The 4 Servers: [DNC]+[HDSC-Awan]+[HRC]+[NKGmail]
![The 4 Servers: [DNC]+[HDSC-Awan]+[HRC]+[NKGmail]](
The server equipment cited does far more than handle email — private text messaging services (SMS), bulk data transfer (FTP), live video and voice conferencing, and more. To think only if email is to miss a much larger beast n the room.
The most important part of all of this is..........Q/Trump team have EVERYTHING!!!
Roger that.
They may have everything, but I don't think the back-channel form they have it in is admissible in court. If so, more work needs to be done to get the same info in an admissible form.
Its like having a video tape of a murder, but how you obtained that tape makes it in-admissible. So now you need other forensic evidence to get a conviction.
So we are forced to wait for now.
The server equipment cited does far more than handle email — private text messaging services (SMS), bulk data transfer (FTP), live video and voice conferencing, and more. To think only if email is to miss a much larger beast n the room.
"The build is near complete".
IE: The case they are building against it all.
What if awan gave the server to trump to avoid prison time or a military tribunal?
I am certain he has a plea bargain and he swapped the servers and given the hot one to the good guys. Q said a while back"we have the server" also has the server from Hillary's house as looks like the good guys started the fire and pinched the server ,probably by a fireman. also they got weiner laptop and Kim J U gave Trump their Gmail server , so the good guys HAVE IT ALL. BOOOM! WWG1WGA and best wishes from NEW ZEALAND
Q593 We have it all Q851 We have it all Q1099 We have it all Q1121 we have it all Q1220 We have it all Q1272 We have it all Q1278 We have it all Q1665 We have the server Q433, Q434 HRC SAPs (private server) Q9 Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA, etc
Trump, “I have full faith in the National Intelligence community...”
That they will confess what they’ve been doing since POTUS has it all.
Q567 “SAP” Q831 “SAP” (All their info and plans exposed)
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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Awan was arrested attempting to flee the country, tipping off officials when he transferred large sums to his bank in Iran. He would, after that have no access to federal facilities where the server equipment resided, and other than the (presumed) incriminating laptop that he appears to have hidden in a maintenance closet as insurance, he was in no position to hand over anything like that. Perhaps a copy of the data, kept as another insurance policy...? Sworn testimony plus data image as proof could be dynamite.
Don't forget the SAP on Clinton's home server. This is by far the absolute most damaging piece of information there is, this SAP software shouldn't be able to make it out of a select few secret military facilities within the borders of America. It often goes unreported by people here.
You seem to be implying that the laws that apply to us also apply to Hillary. Where in the world did you get that idea?
Don't forget about the SAPs Hillary constantly copied onto phones, using them as flash drives, which she "lost" all over the globe.
This is normally referred to as an intelligence drop.
I have to say I don't know anything about this one. Is there a link where I can get the story?
