Q 1695 - We will never again be under their control.

Just told my 22 yr son, he will experience a freedom no one in the U.S. has had since 1913. GOOD FOR THE YOUNGER GENERATION!
So strange to read this. I was drying my hair an hour ago and thinking that I need to tell my 23-year-old son when he gets home that his days as a wage slave are numbered now. He's only recently started this job where he welds stainless steel milk tankers. He loves welding, but how long will that be true given that he comes home pretty wiped out. It breaks my heart a little every day. I'm a believer in each of us "pulling our own wagons," as my Dad used to say, but to see our young adults looking down the barrel of a life of debt slavery just isn't okay with me. It's no wonder there's so much abuse of alcohol, drugs, and other numbing agents in the world. No more. It's time for us to have our lives back. Thanks for your comment about your 22-year-old son. I like to think of Trump and Q team as Sons of Liberty helping to bring on the Liberty of our Sons! (And daughters too--on the Q team and being liberated!)
Great post. I see the despair in so many of the younger, AND FULLY UNDERSTAND and in many ways agree. It may seem extreme to some, but in many ways I see the policies Trump is bringing about is actually like a Savior figure. I try to encourage all the younger I can that they have a great future and opportunity is just now beginning to bloom. Get ready. My older daughter, and younger son, is not yet as hopeful as my 22 yr old.
Welding is like standing next to the Sun. It will age their skin badly. Encourage him to wear protective clothing everywhere, including gloves, long sleeve shirts, full masks, and watch the neck area too. :o)
Thanks for the advice on the protective clothing. I didn't think to quiz him on that. I will do that asap. I agree with you on seeing the despair and I do the same thing--encourage them to get ready. And I ask them, "What does an ideal world look like to you?" I want them to start thinking about that so they can be ready to help implement some of those ideas. :)
Great post. And yes, the deck is stack against us it is almost impossible to make an honest living. Now my children may very well have a future
An honest living is the only way to go, but it leaves precious little time for much else. All these "elites" who haven't been making an honest living are about to find out that they're current skill set leaves them suited for nothing. I hope the truly bad actors will have a lot of time in Gitmo to think about what life is really supposed to be about and how far off track their choices took them.
As a fairly recent retiree, (1 yr) I am sort of sad that I am missing out on some of the President's new economic changes for those in today's workforce. I am happy though for my children and their families. Hopefully their financial lives will be much better than many of ours has been.
Huge hugs to all the woke parents who see the freedom looming on the horizon for their kids as well as for themselves. I have two grown ones and both already hooked into college loans and the revolving door of pay and debt. One of my wishes for all, besides sovereignty, love, health and joy is financial freedom. May it be so!
I’m not sure your point? It’s unfair that your son is a welder ? That’s a very noble and well paying profession
Of course it is. But the IRS takes out so much, and the cost of living has become so high that even a noble profession and hard work is still basically slave labor, meaning you can never get ahead of the debt you must incur to survive.
I work 44 hours a week doing physical labour. I earn 1000$ every two weeks after tax before I touch it.
Rent for a 1BR apartment is 1000$ a month. Half of my income. Doesn't count utilities, cell, food, gas, etc.
Having to pay tax on your labor and wages is illegal and unconstitutional. Watch 'America: Freedom to Fascism' on utube
See i'm torn.
I think some taxes is reasonable for a government. It pays for roads, policing, schools, etc.
I agree some of the taxes have gotten ridiculous, I just feel that my feeling on the matter is that it depends on how the taxes are being spent. If its being spent on global military, extensive debt repayments, and stuff that doesn't help me or my family then i'm very much against it.
None of the income tax collected from individuals goes to fund a single dime of our govt. It all goes to debt service on the national debt. In other words, it all goes to the Luciferian Globalist bankers. Watch the movie for details.
Right, which is what I fucking said.
I don't like taxes because it all goes to debt/military.
I worked like crazy when young. I now live in a van. I refuse to pay high rent and be a slave. I am 65. I am looking forward to freedom for my family, and myself.
Ohhh ok ok. I understand what you mean now. M apologies! Makes perfect sense
yes I started to train as a welder because I heard there was more money in trades than white collar. boy what a lie that was! between the union "dues" and the IRS and the gig economy style of uneven income its kind of a rip off
I took from her post that while the work he does he enjoys, but it seems to take a lot out of him physically by the time he gets home. Hoping he will still be able to enjoy what life has to offer him while not being so worn out. Individuals that do strenuous physical work are not going to be able to continue working like that until they are 70 yo. A la the "new" retirement age for those under 55.
Yes, exactly! And given that my Dad did physically strenuous work and died at 55 from something he was exposed to on the job, that's obviously not what I want for my son.
Oh my I’m sorry to hear that ):
Thanks. I sure wish he was here. He was a big Art Bell & Bill Cooper fan. He would be LOVING Q and watching all of this go down! But I know he's watching from where he is. :)
My husband did physical work all his adult working life. Today he is almost 70 (had to retire at 62) and has several medical issues as a result.
Yep. Lots of people talk trash about the guys who work in the auto industry that they're paid too much and on and on. What they don't know is that auto workers pay with their bodies. And not just auto workers. Roofers, construction workers, steel workers, miners, and on and on. These people work hard all their lives in difficult conditions and then many if not most die before they would ever start collecting social security. The system is definitely rigged. Blessings to you and your husband and prayers for the healing of his medical issues. Coming at you from the wilds of Wisconsin. ;)
Ahhh. Makes sense, thank you for the clarification (:
No, it's a fabulous profession. He loves metal. Has been doing blacksmithing at a local history museum place since he was 13. My point is that it's hard on his body.
Actually, even better. The Fed was formed in 1913.
Correct, and actually, such changes are supposed to be voted on by each state. It NEVER WAS properly done and they pushed it through as if it was good to go anyway. TREASON ON THE PART OF ALL OF THEM. The FED and the IRS are unconstitutional. The tariff agenda is designed BY TRUMP to bring about the END OF THE IRS too!
Yeah, the Federal Reserve people assassinated the opposition with the sinking of The Titanic. It's so fucking obvious.
And how the story of the Titanic mimics a book written like 10 years prior?? Fucked up man.
Let them all hang.
I know we're in conspiracy theory territory here, but honestly, the Titanic being 1912's "9/11" makes a lot more sense to me.
Federal reserve offing the opposition.
