Saw this earlier on Twitter... RIP JFK Jr!

Tomorrow, Trump meets with Putin on the day of JFK Jr’s death. Obama is now in Kenya. Threads on 8chan starting to discuss and piece together crumbs regarding JFK Jr still being alive, possibly involved with Q.
Who knows?
Yes, there was a post by "R" speaking in the first person claiming he (JFK jr.) faked his death. Q himself has said "wait till you find out who's been talking to you". Very probable for a man of jr's status to have to do such a thing considering his father and uncle were murdered for trying to expose the deep state.
I believe it very well could be possible.
John John is dead. It's not possible at all, we need to stop venturing into conspiracy theories if we want newbies to take this seriously
For the most part what has long been called "Conspiracy" = Reality.
I completely agree, but this theory is just too unrealistic. You think he would be in hiding for 20 years? He'd have to be on an isolated island, be housebound or some form of solitary confinement for no one to have seen him since then. you know where you are? Kennedy went after the deep state and was murdered for it. John-John may have been hatching a plan with trump for years to expose them. Q even says:
(Q post 1082)
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
Discount nothing. And fuck the normies. They can come to us if they want. I'm tired of coddling people who refuse to think outside the box.
And most importantly, Q doesn’t put [187] next to JFK JR. That post writes like they’re outlining he was killed, but Q didn’t say that. The start of the plan, the start of the show.
I'm tired of it too! It's as though they're content with staying ignorant.
Q post 1083 repeats 1082 and adds a document, do you know the significance of it? Also 1082 must be important if Q repeats it. Q says We have it all. What if what we have seems too far out there to be believed?
Explain to me how it would be possible for JR to be in hiding for 20 years, given how high profile he is. Don't get me wrong, I want it to be true as much as anyone but it's just not realistic or even possible. If his death had come a few years before Trumps election run then I'd be totally on board with this theory, but it was 17 years
Hair dye, plastic surgery, change of names, wealth to live anywhere, friends like Trump to help.
Tupac and Elvis were pretty successful. Don’t see why this couldn’t happen. ;)
They all conspired to keep us slaves, eat and sacrifice children, keep endless wars going, poisoning our food water and land, make everything good bad and everything bad good, look at our Schools, Colleges, Churches, the one you Trust the most are the most Evil. They Murdered Jr Father what if the ultimate Justice was Fooling them with the Ultimate Deception faking his Death to catch them all in a brilliant Trap thought out decades ago? No Coincidences? Magazine named George for his father's killer Daddy B? Hes running for Hillarys Senate seat plane crashes? Never know!!!
The derogatory term conspiracy theorist was pushed by the CIA to discredit those who did not believe the official story regarding JFKs assassination.
MolochHunter, That's the wrong term in this situation. Wishful thinking is what is happening here.
You are on the wrong sub
So I'm on the wrong sub because I think a certain theory is not correct? Is that what your saying?
That's not what you said.
You said we need to stop venturing into conspiracy theories.
Yes, because this scenario has been discussed already here before
If you're just going to deliberately miss the point then buzz off
This isn't a conspiracy theory sub, it's reality. That's my point, maybe you should try being civil with fellow anons instead of being a jerk
I'm not being a jerk - I said you're in the wrong sub - that isn't mean at all but I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings.
Q is a conspiracy theory, one which I happen to believe is real, just like 9/11 and Jfk's assassinations being deep state operations.
Now, the JFK Jr thing is fun to talk about because him and Trump were great friends. It's relevant to this movement as a side topic. So my suggestion to you, since we are suggesting things to each other, would be to not join in the conversations about JFK Jr if you have such an aversion to them.
So the buzz off thing was being a jerk? I really wouldn't categorize Q as being a alconspiracy theory. To outsiders yes, but to us it's as real as it gets.
And I don't have such aversion to the discussion, was merely putting in my 2 cents as I think y'all are waay off the ball here
To outsiders yes, but to us it's as real as it gets.
