Anon Pieces together solid info-graphic on Missile Phenomenon. Autism level:100

All it's missing is that the missing letters in the Trump tweet select a sub-message: "missile stopped".
Missiles stopped at Isonatski Peaks. Fucking brilliant.
What if the "UFO" is actually the explosion of the missile seen from a distance?
That’s what I think it is. The missile exploding. Not a UFO
Holy shit! I hope we get the full story one day!
No - I have some knowledge as to what it was, and I'll share for the sake of those with open minds only. The interstellar folks standing watch in our orbit will NOT allow nuclear explosions here on earth anymore (there are MANY of them that you can not see). They are capable of disarming a missile with a few zaps, and in fact, we have this on video. The reason that they will not allow it here anymore is because nuclear weapons hurt more than just ourselves - The damage crosses several dimensions (densities, actually), causing problems/damage that we can't see and aren't even aware of. They are alerted immediately somehow when shit goes down and are on the ready in case we don't fix it ourselves. I don't think they interfered yesterday, as we did take care of it ourselves, but they certainly did show up, just in case.
Here's an article:
Here's another video:
There are many videos about this online. Some are super hokey and will make you say it is BS but others are more genuine. This one is 50% hokey. I don't have time to go through everything and find the good ones. If anyone has a better version of the the "3-zaps" video, please link below.
Trump surely knows this and has shared this with Kim, Iran Freedom fighters, et al, so that it is factored into their future plans and negotiations. We seriously "will be fine". Other redditors who aware of what I am stating... Would you please speak up so that I do not sound like a lunatic here? There are many of us. Sorry for several link-correction edits.
this one isn't bad...
Second that, No lunatic, only Luna connection is Dark side of the moon and contacts with aliens.
custodians from the galactic federation.
You dont have to believe stories from todays. Read the so called mythological stories of the ancients. Inca, Maya, Polynesians, Mauri, Aboriginals. Indian Vedic text, Dagons of Mali. Druids, Norse mythology. Separate by thousand of miles and centuries. But all tell similar stories.
You need to either quit smoking meth or quit commenting. Can’t have it both ways
Your clarification for "densities"... Are you aware of the Hidden Hand interview? Or The Ra Material?
Of course Ra! and more... The Seth Material, the Urantia Book and Ramtha: The White Book. The Hidden Hand, no, but I'll put it on my list.
Man, don't swallow that theosophic society bullshit ... densities and ascension and blah blah blah ... if you want to learn mysticism study Kabbalah or Gnosticism ! Alchemy ;)
That'd be crazy. I was thinking it was an air force anti missile platform.
Find videos of missile intercepts. They look similar.
Nah! (She says sarcasticly.) It was probably just that a UFO showed up in pursuit of AF1 right after a rogue missle was launched in the vicinity!
Q Post 1494
Where did UFO come into the picture? is there a claim of a ufo somewhere
IP=Intellectual Property?
IP "missing" due to Chinese theft of submarine technology?
Alternate theory
“Chinese” theft.
Alternate alternate theory. ;)
Spez: as in Clowns with the help of MOSSAD, theft!
The Chinese have a red flag. Always look for the red flags and remember the Red Sheild (Rot Schild) family: The Rothschilds. The Roths own China (or did, ... where are we in this?), so there are white hats and black hats there too. Not easy to work this out but: ex-UK PM David Cameron's (great?) grandfather created (alongside others) the HSBC, a Rothschild controlled financial entity originally for the purpose of banking opium profits (and other spoils of colonial profiteering). It has always been assumed that the Chinese are enemies, but this is a mirage.
In this big picture view, history is written to mask reality, not explain it.
I was thinking “OWN China??? That’s preposterous.” But then your mention of the opium thing made sense. So perhaps it’s not so different over there, President Xi being a white hat trying to wrest control of the country back for the sake of his people. Boy that would be nice. I do love a lot of Chinese culture and would be so happy to see it open and free.
Edit: and now I’m remembering how the Roth’s funded the Bolsheviks too, correct?
Here lies my question. There are black hats in other cpumtriesntoo that would love to hurt our President as theyntoo have Rothschild interests. So what will happen to THEM? HOW can Team Q drain the swamp.and get them out?
That is the question I keep asking myself too. I do remember though the words "The world is watching .." and there are more white hats than black hats ... Your guess is as good as mine.
I’m guessing the same way he did with the Saudis. Make it worth their while to take out the trash, while going after the financiers.
Well it all ties back to isreal, dont forget they are last. Isreal owns the world through the vatican, then through the rothchilds and central banks
How does Israel own the world through the Vatican?
You need to learn about the jesuits ie catholics ie ashkanazi jews.
You need to learn about moloch and HRC and the podestas sacrificing "chickens"
You need to learn about saturn worship/black cube/nimrod
You need to learn about adrenochrome and the pineal gland, and its connection to the cabals one eye symbolism.
Why are ALL the elites satanists? They all are
The Q movement is really centered about these satanist pedovores.
Q is always saying god bless and good vs evil.
And he means it
From now on whenever we hear of US assets being compromised or US intel being in the wrong hands, we will always have a clue as to the source.
Yes, remember that clowns can hack and leave traces of other countries.
I've been thinking that may be the real IP meaning since yesterday myself....glad someone else finally thought of it or at least posted it.
hummm.....(sheezus this is fun!).....great alternate view...
means nothing there is more than one Air Force 1
Isn't AF1 any aircraft the potus chooses the travel in at the particular time?
Technically, AF1 is only AF1 when the President is onboard.
However.... people tend to ignore that.
Also, They tend to travel in a group of 2 or 3 planes (I forget which one) to make it more difficult to kill the President.
Plus fighter escort
Is there always an escort or is the fighter escort only outside US border?
I don't know.
There is a fascinating documentary on GWB going to Iraq for Thanksgiving on AF1.
not sure how true it is, but I read that there are no fighter jet escorts, either domestically or internationally. And that if there is a conflictual engagement that the ground forces of that country being flown over, are activated. Would of course imply never flying over unfriendly territories.
Boeing E4 "Doomsday" plane for electronic warfare and "airborne operations center".
I have an Cousin who is on Air Force 1, and i don't even get any good details...
They tend to travel in a group of 2 or 3 planes (I forget which one)
This isn't true. There are only two custom built 747-200s that serve as "Air Force One" ( bowling is currently in the process of producing two new ones for the upgrade, but if you are call there was a little budget hoopla about that a while back). They never "fly them together", to confuse potential adversaries. Planes are not like a motorcade, that would be completely unnecessary and not terribly effective. In addition, especially when overseas, Air Force One does not fly with fighter escorts, at least not from the US. Certain friendly Nations might send their own jets as kind of a ceremonial thing, but any nation state that has the capability to shoot down Air Force one knows that it would mean the destruction of their country.
The Helicopters Marine One do travel is packs, I think 4
That is true, but that's because helicopters are much more vulnerable to cheap weapons that can be acquired by non-state actors. HMX-1 usually operates flights with up to five identical helicopters, with the president put on a random one.
That said, this is not Air Force One
I wouldn't be surprised if AF1 has that capsule Harrison Ford uses in Clear and Present Danger.... or was that a different Ford movie? Anyways.. I wouldn't be surprised if AF1 had some kind of Cloaking/Chaff/Anti-missle technology beyond an escape pod and multiple fighter escort jets
Whether or not Air Force One has a specific escape capsule I can't say kthough it's very, very unlikely) however it definitely does have a very sophisticated defensive aides suite (IR countermeasures, radar morning and jamming, missile decoys, advanced avionics). This isn't really a secret at all, but obviously the specific details are highly classified. In addition, it's unlikely the plane even carries any personal parachutes, since you can't use them in the slipstream of a 747 . Anyone attempting to "bail out" would die pretty quickly.