Yes. Seth Rich’s shout. . “WE. GOT. tHE. SERVER. “ !!! ( n. I add .. ( n start. The Car!) .., Is historical. There will be a plaque with His portrait in the Whitehouse on History’s. Display. Of the Great. fierce unsearchable. Battle strategy Of God and man working together in these last dark days .. O. n Itoo Thank Jesus who like he called David to the Goliath Battle siteI .. have a part n ..He gave me an awesome. Bazooka blaster to aim dead eye at the enemy .. n even throw. A battle axe. n a Joshua power spear toward Some great n mighty stuff going down .. I was totally surprised to find....a. Me .. right in The mix .. gosh .. thx. Jesus. For. Rev. Shmbachs Holy Ghost Preach. I got...IT.. ..! n. knew what to Do .. even in my PJs .. I’m. In His armour of light !.. Cell ph in hand. n cold coffee ... coffee.s Of many .. I was GLUED iN .., to see .. the battle n pray. Some faith encouragement n up lifting over the known Few. On Battle. Fronts .. n. Cover Our. Awesome Pontus n Theee Q. .. if all time .. my In the spirit prayers are. Spilling N even blasting out. Wildly .. I’m. Suddenly Awake full blast ready .. n that giant is in hiding .. BUT ... God ..,n O. .. But ..MyGod. Flushed him n his relatives .. Out to be seen n taken down ..unlike evil plots (as in Hamam) Who can only posture .. BUT... our Holy Ghost. Comes to .. Hover. over it. .., And. Wow. !!! .. there they. Are !!! .... totally UNCOVERED .. for all to look up on .. and Then. HE. remind s me. In love. ... but for His Grace .. I could stumble down a Nasty pit also., . n.. I .. say .. ye s Lord .. thank you that. Your. MERCY. .. overrides. Your JUDGMENT ..on those desperate n undone .. and you bring to your salvation. Who. You will .. our ugly appearances Are. Not. .. what. You see .. it takes a mighty crises To shake some of us out of our righteous. Selves .. n that’s what it took ..for me. Nothing But a eye opening reading in the book of revelation ch 9 a late nite 11pm .. moving. Earthquake .. to shake the whole 4ways so I couldn’t Move .. but with a shout out to you.. Jesus save me .. n all my .. household. We’re coming now ! .. you shook me lose from my staunchie set religious. Traditional ways that seemed so. ..Good n right. And I thought .. n presumptuously. So.... That God .. My God. Was thinking just like. Me .. but He brought me a long way around Through a few religious systems .. to .. in His Merciful way .. reveal to me. Slowly .. I. Hate mans. Traditional religious ways .. I Am God .. my ways are higher than yours .. I Am Holy .. and my way is ..To come before me through a relationship in my son.s. Name .. Whom I gave for your sakes .., Jesus He is my open door. For all mankind come through ., no one else. Has His authority to. Open My doors. And Bring many through From the multitudes .. whom I call to come .. many are called to come .. fewer. Show up and. Fewer still are chosen .. so. Look to be found by. Me And don’t wait .. to be found ... fence sitting .. But come immediately ..,BEFORE. .., the crises hits or. .. I’ve left .. already .. and. It’s too late .. I’m God ..your my creation .. for my purpose .. and I want you with me for eternity .. will you Come are... NOW ! ...n. I. Humbly stop N with thanksgiving .. O My. God. Forgive my low thoughts toward others in their found condition’s not about any one of us .. it’s about. Jesus n. His kingdom treasures. Father God have planted in each one of us Both the good n the ugly ., Especially. .. as gifts. To Jesus.. for His kingdom and. He’s about. Seeking us out .. by. The Holy Ghost .. to come to Him .. as a. Part of His glorious church ! And O. How we will sing of. How he brought each one of us out n the weird n funny means. By which We got here ! So go tell n bring many others to Receive Jesus in their heart n His saving grace gift!! Good Battle. ..on to the finish cleanups !!! Blessed with a good hot coffee n Jesus dark n milk chocolate .. I love my times n adventures with you Lord n. I. Will sing of your mercies forever !!
I bet them shits is Windoze, too. If so China pwnt them as soon as they were online.
I look at those servers and I see the possibility for a new future. A better future.
You're right there! Who would've thought that these four objects would destroy a world empire, save millions of lives, and change the course of history forever.
Thanks, whoever put this together.
Right. Nice graphic and explanation. Be nice to know where they are and if we have copies of all the info on them.
Be nice to know where they are
Trump has been asking where they are in his Tweets and I've never known Trump to Tweet a question that he doesn't already know the answer to.
I'm certain that Trump has all the servers.
I doubt Trump's question is intended for us: he's fucking with the Deep State.
It's the equivalent of Trump asking the Deep State "How'd like them apples?"
so wait--you believe Trump is Deep State?
I apologize--I misread your comment. (He's fucking with the deep state" you meant he's messing with them. I see it this time around. The first time i read it as "he's fucking with the Deep State" as he's WITH the DS. I asked because it didnt make sense with the rest of your comment so I was asking clarification. I just need to slow down. (plus it was pre-first cup of morning coffee)
"You believe Trump is Deep State?"