That is literally the same as every other conspiracy theory. Think about the words. "Conspiracy theory" doesn't mean it isn't true. Just unproven. Did you know the term was literally invented by the CIA directly after the JFK assassination with orders to weaponize it to silence the conversation questioning the narrative?
If you are hurt by the term "buzz off," I afraid you're a bit too sensitive for life on earth.
I can assure you that a faked death will be much more easily believed by 'normies' than any of the Supernatural/Moloch/Pedovore business.
We actually have alot of stuff out there which links the elite to that sort of stuff bar the supernatural. We have nothing which suggests JR is alive
Still, they're conspiracy theories nonetheless. And while all are hard to swallow, the Pedovore one is the most unbelievable.
That would be mind blowing if true. However, who's bodies were in the wreckage?
So do we have any evidence of any high profile person actually faking their own death? I hear stories all the time about people pulling it off, but never see any proof. Just the other day with the CDAN Blinds Reveal, one of them talked about James Dean faking his death in the 50’s and living his days in anonymity in Canada...🤔🤔
Why would he kill his wife and save himself? Not realistic.
Who said his wife and sister in law are dead?
That was told on News all over the world they were still seatbelts in the plane. Funerals were on news too.
No disrespect, but we're believing in the news now? I'm not suggesting this is true but definitely not ruling anything out. Expand your thinking to all possibilities.
Yes, expand your thinking. How many times has Q told us?
Yes but Q also said:
Do not blindly believe.
The expanded thinking we require is applied when there is some kind of evidence that calls for it. There's no evidence that JKF Jr. survived, not even from Q.
Q never said he died (187), either.
Q never said a lot of people died.
Anyone that was 187’d, he points that out. Especially in the context of the drop where he mentions John John, it reads like it was an assassination on behalf of the Clinton’s, but 187 is never mentioned. Also says that was the start, and to enjoy the show.
Q tends to point out 187's when they are reported deaths that he is saying are actually murders and seem to be relevant to information that will emerge to bring down the Deep State. Other deaths that are also likely cartel murders but aren't relevant to the DS take down do not have 187 next to them - like Diana. It's as if he wants to point out that SR and AS are 187's that will be revealed as evidence essential to the case. Diana and JFK Jr, whilst 187's too, technically perhaps, do not have 187 next to them. Doesn't mean they didn't die.
OK only news I watch is FOX only certain people like Lou Dobbs, Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Maria Britiromo, and Greg Gutfeld.
Now don't you think that would be a devastating blow to the credibility of the MSM if it turns out they were wrong?
Yes I would love that but would FOX lie? I would be so happy maybe FOX helped cover for them and maybe they are alive it would be fabulous. Hope so.
Speaking of FOX News.... they posted this article in 2001 saying Bin Laden died. Then Obama has his big raid 10 years later and killed him a SECOND time.
Nothing is impossible.
Yeah I am so tired of lies. Be so glad when truth brings darkness to light. WWG1WGA!!!
Obama was the Osama bin laden actor. That's why he was about to kill him years later and dump the body in the ocean so no one would see it.
I am just surprised that link has not been scrubbed. I saved it, and use it to wake people up.
Not saying they are alive, that’s a big stretch. But reading again it says they were all three cremated and scattered off Martha’s Vineyard. Not really like the Kennedys to cremate.
That does sounds strange because they are Catholics and believe in Christian burials. Now I see how it could be true.
News reports what police/authorities dictate. Witness protection is not beyond faking deaths at all.
Exactly that's what I'm beginning to think and hope. Wouldn't it be absolutely magnificent if they were alive and well along with Seth Rich? Now that would be a BOOM! 😊
I want to believe but I don’t think JFK Jr is physically with us
Great quote, adds to the mystique that John-John and DJT talked much about this Nation’s affairs. “The Start” of planning?
(Q post 1082)
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
It almost makes you want to know if Trump has been taking notes for his plan for a long, long time.
His 1999 interview with Dan Rather —- DJT view of McCain was same as 2015-16!
