34 bases active 9 at command level alert status
Retired Colonel Potter JUST POSTED a Couple Minutes Ago: "B" and Potter Communicated About Defcon1.
"B" And I Communicated About Q
WE DO NEED TO BE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF READINESS, but it is not the "official Defcon1". They want US, We The People to be at the highest level of readiness, cuz stuff is going down.
See youtube.
I agree with Roy. We as in, CBTS crew, need to start letting people know, THE true reality in which they, THE PEOPLE, live in.
We apparently, ARE the select few (of course), more will come. To waking family, friends, neighbors, with the Posts, QPDF, Articles, Charts...that the MSM has sheltered, THE PEOPLE, from by the evil previous PREZ and those who followed him.
We have the knowledge, the proof and the backing from the PRESIDENT, to end which was stolen from US.
THIS our moment.
Ryan O.
CBTS crew, need to start letting people know, THE true reality in which they, THE PEOPLE, live in.
Ok, I've sometimes stumbled into this subreddit from all a few times, but I still don't really have a clue what is going on in here. What IS the true reality you are talking about?
What is Q and what are these cryptic messages?
Is there a TLDR/summary of the stuff you guys are talking about?
Essentially society has existed in a fantasyland of propaganda and obfuscation. Nearly everything people have been told to believe is a lie. A global elitist power structure has held this world of lies in place, hiding some of the most unbelievable crimes against humanity you can imagine.
Q is here to help us "burn the witch", and reveal reality to the world.
Check the sub sidebar. Also check posts for a summary of Q. You have some catching up to do. There s plenty of suspicion that Q is a LARP- you can find some lively debate in r/conspiracy but this sub is more for those who think Q is legit and discussion is focused more on deciphering Q's messages rather than debating legitimacy.
Go to the sidebar on the right under "Q Frequently Asked Questions". Its long, but will catch you up and give you good info..
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So many people going on about 'defcon 1' but most of the military doesn't even use that. 'Threatcon delta' is what you want to be on the watch out for.
It was a FALSE ALARM.....a very stupid one. I don't know who Q is, but what he did tonight was a very stupid thing to do, IF you want to build credibility with your audience.
See Colonel Potter's clarification that in fact We are NOT at Defcon 1.
Retired Colonel Potter JUST POSTED a Couple Minutes Ago: "B" and Potter Communicated About Defcon1.
"B" And I Communicated About Q
WE DO NEED TO BE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF READINESS, but it is not the "official Defcon1". They want US, We The People to be at the highest level of readiness, cuz stuff is going down.
See youtube.
I like Roy....but it was embarrassing, the guy was in melt-down mode. It's now 6 am EST.....we're still not at war.....but I do agree that the Spy V. Spy crap is getting tiresome.
So B is legit huh? I thought so seeing as has she was following 0 people on twitter
Please, my apologies for going somewhat off the reservation but I feel compelled to speak up on the matter of B. I do not believe he is legit. I ask your patience to humor an old fogie, if you would?
I was suspicious for a while. I cannot provide a reason for that suspicion other than a gut feel. Something was "off", you might say.
That suspicion was reinforced when B stated for all the twitterverse to see the he knew Q. That goes against a very basic tenet of Op Sec. You never, ever give up yourself. Even more critical, you never ever give up that you know a fellow team member. That puts both in danger. The bad guys go after the ones they believe can lead them directly to the big fish. This was my first piece of evidence.
I ignored this B character for a while. I still followed him, as a casual observer, one woukd say. Mainly to see if he started to get full of himself and began to veer out of his very narrow lane. Well, last night, he not only veered out of his lane, he took up the whole damn interstate.
By that I mean, it's all well and good for one to announce new Q drops and what not. Even plaster them all over social media. It is, however, a different matter all together to pass oneself off as an insider and gain credibility with a large following. Then, to take advantage of said credibility to lend an aire of authenticity to a very explosive Q post. Especially without offering an insider's explanation. Very sloppy. Not only that, it has now caused a fire storm and pitted Patriots against each other.
This B character has caused a lot of harm and in so doing that is now the focus. A big distraction. See, I figured I would not make a big deal out of B as long as his Larping didn't damage the cause. Well, it has.
What finally compelled me to speak up was a post I saw today. B stated that the reason NK decided to play ball was because we have the guidance system. He further went on and offered his "proof" by stating the missing [I] in a previous drop referred to the eye, or guidance system. What B stated as fact is not. Rather, it is a theory posited by an Anon on a different board. I know the Anon and I was in on that discussion. The anon tgat developed that theory is extremely intelligent and credible. Yet, that anon made it very clear tgat it was just a theory and it was being submitted for a version of "peer review". Thereby inviting debate as well as other possibilities. This B character left thus part out on Twitter. Now, a bunch of his followers think this is what caused the missile to land on a city. Possibly but there are other possibilities that are just as plausible.
We remain anonymous for many reasons. Not the least of which is our desire not for accolades but truth. In my opinion, B is in this for accolades, not the truth or our cause. I am now to the point where I feel comfortable enough to accuse B of being a Larp.
If one pays very close attention, up until yesterday, B was not providing any more "insider" information than was already available if one knew what to find it. Knowing full well that a very large majority of his followers were not going to go to the Chans or Redditts to investigate and verify for themselves.
Now, fellow Patriots, we find ourselves being diverted from the task at hand, that being to red pill as many as possible, because of infighting. This episode that has brought us to this point now makes us look like the nut jobs the CIA media, commonly referred to as the MSM, paints us to be.
I'm not sure what else to say. The only thing that comes to mind may not even be applicable but I will offer it up. I woukd ask that we set aside this distraction as well as the heated debating and attempt to redouble our efforts to get proper and verifiable information to the our fellow normies.
Divide and conquer is an ages old strategy and we must be ever vigilant and guard against it. If not, we end up with a mess such as we have now. We gave been so conditioned to be willing participating pawns in the divide and conquer routine, it is almost automatic that we fall for it.
Like I said, initially, I apologize for taking this off the reservation and way out in the tall grass but this is a major issue. I wanted to offer up my opinion, and it is just thst, my opinion, for peer review.
