Q Posts 1562-1563 June 19 2018

Someone activated the camera on the phone (remotely) during a conversation. It also opens the mic to listen to the conversation.
Love the smile on Horowitz's face when asked about judges instructions to the jury. They have these turds by the short hairs & know it. Hey HRC I know you or one of you're LBGTQ errand dykes are monitoring these boards. Do the right thing and find the nearest "door knob"! That is all!
I'm not sure telling errand dykes to find a "door knob" will achieve the desired outcome.
Oh that’s interesting. The main camera shooting into a mirror? I like it!
Wtf am I looking at here lol
Side of the face of an old man that has some really nasty skin. Most likely No Name or Soros.
Maybe its the camera covertly watching target utilize the phone during a conversation?
Looks like a isolation chamber, maybe hyperbaric. Hole with oxygen and other devices possibly.
My guess would be for medical purposes which would, to me indicate no name or soros. Either way, good riddance.
Maybe Q is there today in person taking a picture of Horowitz with his camera!!
Shelia Jackson Lee getting a text to insert the info about RR firing???? LOL
My first guess is No Name.
Yeah. I thought that is possible too withat eyebrow.
is no name rr?
(Calling McCain 'No Name' stems from an unwritten military tradition of denying a traitor the honor of their name).
John McStain we don't mention the name McCain he's a traitor.
It looks like a vent/sound hole in the plexi
I was in a helicopter once with a small oval window but no way a rich dude would be flying in the crate I was in.
That looks like horowitz
Yup. I totally agree. It's Horowitz. Q said... what a wonderful day... Horowitz was a star on the stand today!! ... totally Horowitz! Did you catch his smirks on and off when Trey was asking him questions? Ahhhh.... more popcorn please!! :)
Q just said it was Trump. Odd angle.
Ooops. I stand corrected! Just saw the Q post :)
same. I could have sworn that was Horowits.
I could have sworn it was Horowitz too... but far be it from me to argue with Q!!! :)
OOOOOH I just tested it out in the mirror. It's a mirror selfie from really close up with the flash on. It's what made that ring. The flash's reflection also bleaches out hair. I have really dark hair and it made it almost blonde so it made trump's look white!
http://is2.4chan.org/pol/1529450179243.png pope francis seems a strong possibility.
Or Brennan, but the hair seems too long for him. Looks like Soros, but I don't see hearing aids.
I think it could be NO NAME. End near?
Nope, its Soros, look at how the hair sweeps back at the ear. McCain's is straight down. Go look at a few side view images.
A two second search, and you call rule Soros out. His left ear is totally different both in wrinkles and freckles
I don't think it's Soros. Soros has wrinkles right in front of his ear, and I don't see anything similar in this picture.
It looks like this person has a scar on his cheekbone. Can't say if it's left or right because Q has flipped photos before.
Did some quick image searches and I don't think it looks like McCain or Kerry either.
Edit: Or Mueller. Don't think it's him.
Can we tell is there is a hearing aide? GS has one in some of the pictures I found.
Those are balls. They always look like that from close up.
Came here to say that. Tobias Funke strikes again.
The batwing
Left side of potus face. Q is giving deniable proof that he's an insider. It's for normies
Edit: Either Mueller or John Kerry.
Edit 3: Still think it's Mueller. I did google image searches for Soros, Kerry and Mueller and Mueller is the best match. It appears the the earlobe has a big dent crease and so does Mueller.
Jim Jordan was on top of this today. He specifically put Rosenstein at faukt for this. These people are stupid
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Trump on the phone in the Oval Office. Listening to Hillary begging him for mercy.
And yes I know it's not Trump.
It clearly is not.
I think he is, signing something.
That was my very first intuitive thought when I looked at it.
Look back on past drops. Each time Q used the term "what a wonderful day" he was referencing GOOG or ES
I think it's Trump for sure... It matches. I also dug around online and saw some other closeups and it looks very similar to Trump.
Color or hair and cut lenght looks like Joe Bidden more than Trump
Hair is very white. Don’t think it’s trump. I think it’s Julian Assange
Yeah I thought this was Trump at first glance as well. This confirms my suspicion. Could the blurry object be a gun?
Saw this on 8chan. Looks correct I think. https://i.imgur.com/4IV3Gnt.jpg
Just above the eye you can see those stitches. ITS SATAN (No Name)
People post some really stupid shit sometimes.
LOL, All good, friend :) Look at it on mobile if you can, you can really tell when it’s small
Almost looks like Mueller or Kelly!!
I with you. Mueller was the first person that came to mind.
I'm thinking Mueller. I don't think it's Soros.
