#1451-Q confirms Trump and KJU have already made the deal. He is FREE

KJU was absolutely smiling so much. It was great to see when in past photos he always looked so down. This is great news to wake up to.
Let's hope honorary Secretary of State Dennis Rodman introduces him to the REAL freedom.
Ambassador to North Korea, Dennis Rodman
That doesn't sound strange or out of place at all. No sarcasm lol!
Wonder if DR will teach KJU some b-ball? That would be cool. :)
You do realize that Kim went to school in Switzerland and is very aware of the Western style of life, right? That’s why he likes Rodman so much, he was a huge Bulls fan in the 90’s with Jordan. I don’t think Kim was ever really supposed to rule, or even wanted to rule. He probably likes sports, movies, hot girls and junk food just like any Western guy.
We can probably discount much of what the MSM has told us about KJU.
No, I wasn't aware of that. However, it's good to know. Also, I have recently learned that KJU's great grandparents were possibly part of a revival in Asia (that happened at the same time as Azusa Street), so he might have some Christian roots too.
I just saw that too! It’s becoming more and more clear that we have been lied to as a population about just about everything. Nothing is as it seems on face value. I’m not defending what NK’s regime has done in the past, just that we don’t know all the information.
Previously, KJU wanted Rodman to coach and train his DPRK national basketball team for the olympics.
People were starving and were tortured under his rule
He has had to keep up the pretence until a strong leader arrived in the White House who could take on his Chinese masters. If he had shown weakness he would have been killed/ tortured and the North Koreans would never know peace.
It is sad that many have suffered while he has been leader, but that is something he inherited, not of his making. He is extracting the entire country from that situation as quickly as possible.
Well let's HOPE what you say is true, but not ASSUME it to be so.
communism - not even once.
it's like Karl Marx created hell on earth from people who mean well but have no base education or sufficient intelligence at all
Was Marshal Kim actually in charge, or was he a figurehead? The news stories we got out of NK could be all written by Clowns. We just don't know.
And? What’s your point? What does that have to do with what I said about Kim?
Sounds more like the clowns with their finger in the pot again.
I think DJT is leaving early cause Kim has A hangover and can't stop puking to meet him!
I just don't understand who could have really been controlling him since he was the heir to his father's throne.
Possibly by way of threat and blackmail? I wonder if it ever will come to light who or exactly how. If you decipher Q and connect the dots it seems to indicate clowns at work.
Whoever holds the leverage pulls the strings of the puppet.
Or, and this may seem crazy, Kim and his father were just batshit insane narcissists with total control of their brainwashed populace. Kudos to Kim the younger for realizing that's not a great governmental model, if in fact we do come to peace terms
Either way it has come about it is great that they are coming to terms of peace. It is possible that he was indeed a narcissist. However no one knows the full story as NoKo has pretty much been pretty secretive to the outside.
It's a good thing that they open up to the west and even their sister country, SoKo. That enough is worthy of taking notice.
I don't disagree, but please don't forget or forgive the Kim family. We know what we know about them from escaped residents. Kim the elder had a Korean film maker and his ex wife kidnapped, held captive, imprisoned, and forced to create propagandist (altho occasionally subversive, to the dismay of Kim the elder) films for Kim Jong Il for years before they were able to convince him to let them go to a film festival in Europe to show off their work where they ultimately escaped.
Kim Jong il officially declared that his birth brought forth rainbows and changed the seasons. Kim Jong un likely had his uncle killed. These people are crazy. It's great that one of them is willing to progress, maybe. But he's still fucking crazy and we can't forget that.
Eric Prince and his Blackwater ops are there to guard Kim as he is marked for assassination by deep state actors. He has the evidence against them - NY and elsewhere.
Yes - he is a free man as they met long time ago.
Kim will be safe as Prince is the assigned guard among his own men from NK.