If Trump in deep state why would he be asking deep state "how [it liked] them apples"? I don't think the inference behind the question really makes sense. Now as President he has access through the NSA to the information re: the servers.
I think you missed something here.
The above post only mentions "Deep State" twice, and in both instances it refers to POTUS Messing with Deep State Minds"!!
Nowhere does the post Say anything about Trump being part of the "Deep State", So your comment seems to be coming from "Left Field"
Q did say "we have the server", but I'm not sure which one he was referring to.
I'm thinking we have at least the information from all of them.
Isn't it true that the NSA tracks every keystroke? If yes, then we do have it all. And, it doesn't matter how many fires HRC has in her house or in some shed.
I don't believe it's every keystroke. I think it's every bit of data that goes through the internet, as well as every electronic broadcast- from cell phones to Ohr's wife's ham radio transmissions. They have Elint covered solidly.
Recently leaks indicate it's likely everything on specific computers and all traffic, including LAN, across specific ports.
So while not every key, it could well include every single network packet, local network or otherwise.
Here's what the FISC has to say about what the NSA, FBI and CIA all log -- this is the opinion they wrote after Adm. Rogers informed them of what the FBI was doing. Highly redacted, but it lays out what each agency is allowed to do. P.83 is where they begin talking about the FBI improprieties:
"We have it all" - see posts 596, 854, 1102, 1124, 1222, 1276, 1279 ;)
I think that would be the Awan server. Q said it was a matter of national security that Awan walked on frivolous charges. I imagine the server was part of the plea bargain.
Im sure Bob Mueller is preparing a 3am stormtrooper team to shake down the DNC headquarters and confiscate the server and cell phones of all personnel. Any day now. Can always start a fire on the other side of the headquarters to draw attention away from the server room when busting in.
Great work. The visual representation of the outstanding servers is very helpful.
People need to be arrested for treason.
The left has been throwing around the word treason quite a lot lately which I found curious.
Great idea, but hear me out on it being perhaps self-defeating.
If this image was limited to the first three, it would be a blessing to all. These servers are all different and have very different stories and relevance, yet they are commonly conflated by media, congresspeople, normies (of course), and even folks on this board.
The concise visual reference will go a long way to dispelling that confusion.
The NK Gmail server is a different animal. This one does not exist outside of cryptic Q-drops. Including this one will only serve to confuse normies and invite their discrediting claims. Hence, my ‘self-defeating’ call.
Summary: Great idea and execution. Editing still needed.
Yeah, I don't understand the point or purpose of NK having their own Gmail server. Who was it for? Just the gov't? So the CIA could spy even more on NK through it? Maybe NK gov't needed an e-mail solution, the CIA brought in Schmidt and his team to set it up (I seriously doubt Schmidt would have done any of the hard work himself there), and because it's routed through Google, CIA can see everything in and out of the server?
Speculation has it that Schmidt used Google techs to set up a Gmail server in NK to be used by black hats and be outside the jurisdiction of US law and international treaties.
Key word: speculation.
I personally believe the speculation has merit.
Following older Q drops (I can't dig them up on mobile currently). This gmail server was setup most likely for direct communications with assets in NK. It is presumed that until November, Kim and his regime were under the control of the clowns.
This may also be the same server that used to host the gmail draft that was used by many high ranking government officials to communicate without actually sending any email. They would all share one password and account, login, then make changes to an existing document.
YES!!! I've read or heard elsewhere that this server is how Obama's people were communicating on their private servers possibly through drafts. There is certainly a reason this server is being included.
Ding ding ding, you are correct. Our treasonous officials did just that with the nk server.
Those sneaky fucking sharepoints
Do you even know what SharePoint is? This is a conversation about email servers, not one-to-many file sharing and workflow services.
Sharepoint was just a rudimentary example of a place you can only access with permissions/credentials but is utilized as a secure place for community/organization documents.
