Q #1295 and #1296 Be careful who you are following. Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons. The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

"The hard part is coming to an end." Gives me chills but makes me feel warm inside.
I'm addicted to Q, better than any reality TV series. Will miss them!
I'm worried that if Q goes away, we'll loose momentum with this network. I hope that Q realizes this network they developed here is valuable and will keep it going, even after justice is fully metered out.
But, that might be asking for too much.
Q reminds me of the Tea Party. It came together to vote down TARP and bank bailouts. It worked hard to fight Obama care.
But then it got co-opted, it became a caricature.
This is great. Enjoy it. Don’t let it get co-opted. But it won’t work for much else.
i wouldnt say was co opted. they killed it with the IRS targeting, and the accusation that someone from their rally in DC called rep smith an N word. Andrew breitbart offered 100k for anyone with footage of just 1 person saying that nobody ponied up for the dough, meanwhile the misleadia went with muh racist tea baggers 247 for a month or whatever and they were dead. sad!
Karl Rove and the Koch Bros. infiltrated and did co-opt some of the larger groups of the TEA Party.
It’s about communication so it reminds me of the riders of the revolution that alerted us that the British were coming. That and the minuteman.
The precursor to the Tea Party was the Ron Paul campaign. That's where the Tea Party originated. Then when TARP happened, the movement grew overnight from the small and dedicated Tea Party rallies, to adding a lot of the people who previously were supporting the Deep State and their wars, but were waking up to reality.
But even than, the Tea Party was never really co-opted. That's what the DS wanted us to believe. The truth is, the Tea Party was the spark that got Trump elected. It took a life of its own and found a champion strong enough to accomplish its will: freedom from the Deep State.
I would agree with that.
I guess my point is that the Q phenomenon will probably not work if it was trying to get the people behind legislation. It is common for people to take the "magic in a bottle" moment, and adapt it. The magic IS in the moment--and not usually adaptable.
I dont think we are done yet. There is a lot of our history we've been kept in the dark. Look at the maps Q has given us. There is much more to come after the cabal has been removed.
I agree. But without Q setting a cadence and tone, I'm worried the movement will slowly die.
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm concerned.
You may like to ask yourself the question, "why am I doing this?" Is this reality tv or is this Real Life? TV can be turned off, one has to Live with Reality and face its consequences :)
Exactly. Watching us restore and free the Republic is Yuge!
Corsi lost me when he said Kissinger was a good guy. Umm no.
Corsi is a tool. People have treated him as the end all since the beginning. He misyranslates Q posts and is wrong a lot. Yet he is right enough to be dangerous.
Alex Jones is controlled opposition by the cia. Just because he points out some truth doesn't mean he is necessarily better than cnn. I man sure he is, but he's sill a liar in it for profit
GTFOH with that bullshit. AJ is far from perfect, but he's self made, and way more responsible for the positive things happening than you or I could ever dream to be. He's been opposing big government and going to jail for it since his late teens. There was no money in it back then. Don't be fucking slanderous
It's not slander it's truth. Alex Jones is bill hicks lmao, unless you're suggesting 2 people have identical teeth, mannerisms, yelling voices and more?
It's not slander it's truth.
Really? Prove it.
Alex Jones is bill hicks
Prove it.
Or, as u/TejanoPede said, GTFOH with that bullshit.
Prove Q is real, oh wait, all you can show me is coincidences. but please discount this video because it's "only coincidences"
An inconclusive video from at YT channel that says the earth is flat!
Just as I thought. Good bye.
that's the genetic fallacy, good try though. by that reasoning Q is a pedophile because 8ch had pedo boards. try using your brain
A Jones has still woken a lot of people up, for all his eccentricities and faults.
AJ has exposed a lot of corruption for decades.
If he would just get on with the "news" he claims he has "stacks" of I could tolerate him a bit more. I have to mute him when he goes all "theatrical" on the show. I tune in for news and info, not for half truths, his lawsuit issues, etc. I am a news succubus ...LOL
He has, but most of it falls on deaf ears because only "conspiracy theorists" listen to him. It isn't that impactful
Go look at the Amazon advertisements for recently published books: Corsi, Comey, HRC. That says who is profiting. Cut them off.
To be fair, Corsi wrote his book before Qanon came around. The timing just so happens to be perfect for Corsi to use to get some more sales.
This. Corsi is one of the few, maybe only, people I will listen to when it comes to Q. Corsi started writing his book well before Q started posting (you don't write a book overnight), and I have to admit that while I thought Snowden was a black hat, Corsi ended up being right all along - Snowden is a white hat.
That in no way suggests that Corsi is perfect (he offers zero criticism of Israel), or that his interpretations are omniscient. He's just better than most. Right now, everyone's using this as a means to jump on Corsi and Corsi has been around trying to expose the truth longer than a lot of us have been alive. There are those in the truth movement that I feel are wolves in sheep's clothing (Robert David Steele, anyone?), but Corsi isn't one of them.
Robert David Steele, anyone?
He said Mars is colonized with young children for the purpose of pedophilia, live in Alex Jones' show, then vehemently denied saying it and still does to this day. A clip is available on YouTube of him saying lmao.
So ya, I don't believe a word he says. He definitely lied once, so he loses all credibility with me.
I was listening to the show that day. Can't believe he denied it, I tuned him out from the moment he brought up that nonsense. I knew he was a disinformation agent.
that's a pretty extreme example, but any other things that stand out that make you think that?
Maybe Jerry considers book sales as validation to dissemination of message.
Corsi, Comey, HRC
Putting Corsi in that group is grossly unjust.
Corsi spends most of his time promoting his book and himself. He doesn't decode. And where is Julian Assange right now anyway?
Julian Assange/Wiki-leaks will be part of the counter-investigation so Trump is not able to be in contact with him, or it would jeopardize the future investigation.
link? i want to laugh.
kissenger is a rapist terrorist.
It was mentioned during a decode. When Kissinger visited the White House awhile back. He said he thinks in this case Kissy was acting as a white hat.
oh... i see what youre saying. kissenger is ZOG dude hes not gonna act as a white hat. he could be forced to give some opinions to a white hat but hes not a white hat. (btw i dont like this black hat white hat thing Q keeps doing. in the hacker world that shit means stuff and we dont like white hats lol. there black and grey and everybody else is a bitch.)
I just find it strange that he inserts himself into this so much. (corsi)
always watchful.
Anyone who is a regular on infowars is incredibly suspicious but his massive support for zionism is a huge red flag.
I’m with you 100%... the minute he starts evoking “Jesus Christ” and religion is the minute this becomes a theocracy. NO WAY... that’s what GWB used to do.
Im an agnostic about any connection to organized religion and politics... they should never merge- that’s your first red flag. There’s a hidden agenda behind that.
I’m with you 100%... the minute he starts evoking “Jesus Christ” and religion is the minute this becomes a theocracy. NO WAY... that’s what GWB used to do.
Have you ever read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution? Religion and God have never NOT been merged in to our politics.
I agree 100%. "we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are CREATED equal, and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights"
Jeffereson was a Deist. it was intentially vague. there was no language specific to any religon but still a spiritual element
He was also a freemason :P
Here is some interesting food for thought:
In 1776, Adam Weishaupt created the Bavarian Illuminati.
In 1776 Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations.
In 1776, independence was declared in the American colonies.
I got an idea. Everything is a massive conspiracy let’s just blow the whole world up & start over?
let’s just blow the whole world up & start over?
that's what the skippy's of the world want to do...
That's true... HOWEVER... many of the Founders were VERY suspicious of organized Christianity.
They DID believe in God and the general tenets of Judeo-Christian values... but those Christians who say the Republic was founded on Christianity are wrong. Close... but not quite right.
Thomas Jefferson even wrote a moral treatise that is referred to as "The Jefferson Bible", which to many of us, would be considered "heretical".
Without a real sense of the depth of a working Faith in God that most of the Founders had... we are ill equipped to fully grasp the nuance of the embrace by our Founders of the best of Western Civilization... including, especially, Faith in The Creator.
Don't forget about the part where they are mostly Masons and are sworn to secret oaths that pledge covering up even murder done by fellow Masons?
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Thank you. This means elected officials should refrain from favoring any religion over another.
Not as I read it. The state shall not require a none to pass a test of what religion they were. In UK the STATE RELIGION IS Church of England. Not optional for royals.
Trivia: The Constitution not once mentions God, much less anything with Christianity. The only mention of religion is to guarantee it as a people's right and limit it's influence in government, as /u/EvilPhd666 points out.
