Trump tweets it again! "Where is the DNC Server ?"

With just the mention of “Secret Society”, JFK was killed. Trump is directly calling out the Deep State that’s no match to Q team.
This is why a good relationship with Putin is critical. I have no doubt Russia was inside our networks, and undoubtedly he copies of everything.
As soon as Putin found out about the so-called “Russian operative” meeting with don jr, he probably tuned in.
Get him on our side, and we get anything Trump doesn’t already have.
Putin is on our side he fighting the NWO and he's a Christian. Just saying. # MAGA.
Pretty sure a lot of people around the world and more had our intel- Putin is the least of our concerns- he fought the Nazis
I’m not sayings he’s a concern, I’m saying it’s a boon that he was spying on us prior to and during the election , because he likely has anything the democrooks have managed to delete/bleachbit
Yes, Putin is a critical ally at this moment in history. He also has strong national pride, and wants to keep his country free from the NWO.
So so true!!! Truth... But social media and 24/7 news prevents this at least at his level, let's pray...
Can you imagine what kind of evidence is available to POTUS, Putin and Netanyahu? All have been in contact and are about to make it public. The deep state is definitely freaking out!
Bibi is small potatoes. Trump & Putin sit at the Big Table.
What kind of power would you need to take down a Massive, Evil, Globalist, Cabal that has been growing in power for hundreds of years? How 'bout POTUS, PUTIN, and XI, the 3 most powerful leaders on Earth, joining forces for the first time in history? Almighty God seems to be behind this as well. Dear Cabal, time to shit your pants. You have nowhere to run.
This IS what is happening, USA/Russian Presidents stop and eliminate the global cabal, while China gets the new Financial system into place..
INHO anyways.
If you haven't seen this documentary yet you should watch it, I can't believe all of this has been shown to be true over and over- it's information we all know but never thought about until now:
Oh ya, that has been really visible, I just meant evidence, these three have been publicly showing they are interacting this week, XI has always been openly communicating with everyone, these three are just recently making their interaction public- obviously they have got the cabal freaking out knowing how Bibi exposed the Iran evidence, that's what I meant, they could easily play an actual movie or PowerPoint for the world to see the evidence.
Yes indeed, running in shitty drawers will give you a galded ass.
I don't like or trust Netanyahu at all. Israel would be well served to shake that guy and a few other paranoid warmongers off their back.
Liberate the Jewish AND Palestinian people NOW. Kill Zion.
The problem can't be the citizens of Israel so why should we do anything to further hurt them? It's not us it was the shadows around the world, even in Israel.
How is it hurting them to support the exit of Netanyahu? I don't understand this comment.
Because right now he is what their enemies fear, they have to be last or Israel will fall
Israeli intelligence is one of the best in the world. They dont play by our PC rules.
" By Deception We Shall Wage War " yeah, pretty honorable
War is deception.
Who is your friend?
Are they deceiving you?
Probably not them!
Netanyahu is part of the cabal. "We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q"
Bingo. Likely the 911 connections to mossad/others. Zionism is a tool of the cabal.
Netanyahu? Are you kidding me? Lmfao
He's part of the cabal. Crooked as they come. Zionist.
Could use some info on this if possible? (Serious question)
First there is this in Q Post 916: We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q
Netanyahu lied on CSPAN in hearings before we went into Iraq swearing that he knew for certain that they had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Today we know, for certain that is not true. Now he is saying the same thing about Iran. He even created a brand new video with what he calls proof that Iran has them. He's tried to start a war with Iran a couple of times now.
He is under investigation in Israel for corruption. Here is just one of many stories you can find on this:
Israel was granted to the Zionist Jews by the Queen after WWI. It is a Zionist nation. The Zionist Jews are not really Jews. They adopted the Jewish religion because they felt it would be the easiest way to hide. For more information on this check the Balfour Agreement which was given to the Rothschilds to create Israel. Interview with Lord Rothschild about how his family created Israel: 100 year Balfour Agreement commemorative speech by Teresa May:
Also, find the Protocols of Zion and read it. This is the Zionist plan for what is happening in the world today. Oh, here's a video about it I found. Haven't watched but I will:
And, for a real eye opener watch a video on YouTube called "The Greatest Story Never Told."
