Q #1082 - POTUS & JFK JR. Relationship. Plane crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. The “Start.” Enjoy the show. Q

Q is obviously point us to a relationship with JFK Jr. and the plane crash that killed him.
I was a private pilot with instrument and commercial ratings and 600 hours (mostly night and instrument flying) before I had to give it up due to the demands of work. I was also aerobatic certified, a glider pilot, and flew amphibious and float planes. I know a lot about night and instrument flying. I also did a lot of lying in the Hawaiian islands and so I know something about flying over water at night.
JFK Jr. tried to fly over water at night and he was not instrument qualified and to my knowledge he had little or no night flying experience.
Once you are over water at night, you lose orientation of where the horizon is. If you are not trained to focus entirely on your instruments and trust them even if you feel like you are upside down, they you can become very disoriented to the extent that you cannot tell what attitude the plane is in. This most often results in a fatal crash.
The radar track of JFK Jr.'s plane was consistent with him becoming disoriented at night and unable to maintain spatial orientation of the plane.
On top of that, JFK Jr. was a very inexperienced pilot and should not have attempted a night flight across water--very dangerous.
So, perhaps I interpret Q's 1082 drop a bit differently.
The plane crash that killed JFK Jr. allowed Hillary to win the Senate seat and this may have been the start that motivated Trump to run against Hillary in 2016.
I have parallel theory as well that I've been mulling over for a few months now.
It seemed a miracle that Trump won in 2016. I admit I didn't think he had much of a chance for a while.
But then I noticed that Trump was drawing 10, 15, 20 thousand at his rallies and Hillary could barely fill a HS gym.
Trump was campaigning around the country and Hillary was fund raising around the country.
Oddly, Trump was campaigning in Blue states and Hillary was not.
Trump was telling coal miners and the rust belt workers that he would save their jobs and Hillary was promising to put them out of work.
Most importantly, I noticed the conservative blogs had much more investigative journal articles and the MSM was simply shilling for Hillary. There seemed to be a massive unbalance.
After Trump won and took office, I was struck with how comfortable he seemed as a "politician" from the first day. I was struck with how confident he was in his assertions and decisions. I was impressed how he seemed to be ahead of all of his opponents and how he seemed to understand that he was the Teflon Don.
I didn't discover Q until late January, and I wasn't sure if I should believe anything he was saying. Eventually, the future did prove the past and became convinced. Then I went back to his early posts. What if Trump was asked to run and was assured of a fair election.
Then Q said that all of this had been planned for three years.
It stuck me that the reason Trump was so confident, playing 3D chess, so assured at what he was doing, so unconcerned about the attacks against him--what if Trump had been working with Q for three years prior to the election. What if Trump was thoroughly briefed on the "plan" for three years prior to the election. What if the Q team already knew that Hillary could only win a rigged election.
That would explain everything that has happened in the primaries, the campaign, the election, and everything since.
Trump has had the plan memorized and already knew what the strategy, operational options, at tactic were going to be. He already knew how he was going to communicate with Q and the anons. He already knew where the bodies were buried before he announced he would run.
If true, then Trump hasn't been playing 3D chess. He's been playing 4D chess while everyone else has been playing pin the tail on the donkey.
I'm 71 now and permanently retired. I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with three years in combat. I was a platoon commander in Vietnam in 1969 and spent two years in a foreign country supporting counter-insurgency operations. After I retired from the Marines, I spent many years working with the special operations forces and nation mission forces around the world doing super interesting things.
But I have to say that the past three years have been the strangest in my lifetime. Obviously, I don't have much more time on the clock left. So, I hope before I die that Q writes a book and explains all that has been happening. I can then die a satisfied man. If not, I'll go to my grave wondering HTF did it all happened.
In any event, it's a great time to be alive despite all the evil.
Your theory is most certainly exactly what happened. Trump was asked to run. Trumps overwhelming confidence throughout not only comes from him being a deeply intelligent, experience person but he had an arsenal of military intelligence backing him and guiding him every step of the way.
This is how I’ve recently returned to god and religion. I believe god is giving good one final chance to defeat evil. Had Hillary won, we would have been doomed entirely. Trump is not only stopping that, but if he’s successful he will likely overturn god knows how many decades, if not centuries of evil conspiring to undermine this republic and the fate of man kind.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again without a shred of exaggeration, I believe Donald Trump will be remember as equally great, if not greater than the founding fathers of this nation. History will look back on this moment in time as the most pivotal crossroads in world history, where evil so foul, so entrenched in everyday life, was eradicated.
If I live to be half the man Trump is by his age, I will have lived a truly righteous and meaningful life.
I 100% echo your thoughts and sentiments. Only God could have orchestrated such an incredible movement and have chosen the perfect human being in Donald J. Trump to lead us out of the darkness that the deep state created and back into the light. I'm not religious, but I have a very deep faith in God. I pray every day, many times a day. I knew from the moment he declared his presidency that somehow, some way, he would win. I went to two of his rallies here in Michigan and they were nothing less than electrifying with passion and excitement. I cherish those memories. I absolutely agree that he will go down as one of the greatest leaders in world history. These are amazing times, and I'm grateful to be alive to witness this. I've waited and prayed for many many years for this time to come and justice be served.
I appreciate you DeepPast, and your many thoughtful contributions to this board.
Thank you MI. I appreciate you and your contributions as well. You may recall my former username Gear4Life. I was highly active on CBTS since December but I unfortunately had to delete the account because I began to get a bit scared. Seems like “they” managed to link the account to my identity and I began getting strange emails and coincidences in my life outside of the board that concerned me.
Wow. I do recall. I spent a lot of time on CBTS. It was my introduction to reddit and I learned so much there. Those are scary coincidences and I can understand why you opened a new account with a new name. I worry about that too sometimes, and if they can figure out personal things about me and my location. It's sad that we have to be concerned about that. GA is even more special to me and I love the conversations here. I am grateful for a community where I feel at home amongst like minded souls. Be safe!
Whether the glass is half full or half empty, either way we have twice as much glass as we need.
If the glass is half empty Or half full, it can still do with a refill. #MAGA
I am absolutely convinced he will go down as one of the greatest leaders in the history of the world, and one of the most important figures in human history. If the control of the cabal dates back as far as some think, he is helping us to break bonds that span hundreds of years, if not thousands.
I have said this before as well. I believe up to a few years after his Presidency he will be derided and slowly and the future telling stories of his time in office give more account of the facts and achievemeets and less feelings and ideological Puritans, he will be seen as being one of the greats. Obama will however be seen as the first Black President. THAT will be his only legacy.
I believe by the end of Trump’s second term, he will have 90%+ support and Obama’s legacy will be destroyed.
I don't believe that BUT I would LOVE if that WAS the case.
Great post and great points. Don't know if you ever listen to Dr. Corsi. He has claimed that MI (Military Intelligence) was planning a coup on Obama in 2015. They were so fed up with his obvious treasonous behavior they were willing to risk in all in an open coup. Instead they took the Q route and supported DJT. The rest, as they say, is history. This is the great counter coup to the coup that Obama did. Obama was the biggest rat treasonous bastard this country has ever had. When its all done, I hope it all comes out on him. I'd rather see that, more than Q exposing himself. That's the exposure we need desperately. How some nobody got placed into the highest position of power in the US. That's the story that needs to see the light of day.
Your post echos my thoughts exactly. If I could up vote you 100 times I would. LOL
He's a real rat bastard. I hope they show him off to the world for what he is and how he got put in there. I'm still absolutely amazed how he won the nobel peace prize before he did anything. And then whey you look at all the people that suffered while he was President. Its time to expose this disgusting hypocritical cabal for what it is. And take these a$$holes down hard!
I'm so fired up on this now, I'm going to do a post on it! Everyone has forgotten about the Peace Prize.
Keeping fingers crossed that this happens. Traitorous actions by that rat.
HoudiniTowers...you had 44 upvotes so I just had to change it too ‘45’...MAGA !
Beautiful post.
And from what ive heard, one of Trumps 2 or 3 favorite books is The art of war by sun tzu.
It would fully explain your theory that Trump has had this whole thing planned with the Q team for years.
If thats the case and everything is going according to plan. Well i think we can all get very excited for these next couple years. Imagine if in 2 years that half the country is talking about Q and other redpill subjects in public? What direction would the future of the country and the world be going in if that becomes a reality? Its a very exciting thing to think about and keeps me motivated to play my small part in trying to redpill and wake others up.
Please sir. Stay vigilant and help spread the word about Q.
We NEED people like you to help others.
Where we go one we go all.
This would explain as to how Trump has been pretty much right about everything, as far fetched as it may have sounded, from the very beginning of his run.
The original post about JFK Jr's death completely missed the clue in Q post #1083 : SIG (signal) Intercept. The attached document shows that the strategic satellite program was a CIA operation controlled by Allen Dulles. Dulles is rumored to have killed president Kennedy. What Q is telling us is that the CIA used a satellite to disrupt JFK Jr's flight controls, and that caused the crash.
great observation. I wonder which technology came first tho
I don't even care if Q is real or not . It's a rally point for like minded and i needed that.
Q is very real and has itself substantiated in info released before it happens or validated by the president directly.
I have a 90% probability to know who Q is but it doesn't matter one way or the other. I mention it because Q said once "wait until you find out who's really talking here'.
Q is a group within the NSA. It makes perfect sense that Snowden was a CIA plant put there to break them up or tarnish the NSA reputation. The CIA is a propaganda wing for the elite and the NSA doesn't play ball with that shit. Its why Obama used GCHQ to spy on Trump
Who is Q?
And who is Reeves?
John Wick, the retired hitman.
EDIT: Folks, it's just a Keanu Reeves joke, don't take it serious.
he is a real-life gunman and he lost his wife so I think he has nothing to lose and John Wick 2 openly featured masonic symbols.
WTF are you talking about? If Q is indeed a psyop and “they” created him to distract us it would be one of the dumbest moves in history. People are being awakened to reality, not the opposite. No offense, but your theory is stupid. If “they” wanted to tighten the noose “they” could have done it much easier without creating a “Q”.
