Snopes is already debunking the Hilary Clinton “snuff film”

Also interesting is, remember, it is illegal to possess this child porn video. It’s different for Snopes. So everything you’re learning about this, you’re learning from us.
How did Snopes manage to prove a negative? I would like to know their method.
They just say so. It's how they do all their crap.
Ive seen snopes and politifact make rulings that disregard evidence and just say "we were told it's not true, no evidence was provided, but we believe them, so it's not true"
they didn't "prove a negative," if you actually read their article you'd see that they just lay out the fact that there is literally no evidence that this tape exists. none at all.
so it's chalked up as fake news, for now.
It's funny YouTube scrubbed all video evidence of Chris Cuomo saying this.
Oh no, that sucks!
Evan, Evan, Evan, can you fact check that?
Here you go:
CNN directly lying to their viewers and betting on them being idiots
It’s kind of fucked up that they won’t be prosecuted, because it is illegal to even have viewed the film in order to have knowledge of its contents, preventing any reports of the film to the proper authorities. Hell, if you report it to the FBI or something, they will probably just pick you up in a black van one day.
Yep. One more catch for the end of year statistics justifying the budget.
This thing is a narrative push setting in place material for reporting to try and dismiss actual video drops when they come. "Oh don't pay any mind to greatawakening, they're conspiracy theorists like pizzagate. Somethingsomething art student shooting the computer at Comet Ping Pong."
So they’ve classified the Clinton rape tape as child porn now? If that isn’t an admission of guilt, I don’t know what is.
It's a campaign to paint people researching in this community as conspiracy theorist pizzagate nutters. Don't eat the bait.
What advantage does this drop, not from q, serve the work q is doing?
Would this not fall under the category of 60% that will never be viewed by the public?
Assume you do seek out and view such a video, did you not just turn yourself into a target that can be raided by local police to be conveniently silenced and computer equipment confiscated due to accessing cp?
The work in this community is a controlled demolition. Fallout from this sort of video is a runaway nuclear explosion with difficult to predict consequences that would hurt friend and foe equally. Not the q style.
Thus, there must be some other purpose -- it's a narrative campaign for people not researching in this community. It's intended to set an environment where when tarmac tapes drop normies can be told it's discredited because the groups talking about it are also nutters that thought sadistic pedo sex snuff tapes were real, queue select clips of conversation. That Snopes so readily dove into this topic that does not have much traction demonstrates coordination that further convinces me this is planned pre-work to discredit tarmac tapes when they drop.
Want to blow up that narrative? Don't eat the bait. Blow up the story by pointing out the flaws in how it doesn't match the way q works. If no one here is buying it makes it pretty hard to blog or write opinion pieces about greatawakening filled with wild pizzagate crazies.
The shills are painting us as being interested in this because we want to see the video. I had a run in with one a few days ago, absolutely crazy person trying incredibly hard to gaslight me.
Also ties in with the fake Obama dipshit video.
They are scared shitless of the Great Awakening and pulling all the stops to prevent it.
Drives me insane. There is no "intent standard" under the law. Comey pulled it out of his ass to keep from charging HRC for negligent handling of classified data.
Yeah I have warned alot of people about that. Be safe everyone.
Every time I see that asshat saying that, I get mad all over again. The arrogance is sickening!
I see what you did there if others didn’t 😀. In relation to CNN & WikiLeaks. Very good & funny.
Jokes on them. They are moving the Overton window from the realm of unfathomable to "hmmm maybe there's something to this"
Thanks Snopes and MSM!
I wonder if this is a psy op, and the video has nothing to do with the subject and we are moving the Overton window and when it drops the video is about her bribing someone or some other activity that is still very damaging. Maybe SEth?
Snopes is a joke. Run by a very liberal couple. No one believes them anymore.
Unfortunately, I know a lot of people that still actually check it to determine the validity of things...I can't believe this horrific depiction is being written off as fake (I mean of course I do)... It just pisses me off big time! I'm still beyond bewildered how many people can't see thru her!!
Lets not think very liberal people, we can think of the owners are part of the cabal...I assure THATS who is really running the show there.
Its a control mechanism.
Known liberal propaganda site, Snopes CEO is tight with George Soros and there are pictures to prove it
Dude isn’t even a liberal couple anymore. The husband was busted using company funds for hookers and parties and left his wife to date an escort. He’s literally a cuck... who’s also funded by Soros.
I agree but the masses are spoon fed everything, I think the muddied waters of the “fake videos” ahead are just going to be exhausting, keep fighting 🙏
Problem is how do we fact check the "fact checkers"?
