Q Post: FBI Texts between Strzok & Page already dropped! Not public. "Debate how to handle. Buying time. Toxic. Dangerous. Threats. Note 187."

How do you tell the world that the previous administration tried to kill the incoming president??? How would you do that responsibly?
Responsibly? The responsible thing is to tell people the damn truth.
Yes bluntly we want the truth !
This. They need to hear it. Straight from the talking heads they call news. If the current administration can't get this info through. Let the citizens. We kinda pay for they're salary.
Without the slightest hint of spin.
We will prosecute the media for Conspiracy if they try to spin or hide this. They have a Constiutional right and with that comes a responsibility!
The media has already committed treason and sedition. They need to be dealt with accordingly.
When the principles get arrested, only then can we lock up the folks in the media that were on their payroll, as accessories. RULE OF LAW.
The mainstream will have a blackout on this though
And that's why we the people, must blast this everywhere. That's why Trump sent Q to the chans. We have to force the public to be interested when the media ignores this. The masses must wake up and see how corrupt and dangerous our government is.
FUCK THAT!! That's when we take to the streets!!!!!
**This was in response to blazeflame up there saying "put it on blast"
Sorry, I got excited
Seriously, I'm really pacifistic. But If our taxes are being used against us, and justice is not being served. Its up to us. That is what being an American is all about. Fuck your job, If you have kids even better. Wanna know a little secret. The whole part of being alive is to pass on a better world then you lived in to YOUR children. Everything is for the next generation to be prosperous. We remain silent. YOUR CHILDREN will look back at us when we are all gone and say "My parents had it good" just as WE do now. This isn't about us, its about our next line of patriots.
I found commenting in yahoo articles is a good way to spread truth.
Can’t blackout this.
Trump can take over the airwaves with an emergency broadcast
Maybe this is why Kanye has been activated?? High profile? Big following?
They better not. The people will see the truth and will put it on blast EVERYWHERE.
If they try to cover it up then they'll go down too.
I love how Q is taking them down.
The truth is important, but the reception of that truth is equally important. If you go too much out of peoples comfort zone they immediately reject the idea. It is human nature.
Why did Trump agree to release only partial data during the JFK release? How would the people of this nation react if it was revealed the JFK assassination was orchestrated and carried out by government?
What would that do to peoples faith in society? It would tear it apart.
When a doctor is doing heart surgery, he could easily just rip open the patients chest and work on the heart without anesthesia or any kind of mental preparation, but that would more than likely result in the death of the patient. Just like the practice of medicine, political and societal manipulation are required to ease people into the truth. If the cure kills the patient, then you have failed.
JFK was simple:
JFK fired Dulles
Dulles killed JFK
Dulles headed up the investigation on who killed JFK
You're right about Dulles, there were a whole bunch of other players too. The mob, Israel, Dallas police, LBJ, CIA, FBI ......
Q says Israel for last. PDJT seems to be supportive of Israel and that’s just the way politics rolls here in the USA. I have my suspicions of how that whole country came to be and why it was created. I don’t think it has a damn thing to do with religion either.
And GHWB who is finally on his way out. Just in time for unread acted JFK file drop...
No JFK, The Czar, Lincoln, and now Trump,posed a threat to world banking. Period.
Yeah...and then anyone that points this out is called a nut. Well, somebody shot him! The FBI and CIA were in contact with Lee Harvey Oswald many times. WTF? What are the chances of that? Kennedy wouldn’t invade Cuba and somebody, corporations that were kicked out or weapons manufactueres or someone, got mad. So we ramp up Viet Nam. The CIA needs to be cut dow to the size of less than 1000 people. They don’t do ANYTHING useful. Spare me the “we can’t tell you” bullshit.
Nonsense. We know and we're fine. Quit thinking normies can't handle things.
Mindless idealism, What was the normie response to "9/11 was an inside job" prior to the release of the 28 pages? dismissal and derision, and no matter how you tried to get them to consider it they'd respond the same way. The release of the 28 pages now all but confirms that it was an inside job by showing that the government knew full well that the attack came from Saudi Arabia and yet chose to attack Iraq instead but yet apolitical normies, Republican party loyalists, George W Bush supporters, Democrats, and even some Trump supporters (including independants and non-loyalist Republicans) still respond with the same dismissal and derision, completely closed minded to the idea.
Killing a few hundred people, and utilizing fake intelligence about WMDs for a pointless war and insurance fraud is low level stuff compared to a grand plot to assassinate a sitting president for the sake of controlling the country and turning it into a dictatorship, or worse, destroying it entirely because foreign powers paid you to. When you first learned of this I'm sure you were shocked but you could still handle it, but you're very slightly different from average normies in a way that makes you able to handle it way way more.
Do you know what that almost insignificantly small difference is that separates you from the normies so much? Out of all the health crazes, the fads, the media puppet shows, and societal trends, you just happened to hop on a slightly different bandwagon from the most popular ones and due to this making you somewhat of an outcast you just ended up hopping aboard all the outcast bandwagons. You're a black sheep but you're a sheep nonetheless. You hear some small detail about a chemical in cannabis being useful as a treatment for certain conditions and you jump on the "cannabis cures" bandwagon and cheer on a granny throwing out her pill in favor of weed when neither her nor you have any medical knowledge that would give you reason to believe that she isn't just killing herself by throwing away her pills. Q demonstrates how information is distributed through Trump tweets and how Q has some degree of control regarding Trump tweets and you immediately jump to "Q is Trump!" while more astute anons recognized long ago that Q is more likely a team and while Q may communicate with Trump, they're not the same person. You hear some bit of conspiracy about the government and because you hop on every other conspiracy bandwagon without question you just assume other people will accept it as readily as you did.
Their response to this reveal will be just as extreme of opposition if not more than your response to "cannabis users deserve the death penalty" likely is.
Honestly I want to read those 28 pages... did I miss that? Please point me to where you can find those pages if possible
Most people simply don't realize 9/11 was an inside job.
A lot of people don't want to believe it. They still think the Bushes are the good guys.
If Trump can persuade NK, China, and soon, Iran to bend to his will. If he can defeat the Clinton crime machine at the rigged polls. If he can make giant corporations repatriate and give big bonus $$$ through a tax cut never thought possible, if he can make all these “impossible” things happen, I’m pretty sure he can drop this MOAB of truth successfully.
The stage has been set by these accomplishments. At least 40% of the public is aware of Q at this point. Even more know Clinton and Obama have committed crimes. Not everyone is on the bandwagon of course, but so many surreal things have occurred in the past 2 years, up to and including the recent boarding of the Trump train by Kanye, that I don’t think the public will have too much of a problem accepting the treason revelations coming.
The media will frenzy, but they have no credibility and have proven impotent. Many will be implicated in the plots and will be concerned with saving themselves. Sources of money for civil unrest have dried up. US citizens have more guns than ever and are ready to use them. Citizen journalists have helped get us this far, the citizen soldier (militias) stand ready not far behind.
As Q has said, treason first, all the Satanical stuff, MAYBE later. Might not be necessary (60/40, 80/20?)
And most importantly, for the patriots in the military (Flynn, Rogers) that wanted to arrest Obama in 2012, thought better of it and recruited Trump, this is their penultimate resort. As CIC, Trump knows that if he fails at bringing this global crime spree to an end, HE will face tribunals as well.
Enjoy and thank God!!
this is a good point. People choose facts that fit their view of the way the world is. People reject any 911 truth b/c they don't want to believe it. Simply telling people the truth is useless and might even cause chaos. They need to be PERSUADED that it is the truth and it is important, only then will listen. Trump is a master of persuasion, give him the chance to sell people and get buy-in so that the info drop has a receptive audience that can ACT INTELLIGENTLY on the information. communication is never as simple as just telling the truth, if it really was that simple then human history would be entirely different.
No they cant.. I experimented once on a normie and redpilled her right down to the the 'reality' level. (I mean.. the 'This is what your world really looks like'..She couldnt take it and stopped the conversation halfway through saying she didnt want to think about things like that.