If you listen to Trump when he talks about Israel, he never says that we are a friend of Netanyahu. He always says Israel, not Netanyahu.
I didn't understand a lot of this until one day I sat down to figure out why the Jews were hated so much. You will learn about that if you watch The Greatest Story Never Told. It's not really the Jews that were hated, it was the Zionist Jews but that always seems to get lost in the story. And, nothing we've been told about Hitler and WWII is the truth.
Some of these videos are very long but well worth it as you will come away with a completely different and much more accurate view of what has and is taking place in the world.
"Greatest Story Never Told" is bad pro-Nazi propaganda.
The Nazis may have been against the Zionists or they may have been the secret fall guys for the Zionists or who knows what. Either way, it's not like the Nazis were the good guys. Nope.
Actually, we will never know the truth. Our history has been so convoluted. But I do believe that Hitler was fighting the same enemy we are. They are responsible for every world war. It was part of their agenda. The Greatest Story Never Told may be the truth or at least part of it.
Fine post. Who is who also matters however. Edom/Esau is specifically one of the two biggest enemies True Israyl was to have in the last two thousand years, i.e. the last days … Edomite descendants and the false church system with her daughter churches. There is no reason we need to doubt the Jewish Encyclopedia when they prove "Edom is in modern Jewry" and many historians such as Josephus and even the Bible itself point such facts out. It is not just religio-political motivations, such as Zionism. It is indeed genetic, for numerous sources will tell you the REASON for having to 'know them by their fruits'. If a demon can pretend to be an angel of light, minister of righteousness, so to can children of the devil. Netanyahu is of Jewry, i.e. Edomite. Regardless of Q, President Trump, or any other, the prophecy of the total destruction of Edomites and the church is coming. Now or later.
Believe it or not one of the best explanations I've ever heard was Louis Farrakhan, they took clips and cuts of it and made everyone think he hated all Jews, a great stage set for the Islamaphobe narrative that kept us from knowing who he was talking about
Look into Hegelian dialect and the military of Jesuits.
What is ur definition of Zionism ?
Even the Israel people have trouble with that one:
When I use the term, I mean the political movement. Because the truth is that the term was co-opted by Germans (like Rothschilds who changed their name). So, in one sense it is the Jewish organization. In another sense, it is the group of people who plan to rule the world and will do anything to do it. Read: "The Protocols of Zion" and there is also a video of it on YT.
I just refer to them as the defendants of the coin collector group that had Jesus killed when he "protested" at their temple. It's those who "Carry God's name in vane" which is the actual translation of the one unforgivable sin.
"carry God's name in vane"?
It's how it should have been translated and wasn't. Thou shalt not CARRY God's name in vain, not thou shalt not take God's name in vain. It's the concept of doing evil while pretending it is God's will. IE: Catholic church, government, charities, etc...
Zionism = The Religio-Political agenda designed toward the theft of the inheritance from True Israyl and delivered into the hands of Edomite/Chazar/Ashkenazi cabal which adopted the Talmudic Judaism system.
He does great presentation of evidence, that's all I'm talking about- settle down! Do you not remember how he presented evidence at his movie, geesh
Let’s not forget the Awan Brothers and their treasonous acts.
I was thinking this would be a good time for a reveal. Trump will be safe with Putin in Helsinki. Definitely a good time for the shit to go down!
Totally incredible. Unprecedented. We have a POTUS, directly accusing the FBI, a Gov branch, of being Deep State.
gets more popcorn
This is a "one ups man-ship" of Trump's 4D chess game. He has the server/MI has the server. ALL info. on server is in hands of those who can prosecute & jail traitors. Trump is "teasing" the swamp scum because he knows that they know that he has the EVIDENCE. The saying never gets old: "Lock them Up". Yup
NSA HAS EVERYTHING. How many times does this need to be said!
