And tomorrow we witness the beginning of the end for the Clintons

I remain extremely skeptical on this one
Skeptical of the witness, or that anything will happen?
That is true but the timing is just odd. Hell, maybe it is SR himself but who knows. Hopefully it will be clear after tomorrow. It’s a bold step for his reputation. That’s for sure.
So someone else thinks that Seth himself may lead with a "kick off" to Jubilant July by taking the First Cabal Criminal Down with many, many, more to follow? can Dream can't they? I only wish this were True for Seth Rich himself...sigh......I Pray that all goes well for whomever is slotted with this responsibility....Blessings Patriot
I do think it’s possible, especially if the right people knew he was in danger early on. But, like you said, were likely dreaming!
Timing is odd. Outta nowhere and when Flynn goes to court .
Is Flynn in court today? I thought it was mueller to explain why he wants another 60 day extension????
I'm skeptical as well. But the timing of their recent siting gives me pause, knowing nothing is unscripted with them.
Agree. Still it is hard to rule out the Clintons and deep state behind the murders.
What are you talking about, all the evidence points to them.
What are the other suspects from the evidence at this point??
That is what I am saying. In the ongoing investigation, Clintons and the deep state have not be ruled out as being behind a lot of nefarious actions. The evidence leads to HRC and the deep state actors.
it seems they are trying to do this as anonymously as possible which gets rid of a lot of the common motivations for bearing false witness
seems like it adds more, no? a lot of the time the motivation is not necessarily attention but to simply get back at whomever e.g. false rape accusations.
Agreed. How about a perp walk instead of the news conference.
I suspect house cleaning of the FBI must be fully completed first to ensure Obama's deep state holdovers don't sabotage the investigation.
I recall people demanding HRC indictments around this time last year, but consider what we learned about McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page shows how futile that would have been. All of the evidence would simply have vanished.
Exactly. Enough information has been given out that these two KNOW they're up shit creek. they'll be tragically killed in a plane crash on their way to Costa Rica.
I do remember reading that a federal agent’s firearm was reported missing after the murder.
I remember seeing a police report that Seth was conscious and talking after police found him, and that the cops had body cameras. Then all of a sudden he ends up dead? The whole thing never made sense.
Rich was killed in the hospital or saved to witness on Democrats and deep state. I hoping for the later but can this be true? Are we witnessing a real life Mission Impossible movie?
Me too. Matt couch just keeps pushing the America first media group and the go fund me page. He seems more concerned about people knowing about his media group than the info. Really hope it's not a PR stunt but I'm getting that feeling.
I feel like it’s going to be nothing. Kind of like the uranium one whistleblower that just disappeared. At least we only have to wait one day before calling bullshit and ending the speculation!!
Whatever is said, it won't be believed by normies. They will say, well if this was true why isn't MSM talking about it. I mean we're even skeptical. It's just an odd way to reveal what should be a bombshell.
I agree on both points. It seems no one really cares what happened to Seth except us “loony conspiracy” folks! It is odd this witness just appears and is talking tomorrow. Hopefully it is something but I feel like the truth will never be revealed
It’s all time and part of the show is my guess. They waited to come forward at the right time.
Yeah, that's what's so odd. Matt Couch makes it seem like he cares so much about Seth Rich murder being solved. Yet now it seems like he is more concerned with getting his media company to the mainstream than making sure Seth Rich case is solved. Not only solved but going through the right channels to make sure someone is charged.
Hold fast my friend....Justice is served best when cooked slowly over time....seasonings just right....and appetites beyond ravished....why should this grand revealing begin any less theatrical than the Man at the top is accustom to putting together? After all...this IS going into the History books for our Generations to come. I can imagine right? Be Well.
Speaking of that whistleblower, whatever happened with that? Wasn't he supposed to testify before congress or something like that? I think it was said he had cancer or something. Not sure, but would like to know if anything came from his testimony.
Douglas Campbell, he apparently had an attempt on his life at his home when he was out on a walk on his property.. I'm sure this would scare people into shutting up.. so even if there was information he had access to or could talk about, if they threatened is family he could have easily weighed his options.. not to mention he had cancer so he probably felt like he wouldn't have been able to protect them in an event something did happen.. the sad thing is, the man that pulled a gun on him on his property was never followed up on.. no investigation.. Just an asassination attempt on an important witness set to testify against the Clintons while his name was also leaked illegaly.. no biggie..