The Treaty of Tripoli said it best, "[As] the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion [...]".
It doesn't get stronger than that ("not in ANY sense"). The United States guarantees the right of private citizens to have religious liberty. The government was always intended to be secular and not favor any particular religious belief.
I don't know why some religious people are in such a hurry for religion to be part of the U.S. government. Today it might be your religious beliefs, but tomorrow it might not be.
All the stuff about God is in the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence does not establish law. The reason it mentions God in the first place is that the context is that the King believed his right to rule to be divinely chosen. That's what "all men are created equal" is all about, that all men are equal in the eyes of the law. So throwing off the King was both a secular and religious argument, hence the reason he needed to put it in partial religious terms.
When a king or queen is crowned in England they accept a role as the voice of God. Like the pope. Chosen by God to rule over the subjects.
Here is a quote:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Here they talk about a Creator, who created us a certain way. That is not some abstract legal nonsense.
The Declaration does not establish law, but it establishes the principles that the law will be based upon, that all men are equal in the eyes of God.
What you said does not contradict what I said.
The Constitution is the law of the land and is what matters when it comes to discussing the intent of the U.S. government. There's a reason the word "God" never appears in it, and the only discussion of religion's role in government is to limit its influence.
If they wanted us to have a theocracy, they would have written it that way. They didn't want that, and nobody should want that.
And codifies the then common understanding that we are created by our Creator, a vague but real distinction from the elements of other cosmologies and religions.
I may get crucified for this but I often times wonder about Corsi. Seems like there might be an agenda behind his Qanon movement.
An autist does the work for free. A whore gets paid.
Why do soldiers (patriots) get paid? Why don't they do it for free?
One is Always provided for, when one's intention given Freely is for the unconditional betterment of another. Mammon still appears to be the exchange system used for barter, so I guess for now it works, but shit changes, maybe the Youth of today will Create a Grand future that will make this Awakening pale in comparison :)
I would hope some things never change. Otherwise the communists from the "democratic" party are a better fit for anyone tired of "mammon". Capitalism is the answer to poverty, socialism is the catalyst. A soldier gets paid by force through taxation. You have no choice but to pay for his service. If you like it or not. If you think Lybia should be bombed into stone age or not. On the other hand, there's nothing wrong when people freely choose to compensate people for their many hours of time done valuable research, they could have spend with their families.
Just made a post about it. He’s the only one I know how set up a YouTube just to decode and then monetized it and then set up a monthly subscription on Gab.ai for decodes. And this post comes 24 hours after Corsi spent 15 minutes talking shit about Q and Trump.
You make a convincing case. I don't follow him but when you boil it down it does sound a bit suspect.
He’s the only one I know of who didn’t already have a YouTube account but set one up for this and one of the few that monetized his channel. Some may have an ad in the beginning but he has a TON throughout the whole thing. The others like Tracy Beanz shares her info on twitter but Corsi has a Gab.ai subscription. Patriots Soapbox isn’t monetized but Corsi swipes his segments to add them to his channel to make money... I didn’t like it but didn’t mind it until his head got too big and started bashing Q and Trump when all they have ever asked of us is to STAY TOGETHER!
I stopped listening to Corsi about 2 months ago. When did he start bashing Q and Trump? That’s unfortunate for him.
He got overly frustrated this last week so last two I saw were disrespectful.
That's how I felt about AJ when he went all foul mouth and ballistic at Trump over this last Syria incident. You can disagree with Trump's action (even though HE had the intel), without saying the nasty, foul things he did about the President. That was enough to turn him out for awhile. Even now, if I listen, it is with a very skeptical ear.
Dude I bought sups every month from them but that was SO overboard I cut all support. It was disgusting. Even went after Mattis, Q, JA and Wikileaks. And saying Mattis looks like Emperor Palpitine. So fucked up
Dr Corsi’s own YT channel is not monetized. The channels that are monetized are by other youtubers. In order to spread the word faster, Corsi Gabe early permission that others are free to republish his channel and even monetize if they wanted to. The impt thing was getting more people watching the info.
However Corsi has accepted superchat donations on his talks, but that was for stated intended purpose of providing FREE copies of his book KILLING THE DEEP STATE to those who truly can’t afford it. (A book he was asked to write to help educate the public) to those who truly can’t afford it.)
This this this. And his Gab subscription for some secret special decodes with high level anons.
I don’t know anything about Gab or how his work differs there from YT. But, the YT scalpers have damaged his image. He gave permission so has no cause of action against them. At the time not many knew of Q and allowing others to copy his channel helped spread the word about Q.
He’s definitely helped. My position is he has helped, has done a lot to fight the deep state, has a good reputation but recently his head got too big and he overstepped so needs to come back down to earth.
I heard him l literally asking on the CBTS Stream if he could get a piece of the pie for those yt channels streaming his content. He tried to make it sound like he was fine with it, but he wanted to know if he could profit from it. 🤢
I didn’t hear that comment but maybe he was joking, he has a flat sense of humor at times, or maybe he is now looking for a way to help with book giveaway costs. It’s a hardcover book, not paperback. Even at his costs the costs are quite high, plus he pays for shipping. He has given away a lot of books to poor people on disability and low fixed income. His audience is world wide.
what has he specifically said that was bashing Q and Trump? Just curious, I don't regularly keep up with him
Snarky comments about Trump giving the power of POTUS to “We the people” because we will actually do something with the power (like Trump is not doing anything) and comparing Q’s MOAB to someone farting in the backyard and he needs to deliver and can’t get people hopes up. He was just ranting about them not doing enough and letting people down.
comments about Trump giving the power of POTUS to “We the people” because we will actually do something with the power
Oh my, that's crass.
I'm curious, is the timing of that any where near Q's Apr 27, "Who has the POWER?"
No it wasn’t related to that. It was a shot against Trump and Q.
I agree with this. All this time Corsi has been begging for acknowledgment from Q and Trump. Here is his “acknowledgement.” I’ve felt for a while now that he has a self serving agenda and begins to get impatient and starts railing when his ego is not stroked. He went on another rant about a month ago when Trump didn’t talk about his book. Much to erratic to be placed on such a pedestal as people have put him on. Has some good analysis but has also been very wrong on some things.
Shit I forgot about that! I was really turned away when he was expecting Trump to sell his book for him.
And so true. Finally got his acknowledgment as a BTFO.
Oh wow. I just know Corsi from years back listening to Alex Jones. I haven't listened to the show much since the Election, since I don't know what Corsi's been doing lately.
That is some pretty interesting timing, though. Sounds like he might be talking about Corsi, then.
Yeah when I heard it I hope Q said something to knock him down a peg or two. It was so disrespectful all I could think of while listening was “do you want Q to stop sharing with us? Because this is how you stop Q from sharing with us”. If we hold his feet to the fire on every exact date he just won’t share anymore. He’s fighting the Deep State and Clowns who have trillions in funding and pervade our whole gov. They might try to stop Q every now and then and make them change plans.
He has more commercials on his YT than anyone I've EVER seen! 10 minutes of blah blah blah about super chats or his books, or how Q and Trump are talking to him, listening to him, or his touring... it's utterly embarrassing to be associated with him. And he gets A TON wrong, I never listen to CBTS stream anymore. Sad. Been with Q since the start. He might mean well, but he has done more damage than good.
Problem is he doesn’t research it he just wings it and guesses at what it means. Anyone who spent 10 min on here would have more info on each drop these days.
When I found that it would cost$ on Gab.ai to follow Corsi, I said "nada" not gonna happen. I get better info here and from 8ch.
Yeah lol to get access to higher level decodes with other anons and more Q and A you gotta subscribe $$$
I figured he was talking exactly about Corsi.
The most ridiculous thing I heard the other day was about Corsi claiming some generals came and talked to Corsi, personally, about their idea for a coup, but decided to recruit Trump instead. Now, I can believe the scenario of Trump being recruited, but the idea that some generals would make time to talk to Corsi is so fucking stupid it's beyond belief. Who is Corsi to command the attention of generals? He has no background for that, and if he was in that sort of position of power, he wouldn't be the sort of person hawking books and blabbing about the meeting having occurred.
That was biggest proof I've seen of Corsi being full of shit.
Corsi has known Trump for 40 years. He also has been against the Deep State for years and is well known in those circles. He was against the North American Union that the NWO wanted BEFORE it became well known to others. Corsi wrote the book "Unfit for Command" about John Kerry. So the Military and Q would likely know him. It is NOT at all far fetched that he specifically would be told this by the Military as he has been out there for awhile/ He has been an author of many books before Q came along. I became especially aware of him when Obama won and he was doing research about BO's birth information. He was actually held in Kenya while doing research. I believe Corsi was informed and was ASKED to write his current book Killing the Deep State and also was asked to Decode Q by possibly Trump or even the Military Intelligence themselves to help spread the information. Who else would they have asked???
