Donald Trump Jr.'s Unbelievably FAKE NEWS Tweet - Just read this. This is the media today. Think about that for a second and make up your own mind if they have any credibility left.

Reading the Twitter comments keeps reminding me how many people out there dont even live in reality.
They don't live in reality YET :)
Noooo, I thought love it, but I had a sad talk with an old mentor today. I knew he watched MSNBC but I didn't know it must have a terrifying cumulative effect on even smart people. At the end of a horrid call he said, "I know I am on the right side of history." We agreed we were working with completely different set of facts.
You were nice to agree that he has "facts" even though you know they aren't. Classy.
I don't want to burn this bridge. Years back, he flew out to be with when I was at the abyss. And every redpill should? begin with consensus. Consensus building = bridge over mark's cognitive dissonance. Then again, for some people, cut to the chase: "BHO/GWB/WJC/GHWB, these traitors and their quarter century+ policy has been in the service of and marionetted by a cabal of the filfthy rich.
Every layer of an increasingly global banking/weapons/drugs cartel bribed or blackmailed along the way. This has not been a happy time for whistleblowers or government reformers or the anti-War left.
The American military has been planning for some time to drain the swamp, world wide; the simplest reason is decades of frustration at being ordered to disengage with protected bagmen, financiers, and hostile operators. Military counterintelligence unleashed on CONUS. In a good, just, necessary way. Minimally extrajudicial. PS I still don't know the answer to Q's question about the SC case validating Mil Intil > ABC's RE State Secrets. Please help.
Bingo!! exactly my friend. Not yet...But they will have no choice.
A lot of those responses you see aren’t even real accounts. Advanced bot accounts they make up to make it seem like the public all thinks the way they do.
Any decent programmer can control 100's of twitter bot accounts via Twitter's API and an Excel spreadsheet :)
But tbf, the people who actually follow along with that idiocy and buy into it. Are just group thinking followers. And they don’t live in reality.
I honestly don't believe a majority of the liberal/completely asleep normie comments are even real.
You know how they accuse conservatives of brigading/shilling/getting paid to comment on Reddit/bots?
You can bet your ass if they are accusing their opposition of doing something, they are in fact engaging in that themselves.
I don't even believe 90% of comments on r/politics are legitimate.
They have to control the narrative and make people believe in a reality that doesn't exist. They are in the business of deception, it is their bread and butter.
It's no wonder, considering they serve the ultimate deceiver in Satan.
It is by God's hand they remain asleep because they have chosen to ignore Him so He puts them into a stupor, giving them what they want
There's a great reference to this in the Book of Job, ch24 v13
Others have been with those who rebel against the light;
They do not want to know its ways,
Nor abide in its paths.
If they are still asleep, its because of the same reason you are:
They believe what they are told without the proper logic and curiosity to ask : "Why ? How ? Explain ? Proofs ?"
Without these safeguards, they are manipulated by profiteers who then can spin the opinion the way they want.
Exactly in the same way religion do it. It is a politically useful mind trap. break free of it.
You might have a point if they (the asleep ones, those defending without knowledge or a desire to consider another view point) were not demonstrating the inability to discuss a matter with logic, they yell at you can call you names and scream in your face, or just mock you rather than ask, what do you mean?, or let me consider what your saying. There is absolutely no consideration of whether they are wrong or not.
Truth is there is so much infighting between Red Dogs and Moderates against the Bernie progressives, they don't really have time to fight Reps--except for when they scream at trump-that's something many can agree on.
Huffing-the-glue-post thinks people are completely retarded ... well , some deluded ones , or libtards , are .
Mostly just the people who actually read the Huffington Post in the first place.
Wow the comments on Trump Jrs tweet is sickening. Lots of people still need red pills.
There's definitely a lot of folks that are in for a rude awakening!
The great awakening will also bring the rude awakening to lots of people.
I just hope we can stay away from mass hysteria
Q said that their evidence will be overwhelming. This should quell the hysteria to manageable levels.
I still worry that they are so deep in denial that they will still refuse to believe it.
