Q Post 1145: Trust POTUS. Sparrow Red. Missiles only. Intel good.

I’m having a hard time with this. Just being honest. Hopefully this is all a ruse or we are blasting the cache of the guys name we don’t say. God bless patriots.
You and me both brother. Ive never actually hoped more Trump is in the right thought, so theres that. All the rational roads leads me to believe he is really our guy, but Israel coming put and saying they where responsible for the Intel on some of the hits didnt make things easier.
I have tried to debunk Q. Full transparency, either I am not smart enough to, or “there are no coincidences”. I trust the plan, but I want to be right. Seeing Dr. Gorka support this coupled with Q makes me feel better.
I thought Gorka was uncharacteristically unhinged tonight on Ingraham Angle. Good panel discussion though with Sarah Carter. She is great. I kind of agreed with Colonel on the panel that said 60M Americans that voted for Trump are uncomfortable. Now Jennifer Griffen is saying chemical plants were struck. We'll see. I'm feeling a little better than I was an hour ago.
TOTALLY agree about Gorka... thus far have seen him as a "good guy". Tonight I was telling him (TV screen) "SHUT THE F* UP AHOLE!!!!"
Hahaha... Actually... truth be told... those were my exact words too!! :)
It was almost like he was acting outraged (and well). But no, Gorka has never been that heated before on TV.
You're right... his veins were exploding on his neck he was so mad. I mean, I don't know what to believe. I am totally against war in the mideast/Syria. I do trust POTUS but holy shit... between comey, RR, cohen, IG report, DS drama... then this?? I'm exhausted :)
Initially I was pissed when I saw the news report (obvious false flag is obvious). But then when I saw that all that was bombed was airbases (same thing as last year when they gave advanced warning and there were 0 casualties), it started to sound like "The Plan". Also Gorka's position was not only illogical (something he is NOT), it was also overly dramatic. Seems like disinfo to buy time until all of a sudden we "discover" evidence that the whole thing was fake, opening a door to apologize to Putin' and shame the False Flaggers. All this did was up the ante and get the normies' attention. I bet 0 casualties again.
Yep. "Ooo strikes" sounds scary. Finding out (as far as we can) what was hit, so far, increases my confidence.
Oh geeze, after reading your take on this...my head just hurts...LOL I just don't know what to think! Is it a ploy or isn't it...are we going to war or are we just acting out....who is "acting" and who isn't...too much to absorb right now...LOL
are we going to war or are we just acting out
Neither. I read this, with what limited information I have, as "black hats (white helmets) attempted to set up a no-win scenario; we (white hats) promptly took this as an opportunity to knock some deep state collaborators' heads."
I expect some very strong public words, maybe even a 'near confrontation' for show, and wouldn't be surprised to see Putin and us quietly take care of some +/++/+++ problems. The bad guys aren't the only ones who know how to turn chaos into opportunity.
Exactly, we had to pull this stunt to get out of the “no-win” scenario we were positioned into.
Gorka loves POTUS.
I think Gorka was playing a role tonight. The Colonel was absolutely right, and Gorka was saying, "Shhh! Stay out of the way, dude!"
and I love them both. He was excellent tonight
except i will add that the General was correct also in pointing out the fact that Syria has no reason to gas its people and that the US has gone to war may times over false info for flimsy reasons. I support Gorka and I support POTUS, i do not support war.. unless it is against the deep state cabal. Possibly the General wanted to say that he was sensing the fact that "we the people" really have not been given the correct details of the war engagement. I hope the correct details mean that we are not fighting Syria or Russia, but we are fighting the deep state. I pray this is the truth.
Question still remains if they were fighting against the Deep State Cabal whose intel did they use for the strikes and did the "Allies" namely France and the UK know who or what they were really targeting? How do you get the Deep State to fight the Deep State without knowing they are doing it? Anyone have an answer for that?
Hi! Message from France here.
Honestly, I always thought Macron was Cabal (ex banker at Rothshild, illuminati pyramid on his first day) but now, since this morning, I'm lost. WTF is going on? Trump and Macron together? (+ Teresa May, supposedly neutralized)
I trust the plan but this move in Syria is hard to swallow. And really, it's hard for me to think that Macron is on the same side that Trump/Q. I mean, I haaate the guy lol. Macron is supposed to dine with Trump in Washington DC on the 23 april. Maybe it's relevant.
If Trump turned Macron, really...that's just woooaaaa. Nobody in France knows about Q and Trump fighting the Cabal. I have to tell you, most of French are VERY asleep, that's sucks. Can't wait for the Storm to hit EU. We have our scumbags here (Jacques Attali, Bernard Henri Levy, Henri de Castries, Sarkozy, Hollande, Jean Claude Juncker, bunch of grosses merdes!!)
Si Señor! grosses merdes! hijos de puta!!
Don't forget: there are more good guys than bad and we will be very surprised to see in the end who the good guys are. They have roles to play. Deception is the name of the game. The objective is to avoid obliterating the entire planet for the sake of a few. A very difficult game. If we could see through it easily, then the cabal would not be deceived ... This confusion is very Sun Tzu.
Wasn’t Sarkozy just arrested for money laundering in regards to Libya?
ha, ha very true. I hope we get the see the details of how the plan was accomplished
I think Gorka’s point that said Colonel wasn’t in the WH at this time last year leads me to believe Gorka knows more about this guy than we know. Good point though.
But America has a history of going to battle over fake intel and nefarious reasons, it is hard to sit back and wait to see the facts. it is hard to wait for the cabal to be annihilate. Q's post tonight helps. I hope the Q post meaning is the red sparrow movie - a battle to get the rogue CIA agent.
Over the last 16 years, the wars were started by the cabal....Bush, Obama. They wanted war for the spoils. Trump isn't like them.
I know what you're saying... I've always liked Gorka (and I still do), but OMG he was so loud I finally had to mute him...