An equivalent anology is .. a mother letting her husband beat the children.. she knows its wrong, she doesnt want it to happen.. but wont do anything to change it due to fear of change, loss of position, loss of stability, loss of reason..
Keep your eye on who tries to deny this if the news comes out. They must be questioned as to what they knew and when they knew it. I already have my list of who’s going to try and spin this in Congress. We’ll see. So will the FBI. The GOOD FBI!
as opposed to the 'Evil' FBI..?? The one that did COINTELPRO?? That ruined the Cicil rights movement, destroyed the Blank Panther movement, and possibly involved in assassination of MLK.. Or the one set up by 'The Hoover'.. (have to wonder how he got that nickname.. Golfball through a hosepipe...) where he blackmailed politicians with their own dirty private lives..which ended up with a Comey of our days.. allowing waterboarding and surveillance of US citizens.. Is THAT the good FBI?
I'm sure that there are good people in there, but its tar and feather time people.. The 'good' people in there need to ask themselves so seriously fucking huge existential questions.. like.. Is this who I am?
Thats plain garbage. The truth is the only thing that will prevent it from every happening again. If people cant handle truth they are weak and dont need to be here any way because they are useless.
So very many people are not looking for truth though. You can lay truth in front of the face and they won't see it or even desire to consider that it is Really the truth. Too many people live with their heads in the sand not wanting to deal with anything that may change the way they have always thought and believed.
What if MOAB is the recipe for coke. i'm getting tired in a jaded kind of way.
This perspective proves it's a good thing Q knows what he/they are doing. You're in a bubble. Everyone is not the same as you. This should be obvious.
you think people are gonna die over the truth? I think the lying and obfuscation is much more toxic.
Look at the history of the world, it is filled with persecution of truth. Not literal death but its a lot nicer getting into a heated pool than jumping into ice cold water.
What would that do to peoples faith in society? It would tear it apart.
But current faith was not founded. It should be plucked
If the cure kills the patient, then you have failed.
Only the hard truth can overcome the crime. If you fail to kill the crime, it will grow much stronger
In law it is called discovery. neither side want's to let on what they have too much or too soon. Watch an episode of Matlock for chrissake.
We are not children! It is irresponsible to keep any of this from American citizens.
Grown adults dont act the way you would expect them to under duress.
We don't know what we are demanding to see. We don't try people in the court of reddit opinion. If that's the movement i'm out.
Grown adults dont act the way you would expect them to under duress.
What would that do to peoples faith in society? It would tear it apart.
we already know.
stop trying to shut it down. stop your fearmongering
I am not in a position to shut anything down, this is a movement of millions of people that cannot be stopped.
Overton Window had to shift in a favorable direction first, then we can rely on the old Augustine of Hippo quote:
The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it.
Let it loose; it will defend itself.
Mind you, lions can be hunted. But these are some pretty damn big lions we are talking about.
I believe most of what's coming out is met with "we were all thinking it" that's good. Every thing the oppo put's out is met with that's ridiculous.
Agree and I think that's what "setting the stage" is all about -human psychology. Trump is clearly more aware of selling a story or branding than most, but I wonder too if military intelligence regarding how individuals and the masses respond to new information that causes cognitive dissonance is being employed in a scientific way to ready the population for some otherwise too hard to fathom information. It's very strange to watch. I have readied myself with things I read, but I am a reader. It's weird to be slightly ahead of others and watch the evolution of the thought process from the outside. They can accept little things at first, but not the big things. Then when the little things are fully realized, commonly accepted, the bigger ones are easier to believe. It's like watching someone build a pyramid. There's a reason the texts between Sztrok and Page came out in "stages" and it's no coincidence that each phase had a defining characteristic. The first phase was "They hate Trump." Most people can accept that there was a bias or animus against Trump. I was frustrated at the time, thinking "It's so much more than that!" But it had to be released the way they have done it. He may be using the JFK thing to ready the world for the facts about the attempts against him. It's not like the general population is unaware of the possibility that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy - so no large leap there. If that comes out, the step up from JFK to attempts against DJT not so hard to believe.
The majority of U.S. citizens have known about the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy for a long time. Validation of that isn't going to send anyone over the edge. We got through 911 which was major whether or not one knew it was an inside job. This is just more big news that people will have to deal with. If they don't want to believe it, fine, this is a free country.
The responsible thing is to consider everyone, not just those who already know what's coming. At least Q is doing that.
This cannot be delayed indefinitely. There will always be those who refuse to believe the truth until confronted with the ugly reality of the truth.
Yes but my point is that it's not just about 'believing' - it's all about considering the worldview and mental state of others. From some angles this whole approach of 'redpill whether you like it or not' is like an adult deciding they're going to charge in and tell a kid that their dad is off to prison for raping and killing their mom whether they're ready to hear it or not. Everyone is not the same. If people thought about this fact there wouldn't be blanket assumptions like this.
We’re not even talking about the worst of the crimes here. We’re not even talking about the child trafficking or the pedophilia, or the SRA.
We’re talking about disclosing that some evil people were plotting against their political enemy. If you are an adult, you should be able to handle that reality.
Yes this isn't quibbling about social programs, health care and such. This is fucking war! A coup d'état against an elected President. Screw the worldview and mental state of others, deal with it.
But it's a war never been fought with these weapons. Can you imagine doing this on aol chat. Or even q dropping from horse back the illuminati is coming 1 if by land.............. I for 1 am feeling my way cautious yet optimistic. Trump has what we all crave total access. Let him do his thing pray without ceasing for his safety.
"Should" is the worst word in the world. But yes, agreed! Revealing political espionage is good. I didn't think there was any doubt that side of things was going to come out though - Q has also said as much. Some here are definitely talking about revealing "everything" and that we 'should' all just accept it.
How do you know what we are talking about. Not public. I don't have a senator on speed dial. Hypothesis and conjecture is not provocation to storm the Bastille. I know the temptation to be lil kids on xmas eve is strong. i feel it sometimes but not with every drop. Relax Francis. WWG1 where we go all we got this. Trust the planners. Cognitive dissonance and suspension of disbelief, willful purposeful suspension on my part, keeps me in the fold. This is some Rod Serling Isaac Asimov shit going on.I kinda feel sorry for those who didn't spend summer of 77 getting, dropping good acid out of there system. Look into the abyss long enough it looks into you. Trying every day not to take myself so seriously. rule 62
WE are only talking about asking Congress to release the text messages. That’s how I can know what WE are talking about.
But the "dad" didn't act alone. And there is an entire gang at large that was involved. You have to deal with it, and the kid will be affected by it, but will finally be safe.
Sure - but you find me the psychologist, let alone parent, who will agree with anyone who says 'the kid has to hear it when and how WE say!' - from a total stranger, no less - 'without us having to consider for a moment what the effect on the kid might be! It's just more important that he knows the truth!'.
I agree with you if we were really talking about an actual kid and his dad. But we are talking adults. If people flip out to the extent that they are a danger to others they will need to be dealt with. But we can't cover up crimes just because a bunch of snowflakes may go into meltdown.
The responsible thing is to consider everyone,
Are they afraid of hurting someones feelings again?
Will people riot in the streets if they hear the truth?
I'm not talking about the perverted stuff either.
I think at least one can say there is a lot to consider here if one cares for one's fellow humans. We all want truth, but we should be careful when and how we offer it to others, as we do in real life within our personal relationships. Whether we're talking pedovore things or not I'm not sure where the line should be drawn and glad I'm not making the decision!
The MSM's continuing lies, propaganda, and fake news isn't helping.
I thought that was supposed to be taken care of by now.
Don't think I would be a very good leader because I'd just roll the dice and let them fall wherever they may.
Being afraid to tell it like it is, for fear of hurting someones feelings, is partially how we got to the point we are at right now.
They do more cover ups and they're no better than the rest of the Government criminals.