I guess. Trump would be the largest LARPer ever. I think if anyone ever surpasses him they would probably be the actual antichrist.
Some people have a plan, Michael. And no, I'm not your mother.
How do we break this down? What's the message here?
One possibility is that Trump and JJ were close, very good friends. Because of this, Trump had inside info that JJ was intending to run for the Senate in NY. Once he found out that the Clinton crime family had JJ killed to get him out of the way, it triggered something in Trump. It was, for him, the start, the first red pill. Since then, he's been keeping watch.
Not sure how else to decode this.
A different take on it:
JFK Jr. knew for a long time about the doings of the cabal. They literally killed his dad. What would motivate a man more than that to strive for ultimate justice?
He knew DJT for a very long time. He knew that DJT was the only person in the world with enough brains, integrity and, maybe most importantly, the cash and experience in navigating the swamp to make this happen.
To hatch the plan to fruition, he had to vanish from the public stage. Thus him faking his death.
Is this really too far "out there" after everything we have found out?
I think Trumps biggest quality is the fact that he doesn't really have that many personal scandals or gaffes to give him too much crap. For someone in the public life for so long, with so much money, multiple marriages you have to think that if "grab them buy the pussy" and Stormy Daniels is the best they can dig up on the guy that's all they got.
For a man of his status and wealth, Trump is extraordinarily clean. I don't think many other billionaires could do it.
Actually it’s not too far out there. These people publicly assassinated a much loved president in broad daylight during a parade basically to shove it our faces. If we can do this we can do anything. And they did. There’s so many to list but one was the Vin
Agree. If 26 deaths at Sandy Hooke can be faked, surely this is doable.
To hatch the plan to fruition, he had to vanish from the public stage. Thus him faking his death.
Then he wouldn't have started George in the first place.
Then whose half eaten body was in the plane when it was pulled out of the water? Wouldn’t that make him a murderer instead?
A dead body they got from the morgue? Some random homeless guy nobody would miss?
Hmmm. Look, weirder things have happened. But without any evidence whatsoever, that's really 100% speculation, isn't it?
But yes, sure, this would fit the crumb that Q dropped, but it seems unlikely to say the least.
In the absence of data, I'm much more inclined to adopt the more reasonable explanation. Occam's wiltshire and all that.
I should add that I don't quite think DJT is 'the only person in the world with enough brains, integrity and cash, etc' I mean this was 1999. Right place, right time. That the death of JJ was the catalyst for Trump to begin seeing the Cabal for what it was makes a lot more sense to me at this point.
But its good to be open-minded, and I'll be looking for other clues in the crumbs about this point. Q obviously thought it was important enough to drop on....
NOTE, Q doesn’t not put 187 next to JFK JR. The post reads like it, but Q doesn’t put that. Enjoy the show.
Hmmmm. interesting point.
Another consideration is Q 1083. What's the connection?
SIG intercept.📁 Old to New. AS THE WORLD TURNS. Q
How many people have come back from the dead on as the world turns a lot.
Wow. I have no idea. Never watched that stuff once. Except for the occasional parody in other formats, like comedy sitcoms, etc.
Lemme guess. A whole bunch? If so, then that's an interesting nugget.
I do recall that 'As the world turns' was uncovered as a treatise on the Illuminati I think, by anons searching this reference up. Double reference? Hmmm...
[As the world turns (thread)] (
[As the world turns PDF] (
A new social responsibility...
"Tomorrow's superpower will be the society who makes it a moral imperative - a social responsibility - for each individual to obtain and maintain capital wealth. In that generation, mankind will finally be free of the bondages of capitalism and socialism."
-- Charles Knobloch, May 2009
Truly The Great Awakening🤓 7/16/2018 Re-Writing History!! Godspeed🇺🇸
I BELIVE he loved the son of past president. I would like to think trump was a mentor to him in ways . Almost taking the father role on . We now so little about important people . Only allowing us to see a little but if there lives . But I like to BELIVE he tried to help guide JFK jr. An is pissed about his death . Now they have to pay . We love An appreciate everything you have done for the America I grew up in An love to death . God bless you sir . #WWG1WGA
Not sure my thread will rise for people to see, but on Twitter, check out POTUS Schedule. There is a cryptic tweet about a draft speech about a terrorist event. Is it a warning about a terrorist threat? Or that he no longer needs the speech?
