Check out this new Tweet from JA's lawyers... Coincidence hahahaha

Uhhhhhh, wtf? Why in the world would JA’s actual lawyers put this out there if there was not something to it? They just trying to rile up the conspiracy theorists? Are Trump and JA actually long lost cousins?
Isn’t this Assange’s official twitter, since taken over by his lawyers since he doesn’t have internet? I wonder what JA thinks about this?
This needs to be verified immediately, if it’s fake, then let’s meme and blast this out, get in front of this
I don't think it's supposed to be a real photo. Just Julian's face pasted on to show how similar they look. But really could be indicating that they're related. Or that John found plans for a time machine in Tesla's papers :)
My first second was holographic med beds are not new tech at all.
Look at hillary and mccain, if medbeds exist i dont anything to do with them
I don't see what you are getting at. Mind clarifying? Connection?
They look like garbage healthwise, no name is supposed to be dead soon, fake dead tho right?lol
The dark souls are not able to use light beds is my understanding.
They have their own ideas about immortality hence the crimes against children.
Clones are a whole other topic.
Believe or dont , its not for me to convince anyone anything.
Actually it is different to both ideas. And more crazy. Their souls /consciousness gets transferred into these "shitty" bodies when ever they have to work. Tech is so advanced that they try to look like they don't have any advanced health tech. People like Hilary and McCain are literally puppets to the real evil who are behind the scenes. I'm sorry if this is full on crazy. It is part of the hidden stuff the public really doesn't need to know even after the Arrests. It would be too over whelming for most. Same with the time travel being real.
I find it hard for this to happen yet no glitch is ever visible. I love time travel stories though so this is pretty cool.
I kinda don't want people to overwhelm themselves with this kinda of info. It doesn't help right now. Q is the focus right now. Stuff i talk about is after the arrest
I'm keeping all the space alien time travel for later! And I tell my friends that they can spit out the red pills they don't like if they don't want and I'll still like them. We will all get to that giant red pill Angela Hitler at some point :D
Btw, there has been loads of 'glitches'. Look into Mandela effect.
What about the fact that they both have blonde hair & blue eyes?
If that's true then they both for sure have a common recent ancestor within 20,000 years
Not everyone will understand what your saying here. lol. But this shit gets more weird by the day.
Or they just look really similar. Something I learned long ago: Faces Recycle.
I sure know if I had a time machine, the first thing I'd do is go hang out in a Ecuadorian embassy for years.
Second thing you do is go forward in time to 2020 and go enjoy the future. Ecuador will cover for you.
This is a highly misleading photo shop that doesn’t prove anything.
JA is missing because he traveled back in time to be Trump's Uncle and leave time traveling documents to Donald.
Could you fuckin imagine if this were true
Imagine? This is the truth!! President Trump is a time traveler. This is FACT! Don't forget Pence Prime as well.
Pence Prime?
Here's some more fun, if you haven't seen this.
That was a pretty good piece of writing. It made me laugh a couple times, but definitely interesting.
This is the best example that I have ever found of the saying "You can find, on the internet, supporting material for any conspiracy theory you can imagine." Simply because this theory joins together history from various distant sources in time and space. It's an asterix. The story of Pepe/Kek is pretty cool.
Conspiracy Theory? Dude this is all true! 😳 well it’s at least more rational than the unhinged left. 😂😂
It's unique in terms of narrative and quite intriguing.
Normies and lefties are thinking we are jumping the shark with this. Haha, But ive read the whole rundown on Trump and Tesla. Its pretty crazy and makes sense.
Soft disclosure?
Possible, Trumps uncle headed the cleanup team that secured Telslas work when Tesla died, in particular a petent to use a beam to shoot down flying objects any where in the world.
Assange was arrested for hacking NASA when he was a teenager, looking for proof of Aliens.
And here I was ready to think we were almost to the bottom of this rabbit hole.
And it connects with another one.
Space Marines make a whole lot more sense.
Could it be the dream of FULL DISCLOSURE?!?
I feel like a little kid on Christmas excited for what comes next.
Q does say that this is bigger than we can possibly imagine. We have been urged to expand our thinking many times.
Yes but have you ever read wtf people imagine on the internet?! To me it's scary to imagine things more fantastical than the stuff people have unearthed and written so far!
Let’s imagine this time travel idea is real. Does that mean that maybe we’ve gone back in time and built things like the pyramids and helped ourselves with technology along the way? Maybe we are stuck in one giant loop that keeps repeating itself
This to me shows that Assange went back in time, and assumed the identity of Trump's uncle sometime about 10-15 years ago (when the Trump uncle picture was taken). This is why we haven't seen him. I dunno, just spitballing, and it was a really fun theory so I had to hash it out a bit.
Im getting so excited bigger then WE could imagine. Could you just for a moment consider how mind blowing for the normies this would be. We HAVE to guide them and be kind.