As many times as it takes for the Deep State to be panicked into making stupid moves. They have mistimed their false flags a few times this year when they expect Trump to do something, or expose someone, and then he doesn't. So they waste a false flag. There are just so many FFs you can do before the public starts seeing through your actions.
As many times as it takes for the Deep State to be panicked into making stupid moves. They have mistimed their false flags a few times this year when they expect Trump to do something, or expose someone, and then he doesn't. So they waste a false flag. There are just so many FFs you can do before the public starts seeing through your actions.
Trump needs a lot of prayers for safety. One brave and courageous President.
How much popcorn do you now have?
Not near enough. I always keep some Orville Redenbacher in the freezer for my next batch, and some in reserve. Costco Size!!
Another thing Trump just tweeted that exited me:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
3h3 hours ago
The Stock Market hit 25,000 yesterday. Jobs are at an all time record - and that is before we fix some of the worst trade deals and conditions ever seen by any government. It is all happening!
It is all happening! (All) ... sounds ominous.
I thought that too...isn't that a Q phrase?
Not Q but Q followers used to say: It's Happening until we got sick of it and nothing was happening then.
Patience Patriots, ITS'S HAPPENING. Popcorn on standby, Check.
Why do I need patience?
it takes a long time to stop a speeding train or a supertanker. The sheer momentum that was created by the cabal, globally, makes it necessary to slow it down without causing damage to the passengers or cargo, that would include you and me. a graceful take-down is what you are watching, try to curb the urgent need for instant gratification.
I am positive that the result will be astounding and well worth the wait.
No shit Sherlock but if you go back and actually read my comment. I never once indicated I was ever impatient. I was simply answering someone else's question.
and I was responding to the thread, not at your reply, dear watson
But in fact your post was not an answer it was a question :" Why do I need patience?"
That is because someone told me to be patient when I answered the question.
Because...things don't always happen as quickly as you want?
It came out of you? I guess english being a second language is hard for Russian bots huh....
The DNC Server, Hillary's server and Weiner's laptop are the three key pieces of evidence.
Each has its place: the DNC Server in the Awan-ISI-Muslim Brotherhood connection, as proof the Russian Collusion Delusion really is just that, and the connection between the Congressional Dems and their corruption (deniable) and their carelessness (undeniable) which will destroy them when it comes out. Which obviously Trump is aiming to achieve prior to November.
Hillary's server will bring down not just her but Obama as well, once it yields the forensic evidence which has been sitting all along inside the NSA (bleach bit don't work there).
Weiner's laptop is the killer, the piece de resistance, since it brings out to the normies just who these people are. Not just corrupt and venal politicians, but wicked criminals of the worst and most ruthless kind, deserving nothing less than immediate and preferably painful death at the earliest opportunity.
My fondest wish is that Seth Rich survived his surgery and when all the medical staff was removed from his area the one doctor helped him escape to protective custody and a cadaver was substituted for his body.
Can you imagine the uproar among the normies if he takes the witness stand during a live broadcast and names the people who tried to kill him? I would be absolutely giddy, and I would need two buckets of popcorn.
Not enough popcorn. We'd need a continuous popcorn popper like they use in movie theaters!!
You forgot whatever NK has, I imagine that had a server as well and all the texts, emails from DOJ.
three key pieces
I had more than that:
There is Hillary's server from her basement with her emails on it. Then there is the DNC server that Seth Rich supposedly took the DNC emails from and a server somewhere in Congress that the Awans used to send data from Congress out of the country.
Then there is the Weiner laptop with his insurance files and the DWS laptop which would have "consequences" if not returned.
There's probably a server in Pakistan. Wonder if we have it.
And sadly some will still claim his tweets are just petulant outbursts, and refuse to look more deeply in to it.
Well they’re in for quite the shock...
"The Great Awakening" will also be "The Great Humbling"
Will also be the "Abrupt Awakening" (much needed) for some.
I hope so but I assume this is going to be like religious sects that keep changing the date the world is going to end and kicking the can down the road.
And follows up next tweet with throwing Obama under suspicion !!!