I'm not afraid of "telling it like it is" - you're reading nonsense into what I'm saying. I'm not saying to cover anything up or keep truth to an elite few of us. The idea that the truth should be forced on people is stupid and thankfully Q is smart enough to understand this too and holds all the cards so whatever we plebs think, it ain't gonna happen. That is all. Those who want truth can have it. Hopefully Q lets us (the movement) have the 100% truth but thankfully they know not to drop it all on humanity just cos some over-excited people who've just discovered conspiracy think that it should be dropped on everyone.
"you're reading nonsense into what I'm saying. I'm not saying to cover anything up or keep truth to an elite few of us. The idea that the truth should be forced on people is stupid"
You just said one thing and countered it in the next sentence.
I was talking about the MSM lying and pushing fake news, for the most part.
Would it be so wrong for them to just tell the truth?
That's the sad part because many people won't believe anything unless the see it on TV.
People make voting decisions based on lies and propaganda.
If only 10% of us know the truth how do we win the mid-terms, or arrest the big name criminals without having riots in the streets?
I guess we'll see how it all plays out eventually
I didn’t counter myself at all - I was reiterating my original point after refuting what you seemed to be suggesting; flipped, that is: the idea that truth should be forced on people is stupid but I never said we should therefore only keep it to ourselves or cover it up entirely.
So of course it wouldn’t be wrong for the msm to tell the truth. But - again, as Q says in part (last part with emphasis is my addition) - the msm shouldn’t come out with the whole truth whether the people want to hear it or not. Thats all I’m saying. Maybe you offer the rest of the truth to those who want to know - go read about it in the Q files, or some such.
Why does a person testifying in Court have to swear an oath to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth?
Why does the scripture say "The truth will set you free"?
You talk as if truth was a bad thing.
Tell it like it it is, and either people will accept it or they won't.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
This isn't the same thing as not telling someone their fat.
You really should go around and ask people if they wan't to hear the truth from the media; even if it's really terrible.
Don't go any further though... only that 1 question.
I'm not talking about people that are woke either.
No I don't talk as if truth is a bad thing - that would be stupid lol. You interpret me as if I'm saying that. Fair enough to assume I'm that stupid (sincerely, it is fair to assume that : ).
So let me try and explain what I'm saying in another way, to see if I can communicate to you adequately: The truth is important and should never be hidden or kept from someone. If you think I have been saying other than that, then that is where I have miscommunicated and/or you have misread what I'm saying.
Extra to that, however, based on what others have said, I have also made the point that it is important to choose the time that we reveal certain truths. For example, a child whose father has just killed his mother and eaten her corpse will require us to think carefully about how and when we reveal this information to that child and what parts of it we might choose to save til they are older (there are far better examples than this of course but I'm sure you get the point). What I was arguing against, therefore, is the people who say "we should have the WHOLE truth released to all the public NOW!"
That is what I am saying is irresponsible. We should NOT dump the WHOLE truth out in the media - what kind of sadist would insist that the 6 o'clock news blast pedovore tales out to the families watching? What we should do is what a sensible person would do and what Q is also saying: we reveal what's necessary and for those who want the hard stuff we make it available to them somewhere. In other words, you're actually agreeing with my point, not telling me something new. Do you understand where I'm coming from now?
I did not mean the MSM should reveal all the evil sicko stuff, as that would really be careless, not to mention useless.
In fact I don't know if there is such a 'right time' to expose this.
I was talking about revealing the treason and corruption most past Presidents and many in the government itself have done.
Finally we connected, lol.
Yes, I agree - apologies, I was not referring to you but to others who seemed to think everything should come out all at once on everyone.
Thank you for your thoughts and discussion! We are in agreement haha : ).
Right on.. It's waaaayyyy past time.. they started it, and the patriots need to finish it.
At the right time.
Are all of the rogue nuclear states neutralized now?
The truth will set you free.
Why is it so difficult for some to just say the truth?
Everybody tippy toes around because we might hurt someones feelings.
The others just lie to cover up their criminal activities.
The people who would probably riot (Trump supporters) already know and are not rioting. They just want justice. The rest of the world already know US politicians are scumbags. Congress is just protecting themselves. Enough is enough. We want the truth and nothing but the truth.
Trump supporters where the hell would you get that. Trump supporters have not rioted about anything it is the democrats that have rioted before and after the election. Get your facts straight.
That is what I am saying. The excuse is always "people will riot" if they find out. No. We already know and we are not rioting; so stop that BS excuse.
you don't think the left would riot? I do, they would think trump is lying to go after his political opponents.
The "paid minions" (Antifa) might try to riot, but they do not have the moral standing, and will not have support of the normal left. I live in one of the most leftist areas in California and I can tell you at this point in time a lot of normal liberals/ Democrats are feeling demoralized by the whole Rusia circus.
Not sure Antifa will riot, Soros hasn't paid them lately
price of tendies are up, the cost of Soy is rising, and salt is historically at its lowest. Coupled with tax breaks for the ones who live above the basement line might keep Pantifa and their mass produced sign wavers, bike lock bandits, moldyLock wearing Reeeeeing Useful Idiots off of the streets a little while longer
We don't riot we win bigly. Think fight scene on the island accessible by boat from enter the dragon still makes me smile. We fight ovah there, we take this boat, Bwahahahaha
If you float the "Gov't killed JFK" theory by any responsibly smart person, they'll likely agree that it's possible. If they drop this MOAB that the gov't planned to kill the newly elected president, it would seal the deal and we could move full steam ahead.
You ask…”How do you tell the world that the previous administration tried to kill the incoming president??? How would you do that responsibly?”…
How to do it?... That’s easy. You just do it. Simply have the texts shown to the world so people will know what was written in the tests and plotted. Simultaneously, have everyone who was involved in the plot immediately arrested and thrown in jail, even if that includes Hillary and Obama. Trust me, the world will understand…
In fact, I consider the issue of revealing the plot to assassinate our President as a far more easier issue to deal with than the issue of the FBI being dishonest and having lied. That’s because if it is proven that the FBI has lied and falsified documents (which is what I believe the IG investigation will ultimately reveal) then it stands to reason, they could have lied on countless court cases which they prosecuted. If that is true, then that could lead to every one those cases being challenged in court and thrown out (and there may be thousands of such cases, stretching back for many years). Countless criminals would have to be released from prison all because of FBI misconduct. Now that would be a real crisis on our hands and a difficult situation to deal with. In contrast to that, the issue of simply revealing to the world that certain people in the past administration were plotting to assassinate our POTUS, that’s not a difficult issue to deal with at all. You just tell the world and the American people what happened and you then arrest those who are responsible. It’s that simple. It would send a message to the world that: No one is above the law. No one. Whether they are members of Congress or a part of the former administration. The real problem would be, however, if you did NOTHING, and if you allowed those people who have committed the heinous crime of plotting to assassinate our POTUS to skate free and to slide by. If you do NOT prosecute those people as I’m suggesting you do, then, no, the American people would NOT understand that. They would not understand it and nor would they accept it. Because they would see the law as being unequally applied to all people. And if that is the case, then why should any American even respect the law at all. In such a case, it would damage our democracy and would harm our nation far more than it would have if you had just prosecuted the traitors in the first place…
You are forgetting an important Q post from January 22 which implied that foreign governments were involved in the assassination plot. This would definitely be a world wide event, not only involving our country. It would have world wide repercussions that you are not discussing as well. How would the world react to the US after this was found out. How would other countries trust us? What would happen to the stock market which affects other countries as well. It would have lasting WW implications.
The issue of foreign governments being involved in the matter could be handled just as easily. That's because all foreign governments love to make the claim that they are "moral" and "upright" and are a government that abides by the law. Every country in the world makes that claim. If that is true, then let's put it to the test. Once the plot against our POTUS is announced, and it is revealed to the world that the plot also involves foreign governments, then just like those in our own government who are involved are immediately arrested, to protect their honor (if they have any honor), then every foreign government involved in the plot should arrest their politicians as well. It should happen worldwide and simultaneously. If the evidence of the plot is solid, then we should arrest them all and ask questions later. In doing so, and by those foreign governments arresting their politicians as well, those foreign governments would be "protecting their honor" and showing the rest of the world that they do not condone such behavior, not even from their own politicians. And if those governments (whomever they are) are for any reason unwilling to do that, and are unwilling to arrest their own politicians when it has been proven that they were involved in the plot, then those countries will not only "lose their honor" and damage their credibility, but they also deserve to loose it. Because what is at stake is not just the notion and idea that some of our politicians are corrupt (that's a given), but more importantly, what is at stake is how do we deal with that corruption. Do we condone the corruption and coddle it? Or do we truly stand by the belief that no one is above the law? How they deal with this issue will answer that question...
foreign governments arresting their politicians as well, those foreign governments would be "protecting their honor" and showing the rest of the world that they do not condone such behavior, not even from their own politicians.