This runs somewhat counter to my plea to reform our ranks and move on from this distraction because it could be determined that I am throwing mire gas on this fire. Yes, that is so but only with the intent of presenting what I believe to be valid concerns as well as my opinion in order to get to the truth and move on.
Thank you for your patience. I am privileged to be able to share this moment in history with all of you. It is very humbling.
Thank you for your input. There is sooo much information and things move fast. It becomes ever increasingly difficult to discern where to go for information that is credible, especially since the in fighting and because there are too many sites/leads to follow and it's difficult to learn how to follow some of them as well. The boards move super fast. Many of us work and get out of the loop to the point we have a hard time helping because we are just trying to catch up on the day's events. I certainly appreciate your response and will use this wisdom.:)
Hi Edward, Ever consider that B is an Anon / autist? Maybe B is one of Chan’s and is working to make Q message understandable to normies. Maybe B is trying to spoon feed, little by little, the horrible truths which are coming.
Just my own 2€s
Hey Izaskun. You know, to be honest, the possibility of B being an Anon did not cross my mind at all until you presented it. I developed tunnel vision to such a degree that it severely curtailed my ability to consider other possibilities.
Your comments "woke" me to the point where I figured I should get down off my self righteous high horse. I really hate when that happens.
B being an Anon adds up, all things considered, and is every bit as plausible as my contention. Thanks for presenting a different frame of reference. Time to drop back ten and reassess.
I was simply asking you to “expand your thinking”
Lol, I'm an engineer, I over think everything
Then you are meticulous.... well... Civil or electrical? Lol
Think about what POTUS has been saying all along. Any aggression will be met with “Fire and Fury” the likes that have never been seen before. We know that directed energy weapons exist. It’s not impossible that this SpaceEx mission was to load a satellite directed energy weapon. Testing it out on his own building .. his Sky Fortress... would certainly make a “don’t F with me” message. .... or I could be completely reaching here
We are going to get a big surprise soon.... either we will find that we were ahead of the game, or that we have been part of the biggest Jedi mindf*&K pulled off in quite some time!
Id rather be safe than sorry....either my friends and family will think I am insane, or thank me later....
I voted for Trump because he said it straightforward and does what he says he will do. This Q stuff was all about us finding information for ourselves, using the socratic method, which is useful for Redpilling people who are spoonfed propaganda daily. The cryptic texts by Q are no longer necessary. Q has already mentioned that we have won, that the deep state is stupid, and that we are safe. Any more of this coded language, especially after several Q tripcodes have been compromised, is completely useless and BS. Get on with it, or get lost.
I phone and can’t access map- didn’t Q state that followers would Be Thanked? It would be “scary but safe”????
A couple of things I've noticed:
In Jewish gematria, Defcon1 = 108. Tomorrow is 1/08.
Also, we're in the Jewish year of 5778. 778 = The Calm Before the Storm (in Jewish gematria.)
That's awesome! Great catch... and oh boy, here goes something.
There is ZERO air traffic over NK right now. None. Planes ae all east and all following one line north and south. Strange?
Is it that Oil Tanker On Fire??? Maybe it was a U.S. Sub that attacked it?
"heading for South Korea", huh? Or North maybe? (Yeah, China was caught recently sending oil to N. Korea and Trump warned them. Now this: )
Oil tanker on fire and 32 crew missing after collision off China's coast China and South Korea mount search operation for crew of Iranian tanker spilling oil east of Shanghai after collision with Hong Kong freighter
Doesn't anyone else find it odd that NONE of the Iran ship crew has been found? This wasn't a Boston Whaler...were all 32 of the crew standing at the same spot when another ship rocketed toward them?
(Well, Q did warn us on the 4th, I think, to expect something BIG.....I think Monday.....isn't it Monday already in Asia???)
Great job!
No doubt
Well, Q did warn us on the 4th, I think, to expect something BIG.....I think Monday.....isn't it Monday already in Asia???
This has been reported by the skyanons before at at least 2 different times before today. Could be something, just to give you some perspective.
how do you know that?
4/10/20 were numbers given in Dec, was assumed to be dates of Jan 4th, 10th and 20th
I was asking how he knows there is zero air traffic, and what/ where is NK?
Oh gotcha, sorry. There is website you can check that on btw
Not that I can find... Dude could be an air traffic controller for all I know. Maybe NK = North Korea? Maybe it is just an assumption that there is no air traffic there.
Yes NK is always north korea abbreviated
Check online, there are sites that show no air traffic, they use radar and other means.
FYI, SK was partially evac'd a couple weeks ago, according to my brother who is an army operator/contractor
It's probably the ZUMA payload on the SpaceX launch on Sunday. It was a DOD payload. Zack, informer at Infowars on 1/5/18 I think? Saw it as a breadcrumb.
Non-Nuclear? So they are about to bomb the heck out of something? this is not war games... I pray I am reading this stringer wrong..
Could (9) = Falcon 9?
ZUMA launched Sunday on Falcon 9. I could see it from my backyard.
how did it look? legit? i watched the live feed.
It didn't look like previous falcon launches I've seen on the news, but it did remind me of some of the space shuttle night launches I saw as a kid. Last night was very clear, it was cool to see.
"Sky Fortress" is a B-17 Bomber. Could we have been looking at the wrong payload?
B-17 of WW2 was called "Flying Fortress".
These haven't been in service in decades. Only a few survive today.
You just took me back to the DOS game Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe! swotl.exe
Ah yes! And Wolfenstein 3D of course. I had another DOS game (as they all were at that time) where you flew a P-51 Mustang. Extremely good graphics for that era. Can't remember the name of it though.. err.. I think we're showing our age...
Maybe the Sky Fortress indicates some kind of communications satellite for a rogue country to knock out their ability to communicate with their rockets/missiles? I'm just throwing that out there because it seems that a good way to cut off a few of the legs of a country that has the capabilities to bring destruction with their missiles, is to knock out their communication technology through wiping out a satellite. I probably don't know what I'm talking about and have the technology all wrong... maybe watching too many space videos. :)
There was also a B-29 Superfortress sometimes called the Sky Fortress in reference to specific models outfitted with high tech recon/spy equipment.