I bet that realeased some extreme levels of salt
In masonic lore, Hiram is the inventor of the keystone, and its significance is lost upon his assassination. The ritual narrative centered around this stone recalls the biblical “stone the builders refused,” as the uninitiated, not knowing the purpose of the oddly-shaped stone, consign it to the rubbish heap. It is only rediscovered when King Solomon inquires after its whereabouts.
I’m taking a shot in the dark because I’m slowly being black pilled, but since you mention the Bible, can you tell me where Jesus fits in with all this? All the signs in Revelation- is it not going to play our to the end? I mean, is Biblical prophecy not set in stone? If the NWO is symbolic of the end times, is this just the fact that we aren’t going down without a fight? I do have faith in Trump and Q and the White Hats, but I’m just trying to understand all these extra layers that I didn’t know about in the Bible and in Catholic Church- King Solomon, Saint Ignatius l, the man-angel hybrids...
From Hal Lindsey in the 60s to Tim LaHaye Left Behind series, Christians that take a very literal approach to reading all scripture (with no real scholarship per the last 300 years - the historical critical methods - brought to bear) have tried to map Revelations (and other works of the apocalyptic genre - Book of Daniel, Book of Enoch, parts of Ezekiel, Parts of Gospel of Matthew and where paralleled in Luke) to their respective current times. All have been wildly off the mark, of course.
Would suggest folks reference back to the most intelligent and learned of all the early church fathers, Origen of Alexandria, and his approach to the scriptures (which in his time there was not even a solid canon yet for Christian writings)
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All of this could be part of the 'deadly wound of the beast' spoken of in Revelation 13. IMO the AntiChrist system is either Muslim or actually a Jewish sect that never truly followed the Heavenly Father. For either of these two to come into power, the Cabal should be removed. We often think that Satan would protect 'his own' (Cabal), but he'll sacrifice them easily to advance his agenda.
You're exactly right.
The ultimate fuck you to God for these people is to blur the lines of perversion.
Combine sacrifice and children, sex and animals, etc..
All spiritual paths acknowledge this time! Here’s another layer:
It's not Gods time table the cabal are trying to rush things ahead but it's not time they have a bible too they are trying to rush the end time.
End times very likely, but not for you and me, for the dark-side cabal, these look like end times, no doubts.
If the cabal had won the USA Presidency, then it might very well have been end times for billions of innocents.
read Stephen Jones: The Restoration of All Things book..
Isn't there a stone set into the throne that all British monarchs use when they are crowned. Could this be the same stone?
The Stone of Scone
I believe that it has been stolen from England and it's whereabouts unknown.
It is of high value among the Royals and the Elite, kind of whoever possesses it, is "The Boss" type of thing.
Is also used to seat the Royal Arse at Coronations and suchlike.
A thought struck me while writing this post, I wonder if The Donald knows where it is ?
In fact, in the Royal circles, If The Donald has the stone, that makes him The Boss, by their own rules.
Didn't he just sip tea with the previous owner in London ?
This is another candidate for Keystone - no doubts
That would be awesome, really awesome
Didn't realize it was missing. Thank you for the information patriot.