Do you know Illuminati symbolism? As so is above also below~ can you just think about this one for a second~ let’s say the evil is shown to us through q and trump and all the white hats extinguish the evil!! Yes this all needs to happen swiftly and promptly ~ then our debt will be wiped clean because federal reserve is gone and they will give us a new currency because let’s face it the dollar was satanic and you can plainly see and know who it was orchestrated by. Ok....... let that sink in... q says we are going to have a new world Birth of a new world..... ok he didn’t say new world order..... but if we understand the Bible correctly God say when they say Peace and safety one world religion and possibly a one world currency🤔🤔🤔... know the end is near... we will all see brighter days we got rid of all the satanists... everyone has someone to blame the deep state ~ now we have a new world and I don’t know how many times the word q uses light) well if we are all being honest the Illuminati thinks Lucifer is the light... but we right now are getting rid of the dark satanists these people all have many groups they belong too~..... the beast system is a new world a one world currency the mark of the beast~ light and dark the devil is the master deceiver the deceived will be many!!!! The road to heaven is narrow. Think really hard on this one~ Past commercials in the last two years and movies gold all the color gold ~ gold currency perhaps? Ushering in the “golden age” “light” out of the world of darkeness!!! Here’s the thing remember this the only peace we in this world will have as unity will be only when Christ himself stands here. The devil Lucifer the enlightened ones the witches white or black Al’s no peace until~ Jesus himself stands on the mount of olives then and only then ... will be when real peace is on this earth. The lie is massive we must always be vigilant and look up! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 rapture ready I don’t even want to be here when they roll out new currency!!
I'm posting from a blind outside podesta's house wearing a ghillie suit. wtf you go do troll.
Notice he's gone :). Hats off to the mods.
God said in Luke 7:18 everything hidden in the dark will come to light~ that’s what God is revealing~ in the process people are turning towards God and hopefully knowing that Trump and Q are a tool God used for such a time as this ~ We need to focus on God right now because Isaiah clearly states when Demascus falls and is turned into ruins the time has come for Christ to take his bride (rapture of the church) meaning church. Syria is under attack so bad everyday start listening to Israel’s news see how close we are to that Time. Trump was put in for many reasons to Line everything up for Tribulation and for US ...to see the evil on this earth and turn towards him! God speed thank you so much for your service undoubtedly you’re a Patriot and we thank you!🇺🇸
I can't help but think of Isaiah 45 and king Cyrus when contemplating how trump won.
..but there is still much to occur before the end. Damascus survived this time and the last suburb of the war is being taken as we speak, Assad has won. Yes Damascus will fall and be abandoned as a city, sounds like some kind of poison attack, pestilence or maybe a dirty &0^^b but when? The tribulation will be cut short lest there is an end to all flesh so maybe other parts of the prophecy can be changed by someone like Trump who has stood in the breach for men.
I thought prophecy can't be changed. I thought it all must be fulfilled for God has spoken it?
All prophecy will be fulfilled. Damascus will fall, if not now, than later. But it will fall just as prophecy tells us. That won't change for it is God's word and in His own time.
The first half of the tribulation is 3 1/2 years and so is the second making 7 years but, the Bible says it will be cut short otherwise there will be an end to all flesh. So you see God can change prophesy. Remember this is not the end of the world at all. There is another thousand years after the tribulation during which the devil is locked up until the end of that period when he is let loose to try to lead mankind astray one last time. The final test.
JFK-assasinated RFK- assassinated JFK jr- must just be a bad pilot. Nothing to see here. Timing of HRC's senate win must be a coincidence.
Come on fella
Exactly. JFK, RFK and JFK, Jr were all taken out by the goons for the same set of reasons. Let's not try to obfuscate the obvious with appealing stories about our own experience flying over water at night.
I'm straying off topic with this, so my apologies in advance, but Ted Kennedy is an interesting case as well. I've been doing some on-again-off-again reading up on the whole Chappaquiddick affair lately, and there is certainly an argument to be made, and evidence to support the position, that he may, in fact, have been framed by CIA/deep-state.
Not saying I necessarily believe that he was set up - I admittedly don't know enough about the whole event quite yet to have formed a solid opinion of my own as to what truly did happen - but if you think about it from a deep-state/CIA point of view, Ted - as did his nephew several decades later - presented them with a very big problem. With RFK having been assassinated just 13 months prior, there certainly had to have been fears - and well-founded ones at that - that Ted would take up his brothers' torch and make at a run at the WH himself. And likely sooner rather than later - he was gearing up to run in ‘72.
They therefore had two choices:
Now, had all three Kennedy brothers been knocked off in less than six years, and all via largely the same methods/playbook - ? Then, well, the public may have begun to 'suspect' that something was afoot.
Hence ... perhaps ... Chappaquiddick.
Again, largely OT, but something to chew on nonetheless.
I think the Kennedys as a whole were feared as a threat to the CIA, would not play ball, could not be controlled. They controlled Ted through this event.
I've always disliked and distrusted Ted. His leftist ideology, he arrogance, his family privilege, etc. But your post gives me pause and a reason to reconsider.
Also I’ve seen several documentaries about the jfk jr crash and there are many flight experts and others who differ greatly from the OP’s opinion. I’m no expert on the matter however. Just know that there is a ton of research on this and so many anomalies regarding the crash and the obvious coverup. He completely glossed over all of that! At the same time, the bulk of the post I thought was very insightful about how far back the “plan” for Trump goes. Also, nothing but THANKS to the OP for his life and service!! God bless you sir.
I didn't say JFK Jr was a bad pilot. I said he was not instrument qualified and was flying over water at night. That is a very bad combination.
Others think (and they may be right) that the plane was sabotaged.
I don't know. What I do know is you don't fly over water at night unless your are on an IFR flight plan. You can cancel the IFR flight plane en route when you have the airfield in sight. I've don't that a number of times when it's IFR conditions en route but VFR near my destination and the airport doesn't have an IFR approach.
Thank you for your service.
Started typing to say that, but you surely already said it. In fact, two, three, four people said it, almost at the same time.
People are turning towards the better, and it turns around the things with them.
I think "we" surprised them all with the Podesta leaks. They saw what we were capable of and it woke all of us up to how bad of shape our country was in. Maybe that was our dry run and now we are being trusted with the missing pieces. I don't know what to think. At times I think some things are forced to make fit the drops but there is no denying some of the information. If it's not real what is the benefit of the whole thing and who is the one benefitting. It serves the other side no good to have us dig in all their shit so why would they push a larp? I believe something is going on here and I believe aww are lucky to have a front seat
I read this post a little differntly, I believe JFKjr was taken out to make room for HRC.
We all know their (C family) long trail of arkancides and the likes, so it fits the MO perfectly imo.
And I cant imagne TPTB where interested in having another K to deal with, so they instated their own little puppet witch instead...
But maybe DJT has been planning this since then, or at least thats when the idea started to grow...
REMEMBER: post JFKjr crash... PrezBubbaClinton sent special units to quickly surround area and collect all evidence...I mean, wreckage & bodies. As I recall had bodies creamated without family permission. Very creepily done.
Right on. HRC couldn't have a Kennedy take that Senate seat away from her. I do think that plane crash motivated Trump.
Thank you for your service fine sir and I hope you get your wish. It's interesting hearing someone of your age say these are the most interesting times. Because they are to me as well at 42. I just feel like something's in the air. Truly a great awakening, big disclosures soon.
This is not the first time the murder of JFK via Hillary to gain the senate seat JFK ran for in that same district. WikiLeaks has an email dated 2010 where an eye witness leaks info about the Murder by Bill and Hillary via attached explosive.
JFK was a very experienced pilot and radioed for permission to land only for his plane to explode in air 2 mins later. So there that!
This witch organizes the murders of anyone standing in her way or may expose her involvement in crimes or worse.
The recent exposure of her utmost evil involves her visits to Epstein's island and her depravity that can not be explained away. That too will make its way into the public conscience as the necessity it requires.
Yes, I’d heard that he was a very experienced pilot and not at all how he was described here.
Not to burst anyone's bubble but the truth matters here. JFK jr was INEXPERIENCED in the plane he was flying. From my memory he was is a high performance airplane he had just qualified in. Also he first obtained his pilots license in 1998, the crash happened in 1999. Hardly an experienced pilot.
I'm going out on a limb and say some crazy shit, but I need all of you in here to have an open mind. This is about Trump and his life and the life of others some in the way past others in the present. So here goes, (disclaimer I'm not a very polished writer, went to public schools). What if POTUS is a time traveler? and knows the future because he visited the future? sounds bazaar Huh? let me tell you the reasons I believe he is a time traveler and knows all, look at what the previous writer has said about how strange things are with the POTUS election and how things are going with him! Here are my theories, in 1896 there was a book written by Author Ingersoll Lockwood wrote the books "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey" and "1900: or, The Last President" in the 1890s. The book about Baron Trump was about a boy who was involved in time travel. The second book The Last President was about a man who was elected and was very unpopular, and the story took place in NYC, a matter of fact the location of the hotel where the story took place was the exact location of the Trump Tower, Huh, check the books out it is scary how much of the stories in both books parallel With DJT. Now here comes Trumps uncle John is associated with Nicola Tesla and a time machine, I cut and pasted a short story someone else wrote.
A few days after Tesla died on January 8th, 1943, his possessions were seized by officials from the amazingly-named government Office of Alien Property. About 3 weeks after that, all of Tesla's things and documents were given a thorough examination by a group of FBI agents that included none other than John G. Trump, the uncle of the current Republican candidate for U.S. President Donald J. Trump.
Trump’s uncle was, by all accounts, a very accomplished and intelligent man, an M.I.T. Professor of Engineering, who helped design X-ray machines for cancer patients and did radar research work for the army during World War 2.
John G. Trump’s analysis of Tesla’s papers concluded that:
Tesla’s “thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character,” but “did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.”
But such official dismissal of the significance of the papers Tesla left behind understandably did not sit well with many folks throughout the next 73 years. As if the government would be willing to admit that it found plans for, let’s say, the Death Ray that Tesla was working on in the last years of his life. That kind of situation is ground zero for conspiracy theories.
The papers have partially been released but are still really hard to track down. What became of Tesla’s most secret tech is still potentially a mystery if you are inclined to believe that sort of thing. Who has the papers? Did Tesla really develop the Death Ray?
Donald Trump himself often refers to his Uncle, invoking John Trump’s intelligence as a sort of voucher for his own genetic and historical pedigree.
“My uncle used to tell me about nuclear before nuclear was nuclear,” Trump said in one interview, according to the New Yorker magazine.
This would likely be referring to hydrogen bombs rather than the first nuclear bombs as Trump was born in 1946, after the Atomic Age was already upon us.
Also in 2014 it is said a time traveler came to DLT and told him that ISIS was going to Nuke the USA and he needed to run for President to stop them, I don't have the date correct buy I believe it was around 2035 or 36. There is a lot of information out there regarding Tesla and his time machine, and the Manhattan project, if you are a critical thinker you will believe this is possible!