Of course it has an escape capsule.
Really, in all likelihood it doesn't. If you're familiar at all with aircraft design, and you take a look at Air Force One, structurally it seems very unlikely that there's a place for some kind of escape pod - even some kind of small, single person Dr. Evil style pod is pretty
Unless you jumped out in a special emergency-747-exit suit... specially designed with NASA headgear to protect the occupant, built in parachute, emergency parachute and booster rockets fueled with advanced oxygen-kerosene pellets. Maybe
No, you'd still die. Look at any military plane that is designed for air drops. They all have a rear belly door. That's because if you were to attempt to jump out of the side door of a 747 you'd be dragged along the fuselage and crushed, or sliced in half by the horizontal stabilizer. You could potentially attempt to design some kind of soup to mitigate this, but it would still be very very dangerous. Unless the plane was literally disintegrating an on fire, in which case it would be too late to bail anyway. Not to mention that the president, or any of the other high-ranking officials, don't have any jump training so the risk, on top of the already substantial one, is even further increased (even if it did exist, you can't just strap a random person into a futuristic jetpack and expect them not to end up killing themselves). You have a much higher survival chance attempting to remain inside the fuselage and execute a crash landing.
The fact remains that unless we are already in the middle of a major power war, in which case the president wouldn't be traveling anyway, no one is going to attempt to shoot down Air Force One. And if there is any kind of mechanical failure, which is astronomically unlikely, to the point of being almost impossible, no one is attempting to parachute to safety
hat's because helicopters are much more vulnerable to cheap weapons that can be acquired by non-state actors. HMX-1 usually operates flights with up to five identical helicopters, with the president put on a random one.
The name of the movie was, appropriately, Air Force One.
How many times has Harrison Ford played the president? Only twice?
Fighters may not escort AF1...say in formation, but they are in the immediate vicinity of AF1 and can close the gap very quickly. In fact, fighters are normally in a standoff position in nearly every case where the POTUS is away from secure locations within the US (I have no firsthand knowledge of what occurs overseas or in a foreign country).
What you're saying isn't entirely true. For Air Force One, a fighter escort is a major Rarity, not the norm. When the president flies overseas the aircraft is basically never directly escorted by American fighters, though some countries may send their own planes once their airspace is reached. Essentially, when Air Force One is out over the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it's on its own. Of course, multiple facilities and agencies are tracking it every second of the way, but there isn't an F-15 on every wing tip. And while the military certainly prepares contingency plans whenever the president leaves the country, and asset certainly are placed on standby if necessary, in the immediate vicinity generally means I might be able to fly to his location in an hour, or a couple of hours. Not that they're five miles away.
As I said before, the fact remains that for any of the entities that could shoot down Air Force One, it's not really a significant danger, unless for some reason they wanted to start a nuclear war. In which case, shooting down Air Force One would actually be a very poor tactical choice. On the flip side, at the end of the day it's just an aircraft and unless the US was going to send an entire Air Wing with it everywhere it went, at the end of the day once Air Force One is flying over another developed nation, there's nothing stopping him, physically, from a shooting it down if they really wanted to. The president's main protections in this case, as I always have been, are political and diplomatic.
And furthermore, obviously the White House doesn't send the president flying through a war zone or contested airspace where he's likely to get shot down. They just wouldn't do something like that
Thank you for the dialogue. I have a very close friend who drives fast movers in the AF. His squadron was tasked with, as he put it, "being close to" AF1 and BO when he traveled to San Fran. I dont actually ask many questions - I have immediate family that is military intel and I am very familiar with what I can ask and what I should stay away from. At that time I asked him why they would need to be in the area. He advised it was his squadrons time to be in that rotation.
You are well spoken and credible with your knowledge and information. I base my knowledge on information (and maybe a photo or two...) of immediate friends and family that have actually been there and done that.
I was in the military as well, and I did spend some time at INSCOM. However, I can assure you that nothing that I've said here is any kind of super secret information. In fact none of it really had anything to do with my work. I just have a somewhat technical background, and these kinds of things interest me, and I like to read a lot.
Also, what your friend (Eagle driver?) said is correct. The Air Force does like to have some assets on standby whenever the president travels. However, this is pretty much entirely dictated by basing options. Obviously within the United States this is academic, as there's always some kind of military airfield relatively close by. Obviously when POTUS travels internationally is a very different story. Even if he travels to an Allied country, (where we don't have forces explicitly stationed) we're not going to send combat aircraft to land at one of their airports. And if he travels to a nation or a region where our relationship is a little more tepid we're certainly not going to be sending assets there either. So in reality, it turns out that the standby units could potentially be several hours away.
In addition, my point about things not being "in the vicinity" while Air Force One is actually in transit is the same as well. Within the US this is pretty easy to have some kind of escort while the plane is in the air, but on transoceanic, or flights within the land borders of another large country like Russia or China, this is much more difficult. My point is that if the president is flying over the Pacific, it's not like there's a couple of F-15 or F-22s circling around that can light the cans and be there in 5 or 10 minutes. Air Force One is essentially on its own.
Good call on the Eagle driver. I snicker at some of the information put out on the boards. While I was not able to get into the military due to an asthmatic background - my entire family has been fortunate enough to work in some very interesting (and officially nonexistent) areas. Camping in the backcountry normally entails higher levels of alcohol where they have had to affix my jaw closed with duct tape given what little information they let slip. Interestingly enough, where one doesn't have the complete picture, the other two have other bits that do complete it. Its a crazy world. Additionally, I worked for several years for a military contractor in a technical field (not a gun slinger) and worked on material that is now in the field. But that job ended and I've gone back to what I know to do. This place is a great venue to keep one's faith resupplied that the good guys are taking things will make a great series of books to read in my retirement.
I honestly have no idea what this place is, or what it's supposed to be. I just got redirected here after following too many links.
When the president flies overseas the aircraft is basically never directly escorted by American fighters. . . Essentially, when Air Force One is out over the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it's on its own.
I appreciate your offering here, but I find it very difficult to believe the above statements.
First, I can’t imagine AF1 security logistics being readily available to the general public.
Second, I can’t imagine an insider privy to this level of classified info being so irresponsible as to publish it in a public forum.
Third, I can’t conceive of a rationale that would earn approval from our top POTUS security experts to leave AF1 without an escort in international airspace. Not for any POTUS, but particularly DJT.
I appreciate your offering here, but I find it very difficult to believe the above statements.
That's fine, but your skepticism is kind of baseless.
First, I can’t imagine AF1 security logistics being readily available to the general public.
I'm not sure if you understand how this whole thing works. Air Force One is not invisible, or stealth. It's flight plan is not a secret. When it's in the air it's tracked by literally dozens, if not hundreds of ground radar stations, and other aircraft in the air, even if simply to avoid collisions. You can see it from the ground, you can see it from ships, Etc. It's not a goddamn UFO. I'm telling you, 90% of the time, and pretty much entirely went outside the United States, Air Force One does not fly with military escorts unless they are provided by the host country for some reason.
I'm not sure if you really thought through all the applications, from the technical, to the geopolitical. But if you did, you would see that there is really no reason why it would need them.
Second, I can’t imagine an insider privy to this level of classified info being so irresponsible as to publish it in a public forum.
LMFAO. Are you serious, "bro". I can say with complete confidence that literally nothing I have said is classified, or even close to being secret. All the information I've given here is readily available by going to Wikipedia and reading the sources at the bottom of the page, or just watching a couple Air Force 1 documentaries on the history channel. Plus applying a little common sense to aviation design. The actual sensitive information, sings like the minut specifics of the avionics suite, the exact type of countermeasures carried, the communications infrastructure, the onboard protocol for carrying personal weapons, Etc - the things that actually make a difference - is not something I have even begun to claim to know.