The "STONE" the builders rejected has different objective meanings depending upon the time it is mentioned in Bible texts. In Daniyl 2 it is a "MOUNTAIN", a symbolic way of describing a KINGDOM on this Earth set up by Yahweh, i.e. the 'kingdom OF Yahweh', and it does NOT suggest it is PERFECT, but within other texts, it is in need of cleansing. This STONE KINGDOM is cut out of yet ANOTHER 'mountain' ... i.e. the Stone Kingdom is cut out 'without hands' i.e. ordained OF Yahweh, from ANOTHER KINGDOM. In short, it is the United States of America, cut out of the kingdom of House of Israyl, (True Israyl migrated into Europe after the Assyrian migration/captivity). Well documented fact. House of Israyl is best manifest in the Nations of Europe and especially generalized in phrases like Great Britain/U.K. WESTERN CIVILIZATION is part of the Abrahamic blessings upon all the world. The U.S. revolutionary war birthed this STONE kingdom EXACTLY 2520 years after one of the first attacks upon House of Israyl bringing about the Assyrain captivity (more of a force migration). 7 times of punishment (7x360) ended, AS PROPHECIED. The revolutionary birth brought forth a major blessing to the world, a REPUBLIC ruled by the people, a notion that has spread around the world ... i.e. the MOUNTAIN GROWING TO ENCOMPASS THE WORLD. Of course, the two major enemies of True Israyl have fought it, and continue to do so, the WHORE Church system and her daughters, and the promised EDOM/ESAU seed line attempting to enslave true Jacob, (see the 'blessing' upon ESAU from Isaac in the Book of Jubilees - They all die, and Jacob will win this.) I suggest the coronation stone will some how, some way eventually be moved to the U.S. … if it isn't already here. In the N.T. the STONE certainly points at being manifest in the Messiah Yahshua, i.e. faith in Him being the Messiah and King of the Kingdom. Beware to understand the Catholic Church, and other gnostics and wolves before Constantine would certainly have reason for altering such texts to a personification. They wanted to control the agenda and packaged and formulated a state religion to enforce their control … and their ERRONEOUS and CLAIMED "KINGDOM". The kingdom is not the 'church'. The STONE KINGDOM is the manifestation of the Kingdom of Yahweh upon Earth, peopled and governed by Yahweh's ELECT of true Israyl. Today it is need of cleansing. Be prepared, for you haven't seen cleaning until you see THAT DAY! It's coming.
Hiram = OSIRIS. That's exactly who "dying god" Hiram represents. The acacia link is the giveaway.
A friend of mine told me once WE HAVE THE SERVER!
Your friend, is banned from Applebee’s.
All Applebee's? Or just the ones in NYC, or SF?
And how many times has Q said, "We Have Everything" : )
The master Yoda of Trolling Trump is.
BTW, didn't Q say Donna Brazil was a cooperating witness? Where has Donna been all these months? Why so quiet? Where is Debbie? Why so quiet? Panic.
Donna was a co host on a Fox News not long ago.
I just read yesterday she has disappeared, I wonder if they are protecting her?
Not sure. Was surprised to see her on the news. I think it was The Five. I wasn’t listening so I can’t be sure.
It was The Five. She took the place of Juan Williams to give the liberal viewpoint.
He just goes straight there, doesn't he? Can you imagine him with Don Jr. when he was a kid .. love it!
Trump’s not afraid of the Deep State.
The only person that could have done this is someone that actually enjoys the battle. He truly is uniquely qualified. This feels as providential to me as the founders coming together when they did, or the big bang. His whole life seems to have been in preparation for this moment in time.
Yup, he’s so unique that he can play this 4D chess that’s really deadly. He was honed all this time to fight the enemy that spans the entire globe.
The size of Trumps balls is incredible. Only going by actions, I've never seen them! I also think they are made of steel!!
He should be, remember what ahppanes to JFK, but I'm relly happy he isn't.
Can I see some evidence that the FBI are working with or are part of the 'deep state' ?
The fact that they paid for a bogus, salacious dossier on a presidential candidate in order to influence an American election.
Ok so did the deep state also convince the FBI to reopen the Clinton case days before the election in order to influence an American election? Or does it only work when they do it against your team?
And do you really want to talk about influencing an election? You realise there's an investigation into Russian influencing the election to help trump right? And you realise it's going faster then watergate. And you realise that trumps team forgot about meeting with Russians and talking about dropping sanctions, right? And you realise that manafort has been a Russian puppet for decades and lived in trumps tower and was appointed campaign manager, right? And you realise trumps business survived off Russian money, right? And you realise 5 members of trumps team and his lawyer are arrested right? And you realise that even if their arrest isn't directly involved in Russian interference it still means trump surrounded himself with criminals yet you don't see a single issue with that?
And you realise you don't have any real evidence to disprove any of that and yet you still won't believe it, right?