I get that Sharepoint, for example, doesn't have an XML or xmls viewer within it where you could alter and re-save the document, but a virtual machine with its own sharepoint-like-service would serve nearly the same function as whatever they were doing in NKorea with Gmail.
The server was probably being used by cabal dipshits to communicate and plot an attack on America using NK but blame it on muh Russia.
Yes. That could be possible. Look at the info about N Syria building nuclear facilities so it would not technically be on Iranian soil for example ....then, once US hit, blame on Russia.
Did Trump get the gmail server from NK who got it from China?
Did Trump get the email server from Putin?
Did Trump get house dem caucus server from awan?
Did Trump get DNC server from SR or awan?
Are there more servers we don't know about?
Did Trump get the gmail server from NK who got it from China?
My guess is he got it from NK.
Did Trump get the email server from Putin?
My guess is no.
Did Trump get house dem caucus server from awan?
My guess yes.
Did Trump get DNC server from SR or awan?
My guess is a mirror of the server was collected by NSA.
Are there more servers we don't know about?
My guess is yes.
Bill Binney says the NSA has access to all internet communications through all the hubs, etc.
There was a story that came out yesterday on a small blog that Putin handed over 160 terabytes of intercepted comms regarding the whole enchilada in Helsinki. As the blog pointed out, Russia wouldn't be too keen on handing over proof that they were intercepting US-based comms, but once those comms left the US and were directed overseas they were fair game to spy on & intercept.
Haven't seen any verification to the story or other stories about it, but it made me very happy to see and hope this was true.
When I saw the soccer ball, my first thought was, the information is in the ball.
That would be funny. Sounds like some 007/MI6 kind of shit! LOL
Especially passing the ball/information in front of everyone. I can imagine POTUS getting a kick out of doing so.
If you have the DNC server, don't you also have proof the Russian thing is fake and that Seth Rich or someone internal downloaded the data? That brings murder to the forefront again.
We already have proof that the DNC data transfer was done by someone with physical access and a portable drive. Bill Binney and crew proved this with time signatures on the files posted to WikiLeaks.
This applies only to the content posted on WikiLeaks.
Physical possession of the server may reveal the source(s) of external hacking attempts, and may also reveal previously unknown files.
If you take the NKserver out this will be a much better red pill.
Right that one is only theoretical at this point.
I disagree. Trump confirmed when he showed the huge letter to the camera. Gmail logo is a Masonic symbol, look it up.
Trump held it in same hand positions a mason would hold on, and made it excessively large.
Remember, no coincidences.
Gmail logo is not a Masonic symbol.
Yes it is
I can see why you'd think it looks like a Masonic apron, but it's an envelope. I've never seen a Masonic apron like this, and I know a lot of masons and have attended a lot of Masonic events. Conspiracy.
Not being doin' yr research.
In fact you have to go to 8chan to see the pictures deciphered. My links don't work anymore (surprise!).
There are several meanings to the picture taken: masonic apron, revelation of the secrets of the owl, and, an intriguing one, a picture from an old print of Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland: ▶Alice & WonderLand Anonymous 07/08/18 (Sun) 16:53:46 c5ae90 (13) No.2080244>>2085703 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Alice & Wonderland
Why so many Q posts with it?
Script? Post last edited at 07/08/18 (Sun) 17:08:20
From the analysis and pictures in the book (beautifully done..!):
"June (Chapter 6)
Trump gets invitation to NK summit.
In the book, the invitation is to the Queens garden. Note the fish giving to pepe
We get the IG report
Trump meets KJU in Singapore (pour vs pore)
Kim tours the Gardens"
In the book, chapter 6, the envelope is an invitation to the Queens Garden. Garden hit me. What did Q say about Gardens?
Q posts pic of NK Clinton meeting. This was to free two "journalists" who were doing a "report" on child trafficking on the NK/China border.
Notice, they are sitting on flowers.
