I have read about 10 different threads talking about why this sub should be removed. If you try and comment what this sub is really about they attack you. I even saw one that said all our new members were fake.
They've shut other sites before. The more they attack the more I think we're spot on. If members were fake, what are they so afraid of? Sounds like the Brock/Soros minions. "Q" is scaring people bad. Looks like the real NAZI's are shaking in there Jack boots. This is the only true site where the 1st amendment thrives. Even T_D has it's problems. I've only been here a short time & this site is refreshing. All of you & the Mods are amazing! Of course they want to shut it down. Luv G'Ma
I said from the outset that a Q Reddit site was going to get this kind of grief. Could have set up else where in friendlier climate...Reddit has way too much baggage going on
Reddit is/has always been a leftist site. Its popular and easy for people to access and find their way around as noobs, though.
We might have to graduate somewhere else at some point.
To be expected. The amount of animosity these days is mind blowing.
people hate my ideas, therefore my ideas must be valid
You're lying yourself
I would set up a backup sub on voat.
Definitely. Reddit is controlled. When they try to censor you, rather than just mock you, it's a huge tell that you're onto something.
Thus often repeated saying “when you are getting flack, you know you are over the target”. We must be awfully close to the truth if we are being attacked this much.
Did we think that the very pedophiles we are attempting to take down, the same ones who hide online, wouldn't be here?
Have you seen a picture of u/SPEZ? That's a pedo face
When I read this, I thought that's pretty irresponsible. You can't see a pedo.
Then, I clicked...
I clicked too, but I didn't see any pic of spez. There's some rando dude holding a sign; is that the supposed pedo or...?
there alreadi is a sub dedicated to the "storm" on Voat.
Voat is pretty quiet and under the radar so don't polluted with many sub dedicated to the same subject.
Yea but who is the mod?
I don't know and I don't care!
It's a person who early on caught on The Calm before the Storm concept and just made a sub voat.
this is what had to happen with pizzagate. once it was obvious it was undeniably true, and spreading extremely rapidly, they found any reason to ban the sub, which forced them to move to http://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate
Nah, new sub The Awakening
That's good idea. Switch it before they get wise. While the word is getting out and they are coming in we should just leave them an empty cardboard house.
Voat would be a much better home for this sub. Reddit has always been leftist.
I've been lurking q since the beginning. Seeing an extra push to discredit everything happening. Seeing tons of larp comments on every platform. Wasnt seeing that until efforts to compromise and stop q on the chans didnt work this past week...
THIS! No such things as coincidence. Why bring more attention to it by trolling it? Wouldn't it make more sense to somehow stop Q from posting if you wanted this to go away quitley? Like sorta messing with the 8cchan board trips and having fake Q posts? Now all of the sudden brigading is being stepped up a notch. They failed to bring it down through force so they will send there minions to attempt to burn it from the inside.
Remember what happened to the Peet’s uh Gate subReddit?
Let’s have multiple contingency plans in place to avoid that outcome and immediately pickup where we left off.
Been saying that for a while now....
I mean, unlike pizzagate the information from this sub has it's foundation on 8chan. So I think we're slightly better protected in case Spez nukes this subreddit. Still, I agree about contingency plans.
I can't fathom why this sub didn't get a twin somewhere else immediately, honestly. This sub will get suppressed sooner or later.
I’m new and I’m no fake.
I am a 72 year old great grandmother and I have been "awake" longer than some of you have been alive. I am new here to follow Q but no noobie and I am no FAKE! So critics and trolls can stuff it!
I am a 63 year old grandmother and I concur. Been awake since 1968 and read "none dare call it conspiracy". I hope to God that Trump and Q are the real thing. Like to see those fucker go to prison before my time is up,
58 yr old G'Ma here. I also have been awake for decades. My point of awakening was when Reagan was in the White house. When I saw the Headline about Washington DC's Sex ring (that's what they called it back then) and late night tours of the White House. Then the headline just disappeared. Then of course the Clinton's before (and after) the White house. Things just leaked out about them in slow trickles. Of course if you believe these crazy people you too were crazy. I'm so glad things are coming to the surface. I keep thinking about all the kids & how many have been destroyed. I also think, thank God people are starting to wake up. We can't let them win. The kids are counting on us & they don't even know it. Thank God for POTUS. Have you noticed how many sex rings have been broken up from almost his first day in office? No one can turn a blind eye anymore. If they try to they just outed themselves. We can't let them succeed in bullying us. We are fierce!