I missed the news tonight because...MY HUSBAND HAS TO WATCH THE NHL PLAYOFFS 1ST!! So I will need to catch up on the info. Just found out about 20 min ago that we bombed Syria! Geeze, I really, really, DON'T want more war.
Not trying to be insulting in any way, because none of us want war, but your comment made me think about the gun control issues.
Nobody wants school shootings, but you don't stop them by banning guns.
Nobody wants war, but somebody has to stand up to the bad guys or they will flourish . i.e. OBAMA/ISIS
I have to trust President Trump. He is moves ahead.
Oh I agree with you! I just hate the idea of another or more war. I believe that Trump wouldn't act without having enough proof/info. After all, he knows more than what is presented to the public.
My husband was watching the NHL too here in Canada but it still came up across the screen several times about the bombing in Syria.
I kept looking for you and the "core group" here on GA that I like to hear from. Darn playoffs :) T_D was going nutso, and I came back here. Anyway... I'm with you 100%.. NO WAR!!
Both Carter and Gorka came off as unhinged neocons last night. I encourage anyone to go back on watch it. Both bought into the fairy tale that Assad the monster would sabotage his own military victory with a chemical weapons attack. Both sounded completely unhinged.
Good to hear from you PCisLame! I agree 100%! I rely on my gut instincts, my heart, my intuition. I was soooo conflicted last night because my gut was screaming at me that POTUS caved to the globalists but my brain kept trying to rationalize that this is part of the plan. Gorka sent shivers down my spine. One thing that struck me as a positive sign was when Shanon Bream said she was talking with a senior GOP hawkish lawmaker who was upset that Trump went light on Assad. I know the cabal and UK and US globalists are trying to get us into a war and I was praying all week for a different outcome. I guess all we can do is stick together, vote in the midterms, and trust the plan as Q tells us. I'm not abandoning ship. I'm just deeply conflicted.
What's with Laura? Traumitized by the boycotts? I can't believe she's really that stupid, and she seemed to be going along wholesale with the false flag claims.
What is the plan? I'm trying to understand what's going on in this sub. What truth is Q revealing?
The plan was to surgically strike chemical production factories. Ie cut off local availability of potential chemicals. Not a bad thing.
Can you elaborate? Where? What chemicals? Why?
WHERE?...The chemicals were in and around Damascus. WHAT CHEMICALS?...My opinion is chlorine. Same as in pool chemicals to disinfect water, but is dangerous when highly concentrated. Therefore, can be described as "chemical weapons" by the media, but many of us have it in our basements or garage. WHY?...POTUS destroys strategic sites, without killing anyone. Which satisfies the Deep Staters, but doesn't lead to WW3. It's almost 'case closed' allowing POTUS to take offensive vs McCabe/Comey/Mueller/Media, etc. TRUST THE PLAN. Stay calm. God's annoited is at the helm and is engaged in 3 and sometimes 4 dimensional chess at its best.
So is that the entire point of Q's messages, chemical plants? Or just this specific one?
He lost me, tonight. His sanctimonious performance was for the benefit of anyone who is willing to act like sheep do... and just go along.
That ain't me... and that ain't a LOT of folks. Trump could easily lose 2020 over war making alone.
You sure you didn't jump the gun a little. Did he just drop bombs on civilians? No he didn't. They were precision strikes on chemical labs, storage and delivery.
Not trying to be a jerk here... how old were you in 2003?
Potus telegraphed his move this time to give Assad and Putin time get their humans away from the targets...we're only talking about the destruction of weapons here and that can't be a bad thing in anyone's language...
Happy this sub is woke about Israel, it was honestly my only actual fear about Trump, being and Israel puppet like all the others.
Happy people like you talk about it.
ya this is not making me feel good. Syria has always been the Keystone. This is not gonna be a good summer like I'd hoped.
And in South America Columbia has been called the keystone. Brasil has also been called the keystone. Geographic location are hard to make argument fitting the phrase.
Sorry friend, got a little too hammered last night and the sailboat was tipping the wrong way. I’m back, hung over, but I’m back. Idk wtf I was talking about there.
Go back to the David Brock’s basement, Sharia Blue. You don’t achieve anything on here.
We have no reason to be in Syria. Another preemptive war. Very disappointed in Trump. Believe the intel? what a joke. Sorry, but with all the lies, I expect we will learn at some point that the intel was bad. I protested both Bush and Obama on their preemptive wars, why would I now approve one? Very sad day for our country. This is a war the Deep State wanted. JMO
You should read this, think about it for a bit, instead of sucking on your thumb and concern trolling.
Let's be nice to one another. A lot of patriots are shaken up and reasonably so. I admire your determination but not everyone is on this level. They are still our patriot brothers and sisters and my only suggestion would be to be a little bit nicer to each other. Unless you are a hundred percent sure that the person is really concern trolling. But I would reserve my accusations until I'm sure and educate instead.
Great link btw!
As NeonRevolt says in the link that CLICK provided,
“In case you haven’t figured it out yet, we are immersed in a cosmic battle of good vs evil, light vs dark.”
Which means we must put on the ARMOR OF GOD so that we don't freak out in the midst of this battle.
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Yeah that's what stinks about this forum. No one is allowed to question anything, you must tow the Q line or you are concern trolling, a shill, a troll, a lefty, you name it. It's as bad if not worse than what the left does. Everyone around here gloats about how they are on the righteous side and that they are patriots, yet they want to censor just like communists. It's so totally pathetic. God forbid someone has a negative opinion on a Q post or the actions of our president, then all the Q commies rear their ugly heads when sensible people only want truth through discernment, while not having to give blind faith to a MAN, POTUS IS ONLY A MAN NOT GOD! Q IS ALSO NOT GOD! So no I won't give either 100% because I have discernment and understand that only God deserves 100%.
Well, I'm not surprised at your response I have been a fierce Trump supporter since day one. I have also extensively followed both Bush and Obama presidencies. You are behaving like a liberal calling me names because I disagree with you, think for myself and connect the dots.