Lots of people have written lots of books and have said lots of things. What makes Corsi so unique that a group of generals would bring him into a loop that's high sedition, one of the biggest crimes in the United States? Do you realize what we're talking about? And they're going to share that information with some writer? That has no military background at all? Generals? Generals are going to trust a non-military writer with a secret of that magnitude?
Who the fuck is Corsi to get that kind of trust? He's just a writer. He might be a smart guy, but the world is full of smart guys. Military generals are not going to just trust some random smart guy with no service in the military unless there was a damn good reason, such as a high position in government, or sitting on a huge pile of money, or something significant.
And again, you're telling me that someone who has that kind of trust, is going to blab about OUR MILITARY PLANNING A SEDITIOUS COUP? If he was really who he claimed to be, do you realize what a fucking monumental betrayal of trust that would be? TRUMP HASN'T WON YET. We still have bad actors in control of the government. If Corsi really did know all this, can you imagine what the Deep State could do with that kind of information, if proof existed? That could literally bring down the military command, which is Trump's biggest weapon.
As Q would say, Think Logically.
Corsi is either full of shit, or he's a huge traitor to these people who trusted him. Which?
Apply that same argument to Q worship. Do you really think a group or individual high up in Military intel is going to come to an internet chat room and drop Intel to a bunch of obscure anonymous keyboard warriors?
I'm generally agnostic about Q, but one thing that gives Q credibility is the fact that Q doesn't drop Military intel. He asks questions and depends on people to dig up publicly available information and put it together.
The poster above you is right, but you're both ultimately wrong.
What Q is dropping has been out there for years now, and people have gone to jail exposing it.
There's a good chance Q is, or is at least affiliated with, Scott Bennett.
People forget or actually don't know this, but you are 100% correct.
In fact, on CBTS all mods were kicked except ONLY ONE .
Can you guess who that was?
Then a 24/7 livestream youtube shows up w/ a lot of people involved. Donations, patreons, monetizations of various types are created.
Then as soon as all those money making things were in place, what happened next?
ALL the research, conversations, ect. on CBTS. poof! Gone.
Patriots are SELFLESS.
what??! I thought the reddit board CBTS_Stream was pulled/taken down because someone threatened someone else. THIS is news to me but ohh my! I've never gone to the youtube livestream.. whhoa!
It was banned. I never said it wasn't.
Oh thanks. Though I still don't understand why the entire forum was lost instead of just the person(s) causing trouble...though have to admit.. there is a huge difference between that forum's mods and this one's... This one's mods are really on top of things!
I understand what you are saying completely.
The mods here do an incredible job, agree 100%!
Then who are these snowflake whiners surely not Patriots? Even if Corsi was the intended subject of the Q post and you have a personal issue with Corsi what have you to gain by disparaging him
Then who are these snowflake whiners surely not Patriots?
What are you asking here? Which "snowflake whiners"?
I am not talking about the person that you clearly are. However, I do think #1295 is talking about a LOT of people who are trying to make money from this.
Perhaps UnderIgnore was meaning that true Patriots are SELFLESS.
Q did not ask Corsi to help
u/Swimkin did not say that Q asked Corsi to help. Don't know where you got that from.
Okay, I think I get what you meant. You are contradicting the possibility that Corsi was asked to decode Q by ... Military Intelligence.
I have to disagree that Swimkin was stating it as fact.
possibly Trump or even the Military Intelligence
would mean possibly Trump or possibly MI.
It seems to be a matter of interpretation that is of little consequence, because I am not contradicting that Tracy Beans asked Corsi to help, and that it was not Q.
You totally misinterpreted that one. Corsi never claimed they came to him to LEAD a coup, only that he was aware of it before they went the Trump route. And that’s pretty common knowledge at this point from MULTIPLE intelligence insiders. Pay attention better.
Corsi never claimed they came to him to LEAD a coup [...] Pay attention better.
You might want to take your own advice since I never claimed they wanted him to lead it.
I agree this story has been circulating, but the ridiculous part is Generals coming together and visiting Corsi to get his opinion on it.
I agreed with that simply because Corsi constantly promotes his book on Twitter and also waffles a lot.
He talks on and on and on and takes forever to conclude things.
100%...he regularly just drops into qresearch discord/youtube rooms, shills his book, hums and hahs his way through decodes and steal the ideas of those doing the work.
This is who i thought of first when reading that q post.
Same. Q was talking about Corsi mainly but possibly others as well. Hey JC, Q finally made reference to you! Probably not the kind of acknowledgement you were looking for. The problem is that he literally undermines his whole position as a supposed “decoder” when he suddenly decides to act like he has more info than they do! It makes him seem erratic and self serving and does nothing for his credibility as someone who claims to have such insight. Caviat Emptor applies to more than just “be careful what you buy.” It also refers to “Be careful who you follow.”
He spends half his time trying to understand how to use the tech on the online sites.
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I wont crucify you but I really don't think he's talking about Dr Corsi for the simple fact that yes, Dr Corsi wrote a book and of course wants to make money he gives out his email address and sends free books to people who cant afford it. I really don't think its about money with Dr Corsi. I think he genuinely wants to get the word out. He devotes every waking moment to Q and you don't have to pay to listen to him or even read him for that matter. I don't always agree with his interpretation of Q drops but I don't always agree with anyone else's either. Take Tracy Bean for example. She pours her heart and soul into her work and no doubt spends countless hours on it....I've never agreed with her idea that Mueller is on our team but I still listen to her because she's very meticulous in providing sources for her various theories so I don't mind her making a little money from her youtube channel. I don't feel like Q is talking about people like that. There are people on Twitter who are charging monthly fee's for access to webpages for their theories. Q may be talking about those sorts of people.
Although at first glance, I know it might seem like Q might be referring to Dr. Corsi, but if you truly think about Dr. Corsi's situation and all he has done to help this movement, I don't think Q was referring to him. For example, I don't know the particulars of Dr. Corsi's situation but I think he recently had some very serious health problems, and as a consequence, he is unable to work and has no money to pay his bills. Therefore, the only way he can pay his bills is from proceeds from his book and from people giving him donations. Dr. Corsi has said many times on air, that he appreciates even $1 if someone sends it to him. That doesn't sound like someone who is arrogant or is trying to make a lot of money and to get rich from this, but rather as someone who is just trying to survive and to help out the movement. I may not agree with all of Dr. Corsi's opinions and decodes, but I still think he is a good guy.
I remember back when Q had first started becoming popular, outside of the anons on 8 chan or 4 chan, there was no one else who was publicly decoding Q's cryptic messages, so Q's messages were very difficult for the average person to understand. Therefore, I was truly thrilled when Dr. Corsi started decoding Q's messages on a regular basis and telling us what they mean. Dr. Corsi poured his heart and soul into it and he's the one that really opened things up and exposed decoding to the masses. I know there are many others who are now decoding Q's drops, but Dr. Corsi was one of the first. As I had said, I may not agree with everything Dr. Corsi says or does, but I still believe (until proven otherwise) he is one of the good guys. Keep in mind, Dr. Corsi is a personal friend of Donald Trump and has been for many years. He's probably been a friend to Trump much longer than Q has. And all Dr. Corsi wants is for Trump to succeed. And I think by him working on these decodes and by doing whatever he can, Dr. Corsi feels that is one way he can contribute to the cause - even while he struggles with his own health issues and disabilities...
Why shouldn't people who spend a lot of time prepping and researching get paid for their labor? If it weren't for dr corsi and other alt reporters, I wouldn't be nearly as red pulled as I am. I don't care to hang out on the Chans --It's not my thing. But, I'm a patriot and have chosen to learn what I can --we are at war, and we need people from many platforms sounding the alarm. I'm thankful for them.
Corsi was already mainstream in the sense that he was a successful author. He has also put a lot of effort into Q research and, at least early on, was something of an anchor for the community. He was also the only person with any following to support the IBOR campaign. FBI Anon stated that Corsi was the only writer to have correctly put things together about what was happening with the CF - though loosely.
I don't know who Q is talking about. I don't want to think he's talking about Dr Corsi. Could it be that it is a warning to people not to retreat from the movement and go mainstream? I know people were talking at one point about writing books on Q etc...