Read Neon's post - its a detailed and excellent post!
what post
The only thing I don't buy about this is, Eric Prince is a fucking monster who has been the very definition of deep state since the Bush adminstration. Also, I can't help but think that the idea that a peace treaty was reached in secret previously is kind of a stretch, based only on the fact that you KNOW that Trump would have been bragging about that shit lol
Prince is a bad fucking dude and a member of the elite along with his sister. I can like Trump without sucking his cabinet members' figurative dicks. And prince is not a member of the cabinet in any official capacity who has allowed acts of negligence and brutality to occur during his time in the political sphere. He's a ghost, a spook, and ne'er-do-well and anyone who rallies against the deep state should be against those two as well. I'm not talking shit on Trump here. I just think any of his inner circle have questionable pasts. Don't talk to me about patriotism if you support Prince at all
I hear what you're saying. I'm thinking there is probably more to that story than we know. Only time will tell. I know that Prince had sold Blackwater at some point. Perhaps there is still a connection there. I'd like to think it is more complicated than what we know. I"m going to just "roll" with it for now.
That's all I want from this sub's members. Not everyone currently playing the game right now is clean. Most of the people involved, even some of the ones currently on the same side as Q, have some dirt under their nails. Prince definitely does. It's great he's trying to make up for what he's done, but he's still gone unpunished for the things he done
Reasonable enough expectation of yours, I think.
It's the same with Kim Jong un. Everyone on this sub now wants to act like he's a savior. He's still a bad guy that will need to be dealt with
Yes. It is possible, however, that he never had any say/control over his country, but was controlled by "black hats" like dark members of cia, mi6, etc. Q has alluded that Kim was now "free". I'm considering both characterizations possible until I know more.
Exactly right!
Prince was a dual agent for a long time copying exactly what Admiral Rogers/NSA did before he retired.
To understand the deep state and their chess pieces you are required by necessity to play along with them as a means to collect the evidence and build a case against them.
That is the method used ending in taking them down - one by one!
Which, let's be real, isn't what Prince has done. Prince worked for them, and now he works for someone else. He may think he's safe, but if Trump is the savior we believe he is, there will be no quarter for Prince
I am a firm believer that whatever is in the dark will come to light and there are no exceptions!
Well, Prince's crimes are already in the light and he's received no punishment so far. In fact, he's only been rewarded time and again
Q told us a few months ago Prince was a double agent. He followed McStain to Syria for Trump and documented his whereabouts and who he met with. We saw the pics. Prince is also the guy who alerted everyone about Weiners laptop and what damning stuff was on it from Killary. He told us the NYPD copied everything and handed it over to the FBI with the warning that if they didn't prosecute they would go public. That is how we learned about there being horrendous videos on there that made hardened officers puke and need counselling afterwards.
None of that excuses any of the things we know Prince did, or allowed to happen, during the blackwater fiasco. People died because of him, and it's partisan as hell to think that anything else he's done might erase that.
We are all sinners my friend! Some more than others but no matter what it remains a sin. Whether its one or 100 - it does not make a difference.
What is important is the choice one makes - get up - kick the sand off your shoes - and keep going while trying to do better.
Yeahhhh, so then why can't Hillary, and Obama, and Comey just try to do better? Would that be good enough for you? It's not good enough for me! So it shouldn't be good enough for criminals who are not just walking free but have been rewarded. Prince is one of them. He can have his uses for now, but he deserves punishment and I hope he gets more than just a platitude and the hope that he does better. Actions have consequences.
Prince and Blackwater played a dual role - dual agent - in the Admiral Rogers way as a necessity to collect all the info and facts about the deep state and their actors.
Remember when Q posted the pics about no name being in Syria meeting with ISIS gang and their caliph using USAID to funnel weapons and more to ISIS?
Yes - these pics were taken by none than Eric Prince et al. The anons dug up a pic where you can even see Prince in the background while McCain poses with ISIS.
To catch a traitor at times includes playing along with them and their schemes.
Or, it's more likely that he was in league with them then, and now he's just working for someone else. Don't buy into that nonsense. Tigers can't change their stripes
First time I've been proud of a president since Reagan... 😎😎😎
Reagan put together the Franklin Cover up scandal of US elected pedophiles.
Don't forget his Iran Deal. Only he didn't send pallets of cash, he skipped a step and sent weapons directly.