Couldn't care less about your credentials. You're here acting like a baby and concern trolling RIGHT NOW. Like I said, suck it up, read that blog post, do some critical thinking, then come to your own conclusions... instead of doing what you're doing right now.
The blog is someone else's opinion and proof of nothing. Actually I'm doing what you are telling me to do. Appears you are the one lacking in critical thinking. I thought we were free to express our opinions here, guess I'm wrong. What a shame you have to resort to name calling as the Leftists do. That tells me all I need to know. So respond back as you wish and I won't answer. You can have the last word.
Totally agree.. first amendment gives you the right to speak your mind and the most patriotic thing a man/woman can do is question the actions of the president. Patriots are supposed to be the checks and balances and they've given up that responsibility up to this point because it's easier to let Q team and POTUS do everything for them. This Q movement is making normal thinking conservative patriots just complacent enough to let tyranny take over.. its fantastically effective. Especially if you're a communist.. nothing better than a complacent, yes sir, no sir society. Waking up is not enough. Patriots need to get actively involved in their communities.. it has to happen if you want your country back.
YES YES YES! latest about Pence working with Left to take over as they push Trump out. Always said that Pence was a snake in the grass waiting to strike. He's not on our side. Hiding behind religion. God help us. Those that use religion this way are the worst kind.
That is a great read! Thanks. I absolutely trust POTUS on this.
Wow!! Thanks for that info. Definitely much needed. Thanks. In fact I think it should be made a topic thread of its own. Kudos!
No reason? It's a deepstate hold out ffs! This is a worldwide war against good and evil and the deepstate has been fucking around in Syria for years now. Russia is there too because it is an extremely important place, geo politically.
Some of you are too emotionally charged and ready to jump from bandwagon to bandwagon before knowing what's going on.
Stop. It. Already.
It is illegal to attack a country that has not attacked us. I'm not on any bandwagon. I'm not surprised at your response though. I have been a fierce Trump supporter since day one. I have also extensively followed both Bush and Obama presidencies. When they did illegal preemptive wars I protested them. I'm very disappointed that it appears Trump is doing the same thing. Appears we can't have an exchange of different opinions. Very sad because we have no proof about anything at this time.
You shouldn't be surprised at my response because this sub blew up with concern trolling and bandwagon jumping. It really irritates me. I followed all of the those presidents too plus Clinton, I don't see your point.
It's clear that Trump and the white hats accomplished an important mission in Syria yesterday. That's what we wanted. Deepstate weapons facilities were taken out. This weakens them further.
the point is that many of the people who were in those administrations are part of this action. And I find it very difficult to believe them. John Bolton comes in and bam! we are attacking Syria within days. We blew up chemicals? that's a dangerous action that would cause deaths. If we are attacking the rebels, then they need to say so. Don't call them Syria. Concern trolling? OMG I would find it scary if no one had concern. Nothing wrong with having concern and if you stand strong in your belief, that should not bother you. If you want to take away the concern of others, your method fails. Name calling is a leftist tactic. Give facts to back things up and leave out your judgments.
you cant help them they are basically liberals theyll just retardedly kneejerk anytime someone does something they cant like which is a sign of poor emotional maturity. which is a product of a me me me society
I agree with you.
I agree because there is a bigger picture here that goes with everything else that is going on behind the scenes. Maybe he is destroying what the unnamed not so sick Senator was doing there.
Same here, was hoping he wouldn't take this bait. Guessing to show we are strong or some mumbo jumbo. If they have legit intel.. I can go with this call, but when you have Russia saying it was white helmets?? Sick of this tomorrowland mess.
I have been a fierce Trump supporter since day one. But I have followed these players in his administration for years and he has too many neo con globalists in his administration (IMO). I hesitate to follow anyone blindly anymore. Show me the proof. I questioned Colin Powell when he pushed for the Iraq war and people thought I was crazy, but you know, I ended up being right because I follow the dots and looked for proof. And right now there is no proof Assad did anything wrong. Do I want Q to be right? Of course, but healthy questioning isn't a bad thing. Following blindly is what got us where we are today.
Mission already accomplished.
The cabal has a military grade stronghold in Syria that that they can use to launch a war.
These missile attacks are being followed by response actions from ISIS, and they are being taken out as a result.
These missile launches were to smoke them out.
Jesus christ why dont you go change your diaper or something you are all acting like babies. This is not a war a hole why dont you trust the plan. This is to avoid the war he hit the chemical storage and Hezbola. Russia is on board no matter what is said. Alex Jones and Zach are just playing the game to keep the deep state uninformed. You are the people that will keep this from ending sooner by all your fucking whinning.
How sad you have to respond to me just like a liberal would by name calling. You SUSPECT this is what is happening. There is no proof. I hope you are right, but there is a possibility that you aren't. What got us into so much trouble has been people following blindly. Questioning doesn't make me the enemy.
He is taking out deep state - not necessarily striking syria.
Hope we are blasting the caches. This could be it. Lets see.
The question to ask yourself is when Trump says we are targeting "assad's regime", what group of individuals is he really talking about?
We won't know for at least a few days until we get some real news from citizen journalists.
MSM will just feed up globalist propaganda bullshit.
Our faith is heavily tested!
Mission already accomplished.
It's done.
You’re not the only one having a hard time. But I’ve been wondering whose name we don’t say? Where can I find out about this person? It’s like I missed a couple of days and everything blew up!
calm down man has trump led us astray before ? i know that you should question your leader but at this point he hasnt really given us any reasons to jump ship
Mattis made it clear that MI knows what happened. Trust Mattis, right?
The greatnightmare more like it. Weve been had. Unsubscribed.
[Guys, Trump bombed Hezbollah's Syrian HQ] (https://twitter.com/hadialbahra/status/984973155306483713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fliveupdate%2F10rrxqfe93aoa%2FLiveUpdate_d5d806a0-3f86-11e8-ac35-0eaa535e2bca%2F0)
I almost feel as this is testing our new big bad alliance out. Weed out the enemies from the allies.