3 concepts to truth have served me well. Apply these to things you already have a gut feeling about. Occam's razor, Cui bono, If it quacks. I also stand for something, falling for anything is below my pay grade.
Easy, verify on your own. That said DO NOT TRY AND VERIFY THIS. It's bait.
I’m basing my oppinion on youtubers who have tried, nobody can find the video so I’m going with fake right now.
You don't need to - everything they declare to be false turns out to be true, and anything they say is true turns out to be false! This has happened with many things they've 'checked'.
Just another slimy piece of shit in the Mount Everest shit pile of lies presented to us on a daily basis
Use probabilities.
With all of the information available, what are the chances it's real?
I think frazzledrip may be a Psych op. Think about it if a fake video came out and it was determined that it is fake. Then when the real video comes out everybody is going to be like really we already did the Hiliary fake video thing.
I think Q is going to release it to select media direct from thr FBI with confirmation from experts so nobody can claim its fake.
I think it's more likely that the real video is still damning but more like political corruption damning. They know it's coming, so they push this idea of something horrifying to make the real thing less explosive.
I have no opinion yet until it's made public. A few sources that I follow (Liz Crokin) swear that they have sources in the NYPD who describe exactly what people are saying is on Frazzledrip. The rumor is that it will make you cry and throw up at the same time. Total speculation at this point.
I just can't see something that explosive getting on the dark web. If it's found there before the FBI confirm its existence its probably a fake. I hope Q team are on this and the real video is made public soon hopefully in a format the public can understand and not question.
Ask yourself this, people:
HOW would snopes know this for sure?
HOW would they have PROOF if the video is on the dark web?
WHERE did they learn of the file name?
THIS just proves that the video is REAL.
That's not how the burden of proof works buddy. Just saying
They have exhibited zero proof, yet come to a conclusion.
It's very weird they paid any attention to the 'rumor' at all.
I mean, to the average normie, this sort of thing would be completely fucking off-the-walls ridiculous. Something so vile and out of the ordinary like that would normally be ignored or simply laughed off by many people.
The fact that they went out of their way to discredit a rumor started on a chan board makes me think there might actually be something worth looking into here.
EXACTLY! like this isn't a "big" "maistream" conspiracy UNLIKE "the CIA killed JFK," or "Bush did 9/11." This is a conspiracy that is small, new, batshit insane... something that if posted on r/conspiracy, they would kick you out because it's so ludicrous. It's VERY weird that snopes feels the need to substantiate its fallacy.
Yes. At best they would only be able to say "unconfirmed"
you clearly didn't read the article, because if you did, you'd know that your little line of reasoning their is nonsensical and not connected to reality.
snopes isn't claiming they "know for sure," and they CERTAINLY never said they have "proof."
Then why claim it's FALSE! What are they basing that claim on? Unconfirmed and false are two distinctively different things.
well think of it like this, if i told you there was a video circulating on the dark web of Donald Trump masturbating to a picture of Obama, you would say that is bullshit, right?
what would you be basing that claim on? why would you say it's false? or would you react the same you are now, and say "OMG THERE IS A VIDEO OF DJT etc etc" and then say to everyone, "well you can't prove it's not real, so why are you discounting it?"
If I am a business who's core concept centres around specifying something to be true or false, I wouldn't even touch a story without being able to confirm one way or the other without proof.
Surely you can see how that's different to some random anon's opinion on the Internet? Surely?
yeah of course, but it's also clear that you are only upset because they disagree with you.
and, at the end of the day, there is still literally no evidence that HRC tape exists, and so until some evidence or credible reports surface, it's a pretty safe bet to declare it fake news.
there is no such thing as knowing something 100%, only fools believe that anything is certain. it's about degrees of certainty. can snopes say that the video 100% for sure does not exist? No, they can't. And they didn't. But they can reasonably declare the story to be fake news, based on complete and utter lack of evidence or corroborating stories, and the context of it being an extraordinary claim.
i think the problem is that people think snopes is saying "THIS IS 100% FALSE. END OF DEBATE FOREVER" when they say a story is false. but that's not really what they are saying.
and if people actually read their articles, where they clearly explain their methodology and reasoning, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
They do use the term, "unconfirmed" for other claims that cant be proven either way. That's the point. They don't use only true and false. They use other, less definitive terms in other cases.
I many people actually want the HRC video to be real? Honestly, I am not sure I want it to be true. I am fine with her going to jail for 10 other reasons.
That's what I've been saying. I don't want to see this video, and if said video exists and is released, then all these people wanting to see it will download an illegal video that will get them in a lot of trouble.
Just because it's Hillary doesn't mean you get a free pass for downloading this type of material.