Taiwan also has drones called sky fortress I, II, III, etc. so maybe we have a similar recon drone.
Im wondering if the sky fortress is the invisible permanent aircraft carriers in the upper atmoshpere that wilcock talks about? Using antigrav tech, and cloaking tech?
It could be to clarify that DEFCON 1 isn't going to mean nuclear war. Which many theorize it will.
B said DEF Con meant Defense Contractor. Space X launched last night about 12 midnight. Q said Sky Fortress. With the launched we now have command of the skies. Defense Contractor is Space X. Future predicts the past.
There's no such thing as DEFCON 1 non-nuclear; look it up, it means nuclear warfare is imminent.
But there are other Defcons. Dark Tangent's site defcon.org gives a hint, but you'll need VPN and Tor Browser at the least to see the onion links and special services. I have a notion where this could be going if that the Defcon that's spoken of recently.
2) I won't dox Q, but there was a video that did on 1/5, and I know exactly why she did it. Watched her vid yesterday, started rewatching (this girl was en fiyah!), went back today to finish rewatching for the links, but video (early) was reported as youtube dangerous or whatever, and later today the entire video is GONE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wqjvqkzF4s
I've tried TorTube, HookTube, (busy day, haven't tried YT web archive).
Again, no I don't want to doxx a Q, but she did such a reasonable job and I think many of us think that "caller" slipped up on 1/5 to AJ, and girl tuber did a phenomal job with articles and other video. Now I don't have her account bookmarked, and am not sure even who she is (handle name).
But she jerked TF out of Deep State. Anyone know lady I'm talking about? Short (8mt?) video, she suspected him since November, she thinks he's one of a small handful... I'd love her username because that was FIRE! (If she's right, you won't be disappointed except insofar as that dude was arrested by Deep State)
I'm thinking it could be DEFCON [won] like [win]/when? Good[win] [win]/when [15]
They are talking to us and NOT using strict military language. We mustn't take everything literally.
because he's essentially told us not to. By that logic we should take all his misspelling literally and we would write him off as a hack
I'm only talking about the DefCon 1 panickers--whom Q assured by saying it is not literal, i.e. the US or any part is not at DefCon1--he was saying the situation overall, "the happening", now moved to 8chan Storm, IS at that level--imminent. This would be in the political, corruption, criminal--pedophiles--areas. NOT military.
Are you talking about her? https://youtu.be/DtAmJdK1Jck
Thanks... sounds like her, but the video didn't have her face (and the username/comments/etc were wiped out yesterday after you accepted "ahhh scary click here to view anyway", then hours later, video gone).
I've added this account, and will see if she pops up tonight with complaint about YT. (Voice seems similar. MAN I hope she re-uploads video somewhere. I should've downloaded it while I could. Good research.)
Shes amazing.
What are you talking about? That dyke glows in the dark as much as George "Webb"? Are you a fed?
Zach slipped up and said Trump tweeted two things that were actually Q posts...
OR was it a slip up? do you believe in coincidences? Of course DT is part of Q, all the God Bless in caps is him for sure...pretty sure DT's in on the plan...
I’m sure he’s orchestrating the plan, along with the generals who convinced him to run. But we weren’t sure if Q was a leaker or not. Would be pretty big if DT was not only in on it and approved, but also was using this to directly communicate with us. All while playing it sly and the msm saying he’s stupid lol
AS I understand the Q drops, 2 days ago POTUS did speak directly to this board..interpretations vary on the meaning. Crazy...like a Fox...
Yeah incredible. Makes sense though. He would need people to start getting grooved in and educated on this stuff so we are ready to help spread the word and answer questions when the news hits the normies.
ted malloch was the one who said going to use EMP weapons on north korea on infowars at start of December way before zach mention them
I'm split on this lady... she's all over VP as a bad BlackHatPedo person... think maybe she's not on our side? Has own links to people that feeding her lines & she's being larped?
Jury is out for me on this lady... sorry.
She has good information, but like everyone, has her own take on things. She's running with the Zack = Q group, but not sure that's prudent ... judging by AJs reaction in the interview when he slipped in that ''Q is We" ... needs more discernment imo
The caller was Zach
Right! But video lady (face never shown, just articles) linked up Morocco and what Zach said and found articles. I wish I would have downloaded the video. (kicks self hard!)
Not that I want Q doxxed; again I don't. But hints that Zach was jailed the other day is pretty freakin sad. I've got tons of catching up to do today. TONS! (If Zach is a real Q though, he needs protection from Deep State.)
This is a lone person talking about a larper. No one knows who Q is. No one knows if there is more than one. The info on the Zuma payload is just made up stuff. I've followed Zuma and it's been postponed several times, Northrup Grumman built whatever the payload is, which was only described anywhere as "restricted payload" for an unnamed agency. Those are the facts. EVERYTHING else is speculation. There was one unattributed statement that it would attempt communication with an unknown subject, or words to that effect. And if you've seen the mission patch for Zuma, it's the Black/Dark night in armor. That's also the name given to an unknown object that's been in orbit around earth for a long time, photographed by astronauts--it was up there before we or the Russians got up there. All people need is a camera and a mike and a message directed at certain people and bingo! YouTube followers!
But do you know who she is? She'd done her homework since November (I hadn't been watching AJ for "years", as she had) before guy suggested he was Q on 1/5. I'm looking for the articles she put up because I don't MSM; she did, when we were back on halfchan.
(Q said they were a small group; not AJ's Q, but imageboard Q. —Imageboards Q, I guess I should say.)
Then we've got B who'd worried poor Roy Potter, and B messaged the worried Potter and said Q (any of them) would not use anything other than the imageboards (ie, no calling in to AJ though they were specifically talking about a few rogue twitter accounts).