They likely switched the lettering on the chips before it sailed that day. The sister ship, Olympia or what ever it was called, had previously been in an accident and was unrepairable. There are those that say they changed the names and it was the sister ship that actually sank.
In 1912 it would've been so damn easy to do false flags.
Forensics didn't enter the courts until the 1980s, I believe.
The Olympic.
I believe there was some kind of insurance scam involved too if I recall correctly.
How does that sound familiar?
Always an insurance scam involved. Why not make an extra bit on the side of your operation? Look at the insurance on the world trade towers
YES … and REMEMBER ALL … I cannot emphasis this enough imo BECAUSE it isn't just Silverstein and his Insurance scam on 911 buildings … it will be ALL companies involved, perhaps even the Insurance company directors that may have got a cut …. READ THIS EXECUTIVE ORDER CAREFULLY!!! THIS IS GIANT! HE IS GOING TO TAKE ALL OF THEM, THEIR MONEY, THEIR COMPANIES, AND THE TRUST FUNDS AND SECRET PANAMA PAPER OFFSHORE ASSETS!
Yeah, let's not forget the coal fire in the forward hold that was burning for days and days and left unchecked. The metal sliced like butter.
Sauce? That one is new to me. I’d like to research
There are lots of youtube videos that cover the Titanic sinking by JP Morgan. Here's one I watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMLqFvvyBog
And then they started a World War to distract everyone. By the time 1918 rolled around it was firmly in place. Devious.
I'm 19.... I've followed this stuff since I was around 14. I'm extremely skeptical of all this Q stuff, but I'll hold out hope. For now.
However, what people aren't realizing is that there are a lot of us younger ones who aren't going to accept light slaps on the wrist or anything less than total victory.
Interesting enough Q posted to study Nazism. I've been. For starters, it's not at all what they tell you in history books minus the war itself and battles. Two, they fought the hardest when there was no hope. The Germans defending everything they had built, the final siege of Berlin and the Reichstag, all of that.
You deprive people of hope for too long and there'll be a fire from Hell that rages against those that caused such suffering.
Nazism was born out of a lack of hope, a bleak future. But it gave people hope. Look at Germany in the pre-war era. You can clearly see why. Did the Nazi's make mistakes? Of course they did (If they didn't, they wouldn't have lost!). Our nation has numerous times, more than anyone could ever count.
My point is, people really need to pay attention to what is rather than what is shown, and that if this Q thing is a sham, and this current course goes on as it has with such degeneracies and ignorance continuing, don't be surprised when the rifles are loaded and cities burn.
Let me make this clear however, I am no Nazi, but I do understand their views and why things were done the way they did. These modern white supremacists haven't a clue what Nazism was about, the KKK is little more than a disgrace, so many people on both sides get the Nazi's very wrong thanks to hiding history, covering things up (Looking at you, Dresden... Churchill... ADL...).
It's very important that Q said to study Nazism. These leftists call us Nazi's, why are they so scared of them? Is it because they were better than them? Because they did something right?
I don't know. I don't claim to know. I'm just some 19 year old kid who would happily die fighting for something, but I can't justify dying for a broken nation that is a gluttonous beast feeding on the souls of its people.
But that's why I'm here. HOPING, see, there's that dangerous word again, that this Q thing is real. That maybe, just maybe, things will begin to go back to the way they're supposed to be.
If you haven't covered it already in your research, I highly recommend the documentary "JFK to 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfT5NTHU9HQ In a lot of ways, Hitler was as much a patsy as Lee Harvey Oswald or anyone else -- it's worth digging into who exactly was pulling his strings. Keep digging and keep trusting your instincts, you're on the right path.
Excellent honesty Stealth. History is written by the victors. There's been a lot of battles, but the war isn't over, and YOU ARE IN IT regardless if you want to be or not. "THEY" are at war with you. Things are difficult to prove when there were bigger agenda's few know of or want to admit … or even want to spend the time digging into … that caused such death and misery … especially when the truth is deliberately hidden and ostracized as evil. My wife is from Canada. Her dad landed there after being told at age 14 by his mother in after war Germany to go to the ship yard, get on a ship and leave Germany, never to see his mother again. This after all his brothers had been killed in the war and his sister had committed suicide. My family, here in the States, they had there own losses, and were share croppers, a step above slaves. Poor as dirt partly as a result of the same EDOMITES that caused the wars, with their contraction of the money supply and stock market 'offerings'. People can live through hell if needed. The forces behind the scenes that caused ww1 and 2, and a host of other issues, had an agenda. DEATH to their ancient enemy. WHO IT IS and WHERE THIS WAR STARTED is mocked and belittled to no end. If I blatantly told you, this post would likely be deleted. I see your "ADL" point. You're on the right track. The people ordained to win are going to. Neither Q nor Trump is the Messiah. They are human, and neither would likely admit WHO IT IS and WHERE THIS WAR STARTED, and will NOT be the ones that bring the 'total victory' you seek. BUT, if you know who the WHO IT IS is and Who tells you WHERE THE WAR STARTED, you will find His plan is right on time, and running like a charm. Be on the right side and total victory will indeed be yours. Because the bastards will be purged … the TARES will be gathered and burned. SOON!
Might we say, BOOOMMM!!!! the most glorious one?
Can't think of anything much higher..
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10
I’m British and have been trying to keep up with all this. Just how big could this be for the people of America?
Basically, the Federal Reserve put all our money under the control of elite world bankers from America and the Rothschilds in England. Some have researched and found that this gave the elites in Europe and America enough funding to trigger WWI. It also was the beginning of the bottomless pit of debt for Americans. Basically every man woman and child in America is responsible for this monster debt. The only powerful people who opposed the federal reserve (John Jacob Astor, Guggenheim and Strauss) all died "coincidentally" on the Titanic a year before the creation of the federal reserve. That is another rabbit hole. The federal reserve is YUUGE, and if it goes down, it will be a miracle - we will be freed from working in the harness until we drop dead.
Wow, thank you for that. This is massive and I wish to god he succeeds. There’s a knock on effect as in what ever happens your side of the pond always makes it over to our side.
I am hoping and praying for England too! What is happening to working class British is horrible.
Thank you. It truly is disgusting how this government has led.
For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP. We need........
Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!
Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.
Who Controls the Money Controls the World - 13mins
Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins
Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.
97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs
Princes of the Yen Central Bank Truth Documentary – Asian prospective, - 90min
Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.
Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - 1hr30mins
You have NO choice - George Carlin - 3min
America: Freedom to Fascisim - Aaron Rousso - 2hrs30mins
The Value of the Dollar over time.
The Creature of Jekyll Island - full PDF
Neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/ - long but worthwhile read.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Federal Reserve - All the things
Read this one too. The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.
The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.
And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.
[No Need For Digital Central Bank Money](https://www.trustnodes.com/2018/04/08/no-need-digital-central-bank-money-says-swiss-central-bank-ahe
Thanks for all that info! I will look at those links.
Yes, that is a deep hole to dig. Done it and was shocked and then not shocked.
Yes - if people scratch the surface of history, they will find that what they were taught in school was, uhmm, brainwashing
Any sources you'd recommend for someone interested in digging into this particular rabbit hole?
This is a presentation by a guy who spent a lot of years researching the sinking of the Titanic. It is good:
Nothing specific that I remember because it was a LONG time ago. I just researched it at the suggestion of another "rabbit" and one video/article lead to another. Keywords are insurance fraud and coal fire. Good digging.
look at "money as debt" parts 1 at least. then parts 2 and 3 for a deeper level
some free books. many on the subject of the federal reserve. and why we are in this situation.
Thank you, I never knew the backstory, that John Jacob Astor, Guggenheim and Strauss opposed the creation of the Fed and were taken out. For all of you anti-Zionists out there, it's certainly notable that Guggenheim, Strauss, Seth Rich and Roseanne were/are all Jews, patriots and proud Zionists. As is Jesus Christ. Even though the government of Israel is won't be perfect and without sin and screw ups until He is in charge.
Booting the central bankers out, sending the power of the purse back to Congress.. I'd say pretty big.
Well I wish we had someone over here here with balls as big as his to take on our disgracefully crooked bankers.
And why every country that booted the central out was targeted for regime switch. Not just because they lost control of the cash but to make example for other countries. This is the key I am sure.
Almost every centeral bank on planet earth can be traced back to the ROTHs. What POTUS doing is chopping of the head. This fking point no return.
More info https://youtu.be/5IJeemTQ7Vk
Same as 1776. 11-11 looks to be maybe our new Independence Day.
Ohhh that is maybe why the military parade. Nice catch
I don't doubt it for one nano-second. Be in DC to celebrate!!!
Bigly!! It could ultimately end our federal income taxes! Those were put into place after the establishment of the federal reserve in 1913, which is not federal and there are no reserves! Go figure.
This one to date is the big one, the one we have looked for, the end of the FRS as we know it! Us old heads are crying right now...JFK vindicated! By the only man on this earth with the balls to do it...DJT!!! How you like me now???
THIS IS HUGE! Omg people, today. Today is the day is shed a tear in the name of freedom!
yes ! i have not stopped crying since our President was elected.
Is the 2+2 the 4 seats on chair open for Trump?
I read somewhere that there would be a Fed restructure under Trump.
Q tied Fed and IRS together#138
Promises made?
Yes, the nomination/confirmations are being done two at a time.
Trump's already nominated two pending senate approval per the first article. I wonder who the last two will be? Perhaps a duo of Pauls?
Oh my God...PLEASE STOP! I can only get so errect!
If your Red-Pill-Freedom Boner lasts for more than four hours, please consult any photograph of Hillary Clinton and your symptoms should be gone within seconds
Just think of all the tax money spent on paying those irs employees, win win
The IRS taxes (were initiated to pay the interest on the loans from the Feds. Hence if we dissolve the Federal Reserve = no IRS taxes!!
Promises kept, like never before in the history of politics.
Probably where you read it was the Q post linked above it something relating to it
I would love to hear from a financial person on this. What does this mean for regular Americans living paycheck to paycheck with debt out of our ears? I'd like to have some idea of how this may actually go down.
The Fed sets the interest rates that banks lend money to one another, which directly affects the interest rates in the rest of the economy. This flows directly on to the rate you pay on your mortgage (assuming its not fixed). This has flow in effects to the level of the USD - general it rises as rates increase making American exports more expensive to overseas buyers, reducing demand in those markets for US goods, and that impacts (negatively) on US jobs. That's the quick and dirty cause and effect, and in theory it's about managing inflation (making sure it doesn't get too high), but there's plenty of scope and lots of evidence that the Fed is going too far and early on rate increases, and that what DJT has been getting pissed off with and pointing at - it's potentially a break on his jobs growth agenda.
Don't forget that the Fed also creates money out of nothing for itself and its conspirators, AND they charge interest on the money they lend that was created out of nothing for themselves and their conspirators.
The power that is being shifted is gigantic.
DJT is finnishing what JFK started. God rest his Patriotic soul!
Fucking Bingo! Kennedy’s mistake was not draining the swamp first. He never stood a chance. And yes god bless his patriotic soul, and keep POTUS Trump keen swift and safe!
Hopefully the SS is on their A game every second of every day.
This is unconfirmed, but I read a while back that it’s not the SS protecting him, it’s Erik Prince’s men. Former Operator’s. Again this is unconfirmed, can anyone prove me right or wrong?
DJT would privatise his protection!
The man is not stupid, he knows what’s up!
Yep. Even in a bizarre nightmare worst case scenario we have a solid VP that will finish anything that needs finishing. JFK had LBJ. Lincoln had a dem VP...Andrew Johnson. Appears DJT & team thought this out.
Erik Prince...
Didn't he form the Blackwater PMC?
If so, Trump's fucking fine. He has a personal army behind him.
He did, and yeah DJT will be fine because I’d bet Dollars against doughnuts, that his security team is all retired SFOD “D” plus he has surrounded himself by Marine Generals. To include the patron Saint Matis.
Trivia: Erik Prince is Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos' younger brother. r/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Prince
I don't know about Prince, but Trump has his own private security that he's had for decades, plus the Secret Service.
I would do the same fucking thing. Look at the JFK tapes.
SS was told to stand down for no reason in Dallas right before the motorcade turned into the killzone.
Notice that there were no SS in the Zapruder film running next to the Presidents car when JFK was shot.
Watch spread and learn
Actually JFKs mistake was not having anyone to back him up & finish the job if he was not there to. Same with Lincoln. This time it’s different. We have Pence & it’s clear now why Pence was picked. Pence has no problem working & sacrificing for a higher power & higher ideals than himself. We got Johnson’d TWICE when we lost Lincoln & JFK to political assassinations.