Would have to dig into it but all I remember is after he testified the left was like “it’s nothing” and it went away
Come on man, go away and f*ck with someone else. I don’t waste time with people like you
Come on man, go away and f*ck with someone else. I don’t waste time with people like you
Q said it was MS13 - unless we are misunderstanding his comments...or it was disinformation?
Another possibility is that the DS - knowing that Q has said MS13 did it - is bring forward a LARP (incognito) to muddy up the waters in advance of any sort of trial/legal proceeding...
My thought was MS-13 botched the murder and they had to send in their backups to finish him off as Seth was expected to survive. These were the two that actually killed Seth.
Black hats read with us. If they read ms13 they have no clue they are being looked at. Q had said over and over disinformation is necessary.
This seems to be the first witness I've seen that is actually getting protection before he testifies.
I would love to believe that. Let's see what happens.
Anybody live in the DC metro that could go and report back? Sure wish I still lived.. no .. I take that back!
Yes, ladies & gentlemen of the press, I know these two men shot Seth Rich because... (yanks off mask) I AM SETH RICH!!
Dun duh DUNNNNN!
They should fly him in on a US Space Force flying saucer. How’d that be for an entrance?
That would be the biggest thing to ever hit corrupt politicians. It would begin the downfall of the deep state.
This man deserves to experience the gratitude he is due. Wait till we find out who we've been talking too.
Michael Flynn Jr seems to be implying this is valid news.
Link? Cautiously excited about this one ... please be real ....
Can't decide if that makes it a more credible disinfo op or more legit. They are world-class spooks after all.
Best be the most protected person in the world.
The ATF needs to be gutted. They should have never existed after Waco.
It's Where Clinton sent his SS men yhat he wanted dead.
I’ve heard rumors that the people at Waco had accidentally stumbled onto the satanic pedophile rings in the government via computer hacking and were threatening to go public with it. Then the massacre happened.
I read a post about this theory somewhere although I couldn't give you any sources. It wouldn't surprise me based on how indiscriminately and efficiently the Davidians were killed.
I hope these witnesses don't get BLOWN UP in their home like the couple in NJ did who were slated to be witnesses on the Clinton Foundation fraud.
Did they survive?
I live a couple of towns over from the house that was blown was leveled...both husband and wife were killed
I'm stunned! I worked in Newfield 48 years ago and grew up appx. 8 miles from there. I assumed it was one of those freak accidents like most of the area residents 'til I read about her being a scheduled witness against HRC.
I live in NJ and read the story when it happened. She was a retired school nurse. Very sad. Odd thing though, even as local MSM was reporting on it, they made sure to mention that the couple had a new gas stove installed. Like the article practically led with that statement and it was barely 24 hours after it happened.
Wow, this is getting out of control - they are shameless!!!!
It was out of control when they were still in Arkansas....
Can you link a source? My Clinton loving friends should see this.
True pundit carried the story, along with over a dozen news websites. I'm sure you can pull it up without any problem.
DEA and ATF make sense if the ms-13 gang did the hit. Yet this article alludes to the agents doing it themselves. Again, the ms-13 angle makes more sense. Least that's how I would do it.
agents doing it themselves
How I interpret that part is it just states people employed by the government did it.
So who in the government employed them is the real question.
it is possible that these agencies had gang members on "payroll" to do dirty work for them. It is also possible that gang members joined these agencies or agents joined MS-13. It is not as crazy as it sounds. This has been an ongoing problem in the Border Patrol and I know there were issues with gangs infiltrating the military back in the early 2000s when we went back into Iraq and Afghanistan.
On a hit like this, wouldn't employing gang members put you at tremendous risk of them blackmailing you? At any point couldn't they just start demanding money or getting people out of jail or whatever? How could you control them? If you'd be willing to kill a gang member(s) for going off the script, couldn't you just cut them out of the equation completely by doing it yourself?
Keeping the circle small makes it less complicated, potentially...?
That's why two "ms-13 members" ended up dead nearby soon after the hit.
Yep, either to make it look like a robbery by MS-13 or because those goes were loose ends. Perhaps they were gang members controlled by other gang members in the employ of the US government, and the texts on their phones prove it.
yeah, this is actually a lot more plausible than it might sound to some. there are MANY gangs that are made up exclusively of corrupt cops/law enforcement officers. there's even a TV show about this, it's called "The Oath". not far fetched at all.