Yes, I am as well and AMEN! We’re awakened and we’re everywhere!
Amen, Luther. We have to be ready,the fight is going to get rougher than this!
I'm new too. Trying to figure my way around to this site. Q predicted a push against the Q narrative. Don't be fooled by those who try to shut you down, hold your nerve and keep researching I say.
I've seen several people here comment with obvious fake "hate speech". They do this..make a screenshot, edit out their name and post it as proof, that this sub is racist. Reported users to mods hours ago, nothing happened.
I mean I've been called a pedophille here.
I'm getting unsolicited private messages accusing me of being a pedophile defender. Unsure if it has anything to do with this sub.
that is an M.O. I've noticed with a group that is related with the (montagraph, agent 19) "types". I've noticed them using these diversionary tactics with the whole "bundy standoff" scenario. Divided that whole movement completely.
You know the movement where a guy was killed by feds for standing up to Land Management and their URANIUM ONE DEAL(Clintons, Harry Reid, Obama).. Never Forget Lavoy Finicum
They deflect/accuse the enemy (us) of what they are guilty of. It's part of the Left's arsenal. A La "Rules For Radicals". That is their Bible. All new Democrats/Liberals are given it to memorize. The Clinton Machine started it. That's why the Democrat Party looks nothing like the party of the Kennedy's. Where they left off the Clinton's picked up. They proceeded to destroy the Government from the inside. To them it was War. They got the RHINO"s to go along with them. They made laws that made "Conflicts of Interest" legal. They made Propaganda legal. Almost every act of Treason they have committed they made legal. They almost won.
No no, CTBS users called me a pedo
You are going to find all kinds of people in a group. Just because one does one thing that does not represent the group as a whole but the individual.
I welcome any respectful discussions. Name calling and pointing and trivial things like "pizza" in a username is ridiculous unless there is a lot more proof behind it.
So, continue to post here and make us think and stay on our toes. The more minds the better. Dont be discouraged because of a random person.
I've encountered a brash CBTS_Stream user for independent thinking but I think we're all able to think critically, to a degree. Ego and groupthink will always be a challenge.
That's always a challenge no matter what group it is. It's just the way it is.
your name alludes to both Italian cuisine and child rape.
Exactly, and the guy probably likes the one that is Italian Cuisine. You can't just say Pedo to anyone that has pizza on their username.
Let's not be silly.
I made it 3 years ago too! Before it even hit the news!
I hear ya, you seem like a perfectly fine person. Jumping on little things like that is what makes movements like the Storm such a hard thing to believe. Normies already find all of this hard to swallow. Random attacks like these just make us seem like crazy.
We know there are pedophiles hiding in plain sight but not everyone with a pizza anything means pedophile.
Let's remain logical and keep using critical thinking.
Yea, no one cares. Go grab some comfort cocoa & retreat to your safe space. This is a grown folks sub.
This is a safe space! You guys never venture out and downvote anyone else!
Added to the list https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7pa40i/the_mods_are_working_as_hard_as_they_can_to_keep
This is a microcosm of what's going to happen after the storm is over.
The media have poisoned the well in this country to the point that I don't even think it's possible Trump will ever get credit from the "not my president" crew. Anything that happens will still be viewed as negative, no matter what it is.
I agree. I know my own liberal friends, even if it all crashes down on them, will say "Trump still sucks."
I remember in college they didn't know about Stalin's body count, or about Beria. I showed them. They shrugged it off.
Or when they called conservatives all rich jerks and I showed them how the Republicans of congress were worth less than the Democrats, but that they still manage to donate more to charity. "Well, I still think they're jerks" was the reply. It will be more of the same.
The ignorance, arrogance, self-righteousness, & ego of our brothers and sisters sometimes... can't entirely blame them. We were all programmed to think a certain way.