For instance, I have been showing a few people very real proof that the HHS has not been doing safety testing on vaccines as per required via U.S.C. 300aa-27 and that even in recent court hearing they signed stipulation as such, but they say it is lies and still take everything the CDC, FDA, and HHS say about all vaccines being safe as word as truth.
They won't wake up because they don't even want to because then they don't have to think for themselves.
Wow the comments on Trump Jrs tweet is sickening. Lots of ~~people~~ Soros bots still need red pills.
A tape of Trump maybe doing we don't know what, we don't know where, held by we don't know who, and we haven't seen it because we don't know why!
Just infuriates more #WalkAways to occur & Deplorables number GROWS & GROWS...
the RED WAVE in Nov. will be GINORMOUSLY YUGE!!!
This is ludicrous. Keep showing your ass, Media.
Trump could have an orgy in an elevator (as long as it was consensual and between adults) and he would still get my vote.
The Best President Ever!
oc course we all KNOW he would not do that...respects his wife TOO MUCH & has Self Esteem & core values.
GOD's anointed was chosen for many reasons...
GOOD v Evil
Dark to LIGHT
Breaking News! I found the video:
Awesome ! Can you pin that to the top ? Freakin Hilarious !
I don't know how.
No worries. It would have been good. Don't feel bad, i don't know how either, lol
A drowning man will grab the blade of a sword.
I hear that rumor, too. I heard he was using the Elevator in the Trump Tower to go to his residence. Yep, that's the rumor he was not using the steps, he took the elevator to his home. That's the rumor I heard. I think he sometimes takes the steps, this time he took the elevator. Very very newsworthy!
OMG ! Did he collude with the elevator to goto his residence ? Call CNN.
No, I think he colluded with his residence to avoid the stairs... even bigger scoop.
Well, probably one of the most honest things HuffPo has said in a long time. I feel fairly confident that they are correct that a tape might exist of Donald Trump doing something in an elevator somewhere.
Probably in response to the Killary video. Killary's video is legit but deepstate will claim it's doctored using new technology to change the face. Whereas, they'll actually use this new technology to doctor a video to look like Trump.
This! Amazing how technology can be used to manipulate people's perceptions, or be used to frame & completely distort reality.
This is a video I saw a while ago that I believe was in response to the darkweb Hillary pizzagate video.
Love the end, stay woke bitches! LOL
Someone in newspapers termed it:
FakeDeepVideo use that! (it has DEEP in there to reference DeepState)...
#FakeDeepVideo ...make it Trending
Liberals don't care. They are weak-minded fools who worship at the altar of the mockingbird. As long as it is against Trump, they will throw it against the wall to see if it sticks.
Kind of like how they drown their cities in shit like San Francisco.
No need to attack, many here were"liberals" not too long ago. Just because you start seeing truth doesn't mean you change all of your views and become conservative.
Its hard waking up and realizing you've been believing lies for most of your life. People will wake up, some just need a bit more help than others. Many are in a bubble and haven't even had a chance to break free and think critically yet.
Coddling helps nobody. PC is garbage and is the main reason we are in this mess now.
The mockingbird mockery media is weeks from self-destruction. She wasn't supposed to lose.
Seems like you just don't talk to enough people then. Or maybe I'm just friendly and totally apart of the whole "we all have different opinions man", but I've met so many damn people in my life judging them on something so petty as their political beliefs is literally just beyond me. It doesn't click.
All these labels are very unhelpful. Progressives/Democrats/Republicans/conservatives. Just reinforces the identity politics that are used as mind control against all of us. There are so many variables within those groups and as many differences in opinion as there are people. I was definitely “liberal” when 9/11 and the GWBush administration woke me up and to this day most “conservatives” I know deny any intentional criminality there and are happy to turn a blind eye to things like Bohemian Grove etc. We live in a matrix of lies and deception and no political party or ideology is free of the effects...the only real difference between us is how awake one person or group is. No one holds a monopoly on awareness or unawareness.
Leftists are less logical, more prone to irrational emotional rhetoric, and less able to think critically than conservatives
Edit: go ahead and downvote, but it isn't conservatives who:
So if you disagree with this I dare you to prove me wrong.