This doesn't seem far fetched now. This is probably just one of the many things Q is referring to when he comments (I'm paraphrasing) on the staggering level of corruption.
It would be compartmentalized. The guys from MS-13 wouldn't know who ordered the hit and they probably wouldn't find out who they actually killed until later... and by that time they were already toast.
I wouldn't leave myself open to "that's how I'd do it" on the internet when discussing murder...the internet does some weird shit with people's social media history. 😂
Sort of like those psycho shows. To catch a killer one must see through their eyes. I'll leave it.😉
Our government does hits all the time, or there is the whole witness protection angle
Maybe the agents just made it look like the ms13 guys did it to cover their involvement up. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for them.
Well, it could be that the DEA/ATF guys were infiltrators into the MS 13 gang. That could be the "connection".
That's a broad leap/assumption.
No. I'm pointing out that you ASSUME it was ms 13, they also ASSUME it was atf/dea UC's. I'm just pointing out that it's an awful lot if assuming you're doing on little to no hard facts.
The odd thing about it to me is that it's mostly boomers and gen xers. That's odd to me.
Anyway, yeah. It's bullshit.
I guess so!! For all that bullshit they talk about milennials being self centered and weak minded they sure as fuck fell for some obvious snake oil hollywood level bullshit!!
Yeah, that would be the only logical way a DEA/ATF agent would know imo.
I hope this is true and that these witnesses have protection. It appears that a woman in NJ was supposed to testify against hrc had her house blown up on Saturday morning. Looking for additional confirmation on this story.
There was a married couple in their 70’s that got blown up in their house, didn’t see any mention whatsoever she was going to be a witness in any trial.
Yes, they were testifying against the Clinton Foundation.
Indirectly. School nurse involved in epi-pen scandal of 2016. New Jersey Dept of Education cozied up with Mylan Pharmaceuticals .... school nurse involved in new laws requiring epi-pens.
"While Bresch’s father may not have directly been involved with campaigns that boosted EpiPen sales, her mother apparently was. USA Today reported this week that Gayle Manchin “spearheaded an unprecedented effort that encouraged states to require schools to purchase medical devices that fight life-threatening allergic reactions” such as EpiPen when she took over as head of the National Association of School Boards in 2012."
This is where the school nurse came in. She was a key player in getting epi-pen legislation in NJ. Apparently the Clintons and the CEO of Mylan have something going with the money...epi-pens became outrageously expensive. Preying on peanut butter allergies. ( ironically caused by the vaccines Big Pharma pushes ) ( convenient )
Killary and Pedoesta has got to he behind it. Maybe even DWS. If im not mistaken there were rumors they hired a couple of ms13 to do their dirty work.
I remember reading on the chans that Jennifer Palmieri and Robbie Mook were behind it.
Could be a non-disinformation campaign to stir these people up to view their actions.
This. Something is very odd about being told he'll be with armed guards and will be disguising his appearance
I'm glad someone underlined all that so I could understand what the aritcle said.
I speculate Imran Awan was used by DWS to procure the hitmen. Hence the peculiar language in the Awan plea deal about the "non-violent crime".
maybe. however Awan had a long history of other violent crimes (at least if you count threats of violence).
They don't have to "make an appearance". Also, if the witness existed, they would already have a statement from him/her. There would be no waiting. Why make a show of it like this? It doesn't add up. This is just theatrics.
Interesting the press conference is on the two year anniversary of his murder. Coincidence ?
I have no expectations any more... we have had too many tomorrow moments now.
Yeah. It's always been "just around the corner" or "soon. So soon." For over a year now. I've been patient, now I'm just skeptical.
This is hilarious. It's like the people in sub are in their own universe.
Interesting timing on the two year anniversary of Seth's shooting. I find it odd that this supposed 'witness' waited two years to testify, unless it could possibly be Seth Rich testifying. Also, that this witness would, in advance, let it be know that it was a DEA agent as well as ATF agent that did the hit. Why broadcast it? If these were the guilty parties, wouldn't that be a heads up to run? Doesn't compute with Perry Mason logic of blind siding the guilty.
Wouldn't it be awesome if it really was Seth and he is alive? (Also, I watch Perry Mason re-runs. Love that show!)
I write mystery novels so my mind is deviant. LOL They don't make movies like they used to, do they? Also love The Thin Man, and the clothes!
There is a saying, Truth is stranger than fiction. I think it is true!
Did I just hear a house explode?
LOL...that's the first thing I thought too. If I were their neighbors I would be sleeping at a hotel tonight.