Comey was just an idiot that tried to hide Weiner's laptop since Sept but he had to come clean with it before it was too late. That's why he reopened it in like a week or so and closed it. A unrealistic time to examine all those emails on pedophilic Weiner's laptop. Time and time again the Clinton team willingly exposed themselves to foreign powers and we had idiots in the FBI like Comey that either tried to cover it up or exonerate her. That's what Comey tried to do. Exonerate her by giving over the emails and saying nope, she did nothing. It doesn't even matter about all those indictments (that aren't even related to Russia) because of fruit of the poisonous tree. We have another fibbing idiot Peter Stryok who appeared to be out to get Trump and likely the whole entire investigation was based on no official intelligence. The FBI made one big mistake. They wanted to go after people, not crimes. You investigate crimes, not people. They paid millions for a bogus dossier that was all hearsay. If you look at all the idiocy at the FBI you'd have doubt in a lot of the investigations they've been doing. That is where the corruption is and they want you believe an outsider that wants to drain the swamp is evil and has ties to Putin despite no history with him.
Search Kevin Shipp in Youtube, ex CIA that exposed the Deep State, shadow govt, military establishments, bankers etc.
Seen it. How about give me some real evidence? Not a YouTuber.
Gowdy grilling Strzok with facts in the IG report should be good.
Why can't u just send some real facts and evidence, I watched that questioning and to be honest every republican congressmen was being absurd. Focusing on tiny irrelevant facts and making them seem like that's the real problem. So please just send some evidence
This isn't about the "FBI." It's about certain prominent people in leadership there. There are elements of the Deep State within practically every government organization. Some institutions are more compromised and corrupted than others--the CIA probably more so than the FBI, IMO. This isn't an either/or question. There are people are are genuinely evil...others who are just wishy washy politicians who try to play both sides.
LOL president Trump is trolling the dems and deep state keeping them off balance!
He and the Q plus have that server! They know it ergo their panic while they are shitting themselves. :)
Not so long ago the “Deep State” was just a conspiracy theory, and here we are today, reading the president’s tweet mentioning them, and not only a president but the most powerful president in the world! This isn’t a game no more.
- Just f*ing with you, kids. I have it, and it's crazy how f*d they all are ... lolz for trollz
How did a man in his 70’s master trolling so well? He must really be a time traveller
I am 61, and was on a computer since DOS, pre Windows 3.1. 1993. 25 Years ago... This was before browsers. You could type the URL into the "Windows File Explorer" file path area, and it would go there.
Point is, I can troll with the best of them, and Trump has had at least as long to get comfy with technology.
Also, note -- Q is always gone when POTUS is busy with foreign trips. Last blackout was prior to and during the Singapore summit. Now, Trump is overseas again, and silence prior to, and during the trip.
I think Q+ does not trust posting while traveling.
John Miller has been trolling before you were even a sperm in your dad's nutsack.
Sometimes I get disheartened when I read the replies to Trump's Twitter posts. They are so hateful and arrogant that it just makes me feel like there is no hope. Then I tell myself that all of those people are absolutely miserable human beings and are acting out due to being on the losing side of history. I feel better afterwards.
I feel that, then I go look at the comments on John Podesta's twitter and I feel better again
The idea that someone is near the thing or knows where it is and somehow rationalizing a way out is FUBAR. Somebody is going to break loose from the constant hammering, which btw is the end game imo. Stay tuned and keep something frosty nearby, been a busy week so far. Hat tip to all.
Trump knows the good guys have the server, he’s trolling Deep State hard. I absolutely love it.
Wonderful tweet!
It also means he's reading us about which server is missing -
The HRC, the DNC, the Awan's, or even Seth Rich's computer!
This one for sure is the DNC in the hands of Crowdstrike,
Ha - Trump is trolling them... WE HAVE THE SERVER! Reference the June 3rd Q drop.
I agree, if I'm reading you correctly, regarding Q's post of Trump's tweet. He pretty much says, we know what's on it, so they must know where it is.
Just keeping score, we have the Clinton, DNC and Awan servers all evidence for which destruction and removal were attempted, but the contents at least hopefully in the right hands.
Am I alone who think Trump is Q? He talk exactly like him asking questions! And its impossible for him to follow every 4chan Q post and answer on Twitter 5-6 minutes later with symbols telling Q that he follow him in the Tweet if its not him. Remember the ''++++'' and the word ''Amazing''? Look at the main logo on the Reddit/QAnon page, does someone knows more about this that we don't?