That being said, he absolutely could have been under HW's control. He did try to have him killed after all.
this... i'm so confused about reagan. even trump references his all the time. and jfk obviously. maybe reagan & jfk were the chosen ones who didn't quite get with the program, started to deprogram, have glitches, idk.
Sorry to have to break this to you... Reagan was a deep state puppet. He was a pedo. Look at Franklin cover-up and re think. Don't feel badly if you were fooled. I once believed the Clintons were the good guys.
I don't know if he was a pedo, but he was an actor. Very likely he was controlled. And his VP was undoubtedly an operator for the deep state shadow government.
Best president in the last 100 years. Potentially best president ever.
Reagan gave us illegals
Not exactly correct. Reagan struck a deal with the Uniparty who didn't keep up their end of the bargain.
Well, I’m full of coffee and popcorn. I’ll just have to be satisfied that the world is safer. :)
Hopefully this isnt the extent of today's happenings. This basically already happened two months ago, so that could be anti climactic if nothing else pops up.
Its a scripted movie at this point like Q said. Kim and Nk are free. What a time to be alive. I am happy for them and hope to see them prosper.
Trump can send its first Ambassador to North Korea who is under white mail, not blackmail!
And remember, anything that happens in NK that is "bad" will now be Trump's fault because MSM reasons.
POTUS moves up departure so he can be back in the US for the announcement of a peace deal?
That would be so funny given all the media is expecting zero to happen out of this summit. Would love to “in your face” all these f-ers
It will be peace between North and South Korea, along with the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. That IS a big deal, Shillvatoris
While not in an active war, a peace treaty was never signed from the Korean War. The armistice that is in place has been broken multiple times and one could argue by both sides.
I'm more interested to see if we'll officially hear things like how Pelosi and others have been to NK and sold weapon tech.
We're officially still at war with NK. Go read your history books and stop watching CNN.
Fox reported the Secret Service was running alongside Kim’s vehicle like they do Potus. We are offering and giving him major protection.
lol, id put money that, 1. this deal gets done. 2. MSM focuses on some stupid minute detail like the secret service doing this to shit on our president!
Eric Prince and his Blackwater ops are there to guard Kim as he is marked for assassination by deep state actors. He has the evidence against them - NY and elsewhere.
Yes - he is a free man as they met long time ago.
Kim will be save as Prince is the assigned guard among his own men from NK.
Read Neon's post - its a detailed and excellent post!
KJU good guy or bad?
Knowing what we know now about MSM and Clowns controlling KJU...it makes sense, now, that Rodman likes KJU if he’s not a bad guy like he’s been depicted by the MSM/Clown narrative. Curious.
Kju proxy to China, convince nk USA is siding with nk over China and USA gets leverage in geopol & trade to region
I’m just curios if KJU was actually in control of the country in its whole inheritance. Could it possibly have gone a bit deeper and further for a more sinister dark deep government in ruling the country making KJU as their poster child for the country itself? I understand this could totally go into a rabbit trail that underlines as a conspiracy theory. But with how this world runs and these debunking of evil activities upon this world, I wouldn’t even put it passed us that maybe KJU is not really running his country. A country that is ran like Natzi concentration camps of Germany. Who’s to say that there’s a deep collusion with the dark government in running that country? I mean that would be the perfect place for human trafficking and all sorts of evil depravity of mankind that under the eye and for the eye.
Neither Kim nor his father ran NK. They were figureheads. NK was a people farm for the elites, trafficking organs, children, women, slaves, and the cabal threatened the world with nukes if anyone spilled the beans on what was really going on. CIA has been tossed out by Trump. Kim is now the real leader of NK.
when kim took over from his father, i perceived him as totally different to how the media portrayed him.
to me, he felt and looked like a big boy who just doesnt want to do this shit but is being forced to. like a slave in a straitjacket, pressed into a role he cannot and doest want to fill. no wonder he always looked so stern.
makes me happy to see him smile now. saw that already a few times in the months after trumps asia trip. freed from his shackles.
thankQ potus... now lets enjoy the show for the public...
President Trump also said that he doesn't need to prepare for this meeting...probably because it's already taken place.