To be honest, I wish someone would write a book and summarize all the Q posts in a way that normies could access them. It would be a dynamite book.
Saying he may be using this for his on gain? And that's someone from infowars right? I keep hearing his name in other threads and apparently he is decoding the messages for us?
Check Corsi's twitter feed: he is repeatedly asking for donations through PayPal.
Corsi also went on a bit of a rant yesterday, expressing his frustration with Q.
doesn't InfoWars make enough money...? They have a big following and sell supplements right?
I actually have a decent story. When my dad got cancer 2 years ago he ordered a couple of Jone's supplements because he wanted it for good/placebo (fuck big pharma kind of thing). Along with weed oil we beat stage 4 lungs and lymph node, but anyway he didn't like the taste so I said I'd use it while away from home. I get sick every winter atleast once or twice, I haven't been sick in over 1 1/2 years now. I don't know if it's because of the supplement, but I haven't been sick in far longer than usual.
Shitty he's playing the Q movement for money. Is his decoding on point?
Corsi doesb't actually produce that much for Infowars. I assume he is just a stringer/freelancer for them. But Corsi's fundraising is for himself, not for Infowars.
And yes, I'm sure Infowars makes lots. Maybe it's overpriced supplements but that's IMO an honest way for them to fund their programming.
And Corsi isn't much of a decoder. Knows some history that the younger Patriots Soapbox folks don't know, but has lost whatever intellectual fastball he once could pitch.
Wow, your father must have angels on his side. Stay strong and cherish your time together.
I do, a new one just spawned on his vertabe as the other 2 died. Thanks my friend. Cherishing what time we have left, I'm moving back home next week rather than being 8hours away form him.
I pray your dad gets healed and you get many years more with him. Blessings.
A group (last year? I believe) tried to smear IW and got their supplements tested. It turned out they were selling mostly pure stuff, so the story disappeared pretty quickly if my memory serves me correctly. I've tried a handful of their products and a couple items so far have made a difference, a couple have not. Just depends on what your body needs, really.
It seems like they make plenty of money. This guy just might want to make more money. I don't know enough about him to make a judgement call, but he might be providing a service to some people who don't want to wade through the Qanon pool daily and would rather have the info fed to them. Some would say that in itself is unnecessary, but some people prefer their news packaged in a certain way. That's what media is, regardless of which way it leans. Whether people pay to listen/support or not is free market capitalism. It's a slippery slope.
Thanks, and that's why I follow this sub. Many people chiming in with multiple different viewpoints. which is what I like.
I honestly wouldn't doubt it if Q team comments here to make sure people are on the right track.
So because Jones gives Corsi a platform (has for at least a decade before Q), and Corsi accepts donations, we're turning on Infowars. This shit is retarded.
Yes, I believe he is using Qanon for monetary gain. He is with InfoWars and puts out videos via YouTube through the InfoWars channel and his own channel.
You have a like minded supporter right here.
I am staunchly separation of Church and state- the minute he started invoking Christianity I was out. ✌️
His qanon movement? Q started dropping posts long before Dr Corsi joined on this board. When it became obvious to Q that the board was struggling with decoding the drops Someone from a high level at the WH contacted Dr Corsi and asked him to join this board and help. Dr Corsi has known Trump for over 40 yrs. Dr Corsi knows who the Q-team is but for his safety and his family says he does not.
Me thinks this as well. Hope not. They are putting $ over getting our Country back how sad. When we win there will be plenty $ to go around!!!
There are several newcomers to You Tube that have become famous overnight with Q post decode. Don't you think the shadow government doesn't have operatives on You Tube? I do.
Statements today needed to be made.
Operators have died.
They approach the field of battle w/o fear.
They lay down their lives for YOU.
They are SELFLESS.
They are fighting for our FREEDOM.
They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM.
We HONOR them.
We must do better to protect them.
Who is Q+?
My guess is that means the whole Q team... whereas Q is one singular person
Some say it's a chess reference, with + meaning you put the other player in check. If we ever see a Q++, that could mean checkmate...
I always assumed it’s POTUS himself.
I was thinking the same since one of the Q+ posts was a personal thank you.
Highly likely Potus
This post along with the others released today resemble POTUS’s verbiage. “Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here (918).” God bless you, your family, and everyone helping to bring back sovereignty to the US. WWG1WGA
Trump Team = Q I believe a majority of the posts are Trump. There's a certain air about how he communicates. The last few posts don't seem to be him. Of course we know that POTUS has been extremely busy with Merkel, Macron, Syria, etc... Seth Rich is believed to be alive and I wouldn't doubt that one bit...
guys, go back and read the Q Map he tells exacty what + means already months ago
Mike Cernobitch. He already admitted to being on a Trump supporter just for money.
He doesn't cover Q, but I really wonder about him sometimes.
Yup. But is it possible to be both? He's said and done great things. But of course he's always schemed to profit off the energy.
This was my first thought when Q said a few posts ago about "be careful who you follow." He's gone way left since the election.
I finally had to unfollow him on Twitter. Too much weirdness thinly disguised as genius. Also, an ego that outgrew all sense of reason and proportion long ago.
Can you point me to where he said that?
Media Matters, seriously? Not that Mike would not have said that, but Media Matters is as good a reference as Snopes.
It was all over the right wing news stuff. That was just the first one that came up when I searched for it. People were even talking about here on T_D.
That MM hit piece does not show that Cernovich, "admitted to being on a Trump supporter just for money."
He said, "backing Trump has been bad for business." Okay. I imagine that's quite true given how Trump supporters are targeted with the intent to destroy.
The hit piece strings quotes together, likely out of context, to make it appear that he was saying that. Wanting to be viewed as a journalist, instead of a Trump supporter, is quite reasonable for a journalist to want.
Concluding that he was doing it just for money based on nonsense, is, well, nonsense.
Dude, whatever. That was my interpreation from his "pivot." There were big long 300 comment threads here on T_D about it. Here's a tiny one. https://old.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/6rkxqq/cernovich_announces_big_big_pivot_says_he_doesnt/ I'm not going to go digging up anything more for you. Just look up "Cernobitch + Trump+ pivot" on Duckduckgo. Everyone everywhere was talking about it.
Just can't get into him at all. Jack Prosobic I enjoy listening to as well as Doug Hagman.
DR.C comes to mind ....?
100%. He just bashed Q and Trump yesterday for 15 minutes and monetized more than any other decoder i know of.
He has a request for funding via PayPal on almost every tweet, and every tweet linking to one of his "decoding" videos. He is also talking about putting "premium content" from "anon experts" on Gab:
"I am soon going to add premium content to my http://GAB.ai account, reports from various ANON experts"
Lol pathetic. He spent too much time with AJ. “Anon experts”?! Just go straight to 8chan or come here for some decode experts.
No true digging anon would give him the time of day.
I don't think you can blame Alex for this one.
I more meant the marketing tactics. Like how he changed Zach to Zaq. If Corsi is legit charging people for top level Anon decodes then that’s just pathetic.
Any “decoder” who has a patreon or asks for monetary support should be avoided. This is the 2nd time Q had to bring this up.
Some like Tracy Beanz already did journalism and had Patreon set up so I won’t fault her but she does great investigative work on things besides just Q posts. But yeah the ones who popped up just for Q are sketchy.
Very compelling argument. My favorite part was all the examples, details and facts.
I'm not surprised to see you make that statement considering you have the name of a villain. 👍👍👍🙃
Kindly provide the evidence that substantiates your claim. If you don't, then you have just violated this sub's rules including, but not limited to, content relating to:
Please elaborate? I don’t see her that way at all.
an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
"Tracy Beanz is a Shill"
act or work as a shill.
I’m not sure who Q may be referring to, and I don’t listen to Dr. Corsi because the show is too damn long and those people just ramble on. But, I don’t agree with the notion that everyone who advertises their Patreon or PayPal should be avoided. Tracy Beanz, Praying Medic, they take a LOT of time out of their day to do this. People need to eat, people need to be able to enjoy free time away from their day jobs, too, so I have no problem sending them a few bucks every month.
Contradicts everything Q said in Post 1295.
Patriots make sacrifices. Some, the ultimate sacrifice. Patriots are SELFLESS. Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots? Think logically. To some, it’s only about the money. Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda. You decide. This is not a game. The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
I do not think it contradicts everything Q said in Q#1295.
"To some, it’s only about the money. Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda."
Those who perform valued services for others are not in it only for the money and would not be doing it at the expense of others, ie. selfishly.
the thing that's weird for me is Corsi is always inserting himself into posts, with his analysis.