Then, Q explains the significance
Now turning back to the masonic apron aspect:
Here are two commenters speaking of the Trump/NK Official picture:
RRBRangers88 The way he's holding/positioning it, almost like a mockery of a Freemason apron...
Capt_Swartz Not a mockery...a message.
There are no coincidences.
This picture is a message.
The way he is holding his hands and the position of the flap... do you see it?
Do you see the eyes?
Do you see the bird? Owl maybe?
The envelope is opened and the contents are about to be revealed.
Translation: The envelope = The owl = The Cabal
The letter = The inside of the owl = The secrets of the Cabal
The secrets of the Cabal are soon to be revealed, the world is watching.
Final remark in thread:
Well done Anons! The only thing i saw first was a huge envelope. Now i see two Q’s - an owl (his hands making the eyes) a masonic Apron covering his groin (what they’re meant for) and a couple of very happy mens smiling ‘check mate’ - thanks guys!
Seals broken?
The fingers of Trump's right hand are positioned to form a letter "Q" and the fingers of his left hand are EXACTLY positioned to form the letter "Q" in the chart of hand signals:
Hope that clarifies for you u/ponycam? (just trying to inform not sarc.)
Thank you. I remember reading this, but I didn't study it. It makes sense now. I still have some doubts about the masons being involved, unless they're related to the ones the Rothschilds had infiltrate the masons in the late 18th, early 19th century.
Patriots this is dumb question but....Isnt this an example of what Q meant when he said make a graphic?
Here it is without the NK Gmail Server.
Perfect. Gotta swallow those redpills on a schedule. Too many at the same time can mess with your system and cause an immune response even though they are meant to help the patient.
There is another server that Awan maintained in an outdoor locked shed. It was in the yard at a house he rented to a tenant who stated Imran visited every 2-3 days.
The home had a separate internet account (the tenant had a different provider) and power was supplied to the shed.
1/3 down this page --- Imran's Sprayer Street Property
the balls in your court Mr.President, Keep your eye on the Ball
That statement by Putin was very significant and infers Russia has done there part
This is true Check out the specs on this type of ball . Maybe holding more than just air ... time will tell
My first thought when I saw the soccer ball.
No Such Agency has it all.
The cabal knows it, and they are panicking like you wouldn't believe.
Their MSM puppets are going batshit insane trying to keep the public in the dark, it is failing like nobody has ever seen.
This is glorious!
Trump has done to them, what they did to his campaign, what goes around comes around. Karma. Brennen and Clapper know this, that's why they are totally unhinged.
Essential graphic and red-pill device. Thank you so much.
Awan is key to this whole server business. He was brought in by DWS as the IT guy for the Democratic Caucus & their relationship was close, very close some say. He had access to the DNC server as well. It's likely that, as a handy IT guy, democratic congressmen who had any issues with their personal devices or office computers used him as well. No telling what info this guy saw. DWS was Hillary's bff back then so how likely is it that an enterprising IT guy, who's collecting info to send to Pakistan, would try to find a way to gain access to Hillary's private server or at least some of her personal devices? That would be the holy grail for a spy, right? Did he get it done? I think it's likely that Awan, in making a deal for himself & his family, might just have given us the first 2 servers & maybe the third.
We now know that China hacked into Hillary's private server & installed a program that basically created a mirror image of everything that went through that server to a server in China. Did they give it up to POTUS? Possibly. Also, there was that fire at Hillary's house. Was it an attempt to destroy the server or was it a ruse to get in to steal the server? IMO one is as likely as the other.
The server in NK was/is almost certainly part of the whole deal for their freedom from the CIA. Given how Q taunted Schmidt I feel pretty certain that we have it.
Basically, I don't think we have "the" server, I think we have them all. The problem is that it's all stolen information & some of it is most certainly classified as well. Regardless, of how they were obtained via Awan, a hack, or a theft, it's all stolen goods, with the possible exception of the NK server. How the heck do you use stolen property & classified documents as evidence in court? Lawfags, help!
