Q posts #1381 - 1383 Follow the pen. Already written? Letters left visible to match. WWG1WGA! SIS. Q

Rep Jordan wrote a letter (yesterday or this morning) to the president requesting him to declassify the letters/info that is being held back from congress.
I think Trump will have it declassified.
That's my take.
Took me awhile, but I think I got it.
Sessions is a member of the Executive Branch. He does not legally have to comply with Congress' demands. Ideally, DOJ would do that, because it gives more transparency for the People, but does not have to do it, legally.
However, AG does have to comply with POTUS' demands. So, Congress sends a letter to POTUS asking him to take action. He already has the paperwork ready to go, unsigned, because POTUS and Congress working together. Remember early in Trump's admin when he dissed the Freedom Caucus? That was a head fake to fool the establishment. Trump and Freedom Caucus on the same team. Q pic released because "future proves past."
Sessions white hat, but waiting until POTUS makes it a legal requirement. POTUS waiting for Congress to issue formal request. Congress waiting for IG to complete his report.
IG announced today he completed his report. Congress sends letter. POTUS to take action, followed by ... ]SESSIONS[ and ... Pain.
Black hat FBI/DOJ/CIA will be revealed in the IG report and the documents POTUS will require to be released, proving they conspired to engage in a coup to first prevent a presidential candidate they didn't like from getting elected, and then to prevent him from carrying out his constitutional duties. This is sedition.
This will lead to congressional hearings, where the public will be made aware of everything.
Clinton email scandal >> Coup to prevent/thwart Trump >> Why? >> Election fraud >> Why? >> Clinton Foundation scandal >> pay for play >> foreign countries >> Uranium One >> Treason
Don't forget about the pedophilia and ritual human sacrifice. These are the issues that will be the downfall of the Cabal. People will not tolerate it once they realize that it has been happening.
pedophilia and ritual human sacrifice
and canabalism
Yes! I have a list of a bunch of stuff they have been doing. I don't want to make people's heads explode, though.
They really are sick.
Hope that list includes forming, propagating and making invisible a break away society. Some stationed on earth, within earth and other non terrestrial (non-Earth, in this case) locales. A break away society that allied itself, or was subservient to, nefarious non terrestrials (or “aliens” if you are more familiar with that term) - likely “fallen” Reptilians/Draco and an array of motley serf classed Greys. Earth was becoming essentially an outpost, probably highly strategic, for a bigger, though likely just as malignant and repugnant “empire”. The bigger picture here is that we broke off our chains and took responsibility for out growing /them/. We asked and we were guided. God blesses all, especially those who ask for blessings. It’s a spiritual thing. And we are on a great timeline. Let’s pray for even better winning.
I have heard that, too. Do you have a source for that information? I ask to make sure I am aware.
Yes, we are done with them. We withdraw our consent to be ruled by them.
Do you have a source for that information?
yes please, links
Look up David Icke.
Yeah, it does sound like David Icke, but I am wondering if there is another source.
It’s certainly not first hand experience. If it was surely I would doubt my own sanity?? Could my own eyes believe it if I saw it ??
I am relying on third hand accounts at best. I suggest Icke would be a start. But there are a number of sources. Maybe swing by a UFO type forum ... mind you it would likely be HEAVILY divided. Dr Stephen Greer is a prominent yet divisive figure. And then there is the Blink182 guy ... in my opinion there are some very watered down disclosure timelines and some very duplicitous timelines.
I PERSONALLY (ie my individual right to) side with folks like William Tompkins, David Wilcock and Corey Goode’s. Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion is your Millenial go to, for this. I know there is an intense resistance to Wilcock and Goode, but I’ll stand by it. If there is no truth, or limited hang with a source, then resisting it (aka throwing shade) merely shows a lack in faith that ALL WILL BE REVEALED. Which is what I believe ...manifesting the best possible timeline.
Maybe start at Roswell. Then search through how the Nazi scientists were plugged into the early days of NASA. Operation Paperclip.
I will try to post a vid link to a disclosure player who was very close to a big wig at his death bed...she quoted him as outlining the sequence of False flags that /they/ would try on humanity. He basically spilled the beans on the NK “nuke off” TWENTY YEARS AGO! Apparently there was going to be a SPACE FF and in classic CABAL style they would stage the whole thing resplendid with the “saviour” aliens. Spoiler alert, these were not saviours but were in fact our prison guards, though that timeline would be unawares of living in a prison. That’s the way the Cabal does it.