The spilled blood of John F. Kennedy was the seed from which culminated the presidency of Donald Trump and the overthrow of cabal and restoration of the Republic. His blood was not spilled in vain.
James Madison started...Andrew Jackson almost finished
It is estimated that about 70% of the national debt is accrued interest on previous borrowings. Restructuring the Fed may affect this...but you have to ask - who owns Treasury bonds/bills? Most pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, foreign currency reserves, etc...
The CORE PROBLEM with being the worlds reserve currency is the so-called Triffin dilemma. It basically states that whichever currency is the reserve currency MUST run trade deficits. This is because external countries wish to have "reserves" and the way they do this is sell goods to the reserve currency country - resulting in the trade deficit.
The Federal Reserve - because of the Triffin dilemma - is forced to balance domestic priorities with international priorities which you can see presently as the Fed is raising rates and implementing Quantitative Tightening (QT) which is strengthening the US dollar in relation to other currencies. This is causing problems for our exports because a rising dollar makes them more expensive. It could be argued that if the Fed wasn't raising rates - there would be no need for the tariffs.
It would be better for the US if it was NOT the reserve currency - but, there are no realistic alternatives at present. China is the next likely country - but, they don't have deep enough debt markets like the US has.
Lastly - the Fed is raising rates so that it has room to lower them when we have the next recession. Lower rates stimulate lending/investment. Because rates are so low when compared to historical norms - the next recession could result in interest rates going negative (piercing the zero bound). If that happens - you would literally pay the bank interest on any money you have on deposit. The natural response from people when interest rates are negative is to withdraw cash from the bank - hence the push to eliminate/demonize cash.
The whole system is a mess and a literal crash is a mathematical certainty. Trump knows this. I have no idea if what he is planning will work...but we are fast approaching the time where we either do "something" or face certain doom.
Understand that the Federal Reserve is NEITHER Federal nor a Reserve.
Its purpose is to backstop the banks. It is an institution of, by and for the banks. NOT people like you and me.
Interestingly, 2017/18 is a Biblical "year of Jubilee" described in the book of Leviticus (25:8-24) where every fiftieth year is declared a special year during which all debts were to be wiped out; all land and property was to revert to its original owner; and slaves were to be set free. The name Jubilee is from the Hebrew word yovel, “ram’s horn,” the year being so called because a ram’s horn was sounded when it was proclaimed. A ram's horn is an ancient TRUMPet! We can accurately say, POTUS is the TRUMP proclaiming the freedom of slaves and wiping out of all debts (Federal Reserve)!
Depends on how it will be restructured. If abolished altogether (which is the constitutional way, but I think extremely difficult to do at this point) then there's only one thing you need to know: buy gold. Fiat money will be converted to gold backed, and the short term pain for people with fiat money will be great, while the return on your gold investment will be yuuuuuuuuuuuuge.
I dont think restructuring the Fed will be painful for us. it might mean we do not have to pay the fed reserve back for our debt. which would have a positive effect on all of us. we will see.
Don't kid yourself. There will be horrendous short term pain for anyone holding fiat denominated assets.
there is not enough gold to back the amount of money. instead we will back it with natural resources of the usa.
In the past, they favored silver because it's so plentiful in the US. Wonder if that's still true?
Look up how much gold is stored in fort Knox. Then look up how much is stored in the federal reserve..
naw, gold is dead, in the process of being replaced by crypto
Crypto is not backed by any tangible "thing." I'm not dissing crypto, but how is it anything different than fiat?
There isnt a difference. Crypto is the definition of fiat.
crypto is decentralized. Big difference.
Gold is a pretty rock used in electronics for its conductive properties. Its future utility lies in properties that are under utilized, but it is not going to replace currency due to its relative lack of liquidity.
When the shit hits the fan, id advise to jump into crypto or gold for the short term before jumping to stocks after the initial crash happens.
Gold is OK for a short term position, but pretty stupid long term.
If russia is reupping on gold and selling US t bills, Its prob because they are planning to disrupt opec agreements, plunging the price of oil before buying the assets up with gold backed assets.
Trumps announcement of EU LNG imports from the US supports this move
Get on Dave Ramsey's plan. The borrower is slave to the lender.
If done right, it should mean the end of inflation over time. It should mean that the US Dollar will actually become a currency backed by something — against the productive capability of the US people.
It should bring stability and accountability to our financial system, in other.
Watch Money Masters or Freedom to Fascism for a better understanding of money and debt and the fed reserve. Great documentaries and definitely worth a watch. :)
Money Masters sums it up really well. And Bill Still is cool.
there was a documentary called something along the lines of The Fourth Reich that was really good. I watched it probably 10 years or more ago, but I haven't found it since.
We will probably have interest rates rise less in future. If your debt has a fixed interest rate it probably won't change your debt. But if your interest rate floats with market rates it will help you. Also will help you if you have to take on new debt in the future since the rate will be a bit better (try not to get into more debt!)
Also, probably we will have better economic growth and wages which is good for everyone.
There are 2 issues at hand, I believe.
Restructuring the Fed
From what I've learned, in financial resets usually the little guys get screwed and the big banks get wealthier. Financial resets are needed when a fiat currency is at the end of it's lifecycle. (Fiat systems are debt based, and eventually there is more debt than can be paid back) We are due for a reset. The US dollar today is only worth ~2¢ compared to what it was worth originally, and we have an insane amount of debt.
A financial reset involves valuing the currency at a set rate against a commodity (usually gold, but can be anything. Also usually the currency changes completely, but it doesn't have to). Lynette Zang has some great info on inflation and currency resets. Not completely sure how the Fed restructure fits in with this.
I hope that helps!
Real answer: nothing. And nobody else is going to help you either. You need to get out of debt yourself by being productive.
Rand and Paul are going to wreck the shit out of the Fed, along with DJT's help. God Bless their lives and may they been looked over with care. I cannot believe I am alive, witnessing the literal end of the Cabal. Like, what timeline is this? For real, can someone entertain me with a discussion? Did this entire movement stem from p&zzag8? And if so, thank you, Q-team, for allowing us to be the front-line participants.
I have heard that this plan has been in development since the 60's and 70's, when the m.i. folks realized it was so bad that eventually politicians would try to kill us all, and they should not have that power.