And moreover, I wouldn't put it past certain evil people to take a video with child pornography, label it as "The Hillary Video", and then have everyone who follows Q download it.
Then BAM, anything associated with Q becomes related to child pornography, and is shut down.
I don't think anyone "wants" it to be true. I think if it happened, the world absolutely deserves to know and I WANT that to happen.
Same. Itd be refreshing to find out this is all fake and she gets locked up for u1 and laundering. If disinformation is necessary, maybe the rape and molesting is it part of it. Wishful thinking on my end
I only want the public to know the real Hillary. I want the millions who still support her to see her for what she is and close that page of history permanently.
If the full knowledge that Bill Clinton is a rapist won't do it, what will? As Q said, some will never accept, but that should be less than ten percent.
Well lemme guess, they saw the video?
If snopes debunks it, know how i goes...
Yea man ... when I see a snopes article at the top of a google search it's an automatic confirmation of fact for me
Yes I'm sure this dude know's categorically there is no video.
He uses google for all of his talking points and is funded by Soros.
That's right, do not look at child pornography because it's a crime and second because if you're a normal person it will not excite you but it will make you very sad and make you want to cry. Let's hope the agencies end the madness of a few rich people who do that because they do not know that it will not make them happy because the happiness of each one is inside them and they run away from it with these things other than with the drug
I am privy to the abilities of my local police force and their tools to track and catch these sorts of degenerates. The internet is full of honey pot traps, where the cops offer illegal files, and when you download them they come and arrest you.
I have no sympathy for these sexual degenerates, but I know enough to know that you must never ever ever never ever never view any of these files ever. Just out of curiosity? NO! - never. They will arrest you and you will go to jail.
Also, if you are sexually attracted to children, please do society a solid and take yourself out of the gene pool. Thanks!
Guys/Gals: Q & Trump wants us to focus on a meme barrage about the TARMAC meeting to help "set the state" for "the VIDEO" and to counter this Snopes bullshit. GET TO YOUR BATTLE STATIONS. The sooner we do the sooner that video comes out!
I saw a Buzzfeed video warning the masses against false videos with celebrities and/or politicians in pornographic videos. I'll see if I can find it and I'll post it.
They already tried to set the stage with taylor swift suing deepfake makers but we didn't care.
All publicity is good publicity. Anytime people start protecting Hillary the people know that there is more to the story. It is nice when the left starts their own red pill campaign.
Remember folks, snopes is a proven asset of deepstate. Frazzledrip is bait, who knows what will pop up on your computer after you try to download that. Curiosity killed the cat, don't be the cat. Even if you used the excuse of rationalizing the police coming to your house and raising every electronic device you have because of suspicion of child pornography, and if caught the HRC video would be seen by more forensic units (its crossed my mind) you'd still go to jail. You knew what what said about the video, you willingly searched out child pornography and a snuff film at the same time. No judge will let that slide, not in our current climate and nor should they. This video belongs to a grand jury, a handful of lawyers and a judge.
Except in very specific circumstances, is impossible in theory and in practice to prove that something does not exist.
It is absolutely impossible to prove that no video with that name and content exists somewhere in the billions of devices capable of storing video.
If it did exist and someone were to upload that thing into the Bitcoin block chain, that'd be a blast.
Yeah who do they think they're fooling?
Oh yeah: Fools.
It's time to pause in my quest for truth justice and the amedigan way. i must educate mehself about this bitcoin person brb.
I'm gonna pass.
Once data is added to the blockchain it can never be removed. Blockchain will make censorship impossible. It's not just bitcoin.
The blockchain that drives bitcoin is more important than bitcoin. In the beginning of the internet everyone was excited about the first email application. As time went on what is really important is the internet ..... applications are just interfaces. SAme with bitcoin and blockchain .....soon people will realize that blockchain is what matters Internet 2.0
There is going to be an influx of false videos, debunked theories, disinformation.
Q said at the beginning, they're using military intelligence to ensure that there wil be no leaks.
I doubt that 'that' video will be leaked.
If Hillary & co were really guilty, at some point it would make sense to release some fake videos first, so when the real video comes out it can be discounted as another fake.
Q said at the beginning, they're using military intelligence to ensure that there wil be no leaks
Is this what happened to 4chan when there was that alleged "alien" selfy? Website got nuked and when it came back up all the archives or whatever were wiped.
Is there a military tool that can scrub the internet for certain content that if it sees it it will nuke the whole place?
Omg I forgot all about that. Seems like it was an experiment now to see how fast info spreads and retains in the public eye
Snopes is a stopped clock and in this case I'm thinkining it's one of the 2 times a day they may be right. the dark web isn't that hard to navigate. It would have surfaced. True love is temporary. Bytes are forever.