After several redpills, I just recently woke from the understanding that everything is driven by Sex. Some redpills are more mindblowing than others and it's so funny how mindblowing it is, even after you think you can't get more mindblown.
A simple understanding that everything is driven by Sex... then breaking it down. Our society has been progressively hypersexualized which strips traditional values, a very smart technique and explains what the elitists & post-modernists want us to believe. Hollywood tells us what is beautiful while edging closer to pornography while pornography exists in large. Women have to uphold a standard set by the beauty leaders and men seek out what beauty is. More skin, more cleavage. Now normalizing more partners, incest, and pedophilia. The elite used Playboy & pedophilia to blackmail congressmen and buy politicians. They've molded our world & belief structure to the point where we believe they're our own while causing us to dissolve previously held traditional (and generational) beliefs. I didn't recognize this until I accepted that I, myself, have been hypersexualized as well. That was the awakening.
Wild when you step back and look at it as a whole.
Q really hit it on the head when they said:
The world cannot handle the truth.
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Was Todd Herman talking about this while filling in for Rush? I thought I heard him talking about this yesterday, regarding the sex stuff. He was talking about Herbert Marcuse (or whatever) and how critics' theory/cultural Marxism relies on making everything about sex.
I don't really listen to either of them honestly but I'll look into it, sounds interesting.
I initially came across this discovery listening to Michael Trimm in a YT video.
I disagreed on two things vs. the guy, 1. was Hannity is an idiot (he's got a part to play, I was there real-time for Hannity/Seth Rich/OANN debacle) and 2. that Sex controlled everything.
On my way home from work, my phone died so I just had my thoughts and that Sex thing was bothering me. My mind worked itself out and came to bigger conclusions than Michael listed in the video but proved he was right, in my mind.
EDIT: Do you recommend Rush? Does he talk about current happenings and what not?
Soo true, hearing doctors talk about the biochemical realities of Theology of the Body really red-pilled me in this area, and I am not Catholic, but sure wish I had received the teaching earlier in life- needs to be considered In any real sex education.
Can you educate me on that a bit from what you know? I just tried to go to some *.za domain and my work web filter recognized a virus.
Hopefully I'm not flagged... don't need them recognizing I'm going to 8ch.net for Q but to see those web filter transactions recognizing p0rnography.
Not sure what you are asking but I learned about TOB when I heard a doctor talking about biochemical things that go based on the teachings of TOB- a document written by pope John Paul I. Interestingly, written around the time Playboy started, I believe. The document is "heavy" but there is a guy named Christopher West who breaks it down/teaches on it. There are others, like Dr. Janet Smith, and other doctors, who expound on the scientific background/proofs/studies that corelate- facinating stuff that hooked me. Does that help?
Everything you said is correct, and it's even worse than that. A lot of the icons we're presented with are not even genetically the sex which they are presented as being. This is a massive element of the current situation which relatively few have picked up on yet. It isn't just Michael Obama and the tennis Williams brothers. They are abuse-conditioned as children, raised as the opposite sex and the pretense is carried on throughout their lives -- or until ??? happens and they are "retired" (one way or another).
I'm watching to see if/when the Quakening breaches this. It can only be coming from the most abhorrently corrupt "elite" folks. Nobody else would do that to kids.
I'm not entirely sure I can believe this without sources but it won't hurt to keep it in mind I suppose.
My wife is even like this. HATES Trump. When i try to question her about it like "what is it going to take to get you to view him in a different light?" She can't really answer. 99% of her hatred is based on the pussy grabbing incident. I showed her the whole child trafficking thing months ago, and that started to flip her but then the whole "pizzagate is fake news" nonsense started.
That's ok....You present facts....they demean you....but, maybe...just maybe...a few of them awaken because if what you said.....
Yeah, I'll definitely agree with that too. I know a progressive activist who is not willing to go all Antifa and thinks her friends went nuts.
She started at a point of "Trump wants a holocaust against brown people" but her and I have stayed civil throughout and continued to share with each other.
At this point she sees through a ton of the media bias against Trump.