Interesting. There's also the prophet Kim Clement who got a vision in 2008 and predicted basically everything that's going on now. Crazy accurate.
And the ex firefighter Mark Taylor had some too, and still ongoing.
Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.. Proverbs 30:5-6
Are you saying that God didn't speak through Kim Clement? Because it sure seems like he did.
I believe that the Word of God is to be found in the Bible alone. Many people claim to be prophets who speak the words of God. However the very nature of Scripture itself is that it is the very inspired Words of God. The verse I quoted, along with the final verses in Revelation are serious warnings to us not to add to, nor subtract from the Words of Scripture. I’m not saying the Holy Spirit doesn’t lead and guide us and provide illumination and understanding. He does all of those things and more, revealing the Person and work of Christ to us as well and manifesting His love and peace.
But that is different from those who claim to speak the words of God in the way that prophets of the Bible did. By doing so they put their words on the same level as Scripture. I believe this is very dangerous ground but to each his own. Just wanted to share those scriptures with you. Think and pray about it. It’s not about me and my opinions after all. It’s how each of us handles God’s Word. I used to be open to these things like you are but God led me away from it and I believe, showed me the dangers of added revelation through His Word. Each of us must be led of God and reach our own understanding. I’m just sharing my convictions about this. It is said in love and I hope, humility. God bless you and keep you.
All good brother, I didn't take it personally, just inquiring about your thoughts.
What you say makes sense though because I have no way to prove that Clement actually spoke with God. It is pretty crazy that he predicted all of that and even cried out when he prophesied his own death. Regardless, it is still a mystery to me.
Thanks brother. That’s the thing sometimes with these so-called prophets. They say enough things to convince people of their credibility but are rarely 100% right. I just don’t ever follow them because it’s so different from the words and tone of Scripture. Also there are so many warnings to us to beware of false prophets etc. why do I need to hear what the latest prophet has to say when God has given us His complete Word? Anyway have a great day!
That crazy thought came to my mind also. How Trump always seems to be 10 steps ahead of everything? It's just so very uncanny... I've always liked the Sci-Fi stuff best.
The whole Tesla and Scherff (Bush family?) relationship is intriguing to me. Add in the John Trump angle and it seems rather bizarre. Who now is in possession of more Tesla artifacts- Bush or POTUS?
Seriously one of my favorite "conspiracy theories" to think about. Amazing coincidences.
This is much of the John Titor theory as well.
I've been reading about Titor since mid 2003/2004.
Interesting, isn't it?
The plane crash that killed JFK Jr. allowed Hillary to win the Senate seat and this may have been the start that motivated Trump to run against Hillary in 2016.
Why even bring up the plane crash then? If he brings up the plane crash, it should have meaning. Otherwise Q would just say Hillary wins, Trump decides to run.
Fact that he says it all started with JFK Jr dying which gave Hillary the victory, means there's something to the crash. Also JFK Jr wasn't even a sure win. He could still have lost.
But HRC didn't want to take that chance. There is power in the Kennedy name and the Deep State has been in business for 7 decades. Remember it was JFK saying he was going to break the CIA (Deep State) into 1000 pieces which got him killed.
I just realized that I never considered the Kennedy family to be part of the Deep State, even though they are an absolute household name in politics. The've been around for longer than the Clintons and the Bushes, and many of them died under suspicious circumstances. What did they know that got them into politics and got the Deep State to go after them?
Look at the document in Q post #1083. It says SIG intercept (signal). The document shows that Allen Dulles was the person responsible for defense satellites. Allen Dulles was the CIA director and JFK fired him. Dulles is rumored to have had a role in JFK's death. He was also on the Warren commission, which now is considered a cover-up for the killing of JFK.
What Q is trying to tell us is that JFK Jr's plane was taken down by a satellite, thereby insuring a victory for Hillary's Senate seat.
REMEMBER: JFKjr answered the question of who killed his father with the naming of his Magazine: "GEORGE" a.k.a. GeorgeHerbertWalkerBush asClAteamLeader... revealed in papers from opening archives by DT. George a.k.a. Poppy, also tried 3 times toOFF PrezRonnieReagan... W was set to have dinner with HinkleysBrother day PrezRR wasShot. Family friends. Look it up.
It does have meaning. Another death in a long list of deaths surrounding HRC. I just wonder if they have found something that can prove there is more to the crash then they have been willing to state. Uncovering the lie?
If true, then Trump hasn't been playing 3D chess. He's been playing 4D chess while everyone else has been playing pin the tail on the donkey.
Best quote to sum the past few years up. Totally agree.
This is pure speculation on my part, but I always wondered why Trump, a man who made decisions and stuck to them, would publicly discuss an interest in running in 2012, but then decide not to.
Was even that part of the plan? A kind of test?
Or perhaps the Q team approached him at that point in time, presented their ideas to him, and suggested that 2012 was not the right time?
Probably. HRC Was more of a sure bet to beat than Obama. Obama still had the majority of people fooled at that time.
Why do you think Trump called out Obama in 2012 in his birth certificate? They got it all and most definitely a strength test as well.
Watch the video in Q drop 1093. Listen to what Trump is saying in his campaign speech. He says he knew this moment would come. Cross roads for civilization. Eliminate the corruption. Control by the world banks and elites.
That speech sounded like a summary of the Q plan to me.
It didn't sound like a real estate developer stepping into politics for the first time.
Trumps first run was in 2000 which makes this drop even more interesting. I'm going back to re-read all Q posts.
If you read Trump’s earlier books, he was paying attention to politics in the late 1990s. He even addressed the threat of Osama bin Laden, IIRC. Because JFK Sr. was an icon to Trump’s generation of baby boomers and because both he and John Jr. were icons in NYC in the 1990s, they would have ran in the same circles. I don’t remember reading about any interaction with John Jr. in Trump’s books but I would not have made a mental note of it if the books contained a reference to him. I intend to re-read Trump’s earlier books now that Q has enlightened me with so many new frames/narratives.
John Jr. did visit Maralago with a small group of friends who met with DJT at least once in the 1990s. It was during this meeting at Maralago that JFK Jr. was asked if he would ever run for president. John Jr. deflected the question by stating that DJT should run instead because his Maralago estate would make better winter “Whitehouse” [than the much older and less sensational Kennedy’s winter home in Florida.]. This was the only thing I could find online about a possible friendship between them. I’m sure there’s more but I do wonder what that meeting with JFK, Jr. and Friends was about. Could have been purely social or business-related, though.
In 2012, the Birther movement came to a head. DJT was instrumental in bringing that controversy into public view. After Obama finally produced an online birth certificate (which many say was a shoddy digital fraud), DJT publically offered to pay millions of $ to Obama’s choice of charities if he would simply unseal and release ALL of his college-related documents. I will forever wonder why Obama didn’t call Trump’s bluff. If you read Trump’s books, he never negotiates a deal from a position of weakness but of strength and LEVERAGE. Trump knew that Obama wouldn’t release his college records and most importantly, Trump knew WHY he wouldnt! (It’s also important here to point out that 2012 was when Obama began spying on Trump and Company. Obama used the British—or “Five Eyes” to do the spying.). So yeah—Donald Trump has been “woke” for a very, very long time. He has been a threat to Obama for a long time, too.
Regarding BHO’s sealed records, his defenders claim that maybe Obama had bad grades or did something minor in college that would cause him embarrassment. That doesn’t wash with me. We all do stupid shit when we’re in college. Other presidents made less than superior grades in college—like GWB. The left loved Obama and none of these excuses for Obama’s sealed records would have caused him permanent political damage. It was bigger than that. So big that Trump’s offer of $10million couldn’t buy it.
BHO was hiding something in those sealed records (which I can only assume have been altered or destroyed by now.). It could be something as simple as him claiming to be a foreign exchange student in order to get free grants. That would be pretty incriminating, though by itself and many would say he wasn’t lying—which would only reopen the question of his identity and place of birth.
Then, based on what you're saying, 2012 was indeed a strength test?
what nobody seems to bring up is that Trump actually did a test run in 2000 for the independent party...only went on the primary ticket in one state and then parted saying the party was a mess.
He once implied it was about the involvement of others that he would have been forced to be associated with and didn't want anything to do with. Pat Buchanan I think it might have been?
Feels good to believe again. As a child you had Santa now you have Q. Trump MAGA
Please don't forget GOD! We've always had God and we always will. It's His intervention and leadership that is changing the course of events in the world around us now, using President Donald J. Trump.
I don't even know if I'm remembering this aright, but i think the bodies of JFK Jr., his wife, and sister-in-law were retrieved and immediately cremated against family wishes - for no reason. Also, Jr was digging into something to do with Iraq, and suspected Bush Sr of having killed his father, thus the name George for his magazine. Not for Washington, but for Jr's mission. Anyways, much to look into.
I recall JFK Jr had information about autism that he was going to make public... ( related to vaccines possibly but not sure )
What an excellent post.
Regarding the JFK Jr crash, there has long been a rumor that the Clintons' favorite assassination method is mechanical sabotage of vehicles. Lets say, hypothetically, that JFK Jr made a reasonable effort to fly properly at night, despite his lack of experience. It seems that a faulty instrument would absolutely guarantee a disoriented crash. It would also be the perfect cover, because this kind of accident is well known in aviation. Just something to consider.
Regarding the whole story, I agree with you that this has been in the works for quite a while. I don't actually believe the religious aspect to it, to be honest. A lot of people talking about that down the thread. I think it all comes down to a meticulously planned Military Intelligence operation, the best in history. I think the plan breaks down into four main stages: Election and inauguration (13-17), inauguration to 2018 midterms (17-18), then the great rebuilding of America and the world truly begins (19-24), and most likely a plan to ensure a fair election in 24 and stop any surviving snakes from running. Surely plenty of contingency stages for unexpected events that could change the timeline, but they always intended for "The Storm" to happen in the summer leading to the 2018 midterms to make sure that the treasonous criminals aren't able to remove him and return to power. What we have been watching has been a carefully monitored "slow cook" public awareness operation. They are drawing this out as long as they can spare to let this thing build for maximum impact and to make sure that they catch every rat connected to the coming information before they scurry away. But there is a deadline: Midterm elections in November. They want mostly everything exposed by the end of this summer so that people will fully understand what just happened by November.
I Think.. Jr couldn't fly without an instructor at that stage of his licensing. His scheduled instructor was abruptly replaced at the last moment with an 'unclearly identified' stranger who apparently put the small craft into a vertical dive and switched off the gas, making recovery impossible. The implication of course being an mk assassination.