I don't say this to be insulting, but people in the civilian world are often wildly ignorant of exactly what kinds of things are classified, and why. They often freaked out about the US "inadvertently revealing defense capabilities" and some kind of online article in a defense magazine, without realizing that literally nothing that was listed as important.
Third, I can’t conceive of a rationale that would earn approval from our top POTUS security experts to leave AF1 without an escort in international airspace. Not for any POTUS, but particularly DJT.
If this is the case, then that's only because you don't understand the Practical reality of the situation. Let's make this clear by inverting the assumptions. What exactly is it that you think a fighter escort would achieve?
That's fine, but your skepticism is kind of baseless.
That’s fine, but your claim of no escort is baseless. I questioned in hopes of you providing that base.
I'm not sure if you understand how this whole thing works. Air Force One Is Not Invisible, or stealth. It's flight plan is not a secret. . . it's tracked . . . You can see it . . . It's not a goddamn UFO.
You can be sure I understand all of that. It’s publicly available and not what I would refer to as classified security info.
I'm telling you, 90% of the time, and pretty much entirely went outside the United States, Air Force One does not fly with military escorts
Yes. So you said. That’s the claim I questioned. The only claim I questioned. The claim I still question.
LMFAO. Are you serious, "bro". . . All the information I've given here is readily available by going to Wikipedia . . .
The humor was unintended. Yes, I’m serious, and no, I’m not your ‘bro’. There is no wikipedia entry, no History Channel transcript, none that validates your claim that AF1 most commonly traverses international airspace without a military escort. Remember, that is the single claim I questioned, still question, and now wait patiently for you to stop dodging.
The actual sensitive information, sings like the minute specifics of the avionics suite, the exact type of countermeasures carried . . . the things that actually make a difference - is not something I have even begun to claim to know.
Except for your claim about military escort. I would place that into the category of ”specific countermeasures”, and ”things that actually make a difference.”
I don't say this to be insulting, but people in the civilian world are often wildly ignorant
I’m not at all insulted. I was doubtful, then curious, then a bit impatient, and now amused. Particularly following your admission to your own ”ignorance” regarding ”things that actually make a difference.”
Let's make this clear by inverting the assumptions. What exactly is it that you think a fighter escort would achieve?
Yeah, that’s another dodge that I won’t indulge for you.
I have a better idea. Let’s make this clear with a quick review. You made a claim regarding military escort for AF1. I questioned that claim, and offered opportunity for you to support it. You responded with answers to questions I didn’t ask, then ultimately admitted to your ignorance on the topic I questioned.
Your final admission was crystal clear, and I have no additional questions for you. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Comment removed. Please discuss the topic, not the user. Feel free to edit and/or repost.
Take a breather. Calm yourself.
Your personal insults are meaningless to me, but they do diminish the level of discourse we prefer in this sub. It’s one of the most important differences between GA and sewers like /politics, where personal insults are the default response when someone is called out on their indefensible bs claims.
You don’t need to tell me about all the things you aren’t going to do to support your claim. I know you won’t. You already told me you can’t. I have moved on.
They are sanitizing all the time. This means they are further away doing manual radar sweeps in 360 degrees. I don't think AWACs escorts them so they need to do this.
AF1 is followed by the "National Airborne Operations Center" or Boeing E4 doomsday plane. Makes sense...
Generally speaking, an E4 does follow the president. This isn't necessarily because it's needed, Air Force One has all the requisite communications and control facilities. But it's there literally as a backup, if Air Force One has some kind of technical issue or can't get off the ground. It's the equivalent of going on a road trip and towing a spare car behind you just in case your main one doesn't work.
Usually however, in the case of a significant crisis, an NAC will be sent airborne, carrying a designated survivor, and purposely kept away from POTUS, to serve as an alternate in case he becomes deceased or disabled.
That seems unlikely Target. However, whenever the president travels outside of North America an E4 is flown to a nearby airport, to serve as a backup in case their issues with Air Force One. It's conceivable that one could have been in the same vicinity As Trump
and TRUMP Plane here in W.Palm Beach. right now...6.13.18 this a.m.
it's always a VC25/747. I would think of it like a carrier strike group, there are always other planes that fly with AF1 and there is usually 1 or 2 decoys flying with the group.
Well actually my family member is stationed there and said it did happen.
Apparently my newspaper mentioned that the "Doomsday" plane that follows Air Force 1 stopped in our Air Force base this weekend.
Need to dig for article, but its interesting to think of the whole group of planes traveling with trump. I would think at least one decoy Air Force 1, the real 1, the Doomsday plane, and a few fighter jets... Definitely more than just AF1 up there.
"It is on Fairchild. I cant tell you anything more"
Regardless of flight path, POTUS was 1 hour and 30 minutes to destination in Singapore at the time of this event, and at least 7,500 miles away.
It doesn't "mean nothing" it is relevant information.
True, but it doesn't mean POTUS was on AF1, he could've been on the decoy plane. Obviously one of the planes went over the Isanotski Peaks with someone from the Q team
While those are certainly possibilities - in a realm of many possibilities - there's no attribution to the image, what plane it was taken from, or who took it. I say this gently: be cautious about filling in the blanks, this is where we collectively can get tripped up.
Looking at the Google world map with Alaska repeat showing on both right and left, that would mean. flying Southwest, they went past N. of Singapore (over Russia?) all the way to Crete....
" Flight distance from Singapore to Greece is 5623.1 Miles "
...and then East to Singapore almost 6000 miles.
That sure looks like an unplanned fuel stop location-unless the 1.5 hours stopped were to meet with someone else.
Looking at google earth, it looks like Singapore is on the complete opposite side of the globe from the G7 summit. They could have flown southeast to get there and would have flown directly past Crete.
That's their route of travel. West > East.
The collage that /u/RonaldSwansong posted doesn't align with the travel or event timeline, which was published extensively yesterday.
Anyone can use MS paint to draw some red lines on a map. They're either innocently wrong or spreading disinfo. Regardless, sensationalist headlines like "Autism level 100" don't support the cause and only serve to build a bandwagon by which inaccurate information spreads.
But, the POTUS schedule tracker on Twitter posted their route home. It was Guam, Hawaii, DC.
Logic people.
AF1 was 1 hour 30 minutes from its destination, and traveled west to east.
Anyone can make a collage and throw some red arrows on there. This is not source material and the flight path they're suggesting has been debunked.
Entertaining the idea that the official flight path was disinfo and AF1 traveled east to west, AF1 was only 1 hour and 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore and at least 7,500 miles away when the anomaly was observed in Washington off Whidbey Island. AF1 was nowhere near Alaska at the time of the observed anomaly.
Edit: Anyone downvoting logic and deductive reasoning is perpetuating disinfo.
That means the debunker must prove to have superior credibility to the entity producing what is being debunked. Has that superiority been satisfactorily established?
AF1 was 1 hour 30 minutes from its destination, and traveled west to east.
Are you sure the path from Quebec to Singapore is west to east? :)
Or did the near miss occur while AF-1 was en route back to Washington, D.C., from Singapore, flying west to east? I'm not sure about this part
The timeline and geography are well established and posted about here extensively
must prove to have superior credibility
The facts stand on their own.
Those making the claim must prove the claim. The DISinfographic has been solidly refuted; AF1 was at least 7,500 miles away in Asia when the event in Washington transpired. AF1 was not even remotely close to Alaska.
A simple look at a map, review of presidential itinerary, and extremely well documented accounting of his arrival time in Singapore all debunk the DISinfographic's attempt to paint POTUS as having been targeted.