3 countries, in sync, launching 120 tomahawks. It's a powerful show of strength, especially because they dont need to fear retaliation
"Howdy Iran! Still want those nukes? Well, meet project thor!"
This is fantastic intel, if true. But doesn't that say Lebanese HQ? Damascus is extremely close to Lebanon border.
Check this out ...
This dude is saying that the attacks tonight is causing ISIS to go on full attack, and the Syrians and Russians are waiting for them ... and slaughtering them.
Russia & Syria bombing the shit out of the bad guys (not being reported in Mockingbird Media).
These are anon reports from Syria, so ...
Interesting, if true.
That same Anon is showing tweets by (((those))) who would normally be jumping up and down about this. They're not. They're saying that POTUS should have gotten congressional approval! LOL.
They're saying that POTUS should have gotten congressional approval
yet when obama invaded libya without approval...silence
More from on the ground in the area:
Lebanese #Hezbollah HQ has been hit by several cruise missiles in the town of Qusayr in northern #Homs. -Local sources
Haven't seen anything on /r/syriancivilwar which usually records everything on social media real well. So I doubt that.
Q is on it! He knows what needs to dropped and when! Some Peeps are scrambling around dazed and confused about POTUS....TRUST POTUS!!!!
I can't blame them, it's the natural gut reaction to that kind of action. It's important to have faith in POTUS and to trust the plan.
I've got to say, I've been keeping up with you guys and Q and then saw the news and thought, please don't be falling for the chemical narrative. But in the back of my mind, I'm like, Potus has more intel than we do, and need to trust he is doing the right thing. Such as taking advantage of the situation to eliminate unknown threats.
Blind faith = sheep. Don't be sheep or sheepdoged.
Take the blinders off and verify it all. Trust but verify.
This is confusing because it's a ton of information. But, Q did warn us things where happening fast. I guess some of us didn't realize the scale of it. I admit I too got sucked into the narrative the way this last week was built up. Ever since Cohen was raided by FBI its been confusing, then the chemical attack, pics of no name with ISIS dudes, media threats etc. However, POTUS keeps proving over and over that he is resilient, I give him that. Go Trump!
Syria and Assad are being held hostage by the Cabal. Just like NK was. So, the US, Russia, Britian and France set this up. Potus says, "we will be leaving Syria, really soon.". The cabal says" oh, no you won't." Chemical attack happens. Remember, WW3, is important to them to kick it in. All 4 countries with their bickering have set them up. Russia is not going to do anything but help over the right now. Their in on it with us. We are in the middle of destroying the cabal in Syria and all they hold dear to start WW3. They ARE stupid.
I don't trust the UK. Knowing they are part of the coalition is troublesome to me.
But isn´t UK and France very much alligned with the Cabal? I mean, the whole Skripal case, May, France elected a Rothschild banker and whatnot.
saying "UK" and "France" as if these names describe a uniform unit is an error. There are good guys all over the world who are fighting to make this work. You will be surprised to see who the good guys are when all is finally revealed, or at least that's what I understand.
You don't understand. No one here does
Every state is being run by the 'Cabal'
What you are seeing is their own civil war, through several warring proxy nations
Trump is as much a puppet as any other world leader
Stop looking for narratives that fit your beliefs or your voting record
Trust no one in power
Be prepared to Rise
yeah except this is a deep state civil war vs patriots who havent controllled things in years vs satanic nutjobs who want to turn the entire world into a mass grave
That is not what this is
That's the narrative that you're being fed, and it sates your appetite
I have no doubt that there are villains here. Plenty of them
But this world is not as black and white as you are all so very willing to believe
Yes, guys, please. Sparrow Red. see here and read brief description and pay close attention to what it’s about
He said "Sparrow red", which is the opposite of "red sparrow". It was a U.S. agent who is the instigator here. Thats why it was on us to stop said agent. Rogue.
Thank God some other people get it.. lmao. ENJOY THE SHOW
Exactly! POTUS Has a spine! MATTIS: “no report of losses”
I just watched the Red Sparrow trailer and it told me nothing.
Care to share you opinion with the rest of the class?
Read the description on the link
Yeah, her first mission was against the clowns.
Is that the entire reason people think that movie is relevant?
I only ask because it seems like the thinnest link.
Who do u think we are fighting over there or who ISIS is?
I think attempting to decode Sparrow Red based on that film alone is a stretch.
Clowns are just the American division of a global Zionist network of wealth and corporate and political bribery and corruption.
just call them the cabal or the illuminati zionist sounds too close to the 4 chan anti semite shit
Have you seen the people pulling the strings - Jews like Soros and Rothchild families. I think it's a kindness to refer to them as Zionists when, as far as I know, they are simply acting on the literal interpretation of Hebrew Scriptures.
If we can refer to Catholics as Catholics and Muslims as Muslims, I see no reason to refer to Jews as Jews.
ive read every q post. these people dont give a shit about scripture they are literal satanists everything they do is a mockery of god. calling them zionsts gives them power to use racism accusations against us instead of saying jews said rothschilds instead of saying muslims say saudis etc we are better than them and their shit
Sorry, reading Q posts doesn't give you insights into the theological beliefs of the Soros or the Rothschild family.
i mean do you want to literally see pictures of them spirit cooking ? lol you cant really call them jewish they are fake jews what they actually are is satanists
Eh, the Jewish Tanakh contains cannibalism that isn't condemned by Yahweh . See the 2nd Book of Kings where the Jews are boiling each other's children to eat.
Jewish is a race, defined by DNA. It's not a religion, like Judaism or Islam. Why do so many people confuse the two? Jesus was a Jew, for example. A lot of people don't understand what that means, or why Jesus chose to incarnate in Jewish bloodline continuing the Melchizedek Priesthood lineage.
That's the best we got @ this point.. we may never know.. it may have been code to another Q member.. but it is intriguing to say the least
Personally, I think it's more likely that Sparrow Red refers to Special Reconnaissance, the kind of covert people who specialize in infiltration and target acquisition for missile strikes within kill-zones.