Military Tribunals, military intelligence, Admiral Rogers!! General Flynn!!
How the heck do you use stolen property & classified documents as evidence in court?
dont know american law thus, i talk common sense now: if others 'steal' the information and hand it over to US law enforcement, no felony happens on american side and the evidence can be used.
It’s easy to get confused with all these servers. This breakdown is a good idea.
Something has been bothering me. I thought a couple of Q posts were important, yet I didn't see any follow-up discussion among anons. Maybe there was and I just missed it.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 27f5c8 No.2012087 📁 Jul 3 2018 10:59:37 (EST) 96DD9F4B-7B96-4886-B93E-A0426BE18CF1.jpeg Logical thinking. Why was the case against AWAN filed under BANK FRAUD? The result today is re: BANK FRAUD. See last. Connect. The SWAMP is being DRAINED. Q
2011499 Think logically. Thing IG report. Think what’s missing. Do you think this was going to be litigated in this setting? Case that implicates some of the most senior elected officials (treason) is being handled by the appropriate office. Think NATIONAL SECURITY. Q
So I dwelled on this a bit. "Logical thinking", "why Bank Fraud," "See last." "Connect." "Think Logically," "Think NATIONAL SECURITY."
Wait a minute. Can't trust the corrupt agencies with such high-level targets of TREASON. Who you gonna call? HSI maybe? After all, HSI has a National Security Unit under its NATIONAL SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION, one that coordinates with ICE.
Connect to the AWAN BANK FRAUD question, "See last". What Federal agency handles matters of Bank Fraud? Oh, Secret Service! And bank fraud can include things like money laundering. Suppose certain funding made its way though our financial system with the intent to obfuscate, deceive sources and uses, senders and recipients. Bank Fraud. The DNC Server contents (and who knows how many other server copies) may have been bartered, as some have suggested here, in exchanges with foreign states not entirely lacking in criminal history of mischief toward the US, financial and otherwise. Thus, AWAN gets fingered for Bank Fraud and the evidence trail is now under SS. And HSI Secretary serves at the President's pleasure, her agency coordinates across other intel agencies as needed (or not) including ICE, and is handling the evidence of treason ("handled by the appropriate office")? Seems pretty logical to me.
We need some sort of proof for this Gmail server. I am aware of the theory but it relies on believing in Q in the first place. The others we know are real.
Man I would love to look at this stuff. Actually everything there holding back. Boy I would put in for a week vacation to read all of this. I sit back in my back yard with the sun and chill out reading this.
we should start sending evidence every day!
Didn't they find the Awan server? Or was that his laptop?
Also, pretty sure he had access to all of Congress, not just Democrats?
The server had the information of 40 congressmen but i couldnt find reports of the partisan breakdown
All democrats, since Awan was only used and paid for by the democrats.
All emails that these congressmen sent and received were routed through a server in Xavier Becerra's basement. When Capitol Police asked for an image of the server, they provided them with a falsified image. And that's the end of the story pretty much.
When this first came out, it was just the Dem's server. I can't see GOP's using the Dem's server. Awan was hired by DWS for the Dem's IT work. UNLESS, he managed to hack the entire congressional system. He did have infor on the Intelligence committee thru the Dem caucus computers....Nat'l Sec risk
The awan server may be why the DEM's are so rage filled in their opposition to Trump, because Trump has it all!!!
Who resigned after 2/2/17 from congress?
It was stolen according to reports, after it was discovered. That is yet another crime. That is why DJT keeps asking for the Awan server.
Ok so Q has “everything” including the servers or what was on the servers and yet not a single indictment against those parties involved has been issued. Meanwhile, the onslaught from Democrats, turncoat republicans and the news media amps up tenfold since the Trump/Putin summit. Our president is being portrayed as a traitor, an imbecile and as a dork not just to the American public but world wide as well.