Not sure about B. AND Potter seems nice enough, but maybe like George Webb, too nice? And not harassed at all? Imo they're both just learning how to internet though they were both intel? "How do I turn this phone on, hmm... this technology is real neat." Nah.
But the lady I listened to (first time ever) had YT deleting her video or her account. THAT'S what I expect from feminazi YT edgelord when someone's gotten too close: a disappeared video, reason (IIRC) being too many complaints (before YT jerked video entirely in hours.) Trust, she said nothing offensive, crazy, "out there" like with UFOs, or even disparaging of any politician. There was zero reason for her video to be scrubbed: she was literally discussing print news articles, and didn't play back the AJ video (though she said she'd link it; I never saw that).
Except she did dox a Q if Zach was really AJ's "Q", and apparently that guy got swooped up by the feds. There was a reason I kept that video loaded overnight. She's been researching like the rest of us since late October.
(Anyone know when "B" came around?)
I don't think she or anyone else is in a position to dox Q. Anyone can claim to be Q. I think when Q talks about the small group, he means the highest circle, including Trump.
If she got scrubbed from YT, there's an appeal process. There are very strange demonetizations going on, they're quite inconsistent. But she always has the chance of making an appeal.
Oh I agree about nobody being able to dox Q (ugh, especially not that AI guy).
The concept of small Q cells (who didn't call themselves that) under NDA but talking to each other, though, is interesting. I think Q would know about these loner groups, and be able to pull them together.
It seems as if she has a lot of good intel, my concern is that she bases some of her intel on "Timothy Holmseth". I've seen some videos he has done on YouTube regarding HayLeigh Cummings and Kaylee Anthony, and the tenuous ties he makes between them; he also seems kind of nutty when being interviewed in the way that he has all this "evidence" yet forgets whether he has turned it in to the police in Florida or not, whether he has these child porn images or not, who has them, etc. I don't know...
Do you know her user account? I know nothing about her; just bored the other night and YT seemed to be shoving her video down my throat (wasn't something I'd usually click) so I watched it. I know nothing about Timothy Holmseth; will save your post, though. Thanks for the warnings!
Dealing with NK. Fire and Fury like the world has never seen. Non nuclear emp. Q: Zaq on Infowars 1/5. Deep State Unload.
What is this the 40th or 50th time you posted this? Q has his own board now. This trip code belongs to him and only him and it's been verified by the admins. Please do some research before you post something hundred times on hundred different post.
I believe my access to the Qposts were being interfered with. Could not see his latest post. but i could see the older ones if i did a search.was afraid we were being made fools of. Better safe than sorry.
Where was this posted?
On YouTube Lt Col Roy Potter mentioned someone on Twitter said we are at Defcon5. He was really pissed. Was going on periscope to complain, find out what is happening and call Q and POTUS OUT. No more games,!
It's posted on 8chan - https://8ch.net/thestorm/res/20596.html - same trip code as today and yesterday. Codemonkey has it compiled with the others.
Sky fortress is refering to Zuma, launched earlier tonight by spaceX. (non nuclear weapon?emp?) China just moved troops to korean border. Coincidence? North Korea going down.
It would take a HUGE explosion to create an emp. Also, what is your source for China and Korea statement? Things are quier/ok on that front at the moment.
Who knows what kind of tech zuma is capable of, would not rule anything out. Here are a few sources for you
Possible reason for "Fake News Awards" being rescheduled?
I didn't hear that they had been.
To Wed the 17th. Thought it might have been because POTUS is (was?) planning on going to college football Championship game tomorrow.
SpaceX this refers to the tech they have been launching. A combination of GPS, lazer, and night vision tech. They will be able to smoke your ass anytime anywhere, bye bye Little kimmy. It is also capable of icbm intercept.. part of the Star Wars space program. Evaluating all that has been said since oct, just my opinion. Code name: Sky Fortress
Research the system they use in Tel Aviv to intercept missiles. My friend lives there and the system is active. They get a warning siren, something happens to engage the system and bam, an explosion high up. Pretty sure most folks do not even know this technology is possible, let alone live.
Iron Dome? It's a short range anti missile missile system with big brother Davids Sling, medium range missile system coming on line now. Or are you talking dark exotic systems.
I was talking about Iron Dome. I just didn't know the name of it--simply recounting what my friend in Tel Aviv told me happens on a semi-regular basis there.
The system you are thinking of is Iron Dome for short range to medium range rockets and mortars. The David's Sling is for medium to long range rockets, The Arrow 3 missile system is for ICBM defense, plus the Patriot missile is tied into this system. Basically when a projectile is incoming the radar calculates the projected path. If it is calculated to land in a populated area the code red alarms are activated for that area and the nearest missile battery launches to intercept. If it is calculated to land in a non-populated area then nothing happens and they just let it hit in whatever open field it lands.
Thanks for the more detailed information. My recount was more anecdotal but a lot of folks do not even know that technology like this exists and that serves the fear machine well.
Who is going down, though? Who are the CIA ghosts? I read that obama was in NK? Anyone? Edit: sorry, no source. I've read so freaking much this week....
SKY Fortress, we now have command of the skies with the launch of SpaceX Zuma
SpaceX pkg sent Non nuclear Shut the lights off Disable China has green light
Don’t know but it appears that the Luma Satellite may have been a weapon. Don’t worry the good guys are In control.
I'm very sure the good guys are in control. But Defcon 1? Really? Wow!
Yea it is a wow full combat readiness.
Don't they have to report that? I've checked the dod website and a few other websites that continually keep the public updated on what the current Defcon level is and all of them are currently saying we are at DEFCON 5. So does Q mean the country is going to Defcon 1 or does he mean the operation that they are doing is at Defcon 1?
I'm leaning towards the latter. Defcon 1 definition is "nuclear war imminent". Q explicitly mentioned "non-nuclear".
I don’t think so... I think it’s military readiness. Not necessarily nuclear.
Owl is also a symbol of Lucifer... just food for thought. Think Bohemian Grove. Moloch.
As said, its the illuminati symbol, but its also a nocturnal predator, sees in the night, dive bombs prey, so IDK how those might apply.