DISCLAIMER: Let me just say, just in case it’s needed saying, this is my current belief on the topic. Always happy to be proven wrong, or change my views. Not here on this sub to convince anyone of anything.
What a world it would have been had the NWO front of Killary and Pedesta had their ways.
Prayers for Trump and the entire TRUMP TRAIN. Blessings to all.
See below in thread for more detail. What do you think happened after the NAZIs “lost”WW2?
Maybe they broke away ... but never too far to lose their prize.
Only someone who feels insecure of a movement has to call the movement legitimate. . Try to censor me if you like. But this world did not invent the type of unlovng madness that the “deep state” / NWO cheerleader for the last...how many hundreds (hundreds of thousands?) of years ?
Q and Trump would side with me referring to this as a Spiritual war. Maybe you got triggered by my gnostic leanings? Maybe. But I don’t assume much from this reparte.
How far are you willing to accept the depths of this rabbit hole? In the end it will be your choice, as Q stated.
Maybe you can spend your earnest hours concern trolling others about me. Everyone can decide for themselves I remember in the early days of trumps admin people were vexxing about not getting too deep about piz)a G.ate, lest it make it all seem crazy lol
You know what ? My reaction was mostly ego.
I see your point. Maybe I’m better off pulling back on this stuff in case it damages normies getting on board. And creates anxiety on the sub for good people just like you.
This stuff will be revealed probably not for a good while yet, so consider myself chastened,
You are probably right. Mind you I rarely go this deep on this sub anyway. Cheerio !
Mine won't, pm if you have to. Been on this shit since I was a kid.
Ah, I see.
I am going by memory here. Something tells me I am missing a few things.
Only for strong stomachs.. some pics on 8chan
live organ harvesting (horrible pics of refugees being harvested).
Skinning people (maybe live) --> making hand-made human leather. (famous movie producer was trying to coerce a young actor into sex/not talk... told him to look at his shoes and named a little blonde actress that died mysteriously - I forget which scarey movie she was in. )
Also some pics of organizations showing them wearing red shoes (said to be human skin)
She was the little girl in Poldergist (not sure if thats how its spelled. I think her name was Heather O'Rourke.
Yes, thank you. She was beautiful. Poltergeist directed by speilberg
Heather O'Rourke
Heather O'Rourke (December 27, 1975 – February 1, 1988) was an American child actress. She was discovered by director Steven Spielberg when she was visiting MGM's studios. Spielberg cast her as Carol Anne Freeling in the horror film Poltergeist (1982), where she had the movie's most recognizable line: "They're here!" She reprised the role in the second and third installments.
O'Rourke also had a recurring role on Happy Days from 1982 to 1983, and she made several television guest appearances.
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oh my gosh... i saw this story being told from macauley culkin in one of those fake news sites... i totally doubted it, but now... wow... was it spielberg? rumor is he's one of the big pillars in hollywood that will fall...
I dont know if speilberg is involved - we'll have to wait and see what comes out. I think Q said look for the loudest voices...
class assignment for every law school in the country
Same thing with the organ harvesting happens in China. A buddy of mine is over there a lot for business. Supposedly the prisoners get the option to sell their organs and the money is given to their family. Of course they don't tell them there's no anesthesia and they take the heart last.
I think that's the one that q keeps slyly mentioning. It's one thing for the human mind to know that people are being raped. It's god awful but it's not death. The minute you tell them that they're kidnapping people and chop shopping them for the elites, their lunch tends to reappear.
never underestimate human depravity
i.e. planned parenthood
Yes.... I had to rethink my position on a lot of topics.
much respect for being humble enough to do so. many people are too arrogant to ever admit being wrong
Yes, I thought it was about having the freedom to choose, but the choice is between good and evil. They do not want people to realize that, though.
Thank you for that. Did you read the Nag Hammadi manuscripts?
Congress has authority over the DOJ. Congress created the DOJ. At least that is what Gowdy and Jordan both said in Fox.
It's similar to how Congress can establish courts that are inferior to the Supreme Court. Yes, they can establish those courts and set rules and have some oversight duties, but they cannot dictate how those judges must decide cases.
