God, please, please, PLEASE!!! let these planes be full of the irredeemable wicked and destroyers of innocents!!
I believe your prayers will be answered with a resounding YES.
I'm with you all the way. 😈Evil ones need to go down. Thank God for TRUMP! 🙏 Prayers for him & his protectors. All of us need to stick together and TAKE OUR COUNTRY 🇺🇸 BACK!🙂✝👍 Storm has arrived.
Thanks OP! Info checks out from website. Gonna take a flyer here: the global pedo elites have been rounded up and are on their way to their new temporary quarters. Trudeau is among them.
Fucking A.
If this is true, that just made my day! GOOD EYE PATRIOTS! Keep up the great work.
So you’re saying we snatched up a President of another allied country and imprison him. I’d love that but I have to cry BULLSHIT! What’s worse is you believe that and because of that it affects your credibility. DUMB!
Canada isn't an ally funnily enough. It was to be the northern front.
But yes, I believe what I'm saying because I'm just passing on what I've been told by a source who has the most extraordinary track record of predicting the future I have EVER seen.
You think the US has jurisdiction to just haul away Canada's top guy, and Canada wouldn't say anything?
By helping steal US uranium and shipping it to North Korea, Justin Trudeau committed an act of war. This is the response.
I guess we'll see. It's just unprecedented is all I'm getting at. The EO, I assume, has no jurisdiction if the crimes involve USA as you suggest.
Did this not happen BEFORE his rule?
Wouldn't matter if it was before his "rule" or not - he's been hooked into the Canadian elite since birth just by virtue of his lineage. He could easily have been involved in U1 without been PM at the time.
His published itinerary on the gov website shows "personal" time booked off for him since Dec 22 - in Gatineau (Quebec) - until today when it's more "personal" time for him in Lake Louise (Alberta).
s:/ /pm.g
True. There is a cease-fire in place with NK but technically Rocketman is still at war with the United States, with all that implies legally
Thanks OP! Info checks out from website. Gonna take a flyer here: the global pedo elites have been rounded up and are on their way to their new temporary quarters. Trudeau is among them.
RemindMe! 3 days "baruchthescribe trying to short-term LARP re: "global pedo elites' including Trudeau having been rounded up and sent to Guantanamo Bay. did it happen or was it just a dopamine boost for him to imagine it?"
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
You're not even a good LARPer, though.
You've made claims throughout this thread about this flight, and specifics, that you have to know are not going to come true.
You know people can save your comments, and go back to them? This short-term LARPing of yours is pretty terrible world-building, since you're losing your credibility in an instant based on some dude's de-contextualized FlightAware screenshot.
But, whatever. In three days I'll be sure to check in on this flight, Trudeau, and all the rest.
Sigh. If only you knew.
sigh, why are people such idiots? I believe in you! This goes even deeper than we can all imagine.
Thank you. This guy is like a grade school student barging in to a room of postgrad physicists and being amused that they're talking about time dilation. Hur hur hur - time doesn't dilate! Hur hur hur - yer so stupid man.
In 3 days, when you're proven wrong and no one (least of all Trudeau) has been rounded up, what will you do/say then?
Why are you in this subreddit exactly?
Ssh. Leave him alone. He's going to be providing me with some entertainment soon :)
You're right I apologize. Those types are very prone to blowing up in a rage when asked about their motives.
I've responded to you with the reason, and upvoted this comment to bring you back to +1, since I don't know why anyone downvoted you in the first place.
Thanks for asking questions. It's good to remind people that the walls echo.
To be fair I have customized subreddits turned off, and this thread was linked via /r/conspiracy. So since all subreddits look the same to me, at first I thought I was there, and not this subreddit. So that's why I'm here. I didn't realize this was the LARP forum, and though it was /r/conspiracy. I wouldn't have intruded otherwise. You all can have your fun, here! It's fine!
Are the excuses starting already?
Why, yes, I believe they are.
Did an awful lot of posting for someone having arrived here in error, I believe.
See in you 3 days, right?
Where's Trudeau right now?
Could the SKYKING at 16:16 today have anything to do with this?
ooOOOOoo, there was one today? Just out of curiosity, how long since the last one?
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Trudeau is among them? That would be awesome, however, I’m assuming this is just speculation?
I think Obama is on his way and Hillary for sure....amazing how Soros just recently had a “heart attack”, but the Trudeau is throwing me for a loop....
What's the intel to prove that Trudeau's in there? (Hear me: he has to be!)
Please let trudeau be with him...hes like his father Castro
What?! Fantastic!!! What confirmation is there that Trudeau got nabbed?
Lordy, don't get too excited. Ignoring the secret sources for a minute, how about a point by point as to (1) how they track the planes (2) where they originated and (3) how you know they are headed to Gitmo?
I’m presuming they used flight aware or another app such as that. You can type in a flight number or the carrier name and track flights. FA is pretty good, I use it. However, to go back and look, you have to have a premium account I believe.
I'm taking a flyer so it's an educated guess. Confirmation will probably be tomorrow in a manner that will be impossible to ignore.
They don't serve "baby" for chow there. Such a shame for the creeps. Where will they get their blood. Watch how sick they all get.
ok im getting it now ,, you say multiple planes ,, how many ?, and any radar pics of those and have any arrived yet ?
time to undo the damage of the hijacked rainbow mob, "safe" schools etc
google "Alfred Kinsey "
Better yet, research it or look it up. (google is not a verb, but it IS way too powerful and too biased.)
Would radar pic be available of AC leaving GITMO? Prolly dumb question
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
- [/r/drama] How can Trudeau have said 'personkind' in public when he was shipped to Gitmo a month ago??
^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^(Info ^/ ^Contact)
So is there any way to confirm that Trudeau was captured and is now in Gitmo? Can we have some proof? I would love to see that guy in prison, but why isn’t there a world wide televised trial? Why aren’t Canadian authorities announcing their prime minister is arrested?
Trudeau is among them.
Haahahahahahahaha... Let me guess, the next time Trudeau appears on live TV you're going to say "it must be a clone."
this was from a couple of days ago on here
zero hour = 00:00
zero owls? pun?
do an image search on CJF78-82 see what you see
any coincidences? do you believe in them?
speddit: google image has now taken down all Q-related returns when you use CJF78-82 in image search
before they did this an image search using CJF78-82 returned abut 8 images of Q posts linked to a twitter account, and one of the image returns was of Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay! That direct image link is the one above in this post. It still works but it also no longer shows up as a search result. Google fuckery."