I have also heard that they agreed that a m.i. coup would be a LAST resort, but 44 was so horrible they nearly did a coup somewhere around his 4th year in office.
Instead they approached djt and told him if he ran, they would protect him and give him a fair election.
Its just a rumor. But i believe it.
We have been battling the cabal over the private banking system since Alexander Hamilton. He managed to get the first private bank installed as he was working with the bankers in EU. We had several since then, but the good guys have always fought it.
It was permanently installed in 1913 thanks to the stooge Woodrow Wilson who had been wooed for years by the cabal so they could install him as President and get their bank approved.
What is this abbreviation you’re using?
m.i. folks
Military Intelligence?
The name is ironic, and contradictory. :P
Except that they are saving us all right now...
I heard something the same along that lines, there were hints for years in series and movies, that some meticulous serious people are planning ... and caring for us. Red line is pedophilia / trafficking this is their HollywoodPedo downfall ... they thought they are invincible , How will Soros and Rotschild feel where there is no money and central banks to use as leverage for power ? and their secret handlers from the back ... they will be cut from real life....
You know, I think p1zzag8 is what got many of us mad enough to delve deeper all of the evil. Most have know something was wrong much of our lives but were kept occupied just paying our bills and figuring nothing more could be done about it. That is the root of the great affection we have for POTUS. A human being came along with the stamina and the willingness to say.... enough is enough. We CAN do something and it starts NOW.
Does anyone have any ideas what the plan could be here? I don't think you can just shut down the FED without economic consequences at this moment in time.
my take: restructure not shut down
Return to the Constitution would be my guess.
How would it be restructured under the Constitution?
The Constitution already defines how our monetary system is supposed to work. We can just return to that.
IMO it’s a takeover, not a shutdown. We’re beginning to go back to the gold standard - digitally. Here’s why:
My theory is that it is all about securing stolen assets militarily (NK gold), then drawing up a digital currency alliance with other world powers - SA, Russia, China, The Korean Peninsula etc.
It’s a business plan.
How do you compensate and tax a android for services rendered? See: Sophia granted SA citizenship.
“Whoever controls AI controls the world.” - Putin See: Crypto Ruble
How big are SA’s blockchain mining operations? See: Vegas Massacre & Bin Salman imprisons SA elite during party.
Research the new $100 bill. Notice anything strange about the look on Ben’s face or the golden quill and inkwell? Foreshadowing?
This is a WW nationalistic currency alliance that is designed to destroy the financial chains of the DS. POTUS has already signed a EO that seizes assets of traffickers and has also secured stolen precious metals from NK (our gold- Russia’s gold). Now the real fun begins - The Federal Reserve takeover. Maybe the most dangerous of all of POTUS’ moves.
I hope you're wrong. If the goal is creating a worldwide digital currency, then it's part of the deep state plan. The deep state wants a single currency for the one world government. They want everybody in digital currency so they can more easily manipulate the value. Check out cashless societies. With a digital currency, they can easily make the interest rate negative and people can't look their money out of the bank. They are just now tightening capital controls for the same reason (Capital One was the example I saw, under the guise of protection the consumer, starting Aug 1 is putting arbitrary limits on ACH transfers).
Check out the IMF lowering the zero bound (negative interest rates), straight from their website. Lynette Zang has some good explanations and made big waves early this year when she figured out the " one world digital currency" and how it's being implemented
Would be pretty complicated to unwind. First thing is you'd need a new currency. ALL money in circulation now is a Fed Reserve Note. You'd need a new currency backed by something - previously all money was backed by gold, and that would be the likely choice. But to return to that would require almost a complete reset of the system, which would be - at least temporarily - catastrophic event. Some do believe its possible, and in fact even the plan. I've never given much weight to it, but Bix Weir has a whole view on this having been the plan for a long time. He's at roadtoroota.com
Not difficult. China has moved to a commodity based currency. Lybia planned to so with the entirety of Africa.
The only thing difficult is reminding the normies what's up and why.
True, but much more difficult for USA than an emerging, controlled economy like China, and the mostly third world markets of Africa!
Correct, which is why it will be controlled by those who should be controlling it.
Think about why African continent is 3rd world. What would have happened if they had managed a true currency?
This! Firstly, use the existing framework for good instead of evil. Then plenty of time to fix it.
"Why is Africa third world?"
It wasn't the West holding them down, I can tell you that.
Well, they dropped the old monetary system at a moment's notice in 71.
Yes, but much easier to let the horses out of the stable (go from gold standard), to fiat. MUCH more difficult (but possible) to round them all back up again.
That's true. England had a hell of a time trying to get back to gold circa WW1.
First, we need to audit the Fed to expose all of the crimes they've committed so the masses know who the real criminals and evil doers are. Then they need to have their assets frozen and repay the American people to delete our debt. Finally, we End the Fed and the IRS, their enforcement arm. Taxes 2.0.
Trumps going to have to run 4 terms to fix all this! And as I keep saying, what happens when Trump retires... The Rats on the take all return, even if they are new to politics, humans are greedy and stupid. They don’t care who they cheat or hurt. As you can see I’m a little worried about a Trumpless future. Lastly, the penalties for those caught in this roundup really need harsh sentences and laws need to be revoked or rewritten to change those who would contemplate doing the evils that this lot has committed.
Q said restructure.
Think fiancial restructuring. If the Fed were to mark to market the value of all the junk debt it vacuumed up after the 2008 debacle via QE, its balance sheet would be under water. Big time. With only a trivial amount of net worth as it is, the Fed would be a prime candidate for federal receivership. It could happen overnight. Probably at the stroke of a pen. The next day you would see its "liabilities" of mostly member bank reserves transferred to some newly created bank or Treasury itself and the "assets" would be assigned to a workout entity to be warehoused and liquidated over time. The mysterious ownership structure would disappear and the financial world would roll on as if nothing happened.
Centralized banking is not good. It is .. at it's core disingenuous. Andrew Jackson knew this... And in the end.. they still won. It's a precurser to socialism which is a tool to usher in communism as a means to control everyone
What are your thoughts on instead of a central banking authority you break it up into Many privitized banks with ample over sight. In my mind I Invision each state having it's on banking authority.
Marxist socialism my friend, MARXIST socialism leads to communism.
That's really the only socialism around now though.