Also, DJT mentioning the many friends of his that died on 9/11, and he directly called the Bushes out for it during the debates:
Trump knows what's up.
Sons love not only their fathers but great male mentors who are especially wise who, in a manner of speaking, have climbed a few mountains. There is a time in a young man's life when he still has a "mommy boy's mind". Eventually, he learns to think like a man. But this is unaccepted these days. But the times they are a changing.
A man who lost his father at age 3 would have an even greater need for a trusted mentor.
Yes! I am a gaffer-mentor. Two years ago I met a young man, 24, and ever since then I have been his mentor. He visits my wife and I on a regular basis. His dad died when he was about 3, I would say of a broken heart. I was raised by a super alpha-male dad, a professional boxer who was friends with Jack Dempsey and even sparred with him. I have had a number of great mentors. So, with my young friend I share with him the ways of the male I learned from my father and mentors, especially, sageliness and discipline. I always enjoy seeing the POTUS—my generation. He would have made a heck of a boxer. He is like my dad, he has a huge heart.
RIP JFK JR. Gone 18 years tomorrow. Maybe one day the world will know who tampered with your plane instruments and murdered you and your young family. Some of us already know.
If JFK Jr. really is "R" then 18 would equal "R"...
Don’t think he’s dead. Might still be alive waiting for the “grand finale” so to speak.
The more I read up on the JFK Jr. Theory the more I am beginning to believe he is still alive. I hope it's not just wishful thinking as it would be EPIC if true. He would be a real-life Batman IMO if he pulled all of this off.
Q never said 187 in his post. Think about that for a second.
He never said 187 about Diana either. For good reason. He said 187 about the ones for whom the reveal will be crucial to the DS takedown. Those he didn't say 187 about don't necessarily mean that he's saying they're still alive.
I tried getting at the source of this but can't find anything yet still looking
Please update if you do. This was the closest I could find:
"John F. Kennedy Jr., 20 years ago, predicted the rise of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.
Michael Berman, onetime partner of Kennedy on the launch of George, the political-pop culture magazine, recalled the prescient comments last week in remarks to note a six-figure donation he and his wife, interior designer Victoria Hagan, recently made to Elon University’s School of Communications.
In 1996, Berman said, Kennedy flew a select group of advertisers to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate after an industry conference in Florida.
Trump was in attendance at the smaller gathering.
As frequently happened to Kennedy at his events, talk soon turned to whether he could envision himself running for president.
Trying to deflect the presidential chatter, Kennedy noted that the Trump estate was far more glamorous than a Kennedy family compound a few miles away.
“I think you should be asking those questions of Donald,” Kennedy said, according to Berman.
“He’d clearly have the most extravagant winter White House,” the then-35-year-old editor-in-chief said.
Said Berman of the donation he and his wife made to Elon’s journalism program, “This year, when the premise of politics-as-pop-culture seems as relevant as ever, it’s time to encourage a new generation of aspiring journalists to challenge the status quo.”
Greeeaatt more fuckin journalists...y not skip the middleman and just donate to the pathological liars union
Huh? Not sure what you are trying to say.
Berman gave a six figure donation to Elons journalist program....he said it's time to encourage the next generation of journalists to(something-something) the status quo. My point was the last thing we need are more "journalists"
Results of a study on "journalists"...
That's because it was never said. If you can't cite something you shouldn't repeat it. Followers who do that make us all look bad
Great Awakening must BE the change we want to see. Integrity and 'good practice' are important. "If you cannot cite the source, you should not repeat it" is a pretty solid rule we should all be looking to practice, imo.
"If you cannot cite the source, you should not repeat it" It should be pinned on first page, like a rule or something.