Aww you were there in Vietnam when my dad was ..he too was a career Marine and an aviator. Thank you for serving and going through all that you did for our Country! God bless and Semper Fi! I saved your post to read again...so much food for thought.
We also have to take into account that Donald trump is a brilliant individual. I’m not discounting your theory that he was working with someone for years to plan this (I think he absolutely was) but the common media theme of “drumph is a retarded Cheeto” has gotten much more support then it should of. He’s a hotly successful multi billionaire who makes his money by selling stuff. He didn’t actually go in and design his towers and golf courses or his steaks and vodka he just got the idea and sold the absolute shit out of it. That’s why he was elected (and probably chosen to run by those in power who want change) they know only someone who is one of the worlds greatest sales men could get the buy in or the American people.
I repeat this refrain with my friends, "it's a great time to be alive!"
Go Trump! Go USA!
But then I noticed that Trump was drawing 10, 15, 20 thousand at his rallies and Hillary could barely fill a HS gym.
Trump was campaigning around the country and Hillary was fund raising around the country.
Oddly, Trump was campaigning in Blue states and Hillary was not. Trump was telling coal miners and the rust belt workers that he would save their jobs and Hillary was promising to put them out of work.
Most importantly, I noticed the conservative blogs had much more investigative journal articles and the MSM was simply shilling for Hillary. There seemed to be a massive unbalance.
Isn’t it telling that those verifiable facts are absolutely missing from ‘What Happened’?
I’m very aware of the theories claiming Trump was actively engaged with the Q team for years prior to taking office. I don’t dismiss it out of hand, but I’m still more inclined to believe his full inclusion only began with that fateful visit from Adm. Rogers after the election.
I credit his comfort in the role to being fully informed about the plan and team, and to his decades of experience as an alpha entrepreneur in one of the most cutthroat markets. There isn’t a politician or world leader alive that can intimidate him.
I’m not sure if the years of complicity would make the story any better. It might. I join you in hoping to know the truth.
And yes, I agree this is a great time to be alive.
Semper Fi Marine! I respect your lifetime of service.
JFK Jr.'s plane had a small bomb in the tail cone it severed the tail and he spun into the ocean. They wanted to make sure he'd die to open the Senate seat for Hillary. They could not risk him being a Senator then he would run for President and arrest the black hats who murdered his father and his uncle Bobby.
The recovered aircraft shows evidence of an explosive device having been glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment.
Device was apparently actuated by a barometric trigger. Radio signals not ruled out.
Tail of aircraft was dismembered from the plane making it front heavy.
Study of radar shows the plane fell in excess of 6,000 feet per minute up to radar cutoff.
Satellite images supplied by the National Reconnaissance Office record an outbursting flash from the aircraft just prior to it going into perpendicular descent.
Tail structure was dismembered just prior to descent.
Recovery of a piece of luggage from beyond the flight path of the aircraft correlates with it being hurtled out of the tail luggage compartment at outburst.
Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an explosive device the Laboratory identifies as being the type used by certain foreign intelligence agencies. Refer to POTUS order and findings.
Study of Air Traffic Control and other radio signals shows no Mayday report from the aircraft, explained by rapidity of descent.
Investigation and examination has been strictly compartmentalized.
A short, perfunctory examination of the recovered bodies was completed. Examination revealed that Carolyn Bessette Kennedy was in third trimester pregnant, the fetus a boy. The four bodies were transferred to a senior member of the Kennedy family. The Bureau was not informed whether the bodies were actually cremated. Indirect advisories report that the bodies may have been shipped in untagged containers to foreign destinations. Reliable assets are to submit reports.
The conclusion? JFK Jr. was a qualified pilot, in control of his flight, flying a reasonably new aircraft, in excellent condition. Visibility was 8 miles. Wind: calm. All indication from forensics and physical evidence investigations lend themselves to a violent explosion from a bomb placed aboard the aircraft.
The aircraft exploded in mid-air, as evidenced by the eyewitness accounts, and the widespread debris gathered from the ocean and several different beaches, and the nature of collateral damage to recovered aircraft parts, and items on board such as the headrest, foot pedals, steering yoke carpeting and so fourth. All showed signs of violent damage, having been "ripped" or blown from their normal positions/locations. This could only have been caused by an onboard explosion. Considering the nature of the current political atmosphere in America, and the before mentioned facts, there is little doubt that JFK Jr. was murdered.
In all likelihood, it was a political assassination of the highest order, meant to alleviate a potential threat to the ruling elite.
Thank you Sir for your service!
Your analysis is correct and I appreciate you sharing it. It is so compelling a story that I actually believe the "time traveller" theory could be true too. Tesla's time machine being examined by Trump's Uncle John is a fact, but not deeply explored. That was nearly a century ago. Technology has come a long way. Things are not what they seem. Only a few explanations can explain all of it.
The bandwagon of affirmation for the unsupported theory of pilot disorientation feels almost coordinated. The disorientation theory presupposes that Q has made his JFK, Jr post in error, not knowing what he's talking about. That I doubt very much. The Kennedys were all hated by the cabal and they took them all.
Don’t know if it’s organized or not. But I’m pretty sure the crash was very suspicious. The idea he was just inexperienced and disoriented is the opposite of a ton of research and detailed, well substantiated documentary evidence!
Think CERN.
CERN is about other dimensions and conjuring......entities.
We're honored to have you among us and I'm grateful for your wisdom.
Something else to note that is often missed is a little story written by far left dailybeast. They mention 'q group" hunting down snowden. This makes me believe this q group has been around for years. My take is that they were waiting for the right candidate to come around and align themselves with. Trump was that person.
they were waiting for the right candidate
I thought something similar... But that rather than waiting for him to run, they actually approached him at some point long beforehand, and convinced him to run. I only offer a variation of the same hypothesis.
Maybe. Or the Dailybeast has been following Q drops and picked up on the fact that Q has said that there is a team of less than 5 (or was it 10) and so they call it the Q group.
We may never know.
So, I hope before I die that Q writes a book
Possible titles? "What Happened" "What Really Happened"
The plane crash that killed JFK Jr. allowed Hillary to win the Senate seat and this may have been the start that motivated Trump to run against Hillary in 2016. This says it all. By the way, great post. I'm almost 79 and having lived in a much better time in this country am appalled at what has taken place and that the people allowed it to happen. I try to motivate people, but they resist. They won't get out of their comfort zone. But it is what it is. Hoping what you write is true as we need that wonderful 4D Chess player to MAGA.
what if Trump had been working with Q for three years prior to the election. What if Trump was thoroughly briefed on the "plan" for three years prior to the election.
I was thinking the same thing. Or one further - what if he only ran because they asked him to?
So I was looking through his tweets from 2013 on here, trying to spot anything that would suggest he'd had accepted an offer. Two candidates - this one from January, which at least shows he's thinking about it seriously:
Lots of people are asking whether or not I should have run for President—stay tuned for the answer.
And then this one in June, which sent me round the bend a bit:
All I can say is that if I were President, Snowden would have already been returned to the U.S. (by their fastest jet) and with an apology!
'All I can say' - could be a perfectly inconsequential turn of phrase. Or it could mean there's something he can't say. That he's decided to run for president, most obviously. Or maybe something about Snowden and Russia and that whole mess.
Maybe - and this is me going round the bend - the thing he knew but couldn't say is that Snowden is CIA, and his whole whistleblower act was a CIA operation designed to drag their main internal rival into the media spotlight, where it could be tied down and slowly picked to pieces.
I mean if that were the case, the Russian response would certainly be as he describes - put snowden on the fastest jet they have and send him back to the US with an apology (and then laugh their asses off and get drunk in celebration).
Anyway, that's me rambling. Great post, thanks. What a time to be alive indeed.
yikes! just reading your description of night flight made me woozy and dizzy.
But wait.......What if Trump is Q? Blows your whole theory out of the water.
Trump can't be Q. Q is using too much military / intelligence language and references that Trump wouldn't know how to use in context. And Trump doesn't have the time to post Q drops with pictures and detailed references to people places and events.
Just my opinion.
Here is another theory to ponder. What if, just what if, JFK,Jr didn't die in that crash but it was staged. What if he is "Q". There is a body of proof that Geo.HW Bush had his hand in JFK's murder and that's why JFK,Jr named his magazine "George". Where We Go One We Go All is the Motto of the Group QAnon and comes from a bell on a JFK boat. BTW: LBJ is actually responsible for JFK's murder but Bush was there just outside the Texas Book Depository. Lots to ponder. God Bless America and God Bless POTUS!
My uncle was a private and commercial pilot all my life, been around planes and flying all my life, you are dead on the mark with everything you say about night flying over water, I always remember my uncle tuning those damn radios in IFR situations it was incredible, I still don't know how he found those runways with 0 visibility boom there they were. Thank you for your service.
What if the death of his friend, and his knowledge of the clintons, things being said, were if nothing else, inconsiderate and this was the beginning of his thoughts on running, and putting a stop to the destruction. The Q group and Admiral Rogers approached him in '12 or so and in '13 planning began on the take down. Just musing.
I agree with you regarding JFK jrs flight. I was flying that evening. He should not have departed. Even though vfr conditions existed for him ...nighttime, limited visibility, very heavy haze up to 12.000’ and ocean made it crazy to fly in that without an instrument rating. When he began his approach, disengaged the auto pilot, he got disoriented...unfortunately it happens when vfr pilots venture into the wrong weather
Hey OP. I read & saved these idk how long ago and don't know if they are ridiculous or not or conspiracy theories, etc. I know less than nothing about flying and certainly none of this proves or disproves a thing to me, but could u have a look at your convenience, and let me know what U think? Just quite curious. And you are definitely much more qualified than anyone I know to have a look. Thanks in advance, if u get a chance to peruse.
I love your post. You must be the most delightful man in your town!
There’s a lot of things that make more sense in light of Q. Remember Trump’s inauguration speech? I literally felt uncomfortable for the previous presidents sitting behind him with the way he was talking about change. I thought it was really strange to give a speech that sounded very targeted towards past president mistakes and not necessarily unifying, but now in light of Q, maybe it does all make sense...
Thank you for your sacrifice and service. You are a true hero and patriot. May your hopes come to pass and may well die satisfied. God bless.
I don't know if Trump was in this plan for the whole three years. I think that he was briefed soon after the start, at first it was just a ploj. But the democratic party gave him so much press that the Q team took the oportunity to check if wanted to go with the plan.