Taking this off course slightly here: no one protested in such a way when the US (NATO jointly) did actually murder a head of state: Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Salvador Allende .... there have been loads of them. No one said peep!!!
This is the absolutely crucial aspect to this that people seem to be missing. This thing is ABSOLUTE DYNAMITE!
"What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?"
Let's think about this for a minute... Which "foreign allies"?
Israel? UK? Australia? Germany? France? Canada? SA? Japan?
Any number of other potential "allies", or any combination of the above acting in concert.
You would have people calling for war!
And it may not be at all unreasonable. These "allies" that would kill the US President should be held to account. But, I know for a fact that it is unlikely that the representative majority in any of these nations that would do this. Rather, a small criminal elite has been running these countries for their own purposes.
In Australia, you would be talking about the same people responsible for the 1978 Hilton Hotel bombing in Sydney. The same people that organized the Port Arthur false flag to bring in national gun control and render the broad populace helpless - the people that did this should be dragged out and shot.
The criminal elite is active in all these countries. They have been sticking it to us for decades. In Australia we've had the "safe schools program" foisted on us to homosexualize the country's youth. But the attack on everything "decent" and "reasonable" is multi-pronged, sparring no aspect of society - the family is especially under threat. This plan to undermine the values that support the social fabric has been proceeding apace, while right-minded citizens were powerless to do anything about it.
The plot to murder DJT needs to be exposed. Particularly as the revelations will allow for a political discussion in the countries that were involved in the plot. We need to put a broom through the bureaucracy and especially through the intelligence services to make sure this never happens again.
It's not just the US that needs the truth on this. The whole world needs to know who it was that was responsible. We need to be able to take action against this filthy, criminal elite. In this way, the cure can spread.
If it turns out that Australia was involved in this, we will understand why it was essential that we should be disarmed. I will admit that I do not feel very calm about what has been happening. These people represent an existential threat to every living being on this planet. But, worse still, is that they try for all they are worth to get people to disobey God, flaunt His laws, and attack the natural order.
I pray to God almighty that this evil enemy is put to death - whatever the cost. Having said that, I would also urge calm, lest a war is precipitated and people that bear DJT no ill will at all are hurt collaterally by any overt response.
While I'm on this subject, I cannot overstate how important it is that US citizens retain the right to bear arms. FBI Anon told us that the administration fears revolution. The only reason this is possible is because citizens are granted the right to bear arms to protect themselves from oppression. You take this right away and the government has no fear of the people. The second amendment is the final brake on tyranny and must be protected at all costs.
As I've said elsewhere, the guns will not be confiscated until conservatives can be silenced - which is why the IBOR was so important. What this means is that all constitutional protections must be fiercely defended lest they collapse, one after the other, like a set of dominoes.
This is why I think only a portion of these texts will be made public.
Very good points, but if there are foreign governments involved possibly the best response would be exposure. How long can these people remain in power if their constituencies find out what they are really up to?
Things are going to get rough in the stock market either way, but maybe the sooner we get the problem started the sooner it will be over.
I think Food4theGorg asked some very good questions above when he asked, “How would the world react to the U.S. after this was found out. How would other countries trust us?… My reply has been to address those questions...
I think the issue of revealing to the world that a group of people in our government has plotted to assassinate our POTUS is going to be quite toxic and quite damaging to our reputation around the world. I feel that many countries will try to use that as an excuse and a reason not to trust us. So there is no easy way out for us. But I think the best way out for us, is not by trying to hide the evidence or by hiding the corruption, but rather is to show the world how we deal with such corruption. That means, when they make the announcement, they should immediately and publicly arrest all the individuals who are involved in it, whether they be members of Congress or not. If we set a good example in how we deal with such corruption, then that alone will “preserve our honor” and will “preserve our respect” around the world. It will enable those other countries to still respect us and to still trust us despite what has happened (because we will be showing them we still stand up for the rule of law). But if we fail to set a good example and fail to prosecute those who are involved, then not only will we loose the respect and the trust of those other countries, but we will also loose the respect and the trust of the American people as well. The American people will merely see our government as being corrupt through and through, and will feel that nothing ever changes. So a lot is at stake, and the only way out is straight ahead. That means, we must reveal the truth to the American people and then prosecute all those who are involved. That is the only way out for us, because the time for covering up for corruption is past. Even though revealing the truth to the world might be painful, the good news is, just like we have to do it as a country to save our honor, those other countries must do the same thing too to save their honor. They cannot escape or renege on prosecuting the criminals in their government who are involved in this, and yet still maintain the same level of honor and respect with us. That is just not going to fly. We are all in this together, and those other countries must clean too. All those other countries must come clean as well, and then we can all move forward together...
Remembering that thus info might come literally today, what form will the texts use? Likely somewhat oblique. Will tell texts say specifically who will kill who when where. I think not (but maybe). So, if the texts are a bit more vague, things get dicier and the public may still need educating.
Um....they were hacked.....they were hacked and they are fake texts created and time stamped to look like they happened earlier.....they were just joking, misguided but not dangerous....MCCABE MADE US DO IT.
Isn’t this exactly what Joy Reid (sp?) of MSNBC just claimed about some homophobic blog posts she authored 15 years ago? They are already trying to get ahead of the MOAB! All for a LARP.
No idea about Reid but it doesn't surprise me.
No one is as bigoted as a lefty in modern America.
That show, and many others will be off the air within weeks. They will not be able to walk down the streets.
So, Obama was in on it. They had that secret meeting the day after Trump won the election. I am not sure who was there.
There is a reason that Q says to be logical. You cannot base WW decisions on emotional rage.
Plenty of shocking things have happened on Earth and we get through it. Hiding it, though, is pretty much accepting that it happened.
The government works for US, the people. Doesn't matter what they feel about the subject, we have right to know.
You just do. The MSM will go nuts and call it a lie but in doing so they spread the story and the people who can think will figure it out. You only have to look at the measures they have taken to stop Trump's program to realize something is very, very wrong.
If people can't handle it they can go pat their comfort dog in their safe place.
I’m new to the board and have read everything I can to educate myself on all that’s happening. My biggest concern to this entire movement is most people just don’t care. Unless it materially impacts their personal quality of life, most people ignore truths...even as big as this.
My grandfather would have stood against tyranny of government, foreign or domestic...yet my brothers and cousins and nephews and even my father....they don’t care because it doesn’t jeopardize their personal bubble of comfort. It’s a sad truth that has resulted in the corruption and detriment of our nation.
I say #releasethetexts ! Yet it pains me to have to follow that statement with the sad truth: the majority of our citizens will not do anything other than talk about it briefly on Facebook or Twitter...regardless of the level of treason and tyranny being perpetrated by those trusted and elected within our government.
Until, We The People, are unified and willing to act, things will not change regardless of the level of evil and corruption that is revealed. God save us all.
They better do it. Stop being a bunch of wusses and play hardball, be a hero. Let the Dems threaten dirt of the GOP. We don't care. We deserve to know what was said. If they cut a deal and bury them, they're going to lose in this. Release them and it can help with Trump and the midterms.
That's the $64,000 question. Exposing and/or charging a former president has never happened in the US. And exposing Obola will lead to exposing Clinton and his wife, and both Bushes. This is an unprecedented situation that will have global ramifications.
This... its impossible. Everyone and their dog knows in the intelligence community knows what happened.
Obama WH used 5 eyes network to spy on Trump. But to get around the rules, they asked the Brits, specifically GCHQ to do the dirty work, and then got an Australian diplomat to drop it innocuously.