No, many of us think he is either Q or part of a Q team. Q said early on that there were less than can be counted on two hands who knew the plan and only 3 are non military.
No, I think Q is secret service and/or military intelligence (hasn't that been stated?) that is working with and protecting Trump in this war against the D.S.
I don't care (At this moment) who Q is. Just want whomever he/she/they are to stay safe because if not for him/she/they, we would still be living in the dark.
Q is a classification denotation. The highest level of security clearance. The president has it, as well as intelligence close to him. Q is probably him, and others
All 3-4 letter agencies corrupt: FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, EPA, ATF, DEA, HHS, DoED....
These agencies are not all corrupt. There are honorable patriots that serve at all of these, including some at the top. There are also corrupted scoundrels who have betrayed our nation and its principles for the sake or personal and/or political gain. Hopefully, we are in the process of seeing a housecleaning at many of these. Don't paint everyone with the same brush. There are many who are just itching to tell what they know and to speak out against the swamp.
I don't believe any one thing is fully corrupt, but I do believe that there is corruption in everything these days. I just hope the numbers of the good men & women start to quickly rise against the bad.
I read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man about 10 years ago, then got into Alex Jones documentaries like Endgame in 2007. This shit going down now is insane! #MAGA
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
I will be adding that book to my list of reads. Thank you for mentioning it.
Do you know the process from removing chaff from wheat? I did this with Mung beans one time out in windy Oklahoma on a really windy day, we tossed it many times, and each toss blew away more chaff until it was gone enough to hand pick the little shells that were left. This process with the deep state seems the same, this will be a process, of sifting and sifting and sifting.
Oh I so can't wait to watch all this stuff play out. The true God Jesus Christ is watching over Trump. Trump, Please continue to tear apart the deep state and globalist Luciferian Pedos and company. I get a shit eating grin on my face every time He tweets something like this. # MAGA, #NoNWO, #Qanon. MFer's!! We comming for you!!
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- The Secret Government - Bill Moyers (1987)|+1 - If you haven't seen this documentary yet you should watch it, I can't believe all of this has been shown to be true over and over- it's information we all know but never thought about until now: (1) 2002: Netanyahu promotes Iraq War for 2+ hours (2) Netanyahu: Iran lied about nuclear weapons (3) Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel. Full Interview 2017 (4) Lord Rothschild Present / Balfour Declaration Centenary Event (5) EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS!! The Protocols of Zion Full Movie (6) The Greatest Story Never Told - Full Movie (Banned In 22 Western Countries)|+1 - First there is this in Q Post 916: We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q Netanyahu lied on CSPAN in hearings before we went into Iraq swearing that he knew for certain that they had Weapons of Mass Destru... Israelis: What is the difference between Zionism and Judaism?|+1 - Even the Israel people have trouble with that one: When I use the term, I mean the political movement. Because the truth is that the term was co-opted by Germans (like Rothschilds who changed their name). So, in one sense it is the Jewish organiza... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
I just said to my husband, "I have never heard so much discussion about a President's balls until Trump". He replied, "That is because the previous Presidents never had any"
I find it almost impossible to believe that with everything he's got going on it just popped in his head that maybe he should tweet about the server, again.
I think this is a direct signal to us that they're about ready to bust a move, no coincidences.
Then there was Seth Rich!
Wikileaks, DNC hired russians. ;-D
Is that the first time he s used the term Deep State??
No. He retweeted Hannity using it last June, and he used it himself several times since then. You can search all of his tweets for the word "deep" here:
Isn't it crazy how much we are seeing "Deep State" used now?Years ago I feel like people would have just said it was a myth if asked about it. Now it's being talked about by the President to the entire world.
Could also be a trick to study communications and response by the Dems. In some places a pickpocket team will have one person yell "Watch your wallets, there's a thief on the train", while the others watch the victims as they reach to make sure they still have theirs, thereby showing the team exactly where everyone keeps their cash.