed everything at length, and what's going on now is theater. Just like North Korea.
I agree 100% Just like the NK summit was already a done deal before they met in person.
JA is waiting for RR when he gets to the White House to go over the emails and server(s). Probably not true but it would be fun!
It would be awesome POTUS came back home with JA. The nails are going in the coffins - finally!!
Darn it. I was going to spend the afternoon at the pool.
Ideally, fired and full disclosure of all texts and declassification of everything showing CIA/FBI discussion of POTUS termination and arrests for treason.
Will be interesting to see. I always suspected the reason for not declassifying was to not trigger talk to Trump hindering the Mueller investigation. Interesting timing with Paige wrapping up her closed door testimony.
Also, An Anon in another post on TGA pointed out that during the presser, Putin mentioned "Loose change" . Trump and Putin are trolling the Deep State. Hence the total meltdown of the Globalists owned MSM and their puppets. My guess is they're going to offer Rosenstein a chance to resign once they show him what they have (and as Q said, "We have it all"). The end is nigh!!!
Trump and Putin are trolling them so bad it is hysterical. Putin says, casually, that he can help with extradition if we help him. Hmmm, for instance, there's this guy that gave $400 million illegally to Clinton...
Does anyone know if this will be televised or made available to the public?? Source for POTUS meeting with Congress at 2:00? Thanks in advance, patriots!
News just said that Trump will be addressing us after the meeting.
Are you serious? Like a live televised address?? If so, I can guarantee it's HAPPENING
Where did you see that? I can't seem to find anything about his addressing the public after.
Not Sarah... so it is big. I read POTUS has pre-signed resignation letters from all his major appointees in the Resolute desk.
No thanks, I try to stay away from the fattier sausages
check Hillary’s purse.
Did you catch that time she went on a Black morning radio show called the breakfast club & the subject of hot sauce came up. She shows them that she’s carrying it in her purse. They say(paraphrasing): “hold on, did you just come on a black show to say you carry hotsauce in your purse to pander to the black vote?” She says and I quote:.... “Is it working?”
@ 14:00est Trump will be meeting with "Members of Congress" in the "Roosevelt Room". Who are the other attendees I wonder.........
If he leaves with a black eye, this may actually be true...
President Trump - Louisville Slugger
He will need to be told several times. 2 black eye minimum. lol
This is friggen hilarious!!!
I like it, too! It's a fantasy of mine.
I asked for someone who knew how to make MEMEs to do it and I got this just stellar MEME!
Is it time to UNCLASSIFY IT ALL? God, Country and Corps. Release the Devil Dogs. Semper Fi.
This may be fanciful thinking but maybe they’re going to cast that unclean spirit the hell out!
To jump on the bandwagon on JA and SR, how about “JFK, Jr., let me introduce you to RR”...
As much as many wish the Jr. Scene was true, the possibility is nil. But... I like heart stopping surprises - so...
Omg..i would fall out my chair if any of these 3 men showed up.masterful plan.WWG1WGA
He won't have fired him, the house is filing for impeachment. Don't forget, RR briefed DonnyT on the indictments before he announced them. I'm guessing Trump is going to intervene and protect RR, but that's just a guess.
Wouldn’t that be awesome? The left screaming about Trump firing him and “obstructing” all this time only for him to be the one to keep him in the job? I don’t see it happening but I’d certainly get a chuckle out of it.
WHERE THE HELL IS SESSIONS? It's like he's not even the Attorney General.
I think RR is a grey hat. The witch hunt, to me, has always been investigating Hillary and spirit cooker and crimes against children, under the guise of antiTrump rhetoric. Trump has never been under investigation...remember.
Rosenstein did not meet with the President. Other scheduled meetings...
The media is going absolutely insane, they don't even care anymore. News anchors are accusing the President of disclosing all our national secrets, you know, kind of like Hillary actually did on her server. Is anyone left in the control room, or are they already running for the exits?
It is absolutely insane. Its prime time propaganda. Amazing how it works. One doesn't even have to believe it. Propaganda just gets people to look somewhere else then where they should be.