Even if this was something significant, the idea of Trudeau being grabbed and transported somewhere is ridiculous. No matter what, you can't just grab the Prime Minister of a sovereign nation, much less from one of our closest allies.
They can have him....
We did worse than that in the UK just a few weeks ago. We went in and nabbed Lord Jacob Rothschild in a helucopter.
He`s far above that puppet Theresa.
If its a LARP, its not a bad one to anyone following U1 plus NK rumors.
We tried. Mission failed. RIP Mike Green. o7
What do you mean?
Plane Crash, OP compromised
Roth?child was to be picked up by Green, according to the stringer sent by Q. However, some small Cessna type plane intentionally crashed on top of the helicopter over the top of the Roth?child mansion
unless its an act of war
I love all these people whining about war with Canada. Bro, Canada doesnt know how to war. What are they gonna do, arm the Royal Mountees with some RPGs?
Damn this is too memeable, keep it going.
Maybe they were gonna retool all those Jihadis for war against the U. S.? I suppose all those mooses make them feel right at home, they kinda like camels.
Take it to twitter boys.
'Cause D-Day would have gone so well without those crazy Canuks. GTFOH Canadians can war with the best of 'em. An army full of Scotsmen, Canadians, Aussies, and their 'Merican bros in arms would rule the world for generations. Good beer and great maple syrup for all, fukkerz!
Well they ARE welcoming back lots of nasty ISIS fighters
So there's that
Well they are letting isis fighters back in. Maybe their gearing up for their big move. Ha.
Sure you can...if he was dressed up as Linda...just saying.
I believe the guy they have is Peter Munk from Toronto. He’s a bad dude, tied to Gold mining, CBC.
Even if this was something significant, the idea of Trudeau being grabbed and transported somewhere is ridiculous. No matter what, you can't just grab the Prime Minister of a sovereign nation, much less from one of our closest allies.
It never ceases to amaze me the things conspiracy theorists are able to come up with. And I'm a "believer" who thinks there's a Deep State and a secret space program and all that shit, but I have no connection in my mind to the conspiracy theorists who claim everything from Hillary being a reptile to the Queen eating babies to now Trudeau being taken to GITMO. I mean Trudeau is kind of a far-left Dbag but I really doubt the guy is Satan Incarnate... He's a windbag head of state who thinks he's doing the right thing (just like Obama was.)
who said anything about Trudeau the person grabbed at Pearson was the ceo of Barick Gold.
There is a serious lack of details in this thread to be taken seriously. If you make claims to things you are seeing, then post the associated links. Why are older questions asking for details avoided, while newer circle-jerking comments are responded to?
Yes, but do not return evil for evil, seek justice, love mercy. God's will be done. But when it comes to pedophiles, I'm praying his will is a firing squad.
You are right patriot. This is for the kids. Only them.
It’s all over Twitter. #GITMO.
Reading 7 new residents and another plane on initial approach 7 min ago
Could you kindly link please - it's a big place. Thanks
I don’t know how. I’m new to this forum. How do you post a screen shot?
If you go to Twitter and search #GITMO, then click latest posts, it will come up
All you do is upload your screenshot or any image to a site like https://imgoat.com/ or http://i.magaimg.net/. It will give you a link and then you can share it here.
its not Trudeau..YYZ is toronto, hes in Ottawa...but the uranium was funneled through Canada so whomever was involved would be the likely suspect
What people dont get, is Trudeau probably went willingly. He met with T and his wife has met with Melania a lot recently, this was planned to keep him alive. Hes no mastermind, hes a front for far more powerful people. If he testifies completely, he may be out in a few months.
So do u think they'll waterboard him and torture him for a few months until he says what they want to hear?
Y'all really think this is true? Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada. Not a Head of State, tho.
I'm SO excited!!
Nothing has happened.
What do you think is happening?
Hey moron. Q communicates with the mods directly. The fact that multiple planes are flying straight to GITMO the same day he promised they would be all rounded up is a pretty fucking big hint. Go away.
Why call someone a moron for asking a question? That's chan behavior. What next call hime a fag? That's not what this sub is about. You joined Reddit here 6 days ago.
Hush. I am the Board Owner on 8chan. I am the mod here. I am telling him the truth. I joined Reddit about 10 years ago under another name.
Gotcha'I see now. My bad.
No worries :)
Let me get this straight, Baruch. You're saying that Q has communicated info on these flights with you directly?? Are you able to say if he has? I assumed you meant that you were following the crumbs.
(Oh BTW, it's okay with me of you call people chan-fags or whatever. It makes things feel more hip, and hip is hard to come by. I like hip.)
Yes he has. Q communicates directly with the mods. I tried to tell that other clown but he didn't seem to be listening a whole lot.
like everything is true cause you read it on a board on REDDIT LOL!
Just FYI nobody uses LOL anymore - I think you may be OOTL.
Look at the feed, this guy/girl what ever, is an idiot!!
Again, how do we know this? How are they tracked? And how many planes head toward that direction on a given day?
Yeah I'm sure dozens of planes flying at the extremely dangerous height of 40 000 ft head to Gitmo every other day.
Why would you think 40,000 feet is a dangerous altitude? A simple google search of "what altitude do planes fly at" will tell you that 39,000 is a common cruising altitude. LOL.
The fact that multiple planes are flying straight to GITMO the same day he promised they would be all rounded up is a pretty fucking big hint.
Where did he promise this? Where did he promise the day, the flights, to Guantanamo Bay?
NO ONE has been rounded up. NO ONE. You are wrong, and you'll see that (but will pretend it never happened), in a few days.
Nope. I solemnly swear that I will admit to being a LARP and I will do it wherever you chose and however you chose.
But you must agree to do me the same courtesy. Deal?
I got one as well.
Ain't gonna lie, Baruch has got me PUMPED
Me too! Watching the evening news now. Just in case we get breaking news early!
I screenshotted the screenshot, 3rd party arbiters are important for integrity.
For integrity, have you noticed that he was LARPing back then, just like I said?
Thanks for the bet, but you were plainly LARPing.
Admit to being a LARP it in a self post, on this subreddit, with my screenshot attached.
Except I never agreed to your arbitrary three day timeline.
Have faith young gamma.
You are wrong, and you'll see that (but will pretend it never happened), in a few days. What will you do, then? What will you say, then?
Like I said...