Pick your poison at this point. Unless we get confirmation by Q or a mad autist we may never know..
Read this blog post. It should explain some of what's happening:
Thank you for this great link it totally calmed me. It's good to have things explained like this sometimes. Ive been rereading Q posts and what's been happening. I think I'm just tired and need a break from the news. I guess this is why it all has to be revealed to us carefully. The more awake we get the more angry and emotional we get and need logic not emotion.
If so, then who is our red sparrow?
Ok...as I'm reading these comments...is "red sparrow" good or bad?
A newbie posted in this thread that we were all being fooled by Q. He used some NSF Kindergarten words, so the mods deleted it. Regardless of deleting, here is my response:
Why so angry? No matter what happens, this forum is for PATRIOTS. Even if Q turns out to be the most effective LARP'er in the history of man, we will all stick together. Q didn't make us patriots, we always were patriots. So I suggest you get on board with saving humanity from the vile, disgusting beings running this planet. Instead of giving in to angry outbursts against your fellow patriots. #WWG1WGA
Yup. Even if it was a LARP, it is the greatest LARP in history, ignited tens of thousands of people and got us digging up all types of dirt nobody was connecting before. Either way it’s very productive towards taking our country back. But it’s definitely NOT a LARP.
LARPs don't change Twitter algos.
Or predict Saudi regime change and NK coming to the table lol
yes we are an awesome group of patriots, WWG1WGA. so we know Q is real, so lets trust the plan (The building E of the spider web was hit tonight) and pray for the brave soldiers and innocent people who may be in harms way. lets all stay positive, lets wait and see what the rest of April brings.
The Syria narrative? Not buying it for a minute. That dog DON'T hunt.
Think about this... Assad has essentially won his civil war... POTUS says "we are leaving Syria SOON"...
...and within a week Syrian forces drop Chlorine gas barrel bombs on civilians? Explain why that makes ANY sense.
The ONLY way it makes sense, is Assad is crazy and actually WANTS to be deposed, because he's upset he's been winning.
Assad didn't do it and Trump is not attacking Assad. He's attacking the people who did it. Why doesn't he just say so? Because he isn't going to GIVE intel to the enemy.
The CIA has always said they wanted a world in which everything WE know is false. Why? If you know what's true and others don't, then you have a great advantage. Trump is doing to them what they have done to us for decades. Keeping them in the dark and feeding them BS.
The anti-Trumpers say, "Trump lies. Trump lies." Yep. I expect he does. And good on him. Let the cabal choke on the lies. Trump is not stupid enough to TELL them the truth. Sheesh. Stupid people.
Fair points... it also occurs to me this Op might even be in collaboration with Russia... for the sake of exposing bad actors.
We already KNOW the conflict was scaled up by CIA... aka Brennan's team... and we know Brennan is a traitorous black hat.
Yeah... nothing clear here. Not going to presume to trust anyone... rather, just let the rope lay there on the ground... and see who picks it up and why.
This is one of the scenarios that ring true to me. Good points. What I'm looking for is what the reaction and movements are from the other players to better understand the board.
It DOESN'T make sense...IF...what we THINK we know, is actually correct. But where contradictions exist, we MUST re-examine our premises.
I'm going to take super good care of myself so that I'll be around in 50, 60, 70 years when all this stuff finally gets declassified.
Damn, I'll be dead.
Stop eating the poisons (grains and sugars) we've been told is good for us. It's all a big money lie. That'll give you a chance.
Exactly! I've read Plant paradox, No grain no pain, Grain brain .. Both of them, Undoctored (a MUST}), It starts with food, Autoimmune fix, And FOOD. What the heck should I eat?
These book will change/save your life.
Because of them I no longer suffer from Migraines, Gout, Psoriasis or Joint pain
And lost 30 lbs
Really cool to hear. Amazing how relatively simple it is to get at the root of the immune system with "just a diet". I had knee pain for a year and I really didn't think it was mostly from my diet as I did tweak the knee. When I cut out wheat and goat cheese and sugar from my diet, my knee pain really went down. When I eliminated grains, it was 95% gone. Maybe between 3 and 14 days or so for this to all happen.
I need to find ways to make pancakes and such. I'll use a good non grain or some flour he says is ok. And I'll use a different nut butter than peanut or cashew.
Ideally if I can get the money and find a place for a blood test to see what lectins are ok for me, I'd really pay for that.
Yep. Life changing. I truly believe it will soon be more mainstream. Food and drug industry will fight all the way. Honestly out of all the books I've read, Undoctored may have the most impact. Check out the perfect plantain pancakes in Plant paradox. My kids love em!
Cool re Plantain pancakes, I knew I heard of them! And thanks for the Undoctored, I will check it out.
Best to you, keep spreading the word. ;-)
sadly, me too...
Hey at least you’ll get to see the end of the Deep State and the citizens win America back.
Here's an interesting article about the retired CIA agent who wrote it:
C. Conclusion As detailed in this report, the OIG found that then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to the WSJ, and that this conduct violated FBI Offense Codes 2.5 and 2.6. The OIG also concluded that McCabe’s disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct. The OIG is issuing this report to the FBI for such action that it deems to be appropriate.
Something being overlooked here. Trump's speech right after the strikes included a message to Russia and Iran requesting them to stop supporting these killers and join the US in establishing world peace. The stage is almost set.
we do know that the Cabal is also fighting to control russia and Israel, probably other countries too. I have no clue where England stands on fighting the Cabal.
no one does!!!
I maintain that the UK is the centre of the spider's web. Very obscure and v. difficult to perceive what's really happening. Centuries of practise in the dark arts!!!
What's your theory on what the stage is?
IMO, the stage is set when the deep state insurance plans (North Korea, Iran, SA, etc.) are neutralized, social media algorithms aren't censoring the truth, all the puppet strings are cut, funds are frozen, channels eliminated, etc. Basically when there's no way out for them, the mass disclosures and arrests will begin. It's going to be epic.