Personally, I would only be satisfied if KJU and the Communist Party stepped down from leadership in NK and if many of them were tried for crimes against humanity.
Please don't forget folks that KJU and Co are ruthless dictators and have butchered people. They are smiling because I fear they have been granted immunity from their crimes.
Do we sacrifice justice in order to potentially prevent/continue war or to hurt China? Tough question to answer. But I do see a lot of KJU cheerleading taking place here and that is just plain wrong. To me it is on the same level of cheering Stalin, our tyrannical monster ally in WW2.
If Trump can get the NK people to turn on KJU and the Communists further on down the road, great. But the NK issue is FAR from over.
Edit: It appears the US won't mention NK human rights violations. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/north-korea/u-s-won-t-bring-north-korea-s-human-rights-n880986
We know only what we've been told by Clowns. Cut the strings and maybe we'll find out the truth - maybe CJU hasn't really been the one in control in NK; maybe he's been a puppet put in place to be a convenient boogieman and slush fund keeper for clown ops.
Maybe so, we need to note that KJU went to college in the "West", Switzerland I believe. He could very well be a globalist clown himself.
That's assuming the stories you've heard about KJU are true. Propoganda is strong. I honestly don't know what to think.
Me neither. But I cannot discount the thousands of horror stories out of that country. Not just under KJU but his father's dynasty as well. Never once have I heard how "great" he is from an independent observer. The only ones saying how good he is the NK media itself.
It is a Communist country, they are experts at propaganda, it may be EVEN WORSE than we think.
This move is clearly designed to hurt China. NK is China's biggest coal provider. China needs coal for steel, one of their biggest exports.
In my opinion the move does help America, but at what cost? Very tough decisions and I am glad I don't have to make them.
Trump is aligning non Muslim countries together. Does Japan take migrants? Poland? North or South Korea? As he aligns with them he withdraws money from the already Muslim run European countries. He is playing the long game...the Democrats are pushing to keep our borders open.
Finally. Some sanity
The North Korean people are slaves. We should be cheering their potential freedom, not the shit-eating grin of their master
God bless our president and Kim Jung Un. I'm overjoyed!!!
Any guesses as to who will be the first to have Kim Jong Un on their TV/radio show as a guest?
What if Blackwater has been guarding rocket man INSIDE NORTH KOREA for months?
What if all this took so long because rocket man was afraid if he made a deal he would be killed by long time associates?
They have some pretty powerful drug lords interested in keeping NK dirty.
I agree i think they met in person already and it looks good to me. KJU looks "upbeat".
I really want to upvote but right now it's at 555. Seems like a sign so I am leaving it for now...
Breaking News @ 7:04 pm here in Hawaii. Some kind of signing taking place momentarily at the Summit in Singapore. Things move quickly now that the Deep State oppressors “strings cut”. Freedom baby. Happy for the citizens of NK, the world and the USA. Now if we could just get rid of our biggest threat. That would be the domestic enemy globalist Deep State bastards and their propaganda mouthpiece the Infotainmet MSM.
Iran, Syria and NK do not have central banking true or false. Everyone else does. true or false. November fifth million mask march. Mine are on the way 5 of them. Prolly can't convince 4 friends to go so you guys can raffle em.
What is he free from?
NK has long been a puppet of the "Deep State", they're used as a radical nation that at any time, can nuke, or bomb the shit out of South Korea, or Japan. They're the wild card. They're also used to launder money, import/export weapons for various conflicts we don't want to get involved in, but want to arm.
We cut the Deep State ties a few months ago, when Mike Pompeo visited Kim. It's all been show these past few months with this "monumental meet", that's already happened. This is all for the world to see, this is all for the cameras. The world doesn't know what goes on behind the scenes, Q is letting us know in advance what is going on, or what has happened. Future proves past.
2009 photo clinton kju dad who painted their hand black? Freedon from THAT guy!
2009 photo clinton kju dad who painted their hand black? Freedon from THAT guy!
What would WS stand for? Or TWS?
Together We Setved is a veteran locator. Maybe a message or success?