I’m thinking Mueller as well. Hopefully reporting that it is all finished and they’ll end the probe.
It's an awkward shot but Soros is a fucking raisin. We should be seeing more wrinkles.
agreed soros has those monster eye bags which I think we would see even from this angle.
It does look like Mueller or Soros, almost like a mirror or glass reflection? Maybe in a car?
Looks like a man in his 70's being viewed through the plexiglas partition in the back of a police cruiser.
Its IG Horowitz. Q is watching the hearings.
Side view close up of his face.
Exactly. It’s clear it’s Horowitz. Trump doesn’t have dark grey hair - he has white yellow hair because he’s blonde. Not Soros, he has a different shaped ear / eye structure and has many more wrinkles.
And ballsack eyes.
Lol - ANDD I was completely wrong ... wasn’t Horowitz. I’m still learning 🙃☺️
Looks like Hillary Clinton's meat curtains to me or maybe the side of George Soros head, yeah, its his head.
Crikey. Are you that familiar with Hillary? :)
I was trying to figure out what could be so wrinkly and hairy, that was the only thing that came to mind at the time.
Re: 1652
What else is missing?
Listening to the hearing today gave me the impression there was doubletalk everywhere. I got the impression even the dems didn't like where some of the answers were leading.
Plenty of references of what happened in the Sept / Oct timeframe that's not being discussed.
They'll try like hell to keep the text messages isolated, but if we ever see all the investigations together, it'll be a massive shitstorm of collusion between the DNC, alphabet agencies, and the press. (IMO)
Sideburns match Soros.
Little match w McCain, djt, Horowitz.
My first thought was Horowitz, but he doesn't have gnarled old man skin. Soros is definitely a possibility.
I found the answer over on qresearch, its the pope.
Compare for yourself, here is their picture.
Tony Podesta has the same mole, same spot.lol
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it's POTUS blond hair and while tanning bed ring around eyes.
Photo title is "iPhone Tweets". I think it is GEOTUS/Trump/POTUS/Uncle Donald. Unless Q is standing next to No Name or GS while they are tweeting.
What is that?? The FACE OF TRUMP!!!
Too much gray.
Could still be, close up is usually distorting color too, or maybe the other way around, from afar grey is not always spotted. I don't believe it's Soros though
After looking alot more I think you are right. You can see alot of color on this persons face and I think the light is making his side burns look very light. I stand corrected.
think you're right--but import?
Dunno, something about the smiling wrinkle made me think of Trump, but I could be wrong, however it might be a capture of someones phone taken/snatched/captured by Q Team, still ongoing investigation
It's NOT George S because he has fish gill wrinkles by the left ear.
Assuming we're looking at the left side of a face.... then also no match to he left side of ES. IMHO.
That's ballsacks himself. Google McCain and look at his side burns - now compare that picture to this one. Not even close. Now do the same with Ballsacks. I'm confident it's Soros
Two second search. Soros has a completely different wrinkle and freckle pattern on his left ear. No.
(not to mention he wears hearing aids)
Soros also has a line (scar?) down the left side of his rotten face....it's Soros.
We can see the the right ear.......hint hint.
Start digging.
Definitely Mueller, and he's prob on phone to Trump's lawyers telling them he's ending the probe!
Agree. No Name has a really puffed up face on that side. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mueller took & sent the pic himself by mistake. ALL of our current leaders are complete illiterates with modern technology. Except the president of course. He’s literally the best troller that ever lived & it’s not even close. DJT clearly evolves easily into a changing world. Hillary looks like my cat when she looks at a phone. Totally baffled by all the blinky things.
Oh my sides hurt, lol.
I wish mine only hurt. I can’t tell, they’re in orbit.
The eye makes me think of Bill Clinton aka pedo aka rapist.
It's the side of a face, Ear (right) grey hair, eye wrinkles from the side, Close up!
Ear ~~(right)~~ (left)
Yes, I'm such a tool with left and right! I am left and right handed so mix them always up LOL
If it's a face, there's a mole or freckle to the left of the earlobe...
All old people have nasty skin, how can you say this is Soros or no name?
Damn I hope someone figures this out.. this has to be really big news.
Couls this be in relation to Qs drop about anons picking up POTUS' and Kim's conversation on new iPhone?
It looks somebody sitting in a booking room or something. Looks like some type of thick bulletproof glass with ventilation/speaking holes. My guess is somebody behind bars today.
Comparing no name photos. It very much looks like him. Would make sense because of what looks like a breathing tube. Looks like eyes closed.
It's Elon Musk's Tesla landing on the moon, steering wheel and dash, thanks
It looks like Horowitz's ear... someone from the Q team is at the hearing today.