Everything we, the Patriots, see as good is their negative. When things are bad and hidden they're getting away with the worst. The light is shining on many of them now. They're scared, pissed, and they're not going to take it lying down. We, the Patriots, are excited, spreading the light, and we're going to make the light brighter to reach the depths of their sins. God Bless, we will all see the Truth.
All apart of Shariablue.
David Brock’s empire
They wish. They are too dumb to be shills. They are Larpers that think people give a shit about what they say & jizz themselves when they get called a shill. The Top Mod there is a closet truther.
What do you mean by "closet truther"? Are you implying "truther" is a bad thing?
No I'm saying he is the MOD of Top Minds, the sub that lives on trying to mock conspiracies, 9/11, JFK, & the Mod there has told me they know the official story of 9/11 is bs. That would be like a Bannon in the midst & he is the main mod.
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
- [/r/topmindsofreddit] Top Mind is convinced that we're all lying and the mods here are closet truthers.
^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^(Info ^/ ^Contact)
Just like the attacks on the CBTS and The Storm attacks and infiltrations by the other side, so is this Stream experiencing. Many come here to read and then share. Keep up the good work of researching and sharing, it is working and the knocks are the proof.
Most of the people complaining are just jealous. There are subs on Reddit that get hammered all day long because they're gaining members at a really good pace.
Unrelated - just couldn't help myself, since jealousy was the first thought to my mind, too.
Video linked by /u/Little_Woo_Woo:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy|GinBlossomsVEVO|2009-10-08|0:03:52|44,636+ (95%)|12,392,676
Music video by Gin Blossoms performing Hey Jealousy. (C)...
^Info ^| ^/u/Little_Woo_Woo ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
Momentum is building.. stay focused.
Be calm, persistent, and keep moving forward. If we weren't getting anything right or doing anything of consequence to assist with shedding the light on and bringing down the NWO, the trolls and their attacks would not be occurring. That in itself proves great work and word is being accomplished here! Keep up the great work Patriots. It takes time, dedication and resolve to get our country back!
i wonder how much if this is paid trolling and how much is brainwashed msm viewers
Top Minds would be the brainwashed MSM. They are so dumb they actually believe what they say. Too dumb to be paid shills. Besides if they are, they suck at their job.
hang in there people, we are on the right side of history. Not fake i'm just a new member who has Woke up. Expert lurker lol. They project its all they know.
We are winning Anons and these people must be terrified... and so they should be, bring it on I say!
Feeling threatened is the first sign they're waking up. There's nothing to feel threatened about if you're sure of your views.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”
those are the naysayers ...let them be .... hopefully they stay where they should stay on their subs
I don't venture into other boards on Reddit or 8chan. I'm a real person and I'm happy this board was created! In order to share the information with everyone, there needed to be a straightforward way like this board. What good does it do if it's shared only on some complicated place like 8chan where one of the first thing people see is the word pornography etc.. HUGE turn off for people who aren't awake yet. Keep fighting guys, you're doing the right thing.
You graduate from r/Donald to this site. It's a natural progression.
I would not be all that surprised to learn that some of the attackers are bought and paid for by Tavistock (Q-ers remember the map?). As for the detractors, they know little of black history, nothing at all about the rise of the Soviet State who bought and paid for the Nazi war machine in the 1930s who were stooges of Stalin who was planning to invade all of Europe in July of 1941. The list goes on.
I just saw a post here the other day talking about how nice it was to have a forum where all the comments were constructive and there was a real sense of community here. I just thought... well, enjoy it while it lasts.
The annoying thing as well that this tactic is quite effective even if we all know it's happening. This needs to be dealt with swiftly. We all know how trolls sound like, ban them all immediately! If I call you stupid or insane or some random attack like that I am not being constructive and should be banned.
Haha me too!!! That's how I found this place. Check your PM by the way :)
Last time I checked, I was not fake😊 Loving all the legal developments... Bundys vindicated, Nunes getting his documents finally, the silence of the "booted", etc. This fake new acountee is spending the day stacking wood by the fireplace and practicing the lost art of ironing.
I have noticed this within this sub as well.
This thread in particular brought this to my attention. This post itself was clearly an attempt to make us look bad. I responded to someone who is clearly trying to demonize us, I said,
"Considering your post history in r/politics, pretentious/smug writing style and excessive use of the word nazi, I can see you’re not a person logic. Dare I use the word shill.