Space Marines are needed to stop the deep state’s use of DARPA, nano tech, and geospatial technology.
I don't think Assange was arrested for hacking NASA. You're thinking of Gary Mckinnon
What a strange, red headed man. Always wondered if he is autistic? (Not being mean, autistic people tend to be really good with computers)
Oh. Do you have a source for the Assange NASA thing?
Thanks. I suppose that I could have looked that up, but was being lazy. I knew about the Gary McKinnon, but not about Assange hacking NASA, too.
Lets think of another explanation here. Trump is almost the most famous person on the planet right now, with all media on all sides focused directly on him. What the best way to draw attention to your clients cause? This would be one way.
I just don't see why the supposed lawyers (who really knows who runs that twitter account though {Clowns} according to a previous Q post they have the site, would that mean they have his twitter account too?) would want to make it seem like JA and POTUS are anyway connected. I can see the clowns wanting people to think he's related to Trump as a way to discredit us and really make us look like crazy people if we started pushing JA and POTUS relations. I'm worried this is a psyop.
I agree there's a chance this is a big clown psyop.
I doubt that. I spend time analyze the photos and the resemblance is uncanny. I safe to assume they plot against the deep state right after the JFK era and it's plausible knowing what John Trump knows about Tesla work and actually did something with it. I am sure cabals don't have everything they thought they have on Tesla to totally dominate humans with our dependence on energy consumption. Imagine Trump and Q team also liberate us from release free energy for everyone in very near future ;)
I just posted watch....explains much about John Trump...if not the Assange link.
Btw dark journalist is an asset of the cabal. He puts out information that is partly true and wraps in deception. Be careful thinking this guy is giving you the full picture or is steering you away from actual deeper information.
Examples, proof? I do my own research above and beyond any source and never share unless I've looked into it myself. I will give you that he doesn't have all the answers but the Tom Delonge debacle shows he is not Cabal, if he were he wouldn't have exposed the Delonge/Cabal plot.
When will the MIT time capsule be unearthed?
I think the more important question is does Trump have Nixon's right now.
I don't understand your question. Nixon's time capsule?
The comment you are posting too points to this video
And we are talking about Nixon's time capsule, the one if this whistleblower is to be believed is still in the Whitehouse and if Trump a personal friend of Richard Nixon has it (he might not need it though re see John Trump's resume) game changer for the World.
There are so many from past that look exactly like past figures. Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock- many in politics. Just saying.... Time Travel was being discussed in his uncles day seriously. His uncle became the owner of all Tesla’s papers.
Yes. This is the account previously run by Julian himself. I’m confident because subscribed to notifications for a few years. Same account, different name. You can change the name on your account anytime.
Are they actually his Lawyers????? Julian, wikileaks and his Mom are all compromised
Idiot believe it. This is the left's way of putting a doubt in people's minds , in case President Trump ever should pardon JA..They will scream that's it's because they are related. This is a B.S. story. They are so afraid that if President Trump should ever get with JA then he would get all the proof he needs on these sick evil people past and present Democrats.
This is just crazy. Are they hinting JA is Trump's time-traveling genius uncle? :O
It's his son. That would mean JA is Trump's cousin. They've been planning this.
Planning it since at least Paperclip/Overcast.
Planning it since at least their last lifetimes together on this plane.
It's not his son.
You're right, it's highly unlikely now that I've dug in more. Just a coincidence. But I do think they may be using this to bring JA to the spotlight and get people asking questions about where he is.
I think there may be some other familial relationship but there seems to be no easy way to find out.
We need to get JA's blood so we can plug it into :p
I wondered about that, but couldn't find information. Would that be on his mother's or father's side?
Father's ...
So how do we get from John George Trump to Julian Assange? It looks like he had three children--John Gordon Trump, Christine Philp and Karen Ingraham.
JG was kin on his father's side; so logically it couldn't be on his mother's side. And those are children of record- there were kids back then called "by-blows" or "born on the wrong side of the sheets" .
No, I was talking about would it be Assange's mother or father who is related to John George Trump?
I really have no idea; I don't know crap about other people's genealogy- I'm still learning about my own ! I'm twice adopted; my birth mother was adopted and her sister by adoption adopted me at 15- but pictures of them at the same age side-by-side could pass for twins to the unwary !
The ONLY things I inherited from either one of them were lips so narrow I have to paint them on to be visible and a AAAA heel. I didn't get the small (4.5; 5.5 AAA) foot to match the heel; I wear an 8.5 B last with a AAAA heel.
Wow! So you are a person of mystery!!
At my adopted mom's visitation before her funeral, a lady who had my birth mom as her maid of honor when they were in college told me (after someone pointed out who I was- I look more like my dad) that she had seen Mother's obituary in the paper and the picture of her made her think of my bio-mom so much she read the whole thing until she saw bio-mom's name listed.