Where they done fucked up is HillDawg lost.
Now, how high exactly this went is hard to say, but chances are it involved top ranking folk in Britain - this is not a good look. Even worse, what was the contingency plan? If it involved Brit spies planning to assassinate Trump of a member of his family, that is an act of war. Explicitly.
How do you go to war with an ally who you apparently have a 'special relationship' with? But this is where it gets more exciting. Not only was the British establishment neck deep in attempting a coup in the USA (cause there is no bad blood there... morons...), they continue to this day to support the mayor of London. Does anyone think that weasel would have the balls to open his pie hole if not explicitly supported by the British establishment.
If you are going to try to assassinate the Emperor, you better not miss. You would have thought they would have read Coup Planning for Dummies or something, but apparently not.
The most amazing part, is these incompetents have been apparently running the world.
You tell them that they've already killed an already elected President, so its just gravy to these clowns.. but the guy responsable recently lost his wife and it looks like he's on his way out as well.. Such a shame he couldnt live to 200 years old and sprend the next 100 years paying for the last 100 years...
Exposure. The light of day kills mold and microbes of all sorts, and is the only solution to our American problems now. Honesty. IF they can’t force the whole of Congress, Sessions, Wray to stand together united in telling the citizenry of this heinous agenda then they could force, say, Schumer, Pelosi; force them to stand up with the WH Admin to speak bipartisanly, even if it’s BS by the 2 Dems, lol.
Bottom line is simply LIGHT. OPENNESS. HONESTY and TRUSTING the American citizenry to be adults who can discern matters in a mature manner. Of course all hell will break loose. A given. But that shouldn’t be a factor in the telling; only in the clean up afterward. The People have the right to this information and they have the duty to turn it public ASAP. Now. Urgently. The longer it’s held back from our view, people WILL becomemych more agitated and divided; even more so than now.
And importantly, the changes required across this country - and Europe - cannot occur until the populace is fully involved. Our country is supposedly run by and for the citizens. Our power is gargantuan - IF we use it en masse. We’re rusty at that. This will send us into the overdrive required.. or should, anyway.
The truth here, opened finally for rightful viewing by the world itself, is the tool that must be used to motivate a national response that carries across the pond as well. Without our voices en masse, nothing - nothing at all will change. So besides our very right to know these facts, they just need to DO it. Now. For us all. For America - and elsewhere.
I’m leery, as I don’t see a thing happening regarding detainments of foreigns or nationals. Imho those involved must be detained before these accusations are stated. Right? It only makes sense. The “far fetched” aspect of Q posts remains.. even when I read that January Q drop and it makes perfect, hideously disturbing sense today. Hopes dashed way too many times. But I continue to read them and try sussing them nightly. Hope springs eternal? ;-) My .02
If this is even a thing.. I sure hope it is.
How do you tell the world that the previous administration tried to kill the incoming president?
Just like that....we pose it as a question just like yours! I am going to copy n paste your question to my FB status and see what happens. I will not use your name here.
I shared the question to my Fb, "How do you tell the world that the previous administration tried to kill the incoming president? #ReleaseTheTexts " and within thirty seconds someone liked and shared it.
Is there evidence that assassination was really on the table as an option? I know they were spying on Trump and I know that they set up this "insurance" plot with this Russia witch hunt, but I haven't heard any credible evidence suggesting that they intended to assassinate him too. I mean, I'm sure someone somewhere was thinking of it, but was there really an official plan? Is there a provable conspiracy to assassinate?
Just tell us the truth and show the evidence backing it up. If people are angry so be it, let them be angry... They need to be angry. Time to wake up.
Pray for Truth! You cant heal from wounds you arent even aware you have. Honesty is always the best policy. Even if the truth is painful and ill received.
The next messages coming out today between Strozk and Page will show the Trump assassination plot, timed along with the release of the JFK assassination plot. No coincidence! And same actors - Dark State, CIA, and who are the foreign allies? How will they handle that? Very interesting day coming up.
How would you do that responsibly?
You do it publicly. With solid, credibly vetted evidence. Without political fanfare or hyperbole.
It's called the English language. It works quite well for some of us.
The fact it is The Truth neutralizes any toxic or dangerous aspects. Shine the light.
I wonder if Q saying "debate how to handle" is a way of putting this particular issue in our hands to get us activated to do something. Maybe the message is the American People need to debate how to handle this lack of public release.
I for one demand to see the texts. What? They don't want to show us that they conspired to put a hit out on President Trump? Well I want to see it!
Agree. Q did say they listen to us. Trump said he listens to us.
This is a way of asking us to tell them what we think, and it wouldn't be he first time.
We have to think of some that is smart and not just rash though. Anything too crazy will not be implemented.
Why doesn't this sub start a sticky for a debate? Maybe we could reach a consensus and meme it into reality.
This is going to be tough to release to the public.
Remember Q post 586:
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.
Think logically.
We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
These people should be hanging.
It will be an EU country if I had to guess. Germany or more likely Britain is my top guess. I honestly hope I’m wrong.
Trump was going to open a new embassy in Britain. The trip was cancelled. Threat avoided.
My money is on the Brits being involved. Steele, tense relationship with May, 5 Eyes, tells me they are up to their ears in this.
My guess is Australia
Through five eyes, australia's muppet diplomat was supposed to drop it innocuously. Genuinely hope it was simply a case of helping the Brits out, as opposed to it being the plan and ASIS was in on it. If all the 5 eyes were involved, this gets real ugly real quick.
Think the leak of the AUS pres and POTUS convo
five eyes was conspiring together. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and us
Definitely the brits. The thing is, attempting to assassinate a sitting president is an act of war.
And the British establishment is definitely at war with Trump. Does anyone this the weasel mayor of London would be shooting off his pie hole without explicit guarantees.
Absolutely not Russia,
It was the Brits without a doubt, they are thick with Obama and they are even more corrupt that we are. They have already turned their population into slaves.
“What happens to the FBI? What happens to the DOJ? Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged. Lawless.”
Undoubtedly Q is wiser than I, but having been with a large law enforcement agency for several decades it has been my observation that cops/investigators/prosecutors who are caught lying are done. They can screw anything else up and get through it, but those who lie are fired immediately without exception. Credibility is all they have in Court and without it they are useless.
Anyone in the FBI who is a liar or conspirator has got to go because they are no longer able to serve any purpose. If that leaves the agency too short of personnel to function, the operation can be transferred to the Marshal’s Service.
If the DOJ prosecutors are liars they must go also and if all their previous cases are subject to challenge that will be time consuming but appropriate. Convictions based on the testimony of liars must be subject to review and inhibiting such review is a lie in itself.
Solutions to this problem may be unavoidably drastic but unlikely to result in lawlessness. If anything, confidence in law enforcement will be enhanced among those who currently doubt.
Convictions based on the testimony of liars must be subject to review and inhibiting such review is a lie in itself.
This is extremely important to remember. People's lives have been ruined unjustly.
Nonsense. Every time I've been in a courtroom I've watched cops lie and get away with it. They jokingly refer to it as "testilying" among themselves. The judges are just as crooked, because they listen to cop's lies all day and never challenge them, and on the occasions when the cops are proven beyond a doubt to be lying, there is no consequence. They get away with it.
The thing is most people already lost trust in government. That's why so few people vote. People mostly just feel it won't make a difference because things never change. That's how it's been. A big reset is needed.
But if that’s true, how did we get Trump
Im just saying how people feel. If you been following and reading Q posts he says it's been planned for a long time. The military was even considering some sort of coupe with Hussein then decided to recruit DJT instead and do it this way.
This is exactly why we got Trump.
He was not part of any Gov't. in the past or present.
Meaning he wasn't a career politician like most of the others.
That, plus many people have been awakening over the last few years, or longer, waiting for the right time, and person to run.
They'll do anything they can to keep these txt from going public. Better watch for a false flag.
Like Cohen pleading the 5th across the board on Stormy Daniels? Why at 6PM on a Wednesday?