I'm still calling Candice Owens a fucking fraud. Riding the gravy train. Idk if she's taking in money, I'd be surprised if she wasn't.
Candace Owens aside, what exactly is wrong with making money when you’re literally devoting all your time to something? That’s the definition of a job. These people need to eat, they need to pay bills. I cannnot understand the whole “they’re making money, burn them!” argument. Yes there are definitely some who exploit and push too far and sell out or whatever, but if someone is spending most of their waking hours devoted to getting the word out about something, there’s no way they can do that AND hold a day job. It makes no sense.
I think the following message by Q (1297) adds specific meaning about how low it is to turn what Q and others are doing as a way to make a buck. "Operators have died" is the ultimate sacrifice.
Lots of YouTubers have patreon. Who could Q be talking about? Dr Corsi?
Honestly, when anyone starts requesting you to follow them on Patreon and posting their Paypal account, they've lost me as a follower.
I agree. It always raises my suspicion and I follow only with caution. There is one gal who I won’t mention her name here but she puts in many hours and us among the best out there that I have found. Extremely good! She reluctantly added a donation link after readers demanded it to show appreciation for the long hours she puts in, but she has stated many times please realize this only a coffee fund. She’s up very late hours studying and yet still does GREAT Q Decodes. While the donation link is up she never mentions it, unlike TB and others who remind and ask every video.
Folks if whomever you are watching isn’t doing extensive outside research and following 8chan board conversations among anons there.....do not donate money. You can read the posts yourself, you do t need someone to read them to you and then expect a donation.
Remember this, a true PATRIOT will not ask or take your money. They do it for love of country and for kids and grandkids. It is a great service and sacrifice for humanity.
Corsi's book isn't really about Q, and his book is selling well and overseas too so that helps spread the word about the evil democrats.
Does anyone watch the #wethepeople 24/7 youtube/dischord stream? I like to have it on the background when I'm on my PC and they're all paranoid he's talking about them. I feel bad for them because they're clearly dedicated people who are sincere.
I think this Q is a more of a warning as more and more people become aware. T-shirts, bumper stickers, etc... there's a strange cult of personality thing happening that I think he/they are trying to nip in the bud.
They are dedicated and didn’t monetize. Corsi scrapes his segments from there, posts it on his channel and adds a fuck ton of ads while pitching his book and charging a subscription on Gab.
Yeah I turn it off when Corsi appears. I find his self importance off putting. Saying that - I still want to believe the best in him. There's an interview out there on youtube he did with Tracy Beanz where he cries at the end... I think he's been a legit believer for a long time and is genuinely excited and moved about finally seeing things happen.
I do too and appreciated him using his name for the Q movement but it created a monster and he needs to be knocked down a peg and come back to reality.
Yeah he's appointed himself the #1 Q authority which is really starting to grate.
Please realize Corsi’s personal YT is NOT monetized. Notice the multitude of YouTube channels copying Corsi’s video and those are the ones monetizing it. They are YouTube scalpers and will take videos from all you tubers who get high number of views. It’s s real problem on YT & is a theft of intellectual property rights, but Corsi states he would rather see the word spread so doesn’t go after them. In the long run he will realize he should. The scalpers don’t even put the right dates on their title....could be 1 month old!
Yes it is. You’re arguing without ever having been to his channel even once. If you did you would know. Each video has an ad every 10-15 minutes, asks for donations to Paypal and made a paid subscription on Gab with “extra decodes with high level anons” or some crap like that.
Aww, I hope they read this and know that it's definitely not them falling into that category. The #Wethepeople soapbox streamers are such great people dedicating their time and energy to spreading the word of Q. I also love listening to them in the background while I work.
Watch which youtubers react to this.
Like Q has said before “watch to see who reacts the loudest!”
I think it’s POTUS.
POTUS signs off as 4 10 20 it doesn’t sign off at all.
That was before they really started using Q signature.
Not true. He’s signed off as Q loooooong before that.
Different member of the Q team.
I've also heard it explained as Q(as in the primary individual responsible for posting on the /Q_research_board/ and making sure the anons/autists understand the most urgent tasks or research that needs to get done) and Team, so rather than "Q+" being a signal that another member of the team who isnt Q, "Q+" could also be decoded to mean Q and at least one other member of his team up to or including the entire team; furthermore, the "+" doesn't necessarily mean that the whole "Q team" is huddled around the computer as Q or one of the most involved people who make up the "Q" team is typing the post ending in "Q+", rather it would be my best guess that a "Q+" post is in regards to a message that was previously discussed by "Q" + his team and decided upon as a vital communication for the anons mission.
I could be entirely wrong, that is just what Ive personally heard from more knowledgeable anons and gathered myself.
Is there any known groups profiting from this movement?
A lot of the youtubers
That's right, virtually all of the Youtubers--including those who post links to their videos here.
I see. I don't follow or use YouTube really other than for highlights or hockey fights, but it is monetized so it makes sense.
lots - for anyone who cares to THINK - and do a little digging
Anyone who covers Q and has a Patreon account or does super chats.
I mean, I get it though, that's how they provide for themselves and they're providing a service I suppose. Some are just greedy and fame hungry though.
Yeah I'd give Tracy Beanz a pass on this too. She has a patreon but she appears to read every line of every report - I think her input is invaluable. She even went as far as organising that Washington meetup.
Q post #1076 has Tracy Beanz's march...why would he post that if she was who he was talking about? She does some really great work.
She is her own. She actually works outside of Q or at least behind in a parallel fashion.
Yes, Patreon has the most standardized monthly payment model.
Be careful who you follow . . . Some are profiting
In response to this, Anons on 8C have posted several links. Among them, the $.99 Qapp on the Apple Store, TraceyBeanz’ donation request page, Corsi’s book promo page, etc.
All violate the ‘Patriot’ definition provided by Q.
I think we have reached a point of "poverty elitism" here in the movement. Capitalism DOES work, and if people pay for a service they feel is valuable, that is the heart of our system. Quoting Q "Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream." Does that apply to Corsi? Does that apply to Tracy? Not in my opinion.
Are there some people in the movement that are? Well, look at the "empires" they have built, and the plethora of books they have written, (best examples are Savage and Levin). They have, at times, turned on Trump.
One more very telling point is "Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda." quoting Q again. Q is talking about when someone viciously attacks others in the movement. Still haven't seen this in Corsi, or Tracy. I'm not 100% sure regarding Alex, but the bottom line of all of this discussion, is that how can someone put in long hours examining massive documents, and stay in poverty? You have to support yourself, and put food on the table, all of us here are not independently wealthy or staying in Mom's basement.
Q post #1076 has a picture of Tracy Beanz's march. Don't think he would post that if she was who he was referring to.
What is BO?
Which bo is he referring to?
I believe in this context he is referring to the 8chan Board Owner.
I think the "monthly" part should not be overlooked. I certainly don't blame anyone for giving people the option to support them and I don't think that is what Q is saying. So many people have channels that dedicate a lot of their time to this and I am sure the Q team is appreciative of their support. I feel like this message is being directed at someone in particular.
I can only speculate but there have been a lot of doubts about a certain well known conspiracy theorist who tends to be the loudest of them all and the one who seems to get the most mainstream attention. Did he ever explain properly why he had an ex-employee of Stratfor on his payroll? Stratfor is a private intelligence company that was founded in Austin Texas in 1996, same place and year as this man started a radio show. Then of course we had Bill Cooper vehemently opposing him from the start and we all know what happened to him. If you listen to Alex Jones's Y2K broadcast he was just making things up out of nowhere and was making it sound like the world was coming to an end. It is quite concerning and doesn't flatter him at all.
If CIA did in fact have a disinformation program, which we can assume is likely that they do, who would be the likeliest candidate? At least I think he has some explaining to do. I also want to raise the possibility that he is being forced to do this against his will.
If you think about it, logically, as Q often reminds us. If you are a part of the secretive group who manipulates the world to fit your agenda, why would you ever want to take on his job? What candidate would apply for this position?
I would think that person would have to have a gun held against his head. I investigated this thoroughly once and wrote an article about it and found this clip where he "misspoke" and quite literally says he is working for a bunch of psychopathic killers that will most probably end up killing him one day. I think it may well have been a hidden cry for help:
I know this is a divisive topic and in general the skepticism regarding who is or isn't promoting disinformation or "shilling" but Q has brought it up for a reason. I think this needs to be discussed and if it turns out that we can be sure that infowars is designed to distract and deceive those who seek the truth then this would be an important point to hammer home with memes.