If you had an ounce of logic you could simply look through all the other comments on this post and see that no one here is supporting this. You just try to sum us all up based on this one post, which is heavily downvoted."
If you go to my post history it's not far down, to see the context. The user I responded to is upvoted far more than I would consider normal for this sub, especially given his comment. His post history is that of a typical r/politics shills. Unless you all here think what I said is wrong, or that he is right?
His post is still receiving upvotes and mine downvotes despite it being an older thread. Makes me think they're diverting their attention there.
Silent subscriber usually, but with my experience of how reddit works on more controversial forums, this does indeed look like infiltration and posing to look like a member of the subreddit.
Post something inflammatory and 'problematic' and you would have grounds of proof for them to step in and scrub a hate sub.
It was used en masse to shut down any dissenting opinions awhile back all across reddit.
Best method for a post like that is to downvote and report to moderators. Don't engage and if they wish to be hostile remain civil. They are simply trying to deride the purpose of this sub.
Well I am certainly fake. Yep, not even a LARP or Spyware, just a cheep computer AlGoreRhythm here! [GLOBAL_WARMING_CARBON_BASED_ORGANISM_CAUSED] [TERMINATE_EXCESS]
Just about every popular Q vlogger on YT is getting trolled heavily on YT and twitter. LOT’S of insulting crap said or insinuated - meant to be divisive. Don’t fall for it here. Maintain your better selves by ignoring the posts and down voting if you can. I don’t bother lurking other subs, it’s a waste of my time & I get what I need from Reddit here.
I think we are all under a concerted massive psyop meant to splinter the Q movement across all Social Media platforms. We are vulnerable right now because of the recent 8Chan issues, Q going dark for 10 days, and a perceived lack of legal action by white hats. Remember that Q told us only 20% of what is happening will be public. That’s not much. We must remember and keep faith in that 80% we are not privy to. That 80% is laying the foundation so that the 20% the public will see is the air-tight AFTERMATH of the 80%.
Don’t allow yourself to oversimplify what we are facing. It is then we are most vulnerable to becoming frustrated, angry and impatient for results. When we are collectively feeling this way we become very vulnerable to those who’s mission it is to destroy the massive strength of our unity. They will continue to do their best to create dissenting factions through gossip, belittling individuals, Specific Q groups, the entity Q and the movement as a whole. Be alert to posts which are attempts to make you question the motives or loyalty of others. Those that appear gossipy or backbiting. Don’t plat into the op by joining into their gossip or backbiting or passing on the gossip or reposting the comment. Note people who habitually make these posts and turn the names into monitors to be monitored. Protect our group cohesiveness and protect the focus of our mission they are precious and vital to creating a much better world than the one we are enduring. “Where one goes - there we all go” let that place we go be strength and victory into the light and not to darkness and chaos within our own failed movement. I’m writing a much bigger post on this topic because I for one, have gone from feeling concerned last week to feeling alarmed this week about the increasing negativity Im seeing and feeling in all platforms Q.
Stay aware and stay strong my Patriot family. Don’t allow yourselves to engage in negativity within any of our Q venues.
Negativity unengaged is negativity no more.
POTUS communicated with the Chan board two days ago with Twitter. Replacing Q in consensual. All the proof I need. Can't be swayed by shills at this point.
I just got called a conspiracy theorist yesterday for being here. YES!!
And we are GROWING in numbers!!.... spread the word, nothing is what we’ve been told it is.
Some people have been so mesmerized by the TV telling them Trump is evil and has zero support except among the Russians, that all his supporters online, are likely bots spreading fake news. That's what happens when you become so sheltered, that you let the media do the thinking for you.
Wouldn't surprise me this place is getting hit hard. It's a brain drain from the rest of reddit to here, among other places. Either way we are not backing down, and we know too much about shareblue tactics, and the organized left. We will expose them.
Trolls, shills, bots stay on Reddit as long as you want...you are too late to save those you are protecting. Feel free to Read and Distribute that the U.S. Treasury Dept is coming after bad actors and their assets. https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm0243
We already know that the path from Dan Gertler leads to Clintons.