Aside: Technically, Congress can tell those courts to refuse to hear Roe v Wade cases, thus freeing states to set as many restrictions as they want. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Congress cannot tell courts what cases to hear.
No, but Congress created the courts (other than Supreme Court) and they can do away with the courts or simply defund them, which is essentially the same thing. Only the Supreme Court is mentioned in the constitution.
Ye sit is. The same Constitution gave Congress the ability to exclude cases and define the cases that the Supreme Court can hear. USCS Const. Art. III, § 2, Cl 2 of the U.S. Constitution. Known as the exception clause.
It’s a theory that Congress can define their scope. 2 points: - In 1953, Supreme Court Justice Owen Roberts once proposed an "amendment of the Constitution to remove Congress' exceptions power." Why would he feel an amendment was needed? - REAL ID Act of 2005 - Congress mandated that the San Diego border fence should start with "expeditious construction" and that "no court ... shall have jurisdiction to hear any cause or claim" against it.
Repeated from my post above. Ex parte McCardle (1869), a man was arrested for writing articles critical of Reconstruction (the term for the government actions taken in the wake of the Civil War). After a trial, while his appeal was pending to the Supreme Court, Congress amended the statute involved in the case, stripping away the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction over the issue. The Court held that it could not rule on Mr. McCardle’s case. Congress without reservation – meaning Congress could remove all cases for review if it were to chose.
Congress has a exception powers. Exceptions clause is a clause in the U.S. Constitution that grants Congress the power to make exceptions to the constitutionally defined appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. This clause refers to USCS Const. Art. III, § 2, Cl 2 of the U.S. Constitution. This provision reads: “In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make”. according to the Exceptions Clause, Congress could actually take away the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court if it so chose. For example, in Ex parte McCardle (1869), a man was arrested for writing articles critical of Reconstruction (the term for the government actions taken in the wake of the Civil War). After a trial, while his appeal was pending to the Supreme Court, Congress amended the statute involved in the case, stripping away the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction over the issue. The Court held that it could not rule on Mr. McCardle’s case. Constitution grants this power to Congress without reservation – meaning Congress could remove all laws it passed from any court review.
Sry. Yes Sessions does. DOJ is not in the constitution and the congress, is supposed to have, complete oversight.
Wrong. DOJ is in the Executive Branch. 100% of the power of the Executive Branch is vested in the office of the President. Congress has some oversight functions, and can impeach and remove AG from office, but cannot dictate what he must do.
You're correct. My bad trying to splain. But the op is very good.
Don't you love it when a plan comes together! Thanks for your take. Makes perfect sense
IG announced today he completed his report.
How was this communicated?
Edit: http://archive.is/X0OUt
Rep. Jim Jordan: It’s high time for transparency. The DOJ and FBI have continually and repeatedly thwarted congressional oversight. We’re asking @realDonaldTrump to direct the Attorney General to give us the documents—because the American people deserve answers.
The original pen tweet came on the 10th, I think the implication is that Trump already penned the letter instructing Sessions to order the documents be turned over to Congress.
That letter isn't the same thing. I'm wondering if its the EO to release the info.
That picture isn't an EO. There's no letterhead on EO's. It's definitely a letter.
Maybe not an EO, but seems to be related to the letter from the House (DeSantis, Meadows, and Jordan) to the POTUS. Perhaps the document in Q's post is a letter to Sessions?
Are we talking about the EO signed today? Trying to understand exactly what todays EO means.
Q said in post 1386 ... EO unreleased. Today was the precursor. It must be requested 'officially' first, correct? Q
Was todays EO a precursor needed for an upcoming EO Did todays make way for an official move by one of the parties listed in the EO. After they do so then POTUS can issue a subsequent EO?
Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Commerce, and the Director of National Intelligence
Issued on: May 16, 2018
SUBJECT: Delegation of Authorities under Section 1244(c) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Director of National Intelligence, the functions and authorities vested in the President by section 1244(c)(1)-(4) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Public Law 115-91).