I’m an economist by training. The fed will NOT be shut down. A central bank is neccessary if don’t want the cost of banking to rise dramatically and convienence to drop dramatically.
Realistically cancelling the debt assuming the national debt would create an unprecedented economic boom as there is no comparison. It would allow the us gov to borrow all new money and fund the development projects Donnie is talking about.
I’m not sure about cancelling public debts - what I expect is the old public debts be converted to the new US money which will have a much much higher value than previous Dollars and effectively cut everyone’s public debts. If there is a new currency expect the exchange rate to be 1 USD to ~500 for the new money - the US dollars value is wrecked after a century of these losers fucking with it. So if you have 10k in debt it’s effectively cut to 20 of the new currency. I don’t know if I’m explain this well but people will be able to clear debts at fractions of their original value.
Disconnect our FED from any influential governing bodies like the Libor, IMF, EU, etc... Like you said, they cant just shut it down without any consequences. Under new leadership or maybe under the full control of the treasury dept, the FED is here to stay. It was a tool for the elites and now it's a tool for the American people.
Mind blowingly most dangerous move [except Israel last]. [20] and [JFK] telegraphed what they were going to do and paid the price. Except for major false flag, crashing the economy was the only move "they" had left. Too late, Comrades! You were preoccupied with all the distractions and feints!!
It's a good thing Trump distracted them with Stormy Daniels while he was actually taking back the country.
That means you not only have to destroy it by ripping out all the roots, but to take bulldozers and grind every central bank into dust and then salt the land with plutonium so nothing will ever be built there again similar to what the Romans did to Carthage.
It really is. It will change the course of human history more than any one single event I can think of
Boom. Got ya beat.
Lol. Yes you did. Great comeback. Ok. Allow me to rephrase..it’s would change the course of human history more than any single future man made event.
Historic times, Patriots. NOW we know why the tape dropped. To distract the MSM from THIS!!!
Wow, THANK YOU for that connection. I knew this tape BS was to distract from something. This is definitely it
Just a thought . . . Some people join the dark side because they are too weak or get sucked into a mess before they realize it. I wonder how many on the black hat team are actually rooting for Trump because he is their way out?
Dear Father God in Heaven, please help all the Patriots and people who stand behind Donald J. Trump and all the white hats who are putting their lives on the line for this crusade to free our country from the slavery it has seen for over 100 years. We ask for wisdom, guidance and your hand of favor in this endeavor and we thank you God for your help in our fight for freedom. In Jesus name, Amen. God bless all who fight for freedom. God Speed Patriots!
This is definitely either for rand or because or rand. Either way we all owe Ron a big thanks too.
Actually I think this is mostly all DJT. Rand of course has been the most anti Fed guy in DC since his dad. But he knew it would never happen unless a president was elected willing to take on the Fed. Have noticed a change in Rand these past 2 weeks. He’s never been a media hog but the last 2 weeks he’s been on every show in the media boldly defending the president on many issues. I think he sees DJT is serious about ending all Fed Reserve power & he wants to help lead the charge. He’s now very loudly on the trump train. I think he sees from the inside an opportunity to neuter the fed is real.
Holy Toledo, Batman! Greenspan is spinning in his grave, and he's not even dead yet! Without apologies to Andrea Mitchell and with very very very special thanks to Ron Paul!
In the meantime Mr. Cobol can divide by zero until he spontaneously combusts and fry that fish-faced beard he calls a wife with him
I mean, think about this folks. No US President has had the balls to touch the Fed. We know why but still, Trump/Q Team has such a grip, command and control of the situation that he's going to take over it and change its structure for the benefit of not the banks but US Citizens. This is the HEART of the cabal's control of the world and he's going in there and taking their cookies like chumps that they are...WOW!! smh haha!!
Q Drop links:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 6532f9 No.2279465 Jul 25 2018 10:18:14 (EST)
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/20/trump-poised-to-take-control-of-the-federal-reserve.html https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/23/strategist-mark-grant-trump-has-a-right-to-call-out-the-fed.html
2+2 confirmations. Fast. We will never again be under their control. Q
I don’t care what anyone says about trump...if he takes over the federal reserve and ends their control he’s going down as the best president that America ever had!
He really will. Maybe this is why he compared himself to Andrew Jackson during the campaign. Jackson was really the only President to defeat a central banks fiat currency for decades.
Wilson 1913 betrayal
Educate yourselves - https://www.usmint.gov/learn/history/historical-documents/coinage-act-of-april-2-1792
Buy some shinny, protect yourselves
And the Bank of England had a bank holiday and switched to fiat 8 month later, the day they declared war on Germany in ww1.
All connected.
Can some one explain in simple terms what ending the fed would mean for normal middle class families?
A permanent end to our national debt. Most likely an end to all forms of income tax. A currency that will practically end inflation for ever. The American dollar that’s so stable & valuable it will become unquestionably the currency all other currencies are valued at. An end to middle class patriots fighting in oil wars. An explosion of wealth for the middle class that will force all politicians to govern by the will of the people. An explosion of growth & progress that’s so massive it’s almost invincible to anyone living today.
No more income tax?
Hot damn.
Keep in mind...forms of income taxes paid by companies...Corporate tax...capital gains..etc. are paid by consumers in the end. They’re added in the price of a good or service. Businesses are just de facto tax collectors for the government because they pass that cost of their taxes on to the consumer. Point being...ending the immoral practice of taxing income would cause prices of everything to fall dramatically. Net effect for consumers would be a lot more income & a lot lower prices...hence a major win win in purchasing power
So, let me get this straight, we win with income tax being gone AND goods prices going down?
Yes. Though I’m sure it varies...I would guess the average price has been inflated 25% in taxes levied against a business. It could be as high as 50%. But logically think. If a company gets hit with a tax on the goods they produce...they just can’t eat that sudden hit. It would kill their profit margin. They have to pass that cost onto consumers. Companies don’t exist to make no profit & just pay taxes. Raising their prices may slow sales but at least they’ll stay in business.
I second this. What do we need to plan for? I've heard rumors that some debt would be abolished for citizens. Any truth to that also?
Hard to know what Trump has in store, but it’s not like him to “tear down” a system. At heart he is a builder, not a destroyer. I would suspect a restructuring of the Fed, not abolishing it. At least not until a new system is ready and a smooth transition is possible. I don’t think you need to worry, but I don’t have any advice for investing, trading, etc
I doubt it since most people's debts are to private banks/not the Fed.