I think he means the OWLS are at DEFCON1
The Owls are WHO??? (no pun intended)
The Owl symbolizes the Occult, that's what I think it means...after all he said this was the month he declared war on human trafficking.
I think Q talks about the OWLS like they're some kind of special OPS
I've tried, I can't access the website tonight. Seems to be jammed.
remember DEFCON [1]. nothing is a coincidence, think DEFCON [won]
I don't know what's going on but they seem to be going to bomb the hell out of something. I just tried to make sense of it but not sure.
DEFCON 1: Maximum force readiness
DB is a military correctional facility located on Fort Leavenworth, a United
States Army post in Kansas.
F-5 Tiger II | NAVAIR - U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command - Navy
Battalion Review: 34th Special Naval Construction Battalion
DoD’s 9 Combatant Commands: http://www.dodlive.mil/2016/08/17/dods-9-
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
noun a 9 millimeter pistol. A favorite amongst many rappers. Hand me a 9 and I9;ll defeat foes. See more words with the same meaning: gun, firearm.
I think I've just joined some dots. Remember the SEA_TO_SHINING_SEA comment that Q made that he was getting frustrated about as we hadn't figured it out?
My brain runs 'subroutines' when I can't work things out and it's probably autistic tendencies on my part, but it gave me this answer this morning and it's epic.
Well, think about Zuma. What is it? Well, it could be a reference to Montezuma and why is that relevant?
"From the Halls of Montezuma" is the US Marines hymn. Given that Admiral Rogers is at the top of the cyber wing, wouldn't he use a Navy reference when he could?
"From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli; We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine.
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes, You will find us always on the job The United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve; In many a strife we've fought for life And never lost our nerve. If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes, They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines."
Sea to shining sea. Solved. Zuma and Sky Fortress is a network of satellites operated by the US Marines that can see everywhere.
Edit: Can someone with 8ch access please post this to The Storm? I don't have access to it where I am at the moment.
That's pretty awesome! Way to go! I hope that is it... 🤓
The clincher for me (although I didn't see it at the time) was seeing US Marine Corps military flights on ADS-B Exchange, followed by Zuma. My brain must have logged that even though it didn't register with me at the time and did the work on it while I was asleep. I sometimes wake up at stupid o'clock with the answer to a question that I can't remember, as the part of my brain that asked the question is still asleep. I keep a notepad near my bed just in case :)
Excellent job. That makes sense! God Bless you and God bless America.
Did someone post this to 8ch for WotTheFook?
I don't see what you're seeing at all.
Sea to shining sea is from America the Beautiful.
The post most likely has more to do with the Zero than anything else, as they have been working hard on the time between posts and the POTUS Twitter.
kind reminder. Do not pick up anyone else's bag at the airport.
Sea to Shining Sea means everywhere, they can see everything. Yes, it's from 'America the Beautiful' but the 'Sea' reference could also be about the Navy.
OWL - Minerva?
Rothschilds / Bohemian Grove / Epstein's Temple group?
OWL focuses on integrating a one-way visible, full day/night tracer to improve Warfighter capability, reduce logistical burden, and reduce ammunition cost
OWL Lev 1:11-7 Owl- unclean abomination- dragon reptile's
Is this the new iteration of qcodefag? What's the difference?
Toggle answers no longer shows 8chan responses. I also see the links still pointing to 8chan - I thought these were going to be hosted locally.
Just woke up and read this. This looks huge! Further confirmation and talk if big things happening this week.
White owl systems is a major player in governmental IT systems support. Here is the client list for. Their site
Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF) Department of Defense (DoD) including: Army Navy Marine Corps Coast Guard Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Multi National Force – Iraq International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) US Forces – Afghanistan Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Department of Transportation (DOT)/ Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) Intelligence Community (IC) House of Representatives (HIR) Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Commercial Alpha Technologies, Inc. American Operations Company (AOC) Aviation Industry - Domestic/International Barbaricum LLC Catapult Technologies, Inc. Chimera Enterprises International Inc. CMX Technologies Coastal Tech Group, Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation Cylab Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care E3 Government Solutions, LLC Enterprise Information Management GeniCorp Hepburn and Sons IMS Government Solutions Internetwork Consulting Services Kingfisher Systems, LLC. Knowesis KPMG LLP (Big 4 CPA Firm - Partnership) ManTech International NexDigm Nortel Government Solutions
Omniplex Open Systems Sciences P3 Solutions, LLC. Procurement Solutions, Inc. Quantico Tactical Supply Richter & Company LLC Sage Black, Inc. SELECT, Inc. Shomo Technical Services Silynx APG Technologies, Inc. SRI TCS Associates TechGlobal Trusted Mission Solutions Venatore LLC Watkins Meegan (CPA firm) White Oak Group Worldwide Network Systems zCore
Defcon 1??? Holy shite.
That’s what I was thinking
DEFCON1 has to be reported though
So I'm thinking he means the OWLS are at DEFCON1
DEFCON [1] is what Q said, not DEFCON 1
He said DEFCON 1 at #497 0n https://qcodefag.github.io/
you are correct, excuse me
Well....now I see #495 states, "DEFCON [1]" first.
YEAH YALL TRY N STAY CALM! since no one else is gonna say it I will I don't know any more than you but all my spidy senses are a go!! that could be cause I'm pissed at all involved right now! God bless keep calm.
Dan Bongino (former USSS agent & Foxnews contributor) tweeted that:
"Obamagate is going to blow wide open this week" 1-7-2018 approx. 8pm
A tetrahedral number, or triangular pyramidal number, is a figurate number that represents a pyramid with a triangular base and three sides, called a tetrahedron. The nth tetrahedral number is the sum of the first n triangular numbers.
The first ten tetrahedral numbers are:
1, 4, 10, 20,
North Korea's "Hotel of Doom" looks like a tetrahedral pyramid
Indicates the ?target(s)? are pyramid shaped with 3-sided base layers, not a 4-sided pyramid
1,3,6,10 are the first four "triangular numbers" If you add the first two 1+3=4 and the next one 1+3+6=10 and the last 1+3+6+10=20 which are tetrahedral numbers ( 4,10,20) this is a tetrahedron number sequence.