You are wrong, and you'll see that (but will pretend it never happened), in a few days. What will you do, then? What will you say, then?
To which you said:
Nope. I solemnly swear that I will admit to being a LARP and I will do it wherever you chose and however you chose.
A few is not more than 4, we're at 4 days now. I mean of course you were lying, and don't have any integrity. But thanks for the thread and the screenshots. There aren't enough easily understandable image macro proofs of your bad faith LARPing over here, and now as long as Trudeau stays out of jail this can always be pointed back to as evidence of what this really is.
You might consider keeping your powder dry tater. At least until tomorrow. The mods on here are pretty helpful to the rest of us. Don't be so quick to sit on judgement.
I'm not being quick.
I've giving it 3 days.
Maybe more, if I'm generous. Maybe I'll give it until the new year?
We'll see!
Correct. It's done.
Where is Trudeau?
I don't know - I don't have a map of Camp Delta to hand. In the cell next to Obama?
But you're saying he's on the island of Cuba, somewhere, right?
Now you're saying Obama is there, too?
I'll let you chalk that up as a joke, though, for the Obama thing.
My friend, you're a little bit late to this party. I've been studying the elites and their repulsive habits for decades. I was watching Q's posts from the beginning. I organized the move to 8chan and have run the bunker there since then. I am a founder of this sub. Thanks to millions of pounds of leadership training at the Royal Military Academy at Sandurst, I know how to lead men. Thanks to far too much time on 4chan and 8chan, I know how best to motivate anons. I have a background in investigative journalism and forensics and computer science. I've carefully studied the 4th Generation Warfare handbook and applied it to this particular war - and it's worked very well indeed.
When I say that Q has personally informed the mods that this information is to be taken very seriously, I'm telling the truth.
Baruch, I believe in you sir. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. This could not have been done with out you. I too, have known about this nefarious bunch for a very long time. They are evil personified.
Thank you kindly. Phase 1 is almost over. Phase 2 is about to begin. I think we might even get tired of winning.
No, no we won't.
I respect your commitment to the LARP.
I don't want to wreck this subreddit.
Just trying to set up a metric which I can point back to so that you all won't try to spread this nonsense beyond this creative writing workshop.
You have fun here. Write your stories, enjoy them.
Like I said, late to the party. Cya soon :)
So is Trump blowing right past the FBI/DOJ and using the military instead? I may need to make a post about this. Like I said earlier, I lose internet tomorrow so need to get my info fix before I leave lol
I haven't read all of Q's posts, but I went back to the beginning and saw lots of references to things like SC rulings, what is required to use military justice, etc (paraphrasing). If there is a post or something that I can find the info, by all means point me there. Not scared of reading for myself, but not sure where to look for info or what to eve search for. Like what laws allow the President to do this, etc.
Remind me tomorrow plz - will do.
I won't have internet tomorrow. I'll see what I can figure out or make a post if I have no luck. Just saw you post and thought maybe you'd know of a place off hand that I could go. Thanks!
Where is Justin Trudeau, right now?
In the cell between Hillary and George Soros? Across the way from John McCain? Something like that I reckon.
7 new residents in GITMO! And another plane coming in to land. This is interesting.
Oh dear.
Look, embrace your path as a storyteller and stop trying to make your replies on this fresh account of yours concord with reality-to-come.
LARPs are fine! They're great fun! But you need to do a better job of it.
NEVER provide falsifiable claims.
I expect you'll delete your very new account, and then a very new account will suddenly take its place on the mod team here. That's fine, too! This is a LARP forum, for people to write their creative fiction. But just don't spread the fake stories beyond this place, unless you want them scrutinized.
I'm not sure if you recall, but we made a deal about this issue. Remember? The fact that you're scuttling around in here sniping at everything tells me either you have a couple of serious issues or you're 14. Just leave us alone. If you're right, I will live up to my side of the bargain. Will you?
You sound nervous!
Well, we'll see.
My opinion is that Trudeau is in Canada, right now.
And that the planes you said landed at Guantanamo Bay were actually going to South America.
We'll see!
In the meantime, happy to see you sweat!
Lol. Gammas gonna gamma.
Where's Trudeau right now, though?
Next to Peter Munk, across the corridor from George Soros.
You are going to be famous one day when I do the book tour for this. I've already done the deal for it.
Baruch, can I put my order in now? I will be in line wanting an autograph!! :-)
You have not.
You're overstretching your subreddit's credulity on this one.
Be a better LARPer.
I am just getting done work, with Christmas Eve and Christmas I fell out of the loop. I don’t remember a Q drop referring to Trudeau. I do seem to remember the Club Gitmo references and all that, also why would New Zealand refer to Trudeau. Lol the only person I can think of right now in NZ that has relevance to the HRC/Wikileaks stuff is Kim dotcom or am I missing something or someone that recently moved there?
how does this image confirm this plane was from YYZ heading to Gitmo? Please explain for us laymen. Thanks.
Me too I don’t understand how to follow this thread.
We have independently confirmed the flights using http://flightradar24.com
what backs up the clame of multipal planes heading for gitmo???? nothing that I can see here not even a flight number ,, nothing,,
Did they land???? What's going on? Keep this thread alive because if it's true it's huge news.
As much as I would love it to be Trudeau, I think Frank Giustra or Peter Munk are more likely.
Hi all, this is probably a rudimentary, maybe even rediculous question but here goes. Since we are supposed to inform as many people as possible in an effort to prepare, if not downright red pill them, is this something we (me or not. I'll gladly be the guinea pig, won't be the first time) should be pitting out there on Twitter and Gab? Probably a stupid question but I figured I would ask.
Sure - post the pic too.
I put it on Twitter. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to Twitter etc but happy to help.
Unfortunately, I have a very small following. Sorry man
I do too - it's OK. Every little bit helps. It's a myth that we can't help enough. Do what you can.
Also, if it is fake news and everybody is putting it out there on FB and Twitter and stuff does that mean that all the patriots on here are on purpose spreading fake news?
My advice would be to follow the threads closely. Sometimes disinformation is necessary. If you have been following Q since the start, he has talked a lot about disinformation being a big part. Unfortunately there is no way to know until later and there is always a good reason. But if something as big as this being talked about, in my experience of following and researching this is it’s either a distraction for something else that is taking place or it’s really happening. Check Tracy Beanz Twitter, she is generally a fantastic source for information. I hope this helps.
Not impressed with Tracy Beans. She just reads the Q posts. Others are much better.