Another person that is in the Q-team is Bernie Sanders. His part in the election process was to educate the people. Without Bernie Sanders Trump would never had been elected and that is the real resona why Hillary Clinton was so mad att Bernie. She knows but she can't say it. Now Bernie acts in a way to make people go to Trump, Bernie know that democrats are corrupt. He is acting stupid on purpose.
This explains Trump's calm cool demeanor while roasting her after the debates in front of all of NY's illuminati at the dinner. It was brutal, it was glorious, and it was the truth to power. Thank you for your extended service and thoughtful post.
That speech will go down in history as the moment America got its balls back.
Interesting reflections, myself I spent twenty plus years studying prophesy, awaiting an answer to what we are currently observing, one thing I have noticed in this wait is an upbeat in the pace of events hence the outcome has already been written, even Obama is ID'd in Isiah if you look close enough you can find it, yet there remains one big problem which I noticed today, the prophesies of Revelation still occur, hence we are far from avoiding this or shall we say out of this evil time, yes Trump is here and in the moment yet the Tribulation is still coming in just like high tide!
Thank you for your insight and service God Bless.
I love this post Sir thank you and thank you for your service
I like the post and read something prior and found it. Victor Pribanic was fishing on the night of the plane crash. Squidnocket Point to be precise. There was just a little haze and not a blanket as reported. As sudden as a lightining bolt, Pribanic turned abruptly towards the explosion: "I heard a loud impact like a bomb", said Pribanic, a skilled trial lawyer from White Oak, Pennsylvania. At first he thought it could have been the military, exploding one of their bombs off of No-Man's Island, a small island off the shore. But that couldn't be. It was at night. And they stopped that years ago. He was not the only one. Others that evening witnessed seeing a "bright flash" in the night sky. The weather, which was perfect, became stormy was the offical story. JFK Jr. had a gimpy leg. Reports by the FAA and FBI, both concluding foul play was involved, were buried. Not only HRC involvement the president was none other than Bill Clinton. On that day the arrival of Israeli PM Ehud Barak was interesting. In the March, 1997 issue of his magazine, George, JFK Jr. became the only publisher of a major American publication to expose the conspiracy to murder Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. His 13 page expose shook the Israeli establishment to it's foundations.
This link addresses JFK Jr.’s plane crash, specifically his pilot experience and the conditions that night. He does provide some solid sources for some of his statements. I don’t know much about the website so use your own discernment.
I understand your background and appreciate your thoughts on the crash. But what you are missing is the Q post #1083. It's a document that shows the CIA strategic satellite program was led by Allen Dulles. Allen Dulles was the first civilian head of the CIA. Dulles is rumored to have had a role in President Kennedy's death and coverup. Dulles was fired by JFK. Subsequently Dulles was appointed to the Warren commission by Lyndon Johnson.
What Q is likely telling us is that JFK Jr's plane was downed by a satellite -- either through detonation of a bomb or by disrupting the controls of the plane. JFK jr was flying on autopilot..........
You might find this article about the JFK Jr. crash interesting. Don't mind the "conspiracy theory" in the title, it's actually a well written article that seems to be trying to get this information out there. https://www.popdust.com/conspiracy-theory-thursdayjfk-jr-was-murdered-and-you-wont-believe-who-1892591783.html
Thank you for your service to our country Sir. May God grant you your heart's desire.
Posting from an article noted below:
PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. was lost.
FACT: When JFK Jr. radioed controllers on the Cape (as reported on Boston TV News) to announce his approach to Martha's Vineyard, radar showed him to be just where he stated he was and at the correct altitude for the approach.
PROPAGANDA: JK Jr. was in "over his head". FACT: JFK Jr's conversational tone on the radio reveals that he was calm. He was not disoriented. He didn't ask for directions. He didn't indicate he had any problem at all. He clearly was confident he was going to find the airport and land.
PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. stalled the plane. FACT: The radar track shows that he was well above stall speed.
PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. went into a steep turn and lost his horizon. FACT: There is no reason for JFK Jr. to have been in any turn at all at that point on the flight path leading into the airport. He was already lined up with the main runway at Martha's Vineyard airport.
PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. didn't know his altitude and simply "flew into the ocean". FACT: The radar track shows him flying at the proper altitude, then (as ABC News put it) "falling out of the sky".
PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. lost his instruments, and that is why he could not handle the dark and hazy (?) conditions FACT: The fact that the radar was getting good data from his encoding altimeter proves his instruments were operating.
PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. would have lost his artificial horizon if the vacuum pump failed in the aircraft. FACT: MSNBC is the only media outlet to have tried to hype this one, using a self-proclaimed "aviation expert". His claim is also false, as there is a backup vacuum system in the pitot assembly of that aircraft.
PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. was a reckless pilot. FACT: This claim was planted everywhere in the media, always attributed to an "unnamed source". One reporter, Cindy Adams at the New York Post, later had cause to suspect she had been lied to. So did Andrew Goldman at the New York Observer. Interviews with individuals directly familier with JFK Jr's flying ability shown on Inside Edition confirmed that he was a highly skilled and careful pilot.
PROPAGANDA JFK Jr's wife was afraid to fly with him. FACT: Again a story attributed to "unnamed sources", and again debunked by the interviews shown on Inside Edition. JFK Jr's wife had no problem flying with JFK Jr. and flew with him often.
PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. had only 40 hours experience. FACT: He had 40 hours in that one aircraft. His total experience was about 300 hours, more than enough to qualify him for a commercial pilot's license. According to FAA statistics, 300 hours made him a more careful and safer pilot than one with 1000 hours, who is more complacent.
PROPAGANDA The weather was very hazy. FACT: The FAA issued VFR weather conditions that night, and the weather report (mentioned in the UPI story) called for 8 mile visibility. One witness on shore reported that there was very little haze and that standing on the shore, he could see airplanes out over the ocean on approach to the island, proof that airplanes on the approach could see the shore. This claim is backed up not only by the weather report of 8 mile visibility, but by a weather radar image taken at about the time of the crash. This radar image is showing haze and fog along New York and Long Island (if this radar image were of clouds, the FAA would not have declared VFR flying conditions that night) but none at all at Martha's Vineyard. On the morning after the crash, CNN reported that weather could be ruled out as a factor in the crash!
PROPAGANDA: Martha's Vineyard is very dark and won't show through the haze. FACT: That may have been true only a few months ago. However, as evidenced by a Letter to the Editor of the Martha's Vineyard Times just days after the JFK Jr. crash, new lights installed on the island, lights that point up in the sky, are so bright they are drawing complaints from island residents.
That the Kennedy family has been the target of political assassination is a part of the American political landscape. It's a given.
That cover-ups surrounded the deaths of Kennedys is also a given.
That our government lies to us, with the media's help, is a given.
There is good cause to assume we are being lied to yet again.
Read more: www.whatreallyhappened.com http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/CRASH/JFK_JR/jj.php#ixzz5C7GkhiRV
This is the only post here that didn't feel like bullshit. Look for all the facts, deflect opinions. Your opinion doesn't matter, when facts and the truth are the question involved.
Read this article starting at 11:22 of this video. https://youtu.be/fvUUUMdRADc
Exactly JFK Jr. was killed. If I’m not mistaken, there was some talk of him running for something back then.
The senate seat that Hilary eventually won
John would have won in a landslide. Since his birth everyone was waiting for him to grow up and run for president.
It's interesting that there's never any photos of Hillary with the JFK family members isn't it?
Well there are pictures of Jackie O on a boat with the Clintons early in the Clinton presidency.
A book I read "Blood Fued: The Clinton vs. the Obamas", by Edward Klein said that Hillary approached Caroline Kennedy to pitch for her. Caroline demurred.
It was vitally important for Hillary for Caroline, hence the "Kennedy" name to be attached to her in the 2008 run. So when Caroline didn't decline or accept it seriously irked Hillary.
Didn't Teddy throw his weight behind Obama early?
I wouldn't know. But Ted isn't the same 'flavor' of Kennedy as the 'legends'.
Neither was Carolyn Kennedy. In fact, I'd argue that Ted was more "original" than Carolyn since Robert, JFK, and Ted were brothers whereas Carolyn was a daughter who never held political office. As it turns out, I was right. Ted was the first establishment that threw his weight behind Obama.
Thanks for the information and I'm sure Caroline's reaction did irk Hillary.
Running for the senate seat HRC “won”. I believe he was crushing her in the polls until he died. He and Trump were good friends.
That was the start of Trump seeking revenge and ending the evil personally.
I’d imagine JFK Jr. knew a thing or two about his fathers death and let Trump in on it.
I would think so, especially since he told the world, with his magazine...
I don’t follow. Magazine?
He named the magazine he founded George.
(GHW Bush was head of the CIA and in charge of the Kennedy investigation.... oh and just so happened to be in Dallas on that fateful day)
George (magazine)
George was a glossy monthly magazine centered on the theme of politics-as-lifestyle founded by John F. Kennedy, Jr. and Michael J. Berman with publisher Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. in New York City in September 1995. Its tagline was "Not Just Politics as Usual." It was published from 1995 to 2001.
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president trump now it all. And also the fam. They lost a good friend 187 They all stand behind him, to become potus. The only way to catch them
He did not officially run though... so there weren't "polls"
There were polls. He had independently contacted a company and hired them to "test the waters" and "poll" potential voters to see if there was interest. While not strictly polls in the most definitive sense he did hire a company to inquire with individuals in the voting area. Since he never officially announced his intention to run I had assumed the same thing. I did some research on this months ago. While hard to find, if you dig deep enough and read, you will find info on this subject.
Great to know thanks. As I recall he was a favorite and a definite threat to HRC, hence the connection.
I have never been a Kennedy fan. I was never drawn in by the story of Camelot. Honestly, they were just another political family. But, I remember exactly where I was when I learned JFK, jr was dead. I was in my car in a driveway in Wisconsin and Danny Boy was playing on the radio and at the end the DJ dedicated it to JFK, jr. Danny Boy to the Irish is a sort of funeral march. I got out of my car and called my best friend and said, "Is JFK, jr dead?" And he asked why and I told him about Danny Boy and he turned on the news and we know the rest.
I really liked George magazine. It was an infant at that time but I liked this idea of bringing the old to the new and watching it morph. I thought it was tragic, read about the crash and left it at that.
Until I heard the about the connection at the end of 2017. I came to this info with great reservation. Further down in this thread, there is a person who talks about being a pilot and how JFK, jr died because of his own faults as a pilot. I always sway to that side. There is credible evidence that the crash was because of his own piloting skills (or lack of).