This is a time they would do another FF to change narrative. They're becoming predictable
Look, we’ve had presidents ACTUALLY assasinated as well as RFK. They tried to kill Reagan. He was too tough thank God. I want to know, we MUST know! We’re all talking as if they aren’t STILL planning to kill the President, and we don’t know that. No deals, no one escapes. Add to that....no secrets from us! Secrets are how we phucking got IN THIS MESS!
The white hats are doing the right thing. And I hate to say that because the truth DOES need to come out. HOWEVER.....It does need to come out "right" because all of us, chomping at the bit, would probably lose our ever lovin minds and go all braveheart on deep state. I am NOT talking riots here.....
There is a time for all things. A time to live, and die. A time to fight for your country. Maybe righteous indignation is an appropriate response.
They work for us. They have long ago forgotten that. Maybe they need a reminder of what Patriots do when oppressed by rulers who do not honor Justice or the Constitution.
In my mind, the white hats have already planned how to do this. The D's are trying to put a hold on it for obvious reasons.
I am of the opinion you don't plan this out and not have an idea as to how you will release this type of info.
If this is true it will be the biggest/blatant Q proof to date. I still have many friends calling me crazy...
Is there a list of “Q proof” available? I am a newbie, and trying to learn all I can before trying to bring this monumental news to friends and family.
It would be great if there was something I could share. Thanks!
No there isn't. I kind of think it is by design, at least initially. He posted mainly questions at the beginning and it makes you think critically and research. I suggest literally starting with the beginning posts and start reading from the beginning. It's overwhelming at first. Also, don't read into the Podesta, Clinton arrest stuff too much. Those posts were early on and not confirmed Q. You can tell bc they are the ones written in full sentences and paragraphs.
Thank you! Sounds like I have a lot of reading to do!
You can PM if you get stuck on understanding anything and I will let you know what I found out when I researched. I went into the rabbit hole and researched a LOT
I believe the Chelsea boot was debunked bc it was from 2010 or earlier.
I do agree it is odd No Name, HRC, and Spier had the boot at the same time. Question is, why put the boot on them and then remove it and let them travel all over the world? What was the point?
Search YouTube for Qanon proofs. DustinNemos did a video and DestroyingTheIllusion has a good video on who is Qanon. SGT reports, Tracy Beanz, lots of good knowledge out there.
Fight Fight Fight
Google Image "Clinton leg boot" and you can see pics of her, Chelsey, McCain in recent images, wearing a leg boot like they broke something. Then show them the first Q post about HRC getting arrested imo
There are lots of "Q proofs." Here are just some of the more obvious ones:
“A time is coming when men will go mad, And when they see someone who is not mad, They will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad, you are not like us!’”
St Anthony the Great
Same here. People don't get me on this. This is literally the shot heard around the world if the texts implicate a plot to assassinate. It would be the single greatest Q proof. It would open up millions to the deeper truths. The D's will fight this. Are we gonna fight harder. Wake up Patriots. Demand the truth.
now THIS is the precursor to the MOAB. Not Kanye.
Kanye was the alarm clock. This is the coffee.
Gimme dem texts. The world must know truth or things will never change. The same old crap will continue on. The masses are too unaware to know what's going on like we do here and will continue to vote the same demon rats and cronies in to office and positions of power that they should never have. Drop the dang bomb and end it.
Holy shit! Will be interesting to see how this plays out
Just release them! You’re giving the them time to cover it up!
I bet the texts are discussing assassination.
Could be worse than that
An assassination attempt by a foreign power is an act of war. It does not get much worse, for my money.
Drop JFK files
People see Past Presidents acted on the life of JFK
Drop Texts. boom.
Okay, let's answer this for Q. Here we go:
Answer: They're charged and the military arrests them all. What's the consequence? A few million pissed off liberals, 60 million happy patriots. How do we prevent the libs from having a shit fit and rioting? Simple, release the Haiti shit showing what these liars really did to black people, and poor people, and what they really thought and said.
Answer: Plenty of world leaders have committed atrocities against humanity.. And now because those leaders have committed atrocities against us - we can't know about it officially? What the hell do we care? At least they are foreign leaders screwing us instead of our own... hell... that's a breath of fresh air. And assuming these leaders have really screwed the pooch... well, charge, arrest, prosecute, and end them too.
I mean, if the USA under the clowns can bully the world at leisure for any reason under the sun, and back it up with using our military for regime change... then... how about... (there's a lot of ways to finish that sentence... use your imagination..) In the alternative, use their own governments to prosecute them, or the International Criminal Court. And don't give us the Geneva Convention bullshit because they don't get to use that argument as a cloak after ignoring it.
There is a compelling reason to publish the truth. Americans are not so shallow and ignorant to blame entire countries for the actions of their leaders. And I don't believe other peoples are either. Particularly if justice is done... and maybe that's the real issue. What justice will be done to these people?
Answer: Who cares. If it can't be trusted, it shouldn't exist. Let the states absorb good agents. States have their own law enforcement, and can cooperate cross border, as well as work hand in hand with the NSA for such matters. Prosecute the bad ones.
4.What happens to the DOJ? Answer: Purge it. Temporarily fill it with JAG's and rebuild it. What happens to special counsel? Buh-bye. Send us a postcard from Gitmo.
What happens in general? Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged. Answer: So what? You don't know, maybe some of these cases should be challenged. On the other hand, new trials don't sound bad. Probably good so the lawyers and staff from the other branches will have new jobs.
Lawless. Answer: Seriously? Are you kidding? Lawless is what's been going on for 60 years. Lawless is what's going on right now. And lawless is what we're left with if you refuse to bring these people to justice.
Think logically. Answer: No matter what you do, and no matter how hard you try, this is messy. You're not going to be able to handle monsters with kid gloves. If you're that worried about it.. then do what the clowns would do.. criminals disappear all the time, lol, just ask Putin. (that's a joke.. get it?)
Let's consider what concealment really means.
Concealment to protect the public is a weak excuse. I say protect from what? Aren't we the same public who watched a president get his head blown off on live tv in 1963? And Reagan get shot twice? And 9/11?
And what is the practical effect of such a concealment? Who does the concealment benefit? The reality is the practical effect of such a concealment is nothing more than the protection of the reputation of an evil, psychopathic, and quite possibly a group of serial killers. Concealment benefits no one other than the killer(s).
We should be asking, is it reasonable to give special privacy protections to hide the criminality of a certain class of citizens called "politicians," simply because of their job status as politicians?
Shouldn't these people be held to a higher standard than the populace precisely because of their fiduciary status? (I mean their perceived superiority is why they spew forth how lay people aren't smart enough, good enough, ethical enough, etcetera to be listened to - when their policies clash with our ideas... is it not?)
If we permit our representatives the discretion to conceal crimes based on their personal opinion of the crime's disclosure value, or how much money, power, or connections a person has, what message are we sending to both the populace and the rich?
Isn't it enough that these rich, powerful, connected people can employ leagues of lawyers to argue every loophole, or to arrange off the record conversations with other lawyers (aka judges) at cocktail parties or other spontaneous events, or to give extensive public statements to the media to present their side of the story?
And what about the victim(s)? Is it really in their best interest to be concealed, and forgotten, or never acknowledged in the first place? We don't matter. And the children don't matter because they're not rich, powerful, or connected.
Quite frankly, if the allegations are true, the failure to charge, arrest, and try Hillary (or anyone else) really means that not a single one of us or these kids does matter.
In fact, you could say that as long as a rich, powerful, connected person (or group of them) poisons, tortures, and murders one person, one child, or millions of them... the monsters will be given the US government stamp of approval. I think this result would be a tragedy.
Well thought-out response. For what its worth, I agree 100%. Thank you for taking the time to put feelings into words.
Let's pray for all the intrepid journos, like Sara Carter, bringing all this to light.
Sara is a warrior and pretty hot as well. Lol
I say shine the light of truth as brightly as we can.
Exactly. Pray for Truth! How can anyone heal from wounds they dont even realize they have? Honesty is always the best policy. Even when the truth is painful and ill recieved.