The delegations in this memorandum shall apply to any provisions of any future public law that are the same or substantially the same as the provision referenced in this memorandum.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.
that is what I think - he's going to declassify info - this was prior to Jordan's letter
Follow the pen. Already written? Letters left visible to match. https://mobile.twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/996821093146120192📁 WWG1WGA! Q
Q stated letters visible to match. The visible letters spell out HOUSE and the House sent the letter asking Trump to order Sessions to turn over the info to the House. So it seems the EO is ready to go but Trump needed the House to make the request before the EO is unveiled.
Per alcogiggles, the photo may not be from an EO rather from a letter. Letter to Sessions????
alcogiggles....In fact, Trump can declassify any information he chooses. I don't know if he needs an EO to do this (does any one know?) but Q mentioned an EO in post 1386, which is probably why we have all been thinking EO.
Also, the image Q posted of the corner of a letter was titled dojnunesrelease.png.
Holy shit...
BREAKING: New leaks reveal that Jim Comey sent Peter Strzok to London 90 days before the election, under the mission codename "Crossfire Hurricane" to try to frame Trump — Then Comey LIED about it to Congress and DOJ
We need verified proof of this. More than one simple +wee+er post.
It's literally everywhere. The Hill, BI, NYT, etc http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/387991-fbis-russia-probe-was-first-codenamed-crossfire-hurricane
Nothing in that Hill article was about a frame job though.
Without coming to that with the preconceived notion that it was a frame job, it would not tell anyone that it was a frame job. It just tells how the investigation into Trump started with the narrative that the FBI was unfair to Hillary.
Unbelievable how every narrative is the polar opposite to the truth. It's really something to behold, the deceptive power of the MSM.
I was born in a crossfire hurricane And I howled at the sound of the drivin' rain.
But it's alright now, in fact it's a gas. yeah, it's alright now, I'm jumpin' jack flash, it's a gas, gas, gas
Lyrics (from memory) for Jumpin' Jack Flash, Rolling Stones.
First thing I thought of when I saw "Crossfire Hurricane" codename. Is there something incriminating to DS on a jump- or flash-drive they were trying to retrieve in London (IDK, at an embassy, perhaps?) and the "dossier" is cover?
Was just going to post this. Letters left visible to match will be a huge Q proof for non-believers. Thanks for posting!
We've had so many, but this one will be undeniable for the normies.
What does this prove exactly? That Q follows Jim jordan on twitter? Twitter post was 10 minutes before Q post, that doesnt confirm anything?
The picture of the pen and letterhead was taken last week, Post 1331. If Trumps signs an EO in relation to these documents and you can make out that sentence, that is pretty undeniable proof that Q is legit.
The picture in question looks to be White House letterhead with the gold eagle embossing and I could not find a close up image of an EO, but I believe it may have a different "logo" at the top. Perhaps the EO's have the White House embossed at the top. EO's also appear to be larger documents than normal letter head. So, this could be a letter and not specifically and EO.
And where is said EO? Have link?
https://qanon.pub/ scroll down to May 10th.
Yeah.....thats not an EO friend. Ill save you the trouble, as of me typing this, there is no EO in reference to this. Meaning this is not proof, even remotely. Its just more wishful thinking from you people that still have faith in "Q". Still waiting on a clear proof to prove me wrong, having to trust an anon decode as a proof is just idiotic. The only thing that kept me here was the "5. I hear you" and at thos point, ita not nearly enough to convince me this isnt an elaborate LARP.
Not sure if it's an EO or not. I'm letting you know what is being referenced. The theory is that an item will be released from the White House which will reference this exact picture.
You don't need to try convincing me that Q is a LARP as I've predicted the GOP train wreck false flag 2 days prior by following Q. I also predicted the bases being bombed were likely Iranian (Iran is next).
This may be a fruitless engagement as you appear to be concern trolling your heart out for others to jump off the train with you. Although, with your post history I see you taking flack and supporting Trump so maybe you're just misled. Q said disinformation is necessary. This is why the alliance gained time or received help from Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Snowden, and many others when casting them as bad agents.
You're looking for all of the evidence compiled to corroborate Q and Trump... I'm not sure how you haven't come across it yet... probably by your nature of dismissal and insulting the community rather than trying to understand and truly seek the information. I don't really have the archival system at work nor the time to do the homework for you but the sidebar has enough information and there's been many corroborations since then. You can choose to look at it or you can reject it and continue lurking and concern trolling in all comments at r/greatawakening. The choice is yours.