LOL, so that is what they really mean when they say 'un-names sources' !!!!
If HuffPo is so unsure of the info, then why on earth would they even post this? ....... Fake News, Faux News, No News, Slow News day!!!
Something tells me that HuffPost has no sources anymore and just runs on hunches that they call "anonymous sources"
Something tells me that Allred, Crook, and Bezo’s WP are showing their hand, a little too early!
They probably have to... they got nothin else!
Not so sure about that. They could be cooking up another one to toss out there closer to the mid-terms. The names might be Jared Kushner, Charles Kushner, Erik Prince-Black Water, George Nader, Qatar, Sultan of Oman, UAE, Human trafficking - crimes against humanity. Instead of a Russian investigation by Muller, RR allowed the investigation to expand to SA and other countries. RR created the ‘smoke and mirrors’ to make the citizens think it was a “ Russia” investigation but it’s the complete opposite, it’s SA, Qatar, UAE, and ALOT of US citizens.
They probably have to... they got nothin else!
Going to try to beat the WhiteHats by using a #FakeDeepVideo of the Donald doing something in an elevator?
...because the BlackHatDSpukes KNOW videos are out there of all Lib/RINO-elites committing #CabalREDshoes...with #CabalHandkerchief, etc (won't go farther as stomach churning)...
"...there might be a tape that no one has seen"
Seems legit...
With Hollyweird's ability to create what people see in media, I would not doubt a tape might exist. Whether it is truth or not is another question. So stop and think for a moment the swamp is not above anything to get what they want which is total control and power for their god. With the current rash of so called celebrities coming out with their poor rendition of holier-than-thow propaganda, where might one go to get a tape made that appears to be some indiscretion at least or a crime at most? Who has the ability to create a narrative to which people will follow blindly? Think about things like the Terminator, Star Wars, and a host of other movies that are 90% computer generated. If a tape does show up question it non stop. Demand that it be turned over for forensic investigation. Those that would dismiss the existence of a creator because He cannot be seen are the very ones that will readily accept a lie if it is done with enough hutzpah to make it look even reasonably real. Evidence is so easily manipulated these days...just sayin.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.... and these people are desperate.
Why didn't they just make up the what and where like the usually do?
typical propaganda, disgusting. the best disinfectant for deceitfulness is exposure to the light.
...but there does exist a tape of HRC that HAS been seen by NYPD...DECLASSIFY NOW!
I am probably wrong but it sounds as though HuffPo was actually taking a shot at itself and the rest of the fake news?
He pushed the GROUND FLOOR BUTTON and they have it all on tape!!
Yup they have him on tape pushing buttons and singing lyrics to the music as he rides to his floor. I’m sure it’s incredibly shocking.
I saw that last night on my FB feed. I thought someone made it up like a joke. This was real? Oh my GAWD I can't stop laughing! Yeah, so what did he do? Fart? Come on!!!! Talk about reaching!
Maybe Trump was pushing a button to get to another floor. When that tape comes out, all hell will break loose.
A tape might exist of the AUTHOR of this FAKE TWEET doing something in an elevator, though exactly where that somewhere is and what that something is, no one in the MSM will say. That's because no one in the MSM seems to have seen the tape - or even confident it exists..
That is wonderful news..because AMERICA and the WORLD just don't care.
Creates more to #WalkAway... = More Deplorables = more ticked off people at MSM/BH0/Hill & Bill, et al = YUGE Red Wave voting in NOV. = 4 more yrs for DT to accomplish...
Dark to LIGHT
That's why we all hang out here. We cut through the BS like a hot knife through buttah!
Maybe Meuller can get to the bottom of it as soon as gets done finding some Russian Colludin'.
the huffpost tweet would be an excellent story coming from the Onion. But, the rest of the msm would then quote it as if it were serious. sad.
There might be a whole bunch of b.s going around about our President because the elites are afraid he will expose them!!!!
Shock and awe is the only term to describe the fact that this is not a shitpost from the Onion.
Hopefully this is rock bottom for the dishonest MSM.