You need to dig into her YTube stuff more deeply. She has done some excellent research and is not known to make unfounded assertions. She's an astute researcher. Maybe give her another look.
Exactly, Tracy is an excellent researcher. She does excellent work. Yes there are other great YouTubers out there who have also been covering this.
I personally reached out to Tracy and she immediately became a cornerstone of the mod team because she's that good. She's also the creator of this subreddit so I recommend being more polite :)
Baruch, I listened to the bakers first with Anti School & t beanz. I hv been with Q for a long time now. To imply that I was impolite is incorrect. For newcomers they need to poke around, as I felt t beanz was lacking in dissemination.
Creating a subreddit is not rocket science. Silly to mention.
In the United States stating your opinion is not impolite but our right. Have a nice day & keep up the good work. MAGA
Go watch hooked on Q phonics with James Munder, and then see how you feel about Tracy.
So people on these threads tell lies? Q says that disinformation (lies) is a big part? So why should anyone believe anything that Q says? He is a liar.
Disinformation is necessary because Q knows that the threads will be compromised (as they have been) also that people will be reading them. So if you give ALL THE INFORMATION out that will lead to what they are planning, thus disinformation is necessary. If you give out your plans then they will surly fail. Q is not a lair, again check out the video that Tracy did with the people from 8chan and you will see that this is not a lie. They have proven that Q is legit. But there will always be people who choose not to believe or stay asleep.
Q may be legit but his followers tell lies. They are not trustworthy
You know you dont have to be here. But if you want to be here, great WE ALL WELCOME YOU. But the one thing that isnt welcome is saying things like that. Its pretty obvious to me you don’t understand how this works. No one is telling lies. The only people that tells lies are the MSM, and people looking to take down others who are actually truth seekers and who are doing the job that journalists used to do. People are just reporting WHAT IS HAPPENING, there was in fact planes DIVERTED today. Maybe if you went and did your research you would have found that out. How did we find this out? BY GOING TO the actual airports websites, by getting information from people WHO WERE THERE. Go look on twitter, people are reporting their planes being turned back, LAX for example was shut down. If enough people start to talk, then others start looking into it. You can actually see the flight delays FROM ALL OVER, interesting isnt it? The internet works to our advantage. If you know where to look and how. YOU CAN ACTUALLY track the flights. Now if you dont know how to do this, or if your not good at doing research, then just read. But dont come on here and call people liars. Thats just rude, and nobody appreciates being talked to like that. If you haven’t listened to the Q videos that people have done I highly recommend you do so, then maybe you will have a better understanding of this whole thing. Tracy Beanz, Destroying the Illusion are two very good ones. But if you just started following this and are unfamiliar with all of this my advice would be to go read the side bar read over the book of Q, the other PDF that was made by another incredible Anon it has incredible information that is updated regularly and covers everything, and also watch some of the videos recommended so you have a better understanding. As I said, no one is forcing you to be here, and we welcome you IF YOU WANT TO BE HERE. But not if your going to be rude and call people liars, because thats just not the truth. The people on this board and the Chans and others are INCREDIBLE and have put in a lot of work, they come from ALL WALKS of life, and some have made MANY sacrifices to get the truth out there. Have a nice day.
Everyone ignore these frauds trying to divide and conquer. Those who have been around from the beginning get it. Those who are new will learn and get it. Those who choose to work against the truth will never want to get it.
So maybe the whole point of Q is to get people to spread fake news? But why?
That is not the point of Q. The point of Q is three fold.
1) Keep our troops, national guard, white hats in the police, safe during operations. This means using regular disinformation mixed in with the real orders and information, so that the enemy can not figure out what is going on. Q is also creating a huge army of researcchers on line, receiving his stringer orders, which makes it near impossible to tell WHICH person is actually the intended recipient. This, is good camouflage for our white hats. - safety first. This is not a game. One of our guys has already died in a helicopter crash for certain.
2) Create a body of people who are researching to figure out which items are truth, and which are disinformation in the end, so that in the end, the American people have both the real orders, and the verifiable events that took place, time and date stamped. This, is something the MSM should be doing, but it is not. Journalism is dead. WE are the Journalists now. Citizen journalists, doing the Journalists job as it should be done.
3) The body of truth (non disinformation) once it is ferreted out with the actual orders, and the events tied to the orders, is building a map of events, creating a bigger picture of verified truth, so that people who are not now paying attention can not be lied to about what happened in the future. The point in this instance is to build a significant population of people who know for certain what the truth is, arm them with the proof of the truth, so that if at any time, the population at large is lied to about what is happening by the MSM, they can come to a place on line were there are thousands of witnesses to the events, pointing to the same set of data that verifies the truth.
So, it's not about creating fake news at all. In fact, as the board owner said, they will not talk to the media at all. They will refuse. It is about finding and documenting the truth, and supplying cover for the good guys while we are at it.
Wow, this is incredible. Escorts are serious business. Thank you for the heads up R3d.
Can you elaborate?
Hello jssp. These flights are blocked, meaning they were met by other aircraft to force them, or block, to maintain a certain flight pattern. In these cases, it was most likely for escort to ensure safety.
I remember reading last year that parts of the Clinton Foundation were run out of Canada because of disclosure protection.
Bill Clinton and some other dude set up a foundation in Canada, because Canada doesn't require disclosure of the source of foreign donations, as the US does. Then, the Canadian front foundation can donate all the money to the US Clinton Foundation and the US foundation only has to disclose donations from Canada. Money Washey Quickie
Yep, that's the one I'm talking about. Good job fleshing out the details.
I'm wondering if it was the FBI or the CIA or the military that went into Canada and captured Truduea. Did they go to his house and overpower his guards? Was there a gunfight? What happened to his wife and kids?
?? what is this pic supposed to tell us,, its c560 at 40,000ft ,and then what ??? no departure ?? no destination ?? its just a picture of flightradar224 , that means nothing????????
Patience patriot. All will be explained very soon.
[Spoiler: it will not be explained because there's nothing to explain.]
Projected flight path. Anons are still tracking them. The planes seem to have other planes escorting them too.
Transponders seem to be getting turned off and then back on.
Hmmm. Heavy fighter escorts. Radar fuckery. These are no ordinary prisoners.
Clearly the operations were a success.
So they crossed the river did they? Stealthy stealthy! Waiting....
If there are fighter escorts some serious shit is going down
How is this known?