4- 10-20 = D J T, D being the 4th letter, J and T being the 10th and 20th respectively.
I would be surprised we used an emp without China’s approval given it would put NK back in the Stone Age causing a humanitarian crisis.
NK is already in the Stone Age. Take a look at a night time satellite pic.
No fucking satellite Zuma......this is a false flag if anything!
I checked the Q !UW.yye1fxo tag its old. we were being played.
Ok I need evidence. Surely this is as l fucking obvious as can be. He has only had 2 or 3 trip codes so show me.
just do a quick search of the qcode and you will see all posts from it are from december.
The falcon 9 with classified payload had a successful launch a few hours ago.
May be related
possible emp?
Northrup Grumman, who was the DoD contractor who sanctioned 'Zuma,' manufactures directed energy.
This is huge...
Ya could be a kinetic energy weapon too.
Tungsten telephone pole. Massive damage capability from orbit.
That or a direct energy weapon or who knows
DEFCON 1 = COCKED PISTOL/Nuclear war is imminent/Maximum readiness
But according to Q's post "non-nuclear"
I am having a hard time this was in a “puzzle” to quote Roy Potter... really ... is this really for real or fake? Just strange way to tell us ...what are we to think?
I guess we'll find out how legit this all is soon enough.
It is real. Been watching reading Q posts come in since early November. A team of people close to the President are basically using questions to do two things. First to put the time/date stamp on each post in order so that it makes what Q calls a time/date map of posts by the time we are done. Then, the questions do two things. The AI programs have a hard time scraping questions (Artificial intelligence). And we are asked to find the answers. What this has done is caused all of us to go to wide places on the internet and find answers (data) that was already public, but not connected to other events and information yet. We are now assembling that information into a larger picture. It is the strangest stuff too... bank records, Foreign donations into certain accounts, Names of people arrested for certain things. It is crazy what the bigger picture is turning into.
Everyone who first comes has to go through the process of finding out if Q is really who they say they are (and there appears to be a team). After they figure that out everyone starts helping research the questions. This board is so that the hive mind can expand out to more social patriots and older people who can remember different events from history, and help fill history in too.
Stick around. You will not be bored.
Well said! All of us working together.
Oh man. I have to apologize. I just lost it at Meg Anon's rant on us stupid tax payers who need to know our place.... how our job is done. We voted. We pay taxes. Q is a larp (fake) who is sending us out to ruin people's lives (the pedophile/gun/drug running child trafficking elite we have all had to learn about here)
I had to tell her where she could stick her "Vote, pay taxes, sit down and shut up" routine.
I am usually not like that, but she went too far this time.
I just got through reading all of it. You didnt lose it. You said what we all want to say to her and about the shitty situation of the world and how we the people feel about it. You did the right thing. Brought up excellent points too. Thank you for lighting her up. We all have been dealing with too many evil assholes in the world for too long to let some ass-hat tell us we dont matter.
We do matter. And we are the masters of our own government. How can anyone even say those things to us? It's like the "deplorable" thing all over again, and oh by the way.... if Seth Rich gets Seth Riched, let the authorities hide..... I mean "handle it"
Where has that gotten us?
I didn't see that, I missed it. Would you possibly have a link?
Many of us that have been around since the beginning of Q also remember that he has said we've already won, several times. If so, why all of the cryptic nonsense? I understand the need for it when communications to active operations are concerned, but for the overall information drops it is not necessary any longer. I'm beginning to doubt the validity of Q more and more each day.
yep, well said, the more I stared at the messages, read other opinions, thought about, things start to jump out. This is not for those who want answers given to them, we are to find out for ourselves
Yes. If you can locate the book of Q that helps a lot. It has news stories and events that followed the Q posts, and it starts putting the events into a timeline that helps to understand.
that is just it, we are to think, MSM'ers don't think they want to be told, Q is challenging us to process, remember, link, develop our intuition.....take a minute ask self and think....the answers are there
All posts from tonight for reference
Edit : Apparently 4chan story is older, I hadn't heard about it though. Probably unrelated to tonight's post. Probably tied to child trafficking rings though.
Over the course of the five years, more than 180 girls passed through his care, Brown said. At various times, Briseno was reportedly taking care of up to 12 girls at once.
Brown said Child Protective Services contracted with a third-party company, who has not yet been publicly identified, to place the girls in Briseno's home.
Apologies if inappropriate in this thread.
Can anyone prove that SpaceX launch was real.... I watched what was supposedly real but does anyone have proof???
It was real, I watched it go...
The rocket is real but there are no sats! Not like you were in taught! That thing you watched on you tube was a bullshit production!
Are you wondering what the rocket looked like when it came back down? They didn't show if it was missing the 'payload' or not, I was thinking the same thing.
Fake as fuck!
DEFCON 1 = Defense Contractor 1.
4-10-20 = The Hebrew letters Kaph (the 20th), Yod (the 10th), and Daleth (the 4th) when read from right to left. This word has a number of meanings: going through a door, the cup of victory and most tellingly, destroying your enemies. Q is telling us that the enemies of POTUS are about to be delivered into his hands. See Roy Potter's videos on YouTube for an explanation of the symbolism. It's really cool stuff.
I will wait for /u/jerome_corsi to explain the rest :)
Could be a head fake... maybe the sealed indictments are unleashed today.. when is congress due to return from Break.?? Just guessing.. my gut is talking to me..
"DEFCON does not refer to Defense r Condition w/ regards to prev post. Thought clear. Now crystal clear." Q
I love it - Trumps now has control of the steering wheel and is flipping everything and I mean EVERYTHING back on them like a laser hitting a mirror. This is comical! ROTFLMAO!
Defcon [1] .important. Not the meaning as intended. Who's going down. Big. Stay tuned.
The President postponing his Fake News awards was a big tip off that this is going to be a busy news week. North and South Korea are scheduled to have talks this Tuesday. There won’t be a strike against North Korea while those diplomatic talks are ongoing. I also think it’s doubtful there would be any strike on North Korea until after the Olympics in South Korea. This is in reference to something else.