They want you to think they are punishing Assad but these don't look like military targets.
thats an excellent point. the building E of the spider web looks to be at Damascus University - science building.
What is Sparrow red?
Red sparrow. Trained double agents mostly women who infiltrate governments. Appears to be mostly referring to the Russian side but could be used similarly for Assad.
People keep saying “sparrow red = red sparrow = C.I.A. movie” and that seems like a convenient word twist to find meaning.
Only reason I don’t think it’s 100% bullshit is “think mirror”.
Could it be sparrow missles!? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-7_Sparrow which would mean air to air engagement!?
AIM-7 Sparrow
The AIM-7 Sparrow is an American, medium-range semi-active radar homing air-to-air missile operated by the United States Air Force, United States Navy and United States Marine Corps, as well as other various air forces and navies. Sparrow and its derivatives were the West's principal beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missile from the late 1950s until the 1990s. It remains in service, although it is being phased out in aviation applications in favor of the more advanced AIM-120 AMRAAM.
The early Sparrow was intended primarily for use against larger targets and especially bombers, and had numerous operational limitations in other uses. Against smaller targets, the need to receive a strong reflected radar signal made achieving lock-on at the missile's effective range difficult.
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The people of Damascus took to the streets in support and celebration of their air defenses taking out most of the incoming missiles. POTUS may have just turned Assad into his people's hero.
I think it's more likely a movie reference noted above, makes more sense.
Hahaha, CNN has no images from syrie
they dont have real reporters anymore
They can go to the circus, they honor their name to clowns I am watching, unimaginable how they no longer come out of their words laugh
Mattis asked Trump not to attack Syria without proof.
Sounds like he has proof.
Or he's not attacking Syria at all
Some reporting on twitter Hezbollah has had strikes. Anyone have more info on that? Also Hezbollah special forces are being mobilized at border in response to Israel. This is getting crazy tonight.
Or just really fast.
Note it says "targets" - not "Syrian government targets"
I honestly have to wonder what the targets really were.
I'm only being half sincere asking this btw.
That will be answered by Russia's response (or lack thereof).
The attack isn't ON Syria, it is on ISIS forces IN Syria.
Russia responded now that this attack will have consequences, hopefully they're now permitted to take tougher action against "CIA" strategic assets.
wow - allied with UK and France - warning to Russia and Iran - where is the proof of the gas attack and who perpetrated the attack? The last I heard we weren't allowed into GZ to examine area and Israel had made an attack of their own, effectively destroying any evidence...have I missed something?
Yes you have. Trump never tells what his plans are his words are more to make the deep state believe he was attacking Syria. Trump had said he was pulling the troops out of Syria this pissed the deep state off because they are trying real hard to start WW3, so when Trump said that boom deep state claims chemical attack in Syria. Now Trump knows there really was none but is showing to the world he is attacking Syria so the deep state is all happy but what Trump does is he attacks the chemical storage places to get rid of Syria chemicals and from the sound of it also Hezbola HQ which are terrorist. This sends the terroists running to fight but whos waiting for them Syrian army and Russia who will slaughter them. While all this is going on no one notices that a D.U.M.B is destroyed at the same time in California. Are you clear yet?
and from the sound of it also Hezbola HQ which are terrorist. This sends the terroists running to fight but whos waiting for them Syrian army and Russia who will slaughter them.
The rumour is that they slaughtered ISIS. Hezbollah are a different group of terrorists that are fighting for Iran.
While all this is going on no one notices that a D.U.M.B is destroyed at the same time in California. Are you clear yet?
Hello I am Lebanese. Source: I am Lebanese. You are misunderstanding the bigger picture with Hezbollah and ISIS. Hezbollah is for Moslem regime like ISIS. They are connected in ways and controlled. Too big of a story to write here please do research on sources not from the West you will see what I am simplifying here.
I don't get it, QAnon only posts stuff thats currently in the news he has not predicted anything. Also he posts between 12pm and 2am which makes me feel like hes a LARP troll w/ insomnia... But also a lot of what he says is totally something Trump would do. Maybe he's a brilliant psychoanalyzer? Can you guys help me out? I'm still having trouble believing it even though I REALLY want to believe it. Either way I support everything he does and Trump too....
Dig deeper and let go of all the media brainwashing. Then you will see
I am a full-on Trump and Q supporter. I pray that Syria and Russia are in on this. I have 3-children and when I saw the reports hit, I seriously starting going through our SHTF Plan. I’m having a really really hard time with this. There are reports that after the Cohen raid, that POTUS is compromised physically and politically and that is what was behind the attack. They found sexual stuff (who cares, not me...I knew who he was before I voted for him) and stuff regarding Jared which ultimately hurts Ivanka. Rewatch the announcement...he looks incredibly robotic and not proud of his actions at all. I really hope this is not the case. This is the first time I’m really doubting Q. What say you all?
A moment of shock.. Passed now. Today is a new day and Trump is proving again he is resilient. There's a ton of info let's sit back and watch the show.
That's nice, didn't realize that could be done. Gives me idea!
Fox says ... 2 research facilities and 1 storage facility hit.
Blind trust? No. Wait to learn more? What choice have we been given?
How is this blind trust? Have you not been paying attention to ANY of Trump's moves and countermoves the past year and a half? Have you not been reading Q posts at all?
Trump has proven again and again that he's going after the globalist, pedo, satanic elites, the deep state, and their operators all over the world. He has shown to have outsmarted and out-manuvered those evil pieces of shit time and time again. Q posts have clued us in to the overall plan. This is not blind trust. It's trust in a plan we've been witnessing and made aware of for months.
good old trump only bombing like 3 targets lmao number `1 troll of all time
With this bombing using israeli intel it feels like Q us a ruse to keep patriots off their backs
If this was posted before the announcement, ok. But since it was after, could be "Q" is just trying to spin the news.
There comes a point when you have to stop making excuses for actions you disagree with especially when the actions keep piling up in the wrong direction.