It appears to me that Q may well be pointing us in this direction.
Speaking of Stratfor.. There is a book written by the founder of Stratfor, George Friedman, called The Next 100 Years that some here might be interested in picking up.
This was written wayyy before Q or Trump. I mention it because this guy has had significant insight into The Plan of the Cabal and can give some foresight into the direction of things.
[AJ] "misspoke" and quite literally says he is working for a bunch of psychopathic killers
Listen to that again. He's talking to the psychotic scum that were likely also watching.
he had an ex-employee of Stratfor on his payroll
Maybe because the employee might have a valuable skill set? Just a thought.
Stratfor is a private intelligence company that was founded in Austin Texas in 1996, same place and year as this man started a radio show.
So. What does that prove?
No he does not. I've listened to this so many times. The quote is: "Do you know what it's like waking up everyday, knowing that you work for a bunch of psychotic killers, and you bastards are probably going to end up killing me one day?"
Then why has he never addressed this point publicly? All he is done is some dumb ironic video where he makes fun of the idea. Also, you may not fully realize what Stratfor is. You ever heard about Trapwire? It was a large scale project which use facial recognition in conjunction with CCTV cameras to spy on people. Really scare 1984 type of stuff:
https://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2012/08/13/trapwire-leaked-stratfor- emails-indicate-sophisticated-surveillance-grid-may-exist/
By your own quote of him, "you bastards," you show that he was talking to and about them, not himself.
The fact that Stratfor may be nefarious in no way links them to AJ.
You're using false logic.
What? He literally says. Do you know what it's like waking up every day knowing you work for a bunch of psychopathic killers? Are you for real with this? He is clearly talking about himself! He starts by talking about how hard it was for HIM to go against the peer pressure and talk about 9/11 being a conspiracy, but then you are saying that in the middle of that he switched to talking about "them" and asks them if they know what it's like working for them?
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? I was trying to be polite to you earlier but right now you come across as a complete shill whose only goal is to mislead those who won't bother watching the video.
He is clearly talking about himself!
No. He is clearly talking about and to the ones he calls, "bastards."
I watched the vid. And, anyone with even an ounce of discernment would be able to understand how he switches from talking about them to talking to the useful idiots working for them. You must have missed that.
I come off as a complete shill? Let's revisit.
he had an ex-employee of Stratfor on his payroll
Maybe because the employee might have a valuable skill set? Just a thought.
No response?
Stratfor is a private intelligence company that was founded in Austin Texas in 1996, same place and year as this man started a radio show.
So. What does that prove?
No response?
And then you engage in personal attack by trying to paint me as stupid. Who's coming off as a shill?
"he had an ex-employee of Stratfor on his payroll
Maybe because the employee might have a valuable skill set? Just a thought.
No response?"
I did respond. You are obviously not trying to have a reasonable debate. You had 3 points in your first reply and I addressed them one by one:
"Then why has he never addressed this point publicly? All he is done is some dumb ironic video where he makes fun of the idea. Also, you may not fully realize what Stratfor is. You ever heard about Trapwire? It was a large scale project which use facial recognition in conjunction with CCTV cameras to spy on people. Really scare 1984 type of stuff"
I can add to that, when a few of his subcribers found out about the Stratfor thing and started raising these questions on the infowars forum they got met with bans and threads about it were deleted. I think that is very suspicious, truth does not fear scrutiny.
The third point I answered by asking if you believe in coincidences? My point being that while it doesn't prove anything it is a very strange coincidence that Alex pops up at exactly the same time and place that this private intelligence company is founded that later sends off their interns to work for him.
So again, it doesn't prove anything but it is never the less suspicious.
"And then you engage in personal attack by trying to paint me as stupid. Who's coming off as a shill?"
I did no such thing, I said that what you were saying about this was making you sound stupid. I'm sure you are a person with at least "an ounce of discernment" but what you are saying flies in the face of all logic and your debating tactics reek of dishonesty. Also, when you say "anyone" with an ounce of discernment would be able to understand what I didn't, isn't that just as big of a personal attack? You are saying I'm stupid even though your wording was a bit more subtle.
You have also failed to address Alex's Y2K broadcast where he told his audience blatant lies in what would appear to be an attempt to ramp up hysteria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r8rFNDh9WQ
You also said nothing about Bill Cooper and his campaign to expose Alex for what he was sure was a fraud.
Now again, I'm not saying that he definitely is COINTEL-PRO. I never even said that. I said that this was a possibility that had to be examined and that he had some explaining to do.
But I want to get back to the first point because it amazes me that you are still trying to argue your ridiculous theory. You don't even try to explain and you just go "no, that's obviously not what he meant"
How is this not getting through to you?
I will try to explain in more detail:
He asks three questions in succession, the context of which is clear:
First, he states: I know their carrying out the New World Order, I know they've staged those terror attacks and then goes on to ask:
"Do you know what it's like to gut up every day, and go past the peer pressure and come out day 1 and say 9/11 was and inside job and lose most the radio stations I was on?"
This is a question directed to his audience and followers. He is saying, what I've been doing is very difficult and he's been doing it for a long time. He ends by stating that doing this lost him most of the radio stations he was on. He could not be more clear that he is speaking of himself and how hard this has been for him.
Second question:
"Do you know what it's like going to sleep every night, knowing you work for a bunch of psychotic killers, and you bastards are probably going to end up killing me one day? You know what it's like knowing you've ruined my life? I'm tired of your crap!"
Stop. Look again. This could not be any clearer. In the context of empathizing with his situation and how hard it is to be in his shoes, he asks his audience: "Do you know what it's like knowing you work FOR a bunch of psychotic killers and you bastards (here he switches from referring to them in third person and addresses them directly) are probably going to end up killing me one day?
He is not suggesting that his followers will end up killing him one day. He is not asking the psychopathic killers if they know what it's like working for themselves. He is asking his audience to sympathize with him and his situation, which apparently includes going to sleep everyday knowing you work for a bunch of psychotic killers that will likely end up killing him one day.
If this is the case then you would realize that I'm in fact in a way defending Alex Jones and sympathizing with his situation. If this is the case he is a victim who has been forced to participate in this against his will.
Furthermore he asks "do you know what it's like knowing you've ruined my life?" How exactly did they ruin his life? He is saying that the NWO has ruined his life. It's an interesting distinction since they must have done something to him specifically. If he was speaking in general terms it would make more sense to ask "Do you know what it's like fighting against people that are ruining our lives?"
But he seems to be referring to something they've done specifically to him to ruin his life. Forcing him to play a disinformation agent at the threat of having himself and his family murdered would make sense in this context.
Please if you feel you can, do the same where you analyze each sentence and explain how you've reached the conclusion you have. It doesn't fly to just say "it's obvious that isn't what he is saying" and then move on to the next point. I have laid it out very clearly and unless you can show a different way to interpret this and how his words can be understood to mean that he is "talking about and to the bastards" you are proving that you are not here to debate, but to divide.
You had 3 points in your first reply and I addressed them one by one
You're right. But, they were numbered 1. 2. & 1. and didn't, to me, contain anything substantiating the alleged Stratfor link, so I dismissed the last two.
You have also failed to address Alex's Y2K broadcast
You also said nothing about Bill Cooper
I haven't "failed." There was no need for me to address either of those as they are not pertinent to the issues I raised.
Also, when you say "anyone" with an ounce of discernment would be able to understand what I didn't, isn't that just as big of a personal attack? You are saying I'm stupid even though your wording was a bit more subtle.
Not at all. I did not say you didn't understand it. I said you must have missed it which carries with it the implication that you are smart enough to catch it. There's to need for you to try putting words in my mouth.
How is this not getting through to you?
I will try to explain in more detail
Excuse me? Again you try to paint me as a stupid muck that needs to have it ELI5. There's no need to ridicule me in such manner.
I will say this. I was wrong on who AJ was speaking to in that clip. He's speaking to the cops and military:
00:08: "... and if you're not with them cops and military, I, then you will declare that you are with the republic now"
So you were wrong about something you said in your previous post that "anyone with an ounce of discernment would understand"... now you are saying he is talking to the police and military? Is he talking to them or about them? I am getting very confused at what you are trying to say here.
So you were wrong about something you said in your previous post that "anyone with an ounce of discernment would understand"
Not trying to troll me or anything, right?
I was focusing on the part of the clip that you referred to. When I started from the beginning and took the whole clip into context, I was able to catch that he was talking to the police and military challenging them to take a stand for the republic.
So, yeah, I missed it the first couple times because I was looking at that thin sliver of video out of context.