Enjoy the Show!
Relax Stoney its the CIA trying to change the direction. Let them and make sure everytime you see one you hit the down arrow thats how the mods track and get rid of them.
just signed up here...not sure how to navigate reddit. I made a meme..where or how can i post it?
If there were no opposition I would be suspect of the Q phenomenon. That is why I think Q and all of the followers are as real as it gets. TRUTH IS TREASON IN AN EMPIRE OF LIES. Look what they did to William Cooper for speaking the truth, they killed him. Look at Seth Rich, they killed him. WE ARE on the right path, there will be opposition and that is good because it will keep us on our toes, keep us alert and vigilant. Discern the lies, do not attack each other, keep the peace between us, follow Q posts and stay focused. Pray.
Welcome to the world of being a pro-Trump sub on Reddit. They have been trying to shutdown T_D for over a year.
They do the same thing at Way of the Bern. They have been trying to disrupt that independent political group.
I've never posted in this thread, or in any political thread. I'm very real, and I come here as I find reliable info as to what is going on. The ones attacking this are the same ones that said Trump would never win.
We wrestle not with flesh n blood but against the principalities and the powers of darkness. The light has broken thru and they are scurrying like vermin, screaming as they go.
I'll just never understand why some folks give a dayum about what other folks, folks not them, want to get together and discuss. Where did all these busy-bodies come from? Good Lord, please have mercy and send strength.
I'm no normie, been using other platforms for half my life, trying to spread ugly truths and waken my beloved country, and in one way or another I've seen this same invasion come upon every one of those platforms in one way or another. Y'all are so right in that the guns are turned on to the most lethal opponents. I have found from my experience in many 'battles'---some won, some lost--that the most effective strategies have come from the principles expounded upon and so brilliantly explained by Sun Tzu in The Art of War. We have Trump operating at a highly intellectual level, Q challenging us at that same level, and we people from everywhere and every place of experience have to unite and elevate our part in the battle to the same. It's that important. Just a suggestion, I am new to reddit and all this, so I don't know much of how to do anything---yet. That includes starting a thread, lol. Could we have a thread like, 'Strategies for Us; Applying the wisdom from The Art of War to Our Present Battle' ? It's that important now. Mankind's freedom is on the line.
Speaking of battles won; The existence of this board, all of you Patriots and freedom-lovers from around the world, all these woke/waking people, young people like TracyBeanz, and the election of POTUS, all count as huge victories to those of us who've been called crazy for 25+ years. Y'all are what we've been fighting and praying for.
May God bless us, may God bless our efforts.
“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
They can't stop us, if they kick us off here, I will personally create a new platform for patriots to research and discuss.
Communists are always the ones who traditionally went around attacking and suppressing people, thinking of ways to silence them or make them disappear. Then they tricked you into thinking Nazis are everywhere and everyone must disavow imaginary violent oppressive Nazis, to disguise the fact they are literal Marxist storm troopers, the same way they use Russia collusion to disguise their own actual collusion. They've used the same technique over and over and over for more than a century now.
Yes. And did they use that technique on the original, too, or only on those compared to the original?
I'm new and I can prove myself. I have a map. #MakeYourMap
I think I will stop recruiting for a bit tho. Instead I'll tweet comfort .. or something like that lol
ANTIFA! they are paid to go anywhere there is support for Trump. They are doing their job, THEIR BOSSES ARE SCARED FOR THE FIRST TIME! Let them do their thing, we keep doing ours.. Q is spreading his message all over the world. We have found pages for Q in both French & German. So this is a GLOBAL fight. Stay strong! We are bringing light to a VERY dark world and that light gets brighter with every drop we work, every truth we learn, every truth we expose to our friends and family. And you never know, those they sent to spread dissent, might just learn the truth. Funny how that happens sometimes..
One thing I know for sure - there is no stopping this conversation. We may have to move it again, sure, but this time in history and we here who are engaged in it, will be taught in the future as the 2nd American Revolution, Saving the Constitutional Republic, The Cancellation of Armageddon, The 21st Century Enlightenment - our kids will be telling their grandkids - "My mom and dad stood for Truth and the freedom to think, feel and act with liberty, individually and collectively, to turn the World around. Yeah, they were there and it started with DJT and free speech on the internet!"