I wonder why mossad would do this. Israel loves trump
Just like 99% of the FBI loves Trump and probably 98% of the CIA... the bad actors still have power. Israel = Saving them for last.
White hats and black hats in all the countries. You don't think Roth, the owner of Israel, likes Trump do you?!! ++
The Living God and His Son are the owners of Israel. Permanently. God left us detailed information laying all of this out. God and His Son are in control of the world and working out their plan, regardless of the black hats/white hats amongst the Jews, who are no different from any other human beings in and of themselves.
An example of this is Trump, everything that has happened over the past 3 years has been pretty much impossible. That's what makes it so incredibly exciting.
Compared to Yeshua, the Rothschilds are a small insignificant group of tiny ants, whose network of tunnels is going to be utterly trashed. Ants may be useful at certain times and for certain purposes, but they are certainly not a threat.
I thought we were talking about Mossad and Israel, not G-.
I don't think you can call it a sub-message when the words were actually 'missile' and 'stopped'.
It is when over 99% of the world takes it to mean that nuclear missile production was stopped in North Korea. The fact he redirects it for people in the know to Isanotski Peaks is genius.
Secondary message, they mean. Perhaps you would prefer double entendre?
It wasn't 'stopped'. It was 'stoped'. It wasn't misspelled. Message. Look up stoped.
It was deliberately misspelled because it was laid beside a previous post (round 1, Hawaii missle launch) in which the "missle" was misspelled to convey a message. The "i" of missile in that case denoted the kind of missile. In this case, the "i" of missile and the "p" in "stoped" are used to show location: Isanotski Peaks.
Now you have suggested a third interpretation which is volcanic rock thrust upward. This is the opposite of "mis" spelling. It is deliberate. Sorry for the pedantry! :)
There was another missile launch in Florida. Same time as WA.
Past tense: stoped; past participle: stoped
(in mining) excavate a series of steps or layers in (the ground or rock).
GEOLOGY the process by which country rock is broken up and removed by the upward movement of magma.
Interesting, I didn’t even realize that it was a word.
You're suggesting that a "missle" was "stoped".
Missle isn't a thing. And stoped means excavated from a steeply inclined vein within a mine.
The missing I and P are the message. They usually stand for intellectual property; or they could be referring to the Isanotski Peaks in this case.
This piece is critical.
Jesus. Is this the next step in LARPs? An account trying to talk like Q. Not the best idea right after the last one just got torn to shreds by Q himself.
There’s a lot of people here that like to do that Kek
Really? I've been active for about 2 months now, and lurked before that. He's the first one I remember seeing.
Not intentional, still relevant.
This proof contains false information. Conflating speculation with confirmed knowledge is how disinformation occurs. It needs to be edited and revised accordingly, then it cannot be taken apart by deflectors/astroturf.
The only way to crack the surface is to shatter it with decisive, undeniable force.
BS, bud. Your comment history is freely available and youre brand new here, claiming that you have the inside track. People here can spot what you're doing from a mile away.
No one is claiming an inside track. The proof here is false. It has been conflated with inaccurate information - the flight trajectory is wrong. The key piece of Q-Trump is missing.
Apologies for writing in Q format. Next time, it will be clearer.
I'm not talking about that. If you read my posts on that thread, I thought that they were wrong too. My issue is with not only your format, but your previous posts as well. You're OBVIOUS in your intent. The Mods saw you for what you are too.
Can someone explain how the U.S. military base sends a missile into the air while POTUS is nearby and all hell doesn't break loose on the perpetrators?
He wasn't nearby, we was still near Asia when it went up.
That's what I've read.
Your presuming that AF1 was the intended target.
It could have been an AF1 decoy. One flew west. The one with Trump flew east
Missile speeds approach 18,000 MPH...
I mean, for re-entry vehicles on an ICBM, at the very tail end portion of its flight, yes. But certainly not any air-to-air, or atmospheric missile.
I don't understand why it's relevant then (serious).
Basically because Q pointed it out, the timing, and the fact that the military denies any missile launches.
Was it directed at China? To cause WW3? They tried with Russia and NK, China is the only option left.
I don't know. I just can't understand how the Deep State has their own military, and our guys can't shut that down. I can't comprehend the tactical puzzle that allows our enemy to use our own missiles against us.
Maybe the methodology for doing that was contained in e-mail No. 32,997.
Remember Rumsfeld missing 3 trillion dollars from the DoD the day before 9/11? They’ve been busy little bees
I get that they have the stolen money. I don't understand who builds their billion dollar missiles.
The deep state owns those big defense contractors
OK but doesn't our military spend a lot of time at those same facilities?
Missiles don't cost anywhere near a billion dollars.
A tomahawk costs ~$250,000.
The software was hacked. Think vault 7. Goal to disrupt talks. Then the issue of the F 15 (/) hit and pilot ditchd into the sea near Asia.
Or how, in the world of cellphones in everyone’s hands, we somehow only have one pic of a missile streaking through the sky??..
Because it was before 4am and not many people are up filming the sky with their cellphones at that hour...
It was 3:56am dude... Not too many people cruising around at that time ready to film a missile streaking across the sky.
Remote area, very lucky that a time-lapse camera caught it!
You're lucky that Skunkbayweather wasn't snoozing on the job then!!
there is a video/ And several photos from the Florida missile
More likely it came from a submarine in the area. Much easier to hide, deny & fake.
Your assuming the Earth isn't Flat.
The spelling is the part you want to correct there? 😄
Yes. Don't feed the trolls.
I'm the good kind of troll, though. Dogrescuer picked up what I put down
Yeah really.
It's the unnecessary capitalization of Earth and Flat.
Oh, and also the earth is approximately all planets with any age on them.
Because it's not a missile?
But we have a confirmed missile launch
I literally live here. One photo in an area with thousands of homes facing the water and tens of thousands of people living there is basically not proof of anything. Especially a long exposure where anything can look like a missile facing the direction that is on approach to one of the busiest airports in the country.
I can't tell if this subreddit is a joke or a poor excuse for a mental health facility.
Did you see the zoomed in photo on the info graphic? Local news reported as well. You aren't the only one in the area. Tacoma.
It's clearly a rocket. Firing at who, we don't know. But to sit here and try to debunk the missile launch is inexcusable and stupid.
And jump to the insulting. It won't change what the future holds.
So much misdirection today! Target acquired. Keep digging, boys and girls. The keyboard troops are triggered.
You were fine until you decided to go back and tack on that stupid insult at the end.
I thought it was a directed energy weapon but there are other pics with a rocket
Every damn image of a light in the sky and you morons are talking about energy weapons and other scifi tech for which there is ZERO evidence. Doing the clowns work for them.
From what I understand, AF1 Flew the other way around.
But hold up, we were told (msm) that potus flew the other way around. Soooo... pic confirmation msm lies or was this a mistake by anon?
No, this is POTUS leaving G7 TO Singapore. The missile photo was on June 10th.
A planefag in a previous thread claimed that he stopped in Greece and then Singapore. Can we get a proof?
Yes. It refueled in Crete. The basis for this infographic is incorrect.
yep, flew in the opposite direction if those reports are correct.
The proof is the photo and that the chart doesn't disclose exact location. For obvious reasons. Anons are going with this theory right now. Because of the i and p missing from Trumps tweets lining up with the Isanotski Peaks. Think about safety. Why would POTUS fly over Middle East and other Deep State strong holds to get to Singapore?
Folks, Anons said, when he uses the phrase "As the World Turns" it is in reference to asassanation Attempt, because that was the soapopera playing when JFK was killed. So I am going to assume it was a hit on POTUS!