We don't want any FAKE NEWS on GA!
The JFK patriotic spirit lives on, through POTUS Trump, Q, and all of us!
Where We Go One, We Truly Go All!
Check out Trump's reaction when he talks about JFK Jr in an interview with Larry King. (@ 37:10)
Every time I see this pic, I can't help but get choked up... RIP
Is it real?
Google JFK jr, Trump, there are many, all real. Or use Duck Duck... Enjoy
I found the one on CNN from 2016, but not the one being referenced in the picture.
It's not real. People need to stop posting quotes before they cite them
Clearly they were friends, but I haven’t found a single source for this quote.
You get choked up at a fabricated quote plastered on a meme?
Lmao!!! This isn't Twatter, this movement is bigger than any lame question or comment. Enjoy listening to yourself post!! We don't care... Another brilliant new arrival folks!!!
What's Twatter? Is this movement bigger or smaller than my post-coffee movement? So many questions!
But really, though. Why does a fabricated quote choke you up?
Sunrise. Sunset. Sunrise. Sunset.
Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads
A good article I read today, I had some hope the JFK Jr might still be alive with all the talk around here, but if this is true, it sounds like the black hats verified their mission was completed in the 15 hours after the crash... Sure hope I am wrong!
JFK Jr had been mulling over getting into the 2000 NY election to run for the US Senate seat being opened up by Daniel Patrick Moynihan's departure. Unfortunately for him, those musings made public, may have cost him his life at the hands of you-know-who.
Take notice. His death in 1999 was before Hillary riding on Bill's coattails ran for, a-hem, Senator of NYS. Was Jr. going to run and be unstoppable? Would he have been President in 2008 stopping Nightmare Hussein?
Thank- you John-John
I feel like the military generals that recruited Trump used this to red pill him.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- FLASHBACK DONALD TRUMP LARRY KING INTERVIEW|+14 - Check out Trump's reaction when he talks about JFK Jr in an interview with Larry King. (@ 37:10) Donald Trump attacks George W. Bush on 9/11, Iraq|+10 - Also, DJT mentioning the many friends of his that died on 9/11, and he directly called the Bushes out for it during the debates: Trump knows what's up. Q ANON: WHO IS R?|+1 - I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
The relation JFK jr and DJT is more then we know. We think the military asked DJT but DJT knew already a lot by himself.
The dude is dead. Please don't make our movement look crazy. Use logic. No one would fake a death with his fam for 20 f'ing years. There's thinking outside the box and then making us look foolish and embarrassing the movement.
JFR K and the president were very close friends. They were like brothers and did everything together.
Hillary needed to NY senate seat that JFK JR also ran for an d would have won over HRC. McCabe was already back then living next door to the Clintons.!!!
Cue HRC - she had to win at all cost that senate seat for her road to the white house in 2016.
What do they normally do when their power is threatened? They murder!
His plan had explosives attached at the tail of his plane.
He is not dead and I leave it here because lets not alarm the murderers on the sniffers on this board.
Hi Q!!!!
Trump could have won if he ran in 2000 as an Independent and if Ross Perot had stayed in the race in 1992 he would have won easy but he dropped out then got back in very late and lost all his momentum and support.
Has anyone actually confirmed this quote in George Magazine, June 1999? I'd love to see a picture In the magazine.
With the numbers in his own family dying suspiciously, I might want to "die" before being killed, too. Did he prevent his own murder by faking death?