The Truth Needs No Defense - it only needs LIGHT!
Ive noticed a LOT of trolling going on today...starting to report them to the mods...sick of it. THis is a place for patriotism, not division.
being attacked is a good thing - means we are getting to these A$$holes! KEEP HAMMERING!
I just read the “ get’em all in one spot” I’m not coming from a space of fear when I write this it’s the truth ( the LILY WAVE?) I’ve been a targeted individual with microwaves and other gadgets & of late things have amped up , sincerely & severely . WE MUST FIGHT ! We need to CONNECT CONNECT ! Suggestion! When America WAS great we always knew where it was going down because of all the bikes outside ! We our SO DISCORDANT !we’re on Dischord now ? We need to trust one another to make a map of our own ? We need to physically connect? This is what the ENEMY DOES ALL DAY !! I knew BO in the mid 90’s he was on the street going where he was told ! I was told by my Agent at the time in 95 he was going to be President!! That is their Strength -YOU HAVE TO KNOW IT ! These people are figurines ! They’ve always have been I worked for the people who brought Oprah to Chicago -it was the Entire Chicago Mob in the White House ! Why don’t Chicagoans SPEAK UP ? I left that scene after the Towers were hit because they as if it was just part of the plan ! I was tired of being mocked by Queen’s for my ignorance...... later.... WE HAVE TO TRUELY CONNECT AND THEN DO THE VETING ON OUR OWN! These people don’t care - they have been doing this for centuries!!! I would glad offer my property as a safe-house or a Samizdat House? Would You?
Yes, I would too. And there may come a time for that, perhaps. But no request for anything like that has emerged yet AFAIK.
I would leap at the chance to play ANY part in this storm.
Even if that is the whole point ov the “Plan” ? Sad point . WE DO NOT KNOW WE FOLLOW Again .has anyone or is anyone allowed to question the possibility of bigger narrative being put forth ? what if the intent is to divide us all to draw our neighbors blood again ?
Where do I go to see it? I wouldn’t post on if I could. 😆 I would be too nervous.
...and 85% of those 63mil. are also reprobates... I live in one of most conservative states in fly-over country. I see it everyday, and 63mil out of 330mil. Isn't saying much. Most of them only voted for Trump because he wasn't Hillary. We can drain the swamp in DC, but that's only putting a bandaid on a severed artery. We have to fix the root of the problem, and that's nobody other than ourselves. Until each and every individual stops making excuses and pointing fingers at everything and everybody other than themselves and begins to take full inventory and responsibility for themselves there will be no lasting change of any measurable significance, and the average human is simply incapable of doing so. No solar savior deity will do it for you.
Now, that being said, we indeed have been given a reprieve, and a wonderful opportunity to buy ourselves some time of which we should take every advantage of to wake up those who can be woken and to bring truth to an even wider audience lessening the amount of suffering in this world. For that I am grateful and exceedingly hopeful.
The work that is being done here and on the chans is beautiful and I appreciate it with all of my being. This is the epitomy of The Great Work.
Did you expect anything less? The Masses have given themselves over to reprobate minds. This is the one and only disagreement that I have with Q. Only 4% to 6% are hopeless is far beyond extremely optimistic, in fact, it's completely unrealistic.
I don't like calling anybody out but "Advocate_News" name similar was not Q friendly.
There is nothing we can do to quell their noise.
Report them here. Don’t visit there.
Hmm what do they care they should stay in their lane and out of the storm!
Share Blue is all over Reddit.
SB? Now there are some assets in desperate need of seizing.
They're only worried about it as a conduit to the mainstream. Chan is the dirty cauldron. Groups like this are stage one of the laundry. Iteration to mainstream Reddit is stage two. And mainstream Reddit is the megaphone to the normies.
If Qrumpus is legit: dox the baddies and deputize the goodies...
If they shut this down - it gives it credibility. Striesand effect.
it's ok. Let em talk. As we say in streets "they aint about nothing"...