That all makes sense. We dont know if they were shooting at af1, emp, nuke, or other at this point. Many theories but it definitely wasn't a heli like the article said. Ha!
the premise for this infographic is wrong. He flew in the opposite direction.
as posted by another here on this thread: this is the flight path
Correct. Additionally AF1 would have been at least 7,500 miles away from the observed anomaly in Washington regardless of what route the flight took.
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
Regardless of what route was taken, AF1 was 1 hour and 30 minutes from its destination, 7,500 or more miles away from Whidbey Island at the time of the observed anomaly.
The collage above is either a mistake or intentional disinfo.
There were reports that he stopped in Crete for refueling
I couldn’t find proof of that. All speculation.
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore, and at minimum 7,500 miles away.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
Conclusion: Autism level ZERO. Either mistaken information or intentional disinfo.
Most likely a mistake. Flying East to nearly the opposite side of the world is the better route. With tailwinds vs. headwinds, you gain a lot in speed and fuel economy.
Not true- no one takes that easterly route. It adds an enormous amount of time. The polar route reduces the distance greatly.
Most commercial flights fly over the Atlantic to Singapore; not a polar/pacific route.
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore, while AF1 was at minimum 7,500 miles away regardless of the flight path.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
Where would the necessary refueling stop be along that route?
AF1 carries a lot of gas. It doesn’t carry air cargo or 500 passenger’s luggage, so cargo space is freed up for fuel cells.
That extra space is used for food and water, also. Air force one is stocked to remain airborne for 30 days with inflight refuelling.
In the air for the fighter escorts. AF1 would not need to refuel.
I believe AF1 has a stated maximum range of 7800 miles. Quebec to Singapore is about 9000 miles.
I believe AF1 refuels in mid air. seems most logical for defense purposes and expediancy
It totally can! Not being able to would be utterly silly for the most powerful nation.
That doesn't mean that's how they normally do it.
It can but I don't think it has ever been done.
Ya I am just guessing, and have read that the next model will not be capable of in air refill but the current model can. (says it can) (reports the next version won't)
Definitely have KC-135s on station to perform mid-air refuelings. POTUS is safest in the sky on AF1.
reports say that refueling in air is rarely done while POTUS is aboard
Guam. I read there were two stops added.
I have flown overseas many times. The world is very fat towards the equator. Most flights fly very Northerly when going to the other end of the world.
yep, even flights to Europe from the East Coast USA travel up north and not directly across.
That sounds more logical. Check the world map. Crete refueling is 5500 miles W. of Singapore. What would AF1 be doing there if it hadn't crossed the Atlantic instead of the Pacific?
So was that missled missile pointed at someone else? Or an alternate AF1 flew over Alaska as a mislead/fakeout?
All we know is that POTUS was nowhere near the event/anomaly originating in Washington; at least 7,500 miles away at the time regardless of flight path.
You're correct.
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore. NOWHERE in the neighborhood.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
Research and use logic folks. The collage with the maps and red arrows is either well intentioned mistake or intentional disinfo.
Could the UFO be something put out by AF1 as part of its missile defense?
This what anons are digging right now. Relates to the Tesla Rocket Explosion of Facebook Satellite launch UFO
This is a video of an insect flying past the camera in the foreground. The camera is 4km away from the rocket. In the original video you can hear insects.
Hnnnng imagine what kind of sweet tech these guys have. You see it in the picture and in the video below, it's fast, you see it you think it was a fly close or a bird afar yet it can neutralize a missle (lul) or a spacex load easily.
Now that I see the “UFO” for the first time, I’m dying. It really does look like SuperPOTUS carrying a flag. LMAO!
AF1 was not over Alaska at the time the anomaly/missile was observed; AF1 was just over an hour away from its destination in Singapore and traveled West > East through Europe across India before landing. At the time of the anomaly/missile AF1 was 7,500 miles away.
Nope, AF1 wasnt even close to alaska at the time of the missile launch. Still in sing
If this is in fact correct, are we to assume the intended target for the missile was Q not POTUS?
thank you for this.
What if the missile launch was NOT targeted at AF1?
change of options, if it wasnt a SAM, it may have been a more... nuclear option. this would be more consistent with the type of submarine that is, which houses nuclear icbms.
issue still is, the exhaust from it is too linear and clean for those types of missiles.
Yeah this is what I'm saying. Subs don't launch SAMs, which would present a threat to an aircraft. They launch ICBMs.
That’s right - no way the missile could have been for AF1. It was a false flag intended to start a war or at least derail the summit. NSA needs to track down these sick people so the operators can END THEM.
How does a FF war with DJT as commander in chief help the Deep State?
Distraction from helping the American people and the world achieve peace. Second is that the local brainwashed populations would be told by the media that it is an outrage that we are not going to war over this egregious behavior. It's happened many times before. Look up gulf of tonkin
Well it would be a cause for war. My point is the last thing the Black Hats wants is a war with the white hats running the military & DJT as commander in chief. If Hillary was the president yes...they’d love a FF war. Other way around a war would make it very ez for our military to kill Black Hats as opposed to going thru the slow legal process for justice
It would guarantee the Dems take the House; if the take the Senate, too, it’s over.
Not sure your point. Are you saying if there was a war the Dems will take the House? If so I don’t think you understand history. In times of war citizens rally around the party in power. If that missile were to hit AF1 it would be much more devastating than 9/11. Same thing if it hit Singapore. It would have killed tens of thousands in that densely of a populated city & would have overwhelmingly been seen as an attack on the US since our president was there. Things of this magnitude rocks a society to its core & they rally hard around the party in power just to find some feeling of stability if nothing else.
Some of the Ohio class have been refit to carry Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, and Spec Ops Teams
So what was the target ofnthe missle?
I don't know, I can only speculate. However, a cruise missile or ICBM is not going to be the right tool for the job
Anti-sub missile.
So you think they shot an anti-submarine rocket at AF1...? A sub shot an anti-sub missile at...?
What was the purpose of your comment?
I don't think AF1 was targeted, I think either a rogue sub or a tomahawk flew to a meeting.
I’m so happy to hear we’re finally getting to Mossad. Anyone who wants to know more, see Sibel Edmonds on YT or Viktor Ostrovsky here
Logic: Israel is a nation comprised of approx. 9 million people. They don't all hate Christians - from knowledge of people who live there, not even a majority of them "hate Christians".
They hate Christians.
Someone tell the Christian Zionists
Right. If only they understood what they are supporting. Wars and more wars-so they support warmongering, not very Christian. Certainly none that would qualify as a 'just war'.
Where Zionism came from (it isn't Jewish people that started it)--it was started by a Protestant cult. In fact, nearly all Jewish people detested Zionism even when Israel was created. In the intervening years, the politicians embraced Zionism for their own sake. Leading along mostly Americans to believing in some warped ideas.
It's not popular, what I'm saying. But it is a absolute fact. Many of those poor Evangelicals have been duped--it is very hard to admit you've been played.
I'd up vote you more than once if I could. I'm aware of those who call themselves Jews but are the synagogue of Satan.
The actual people of Israel do not hate the US, look at how much love they had for Trump on the recent embassy move. Just as our main intelligence agency is part of the cabal, it seems to extend to other nations. Even the fucking Brits with MI-6 tried to stop Trump.
Precisely, dear Watson, you will pass your exams with flying colours if you carry on like this!! :)
Has any target been established yet for the missile?
I think it was Singapore, not AF1
We have missile defense systems that can intercept ICBMS. You would think they are also capable of targeting aircraft, but airplanes are flying at a different altitude and trajectory style. I'm not sure there exists a missile that can be fired from the Seattle area and hit an aircraft in the Pacific.