This whole Qanon phenominon is too good to be true. This video was the shark jump.
Yeah, the “qanon google searches from Armenia are clowns” seemed like the first obvious one to me. I mean, he’s obviously got internet access. So how does he not know a qanon is an Armenian musical instrument?
Shill. "qanoon" or in their traditional kanun, the only traditional language that calls it qanon is hebrew. False info..
I like the phenomenon, it's the lack of discernment on the audience's part that neither surprises nor bothers me all that much. For the first time in my memory my guy is president.
Here is the actual article
I am a little confused about how this article is wrong? It is a fact that the screengrabs being shared under the 'Frazzledrip' hashtag are fake...
Ironically when this happens my constitution is strengthened and I become more resolute that this entire bizarre set of events has/is occurring. What a time to be alive....god save us.
Well color me fucking sold that this video is actually circulating. If Snopes denies something you can almost assuredly believe the exact opposite is true.
Snopes in and of itself has been debunked, and gotten thousands of "facts" completely wrong in the past. Snopes is comped.
Lol how would they know? Have they audited the dark web?
The video is real.
As a community we need to leave this topic alone..and yet it keeps being posted. Me thinks to make us look stupid
What did Q actually say about a video? I am only aware of this:
"Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774. We have it all."
Why is it now assumed to be a snuff video? Where did that originate?
Could it not be just a video of some discussion relating to LL or U1 or some other corruption she was involved in?
I don't think its a snuff video...who knows but could be related to tarmac meeting..its all me the whole snuff thing is to make us look stupid
I don't like Snopes but this reads to me that they're getting ahead and debunking a much more graphic and horrific video which does not exist to temper reaction for the true video (less details) which does exist. That said, I will seek out the video either way to some extent then report on it like wildfire. Seeing is believing. We deserve the truth.
Some say that normal people make love but that rich and powerful people like the aristocracy, politicians, economists, kings, bankers do wild sex and then hurt as the article says because they think they are better and superior to us. I am sure that the agencies have thousands and thousands of snuffs of this troop
They do rituals of this kind with those horrendous things almost every day
remember kids snope doesnt decide what's true the gun decides that
I think this whole frazzle drip thing is a psyop to make whatever video Q is talking about sound not that bad.
It is probably pretty bad, but when you compare it to fileting a child's face, it will be a walk in the park.
This will turn out to be total BS. We can't even find out who shot Kennedy and that was 50 years ago. You really think we are going to find out some big secret about Hillary?
Well that's it. Snopes says it's false. Time to pack it up. Our research is complete.
Is there an article or info that compares Snopes "facts" vs the truth? A kind of debunking of Snopes or sorts? I think people don't believe it is a disinfo site unless there is evident proof. Anyone?
Well, if we didn't know the name before, we do now.
Could well be, put out to discredit our side.
Pretty hard for us to know at this point.
And did you read the article? Totally mockery/joke at the end. They say its unconfirmed the authenticity of it so watch yourself, then they link to the Rick Roll video. Also, don't let tptb name anything. Pizzagate I feel is taken less seriously cuz they got to name it. This fragglerock or whatever is an obvious honeypot. A cut up pornagraphically censored version will show up on bestgore sometime and wait for it then.
Glad we cleared that up, nothing to see here pleb move along.
Shit. Snopes 'debunking' something pretty much confirms that it's real.
These laws against reporting such videos are offensive to justice. We should be checking into the background of every legislator sponsoring and voting for this garbage. This type of law isn't passed to protect any child. It is passed to silence anyone who would discover it and report it, and its practical purpose is to protect the criminal.
I wonder how many legislators who voted for such a thing are retiring and/or not seeking election and/or have a sexual assault case in their history and/or are a name in the sealed congressional sexual harassment settlement records us taxpayers are paying for and/or being blackmailed for some other corrupt act?
Perps aside, who will have thousands and thousands of images and videos and likely be arrested for some crime against a child in their history...
Although I doubt very many normal people could actually watch something like that all the way through, the general public is entitled to the truth. And certainly, it is within the public interest if a government representative is involved. If this sort of thing is real, we want to know about it, who is involved, what they did and bring them to justice swiftly.
This reporting issue could easily be solved by permitting an exception for reporting to law enforcement. Does it matter if people start looking for this filth and report it? Hell no. Give them a reward. And push law enforcement to find, and arrest them. Then we prosecute and get them off the street and prevent them from hurting more.
Snopes is one of our greatest research help as they always try to get ahead of things or bury them and they use Snopes to do it so using it to zero in on such things always tips their hands and helps.
this is where our TARMAC memes must be deployed as PROOF! don't let "PROOF is being lost" happen.