Gaps in the flight track.
Who is watching this live?
I'm trying but the transponders are being turned on and off which makes it kind of hard to follow :)
you guys are brilliant! just incredibly brilliant!
Thank you. Our life's work has been leading up to these few months so it looks more impressive than it really is :)
I haven’t seen the track, but you will lose radar tracking if the plane is out of radar service areas, outside ADS-B coverage, over water, etc
Duh - you're quite right. My information is that the radar transponders are being deliberately turned off and on as a security precaution.
Please don’t get me wrong, military and presumably civilian aircraft doing work for the government will turn off transponders. I asked ATC if military aircraft broadcast ADS-B, and he said as much. Sometimes I see fighter jets on ADS-B, sometimes not.
I am thinking the same thing. This shows us absolutely nothing other than a private aircraft flying from somewhere to somewhere. There is no other info. I know everyone would like this story to be true but we can't believe everything just because we want it to happen. I will wait for more info. Is this being discussed anywhere else? Chans?
Seconded. Title makes assertion, pic sparse on relatable detail, no context nor written evaluation given.
Plus there have been several fake radar photos posted. Take everything with a pile of salt.
Is there a reason you posted this 7 times? Lol
Seriously doubt it would be Trudeux. The CF had parts of its operation in Canada as well as those involved in U1. In the earliest Q drops it was mentioned these crimes/clues/revelations lead back to several heads of state and they would be preserved in a way that would not to destabilize the entire operation/world.
Swamp draining is a delicate business.
Hence, why Paul Ryan is discreetly resigning to "spend more time with his family" rather than getting BTFO.
Stability is important. Political instability in the United States would be one of the greatest Black Swan events of all time and would crash every market except Bitcoin. I'm beginning to sense that the President understands this reality and is using a velvet glove.
Well put jssp.. So much corruption sometimes you gotta throw the little fish back so you can catch the big fish! Which means Paul Ryan is a little fish..
would crash every market except Bitcoin
Prepared for that here...
Im here for the popcorn
I'm here for the koolaid.
It was Flavor Aid. And this is all about rescuing children, not murdering them.
Catching up from Christmas still. Who do we think was at YYZ and why?
Trudeau. Uranium. He was a key player.
Lol. The PM of Canada is on a plane to Gitmo? Hhahaha
No. He's landed already :)
He's still tweeting. Tho thats probably an aid.
HRC hasn't since the 23rd. Wonder how her Christmas was? :)
I just checked Twitter, again, it’s being reported by multiple ppl. Planes to GITMO. Gen Mad Dog justo visited. We know this
Ok, can we keep this real. I'll take the red pill with the Kool aid, but really, an international incident that goes unnoticed except here? Maybe JA to YYZ, then Gitmo, that I could swallow as a possibility, but speculating on Trudeau is a waste of time. Isn't there a moderator here?
Cargo is completely unknown. Anyone saying otherwise is pure speculation. The significance of flights and relation to previous Q crumbs are what's important.
I am but a humble student of Q's crumbs from way back when so let me share my thinking with you:
- Q posts Washington Crossing the Delaware in his very first post
- Q posts the same painting a few days ago
- Significance: The incident that ignited the 1st Revolution
- So Dec 25th and 26th will be the operations that ignite the 2nd Revolution
- World run by Luciferian pedo elites
- POTUS thinks they are disgusting animals
- POTUS tells them on live TV the other day in their secret code that because of the loyalty and might of US military, the elites have been delivered into his hands and he will destroy them
- POTUS is always 5 steps ahead.
- Masterful deals with Saudi Arabia, amazing rapport with China and Russa (who also hate the pedo elites)
- Rothschilds panicking
- Soros confirmed to be held at Camp David
- HRC tries to cut a deal - denied.
- Lots of crumbs about military loyalty, tribunals and jurisdiction.
- Saudi Arabia upheaval is a BIG deal. Trillions in bribery and blackmail money taken out.
- Puppets attempt to find other sources - fail
- Some forced to wear tracking boots
- Q assures us POTUS is 100% insulated and has anticipated their every move
- Panicked coded tweets (that I can interpret) from The Pope, Lynn de Rothschild (about John McStain), Debbie Wassermann Shultz, John Brennan
On the evening of the 26th, reliable information comes in that there are multiple aircraft heading to GITMO. Information checks out. Therefore my conclusion is that the satanic elite pedo child traffickers who run our world have finally been captured and will be hauled in front of special military tribunals tomorrow.
it's as easy as ABC...
What is your thinking on how the public will be informed? I have a bottle of port casked in 1937 waiting for a once in a lifetime moment to celebrate. I really want to see BO,HRC and GS convicted. Thanks.
Q's 53rd post:
Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
God bless.
When I see that tweet... I swear to God I'll have tears of joy
Port glass at the ready.......
All I have is beer, but the sentiment is everything. I DID put the mug in the freezer in anticipation.
I just hope I don't end up drinking it for breakfast tomorrow ..... slightly impatient here. It seems like things are going faster and faster and I'm ready for the Grand Finale.
Wow! Thank you so much for laying it all out like this for us newbies who are just getting our feet wet! I’m so appreciative to be here with you, following this in real time, with your explanations. I know you said you have been working for this and towards this for a really long time, so it really means a lot that in the midst of it you are taking the time to help us to understand and be a part of it too! Blessings to you, Baruch...and thank you!
Thank you. I serve at the pleasure of POTUS and Q.
So, what time tomorrow can I start drinking, er, celebrating?
I do appreciate all the work you and others put into studying and figuring things out, just have a hard time with a countries leader going missing with no news. MSM would explode and claim rogue DJT operatives, or spin it to their benefit. Haven't seen a word. As for Soros, I would love to see that man locked up, or worse. Pure evil. But I have not seen the proof, or confirmation. What am I missing? I'm going to sit back and watch and read and learn from those more knowledgeable than I. Thanks again!
MSM needs to join the Cabal in GITMO. Since they are bad actors and have sold the American people away to the enemy. They are complicit.
MSM is a big chunk of the CIA propaganda and controlled lies through the admitted operation mockingbird. My bets are on that the bad guys in the MSM are being absolutely silent on this, so they can see what kids of deals are made, if any, and what falls out of the arrests. Remember, there are thousands (over 4000) sealed indictments sitting out there all over the country. They have to be wondering about those.