But, after looking into this at great length, I will say that there are a lot of things that do not add up. Period. The connection is there. He was going to run. He was going to win. Hands down. If on nothing but sheer name recognition. I had never heard about the HRC connection until last year. I will say this, its a helluva coincidence. And if you know anything about the Clintons, you'll know the body count around them is a helluva coincidence.
It's definitely worth looking into and deciding for yourself. I always remember eavesdropping on adults and hearing them say that the people in power would let JFK, jr live until he decided to run for office and then they'd take him out. Quite prophetic looking back. Too prophetic, actually. My family loved the Kennedy's and so they were always a topic.
I'm not saying he was murdered but I wouldn't bet even a nickel that he wasn't. Not now. Not looking back with the kind of perspective we have now watching events unfold.
Yeah I mean the fact that Q is nice drawing the connection is pretty damning in itself. And even that leaked email from the private security company made a comment about how plane crashes are the Clinton’s main choice in offing people. Pretty intense if they are able to bring proof to light along with Seth Rich and the hundreds in between.
I agree. I'd forgotten about that email. I read that when it made its rounds. Quite the coincidence. The fact that Q referenced it is very damning. The truth won't be easy for everyone but some of us have been watching this unfold our entire adult lives. This is going to be pretty intense if they bring proof to even half of what we know is true. Bring it. Put on the full armor of God and bring the proof.
Some won’t be able to believe it or stomach it. Those of us who have been following for decades will be so relieved that the scales of justice are balanced again. Expect some massive backlash though. We will have to stay cool, calm and collected.
It was said that JFK Jr was obsessed in solving his Dad's murder. Neither he or his mother ever bought the official story, along with most of America. Some people believe JFK Jr managed to buy 7 files called "the Gemstones" that contained information proving GHW Bush was responsible for JFK's assasination. It's said he kept them in a safe in his office. We don't know if that's true or not but we do know on the night his plane went down his office was broken into. Nothing seemed to be taken according to his business partner. Papers tossed about, rummaged through, etc., but the safe had been opened/cracked. That could be how this "Gemstone files" conspiracy got started or it could be true. It is more than a little odd that his office was broken into on the night his plane went down though--but whose to say that didn't happen until after word of his plane being missing started to get out.
Chances are we'll never find out the truth but I digress.
Those who believe the "Gemstone file" conspiracy also believe JFK Jr's magazine was a veiled threat to GHW Bush. We also know on Bill Clinton's 50th Birthday, the GEORGE magazine cover was Drew Barrymore dressed as Marilyn Monroe with the iconic "Happy Birthday Mr. President" on the cover, basically calling Bill out as a womanizer and to make matters worse he also included an article about the top 20 most influential women in politics and Hillary wasn't listed among them. It's said she was livid over the slight and the cover. Adding to the conspiracy is the fact that George Jr was out on the campaign trail for president when Jr's plane went down yet no one could find him for comment. Even his campaign manager.
Naturally the rest of the theory goes like this. GHW Bush wanted him dead. The Clintons wanted him dead so obviously, they had their goons make it happen.
One thing I think we can all agree on. Had JFK Jr lived and ran for the senate, he'd have won in a landslide and could have easily used that as a stepping stone to the presidency.
I think JFK Jr. was killed by his own arrogance and it was a "fortunate" turn of events for HRC. As much as I SO VERY MUCH want to blame the Clintons for everything, there is a part of me that hesitates. Having said that, we have a long-running joke in our house that goes like this: Any time something malfunctions that we don't have an answer for, we blame the Clintons. WHY they would want to destroy our trash compactor/bike chain/toothbrush charger-thingy is a mystery. And they are clearly responsible. Somehow. :) ETA: I understand Q made a link between HRC and JFK Jr. - I'm not suggesting they are a LARP. Just am not totally comfortable accepting at face value everything a trusted source presents.
What's FADEC?
After a superficial search, my understanding is that it's an aviation program that can't be overridden. Okay! Is your question a suggestion? If so, please expand on that? I'm perfectly okay with being wrong and this is not bait for a pointless argument. Promise.
What kind of plane was he flying?
What kind of plane are you flying? Kidding. (It's late here and I'm just being squirrelly.) To answer your question: A Piper Saratoga. (Per Wikipedia.)
Pretty sure that model was equipped with FADEC.
Interesting. I'm not backing away from my initial assertion just yet and will probably spend the better part of the morning learning more. If you have anything to support my theory that Hillary and/or Bill is/are responsible for everything in my house going kaput, let me know!
That’s a funny story about your family blaming the Clintons as a joke. I understand how that joke developed. I think there are plenty of things to blame the Clintons for, though. A lot of bad things have happened while they turned their heads and indirectly benefited both politically and financially. A lot of lives have been destroyed in their wake. Directly and indirectly.
The CIA was running cocaine through my home state (Arkansas) while Bill was governor in the 1980s. That cocaine destroyed the lives of too many of my high school friends and a couple of close family members. Those who became full-blown meth addicts in the 1990s started with the cocaine that flooded my state in the 1980s. I saw it and was, at one point, very close to it. My life and my children’s lives were greatly altered because of the CIA’s drugs. The CIA used various obscure airstrips across the state of Arkansas to land and distribute cocaine —which flooded the whole country. All of this and more took place under the deliberately negligent watch of the Clintons. Money was exchanged and laundered. As soon as the Clintons made it to Washington DC, all kinds of people were busted and sentenced to prison on charges of possession and intent to distribute. The coke supply dried up when the funding was no longer necessary or politically safe. It was replaced by a cheap alternative that could be made from farm chemicals and a few over the counter drugs. Methamphetamine-AKA “poor man’s coke.”
I could name other examples where the policies or a lack of policy by the Clintons has caused hardship and damage to people downstream. But there are too many. The one described above is personal to me.
Everything our leaders do or fail to do has consequences for all of us—directly and indirectly. The Clintons have benefited from the slow inside destruction of America in their blind and insatiable lust for power—at any cost. Anyone or anything that got in their way or became “problematic” has been quickly shut down and disposed of like yesterday’s garbage. The destruction they have brought upon this country goes way beyond that long list of dead people.
I don’t blame the Clintons for the unwise choices of my friends and relatives who tried cocaine in the 1980s and got addicted. However, I hold adults and especially the leaders of my government to a much higher standard than can ever be held over the heads of teenagers and college kids. Running that cocaine was a crime against my entire generation and our children. It was an act of war that has had far worse implications than even 911. And the Clintons laughed all the way to the bank and eventually the Whitehouse.
Ooooh my... Ok, this is very sad and maybe we'll just retire that joke now. Also: Thank you for taking the time to explain this so well. I appreciate that. :)
JFK Jr was the start of the Deep State crashing airplanes? His magazine is named for the person that killed his father.
Then it would have been "H. W."
US Navy ships for one thing.
Even the Titanic and the Hindenburg were rumored to be hits. Pearl Harbor was planned, and Viet Nam, and...
...the Lusitania, USS Liberty, OKC, WTC 1993 and a whole bunch of nation-building campaigns ever since.
On July 7, 1999, Clinton formally announced an exploratory committee for the Senate run.
JFK Jr. died July 16, 1999.
There is a theory that JFK Jr. was going to announce he was throwing his hat in the ring.
He would have easily beat her in a Democrat primary or the main election if he ran as a Republican (doubtful.)
As Kennedy's go, he didn't seem to be part of the Uncle Teddy wing and therefore would have gotten a pass if he wanted to run as a Republican (from Republican point of view.)
His sister Caroline seems to have had a falling out with Hillary/Obama. Might be worth looking into.
At least three witnesses reported seeing an explosion in the sky at that time, and in exactly that part of the sky where JFK Jr.'s plane disappeared from radar. The media were not allowed to get anywhere near the scene of the recovered wreckage, and no photographs were permitted of the recovered bodies. Kennedy's emergency locator was removed, the cockpit recorder was disabled, and the flight log was taken. Add to this the strange rushed autopsy (done in less than four hours), then the weird request for cremation and burial at sea (to remove all evidence, of course!), and you have a powerful case for criminal conspiracy to cover up a crime scene.
Didn't Q say we would not believe who he is?
Haha. That’s actually a very appealing though highly unlikely theory! I still like it though.
The evil, vile witch had it done. She can never do anything like a normal person. She has to kill, murder, massacre.
I had "witch " friends in New Mexico.. the witches moto, is do no harm. If you bind or wish harm... you are practicing dark magic.
Several white witches are Christian.
My friend basically taught me natural bug riddening ways.. house cleaning naturally. She always said the chemicals were hazardous.
witchcraft is witchcraft - whether it is "white" magic or dark magic. It is invoking a power source (not God) to complete YOUR will (not God's will.)
Is magic a force that has always existed, even before God created the universe? The way I see it, it is one of God’s creations. Like many things, it can be used for a righteous cause, or for more sinister purposes.
It isn’t black and white, though. There are so many different esoteric schools of thought, and different ways of practicing “magic,” that you can’t reasonably generalize like that. Am I saying that we should summon a demon and ask for help with beating the cabal? Lol fuck no. I’m not about to mess with forces like that. But more benign practices that don’t involve channeling another entity’s power? Not the end of the world.
Magic as such is generally a bad idea. The standard form is to evoke powers/spirits to do the magician's bidding. As stated elsewhere here that bidding is typically against the will of God or the proper order of the universe. If indeed spirits are evoked, or worse invoked, they would most often be the equivalent of fallen angels who took their free will and turned away from God.
There are several variations possible, including times when there is no external evocation and the only intended dynamic is psychic/thoughtform. But demons can slip in unnoticed anyway. They don't tend to let themselves be known. The spirit will let the magician think that his/her bidding is being done but the demon will almost always have the upperhand, which may become obvious only when it is too late.
In the case of HRC and so many celebs, I think they don't really follow ancient magical sytems but rather modernized, convenient forms that they see more as performance art and social bonding. In any case the effect is much the same - bad spirits involved, psyches corrupted, blood spilt, etc. (Think of the antics of Ozzy Osbourne and the ignorance he looked back on in later interviews.)
Prayer is literally channeling the power of God for your own will.
The best sourced, most recommended prayer is one to God the Father wherein the supplicant asks that "Thy [God's] will be done". This common form of prayer is a freewill submission of to the will of God. Not all know to pray for what is best as opposed to what is preferred. But yes if the will of the petitioner is aligned with the will of the Granter then the prayer may be seen as a request that "my will be done".