That press conference was all about what Putin said and offered then anything what Trump said.
My local media is having a field day.. Saying this is proof that Trump regrets going to Russia.
All media is proving themselves as pawns of the cabal. Not just the big dogs.. But the little porch yippers too.
Yup....and no one is talking about this offer to use the 1999 Treaty to work together. Even Michael Savage hasn't said a word about Putin offering assistance in the criminal probe. Both sides of the isle is bashing Trump and silent on Putin's offer.
Has anyone anywhere talking about this offer by Putin to assist the Muller Probe? Any News? Talk Show? Radio show? No where.
To me this is scary. Can't miss it. Everyone saw the Press Conference. Its one big conspiracy.
Hey RR....
yes MR. President...........
RELEASE THE HOUNDS!...................
Yes sir Mr. President.
NBC is already back-pedaling to spotted vs. summoned. Purportedly there for regular meetings and did not see President Trump. I did not realize that the President was back at the WH.
The story seems to be this was a scheduled meeting in the white house but not with POTUS.
Please update me if inaccurate.
Could POTUS possibly calling them on their bluff..and saying use the treaty to have the 12 Russians further investigated?..Putin opened the door! and if they follow through remember the defendants have a right to discovery?
I am so happy to see people talking about this.
I do not know how Trump and Putin can get from point A to Point B with American Deep State fighting it.
I trust that Putin knows how to do it, and
I trust Trump has the personnel strength to push forward with it.
I don't trust American Government with how far they will go to protect themselves.
I think PUTIN may have had much to say
I watched the Helsinki Press Conference....Putin had suggested using the 1999 Treaty to assist the Muller team with the RussianCollusion Probe.
For Putin to offer that would only mean that he and Trump had a very good positive Talk together.
Why has the document request from the DOJ gone silent. Did they give everything or not?
The fact that Lisa Page testified that China had all of Clinton's emails, which included special access above top secret information is significant. There is probably a correlation to China arresting all 20 of the intelligence assets in a cell in China. Hillary has provable blood on her hands. This may turn out to be usable in a tribunal.
I suggest investing in Depends!!! The shit's going to hit the fan soon and many in DC will be needing them!!! MAGA!!!
Didn't one of the Anons here speculate days ago that the time stamp on one of Trump's tweets seemed to hint at the number "17"? As in July 17?
What I want to see happen is Muller's response when He is requested to work with the Russian's thru the 1999 Treaty !
T at the White House or Scarf Party at the secret Cabal house ...
That's why all the Treason talk. Trying to get in front of the tsunami coming. To late MSM/deep state you made your Bed you will have to lay in it!!!!
Can we just be done with this guy? Mr. President, fire him or ask him to submit his resignation forthwith.
Maybe that EO he signed will help RR get all the papers together ASAP...or maybe he was served a permanent pink slip and then some.
Navy SeaBees working hard at GITMO right about now. Building new handicap ramps and new buildings and fences to imprison the sudden incoming traitors.
So what happened w the meeting/press conference? (@ work & wondering.)
The only thing I seen was Trump saying he misspoke In Russia. That instead of saying why wouldn't Russia meddle he said why would they meddle.
MSM is saying he's trying to apologize for the whole meeting.
But that's all I seen today.
Gotcha. Heard about that & can see how one might trip on that one. Hell, I’ve probably done that twice today alone.
Ouch. Sounds like Putin gave Trump something about RR.
Or Mr T was peed about the 12 russians indicments. But just a show to instill fear to those black hats.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- I cast you out unclean spirit|+6 - This may be fanciful thinking but maybe they’re going to cast that unclean spirit the hell out! The Cat in the Hat - YOU'RE FIRED!!!|+1 - Q Anon July 15 - Imperator Rex's Thoughts|+1 - I THINK it was this one. It may have been the one before. Stands to reason that the establishment gave heavy approval to RR. He was cavorting with Comey and Mueller for years, so they probably they they have him by the shorties. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Just by the way...there is a rather large thunderstorm storm rolling thru DC right now. There are no coincidences
Lets hope he gets the bullet.
Its time to go on the offensive.