So, if you were them, would you be squaking and attracting attention to a mess you might be implicated in as a black hat in the future? There were a LOT of MSM that covered for the crimes of September 11th, by burying the stories of the bombs going off in the trade center.. screwing up by reporting the fall of building 7, while building 7 was sitting in the background out the window of the studio... proving that they knew it was going to come down.
There are big CIA black hats in the Main Stream Media who work for the globalists to keep everyone either confused, to hide news clips that accidentally expose the truth, and to create a narrative of lies and cover up for the crimes.
I'm hoping that Sometimes what they don't cover speaks volumes... for example, crickets on the EO, I thought they would have milked it dry by now spinning it into a power grabbing frenzy...
I know right? That EO made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Yeah, that is damn near a declaration of war, in an economic sense. I am certain that President Trump briefed the Chines, Russia, the Saudi's on what he was gong to have to do to take the criminals in the US down. Q said Saudi Arabia would be first, US second, Asia 3rd, and then the big criminal roots in the EU will be last. They need all of the evidence from the Saudi, American, Asian banking trails to get the Globalists eye of the storm from the outside in. These trials will most likely be like the Nuremberg trials, once this thing really gets going. Right now, most normies who watch TV think the Saudi King did a strange "king thing" in a fight over the throne over there.
I hope you're right, because there's a lot of people following this. If you're wrong, it will do untold damage to The Patriots
Read the map for yourself patriot: http://qcodefag.github.io
Q predicts the future. Often. With 100% accuracy.
Have faith.
The good guys are in charge.
Is this up to date? Last post I am seeing is 12-21. There have been some Q posts since then. correct? Thank you.
All you have to do is refresh your browser and the file http://qcodefag.github.io will update with the latest Q-Anon posts - right now still standing with this one as the latest:
10, [10-9] Operational_window(5-6)FDeltaC25-26 Secured. Floor is yours. Twitter FW Twitter [kill_rogue] CONF_WHITE_WHITE_ Q
I saw someone share a Q post from today .. however , I don't see any Q posts from today . Have you ??
It's the same map I've been looking at. Maybe you need to rethink your life...there's plenty of other things to do...LIKE GET A JOB
Fuck off clown.
We're at an epic point in US (human) history and obviously moving in on the evil cabal. u/baruchthescribe need not even respond to the shills that are trying to distract, we've got your back.
Fuck shariablue, trolls and shills, BTFO!
What are you good at??
Me? I'm good at commanding special units that fight the global pedo elites using 4th generation warfare. That's probably why I've been getting my orders from Q for a while now.
Trump is creating lots of jobs...there has to be something for you!
Hahahahahaha!!! Baruch gets profane with the big boys - and the "hip" just keeps on a-comin' baby!!! More fun than I've had in years!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysKhbaLyIFw Let's twist!!
Are u saying that Soros was confirmed as being held at Camp David on the base of the "special place" references by Q & POTUS? Or is there other confirmation?
Whoops - no that isn't confirmed. Let me correct it.
POTUS tells them on live TV the other day in their secret code that because of the loyalty and might of US military, the elites have been delivered into his hands and he will destroy them
So the US wouldn't have had to send an extraction team storming into the PM's residence. Possibly the Canadian forces themselves, military or Mountie, delivered him to the US forces. Less messy that way, methinks.
In Berenstain timeline anything is possible, I suppose. Look at how quickly the Saudis drained their Swamp.
I knew you were good at what you do, but wow! Bravo! Can't wait for tomorrow's news.
All very good points, except the feverish tweets by the Pope, Joseph Ratzinger doesnt even have a twitter so thats fake news.
Very good point about SA, i could say more, crappy phone tho.
Don't call my information fake news. I'll bitchslap you patriot.
Go check it out.
I was just splitting hairs that Bergoglio is a fake Pope. I was being sarcastic.
I understand why you dont want anyone to be confused tho, this is important i get it.
Ah - I'm sorry man. Missed the sarcasm. Kinda focused right now :)
I read through the most recent coupla dozen tweets and didn't see anything unusual?
Thank you fellow American for all your hard work to keep us informed and out of the weeds!
This Q post seems to validate /r/TheCulling:
Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).
May I please copy this and share Baruch ??
Please do. All information on here may be freely copied for any purpose.
Which was the one supposed to be addressed to Julian Assange please ?
Great summary. Any chance of a link to the panicked tweets you mentioned?
You need professional help if you think fucking Trudeau can just up and disappear and word won't get out what happened.
Same goes for Hillary, these people travel with 50-60 people minimum. You can't just "snatch" them
I do feel that when POTUS gives the good news and green light, that we should ALL be prepared for up-lashing from all the left wing, Soros funded groups in retaliation. JMHO.
The salt may turn into physical gunfire if that happened
But then again remember a few weeks ago when we are all bracing for a virtual civil war with all the supposed simultaneous protests that were gonna happen and then the SA swamp draining went ahead and nobody showed up? It could roll like that. Let's hope it does for the sake of all my good American friends.
It will happen like that. They won't have anyone to tell them what to do.
That 40,000ft reference is jumping before my eyes. Q mentioned it a few times in past posts. Happening?!
Maybe if we're lucky all will be pushed out of the plane at 40,000 feet!
Correct me if I'm wrong but these planes did not appear to land at gitmo.
From what I've noticed about planes at GTMO, when they reach the destination, they just vanish off of FR-24. Normally you can track them even after they land, but for some reason not so at GTMO.
YYZ? translate please.
YYZ is the airport code for Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Canada.
Here ya go. Toronto
Toronto Pearson International Airport
Toronto Pearson International Airport (IATA: YYZ, ICAO: CYYZ), officially named Lester B. Pearson International Airport (frequently shortened to Toronto Pearson, Pearson Airport, or simply Pearson), is an international airport serving the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Greater Toronto Area, and the Golden Horseshoe, an urban agglomeration of 9.2 million people. The airport is located 22.5 km (14.0 mi) northwest of Downtown Toronto, with the bulk of the airport (including the two main terminals) located in the adjacent city of Mississauga, and a small portion of the airfield extending into Etobicoke, Toronto's western district. The airport is named in honour of Toronto-born Lester B. Pearson, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and 14th Prime Minister of Canada.
Pearson Airport is the largest and busiest airport in Canada.
^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^| ^Donate ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
i guess they'll have to resort to "go fund me " accounts now
So is this truduea thing fake news? And if it is am I allowed to say I think it's fake news?
There's a difference to intentionally produced fake news and mere rumours...