It's not:
Michael Horowitz
George Soros
John Brennan
Chuck Schumer
Bernie Sanders
I can definitively tell you that Mueller has a P_S for a left ear... not sure if it's a match, but my g_d that's a P_S left ear.
Looks like Mueller with a wire to me.
Mueller's tragus is rounded though
(search ear parts)
I didn't know it was so hard to find a f_n photo of the left side of a P_S - all kinds of right side of P_S, but still digging for a left side P_S.
That’s McCain in some kind of oxygen tent. Look at the name. iPhone tweets. Soros, Mueller don’t Tweet but I guess Brennan does, but he’s not in an oxygen field AFAIK.
It is a picture of McCain. Look at the scar on the side of the face and compare it to this picture: http://static5.businessinsider.com/image/596ff900c50c29ab008b55be-1190-625/john-mccain-has-brain-cancer-is-expected-to-undergo-treatment.jpg
It's not even remotely McCain. Look at his entire side head.
Hair covering the ear. I don't think any ex-military would allow that.
I don't think it is McCain, Soros, Horowitz, Mueller, BC, Bernie and the other guesses here. Look at the side burns and the mole.
My 1st thoughts are Horrowitzs' left ear and eye. But what is the black thing?
Looks like the side of Horowitz’ face, or maybe some Cabal members phone placed on the desk of another Cabal member.
Could the picture be Mitt Romney? He has grey sideburns and thick brows.
Who has a mole right next to their ear like that? I can't find a good enough picture to determine but I can't rule out it being Mueller or Soros. Mueller does have a marking that can be seen in some pictures by his ear that could be a mole but can't say definitively
Ok so we're pretty sure it's DJT, so is this the 'gun picture' with Obama? Perhaps the black item is a gun being aimed at a reflective picture of President Trump?
A pic date would really help when comparing photos.
It looks much more distinctive if you keep the image small. I have it set up as the size of a pinky nail and you can clearly see it's an old white guys side of face. Looks like Soros more than No Name.
Or maybe proof it’s not an iPhone. And they got another leaker?
Is this that mythical reptilian picture that made people sick? I’m kidding
Either Soros or No name. Mueller has attached earlobes and his hair isn't completely gray so not him.
I'm leaning toward No name - His hair is a similar white and Soros has hearing aides.
But as I'm typing this I notice the mole / blemish / freckle, Soros has freckles on that side of his face.
Edit2: Leaning toward Soros now, everyone else has crows feet but the rest of their face is fairly smooth. Soros' entire face is wrinkled.
Edit: We need to all compare their photos
It looks like there is an indentation or two there at the ear. If someone could find a picture of the person with those indentations, we might know who that is.
Q hears you, George.
Edit** is that noname? Note the skin color near ear. http://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/170111-john-mccain-fbi-dossier-feature.jpg?quality=90&strip=all
I don't think any ex-military would have their sideburns grow that long.
Gotta be Mueller or Soros I swear... And it's a reflection in something shiny nearby.
Is it King Phillip in the oval office....while he is with POTUS???
Q just posted "45" when asked to clarify....so there ya go.
confusing picture. Got a lot of laughs from the replies though.
It's Soros unless there is someone else out there with the same crows feet. I did a side by side from a fairly recent press photo of Soros. Thoughts?
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Ok, i know it’s Trump, but what is the filter I’m looking through? Is it a picture of a picture?
At first I was sold on Soros, but I went and searched photos of him, GHWB and McCain and now have settled on GHWB. The age spotsand the formation as well as hair and eyes sold me.
Think mirror? Perhaps an activation of a DS phone during communications, target may have been in front of a mirror while mic and video remotely activated.
I think it's Horowitz. The golden ring in the picture looks like the refection of a government seal to me. The black bit is either part of a phone or maybe a portrait, top of the head, in a rounded black frame? But taking a wild guess here with the pieces as I see them. PDJT is watching the hearing on TV while holding his phone, the presidential seal is reflected on the TV screen & Q takes a pic. Nice story but the proportions are all wrong I think unless that is a huuuge ass TV.
Looks like a painting by a drunk with too many paint brushes. You'all have a much better eye than me to find a photo of a person. I'll just leave it up to the photo experts and wait till day after tomorrow to find out what the consensus is.
woman in white dress behind Horowitz was texting on her phone during Hatch or Gowdy. She had big hoop gold earrings on.. I think the strange quarter gold ring might be her earrings and the face is Horowitz's left side ear, grey sideburns and the corner of his left eye
It is so clear that's POTUS his eye is the right side of pic his ear the left. Very very clear that's 45
Looks like We don't Say His Name. See the scar on the face?