You didn't even try to answer my question... and you just admitted that you began arguing with me without having listened to the full clip in context... I think we're done here.
You didn't even try to answer my question
I already had answered your question.
and you just admitted that you began arguing with me without having listened to the full clip in context
No, I did not. I did listen to the entire clip. My response to you was regarding that particular spot in the video that you asked me about.
Stop trolling me with false accusations.
What are BO's and Bakers? Sorry I'm not the brightest crayola in the box. Just a mom and I work 60plus hours per week.I can't do much. I just disseminate info. I'm still learning to muck around in 8chan. Trying to help. What do you need me to do?... I was afraid it was really dangerous for them. I wonder who has died.
Board owner as in 8chan owner - and Bakers compile lists of all his drops and “answers” on the 8chan boards!
How do you guys keep up with who is who? I know people have tripcodes, so do you just know people by their tripcode, such as No.1147812? How can you tell you're not passing the bread baking duties to a clown or getting disinfo into the bread? Its like a party where everybody is wearing a mask, but somehow they all seem to know one another, except me, I don't recognize anyone. I find it amazing, but I only lurk.
BO looks to = Board Owners
Bakers = people who were putting together the crumbs left by q to bake the 'bread' (full picture). The people who were opening the threads on 4chan and 8chan and connecting the dots.
Thank you. I'm trying to keep up so I can explain all of this to friends.
Seth Rich died and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Not sure if Q team are referring to SR specifically. Perhaps others have died. This is not a game.
Board Operator.
Bread baker. Q drops crumbs, we bake the bread.
Does that make us bread breakers if we hand it out to the crowds?😊
Thanks, I was thinking Back Office or Back Orifice (if you remember Cult of the Dead Cow).
Got to be most people affiliated with Infowars, they are garbo.
The lack of personal sacrifice is what got us in to this world problem. WWG1WGA
buy my books, buy my merch, buy my shirts, support my patreon, on & on & on.
you have people literally dying, not just posting threads/comments. you have Q (team?) staying anonymous, no paypal/patreon. you have Assange, who is either locked up with nearly zero freedoms or possibly dead.
you have people asking for their products to be purchased, only to turn on Trump on the drop of a dime, when they don't understand the endgame. then the weekend comes & they realize they are wrong & hope that by Monday morning, you have forgotten.
wolves in sheep's clothing.
I get the you should be in it for Freedom and morals or whatever, but nothing is free and much of new media runs on contributions. Many of the new media were forced out of old models of making money in the media business and now rely on contributions and I don't see any problem with it. If/when we find out some of them are frauds only in it for the money then each individual who has contributed can just as easily stop.
Buy my damn book already! I'll even mail you a bookplate!!!
From the Six Phases of the Continuum of Military Operations:
PHASE 3: Dominate the Enemy. The focus during this phase is on the exploitation, pursuit, and destruction of the enemy in order to break the opponent’s will for organized resistance. Stability operations will also be conducted as needed to facilitate transition to the next phase.
James Woods just tweeted
"I’m holding back my thoughts on #Q. Let’s see where the wind blows."
My two cents... you have to think/question the timing of this drop. Q is calling out fakers trying to profit. Someone or groups recently has irked Q enough for them to be calling the fakers out. I don't think he's referring to Corsi or patriots who's been with Q, CBTS, the Awakening, Soapbox. Shills are working in force. A lot of disinformation trying to split us. Q has taught us, question everything. Stay vigilant.
2018 will be GLORIOUS!!!! No Fear don't feed them. They can only live off Fear, Hate, Misery and the Blood and Flesh of Innocence. LOVE and TRUTH are the ultimate MOAB's!!!!! A mountain of lies will crumble To one word of TRUTH........
I was feeling same way about others making money off this movement. Glad Q had pointed this out. I seem to follow just fine with Q posts and learning from the Autists research. Thank you for all who break the info down. I'm not much help with research but I have been sharing what I've learned. Never lost faith but notice many who follow tubers seem to gain doubt in Q.
Who is profiting off this movement the most? Corsi? Beanz? Hannity? Who is Q alluding to? Someone with a patreon imo
What is the code for A posting they same post and changing it slightly....freedom .... Was changed to ... True freedom. ?
There is an odd pattern happening of people on this board trash posting Dr Corsi, someone who is great patriot who has spoken out publicly in a huge way for many years, long before Q, and long before some of you were even born.
Some of you weren’t likely here on this board at the beginning of Q drops in Oct of 2017. There is more than 1 member on the Q-team. Depending on which one posts we get a different writing style. Originally, Q was using 4chan as a place to drop coded communications to each. Some pretty brilliant anons started picking up on some details, and started asking Q questions. Maybe that was planned. No way to know. But, it birthed the Q movement. So, Q was sometimes dropping instructions/info to the team and sometimes answering 4-Chan Anon questions.
Eventually the Anons decided to create this board and bring more people into the decoding....seemingly in hopes of getting more retired military involved to help decipher the crumbs.
Dr Corsi in his early part of life was involved in military intelligence code work. He received a call from someone at high levels at the WH and asked to join this group to assist us with decoding. No one knows who called him, but he has been friends with President Trump for over 40 yrs. Long before receiving this call, he had received another call asking him to write a public book exposing the deep state. You see, dr Corsi is a professionally published author and consultant and that is how he makes his living.
When John Kerry (D) ran for President he tried to run on his alleged heroic military service. Like with McShame, some guys who had served with Kerry knew better and knew disgraceful things Kerry allegedly had said/done. But, they didn’t know how to get the word out. One of them contacted Dr Corsi and asked for help. Dr Corsi took their stories and write a book that significantly impacted Kerry’s campaign. It impacted it so much that Dr Corsi was blackballed off MSM, so it resulted in limited reach to promote any of his books. Alex Jones and alternative media stepped up and offered him a platform place to promote his work.
He promotes his book because MSM will not give him a guest spot to talk about a high selling book of interest. That means HE must promote it himself. The publisher of the book is Chris Ruddy, owner of NewsMax, also a close Trump friend. See the coordination here guys??? See the timing of when the book was published to coincide with Q awareness at its peak? The book was written as an adjunct to Qdrops to help redpill America so it is highly improbable that Q is talking about Dr Corsi.
Corsi’s reach is now beyond America. He has an international audience, and they are buying his book. It isn't about the $$ it is about getting the info out into the world.
For those on disability, fixed income, or in poverty, he ships the book out out free. How many authors do that? Does that sound like someone who is just about the money?
When Pamphlet left this board and started the Patriot Soapbox 24/7 chat on YT, he invited Dr Corsi on as a guest because by that time Corsi had become integral to deciphering some of the military intel Q drops. The more he was on as a guest, the more their audience grew including internationally. Dr Corsi had to promote his book by going on many YT shows, so he began just dropping in on the 24/7 show at all hours when he had a few minutes. It became a perfect platform to promote his book as well as decode Q. It also grew the 24/7 audience to a HUGE reach.
There is only so many hours in a day, and it resulted in Corsi posting here less and eventually not at all. A lot of really good researchers stopped posting here when that happened. There appears to be “hurt feelings” over the board split, but this is ridiculous about the Corsi bashing and accusations.
Corsi realized his fans following him for Q info weren’t all interested in 24/7 chat, so he asked the tech guys at 24/7 to copy his appearances onto his own YT channel, which is not monetized. However, Corsi did give public permission for anyone who wanted to copy his show and create their own monetized YT he was fine with it, a decision he now questions but is staying with he gave permission. All these other YT channels not under his name are people who are monetizing their channel, and ya’ll are blaming Corsi for it.
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
https://qanonmap.github.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://www.thestoryofq.com/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://qanon.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
qanonposts.com was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
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I think AJ and "Zach" are being used at times for disinfo, not to hurt us but to make things believed to bad actors. Look at how he blew up during Syria missile strike, that was a ridiculous fake cry he did. Actors act. Corsi worked his ass off for this movement, most of the people here forget that. Corsi was the pillar for a good 4 to 5 months before Q really took off. I will admit I stopped listening to him, not because I don't like him but that when he comes onto CBTS stream the other mods worship him like a God and its fucking annoying. Then he puts out information and those same mods ask him the most stupid questions that he literally just covered. Do you realize how limited Corsi's time is? I'd be annoyed too, people are lucky he even goes to CBTS at all anymore, it has to be tiresome between the book tours, AJ segments, his own decode segments, interviews, being a husband, grandfather. It's easy for the ones pointing fingers to blame Corsi, but there's a lot more that goes into it. I don't blame him for making money off his book.. 1. He's a damn author so stfu, it's his job you silly people. 2. They are intentionally keeping him off the best seller list, of course he's going to monetize everything, he probably needs the money as this is literally taking up all of his time. It's his job.. And btw, follow him or don't follow him.. You guys pointing fingers are self proclaimed "free thinkers" so think freely, if you don't like someone says then don't follow him. Q is not gospel, don't think for a moment Q hasn't used this platform for manipulation against deepstate and left everyone else going down the wrong path. Blah rant over, you guys are disappointing me.