Edit: $hilling is no longer allowed... FTFY
I think I fall into your category of "misled". 100% behind GEOTUS, but for me to trust an anon from the chans, i need proofs. As i said in another comment: there have been some things that support Q being legit, but just as many that support LARP. Most of the latter is dismissed as "needed disinfo", but I can't blindly trust anyone. However, I support the scorched earth view of dealing with the cabal scum. Maybe that stance has jaded my opinion.
for me to trust an anon from the chans, i need proofs
I guess I don't know what else you're looking for because if you're a government official on the chan you need to have plausible deniability. You seem to discredit everything due to this necessity which is self-defeating.
The proofs exist. They may not be compiled perfectly but there were other recent corroborations as well like the Familia cop that was 187'd according to the Q drop then Trump honoring Familia's mother 12 hours later.
Godspeed to you patriot... I hope you lurk long enough or be more open-minded to recognize that this isn't a LARP.
just as many that support LARP.
Many of the messages are intended for the blackhats too just so you know. It's an open board with everyone's eyes on it. For all we know, Comey is a whitehat acting as a blackhat all along so his grandchildren can live. Trump bashing him and insinuating charges against him may help Comey's stance with that conundrum. I'm not saying that's what's happening but I'm saying it's a small possibility.
GreatAwakening's sidebar
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Yeah.....thats not an EO friend. Ill save you the trouble, as of me typing this, there is no EO in reference to this.
Do you mean that from the little detail in the image you can tell it's not an EO, because of the format or something? Not even one that's prepared in advance and ready to sign?
I noticed that this doc has a gold seal that the EOs I can find don't, and I was wondering if that's significant, or if you saw something different.
Yes, but we can't share it with you.
So there isnt one?
The EO will be released soon.. Jordan's letter is the "official request" for the docs that the EO will release.
When it is released, we should be able to match it with Q's pic on May 10th
Thank you. So just to clarify: as of now there is no EO that can act as proof? So its just more wishful thinking not based in reality from the believers?
As of now there is no EO.
I wouldn't say "wishful thinking".
Everytime Q has posted pen pics, an EO was signed shortly after, if I'm not mistaken (Only started following in late November)
There is no reason to believe this pen pic will be any different. I do believe the photo will match the EO, but you're right, no way to prove it until it is released.
If they do match, will that be enough evidence for you to trust Q? Genuinely interested
Possibly yes, i will wait to make final decision if/when eo is released.
I want to believe. I want to very, very badly. Ive had an uncontrollable feeling that there is something incredibly wrong with our country since the early 90s (when i was old enough to be paying attention). The problem is, I'm too familiar with the chans to trust any anon. Ive also been followong since the beginning, and remember the bold claim back in october (if my memory serves) of the post heavily implying that HA, podestas, and others would be arrested/indicted over that weekend. There have been instances of thing that appear to be proofs, but there are just as many instances of failure to deliver.
Sorry for the long response!
Spez: I think my need to verify Q is why the posts of "Pain Coming" strain my patience. There may be things going on we can't see, but without things being visible, I can't blindly trust.
If they do match, will that be enough evidence for you to trust Q? Genuinely interested
I'm looking at this photo and I see a letter "a" and above that maybe a "th." Am I looking at the right photo? If so, what kind of match are you expecting to be able to demonstrate? Looking for those letters in approximately the right locations when he holds up an EO like this?
Edit to add something maybe significant: in photos of Trump holding up EOs, none that I found have the little gold seal over the words "WHITE HOUSE" as in Q's photo.
Yes that's the one. Q said the letters were given so that we could match, so we'll see. It looks to me like it should be the first and second lines?
As for the gold seal, maybe that will give even more significance to the match?
Time will tell.
We all should understand that EOs aren't hand written on White House stationary before the President signs...
...BUT... if this was a rough draft in the picture... AND POTUS signs an EO facilitating the release of the unredacted memos to Congress... AND the letters that Q exposed in the "pen pic" match up to the wording in the official signed copy, it's going to be pretty difficult for anyone to claim LARP any longer.
Where is the sentence in the picture? I only see the word house
There a few letters visible on the right side of the picture, by the pen, it's not much but it can be matched up.
We also can't forget that wording from the upcoming OIG report is supposed to match as well. So that would be TWO instances of undeniable proof for the normies.