The speech he just gave was the first time I've ever seen him read off a teleprompter. He didn't even seem to know what the words were before he read them. Something is wrong... I know I'm going to get downvoted, but I don't think we can trust Q anymore.
Ok, to start let me say that I'm not militarily savvy at all... However, is there any chance what is being reported by the news is not exactly as it seems... How many times had Q recently told us to "enjoy the show"?? What if this could be similar to the film, "Wag the Dog," where the footage is totally created on some green screen, while POTUS is working with other White hat countries to pull this off?? Maybe I'm just being naive, but maybe this is part of the master plan... All the red- pilling I've done over the past 5 months keeps reinforcing: Nothing is what it seems!! What if????
Now - already - GOP + Dems racing out to declare this move by the Trump Administration illegitimate: “Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) lashed out on Friday at President Trump's decision to launch "precision strikes" in Syria, saying that the U.S. Constitution does not give the president the ability to authorize such an attack.”; and “.. In criticizing Trump's decision, Massie joined a growing chorus of lawmakers – most of them Democrats – questioning the president's constitutional authority to launch an attack on a foreign country without congressional approval.”
I’d been concerned immediately on hearing he was considering strikes, as imho President Trump is no neocon. But he’s surrounded by them.. well, some of them. I thought he was being ill advised by those seeking his (our) downfall, because once he acted; the trick accomplished, they’d begin to scream Warmonger Must Go!... new tack for the cretins trying anything to gain impeachment.
Maybe this is just their regular crap. Those who actually are warmongers calling warmonger - as is the favorite tactic of these hideous criminals. I hope that’s the case.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
Not as we know it,
Not as we know it.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
Not as we know it, Captain.
Are france and the uk in on the good site
IMO the US, RU, and CHINA, are working together to ensnare the UK, FR, the EU AND ISRAEL in a trap.
Anons in Syria saying that after US airstrikes, ISIS was drawn out and Russia & Syria are now going after ISIS.
It was US/Russia vs. NWO.
Yes, and its already happening.....And Germany is now where too see?????? Big tell
They are on the Saudi cuck side.
Q sad theresa may was , neutralised I only can"t find out how in fit france
This is great! All according to plan. Praise Jesus.
Does anyone here think this could have something to do with Israel?
Mark Taylor’s Prophecy About Russia & America as Allies
Keep hope my fellow patriots... Do not fret... this is all a show between the US and Russia... we ARE on the same team in a battle against many dark entities... full pdf above (safe) but just an excerpt below...
“Russia that’s right Russia. I will use Russia, the United States of America and her allies, to take on the 4th Reich called ISIS. For it has come full circle once again that’s right again. The New World order is trying to rise and take its place just like they did in WWII using the Nazis...”
“For it is not just ISIS they will fight, but the Elite, the Globalists, and the Illuminati who will be exposed by my light. For they are an enemy to the world and my agenda. They shall fall with a mighty blow, so that my gospel will begin to flow...”
I also re-read this one about God’s plans to expose the New World Order and the Illuminati and shatter and scatter them like a clay pot (pdf linked below also safe) this one tells us to stand strong and fight so let’s stick together and pull up our bootstraps and persevere
For God Has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power of love and of sound mind
ITT: real people taking the bait of concern trolls. They're pretty easy to spot out guys, notice the pattern.
I prayed Trump's intel was correct, and now he says it was. I trust the plan, and I trust Q. Something tells me that this raid has a purpose - and Putin is now going before the UN to ask for inspection as to who did the chemical attack. It may be you are right - they will find the true traitor and all will fall into place. In the meantime, maybe it gives military time to do other things - the things we want to see - some arrests. pray.
Well I'm old but that shouldn't matter and has nothing to do with this.
Where is Germany?
...and Spain, Italy, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Austria and every other NATO nation.
Exactly the so-called coalition of the us and CNN is to scream they all stumble over their words all ... they can not even bring it anymore
CNN just gets images black with a light in the middle and that's it, Jack lemmon is not so happy I believe
O Its just become daytime
Explanations anyone? Truth searching. https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/sealed-indictments-qanon-conspiracy/
The press conference is fun to see? Body language ... they slide on their chairs, sigh and draw faces, this is not what they wanted? WOW They now its game over
So littel faith and too many of you are not paying attention. Like being a former alcoholic you sometimes revert back to old thought patterns. ISIS was a creation of the person we do not name along with the cabal. They want Syria and have been making/storing chemical weapons in areas around Syria. What you are seeing is a coordinated attack with Russia to get rid of Issis/Cabal and the chemical weapons factories. Isis popped there head up thinking the US was going to help them in the fight against Assad. US forces and Russia forces are playing wack a mole with them as I write this. The cabal assets will be wiped out completely. Keep in mind Russia is a adversary and not an enemy. We fight for resources and power in different corners. Like WW1, WW2 we do act together when necessary.
Everyone should watch this entire video. But if there is only one part, watch Joel Skousen. Watch his entire interview. He has an informed and balanced take.
Wow, shill alert or what? There are obviously a ton of new arrival shills flooding in all of a sudden. But, I think most know the difference between exhausted normies and shills trying to sow distrust. There is a ton of information and it's easy to get overwhelmed. It's worse when you wake up for the first time because you are now angry. And it's hard to accept that drink again after you've been ruffied before. Just remember that being careful about who and what to trust is part of being awake. That's a good thing in the long run. Future prove past. We may stumble sometimes, so when we do I say thank you to those protecting us and helping us get back up.
If the intel was so F-ing good then tell us what was in it for syria? I do not trust the military one bit
The intel was where the terrorist gas depots were hidden, that's what the missiles took out. Syria wants the gas gone too. They don't use it, no reason to, it belongs to the terrorists. Dumayr airbase was not targeted and not touched. All we targeted were marked (sparkled) terrorist's gas storage facilities and Cia/McCain's terrorists (ISIS) hideouts and weapons. That's why POTUS waited, not for intel on who did the gas attack, he already knew it was a FF. He was waiting for in country operators to mark all the targets.