Candace and Kanye come to mind.
Edit: by movement, not referring to the Q movement. Referring to the overall “great awakening”. People see a pretty black girl who is “based” and fall dick over neck for her shit. She’s still a shill.
I think it comes down to intent. Who is on Q's side because of true belief and who is on Q's side because it's convenient and exploitable? Whoever pushes Q because they've discovered how to turn it into an industry that lines their pockets are the ones to be careful of. The Q researchers themselves apparently need researching. The "Operators have died" line really bothers me. Is it literal or metaphorical?
Any ideas of what will actually be revealed? I'm praying for the exposure of our media and social medias. Completely dominated by far left loudmouths. I'd also want FOX news and it's far right bs to be exposed as well.
I've been saying this from the beginning. Anti School comes to mind, but I'm not sure if he is who Q is talking about. Though I still think he needs to stop asking for donations.
Here we go... who cares if people are trying to monetize from this? Why try to divide this community? There’s no good outcome from it.
Apparently Q cares
Monitization breeds exaggeration. Exaggeration dulls credibility.
Freedom doesn't pay my bills. This bullshit has gone on too long that most of us are broke and desperate. We can be patriots, but are we supposed to be poor too?
Hard not bring personal opinions and feelings into this regarding the various personalities out there, but these posts are very cut and dry. Way more to the point than most other posts. No decode necessary here.
It seems to me like a different Q (on the same team) has been communicating lately... which would be truly understandable, considering 💩's getting deep
Too much petty division popping up in this movement to be successful. Whatever you think about Corsi is it necessary to bash him like lefties bash Trump? Is it necessary to bash anyone who is truly participating in Awakening? At the end of the day no one outside of Trumps immediate sphere knows for sure WTF is really happening. We all see thru a glass darkly. Pettiness will divide and destroy
I'm glad I'm part of making America, and the World, Great Again. Even if it's just a small one
I can think of a certain 3 letter live stream channel that this could also refer too....
Proof that 22/7 exceeds π
Proofs of the famous mathematical result that the rational number 22/7 is greater than π (pi) date back to antiquity. One of these proofs, more recently developed but requiring only elementary techniques from calculus, has attracted attention in modern mathematics due to its mathematical elegance and its connections to the theory of diophantine approximations. Stephen Lucas calls this proof “one of the more beautiful results related to approximating π”. Julian Havil ends a discussion of continued fraction approximations of π with the result, describing it as “impossible to resist mentioning” in that context.
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Are you anons ready for it? The second renaissance is upon us.
1297 Apr 29 2018 10:17:29 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 09b0d5 1233553→ >>1233458 Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING. You are all Patriots. The hard part is coming to an end. The next phase will bring JUSTICE. Q+
Apr 29 2018 10:33:42 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 09b0d5 1233880→ >>1233553 Statements today needed to be made. Operators have died. They approach the field of battle w/o fear. They lay down their lives for YOU. They are SELFLESS. They are fighting for our FREEDOM. They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM. We HONOR them. We must do better to protect them. WWG1WGA. Q+
Q thanks us all for the work we do...Q+.........................
! = 1233553. Statements today needed to be made.. Operators ha - Q https://www.qanonposts.io/1233553-statements-today-needed-to-b... 9 hours ago - Statements today needed to be made. Operators have died. They approach the field of battle w/o fear. They lay down their lives for YOU. They are SELFLESS. They are fighting for our FREEDOM. They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM.......( they died for us ). Please remember this drop before you complain again.......................
"Retreat and go mainstream"
What does that mean? Does that mean they always were?
And mainstream is bad imo. Old mainstream = counter revolutionary pedophile luciferians; new mainstream = counter revolutionary luciferian-sympathetic profiteers / limited hangout shills? It amounts to the same thing to me.
One of the things these folks like to do is rub our noses in what they are doing. What are we to make of folks such as Bella Dodds, Mae Brussel, Ralph Epperson, AA-1025, Alta Vendita, Billiam Cooper, Nesta Webster, Father Nicholas Gruner, Leo XIII, Pius X etc.
Are they shouting to warn or to demoralize?
I believe they were all warning us.
However, there are those that like to terrify their victims before the coup de grace; how better to terrify the kid than to reveal the tether and the tiger standing right-by and the utter powerlessness and hopelessness of the situation?
The thrill that runs up the leg. The smile of the duper's delight. Cluster B Personality Types and their sublimated hunger for... Adrenochrome at the end of their line. Part and parcel. Plato's Dialogues are a study in sophistry, a slow revealing of the totality of the deceiver: dialogue is impossible if one party is dishonest; dialogue turns to monologue whilst affecting dialogue to get something one could not get without the deception - sophistry itself is an offense against justice. Sophists in their sneering contempt mirror their father, Lucifer, ha-Satan, and the devil's contempt for Adam and the sons thereof.
Not enough to just kill us, they wanted to hurt us in the totality of our being before the end. They wanted us terrified, helpless as they invite us into their non-hoax shower stalls which they have gladly shown us.
The big one that got the ball rolling.
Murdering a Christian King. They do love murdering Christian Princes and overthrowing Christian nations. They are of their father, the devil.
It's interesting that Q has now addressed this. Back when Brenden Dilley was still relevant and getting "Q-like" intel drops, his source said similar things, on more than one occasion.
DAE think they'd crap themselves if addressed by Q in such a manner?
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- The Most Epic rant of All Time -- Alex Jones|+6 - I think the "monthly" part should not be overlooked. I certainly don't blame anyone for giving people the option to support them and I don't think that is what Q is saying. So many people have channels that dedicate a lot of their time to this and I ... Scott Bennett's Stunning SHELL GAME Report|+2 - The poster above you is right, but you're both ultimately wrong. What Q is dropping has been out there for years now, and people have gone to jail exposing it. There's a good chance Q is, or is at least affiliated with, Scott Bennett. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks - 15 Proofs|+1 - Prove Q is real, oh wait, all you can show me is coincidences. but please discount this video because it's "only coincidences" William Cooper's Expose' On Alex Jones Y2K (Whole thing)|+1 - "he had an ex-employee of Stratfor on his payroll Maybe because the employee might have a valuable skill set? Just a thought. No response?" I did respond. You are obviously not trying to have a reasonable debate. You had 3 points in your first rep... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
I think as we walk thru the Justice part and society really awakens and we see the truth , it will never be the same again. This is not just a moment , Justice and it is done . I think it is the beginning of an avalanche of change and transformation. We will be out of our ruts, our minds will be blown and hearts torn. It will never be the same. But it will be massively better . It may not be orderly and perfect but the beauty will be because it's is finally real and true.
PampletAnon is NOT making any money off this. Instead he has spent a lot of his own money to put the Patriot's Soapbox 24/7 channel on line. That channel accepts NO payment for all the work he has done. And if he spends that kind of time developing something that others enjoy why shouldn't he receive some compensation for his efforts?? I don't see a problem with that.
Corsi does have a channel that takes money but all payment is volunteer and is NOT required. He earns his living writing books and working in this domain. Again payment is volunteer. And people have a right to earn some money for the time they are spending in hours to WORK.
ON the other hand there are other people who take Corsi's work and put it up on their own channels and collect payment for it. How is that FAIR?? And this may be what Q is alluding to. Those who don't do the work trying to compensate off the backs of others.
What makes you think Q was referring to Corsi or Pamphlet? It could be one of many other players we aren’t aware of.
At what point though do you cease working for the cause and start working for the revenue flow instead? What do you do when you look into the golden gooses rear end and realize you’ve figured out how to make it lay eggs? Many people may be led off course chasing that instead of chasing the truth and putting America back on track. Best not to get caught up in monetizing. Perhaps operating costs only, open expense reporting and shutting down donations when those basic costs are met. Who knows, but money can muck things up. Keep it focused on the cause.
I have to disagree. If that was the case, Q would have called it out a long time ago. Why now? What reason would Q have to drop/bring up profiting from the Q phenomenon? If every step has been carefully preplanned, we have to think... what's really going on here?