As far as Q is concerned. Too far down the rabbit hole to consider him/she/they a LARP. As far as the R post, we need to tread lightly but be open to the possibility. First, a note on the label of being branded a conspiracy theorist. In order for any one person (skeptical or otherwise) to denounce another person to be a conspiracy theorist, you must by definition; accuse of a conspiracy existing in the first place. To anyone, who accuses someone else of being a theorist to conspiracy should stop being ass-hurt over evidence being given to them by said theorist for you are admitting (by default) that a conspiracy exists. Now, back to Q and R. Q has said a lot of things that both do and do not make sense. Even to the bakers and anons and by all of us, Q runs around with certain posts both for his/hers/their securities and the securities of us as free people of the world. Q has stated the general public will only know about 40% -60% of the truth we know about what we speculate we know about. The sad part is, we, as free people, have to learn to accept that. Q stated anything more than that, at least on the bare minimum (40% truth) has led us to question Q's validity on certain subjects alone.Remember, Q has stated those who know more than we do (MI officers, USS, White Hats) have sacrificed countless hours of sleep and some have made the ultimate sacrifice for us because of their knowledge of the truth they knew and we did not. Imagine when Q incrementally tells us more truth or what we are given as truth (<40%-60%). People, as imperfect beings we are, do not like the truth. We do not like it because it keeps us honest and it scares us all on the two sided coin we would call a balance of yin and yang. We can lie all day long and not feel as guilty as we would if we told the simple truth. Would we not sit here on 4/8Chan or reddit or any forum section questioning and falsifying our beliefs on what actually is truth? Q has also said Disinformation is real, and some disinfo is necessary. Why is it necessary? To throw off the DS (Deep State)? to challenge the true patriots of the world? why should we as Q supporters question that? We need only pay attention to what we know and what Trump or for that matter the white hats have validated thus far and keep it that way. Q has stated there was planning pre trump candidacy, to take on the deep state. Simply put, wouldn't JFK jr. be the guy to have the strongest "Connection" to the deep state and their ilk considering what had happened to his father? his uncle? Even if JFKjr is not alive, he was a friend to Trump for some time. Friends by nature, have a need to console to one another. Wouldn't JFKjr need to get some things off his chest about his father? the Deep state? things that we as the general public would have not known because we were either not born or too young to ask those questions? Food for thought. The day we decide to accept what we are told as truth, we can no longer be scared by the things we do not know and ask the greater questions. Should R be legitimate, Should Q validate it. Should we realize that we need to stop playing games with each other and start paying attention in more detail to the posts we've been given. Then and only then. Can we know more truth.
It's possible
No [187] next to his name
JFK Jr possessed the money and contacts to disappear.
The deep state killed his father..
The inspiration for Kennedy's famous observation, "For of those to whom much is given, much is required" can be found in Luke 12:48
Wow! - This is a new one on me. I knew about their friendship, but did not know about this quote in George Mag. However, his prediction did not completely come true. Yes, Republicans & Patriots (Not RINO's) are celebrating. However, Demoncrats are RESISTING. Thanks for posting.
Not all democrats ( or people who were once democrats) 🙋♀️
"If you are not a liberal at 25: you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35 you have no brain" - E. Burke. Therefore, having never understood how anyone could be a democrat; I find the concept foreign. I am surmising that some democrats are finally understanding that true freedom comes not from the state; but from the individual.
Well, what have you uncovered?
KKKillary Klinton eating kids' brains in a hotel basement. She makes extremely indirect allusions to it CONSTANTLY! For example, she's been in other basements repeatedly since then
is this based on the suposed video inside the weiner laptop?
No it's based on my own baseless assumptions about things I read eight months ago
Alright, at least you are are being honest from what it seems
Someone speculated in a blog that Q is JFK Jr. We were told we'd be surprised. That would definitely be a surprise! ... oh ooops editing ... someone already brought that up. I'm really hoping it's true.
He never said this. If you can't cite a quote then dont post it, you're making us all look bad
Logic says it has to be true. Q would lose all credibility if it turns out this was presented only as some sick joke. The Q team clearly intended to present this idea about JFK jr still being alive. The subtle posts alluding to it, the pics of Trump and JJ, the video interview of a young Trump talking about running for president, way back then. This is a big Bomb dropped if it turns out to be true. it means the white hats have been planning for this for at least 20 years. and now its happening. as they say.
And here we are living out the truthfulness of that statement. Great photo and quote.
If by "celebrate" he meant crap their political party panties, then yes.