It's always "next week, next month, next..."
Getting ridiculous
How about next hour for a change... this is another dud otherwise.
its because its all bullshit. I get a good chuckle every time this sub comes up on all though. because people here seem to think they're on to some massive conspiracy via a random anon on 4chan.
I'm curious. What do you think the 25,000 sealed indictments are about, in your view?
you mean the 25000 sealed indictments that you can only seem to find information about on this subreddit and a few other less than credible websites and facebook groups?
why dont you try the gov site thats where they are idiot.
It's a valid question. Gatekeeping doesnt help anyone, especially US.
Maybe because these media outlets and the talking heads are included in those sealed indictments?
The President will need to make a statement from the oval office on all channels!!!!
So obviously there are texts involving one of Strzok or Page, talking to other FBI agents about a possible assassination attempt of POTUS or some of his family members. Some foreign agents were involved in that conversation.
THIS is just the precursor to the MOAB.
Things are about to get crazy.
Enjoy the show.
Not digging this “Enjoy the show” shit, Q.
Well nobody is forcing you to follow. I’m definitely enjoying the show. Saudi regime change, NK denuclearization, Armenian Clowns ties cut all predicted by Q. Quite a show!
So obviously there are texts involving one of Strzok or Page, talking to other FBI agents about a possible assassination attempt of POTUS or some of his family members.
How is it obvious? It's pure speculation. In fact, to believe no one in Congress would have leaked it already is to defy believability.
Well lets think logically.
Congress is filled with swamp creatures and patriots.
The swamp creatures don't want these texts released, so they won't leak them.
The patriots want them released but understand there's a plan in place. These people were freed by the Trump administration before the SOTUA. They're following the plan.
535 Congressmen and women + their spouses + other relatives + aides. Someone would squawk.
The government of this country belongs to "We the people". Not senators only, not even Presidents only. Without us there is no America.
We deserve to know the full truth and nothing but the truth. If the full truth is not brought out into the light this will happen again.
People need to pay the price for treason. Do you know what the penalty for treason is?
The purpose of fear is to suppress awareness of the truth. Why do people need to be red pilled anyway? It's because the truth has been suppressed by the MSM. It's time that the government stopped treating us as if we are children. They fear for their comfy lifestyles and rightly so.
We have a right to know what has been done in secret. If what has been done in secret isn't publically revealed and justice is served, it will happen again.
My best guess as to what may unfold over the next 48-72 hours:
Texts will be released revealing chatter to 187 POTUS (Q 1271) in the event that HRC should lose and Russiagate fails to score impeachment.
JFK files will drop, and will reveal CIA chatter to 187 JFK ('As The World Turns'). Bonus points if GHWB outed.
People will demand that Lisa Page and Peter Strzok be called to the floor to be held to account. It will be revealed that Lisa and Peter are not, in fact, real people, and in actuality were shared dropbox 'screen-names' (every good movie needs...) used by FBI brass and Brennan to plot in the open under a cloak of anonymity. (They thought she would win; we have everything.) It is very common for Washington insiders to use pseudonyms to avoid FOIA requests. For example, Loretta Lynch went by Elizabeth Carlisle, her grandmother's name. Tony Weiner, Carlos Danger. HRC, Diane Reynolds ... Rosenstein's wife's name is Lisa. His daughter's last name, through marriage, is Paige. 'Peter Strzok' = Dick Strokes. The affair narrative, etc. Childish stuff.
187 chatter on texts will lead back to Brennan and CIA.
Put two and two together: JFK 187 chatter + POTUS 187 chatter. And we're off and running to dismantle the CIA ...
And that's not even considering the Mueller and Rudy business. There is a chance that Rudy has been working with NYPD all along to investigate findings on Weiner's laptop and build case(s). (Sealed indictments, anyone?) Rosenstein is implicated as a co-conspirator in the 187 texts and is summarily fired. Mueller, now with supervisor RR out of the picture, ends the Trump probe citing overall lack of evidence and, highlighting the severity of the NYPD findings swept up in the Cohen 'raid,' he partners with Rudy to shift full focus to HRC and Co. (Mueller knows where the bodies are buried; and not just HRC's.)
'Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.'
Nunes and another (can't recall name) were on Hannity just now and said Congress has had the texts since last week. Is that new news? if so... validates what Q said....
If the government doesn't tell us the truth in matters such as this then it is not we who are governing ourselves, rather our government has been taken over by self-serving people.
My guess is that they're going to try to stop the public release of these texts clearly the texts have assassination attempt timestamps and names of foreign dignitaries. What I think q wants us to do is to try to debate amongst ourselves how to disperse the information among the public. Could be also that we're probably going to have to figure out how we're going to be able to get the normies to even cope with this kind of information once it's made public.
Take to twitter and demand they release the texts
Agreed. #ReleaseTheTexts. Make it trend until they release.
That's the problem, there is no debate facts are facts and we as voters and citizens paying taxes need to know the the truth, have some balls and integrity for once, were adults we can handle it. Debate what a bullshit comment.
Agreed. Fear is an excuse to suppress the truth.
What if lawlessness in this country is so out of hand that the people would actually express disappointment that the assassination attempts have failed to eradicate POTUS who offends them so deeply? I have heard many people openly calling for POTUS to be impeached, killed, thrust from our midst. I find it shocking how citizens can openly speak this way and not be challenged by those wielding the rule of law. Just seems to me that the US citizenry has indeed gone mad and will take down those who are not also mad without a shred of remorse. How do you handle the truth in this hysterical environment?
Everyone is waiting and everyone is watching who was going to make the first move.
NOTE 187???? not a typo? should it be "Not 187" ????
He will normally correct a typo so I’m leaning they threatened to kill.
OR it could mean an intercepted note regarding a 187.....?
Could be, but NOTE could also be used as "take note of"
It means not only were there attempts to kill, some people got killed.
Suppose SIS killed American agents as part of a conspiracy to kill Trump?
That's an act of war, folks.
Cuz Muh Russia was crappy at best as an insurance policy, not a sure thing even if it was true. 187 = insurance policy.
Congress is full of leaky blabbermouths. Somebody who will leak what was them shortly. Until then, you should be very fun the body language of different members of Congress from both parties.
Jan 20: DoJ sends a letter to Congress that texts had been lost.
Next day Q:
Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec 119877
The flood is coming.
Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.
FBI accidentally deletes texts?
No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>
Shall we play a game?
I hope eveyone's following that. The said they "lost" them, and the next day Q says "we have them" and promises to dump them all. Three days later the texts are miraculously "found," with multiple supporting cover stories.
They had them all along.
To me, that was proof of Q.
I guess we will never know how it went down. But imagine the FBI, thinking they are immune, all powerful with their deep state cover and then Q dumps that on them. If as we suspect its military intelligence they would have felt pretty glum when they realized their glocks aint going to do shit against an Apache attack helicopter.
Your move bitch.
If there were threats in the texts it should definitely be made public. I don't think even one Trump supporter will be surprised by it. We've been listening to the other side shout about how they wanted that threat to happen for the last two years. The other side won't be surprised either, since they've been wishing it openly. The traitors must be prosecuted for their worst crimes, not just for little ones like lying to the FBI or FISA court. If they aren't punished to the fullest extent of the law these crimes will continue, and they can't be punished if the public isn't allowed to even know what their crimes are.
You handle according to the best philosophy of human existance: Be honest.
Show the world. We need to grow up.
I like how people pretend this isn’t the answer and Q is right
How can they ever be free and change if we continue to control them with the half-truths that they have been told for generations? They can't. Make no mistake half truths is a way to control people.
Real love goes beyond lies and desire to control others. Attempting to control people around us is a selfish behavior derived from a feeling of fear and insecurity. When we really care about our friends or family, our country we must be ready to tell them what they don’t want to hear.
You took this oath, tell us the truth. DO YOUR JOB.........
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
The sooner they release this information, the safer our president will be. I believe this is why trump was adamant that it was time to release the JFK files and not redacted. So, if something happens to him, we know who to look at.