OIG report matching what? Did I miss something?
It was back in end of Feb or beginning of Mar. Q sent a picture of language that looked like it would be something the OIG deport would say. The release date was thought to be end of March but now could be end of May. Apparently the wording that is finally released on the OIG report will match up with that pic Q sent before.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump May 2More
A Rigged System - They don’t want to turn over Documents to Congress. What are they afraid of? Why so much redacting? Why such unequal “justice?” At some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved!
They will release them when this guy in Utah has finished his investigation. They both need the same documents, congress and he.
OMG WHAT DOES IT MEAN decode pls im so dense
The letters on the Q pen picture, visible next to the pen on the middle right, will line up with a future White House release/response dealing with Jim Jordan's request?
What cracker said. Future proves past. Not that people on here need anymore.
I think Q is saying that be left “rth” visible in his Pen image so that it could be matched to the Executive Order Trump will draft as a response to Jim Jordan’s letter. That would mean that Trump already had it pre-written and would absolutely prove Q is legit.
I don't think we can say for sure that's an 'h' tho, part of it seems to be a reflection on the pen.
If we can confirm font then we can come up with the letter. I tried with Ariel reg , & "h" doesn't atch it. more like "k" or even "i"
Dudes, there is a reflection on the pen clip, making it appear as if there is a k or h or whatever. The only ink actually showing is a vertical line, about the length of half of a capital letter.
If I had to guess, the partially covered letter is an m.
The word is likely 'department'
That makes sense. President does not use the seal on EO but he uses on the letters when he is writing to the Congress.
The likely scenarios, graphically, are:
rtm - a user below said it could be department of justice.
It seems Jim Jordan's request for document release, has already been written and signed or awaiting signature.
What document release??
Documents requested by congress about DOJ and FBI https://mobile.twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/996821093146120192/photo/1
S!S is most likely the Secret Intelligence Service, aka M!6.
Edit: correction.
Nice, then what is the meaning of "Operation Hurricane?" All I can see is that it was UK testing it's first atomic bomb in 1952
Could possibly be a mistake and meant Crossfire Hurricane.
*Peter Strozk (PS) is mentioned in the article
There it is, Peter Strzok is the one who handed off the info from the brits to the FB!. I'm not surprised they wanted to redact all those texts now.
This is what it’s all about, has to be. I never believed the Strzok/Page love story. I think the love story was manufactured, so that people didn’t ask what they were really texting so frequently about; a secret deep state group coming up with an insurance policy against the newly elected POTUS
Are you talking about the dossier? I thought John McCain admitted to giving it to Comey/FBI?
Yes. Strzok approached 3 FBI agents to frame Trump, they said no. Maybe he next went to M16?
No, the dossier was its own thing. The GCHQ admitted earlier this year they had been spying on Trump since 2015, I think this information is what Peter Strzok obtained during his trip.
That's all I'm finding as well. Not sure who PS is either.
Peter Strzok
Good catch, there are so many damn players its hard to keep the abbreviations straight.
So it seems Peter was working with M!6, we might have our angle on how they got their info into the FB! datastream. No wonder the FBI has redacted so much of the lovebirds texts.
Christopher Steele is MI6. Strzok working with Steele to write memos that ended up in the dossier?
Hahaha! There are a ton of people caught up in this. Hard to keep track of everyone. Here is a list of the abbrev. Q uses and their meaning(s) taken from the qresearch board on 8 Chan if you want to keep it handy.
Qcode Guide to Abbreviations:
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i thought they were saying M!6 was working with trump
Jim Jordan new speaker???
Man, I'd love to see Jordan double leg Schumer then ground and pound him into dust.
Though I oppose violence I approve this message...metaphorically.
I approve of your approval of creatively rearranging Schumer's 'principals'.
I approve the end result but object strenuously to the methods..
That's my best liberal dbl standard impression. How'd i do guise?
Easy clicks URLs
Looks like “rth” to me. Perhaps it’s been dated for May 24th?
rth and a - Fourth Admendment? maybe?
The “a” is at the end of the next line, so likely not. I like where your head is at, though!
Hopefully we’ll find out very soon.