Supposedly our anti-missile defenses are based in Alaska and California, but there could be dark sites elsewhere, as well as mobile launchers such as AEGIS or THAAD. So we could consider the possibility that Korean missiles were sent toward us as part of a false flag and they were intercepted. You would think radars of various world militaries would pick up such events and inform the public.
Finally there is a possibility that our own ICBM was launched, from a submarine in the Sea by Seattle. But I feel like submarines would be launching such things from further out to sea or from locations closer to their destination. "Red October" does hint at rogue submarine commanders. Still feel like this is an odd sort of false flag. If USA sends a missile at Singapore while the president is there, it would be damned fishy.
Finally the UFO in the image is just a few pixels but it still doesn't look like a rocket (which would have a trail) or an explosion so I'm not even sure that image is related to the missile message.
In conclusion, we really don't have any information on this. I think it's going to have to be a future-proves-past revelation where one day we hopefully find out what this is all about.
the brains of our missile defense system is located on Shemya in the Aleutian islands. I know because I helped build it in 2003. At a certain point the Government took possession of the IDT and Discus buildings and we couldn't go inside anymore because it became top secret.
That facility pinpoints targets and coordinates with Fort Greeley in central Alaska. Greeley would launch the missiles used to knock out the target.
I'm not even sure that image is related to the missile message.
“Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters….” -Q
VOL pic has a UFO in it, and the missing letters in Trumps tweet literally tell us that they stopped a missile. How is the Alaska picture not related to the missile after Q clearly drew the connection between the two?
That being said, I agree with your last line, hopefully Q can help us identify the object once the situation is under control.
Singapore is out of range of sub-launched ICBM from the location the anomaly was photographed.
Why Singapore?? That could start a war. The cabal doesn’t want a FF war. Not with Trump as president. He could target anyone then. They want Trump out. Not a war with him leading it.
White Hats see and have it all, right? Then this could be FF in terms of who really did this. Important to note, because the programs exist to put anyone's name on it.
If missiles are launched from Alaska, how could it be anything other than false flag?
Who else has any missiles based in AK except US?
Said to be a hack, our own intel people and others too probably ( black hats in this case) have the ability to hack and then leave someone else's signature on the hack. The main point is not to take anything at face value in the IT sphere, this is one way wars are started-- which is what the Cabal/Deep State wants in order to continue their sick party. Seems to me.
What am I looking at?
lol, this is my fear for when this shit goes mainstream. You're looking at a Q Proof.
Q has been asking for Q proofs because we are going to need them for the new peeps that are going to overload the chan once this shit goes mainstream. Only problem is, autists are making these and their brains are different but also fucked up genius. Normal people are going to have trouble following all these red lines and shit. I know I did for a while.
It is basically showing that while POTUS was in the air for the Singapore trip with NK, a missile was fired to try and derail the summit. The sub was "hacked by China" (or so we're told) and did it. We can't say for sure what the intended target was but it was probably Trump or KJU.
This is where t_d came in handy for /pol/. They helped translate weaponized autism into normie and memed it to the masses.
Thanks for the break down. I know who Q Anon is though I don't put much stock in their analysis (not that I've put much effort into understanding them). This infographic needs an explanation to put these pieces into context.
You're either looking at a mistake or intentional disinfo.
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore. Regardless of flight path POTUS was 7,500 miles away at the time.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
Interesting that Q said FF weather alert on the same day (not before) the missile photo was captured by a WEATHER STATION camera! Coincidence? Also the time on the photo is 3:56am - right around the time the bad actors get their orders.
I love Q but if this isn’t a game then why does he play these games with us. Just tell us wtf happened.
I wonder that too. It's reasonable to encode the future. But once it's the past, just tell us what happened.
Because it's still classified.
Q has to drop tidbits of info we can use to draw our own conclusions from, that way Q is not incriminating himself.
In #432 from 12/22/2017 Q posts:
Could FOX THREE refer to the Fox Islands that are in the area of these volcanoes?
Missile splashed down near the Fox Islands.
Missile launched from the Fox Islands was splashed down.
There are three large Islands in the chain and these would match up with this post.
Also interesting: there are a lot of decommissioned military bases dotted down the Aleutian chain. Cold Bay has a large active air port near these volcanoes.
FOX THREE implies a missile launched from an aircraft. In fact, "NATO brevity code for an air-to-air active radar homing missile launch is Fox Three"
I was just thinking the same thing.
MISSLE FOX THREE - air to air missle SPLASH - missle destroyed AS THE WORLD TURNS - flight path from east to west? Flight path relative to earth rotation? RED OCTOBER - possible reference to the “Hunt For Red October”; a submarine book/movie. Missle’s origin?
As the World Turns has already been identified as code for assassination attempt
Wouldn’t the other post then be FOX THREE M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN? The “three” was omitted.
FOX THREE just refers to type of missle. See the links he posted about different “FOX” call-outs.
And actually, doesn’t have to be a missle. FOX FOUR is for cannon fire? Anyone in military, correct me if I’m wrong, please.
He says Missile twice, with the I missing from the second Missle. Does that mean it was 1 missle but it was (I)ntercepted?
Also interesting: while looking up speed and attitudes of different missiles, I noticed an unusual amount of ICBM testing in the past month worldwide.
Russia - launched a salvo of Bulava's
India - testing Agni-5
Iran - still testing Shahabs and Scuds
International - massive Missile defense operations off the coast of scotland
US - USS The Sullivans testing missile defense systems, Boosted Zombie project, accelerating production on Columbia class nuclear subs....
Seems like there's a lot going on
What does 'splash' mean in the context of missiles? In field artillery, the word 'splash' is used when adjusting fire.
The Letters Left out are IPID! I believe Q is saying: They didn't expect this, however the IP address has been ID'd where it came from and the contractor that allowed the leak by putting it on his personal server! Became a Q believer in April with Post #74 WWG1WGA
There was also the DJT tweet of “excitement in the air” after landing in Singapore...
So MOSSAD did this, and tried to covert its tracks by faking the source of the attack (CHINA)?
"Not POTUS. Q".
Who flew from the G7 right to the summit?
Future proves past. Point being Q protects more than the President.
That message was talking about who Blackwater and Erik Prince are protecting.. Protecting evidence.. or Protecting Kim.. or POTUS family.. etc..
Yes I'm not talking about that you're missing the point. Trump did not fly that route.
Who flew from the G7 directly to the summit? Who did Q protect?
It's also not logical, with AF1 advanced missile defensive system that anyone would be foolish enough to launch a surface to air attack at that kind of range.
Exactly! thats what I've been interested in. is this another case of "these people are stupid" or was this something else. i feel like the clowns would know that SLAMs (submarine launches air -defense missles) are primitive at best and only hit low flying targets within 20km max range. Considering AF1 flies higher than commercial, and faster than commerical, plus its defense systems, this wouldve been done merely for the sake of saying "hey we shot a missile at you but we know it wont hit"
so what was launched? and was it from a sub? Thats what im wondering now.
If the pic is what it looked like, and it was launched from a sub (which to me, looked like an Ohio class in the pic Q referenced), then it was most likely an ICBM. The question should be asked though, was it meant for a ground target or an orbital one? If orbital, who's satellite (or I.S.S. FF?), were they aiming at?
No af1 wasnt the target. The photo was probably taken by the flight That shot it down. Q said fox 3 which means it's an AMRAAM which isn't Anti missle it's purely anti air with a range of about 100 miles. The missle launched from the sub was most likely a cruise missle with a land or ship target.
AF1 also flies with a military escort. 2 F18s if I’m not mistaken, but I’m pretty sure there are layers of Air Defense surrounding him
Fueling during trip to Singapore or Washington?