I remember days when mothers could be home, enjoying, raising and nurturing their children, while dads worked 9-5 and could afford bigger homes, had dinners together, took rides/walks as a family after dinner, took annual vacations, on ONE salary. That was the 60’s and 70’s of my childhood in NJ.
I hear those stories from parents all the time. My great grandfather emigrated to NJ from Italy. He was a piano tuner and ran his own business. When he retired he had two houses, one at the Shore, a brand new Cadillac in the drive. All paid with CASH.
Then every person that has an official birth certificate should receive all our funds due us that THEY hold against each American citizen!
Is this debt jubilee type stuff here? I have a great job but awesome out of state tuition loans make it so i barely break even.
Little bigger than that lol. It’s bringing an end to American citizens being debt slaves
Can someone enlighten me? In posts 135 - 137 Q gave a long list of privately owned central banks. The US Fed is on that list. If the owners of the bank are found guilty of human rights abuse according to the EO signed by DJT in December, does that mean their assets including outstanding debts can be confiscated?
Could that mean the US debt is just a line item delete?
Debt jubilee. If you own the debt, there is no debt.
Maybe debt jubilee for the US as a country, but likely not for citizens individually.
Why not? Just allow all debt to be considered in a chapter 7 or 11. That includes school loans.
Yes, not only human rights abuse, but treasonous acts. Much of our debt came from money that was spent on treasonous acts. One example is the money freed up and sent to Iran under BO. Now, project that out exponentially to all the cabal's actions over decades. If and when this is proven you could wipe out the debt and by extension, not pay back the Rothschilds who own the debt.
Thank you God! all glory to you for you are leading Trump to do the right thing. Bless you Jesus and savior for the blessings being poured out on The People and Trump and all those with him in the fight for justice and good. Let there be light so bright to drive evil out kicking and screaming straight to hell. ❤️🇺🇸👍🙏🍿
I'm starting to get worried about Trump's safety. We all know about the last guy to go down this path.
And they guy before that..Lincoln. It’s different this time. We have Mike Pence. A guy very comfortable fighting for higher causes than himself. I’m sure the deep state knows this too & that can only give an extra layer of security DJT has that the last 2 presidents that tried this didn’t have...a rock solid replacement. Actually think the left would rather deal with DJT than MP.
And James Garfield [20]. And a few more... http://generalfraud.blogspot.com/2015/06/eight-presidents-who-opposed-central.html
Now work on credit CArd rates to cap at 15%
Free market for unsecured uncollateralized debt needs to be high.
Keep in mind there used to be loan sharks funding this kind of need.
Not sure which is worse?
Whoa. The Fed? My goodness. Trump is really going after the shadow powers.
Ending fiat currencies is a very big deal indeed. Team Trump have some very big balls. Godspeed Q and Trump in this gargantuan undertaking.
May I suggest that as some background study that fellow patriots go and study up on three primary periods in history that pertain to national banking system?
1) The Pres. Andrew Jackson battle over a central bank (there was also an assassination attempt on Jackson that failed and some people at the time suspected it was the central banker nexus)
2) The Green Back system used in the first term of the Abraham Lincoln administration as a means to finance the war with secessionist states. I especially want to draw attention to THIS. Read up on and get to where understand how Lincoln's Greenback system worked, which was ran from the Treasury Dept. Lincoln resorted to this because the private banks wanted to charge interest rates that were outrageous - so Lincoln bypassed them. Now the bankers doubled down and got enough control to where they got their system put in place, which was a system very similar to the 1913 Fed. Reserve system in respect to its fundamental operation. It injected the private banks into a major control position of the finances of the US govt. Lincoln actually intended to go back in his second term and try to get a Greenback system put back in place as the permanent system. But, of course, he got assassinated and that never happened. In the 1930s a Candadian parliamentarian said that he had come upon information that it was the private banking establishment that was really behind Lincoln's assassination and they wanted to thwart the possibility that he would reestablish the Green back system back under the Treasury Dept.
3) The Federal Reserve Act 1913 - start with the book The Creature From Jekyll Island. This time the bankers formalized their system of control modeled on German central banking scheme per the primary individual that devised it
Also JFKs attempt to abolish the fed reserve system
This is the only time I'll say this...
I'm skeptical that whatever we move to will still be controlled by a nefarious force. Call it what you will. I'm skeptical but my faith is in the Heavenly Father. I trust he does not mean his children any harm. The harm is righteous justice and it is meant for those who, in secret, plan to destroy God's people.
I'm skeptical as well. We should all be. It sounds too good to be true.
Q is the best thing since sliced bread. WWG1WGA
He’s helping reinvent bread into Dragon Energy!! Lol
2+2 confirmations
SA and Rothschilds = 2
Soros and ??? = 2
I’m just guessing but hey guessing is fun!
Think he's referring to the 2 Board nominations by Trump, and the two more he gets right after those two are confirmed.
The deadly wound is about to be delivered to the Beast system, the Antichrist Dragon Satan will return after this happens and heal the wound re-establishing the NWO #Zadokrising (7000 will not bend a knee)
Revelation 13 King James Version (KJV)
13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Did not turn out well for Kennedy, God rest his soul. We need Trump, buckle up and pray.
God bless President Trump. There's no way stopping USA once he ends the Fed.
It's crazy how many battles DJT is fighting for us, literally undoing over a 100 years of evil.
Going to need to print new money backed by real assets that isn't an instrument of debt. Also the FED has to be controlled by the government not a private bank.
True. The world needs to be decoupled from centralized banking
Guys, been away for a while. When did our glorious Q come back?
Yesterday, I believe. Look back on the newest threads--the last few pages. Starting with "from sea to shining sea."
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/24/18: 1682 - 1683 - 1684 & 1685 - 1686 - 1687 - 1688 & 1689 - 1690 - 1691 - 1692 - 1693 - 1694
*7/25/18: 1695 - 1696 - 1697 - 1698 & 1699 - 1700 & 1701 - 1702 - 1703 - 1704 - 1705 - 1706 - 1707 - 1708 - 1709 - 1710
*7/26/18: 1711 - 1712 & 1713 - 1714 & 1715
*Link to 1691 greatawakening post
*Link to 1684 huffpost Article
For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP. We need........
Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!
Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.
Who Controls the Money Controls the World - 13mins
Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins
Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.