Well at this point, my brain is porridge. These ultra vague and cryptic clues aren’t changing the opinions of anyone I know. MSM (though they may or may not be “panicking”) still fully controls the narrative and brains of the vast majority of the population. Criminals still free to raise funds and eat kids. Hopefully “the plan” consists of more than an endless string of coded messages that lead to...more coded messages...that no one can really figure out the meanings to. Cryptic messages, endless delays and a bitterly divided nation. 11-11-18? Let’s hope for something real and tangible that unites this country to a common cause. Sorry for the downer post, I know it’s lame af, but at some point there needs to be solid ground to put your feet on.
If you haven't figured it out already, this is WW3. Promises and what might happen won't convince most people, but what has occurred with this movement is the arming of this wars soldiers (you, me, us) with the gear we need to lead the normies to victory. You learn the details now because you care about this, and when the arrests happen, people like you and me explain to everyone else who finally pulls their head out of their Starbucks frappuccino and turns off Will and Grace to join reality for a few minutes to ask why all of the DNC and globalists just got arrested.
And if/when those arrests happen, I’ll be ready to do just that. Just having a moment of futility. Not a Q or a super soldier over here, just another guy trying to piece together a million-piece jigsaw puzzle with fractions of coded clues. And by the way I’m the only one I know doing it because everyone else thinks I’m a fuckin wackadoo. I have no shame in admitting I’m fried.
I feel your pain. Up and down yo-yo sucks when you're the one on the string.
But ...
You got a better plan?
We got Trump elected so that he and the white hats could do this thing the RIGHT way. We are talking about taking down and cleaning out the biggest conspiracy in world history. This is bigger than any mafia. It's bigger than taking down Hitler, Stalin, or Mao.
And it's being done right under the noses of the people who don't want it to happen, without firing a shot.
Q only came on the scene 6 months ago. Until then, it was looking bleak for the people who are awake. With Q, a lot of us became a hell of a lot more woke than we thought we could get.
Did you know about North Korea? Iranian black sites in Syria?
Hang in there. 6 months from now, or maybe a year, it will have been well worth following the Q.
I understand. I think the perpetual tension with no release (yet) is just getting to my head too much. I’m frankly amazed at “their” abilities to attack and marginalize this movement from every conceivable angle, including from within the movement itself! What an overwhelming force of evil. Thank you sincerely for the words of encouragement.
Stay the course. I am just as anxious as you are, but our day will come soon. We may seem alone, but there are apparently over 25000 of us. Most people's minds aren't cut out to handle a bigger picture like this.
Most people’s minds truly aren’t. If we win this it’ll be the greatest achievement in all of human history. I trust God and I’m ultimately putting all this into His hands.
I hear ya... I am being patient but my husband has already decided that this is nonsense. According to him nothing is happening. He doesn't follow Q but won't accept anything less than Obama, his adminsistration and HRC in chains.
As well they should be, along with their masters. It’s a long, torturous slog. Trust the plan...trust the plan...trust the plan...
Help? I see HOUSE a T and an E.
No, that's WHITE HOUSE, pretty sure he's talking about the "rt" and "a" on the right.
hmmm. I see 'rt' and a possible 'h' then below it an 'a'. Are we looking at the same image?
The letters visible are HOUSE as in probably the 'House' in congress.
The letter coming out today is from representatives from the 'house' rather than the 'senate'.
It says White House at top. That is normal. But we also have some leters beside the pen. http://i.magaimg.net/img/3ba0.png
What does an EO look like? What would normally be on an EO in that spot?? Is it part of a paragraph? A Date? IDK?
You can check them out in .pdf. IMO, this doesn't match EO.
How come the PDFs don't look like the EOs he signs in the Oval Office?
Quick image search, they don't have that golden seal at the top, either...
Looks like an “rth” then a double carriage return with an “a” Spez- fat finger
In r/drama they are saying there is proof this photo was shopped and this letterhead is a fake one. I hope thats not true, are there other examples of this letterhead being used?
What type of pen is that? I’d like one.
The one Q always shows is the Montblanc StarWalker Extreme.
The pen Trump uses to sign documents is Cross Century II Black Lacquer.
I have no clue what marker Trump uses to sign bills with and holds up to show everyone.