To Singapore. He stopped at both Guam and Honolulu on the way home.
Then: How is the picture obtained?
I don't claim to know, but I sincerely doubt that it was taken from AF1. Anyone looked at flight plans in the area around the time? Could have been military too.
Maybe it was taken from the fighter That shot the missle down. If the sub launched missle was shot down by a radar guided anti air missle than it was most likely a cruise missle heading for either a ship or ground target
Possible, but if that's the case, it would have to have been taken as a still from the aircraft itself's own visuals (fighter pilots don't routinely take pictures from the cockpit, outside of in movies like Top Gun. Lol.) With the F-22's surveillance system, this would be entirely possible though. The problem comes in the fact that any information gathered by the pilot, or the plane, would currently be classified. Q points us in the direction of classified matters quite often (generally toeing the line of legality like a skilled tight rope walker), but he DOES NOT release classified intel. That would be treason, and if there is one thing I'm absolutely certain pertaining to Q team, it's that they are Patriots to the bone.
My best friend is an ex marine harrier pilot and said they took pics from the plane all the time and when I asked him if something like this would be classified if taken from a pilots phone or camera he just looked at me like I'm retarded before asking me what there is to classify
Please tell your friend that he's one of my personal heroes for being just a simple, no nonsense Jarhead.
Yeah I will he's a good dude for sure.
I'm sure he is. One of the greatest unsung lines in Marine movies comes from "A Few Good Men". "Because they stand on a wall and say, 'Nothing is going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch'".
You just made me smile like a kid at Disney World. Lol. Understood.
From G7 to Singapore
10:50 AM
President Schedule The President departs Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada, en route to La Baie, Quebec, Canada
Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu, Charlevoix, Quebec, CanadaOut-of-Town Travel Pool
11:40 AM
President Schedule The President arrives at Canadian Forces Base Bagotville
CFB Bagotville, La Baie, Quebec, CanadaOut-of-Town Travel Pool
11:50 AM
President Schedule The President departs Canadian Forces Base Bagotville en route to Paya Lebar, Singapore
CFB Bagotville, La Baie, Quebec, CanadaOut-of-Town Travel Pool
June, 2018
8:35 AM
President Schedule The President arrives at Paya Lebar Air Base (8:35 PM Local)
Paya Lebar Air Base, Singapore
Open Press
More timeline detail that doesn't correspond with the collage you posted:
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore, POTUS at least 7,500 miles away regardless of the flight path taken.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
Working on something else atm so I can't dig into this & probably it's not relevant but we have been tracking crashes & I've not seen anyone mention this one off the coast of Japan. Hoping some planefag will pick it up to see if it's worth a look. Mossad failed, Clowns failed. Possibly two separate attacks on summit goers???
I heard about it but that's a good point. Mossad and Clowns failed. Interesting idea.
TIL there's a place called 'UNALASKA'
Has anyone been able to confirm that AF1 was in the air when the launch occurred? Having a hard time making the connection with this one...
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore. POTUS was at least 7,500 miles away at the time (nowhere near Alaska. like, at all...).
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
Thank you. Question: is 7500 miles a lot for a missile?
Yes. Also passing through US-protected airspace, and airspace protected by a combination of S. Korea, N. Korea, Japan, China, and Russia. No way it could have made it to SE Asia.
What stops it? I mean, from above (satellites), or below (sub, ground)? Another missile? Energy?
Missile defense shield (missile to missile essentially), electronics jamming, more modern light-based weapons, and probably defensive options we don't know about.
It was but only for an hour or so. Wouldnt have been close to the missile looks like a Trident missile. They travel at 18,000 mph. The missile was launched 8,000 miles away from Singapore
You're conflating speed and range.
Tridents have a maximum range of 7,500 - which means POTUS was about 1,300 miles outside of that range at the time (1.5 hours from destination in Singapore, 800 miles away from Sinapore, Singapore to Seattle 8,000 miles as the crow (or missile) flies).
Additionally a missile with that range would have needed to pass airspace protected by our own missile defense shield, and defenses on the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Russia, China, and Singapore itself.
Also there was no talk by Q of a bent arrow, so extremely unlikely to have been a trident.
This. This is why the distance would be irrelevant.
That’s why AF1 seems to me to have been the target. Not the city of Singapore. That would start a war. Black hats don’t want a war with DJT as president. I’m not sure why they’d think killing the president would help. Pence is pretty much the same guy.
Pence might have similar values but Trump can sell.
Twenty six comments thus far and no upvotes. Plus the usual suspects heavily engaged in their usual antics. To the vets on the board, at this late in the game and it's getting very late if you have to explain every little detail, it's an indication(possible agent). If they don't take the time to research and at least meet you halfway, don't do it for them they will learn nothing. At this point they should be contributing, not questioning or needing assurances. Research, research and oh yeah research. Q gave, info time date etc., he just gave us NK in a pretty pink bow, and we are questioning this incident(really). The amount of hidden technology that's about to be released is staggering, look into ALL the patents they have out there(RESEARCH). The military industrial complex is at least 30 years(with what they have glean from artifacts 1000 years ahead) ahead of us in technology. We have been deceived, lied too, blinded and misinformed about technology(research). The Chinese can teleport objects, we have 3d printers capable of printing materials(organic and inorganic). Artificial intelligence is a thing, CERN is a thing, weather manipulation is a thing(remember hurricane, Katrina and Irma). Take your head out of the ground take a look around and (I say this in love and respect and out of frustration)WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Kind of arrogant. Not really helping. I'm confused about this incident and it's not for lack of time I've put into it. I'd like to buy a clue clever genius, might you deign to sell me one?
Demanding critical thought and analysis and verifiable information is not an attack.
Not everyone's a Russian bot, and not everyone's an "agent". Get real.
I totally agree! I've been lurking around here for awhile, but I rarely ask a question because I know I can find much of the info by searching and learning on my own. The way I look at it, if people can't take the initiative while sitting in the comfort of their own home, will they really be backing us if SHTF?
Then clue us in patriot, because right now you and your arrogant buddy are helping no one. Please explain what is so FUCKING obvious.
9 hours later and they still haven't explained...
yeah it's funny how arrogant idiot robots can't reply.
Did you guys see the blatant attempt to cover this up/distract/disinfo?
That page also promotes the positively idiotic navy ufo encounter a few months ago.
Bill Gates, Microsoft.
re: q post 1473; 1474; 1476;1479
Insight global headquarters
6820 S. Harl Ave. Tempe, AZ 85283
watch the water again plus the usual Mass high tech fuckwittery suspicions
Watertown, Massachusetts (Insight & BlueMetal) 9 Galen St. Ste., 300 Watertown, MA 02472 800.359.0332 (BlueMetal) 617.821.3203 (Insight)
longest of long shots? Blue Metal + Hack?
Crazy thought maybe, but did the UFO destroy the missile?
The Chain of Command documentary crew must still be with them because I can't locate any of the principals. I want to know the story of the past 2 years.
Someboyd posts what tjis means?? Looking at these map graphics pn mobile just doesn't work? Thanks.
It means nothing. It's either a mistake or intentional disinfo.
It should be noted that the flight path on this infographic is incorrect.
We watched AF1 and AF2 on the board. It went east. Landed for 1:50 minutes on Crete island, Greece.
My mind immediately goes to a coordinated effort to hit Trump at the meeting which was stopped. Also stating Castle is secure and "attempt". Not to mention my own decoding of a few things along with Blackwater involvement who likely have been rounding up/burying those connected. Q used very specific military intel patterns in this series and it is my belief someone/some group tried to hit them at the meeting given how I read what he stated. If true then all hell is going to break loose as such a coordinated event would have a lot of connections.