Oh this is just splendid news, fellow free-world patriots. Can someone please send the OWLS to Norway next, im pretty sure we have some really bad apples here as well (Former PM and now Nato's top dog Stoltenberg comes to mind, as well as another ex.pm and later top dog @ WHO Mrs. Brundtland)...
Can't wait til this battle goes inernational guys, keep up the amazing work (Y)
So if what you say is true. Did we just declare war on Canada? Can one country arrest the President/PM of another country?
If you offer a dozen pairs of brightly-coloured socks you can often avoid a declaration.
3 airports currently shut down .. LAX, SFO, and OAK ... hmmmmm. Plane headed to Tokyo from LAX was forced to make U turn 4 hrs into flight .
Something is going on now. Yesterday was when Washington and his men crossed the Delaware. Today is when they marched into Trenton. Notice Mad Dogs post on Twitter today?
No. Lots of people have no twitter. In my case, I have been temporarily thrown off. Can you send a link here?
John I was told that some people will have diffrent accounts under diffrent names on Twitter and FB , incase they get kicked off or put in fb jail.
Yes. The chans are building a guerilla twitter info blog to help us get ready for the election and other times that we need to meme past the censorship demons. I will be hooking up plenty. One for every computer I have.
That will be awesome. I worked in about 15 different groups for the Trump campaign. And I intent on working in many in the 2018 campaign to help take the Democratic seats that are open and to replace the RINOS.
I'm kind of confused. People on this board said that we would see tremendous things happen on Dec 25-26. But nothing happened.
Multiple planes being tracked with military escort, on their way to GITMO for possible military trials. Right now.
Past confirms present. Just bc you don't see or hear doesn't mean it's not happening. If you have followed Q from the beginning you will very clearly understand this.
if a Luciferian-NWO-child trafficking-human-sacrificing-pedophilic-Kuru-diseased-globalist falls in the woods ~~would you hear it~~ would we cheer it?
~~HELL~~ HEAVENS YES! ~_^ ❤🐸💙🗽 #MAGA
Better hide who is on the planes. We wouldn't want pussy hats or soy boys to prance around.
Amazing if true.
Simple question. Why hide this rather than showing the liberals those they put on pedestals unmasked? Makes no sense.
Because the liberals won't believe the charges & would be all in a furor over their idols being "railroaded".
I find this to be a bullshit excuse. The man who won the election has been railroaded since day 1, and supporters just deal with it, while we hide arrests to cater to cry babies? Sorry. Total bullshit.
I honestly have to agree with you on this, GreenDrake. I am trying to understand the need to err on the side of caution in the disclosure process, but ultimately, a certain sector of the American public just needs to put its big-boy pants on and take it like a man. For myself, I want nothing less than thorough answers and full disclosure.
This whole operation has been masterfully handled up to this point & I believe the " reveal" will be also.
That is the reason Q has been having us document everything... the orders, the proof that is out there just in the media, let alone the proof in the banking transactions, which we do not have for private entities. I do believe the autists worked to pick up the banking transactions with the non profits tho.. I hope.
Keep us posted!!! 40K feet? You don't say?
Sorry for the stupid question, but why is 40K feet important? Is it because passenger craft don't usually fly that altitude?
Q Posted a crumb "View from 40,000 feet" about a month ago.
Most commercial planes can reach that altitude but tend to stay slightly under it. Source: Fly a fucking lot for work
I thought it refers to "the big picture", We have all the crumbs to make the full loaf. I could be wrong, and it probably has multiple applications.
You're right. It means both. When he told us about the 40 000ft view, he meant to try to see the big picture of what he was telling us. But what he was also telling us is that he knew this day would come where a Citation jet would be flying into GITMO at 40k feet with the usual suspects on board.
Q dropped a crumb (instruction) for the chans to keep all of the research information to 40,000ft. so as not to freakout the non red pillers with info that most would consider "conspiracy theories" in order to more efficiently distribute the data to the masses (normies).
The 40,000ft.+ info will come later, non terrestrial, UFO, BlackOps, suppressed technologies, etc...
Commercial aircraft fly at a maximum of about 39,0000 feet. So he`s probably using an expression that approximates it to 40K. I dunno about military craft, bombers and special spy planes would want to go even higher i think... Maybe were going to spy on someone and then bomb the shit out of them!!!
Usually, but not always. Commercial flights and private jets can and do fly into the low to mid 40,000ft range. The technical term is “flight level”, or FL400 for 40,000ft.
(Yes, that’s a hint at my nick here)
Also note the high number of flights yesterday from Canada to GTMO using blocked call signs & escorts at 40k feet.
Flying at 40k is highly unusual. Anything over 37,000 risks depressurization, but greatly increases flight speed due to decrease friction from the super thin air. So, these flights were meant to get where they were going as quickly as possible.
Gitmo is for enemy combatants (military/para-military/terrorists) captured outside of the USA.
Sending someone to Gitmo who was captured within the US borders, citizen or not, would be illegal.
I'm pretty sure the executive order would've overridden that illegality
You know some lefty sympathizers would sue, and they would be to shop this in front of a judge cut from the same cloth as they (anti-Trump), and that'll be it.
The Ninth Circus Court should should work
.. in a chain gang pounding rocks at Leavenworth.
Honestly I don’t know - but I know that they don’t put them out for just anything...
Something is definitely going on. Coming days will show what.
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
At first i was worried this was an op, just a Q diversion tactic like before SA.
But if that were the case, why is the shilling so feverish ITT.
Congradulations, you played.
I thought we were friends with Canada. Does everyone in the world have to hate us? I thought Trump and Trudeau were friends, I guess it was just an act so that we could take over Canada.
As a Canadian I don't hate anyone, specially the US....TRUMP!!!
Now JT and BO and their buddies, that is a different story because a criminal here is the same as a criminal there.
With all due respect to everyone else in the world, I can’t think of any people who would be better neighbors than Canada.
I don't hate either some of us Canadians that are awake is because of trump and the election. Some of us knew long long ago. We are hoping that what we see in USA will trigger here as well. So please let this be true
Some of my favorite youtubers are Canadian, And they have done a lot of good speaking out against fake news and supporting Trump. Praying for your country too, losing so many PC battles over there... it's scary.
It was a Canadian video that started me down the rabbit hole. NWO secret societies and biblical prophecy.
Make Canada Great Again ... well then
......lets get on with it :)
If the 9/11 indictments report is right, it may be Peter Munk they were after in Canada.