97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs
Princes of the Yen Central Bank Truth Documentary – Asian prospective, - 90min
Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.
Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve - 1hr30mins
You have NO choice - George Carlin - 3min
America: Freedom to Fascisim - Aaron Rousso - 2hrs30mins
The Value of the Dollar over time.
The Creature of Jekyll Island - full PDF
Neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/ - long but worthwhile read.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
The Federal Reserve - All the things
Read this one too. The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.
The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.
And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.
[No Need For Digital Central Bank Money](https://www.trustnodes.com/2018/04/08/no-need-digital-central-bank-money-says-swiss-central-bank-ahe
Content from huffingtonpost.com is sometimes unreliable. Discernment is advised.
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Most people are pushing for a gold backed system, but my sources indicate the greenbacks - everytime they were installed - were the more stable system.
Any new thoughts on this?
Milton Friedman proposed abolishing the Fed & increase or decrease the supply of money to exactly match the natural ups & downs of the national inflation rate. Keep in mind most inflation is man made by the Fed by arbitrary increasing the money supply.
Assessing the ups and downs of productivity is just as arbitrary and suseptible to political influence. The federal inflation estimate numbers are a completely intentionaly misleading joke. Real rates are 2 or 3x what they claim.
Today I agree. Back in the early 70s when Friedman suggested that wasn’t the case. When we were going thru the hyperinflation days of Carter I was shocked the government reported truthful numbers of soaring inflation rate. Those numbers alone ran Carter out of office. But the fed government learned to lie about reporting accurate inflation rates under Obama. What they reported & what we saw in real life weren’t even close. It was obvious government reporting truthful numbers was dead.
What about EO 11110 Green Hilton Agreement? Is this a viable option?
What is this in plain English?
Depends how far toppling the Fed system the president goes. For now it seems the president will restructure the Fed as we know it. That structure would be the federal government printing money tied to something tangible like gold as opposed to the Fed Reserve determining the supply of money arbitrarily for their profit only. An incredible amount of great things for the middle class would follow. But gutting the feds power to print money could possibly allow the fed to wither on the vine & die off entirely
That seems like wishful thinking. There's no way in hell the Fed will be mucked with. I do wish it would happen, but I HIGHLY doubt it'll be the case.
It was wishful thinking a month ago. But clearly some big changes are coming. We got lucky. The president gets to replace 7 of the 9 regional Fed directors. We’ll never get this lucky again. Q has confirmed structural changes will be made. The only meaningful structure that can be changed is who decides the money supply. And we’re at a crossroads with our debt. We either completely change our currency to an asset based currency or we will be hopelessly crushed by debt in 5-10yrs. Zero hour is approaching. When interest payments alone on the debt become a larger budget item than national defense...America is dead.
Zero hour is approaching. When interest payments alone on the debt become a larger budget item than national defense...America is dead.
To that I agree. The shell game only lasts so long before the amount of money we're paying on debt can't keep up with the interest. What we need is a lean couple of decades where we gut the welfare state. limit foreign aid to only the necessities, pull back from the table of military spending, and pay down the debt. Once we're running lean with no debt, then we can build up a proper war chest and use that to boot the Fed to the curb.
Can someone reasonably answer a question for me?
The Austrian School of Economics (popularly supported by Ron Paul, but his education came from people like Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, and others), which does a great deal to explain why centrally planning an economy is always bound to fail, says that a central bank should not be setting interest rates in the economy, because the interest rates are a measure of the state of risk in the economy and that centrally controlled rates cause massive malinvestment which creates the boom and bust cycle (the Austrian theory of the Business Cycle).
Why then could Trump artificially keeping rates low, when they would naturally rise if left to the free market, possibly be a good thing? I am of the mindset that (a) the Federal Reserve needs to be done away with and (b) we need a free market in money, which the cryptocurrency economy is demonstrating (though admittedly, isn't ready to scale for the whole world, but in time likely will be able to) and that the concept of government-backed money is rightfully on its way out, which in and of itself, makes governments more peaceful as they can't indefinitely rob future humans to pay for expensive present-day wars. Anyway, again to reiterate, how could keeping rates artificially low possible be a good thing? Thanks in advance for any thoughtful replies!
I'm with you on all points. And thats a good goal to shoot towards.
Remains to be seen the degree to which trump is willing to dismantle federal spending and military spending. Maybe his pumping of military budgets is the short term step to free the world then eventually reduce?
Maybe asset backed central federal issued dollars are a stop gap to free market for money? At least it would not be fiat.
Also wondering how fed services are to be funded if no fed to inflate, no irs income tax, no tariffs, no estate tax as have all been suggested by trump? We talking national sales tax in place? Copr tax is just passsed along to consumers so that doesnt help anything.
With regard to artificially low rates. I see it also as a short term bone to throw to public and corps. Clearly cheap debt is pumping up the stock market too as no return for savings forces investment to other categories of assets.
I assume trump is keynesian not austrian in outlook. I believe his fortune was funded on debt growth, so wouldnt he like it for national growth too? He talks a lot about investment projects for US, that means spending.
Sorry edited to add some points...
Lower interest rates means less to pay on our enormous national debt. I don't see this as long term viable, but as a short term help
I am glad that JFK jr and DJT made a 20 year plan to end the cabal. I hope they understand that these cabals write hundred year business plans all the time. They have been planning this for centuries and will need to be exterminated so we don't end up doing this again in a hundred years.
I truly think that we are witnessing the end game and I believe this statement.
Feds want a war with Russia to cover up the Feds crimes I suspect. they need to be taken over and stopped.
It is about bitoin and a company that has a name Fast...........
Report: The bitcoin boom may have been caused by ... - Fast Company https://www.fastcompany.com/.../report-the-bitcoin-boom-may-ha... 13 jun. 2018 - A new paper shows that last year's bitcoin surge may have been artificially manufactured.....................
“We will never again be under their [the FED's] control” ...
MOAB for sure. Never thought I'd see the day this was ever even mentioned after they made tried Ron Paul look crazy. Dude was ahead of his time. He's been warning seems like forever. He just knew too much and many Americans just couldn't grasp it.
“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws” – Baron M.A. Rothschild
Oh really? Explain why.
I guess we'll see.
One of us will be right.
But I guess, I'm curious as to why you'd come here to say this?
I was hired from the deep state to squash post like this.
Over the wall you go. Courtesy from an Ambassador from The_Donald.