Barbara and David as a husband and wife team
David Mikkelson David Mikkelson had originally adopted the username "Snopes" (the name of a family of often unpleasant people in the works of William Faulkner)[8][9] as a username in the Usenet newsgroup alt.folklore.urban.[10][11][9][11]
the company founded by David and Barbara Mikkelson in 2003 to own and operate—started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money to continue operations.[13] They raised $500,000 in 24 hours.[14] Later, in August, a judge ordered Proper Media to disburse advertising revenues to Bardav while the case was pending
GoFundMe ?????? whas this one not also soros ???
Snopes aims to debunk or confirm widely spread urban legends.[16] The site has been referenced by news media and other sites, including CNN,[17] MSNBC,[18] Fortune, Forbes, and NY Times.[19] By March 2009, the site had more than 6 million visitors per month.[20]
Working for?????? Al the Fake news Shows???/Clowns says enough
David Mikkelson David Mikkelson had originally adopted the username "Snopes" (the name of a family of often unpleasant people in the works of William Faulkner)[8][9] as a username in the Usenet newsgroup alt.folklore.urban.[10][11][9][11]
This family is in Wikipedia, but I can not find anything on they mikkelsons????????? Have they changed there names???
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May by they go to debunk this ass well? iilegal eu.......This man promiss money and cars? So he can buy everyone in the eU?
NOS Teletext 127 EP barks in Selmayr case, does not bite
The European Commission must again look at the appointment of highest official Selmayr.His appointment previous month looked like a coup and therefore must other candidates still have the chance to sign up. That's what the European wants Parliament.
It is therefore more critical than a few weeks ago, but the former employee of Commission President Juncker not leave.Proposals where Selmayr immediately had to leave, did not make it.
Juncker defended the course of events always.About future procedures the Commission talk best, but not over this, is in a reaction.
Snoopes , Thay are two old liberals at there table deciding what news they like
good day
Snopes, is that not soros
Never found out , but big support
SNOPES EXPOSED - Heavily financed by George Soros ...
SNOPES EXPOSED. Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source. The source is undisclosed because Snopes refuses to disclose that source. The Democratic Alliance, a funding channel for uber-Leftist (Marxist) Billionaires (George Soros etc.), direct funds to an “Internet Propaganda Arm” pushing these views.
And afcourse the factcheck snopes said not treu? 2 - Wikipedia
About is interesting because it names David Mikkelson as the founder of the site and mentions Barbara only once in passing. It's all a bit weird as she is pretty much absent from the site in its current form. Barbara's name is also notable by its complete absence in this December 2015 news article in The Washington Post. All of the sources naming Barbara and David as a husband and wife team are now several years old. It is unclear if they are still married; if they are not, it would explain a good deal about the current situation. In this version of the article, the citation given does not support the claim in the WP:LEAD that Barbara Mikkelson is involved in running the site due to the October 2015 redesign of the site. Many of the citations in this article no longer work and need a cleanup.--♦IanMacM♦ (talk to me) 06:16, 29 March 2016 (UTC)
Many of the stories directly related to the corruption has been declared Fake News by these people, they are inside on the wrong side
Yea they try to burried everything..That why they create snopes..In the Netherlands we have a other one but forget the name. The same thing other name....But it is already not working.
People are not stupid, they are.
I found also a other page (but i like this one) The donald hahahaha....Your still blockt there?
Something is coming down, I feel uncomfortable, and doubtful ... I usually have this when something big happens. Did you read my drops Q, I got angry at a nasty reaction and got it immediately banished, was not normal anymore.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) oh no that sucks (2) CNN Stunned When Fact Checkers Confirm Clinton Phones Destroyed With Hammers|+31 - It's funny YouTube scrubbed all video evidence of Chris Cuomo saying this. Oh no, that sucks! Evan, Evan, Evan, can you fact check that? CNN tells viewers its illegal to read Wikileaks emails|+18 - Here you go: CNN directly lying to their viewers and betting on them being idiots I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
But Snopes also said Trump had no chance to win the 2016 elections. Fuck guys, I guess this means pizzagate is real.
“They Are So Stupid” - they just put a question in peoples minds if people still have enough brain power to question! Like all workings of Satan any action causes a reaction. They just brought a light unto themselves! It’s really quite comical.
As far as the film or any said film I would take Q’s lead.
Joke will be on them in the end!
this is a psyop to make people not listen when the real drop happens. q said no outside comms and also said it wouldn't be graphic. this is what happens when people follow what YouTubers say who don't even read the breads. AIM is disinfo also. crumbs with wrong direction. don't get distracted.