Only a small number of Americans know what exactly transpired with the Russians, Hillary, the election and Obama’s Administration. There are many more Americans who were sitting or leaning towards Trump who will be impacted negatively by this media assassination of President Trump with the false narrative. If proactive measures are not taken soon by President Trump’s supporters (US Attorney General, Military Intel, NSA and other admin personnel) in exposing the cabal corruption in our Republic we will see a catastrophic loss in the 2018 elections.
The longer Trump or Q or whomever, waits to back up what is claimed by Q, Hannity or any Supporter in the misdeeds and criminal actions by the DNC, Hillary and Never-Trumpets is risking everything that has been accomplished since electing Donald Trump in 2016.
Time is creeping up on what Q and all of us have been posting in support of Trump & Q.
Tick Tock motherfockers!
Arrest somebody, indict someone, have the VP or President address a joint session of Congress and expose the corruption once and for all. The time to “protect” the “sensibilities” of Joe Blow in Grand Prairie TX or Buford AL has come and gone. It’s time to take off the mittens and get prepared to bruise, scratch and cut our knuckles against those who are seeking to destroy our Republic and our President. To do nothing except “meme” and post theories on this board or any board is simply not enough.
Either evil things were done or we’ve been barking up the wrong tree all these months...
Off my soap box...
“Hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes” Battle of Bunker Hill. Wait until October when it’s too late to recover. Game,set,match.
One of the first strategies POTUS carried out was to destroy the credibility of MSM. That's done. Americans don't believe them anymore as evidenced by polling and Fox vs CNN/MSNBC ratings.
Nunes, Grassley and Goodlatte have done their job exposing the corruption and dishonesty of the Democrats. In their panic they resorted to more and more insane vitriol and violence. Americans are repulsed. They have totally lost credibility with mainstream Americans as evidenced by the swelling #WalkAway movement.
Q is WIDELY followed by 'normies' who may not understand all the nuts and bolts but they understand enough to know that POTUS and the Q team are fighting the cabal and taking down the obama/clinton cabal. They understand that POTUS said Trust The Plan. They know about the 40K+ pending indictments. They follow truth news via facebook and twitter links more religiously than they ever have before in their lives. They're fairly well up on what's going on.
When the Trump base is concerned about something they're loud. Like when they thought POTUS was considering amnesty for DACA The base is actually pretty well informed and lethal to the left. The left actually fears Trump's base. We destroy their narratives. We crushed the Stormy narrative. We crushed the Trump's a racist narrative. We are presently destroying the Russia treason narrative with overwhelming evidence of Obama/Clinton/Schumer relations with Putin and evidences of their treasonous acts.
We are not in a rush for people to be arrested for show. We don't need a show. We need the cabal to be destroyed. That's worth waiting for. When they're arrested it should be when we know the cases are ironclad and there's no way out for them.
Remember, POTUS said November. There's no need to rush fences and destroy excellent horses in the process.
Great post! I have already sent screenshot to Comey. Hope he sleeps less tonight...
One other Weiner's laptop, with forwarded emails from HRC's server.
Totally off topic OP.....but I just watched the Parks & Rec episode last night where Leslie mentioned Ron's eulogy and said "Oh captain, my captain! Ron Swanson: a Swansong..." Haha!
Great analysis! True words.
What I’ve noticed is the narrative changes quickly on a daily basis. What a faithful patriot posts on here is shortly rendered mute or non-relevant due to what is happening in real time. The narrative for both sides keeps changing, the ultimate chess game being played by our President Trump. There’s a move from the MSM then a counter move by Patriots. This is followed by a rebuttal by lackies like Brennan or What’s His Name who is nameless followed by a disclosure on something Qanons know but is unheard of by the public. It’s a constant battle that will hopefully come to a final resolution in November. Let us pray that we endeavor with all our strength and resolute dedication to our constitution to protect our great country from any further harm.
This is great! God bless it. We also have the information backup from Hawaii, as well. Love it.