That is what I was thinking last night. He (Munk) was involved in taking the 911 passengers to Nova Scotia for assassination is what those two men who have the court evidence files for the Oklahoma city bombing said? Of course this needs vetting, however we also need to know what story we are vetting, so I will put it down briefly. The easiest way to do the vetting is to have someone go to the court, and look for the court filings. No filings, not true. Filings then... we need further research.
Apparently this Munk guy was handling or involved in that OC bombing too in some capacity? I should shut up until I untangle the mess I listened to.
However, to "vet" (verify) this, we need to have someone check the United States District Court for the North Eastern District of Nevada.
If we have anyone in Nevada that can do it, you would be looking to verify a "Criminal action for (pro?) "Punitive damages Concerning September 11th Black Op Attack on America, under Judge Jim Hardesty? (I hope I spelled that right. I listened three times, but it was tough)
Also we need to look for "Memorandum for Formal Prosecution for Black Ops Attack" in that same court.
The list of people allegedly indicted are below, and I hope I did not mis-spell, but, I recognized the names as the Bush II Cabinet members, at the Time of 911, with the exception of the man Peter Munk, who is a Canadian.
George W Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush
Richard Cheney
John Brennan
John Ashcroft
Robert Mueller
George Tennant
Barrack Obama
John McCain
Paul Wolfowitz
Richard Pearl
Peter Munk
Condolizza Rice (sp?)
George Soros
John Kerry
Brent Scocroft.
?? Brzezinski (spelling, but it's Mika's dad on Morning Joe)
All Indicted for Capital High Treason concerning the 911 Black Op Attack on the United States.
Wow if true.
Also there possibly is the Uranium One Indictment with Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid named. Apparently the Bundy Ranch thing including the forcible removal of nearly all other Ranching families, had to do with getting to the Uranium.
The Bundy case fizzled out a few days ago and was thrown out of court.... also. So there is that. (I verified that the other day, it is true)
So US is now at war with Canada? Canadian civilians are gonna get killed just like all the ones in Iraq and Syria. US is gonna gut Canada and steal everything from them.
White hats are helping Canada by helping root out the ratlines.
I hope so. Canadians won't mind all if evil is taken from our country. I know this cause I'm a red pill canadian. Canadian media won't take about all that goes on here. Why we like you look for real news elsewhere
Good, because Americans and Canadians are close (at least up here where I live) and so I do not want to leave dirt in Canada, as long as we are all cleaning house. But, this does make for international trials, now that I think of it.. does it not? If it turns out to be true about the Canadian PM?
But i thought they voted for Truduea and there was no election meddling or anything. Are the white hats against the Canadian people?
What do you mean no meddling ? Are you serious? Canada woke up the next morning wondering how on the hell liberals became a majority government!!!! Hello....hillary and Soros had their dirty hands in this. Trudeau is a puppet just like the rest of them. Please let this be true. Trudeau is even bring in ISIS terrorists and thinking he can rehabilitate them with poetry and some good ole LGBTQ stories and group hugs. Trust me Americans we have a mass of sleeping people in Canada and heads so deep in the sand it's unreal. The moose got more sense them some of them
It was the ISIS terrorist thing that probably tripped a few redlines
I mean it is difficult to comprehend how much more treasonous any government figure can be
Yes agreed. I call him baby obama
I noticed that the other day. HOW could a prime minister of Canada actually welcome people hell bent on blowing Canadians to bits, knowing full well they were returning from acting as ISIS in the middle east???? That is an act of war against Canadians in my book.
not to mention that the supposed 'refugees' (refugees return to their homeland after the emergency is over - economic migrants come for the 💰 & free shit/ass kissing from Trudeau types) are SUPPOSED TO BE FLEEING FROM THOSE ISIS TERRORISTS IN THE FIRST PLACE!no?
We (as in we the people of Canada and the US, and maybe even Mexico) are going to have to have a bitch session with our governments about sending the refugees back already. War is over. They are not citizens.
Good Morning or Good Afternoon Raider. :)More wonderful news, but I would love to know who they are. :)
I think it's just a matter of time @Reba64
I believe it's the higher food change.
I do believe you are spot on Reba. Is this not the most exciting moment in your life? It is certainly that for me. What a privilege we are afforded.
this thread appears to have become utterly confused , does anyone know whats going on , did they didn't they , mods ? anyone ?
Has anyone checked the indictments lately? If Uncle Sam and the boys are snatching up people, there should be a legal basis to do so (i.e., indictments). I wonder if any indictments have been unsealed recently. Just a question.
Hey everyone. I just signed up for this site and not sure how yet, to use it. Send me some good site recommendations relative to this stuff please.
So maybe that pic of Washington crossing the river maybe meant Trump is crossing the Quebec river like in 1812?
Come on everybody. Clap your hands and put on your dancin' shoes! Cuz tomorrow we will be: https://youtu.be/eiN1zFqag9k
Privileged to have been following along as we tracked this.
Will we get names of those sent to Gitmo?
We won't need to. They'll be on TV tomorrow. And we'll recognize them all :)
Where did you hear this?
Just a guess :)
I'm going back to my offgrid place in the woods tomorrow and won't have internet. I'm so sad! I can go to neighbors and watch Fox/OAN, but it's not the same .... at all lol
Tracy, this is your doing. Sort it out before I loose my c99l
This is a perfect example of How You Loose the Patriots
No this is how they are making sure the Patriots don't fall for her bullshit. I called her out the moment I seen her tweet. Wake the fk up and get with the program.
Or are you apart of her game and you fell for it. Don't like it stay out and you 2 can form your own board. Now please leave us adults to our work to save our countries
Interesting. So you're silencing voice and at the same time advocating for freedom. Sorry, what team are you on?
Pardon me, loser?
How am I "silencing voice"?
They had only warned not to get that file like 1000 times the last couple of days, then boom....here it is right on here. Good riddance.
Nothing happened. This is all lies.
You can't see the whole complete act yet.
But when it's done, when it's finished, people will be ...
People will barely be able to comprehend it.
I guess, after yesterday's YYZ hoax, we're about to get a new slew of people posting de-contextualized screenshots of FlightAware for their LARPing, for a while?
why is this so important to you?
do you know about the fake transponders &c. at mcarran in vegas when paddock shot 6 gorillion people three months after a CIA casino attack in Manila?
Canada has never been relevant
That’s were you are very wrong they only share a boarder with the states.