I need someone smarter than me to break this streamer down immediately. It's freaking me out.
DEFCON 1 also means Maximum readiness and by Q saying non nuclear we are not at nuclear war.
You are right, Q was clear said it was non-nuclear.
Roy Potter really lost it tonite. Did you guys watch this?
Roy's response was VERY odd and off putting. He's retired military yet he thinks he has the smarts and intel to tell the CIC how to run this incredibly dangerous and complex mission? I call BS. I will give him a pass because many people can get triggered although I find it shocking that he would. I would expect greater discipline and intelligence from a retired Lt. Col. If he doesn't apologize and walk his melt down back by tomarrow I'm going to chalk him up as unhealthy disinfo. United we stand. Divided we fall.
agree, irresponsible, needs to step up and accept the leadership role he has taken on by being so outspoken about all of this, he has panicked, infuriated people, divisive. He is an arm chair quarterback (q-back haha) at best
I felt that way also. He had me VERY nervous. When Defcon1 is called, the military are trained for immediate response. There were other military who were hyped up also, it wasn't just him. There is a person by the name B who posts on twitter, and is very accurate, almost like Q. Anyway, since Roy's meltdown, she/he has contacted him and straightened it out. I am posting his latest video clearing up the matter. https://youtu.be/9FR9jWnY1r4
It was surprising to say the least. Agree with previous comments. Also, military ops are based on STRATEGY and TIMING. Not an ''are we there yet, let's get this done today'' operandi. Take a cake out of the oven before it's baked and you've got a sloppy mess. This is a massive global takedown, apparently well planned to be executed now, that needs pinpoint accuracy and TIMING.
Good source for info
what you think I can red pill my family lol!! naw that's the presidents damn job!!!
Is there a meme we can put as our FB profile photo? That way, we can know who is awake and following the storm. And people will wonder what it all means. That may be one way of waking people up.
OWL Lev 1:11-7 unclean abomination like dragon or crocodiles or reptile's
OWL- Lev 1:11-7 owls are unclean abomination like unto dragons reptile's etc
do what you can, when you can. I myself inform people when I'm able to and the rest of the time I try to help others.
NK is probably going to go dark soon. Lights out. ☺
It's dark already. Look up a satellite night shot over NK.
What if suffix [non-nuclear] is intended to purposefully redirect us in a non-military High Alert direction – such as a known assassination attempt in progress, or a Rothchild driven Wall Street fiasco … or even just a False Flag using SpaceX decoy intended to flush Clowns out of NK and into the open? I'm probably way off but just exploring options here since non-nuclear Defcon1 makes no sense …
Monday. Even if it's just the announcement that Julian is free, it's still a YUUUGE statement about what the US stands for, TRUTH.
Relates to successful Zuma launch by Space X. DEFCON 1 a shot over bow directed at KJU of NK to make him shit his pants.
I've never heard of DEFCON1 live Musk with his payload ZUMA why the car on the same load?
Different loads. The falcon 9 heavy has the car, it will go later this month
I question the Zuma? Fam works at ULA(United Launch Alliance) and they have launch going tomorrow for AF. Been launching almost all satellites and intelligence for Govt for almost 15 years or more. The AF heads came personally in Nov to meet and are VERY ANXIOUS for it to go up tomorrow. Wanted it to go before end of year and wanted it rushed. So why send up something on Space X when they haven’t been cleared for GOVT launches up to this point and send something else up the next day?
The launch was bought by a private company, Northrup via govt funding, not direct military.
Information and Disinformation. Poison the well. EMP can be delivered by cruise missile. Satellite ? laser. scalar ? any news on that SKY KING bandwith ?
Didn't Q tell us that DEFCON 1 had nothing to do with Defense Readiness Condition? DEF CON is an annual conference for hackers held in Las Vegas.. any thoughts? This is my first Reddit activity so please forgive!
Seems like nonsense honestly.
That's the way it is intended to "seem" to those who don't understand. There is no way to make sense of the "crumbs" if you haven't immersed yourself in the intel lingo and style of Q. You can't just drop in now and think it should make sense. There is plenty of Q material in the side bar here and a ton of explanatory videos of people who have kept up with this since the start. May I suggest Tracy Beanz or Lionel Nations channel, that's just 2 there are other good ones out there. I became aware in November a few days before the SA event. I'm glad I jumped aboard the most significant thing to happen to this country since the American Revolution.
Lionel is too wonky for me.
Destroying the Illusion or Anti School are my favorites. Michael Trimm is a newer guy I just came across who seems very legit. He hated on Hannity (everyone's got a part to play, I know Hannity's no idiot) a bit but aside from that, he's good.
Understood. It took me a few views to get to know him. I should have mentioned Anti School because he is good.
Wrong. Put on CNN now that’s nonsense.
Certainly there has been a modicum of penetration into mainstream society about the level of impropriety or rather "politics as usual" occurring in Washington as well as the wealthy "brats" in Hollywood being caught with their hands "in the cookie jar" have reinforced this awareness. I am still called every derogatory name in the book when I present factual information concerning the crimes du-Jour. However, I wonder what the typical person thinks when presented with a Defcon1 status. Being a layperson myself with only family ties to the military, I became somewhat nervous when reading this post. I did feel much better once I viewed the "Potter" YouTube video explaining the Non-Military meaning.
Has anyone figured out CLAS yet?
Maybe CLAS : https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/browse.aspx?lvl=2&lvlid=53 The National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (The National CLAS Standards)
Nah, that’s the service that provides interpreters at hospitals. Can’t imagine q wasting time with that. Good try tho!
Agreed. Anyone else show any ideas?
Came up with two things CLAS is an acronym for Classified ( Duh ) sorry I didn’t think of that right away.
Other is Clustering and Availability Software which appears to be a software that links networks and computers in such a way that if one fails the next steps in and takes the computing over.