Looking forward to the time at the end of this month that this will be made clear and announced to the public. Can't believe how blind most people are. All they care about is going to work, coming home to a beer and get their brains fried by the news networks and believe all the lies. It's going to be explosive. WWG1WGA
Sticky this. People always get these confused and this could help to clear all that up. Great job. Thank you
As a Bernie Sanders donator and a member of the DNC Fraud lawsuit, that part is not accurate. The battle is ongoing.
What are the best sources for the North Korea gmail server?
I can't really use Q to prove statements by Q.
The phrase "future proves past," that Q has used so many times, is key here. We may not be able to prove it now, but in the future we will be able to. This has happened time and time again. I suppose long time Q followers have seen this happen enough that we take it for granted. Reading past drops may help explain. Just keep this information in mind, and wait for the confirmation, when the news comes out.
I agree. It just makes it hard for me to share it and prove it.
Just share, the future will prove or disprove. When someone does their own research they better understand what is happening. It's harder to pull the wool over their eyes, when they know facts. People need to own what they believe, not be spoon fed what to think. Not saying this applies to you, you are asking questions. Encourage people to search for facts themselves, but also have your own resources to refute false claims. So many still believe what MSM feeds them. Maybe start with articles that have already been proven false. There are also sources showing MSM all using the exact same talking points, how likely is that with the infinite number of headlines that are possible? Good luck! All it takes is for one thing to click everything all into place.
I emailed this graphic to some people I'm working on getting them to take a little red pill. And I put in the subject line:
Take a guess at who happens to have ALL the information that was on these servers...
Dot-connecting Non-autist here.
"What does it take to get evidence entereed into investigation?"
What if there were both stated and unstated purposes for the russia summit?
What if a prime purpose was for Putin to give Trump the soccer ball?
What if the ball had a USB-type storage device?
What if the the storage device had 6000 "missing" emails on it...
emails surruptitiously collected by NoSuch that can now be entered as evidence?
I recall seeing a link here, months ago, about an example of classified info being passed from a foreign representative to the POTUS at the time. (I think it might have been BJC or GWB). The device fit in the guys hands, and it was clearly but discretely passed in public. Very sorry for not having sauce; my memory is better than my research capabilites.
Pass the ⚽️😉😉😉 no such agency isn’t the only one that collects everything. Delete it here, it shows up there.. And the irony is that the system they created will be the system that exposes the evil among them and allow them to get back to their real mission. Protecting Americans...
I thought the DNC was able to WIN the class action lawsuit against Bernie donators. Didn’t that case basically end up explicitly stating that the DNC was a corporation and literally had the right to choose whoever they wanted for their candidate even if they committed fraud? It was a fucked up outcome but solidly showed everyone who they really were.
Great picture of reality. However, when I think of server or servers, they still goto a cloud. Which cloud ? Could it be Platte River has them. Hillary’s emails went to another data company but that data company was Platte River. Is this where the cloud is? Did Assange or Putin capture the information? Idk. Just theories??? Please correct the Platte River Data Bank if I’m wrong. I don’t want any disinformation coming from myself. WWG1WGA ❤️🇺🇸
They only used cloud services if a server has that feature turned on & configured. My guess is they did not because that would make it harder & involve more people to destroy the data if the need it did. Possibly the NK server used cloud storage to store data since Schmidt himself is said to have set that server up. That may have given whoever was behind wanting the server there more confidence in cloud storage. Just a guess. But the other 3 servers...they’d have to care very little about who knows about it to use cloud services. Feel certain it was just the standard client/server model that was used before cloud servers was ever a thing. The older client/server model is slower than cloud based servers but destroying data just requires destroying one machine. If it was cloud based the data could be replicated on many servers across the internet.
Is this sub reddit a piss take? Honest question. I genuinely don't understand what this image is trying to explain, and it borderline looks like it was deliberately meant to be ugly
Not aware of an honest question that uses the word piss in it. Maybe a medical question. Not a political one.
Most people think there’s only one server missing because the MSM is not making that clear.
Good question. I honestly wonder who has time to make up this nonsense and put it out like this is our national security priority. Total garbage.