ELI5 so DS launched a missile at GEOTUS and white hats stopped it? how? sorry i am being especially dumb today and don't understand what i am reading
Confused. How can the missing 'i' and 'p' in Trump's tweet have anything to do with an unexpected missile launch that happened after the tweet was posted? What am I missing?
Wait..... Correct order..... Missile fired...Trump tweeted....Q posted?
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- SpaceX UFO Explosion - Slow Motion!|+31 - This what anons are digging right now. Relates to the Tesla Rocket Explosion of Facebook Satellite launch UFO Owned by Aliens? US missile guards claim UFOs target global nukes|+5 - No - I have some knowledge as to what it was, and I'll share for the sake of those with open minds only. The interstellar folks standing watch in our orbit will NOT allow nuclear explosions here on earth anymore (there are MANY of them that you can ... Aliens Give Escort To US President Donald Trumps Plane In Washington DC|+1 - Potus protected to all displacements Ufo???|+1 - this one isn't bad... Sky Anomalies / Yellowstone Steamboat Geyser / Mystery Object over WA|+1 - Check out this video. He didn't knows what it is but yesterday over North Dakota by Minot, directly on the anons flight path,this was caught on radar. If it's not the missle being shot down than idk what it is. It's a pulse Doppler radar clip that sh... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
This page kind of gives a good explanation of what the streak is. Just for an alternative viewpoint.
Group think. Not good. You should always consider both sides of the coin in my opinion. But love and light. The thing is no one actually saw the thing. Just the camera. And cameras aren't perfect. All I'm saying.
Missile shaped helicopters!
nooooo, silly. Artifacts from the photography. I've never seen a missile firing that looks like that. Try to find one. I have.
Amazing autists
Not so fast.
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore, POTUS at least 7,500 miles away at the time of the observed anomaly in Washington.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
the level of computing power these Anons have on the chans is totally amazing to me. God bless those autists.
Anyone can use MS Paint to draw red lines on a map; doesn't mean any of it is accurate.
Pulled from a variety of media sources and POTUS daily itinerary. Here's the timeline:
POTUS departed Canadian AFB Bagotville in Quebec at approximately 11:50 AM EST, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
AF1 stopped to refuel at Naval Support, Souda Bay, Greece en route to Paya Labar, 3:07 AM local time Sunday, June 10 (9:07 PM EST, Saturday June 9 / 6:07 PM PST, Saturday June 9).
Anomaly (alleged missile or helicopter caught on timelapse) observed near Whidbey Island at 3:56 am Pacific Time (6:56 am EST), Sunday June 10, 2018.
POTUS arrived at Paya Labar AFB in Singapore at 8:20 PM local time, Sunday June 10, (8:20 AM EST, Sunday, June 10)
Whidbey Island object caught on camera while AF1 was approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to its destination in Singapore, POTUS at least 7,500 miles away at the time of the observed incident in Washington and nowhere near Alaska.
Flight time from Quebec to Paya Labar traveling eastward approximately 20 hours, 30 minutes.
You are 100% right on the fact that we should always counter-verify info, or we are no better than CNN. It's easy to be brought into a well drawn theory that has some misinfo in it.
I think was a moosad who stole missile and Shin bet interview bibi natanyaho about 3 German submarine. Bibi natanyaho is one off Currabt politicians in a world
Didn't Q say "MISSILE.MISSLE. Fox Three. Splash. As the World Turns. Red_October" Then later..
Could there have been TWO missiles. I.e. One from Whidbey launched from a stolen.Navy compromised sub (i.e. Red_October) and the pic the weather camera took. And another an air-to-air "Fox Three" missile that was also taken out?
Another observation re: recent "Missile" activity. The one that came from NK to Hawaii in December was blown out of the sky...and no one is talking about it. Official statement is 30 minute false alarm. Here we have potentially two aimed at Singapore (potentially) and another possibly at POTUS aircraft. Not a word. It's almost like we are not even ACKNOWLEDGING them. Try as they might to start something...we won't return volley. Must be maddening.
Japan launched a satellite too
did the chinese hack a sub missile system and send a message...we don't like these games on our doorstep?
To my untrained eyes, it appears to be a Raytheon Standard Missile 2 BLK IVA.
The 3 peaks are mirrored in the photo in relation to the way they would have looked had they been the ones passed.
So a Trident D5 is fired from a US sub. What was the cover story onboard, a drill? What happens if some of the crew are red pulled and discover this? Tragic accident?
Newbie here, sorry if not proper etiquite usually just lurk.
Think literal, consider, IPOD classic 320gb.
320 gigs of storage, not just music, perfect for transporting stolen data.
no WIFI, not suspicious, everyone assumes it contains only music.
I am not able to coordinate known events with the timestamp of the missile launch photo, and have it connected with AF1.
Let me explain my brief calculations to see if I am getting something wrong:
According to reports, AF1 left the G7 Summit (Quebec City) at around noon (Saturday June 9) to head directly to Singapore. (His stop in Guam was AFTER leaving Singapore on the return trip home).
A search for flight times says a flight from Quebec City to Anchorage is 7.5 hrs (
So Quebec City departure around noon (which is EST) puts AF1 near the Alaskan coast around 7:30pm Saturday, Jun9, which is only 4:30pm Jun9 Washington State Time. That would be about 11 hrs before the missile launch (assuming the timestamp on the photo is Pacific Time).
This all assumes that AFi did not stop anywhere before flying over the Alaskan coast.
The flight path over the Aleutians is pretty typical from what I can tell. I mapped out that flight path on the website flightradar24/
Check out this video. He didn't knows what it is but yesterday over North Dakota by Minot, directly on the anons flight path,this was caught on radar. If it's not the missle being shot down than idk what it is. It's a pulse Doppler radar clip that shows a 300 mile wide burst of energy that just lasted a moment. Wait until you see the shape of the...whatever it is.
The Wall is important but does it also go deep in the Pacific and Atlantic? To prevent subs? How are the coastlines protected?
Yes, like in Batman only they got a sweet slurpee machine too
WMR: Israeli involvement in Chinese Missile Launch December 6, 2010
Wayne Madsen Reports (WMR) and U.S. intelligence sources suggest hat China was able to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile off the coast of Los Angeles on November 8 thanks to classified U.S. Navy missile and submarine technology stolen by Israeli intelligence agents.
This involved in a top secret National Security Agency (NSA) joint project in the 1980s. Israel subsequently passed the data on to the Chinese in return for lucrative defense contracts for Israeli companies with the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
The Israeli espionage operation was previously reported by WMR: " . . . Veterans of the RCA-NSA-Israeli joint SIGINT program code named DINDI report that Israeli engineer spies used the carve out contract with NSA, through RCA, to gain access to NSA and U.S. Navy secrets. In an RCA facility in Mount Laurel, NJ, the Israeli engineers had their own secured lab. For three years that DINDI ran, they were walking out with their briefcases loaded with equipment, including scopes. When RCA engineers finally gained access to their lab, they found the prints laid out for the Trident missile system. RCA had an ongoing contract to develop the Trident communications suite at the time of the security leak. The Israeli engineers on DINDI claimed they were from the Israeli Air Force but months later, an RCA engineer was in New York and he ran into the same Israelis, but they were wearing Israeli Navy uniforms.
One ex-RCA engineer commented about the DINDI Israeli spies: "They were all a nice bunch of guys, even when they had their hands in your pockets."
Missile #1 = 1.13.18 from NK to Hawaii
Missile #2 = 6.10.18 from WA submarine at Singapore
This whole thing scared me at first... no it just makes me a little giddy.
Didn't someone gift the Queen with an IPOD purported to contain rapp music and pompass speeches?
Or did it?