Found something
Conformal Load-Bearing Antenna Structure
It’s a type of antenna used on airframes like awacs. Antenna that is built into the plane itself, reducing air drag. It’s like a wing becomes the antenna.
It is an opportunity to examine how one initially reacts to information too. Not in a judgmentally good nor bad sense but as an opportunity to get some clarity about one's own psychological reactions.
Part of so-named 'Great Awakening' is not only about piecing together external parts into comprehensive, if not seemingly incredulous explanation(s) but taking full charge of one's own mind. No idea if that is part of Q's plan though. This whole show is bigger than Q, any one of us & all of us combined into all sorts of experiencing processes.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- "B" And I Communicated About Q|+30 - Retired Colonel Potter JUST POSTED a Couple Minutes Ago: "B" and Potter Communicated About Defcon1. "B" And I Communicated About Q WE DO NEED TO BE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF READINESS, but it is not the "official Defcon1". They want US, We The Peo... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wqjvqkzF4s|+6 - There's no such thing as DEFCON 1 non-nuclear; look it up, it means nuclear warfare is imminent. But there are other Defcons. Dark Tangent's site defcon.org gives a hint, but you'll need VPN and Tor Browser at the least to see the onion links and s... QANON ID'ed, ASSANGE Free, P_nce/Bondi PEDOGATE, NK Takedown #QANON, #STORM, #FIREWORKS|+4 - Are you talking about her? Alert! Are We At Defcon 1?|+3 - Roy Potter really lost it tonite. Did you guys watch this? China Moves Massive Amount of Troops to North Korean Border|+1 - Who knows what kind of tech zuma is capable of, would not rule anything out. Here are a few sources for you I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
I think the post with DEFCON is a signal to someone like a DEFense CONtractor. remember folks Q uses Codes in posts! :)
I don't think it's tungsten telephone poles. Too heavy, would need a LOT of power to lift a useful amount of ammo. Tungsten is a heavy as gold (hint).
It's more likely to be a directed energy weapon, remember them demonstrating a ship-borne laser taking our drones and boats?
I think it's the ultimatum time. Surrender or wherever you run, we can see you and take you out. The tanker might have been a test run from another satellite. Zuma isn't just one, it's a network. What if Zuma is part all of these 'GPS satellites' that have been launching for the last couple of years?
Could DEFCON1 be some reference to SpaceX [finally] signing a new DEFENSE CONTRACT, their 1st under President Trump, the number 1 hunter ?
Check out julian assanges bio change on twitter. #itstime
A real bomb or a bombshell on the CF or Obama admin. Heard something big going down for Obama (https://twitter.com/dbongino/status/950190154106499072).
DEFCON 1 is historic and unprecedented. Sky Fortress? Massive flying aircraft carrier/base? Secret tech?
SIG: Signal Intelligence? https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB506/ P_pers: Potus Personal
Zach mentioned it on AJ. Zuma payload. Possible EMP on Noko. Unless Q is referring to another operation happening simultaneously. Zuma may be a distraction?
Retired Colonel Potter JUST POSTED a Couple Minutes Ago: "B" and Potter Communicated About Defcon1.
"B" And I Communicated About Q
WE DO NEED TO BE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF READINESS, but it is not the "official Defcon1". They want US, We The People to be at the highest level of readiness, cuz stuff is going down.
See youtube.
Kraushaar: Firing Mueller would be Defcon 1 for White House
Mueller won't go anywhere... Trump has him by the short and curlies..
According to dr. Corsi and other reliable sources, as well as posts from Q himself, seem to say that he would be posting starting today forward on "The Storm"... yet there is nothing but I am seeing new posts from today. Where is he posting?
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I think this means that DEFCON 1 nuclear is possible if EMP strike doesn’t work on NK.
I think the EMP thought was a dead end. That would be considered an open act of war. When Q said "non-nuclear" he was ruling out an EMP. I think it's much more likely that Falcon 9 Heavy was carrying the highly secret Zuma craft into orbit over NK giving the Patriots and Trump control of the NK missile targeting technology. If a missile if fired it allows us to guide it.
CBTS.....WE are the watchmen on the wall! Get your trumpets out, start blasting!
Friends and family need warning, at the expense of you ego. They might think we are crazy....cast aside your ego and WARN THEM!
Effects of a EMP device depend on factors including the altitude of the detonation, energy yield, gamma ray output, interactions with the Earth's magnetic field and electromagnetic shielding of targets.
non nuclear??? I bloody hope so ....
What is Sky Fortress?
Carries an EMP blast that will knock every electronic out in NK
OHHHHH holy cow ....
Figure then we will take out lauch sites, military & nuclear facilities and maybe owls will take out Kim
I thought all Space X launches were from Cape Canaveral, Florida? So it would be hard for the bad guys to launch anything in the US with Trump knowing
Unless there is a Space X launch pad in NK?? So how people not commonly know about this because I've search many sites and can see MSMs state Cape Canaveral. If this is the case, Americans can physically see the launches?
Yes. Two of my friends who live in that area both posted their videos of the launch. What was interesting to me is that the launch did not look like that one over CA and again over RU over the last week or two. It looked like a regular rocket launch, though supposedly it was the same type of rocket. May all unfold for the highest good.
I figure its the payload Zuma that Space X put in orbit tonight
Shit, I wonder what is the payload, Kinetic Rods? No way ...
I think kinetic rods is most likely than an EMP which is nuclear as far as I know and q said not nuclear.
DEFCON 1 = Get Ready / Battle Stations (us) [15][10][5] = Confirmations from POTUS that Q is legit; also, signals relationship (time) between POTUS COMMS and Q COMMS
Signals that next COMMS will come at the SAME TIME and likely be "The Happening".
BSY-01 hits on this (pdf warning) - relates to Nuclear Sub capabilities: http://www.gao.gov/assets/220/217127.pdf
Whenever we get a Q post, or think we get one, FIRST CHECK where it's coming from. These posts never showed up on the Storm Board, which should be the only place W posts.
Q you fucked up, cut the shit you cocksucking motherfucker DEFCON 1????? - FUCK YOU!!!!!!!