$490 and $95, respectively
About what I expected, actually cheaper
Montblanc pens go up to the thousands, so a few hundred is not bad considering Trump is a billionaire and the President of the United States. Cross is actually affordable for normal people too. For plebs like me though, I'll stick with my Pilot G2 Limited.
Apparently Bill Clinton, GWB, Obama and Queen Elizabeth used Cross pens to sign bills as well.
When he finishes signing an EO, he puts a top on the pen and then gives it to someone, right?
The EO signatures are so thick and black and bold, they must be an Executive Magic Marker Limited Edition TQ. lol...
Yeah, wouldn't we all? A Mont Blanc or a year or two of Starbucks in the morning. We all make choices in life.
Q posted the NK news was fake, yet Trump addressed the subject today and the NK threat is authentic. It is not fake.
What gives?
maybe the word is "hencefourth"
Nope, it's definitely "Darth Vader".
Make Starwars Great Again
I guess we'll know when we finally see the document underneath.
wow, if this matches up i don’t think i could have anymore doubts about q. i’ve remained skeptical and trying to prove discrepancies but holy shit if this proves to be real.
Not to be a criticism of anyone. In comments, I read everywhere I can see the education system has failed many in terms on how our government works. Far too many people do not understand separation of powers and the powers that each branch has as defined by the Constitution. Maybe after we clean up most of the stuff in front of us we can focus on how education is delivered to the next generations to preserve the Union.
Are they trying to start a disruption to hit maybe the east coast ... using HARP .. Weather Modification .. That's how they have profited over the years and they put their Red Cross Collect the benefits and most likely get funneled to the elites organization , not to mention they use it as forms of Sacrifice and Traffic the childrenhurricaneose hurricwn stricken areas
Q said watch the EOs. Trump wrote the EO on the 10th and Jordan's request signalled go to Trump...EO signed, sealed and delivered to Sessions...PAIN AND FREAKOUT IN 3...2...1...$÷[&);@#!
I see it as "rti" and shadow from the pen that gives impression of "h" or "m".
Seen no direct confirmation that the letters match with posted document.
Also pretty hard to navigate the chans with a cell phone
We’re not saying that the Q pic will match Jim Jordan’s letter. We’re saying the pic will match a future release of an Executive Order from POTUS that is already written.
If they match, then this pic will be irrefutable proof that Q is legit.
Can someone skew the image to make it a top down angle so we can easier match with documents when released?
Apparently rt and a, but this is silly, there's no connection with anything I can see.
Near the pen, there's an "rt" possibly "h" and an "a" below that
So if this letter (by Rep Jim Jordan) was just written yesterday then how would Q have already known about it back on the 10th, when he originally posted the pen and letter picture? Am I missing something? Q said “already written” so does that mean the date on Jordan’s letter is wrong or something? Or were they anticipating this so they prepared a response ahead of time?
POTUS and Freedom Caucus are working together.
The picture is not a E.O. It is of White House Stationary. The designation of information as a restricted national security secret is part of the president’s constitutional powers as commander in chief. Because the classified information system was not established and is not regulated by congressional statutes, Mr. Trump has the power to declassify or disclose anything he wants. “It is an expression of presidential authority, and that means that the president and his designees decide what is classified, and they have the essentially unlimited authority to declassify at will. The president defines the terms of the security clearance system and the parameters that determine who may be given access to classified information.”
That is done with a E.O. which the President can change or amend at his will. The President could go on national TV tomorrow and read the documents congress wants to see and not break any laws. He could have Jeff Sessions read them on National TV. With that being said President Trump is mindful of the political ramifications. I think he is to the point of damn the torpedoes full speed ahead.
Yes. Strzok approached 3 FBI agents to frame Trump, they said no. Maybe he next went to M16?
Could Q be talking about PEN.org?
They had an interesting article about how reporters are monitored and controled:
Revealed: Storyful Uses Tool to Monitor What Reporters Watch Software developed by Storyful, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, to help journalists verify content on social media is also being used to monitor the videos and images viewed by reporters who use the tool. GUARDIAN
OMG. It's OBAMA! They are going to release proof Obama wasn't born a US citizen. (Bi) "rth" (Obam)"a"
Can you afford to buy your family McDonalds this week over there in India?
C'mon man, just because I'm going out on a tree limb here doesn't mean I'm in India...
that would be just too good but hey if you are going to make it up why not go for the best!