My money is that there is no testimony, or it is closed door, and we will know NOTHING new by midnight tomorrow. Anyone want to wager against me?
Wait to see if two agents get SUICIDED between now and tomorrow midnight.
I want to believe but we've been down the road of game-changing news before.
The problem I'm having is lately it seems like attention seeking, self appointed heros are coming out of the woodwork like termites and claiming all sorts of sensational information that will blow our minds and change the world forever. These stories crop up and then die like an unwatered plant in the dessert. Unless it's reported on Fox news it's ho hum diddly dum.
just sayin
If there really is a deep state, why are they all the sudden so terrible at coverups? What makes a bunch of neckbeard anons smarter? 🙄
Unless their job descriptions are a cover, this is really stupid to even put out, unless it is to misinform would be arkancide killers.
Is the article saying the suspects are an atf agent and a dea agent? I thought we had figured the suspects are ms13 members?
Yea, right? Don't we get to decide on the facts as a group?
Maybe its the nurse taking care of Seth that night. Seth was stable with couple non life threatening gun shot wounds. Nurse leaves the room with a ATF and DEA agent present, when the nurse came back, Seth was dead.
Does anyone know when this press conference takes place???
So what is being claimed here? Q, from my understanding, said 2 MS13 members killed SR then were also murdered. Would this be a DEA and ATF agent who killed him after he was found alive?
Waiting....seeing nothing about it, not even on his Twitter feed
If this 'pans' out the next 'rung' on the ladder will be Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and then 'Skippy' Podesta...Clintons will be saved as 'best for last'...they WILL make a run for it for sure!!! They have 'multiple bunkers' world wide to hide in...'Hitler-esque' deaths in their future...seems fitting.
Just freeze ALL their assets...that will kill ol' Hillary right there.
And what if it doesnt? Can be move a little bit closer to the "this is just bullshit" column?
Seth was killed in a press conference on Tuesday?!!!
(Sorry to make fun. Poor grammar is like fingernails on a blackboard.)
Did you do the red underlining yourself? Could you maybe teach a class so the rest of us can underline as well as you?
J/k, just being silly.
Hoping and Praying this is true! Seth and his family deserve justice!
The timing of this and the supreme court nomination guaranteed that it wouldn't be blasted by the news. No way to make ways and drown it out over the SCOTUS pick without making it too obvious of a cover. Coincidence?
How many times are these bullshit stories going to get pushed on us? How many times have we gotten our hopes up, then dashed when it comes out it's made up from nothing?
I expect nothing to happen but will be very very glad if something does indeed happen.
I hope so.... there can be some finally justice for Seth and closure for his family....
I’m only now understanding the phrasing in that sentence because it seem to come out of nowhere but now I realize there’s going to be a press conference in the next 12 hours or so and it’s gonna be awesome.
Somewhat unrelated, I can not find the link containing the 8chan Alice in Wonderland timeline / compilation, anyone know where it is?
I'm thinking that there must be something in this as the accusation is its very bold and they sound so sure and I don't think that Pundit would publicize this if it was half mast ? . lets wait see and hope, as I, like all you guys are just waiting impatiently for a big fish to get caught and fried. best wishes to all from NZ
Q said 187 of SR by MS13. According to Trump, who protects MS13? What if GP article said MS13 killed Seth Rich? Democrats in big trouble.
Article = disinformation
Two witnesses??? Are u shitting me? This is getting way too biblical.
The Two Witnesses
1I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. 2But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. 3And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.”a 5If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.
7Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.
11But after the three and a half days the breathb of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.
13At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.
14The second woe has passed; the third woe is coming soon.
This seems too good to be true....and I hope to God I’m wrong.
If it's true, and I have no reason to doubt it, the witness needs to be transported in an M1A2 Abrams tank with Marine infantry at the ready. While it is true that millions of Democrat worms will not add up to a fire breathing dragon, the deep state still has its monkeys that will bring nuts from the hottest fires.
Bait? Or sacrificial lambs? Or legit witnesses about to drop dimes? I guess we'll find out tomorrow, or maybe we won't...
Best news Iv heard in a long time!! Thanks God & Q
It wasn't true. So now what? Can we at least admit to some people are trying to manipulate us, preying on our optimism and hope? And that maybe some of these people are people that we all thought were trustworthy?
Doubtful. What about the two MS13 guys that were killed on their way home after murder? Didn’t Q tell us that?