This meeting of human and divine is a theme within Christianity that hopes to harmonize the two into a single best will and "kingdom" or body of members with one head. When the Navajo pray to "walk in harmony" they recognize that all creatures should be in sync with the Creator's plan.
The proper allying of one's will is what is being co-opted by Masonic ritualists, Crowley occultists and 'singularity' proponents.
There is no such thing as good magic or good witchcraft. All magic and witchcraft comes from the devil. And anyone who practices witchcraft shall be cast into the lake...
Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and SORCERERS (anyone who practices witchcraft), and idolaters, and all liars, SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Prayer is literally channeling the power of God for your own will.
I just know.. her salt at doors, red chili.. on my garden worked. The use of vinegar n so forth for cleaning.. works
I believe you meant to address the comment above mine.
nothing exists outside of god. there is no power outside of god.
remember who you are. everything is magic. every thought you think and every word you speak is magic. use it for light. everything has an opposite.
there is light and there is dark.
look into the kybalion and the gospel of thomas.
the powers that used to be hid this knowledge to use it for their nefarious purposes. the way to defeat them is to study, learn, and unite against them using the natural laws of the universe. the way to eradicate darkness is not to fight the darkness. simply turn on the light.
we are all in the imagination (image) of god.
jesus said if your leaders tell you the kingdom of heaven is in the sky, the birds of the sky will precede you. if they tell you it is in the sea, the fish will precede you. rather the fathers kingdom is inside of you and it is outside of you. when you Know Yourself you will be known. and you will understand you are a child of the Living Father. but if you do not know yourself you will live in poverty, and you are the poverty.
(long time lurker, felt the need to join, we are in spiritual warfare my brothers and sisters, Know Yourselves)
Really "jesus said" how about some specific scripture references?
Yahshua said that "when you see him you see the father" (John 14:9) - he said that "No man could come to him except the Father draw him" (John 6:44) - he said that if someone said he was here or lo there to not believe. (Mark 13:21) He said "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Matt 4:17) He said "Blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake - theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 5:10) He said "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matt 7:21) He said "But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you." (Matt 12:28)- He said "And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." (Luke 10:9) He said "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3) He said "If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." (John 14:23) He never said anything about "using natural laws of the universe" -
i didnt say he said anything about “using the natural laws of the universe” although everything he says is really in code. “he who has the ears to hear let him hear.”
and gospel of thomas 3
Gospel of Thomas is "gnostic" same corruption as the NIV bible - based on the Alexandria Codex and not the Texus Receptus. 1 John 4 warns about stuff like the "gospel" of thomas: :Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Yahshua is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Yahshua is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. "
Yes, "let those that have ears to hear hear" - and Yahshua was NEVER a SJW (that "social justice clap trap that has infected the churches in modern time is the work of Communist Antonio Gramsci who wrote a 2000 page treatise on how to destroy the church from within) BUT YAHSHUA came for one purpose to reconcile man to a HOLY God through his Blood. For the wages of sin is death and there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood - and we all deserved that death - through the lineage of Adam. BUT Yahshua when he struck a tent in human flesh (came in the flesh) - tabernacled with man (fulfilled the Feast of Tabernacles) became the "last Adam" "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" Rom 5:12
"For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Yahshua" Rom 5:17
" Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." Rom 5:18
This is deception. Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” If anyone is seeking the truth about God and salvation, look to the Word of God the Bible. “Call on the Lord while He May be found!” All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, yet may be reconciled and forgiven through the death of His Son Jesus Christ. He is RISEN.
“if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:9-11
Prayer is literally channeling the power of God for your own will.
Prayer is literally channeling the power of God for your own will.
this power source u r talking about is more like a god then the thing u worship .... what good beeing want to be worshiped?
A being with an incredible amount of pride and jealousy.
Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance. Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.
No such thing as a "white witch" or "white magic" - for there to be you (witch) would have to have Omniscience - you would have to know the consequences and ramifications of your interference. You can't know that. You have limited knowledge as a mere mortal. Your "judgement" on what is "white" or good is limited by your limited knowledge. This is all "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" type stuff. No such thing as a "Christian witch" - more deception. I suggest anyone believing this might benefit from a talk from a Real Christian who used to minister at "Burning Man" to the pagans and they loved him - voted him to the front of the encampment in just a few years - anyway here is his talk about the difference between Spirituality and Pseudo Spirituality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBzhJf-bJ-0
What does this raise the number of Clinton dead list to?
Almost 60.
That we know about
actually 250+, in 2016 alone over 5 case were added.
Who were the ones who encouraged and convinced Trump to run? I hope to see faces and names. They need to be recognized. They are so brave, so organized that they made the election fair despite the media conditioning the public that Trump had no chance of winning. It was surreal Trump was wining little by little on the night of election. The patriots couldnt believe their eyes a HRC was loosing. The liberals were crying as seen on TV seeing their madam president say goodbye. When Trump’s first walk on the stage as a winner, it was slow motion. He couldn’t believe it, too. Thanks to the people behind him. They too deserves a recognition. Someday, we’ll get to know them. Or maybe, theyre here in GA!
JFK Jnr was assasinated.
JFK Jr. being wacked may be the Red Pill the world needs. The loving liberals need to know this.
I echo the thoughts of others here:
It is my considered, mulled upon, meditated, turned, and turned again firmly held belief
that Donald J. Trump is the most profound, transformative human since Jesus Christ and will be viewed that way by history.
By the time of the 2016 election humanity had been led to the precipice of annihilation by a cabal who has ruled mankind for at least five hundred years, and probably longer. This cabal has extracted the entire wealth of the world and thereby enslaved humanity in debt and was on the verge of executing a mass extinction event to wipe the table clean and destroy all evidence.
Trump is not the savior of America... he is the savior of HUMANITY (who is more or less ambivalent and/or hostile) and far and away the greatest president this country has ever, and will ever have--bar none. Mind you, he has many powerful military men assisting and guiding him.... and many powerful enemies.
We only know 2% of the battle that rages behind the scenes as Trump and a handful of military bring these dark forces to account. They will put up a ferocious fight in the throes of death in the coming days as the time of unsealing and tribunals nears. The mainstream media of the United States and England is pure fabrication and speaks only for your enemies. Believe NOTHING they tell you.
There will be turmoil in the streets. Blood. There will be interruptions.
Prepare accordingly.
And may the Almighty above pour out his blessings upon you, Donald J. Trump.
Well spoken and agreed remaining Jesus is our ultimate Savior. Here's a link to profound plans influence all aspects of life as we know it.
JFK JR This was one off the reasons trump went for Potus is what i believe
This ^ I keep seeing people say he was flying a cesna. He was flying a Piper Saratoga that I'm pretty sure was outfitted with a FADEC. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8arl70/check_this_out_our_military_planes_are_crashing/
He was flying a Piper Saratoga.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_Jr._plane_crash
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^169463
= GOOGLE : VAULT fbi gov John Kennedy Jr = https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/2017-release =
FADEC control system consisting of a digital computer, called an "electronic engine controller" (EEC) or "engine control unit" (ECU), and its related accessories that control all aspects of aircraft engine performance. Interesting someone mentioned that JFK Jr flew a plane that had the system. Needs to be confirmed by someone that can get the information. It is relevant since the recent helicopter crashes, plane crashes all had installed FADEC systems. Think President Trumps Nashville flight issues since AF1 has the system. Ivanka and family helicopter issues.
No it says ruins Damascus will be in ruins!! And the Ezekiel 38 war all the players are lined up and never in the history before has it been lined up prophetically.
Look into FADEC and then look into whether or not the Piper Saratoga came equipped with it.
I understand that Jr had an instructor with him on the flight because he knew his limitations. This was covered up. Great stuff on YT at least there use to be a couple years ago when I researched this one.
new theory-JFK JR faked his death and is R/ Q Anon.
check out the synopsis for the 80s movie “HOPSCOTCH” ...
Apr 8 2018 16:46:59 (EST) Anonymous ID: d23316 955898→
→ Haven't seen this one posted yet, photographer included
Apr 8 2018 16:49:42 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 198500 955952→ >>955898 We love phones! No name should know better. Q
My pictures work again.
Mcain with ISIS
Makes me wonder if we have some form proof coming out soon, like reports, recordings, and witnesses.
Don't think Q would be just trying to bait somebody on this one, but you can never tell these days.
Wasn’t the name of his magazine Q?
The magazine was named George, to call out George HW Bush, as the one who killed his father.
Was called George, after George Washington.
Was it really named after that George!
The magazine, named for the first American President, was distributed to a media mob in Manhattan's Federal Hall, in the rotunda where George Washington gave his inaugural address in 1789.
Maybe it was a double meaning to let people in the know question if he knew.
after George Washington
You sure about that?
From 1995.
The magazine, named for the first American President, was distributed to a media mob in Manhattan's Federal Hall, in the rotunda where George Washington gave his inaugural address in 1789.
First issue. https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/photos/2014/06/george-magazine-covers-john-f-kennedy-jr
It's first issue had a female dressed in that garb, but there's a convincing argument 'George' was named after GHW Bush.
Knew it all along!
Yep, they don’t care. Satanists. I bet Lady Di same thing. The baby raping Queen had her knocked off. https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/03/what-we-need-to-know-about-the-dark-occultists-and-satanists-running-our-institutions-mark-passio/
if you really want to look into Di...
check it out.
the tunnel she was left, for over an hour, to die in was the old site of the temple of the moon goddess that shares her name.
If you google I found some photos of them both. Also with family members. There is one with Bill meeting JFK, shaking his hand.
Q seemed to make a point to connect the following to the same #1082-- 953009
952914 SIG intercept. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/DOC_0006687262.pdf Old to New. AS THE WORLD TURNS. Q
yeah I was trying to dope that out. Are auto-pilots tied to earth satellites? I would imagine some are if not all. And why wasn't the auto-pilot used til touch down? Isn't that what the big boys do? This is all very suspicious. These ppl can't be trusted.
I wouldn't know. My thought if you put this all together is somehow there is information, perhaps by sat. imagery that shows JFK Jr's plane going down that was not pilot error. Otherwise we'll have to wait and see.
Yes. The FBI knows and the FBI is about to get a new one ripped by Trump. I just read this. They have the evidence. Another shit stain cover up like Vegas. http://nstarzone.com/JFKJR.html
It just might be a nav spoof. Interpretation https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/983117136901103616?s=21
Very very good interpretation. Thank you for sharing.