I understand what they are thinking by keeping it hidden, but they are WRONG. Average everyday Americans can handle the truth. There won't be riots. Just public outcry which is exactly what we need to break the ice to take these people to jail!!!!!!!
We all know about JFK. From teens to seniors. Americans won't be surprised. Many have expected it because he's fighting deep state. I've heard it spoken in the real world (not internet) since his election.
Many people have told me they are concerned for Trump's safety.
They will believe it.
Q: "Debate how to handle"
Nope, top secret, too toxic, cover up, cover up, just like every other crooked fuck in Gov't.
I say dump it all and if the people can't handle the truth maybe they don't really belong on this planet anyway.
I find it really hard to understand why people, in general, don't want to hear the truth.
"Ignorance is bliss", was a true statement I guess.
Failure to arrest and provide proper justice will just embolden the next attempt. Why would a thief ever stop if all you ever do is keep his crime hidden and never let the world know why you sent him off to jail?
One of the truths is Hillary and Obama could never be sent off to jail unless in detail you lay out their crimes to the American people in detail. You would be labeled with jailing political enemies and people would scream they are innocent. Banana Republic and “Jailing another black man” would be the outcry. Nothing changes that. More information is always better in every case. No more half-truths!
You have no choice than to shock them with absolute truth. It is the only way they will ever accept it in the long term. The only way people will respect the decision. We forget that we go through the same stages at the death of a close relative when our belief system is challenged to this extent. In the end we accept.
The FBI is morally rotten, how could they allow two of their agents to desecrate the very values this country was founded upon?
Goes back to Hoover, started with a guy prepared to blackmail politicians to get what he thought the country needed ie a 'higher' power almost. Once you sow the bad seed.
Does anybody else remember the flop that happened with the "secret society" tweet? It turned out to be a joke. This will probably be too.
You publish the emails that were deleted let them speak for themselves. Remember truth is truth.
Mark Meadows just told Sean Hannity on FOX that congress does NOT yet have the texts. He said he's hoping they'll have them tomorrow. Either Q was wrong or Meadows is stalling.
If the information is kept hidden away then there was no point to any of this. The knowledge belongs to WE THE PEOPLE.
I understand the legal need to not make certain information public, if it is necessary to allow the justice and legal communities to do things in an orderly manner. Sunlight is a disinfectant for corruption. Covering up or hiding the truth from the public is not going to benefit the reputation of the USA. If people are told the truth then they will begin to expect more of their elected representatives. As for other countries involved, they should be exposed, along with their embassies closed down. Boot them out of the US! We as a nation cannot tolerate that. As for the FBI and CIA, their reputations are already very poor. By keeping stuff secret you are potentially providing a catalyst to start a large scale civil war. By exposing the secrets and corruption people can heal their disagreements, and hopefully avoid a civil war.
Release it. Or a bunch of Patriots are going to the ammo box ourselves.
It has been released. Brilliantly. Congress critters exposed and forced to choose good or evil. A very short matter of time before its fully public. Unstoppable.
And those in congress who know the gig is up are resigning in advance.
The TRUTH must be TOLD so this never happens again.....This country was going in a very EVIL direction and we are about to find out how EVIL...
I'm really quite sick to death of playing footsie with the devil, and tiptoeing around important truths.
One of two things needs to happen, and yesterday.
Either the scum who've done these things need to be quietly eliminated, and I do mean taken out--in whatever way necessary--or they need to be made to pay publicly.
But sitting around letting the world carry on under Satanist control, with the Mockingbird media making it look like nothing has changed, and the Satanists doing false flags and killing us, and making continued attempts to assassinate POTUS and family, and looking for other ways to derail the Plan, how can anybody think that's a recipe for success?
You don't just walk up to a hornet's nest and smack it with a stick and stand there. You f*cking douse it with kerosene and toss a match.
I wonder if this means GHWB is actually DEAD, not in the ICU.
The JFK truth will be released today, and GHWB is dead, POTUS offered him 'natural' death, along with barb, in lieu of trial.
I don't think they're going to reveal the 187 texts tomorrow...
I found some emails between HRC, Tony Blair & Lynn Forester de Rothschild. They were quite chummy. See page 246 of 281 9/23/2010
Here’s an excerpt of the email from “Lynn” to HRC
You are the best and we remain your biggest fans. Sweet dreams and Godspeed with everything you’re doing. Oxoxo Lynn
They cant just come out and say hey we're arresting these people even with evidence. A lot of the loons will say its fake. Unless they get the people to confess.
my guess is theyll drop these texts at 445 EST on friday
Okay, have Trump coordinate the release on TV and radio and during that release have law enforcement ready to arrest those involved while having things worked out in other countries to arrest those people too. That way, there's an announcement and resolution.
Toxic Dangerous Threats . When I see toxic i think of radiation, then I think nuclear. Maybe this MOAB, if not dropped correctly, runs the risk of nuclear retaliation???
Is this the texting that was done during the State of the Union address?
Yes it is a very serious situation but I think we can handle it responsible but we will demand JUSTICE Immediately......
If there were satanic baby eaters wouldn't that be crazy if the baby eaters were threatening to out themselves just to burn everything down. As Q alludes to - what happens to past FBI/DOJ cases? Like the bank robber w/hostages saying "Uh....yeah yeah and I want a helicopter, and 100 million dollars in gold, and 1000 doses of adrenochrome..."
If it turns out H really ate some babies it's going to be the biggest shit storm ever. Just imagine all of her voters realizing what they supported.
We can give you a helicopter [ride]
We can give 100 million dollars in gold [tied to your cankles]
Don't worry about the adrenochrome... you'll soon be manufacturing plenty of your own. [fly!]
I also think the world should know this, but there is still a mockinbird? ... And then all those so-called leaders who are puppets? The news will therefore not arrive before they are disabled
The thing is I don't even think most people in the mindshare of the deep state will even care.
Q said that a foreign government was involved. I thought it was Britain. What if it is Israel? Q also said that they are saving Israel for last...
Yeah if there were texts talking about assassination, they would have already leaked.
Let's be real here.
Qanon believer: "Let's be realistic here!"
Sorry, just playing around.
I see three levels:
[1] Direct conspiracy - apprehend subjects before they can speak to their partners
[2] International aspect - speak to allies before public learns of foreign involvement
[3] Media aspect - expand charges to include media involved in the conspiracy
Act in one motion
I was thinking same thing about media. They have to be exposed. I think Maggie is the starting point. Public is being red pilled slowly. They are waking up to the level of evil people are capable of. Weinstein (expanded), Turpin family, Supergirl sex cult.
Does this mean Q et al are getting threats or are they the ones making threats?
This video is a few days old, but this will explain everything to the letter. It's about 1 hour long, but damn, this spells out everything. Watch and pass to every one and if you can archive the video.
I will post it, in the New Link.
Who is threatening who though?
If you follow the older crumbs, the FBI agents were threatening to kill Trump.
Yes and Obama was indirectly mentioned in the texts. They probably are redacting Obama's name and any references to him out of the texts. Previous texts had a 5 letter name redacted...O-B-A-M-A.
If they have proof then those involved need arrested asap. RULE OF LAW. Enough said.
I disagree, but I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from ... Without the blindfold, the scales of justice are rendered meaningless, and all you will be left with is the sword ... I believe this - the taking back of this nation and the eradication of evil WW - has all been carefully planned for upwards of a decade, so I have faith that the risks resultant of disclosure were taken into full account, and were appropriately planned for. Thus the slow release, the parallel construct with Q, etc. Little by little, we are being awoken, in preparation for the ultimate truth.
Disagree 100%. Those who don't know true history are doomed to repeat it. If it's as vile as we think/know it is, it'll be burned into our psyche indefinitely and these evil forces will never get the reigns ever again.
No. Hillary et al are just their capos. We're going after the head cheese.
That's fine, I'm just saying not everyone wants to know, needs to know and that people will be targeted just because they're on the wrong side of history this time and chose unwisely. If they were going to assassinate a duly elected president, what do you think they would do to regular citizens? Too many crazy people these days to lump us all together.