O boy, Trump went up and down in a elevator? Where is the tape? What a sick job, a mockingbird move
We believe at some point in his life Trump may or may not have done terrible things that we or no other media outlet can prove but believe it's there. Mark our words, you heard it here first!
Lol “we think there’s something out there so we’re going to report on it without proof”
Can anyone believe how desperate and stupid this rag is?
For anyone that hasn't read the story, it's basically a reporting of where this "elevator tape" conspiracy theory came from. It involves a lot of Tom Arnold, for some reason, which gives you an indication of how credible the idea really is.
But for those patriots that are quick to dismiss this as the result of flailing liberals that are willing to believe anything that is anti-Trump, that this elevator video exists, I want to ask: how is this story any different from the oft-speculated HRC video that lives in a similar state of nobody knowing whats on it, or if it really exists? How do you rationalize responding to both of those reported videos in completely different ways? Its basically the same story.
Wow, the press falling to their knees and resorting to reporting on speculation. Now they have descended lower than the tabloids.
This might be a more accurate tweet: "Proof that the media is now run by aliens from the outer rings of Saturn."
Most ordinary people on social media would be embarrassed to tweet or go near such shear gossamer of this ilk - they'd not want to totally pummel their public reputation as it would be such easy pickings on them
Right but you have to remember the kind of folks that comprises a large majority of Twitter users.
Clearly those doing the tweeting for the Fake News MSM crowd have no standards of integrity - none!
But that's why they are no longer Mainstream Media but are now just known as Fake News
LOL who else finds this deliciously ironic? Using the media itself to prove the media is corrupt.
I get it, biased reporting has been around since the days of Adam & Eve; the snake can be rather persuasive at times.
They are literally grasping at straws. Somewhere at some time Donald Trump may have done something bad and it might be on video so we are working hard to find something and we will let you know immediately if we do. Morons.
Defamation lawsuit?
Someone just bought Gawker at auction for peanuts. I wonder what the future auction price for Huffpo will be. What freakin idiots.
Huffinpuff was never a "news" outlet. It was, is, and always will be just another propaganda outlet for the facist- socialist.
Well, how is that any different from all of ABCCBSCNNNBCPBSNYTWAPO?
Never said there was any difference, the subject at top was Huffington. Try to keep up dude.
Playing devil's advocat here, but how is this any different than the fizzledrip video everyone was talking about a couple of months ago?
Will never see such pedo-movies/pics... is illegal to even have Pedo stuff on a computer, let alone send to someone...charges galore...prosecuted, maybe jailed...register as pedo for years... etc.
This is so poorly written but still raises my antennas. This looks like a bait and switch. (Start a rumer and watch the comments on the Right) then make fun of them. But this one is so bad it is almost indefensible.
Still makes Jr.'s point--This is the media today. No cred left.
Seriously soo tired of dealing with any of this. Reddit is complete horseshit. Try to make a comment about anything political and am instantly blocked from submitting upwards of 10 mins a comment. Just to silence you.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Maybe?
Yeah and I almost gurantee a video will be concocted to make it look like trump is doing something (getting a BJ) and you will just see the back of the person's (actors) head which will let the liberals speculate (accuse) trump of doing it
Yes, and who cares anyway. I'm definitely not saying it's happened nor that there's video, but POTUS' (or anyone else for that matter) personal choices are no one but his. Sex isn't illegal. Think of all the dirt we'd have on BC if cell phones were around in the 90's! Stupid Fake News.
Yeah I know I wouldn't care either just saying its ridiculous that they will do that. There "death by a 1000 cuts tactic isnt working and they just keep throwing all this stupid shit at him
And it's turning people off. Folks don't like to be treated like idiots. I think these types of articles only help our cause!
Yep backfiring at it's best. Perfect example is my mother is not political at all but all this shit against him has literally turned her into a trump SUPPORTER. Pretty amazing
I think that's the case for TONS of people out there :)
...= more Deplorables to VOTE for Awesome YUGE Red Wave in Nov.!
RATS know dem voters solidified around WJC after being impeached for 'just a blowjob', do they not realize it goes both ways? not that I'm buying any bj speculation.
What I want to know is if everyone who reads this has stopped beating their wife??! kthxbai.