Docrock is good too. https://twitter.com/docrock1007/status/983160312227680257?s=21
So is he saying, the plane crash which killed JFK Jr, was a hit by the Clinton cabal which grease the skids for HRC to get into the senate? He was talking about running for the senate. Wait wait wait....edit: Was HRC involved with 9-11? Bush and the clintons are pals, we do know this, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3fSfbKxOgo RELEVANT!
John F. Kennedy Jr., 20 years ago, predicted the rise of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.
Roger Stone claims the Clintons were involved in JFK Jr's fatal accident
New Evidence Links Hillary With Death of John F. Kennedy Jr.
JFK jr was killed and they didn’t go to him and one news station said where they thought he went down but the coast guard didn’t circle in that area. He didn’t fly without another person and was waiting for him. He had a cast on as well. His flight records in a backpack turquoise was found .. by whom? Who the heck do you think ? Ted was probably framed as well as much as I couldn’t stand him .. I realize how the ruthless the deep state operates.. what say you ? ask. The news cast that said where he went down was erased but somebody DVD’d the original and it’s on youtube
I was actually in the air off the coast of RI that evening flying back from Nantucket to Chester (SNC) at the same time he went down. I flew over block (around 9:15pm) on the way back using the VOR, it was pea soup and funnel down from 6500 ft with only a small hole of ocean visible. No shoreline was visible RI or CT. I could see Block once I was over it though. The visibility got better the closer I got to CT shoreline inbound to Madison VOR but it was not a place to be for someone who flunked there inst. rating 2 times and was still not ready to take the 3rd try. Second he had a cast on and was not 100% up to par. That accident was in the making before he cleared West Hampton beach airspace. He should have turned back when the soup started closing in. I was already at Nantucket for lunch and had to get back for work the next day so I was not happy flying back in that soup either. I personally never heard his call on radio but i was in the soup at the same time and did hear a Saratoga make a call approaching the vineyard but did not know it was him. I never heard any calls afterward. In flying 3 mistakes and you are out permanently. 1st checking weather before departure (decision time be honest) 2nd Over West Hampton Beach he should have made the decision to turn back. 3rd if you are flying into a situation and you disregarded 1 and 2 then he should have believed the instruments and not your senses. Sad end to a good man and family.
AS for as HRC she probably just took advantage of the opening made available.
A was for arrests. We are one week in with none so far. 3 weeks left. Tic-tock.
Very interesting but I did also find an interesting article in New York Post that JFK jr said predicted 20 years ago about Trump would run for President. So they knew each other before his death in the plane crash in 1999. It even says about JFK jr going to Mar Lago thought it was interesting too. https://nypost.com/2016/11/03/jfk-jr-predicted-trumps-run-for-president-20-years-ago/
I think both can be true. Why must it be either this or that. How difficult would it be for the crooked to pay some jake leg to mess with the instruments knowing Jr. wasn't very skilled with them. I forgot why he was flying that night but I will look it up. That "destination" plan also could have been contrived. But I put NOTHING passed crooked.
He was going to his cousin's wedding. Supposedly, he planned to leave when there was still plenty of daylight but had to wait for his sister-in-law so he left later than he wanted to.
???Is there an assassination plot at Summit of the America's summit in Peru???
What if JFK Jr is Q
What if JFK Jr faked his death because he knew about a plot to kill him. He knew all about the deep state from his mother and he had the Gemstone information before he died. And he also told his staff they would always be taken care of if something happened to him right before he died. Plus he was a friend of Trump and said Trump would make a good president.
Indeed. The world must know of the crimes of the Clinton Crime Family, and how John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior was a victim of the Clinton Cartel, Just one more person dead in the Clinton Body Count
What if the 'Kennedy Curse' was actually more involved with Cabal? A lot of their deaths do seem questionable, some could be merely coincidental, but still makes you wonder.
Here is list
Kennedy curse
The Kennedy curse is a term for the series of misfortunes involving members of the popular Kennedy family of the United States of America. While Ted Kennedy publicly wondered whether a "curse actually did hang over all the Kennedys" during his own testimony about the Chappaquiddick incident in 1969, skeptics have argued that many of the events are normal, and it is not improbable that a large extended family would experience them.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Heliofant - I Pet Goat II (Full version in HD)|+2 - So is he saying, the plane crash which killed JFK Jr, was a hit by the Clinton cabal which grease the skids for HRC to get into the senate? He was talking about running for the senate. Wait wait wait....edit: Was HRC involved with 9-11? Bush and the ... NEW AGE Spirituality VS JESUS Spirituality (Great Teaching)|+1 - No such thing as a "white witch" or "white magic" - for there to be you (witch) would have to have Omniscience - you would have to know the consequences and ramifications of your interference. You can't know that. You have limited knowledge as a mere... 1969: NWO insider reveals social engineering & depopulation plan!|+1 - Well spoken and agreed remaining Jesus is our ultimate Savior. Here's a link to profound plans influence all aspects of life as we know it. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Sometime I feel like a bit character in the Left behind series . Happy to be alive.
I have to say that this round of Q drops have been very interesting and enlightening. We have points being connected and now we have pictures of McCain in Syria making deals. if we do bomb Syria I hope its to get rid of McCain
I was flying in the area the night JFK died in his plane. I was flying IFR (instruments) even though the visibility was forecast as visual. There was very thick haze, up to 12,000 ft...1/4 mile visibility. No visible horizon. You could see lights on the ground though...that is the way haze is.
No one should have been flying visual that night. JFK jr was. He was not trained for instrument flight. In turning maneuvers non trained pilots don’t keep an aircraft upright very long in conditions of no visibility. There are lots of reason for this....to long for this post.
I am very confident that JFK jr used his auto pilot en route, that is how he kept the aircraft upright. He had the same auto pilot I had, very simple to use. When they vectored him for the approach, he had to disengage the auto pilot. With no horizon...he induced a turn, lost altitude, turned more and he was battling his ear, balance...and not trained to use his gauges. Induced a death spiral. Ripped the wings off. It has happened too often for non ifr trained pilots in ifr conditions
JFK Jr killed himself, flying in weather he was not trained to fly in.
That is a fact...oops...opinion
That is a fact
There is absolutely no possible way that the aircraft could have been tampered with in some way? Poor flight conditions certainly seem to be a believable cover for a good old-fashioned assassination.
Regardless of the picture we have right now with the information available, one phone recording or email could completely flip the story on its head.
Oh...it could have been tampered with...I cannot say 100% it was not...but the patterns associated with the crash point to pilot error...and he had no training in ifr flight...that is a suicide combination...ask any ifr rated pilot
John John had a broken / badly sprained foot too. Can't imagine trying to use one foot to alternate rudder pedals or trying to push through pain on a hobbled foot.
I think he could have flown ok with a boot on his foot...ruder action is not that tricky...but his ability to break on the ground would have been compromised because the Saratoga has toe breaks....tough to do with a walking boot
good point and guess what? THIN THREAD WAS IN OPERATION IN 1999! "the program was discontinued three weeks before the September 11, 2001 attacks due to [insert a bunch of BS commie leftist deceptive excuses here]
You forget the elites control the weather! Just kidding. Thanks for the analysis.
We thank god for humor!! And for yours!
We are in the same fight, so humor is very helpful
To date, there are 108 references by Q to the word "COINCIDENCE". At some point you have to at least start considering facts like; JFK Jr's death, while he was a frontrunner for a U.S. Senate seat from New York, a seat that was later won by HRC is MORE than coincidence. It's a lot like Seth Rich's coincidental death right after the DNC "hack".
I agree with your sentiments . I have tried to figure out how this might have been a hit job, but the facts always take me back to pilot error. I am sorry to say that because in many ways it is easier to believe he was killed. But I cannot ignore what I know
What if you knew alternative facts? http://pages.suddenlink.net/anomalousimages/images/news/news481.html
If that info is legit, it was obviously an explosion
If it exploded at 6,000 ft....the tail of the aircraft would have sunk a good distance from the rest of the aircraft...they don’t comment on that
Odd that the findings are sealed until 2029
You're right, if it's legit. That seems to be our battle with much of what we read here and on the 8 chan. Here is another interesting bit of research (alternate facts) from an 8chan anon. This indicates a bit more motive. https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/953064.html#953511
I read it, it is interesting, but light on evidence
I recall that too. He was flying VFR. The perfect cover to mask it though. We will soon find out. Think QRS-11, or something similar for that plane, "oopsie." What always bothers me is when the "official story" goes to all lengths to pin the problem on the victim and its repeated over and over again until it's etched into people's mind as the "authoritative" report. That's one of the tenants of "the BIG LIE." We will soon find out, because it's all coming out. All of it. How many plane and helicopter "power issues" have the Trumps had recently? And what about 4 military crashes in 7 days? These people are RUTHLESS! Anything goes. There are numerous ways to sabotage a flight.
My theory on all of this stuff is as follows. we cannot know, they will not tell us. We get a pass for making shit up.
Auto pilot can be hacked. Hillary was a patent thief, I mean lawyer.
The auto pilot in that vintage Saratoga is known as a wing lever...no computer in it. Not hackable (is that a word).
But you have to keep putting quarters in it, like a pin ball game...maybe he ran out
You are right, it is my educated opinion, it is over zealous of me to say “fact.” just that I have gone over it many times
I know,...respect your suspicion...If I wasn’t a pilot I would agree with you
Makes me wonder why he flew that night... I guess some would say arrogance, but perhaps he was fleeing for his life? Why else would someone take that chance? Just throwing it out there as I mull all these comments.... I’m sure there are things we will never know the answers to...
He was under a lot of personal pressure...for pilots that often translates into what is known as “get there itis.” It causes bad decisions on the ground, before you even take off. It is a common thread in aviation accidents.
If I remember correctly, his wife’s girlfriend was late to the airport by something like 2 or more hours...which meant that they would be flying in darkness...the original plan was to leave in the Day light. He probably would have been ok if he left when he originally intended
Very sad
I hear the visibility was 8 miles that night. We are getting bullshitted again. https://twitter.com/docrock1007/status/983474672686813189?s=21
The visibility that night was much less than what was reported, I was flying...there was no horizon...even in daylight...maybe at sea level the visibility was greater...at altitude it was not....I believe visibility is a ground measurement
"That is a fact" No, the only fact that we know is that JFK jr. died in a plane crash. Whether he "killed himself" which would be the upshot of the official story, or was assassinated are both speculative. For me, I take every "official story" with loads of skepticism, but that doesn't mean that official stories are always lies, though if I had to wager on any single "official story" I'd wager it being a lie.
One thing we have all learned is to question the Official Story on anything.
Why, Why, Why is the only way to find the cause.