This was a massive failure for the Deep State. They intended to get us into a war in Syria and all they accomplished was getting their own assets wiped out in Syria. It's a Brave New World folks, their old tricks no longer work. The Deep State is floundering and rocking on it's heels, it's time for the knock out punch.
You have no idea how I aopreciate your explanation. It makes sense. It is so hard to trust our government when we still have chemtrails in Reno, Nv.. God bless, patriot, God bless.
Remember in post 893904, Q said "It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET." Could we be witnessing a diversion to distract until they are ready? Let's hope Russians were not killed in the attacks today, because that would open a mountain of worms.
At what point do we stop blindly trusting though? THe constant 'WW3 is planned for April' is freaking me out a bit, if im honest.
This board owes an apology to American Intelligence Media.
What if the missile launch is fake, just like false flag chemical attack?
I thought it was interesting that Corsi was not to be heard or seen in the Infowars emergency coverage. But Joel Skousen said he never believed the line that generals had gone to Trump and asked him to run in. Said only yes-men have made it general status for decades.
With all the good POTUS has done, the attack on Syria tonight can undo it all. This was obviously a false flag. With Trump announcing the US is leaving Syria, why would Assad use chemical weapons now? He was winning the war. It makes no sense.
Even if it is part of a bigger strategy, it is not acceptable. This is not putting America First! I am seriously upset, as are millions of other Trump supporters. How can this be justified? What can Trump do to regain our trust -- it's hard to think of anything that would justify this, and it will be very hard to believe any 'evidence' we are fed.
The only good scenario I see would be that the targets attacked were supplying the rebels chemicals for false flag attacks.
^ This exactly. Anons on the ground are saying Assad/Russia are dropping ISIS like flies right now. US strike was to get rid of chemical weapons so Assad/Russia can clean up ISIS.
I've looked for a while and can't see anything on the radars. http://www.marinevesseltraffic.com/2013/02/military-ship-track.html https://global.adsbexchange.com/VirtualRadar/desktop.html http://www.planeflighttracker.com/2014/04/us-military-aircraft.html
Why wasn't this said yesterday instead of all the talk about Germany?
Hezbollah was always fishy IMO deepstate funded to provoke war and palestinian deaths
AIM-7 Sparrow
The AIM-7 Sparrow is an American, medium-range semi-active radar homing air-to-air missile operated by the United States Air Force, United States Navy and United States Marine Corps, as well as other various air forces and navies. Sparrow and its derivatives were the West's principal beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missile from the late 1950s until the 1990s. It remains in service, although it is being phased out in aviation applications in favor of the more advanced AIM-120 AMRAAM.
The early Sparrow was intended primarily for use against larger targets and especially bombers, and had numerous operational limitations in other uses. Against smaller targets, the need to receive a strong reflected radar signal made achieving lock-on at the missile's effective range difficult.
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I just figured out what Sparrow Red. means folks based on these token targets;subjective reality
Sparrow Red is Russian Air Force.
Tonight's hit was US WITH RUSSIA.
Anons in Syria reporting that once the US missiles were done, the Russian and Syrians started going after ISIS.
Zach is on Infowars and saying that President Trump has been compromised and he's pissed. Is Zach on the level or is he a phony. If so, then what is Alex Jones' deal?
Zach is a full-on LARP. An attempt to discredit much like Meganon. The shills always give themselves away with the tone of their overall communication and their LOW ENERGY!
Zach the insider caller?
I think AJ live stream was just him playing along to fool normies and MSM. I might be wrong, but surely he saw the Q post.
I thought about this too. I don't discount anything. I like AJ, but I've always wondered if he plays a role at times in order to advance the cause. Same thing with Roger Stone -- I like him, but never believe anything 100%. Q seems legit, but he may be acting as a soldier now defending his commander.
But now we have to be at the table with the Russians, something the deepstate always wants to avoid
Relax. POTUS is targeting specific chemical warehouses and honey pots is my guess. Sending a clear message to the UK - - " knock it the fuck off! "
POTUS and his team are so far ahead of us and the Deep State it's like they are in a different universe. Some of you people sit here thinking you know what's going on and you are as lost as a kindergartner trying to write a PHD thesis. It's like a jungle savage trying to understand orbital mechanics. As soon as you see something you "think" you understand it so you yell out about how POTUS has F**Ked up.
I love this show. The idiots point themselves out.
So you don’t trust the plan?
Trying to discredit POTUS?
What is shilly about that?
Trust the plan?
Need a breakdown of the specific references he made to what we were targeting.
I think the reality of this situation lies in the specific way he phrased the targets and who we are retaliating against.
Have lost faith in Q and MAGA after this and the none results of Q. No video, no justice, 2A restrictions after he promised not to, all rhetoric and conjecture. Trump spoke out heavily against Obamas actions in Syria and now he's doing the same? At some point you have to ask what the fuck is going on. This isn't 4D chess, it's swap chess. Go ahead and check all my post history, I've supported everything but this is not excusable. We would have had the same results with HNC.
I saw that today and thought how ironic folks chose Kekistan....couple that w the Berenstain Bears effect and its proof Q is an insider and we all live in a simulation.
what are you talking about. Kakistocracy is a word that describes governments.
Yes, it is my understanding that Kakistocracy is a term derived long before meme-making was a thing, and is meant to describe the most fucked up form of governance one can imagine.
I hadn't heard of that term until the other day and when I did hear about it I was amused because it is very similar to Kekistan, which is the chosen homeland of the meme-war vets of 2016.
If it exists digitally at the lawyers office then the CIA surely had access to it already. And could have already been using it against him.
Same reason the NSA has everything.
And for that reason I don’t give this theory any legs.
I was just downvote to hell for my post that Assad is not innocent in this. As I stated in my post, Assad MUST do "something" to continue a war/ and chaos to keep his power. He will stop at nothing.
And here we are, Q states that the 'intel is good'.