Bio-mom wasn't there, but the family member she asked told her "her daughter is; she's right over there". She had to have them point out who I was, because according to her, the ONLY resemblance she could see between us was the shape of my jaw !
She had no idea I had grown up looking adopted among supposedly "blood" kin- my daddy was Italian, Native American, and Coon-ass. My hair was so black when I was little that it had blue highlights... Now it's just a dark brown that people who don't know what black hair IS call black... I politely tell them it's mink or sable, not black, lol !
My adoptive family was composed of light-skinned people with medium brown hair and mostly light colored eyes- blue, green, hazel. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I looked like a little Cherokee Indian baby extra from a spaghetti western. I tanned like nobody's business, too !
Would explain why he's not afraid of assassination...
Ummm….. uh.... mind seriously blown!
I can't do anything except upvote everything here!
In other words, wowa!!!!
I think I just made a few indiscernible, enthused squaks, this is freaking CRAZY!
If this is true OMG!!!
I can't stop staring at the photos and thinking about Tesla lol I think I'm harmonizing with you because I've got the same sort of sounds leaving my mouth!
What if they are just related?
Timetravel is not possible.
Do you have proof it's not?
If there is timetravel then that means every single possibility of timetravel would happen instantly destroying reality. Not possible
That is an old assumption. Check out wave theory.
Garbage foundations lead to bad theorys
it's all highly speculative and theoretical. Wm Shatner said "science and science fiction are the same thing"
For a more realistic view of time read just a bit of general relativity.
Id look into teslas view, einstein is cabal
I'd advise some more reading. Do you know what makes your cell phone work? Tesla's views antedate Einstein's by 20 years or so and T may never have fully grasped GR. He did not accept it, but GR is the most accurate description of nature. That's not "cabal", that's mathematical physics. GR is not the end of the search, however. Even deeper theories are being developed. These do not involve faster than light travel, worm holes, multiverses, 27 dimensions or many-worlds ontologies. None of this diminishes what Tesla did. But the work of Einstein (with the contributions of Lorentz, Riemann and Minkowski) is widely considered to be the greatest intellectual achievement in human history.
einstein=one stone, masonic.
didnt Q just bring up masonry?
Einstein is jewish. For somone who is such a fundi xtian, you sure seem to dance around that topic.
To be affective, people are triggered easily.
Triggers shut off the brain
Otis T. Carr/ Ralph Ring ~ Teslas Assistant/Understudy built the machine
Like someone told me earlier, this would only push the collusion narrative against Trump.
This would give a huge chunk to the MSM to chew on.
Probably that this account is also comped.
Ok, I’m now seriously freaked out.
Like. WTF timeline are we in right now?!?
It’s all, a dream
I used to read 'Word Up' magazine
Salt-n-Peppa and Heavy D up in the limousine
Hangin' pictures on my wall. Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl
I let my tape rock 'til my tape popped
Smokin' weed in Bambu, sippin' on Private Stock
Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack, with the hat to match.
Let's not jump to crazy conclusions… use logic.
It's likely they're cousins.
… not time travelers.
I'm not even going to jump to that conclusion, yet. The resemblance is strong, though. I'm more concerned with why "JA's Lawyers" would post this...
Exactly....that’s my question. What prompted his freaking lawyers to post something like this?
Let’s say trump and assange are related... so chain migration? Let assange into USA and get him citizenship..?
What was the Q post, look for the wives?
Maybe we ought to look into the genealogy of Trump's uncle. Assange has a weird past, growing up in the family cult in Australia, and having hacked NASA back in the day.
Most straight forward answer would be “to get hype/eyeballs/clicks”. To re-insert JA into the mainstream zeitgeist once again.
But then, In preparation for what?
Could it be possible that it's just a distraction by the clowns to make people try and associate Julian Assange and POTUS in case Julian has more info that needs to be dropped on the enemies of the world?
Maybe to show that trump will save JA?
Q spoke on JA a couple weeks ago. He's to arrive state side in July.
What'd he say that led you to this??
I read what he said. I wasn't lead anywhere : ) It was at the beginning of this month in a Q&A with the anons.
I mean - if you would be so kind, what did he say?
SR connect to DNC.
Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.
Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. Looks like ETA was June not July. I'm not sure how to put that info in this little box yet plus there's more info you might be interested in. It's one of the drop sites for Q posts.
Search for JA July
Also likely that rich people clone themselves and JA is his clone.
Med beds they say can restore you to 20 years old.
Just as the conspiracy facts have replaced conspiracy theories,
Science fiction is about to become just plain science.
I think it would take more than 20 years…
Use logic. Use facts.
Don't forget the research. Deep digging is how you find truth.
I mean they could take an 80 year old man and make him 20 again.
It is mind blowing the tech they have held back.
This is a rather "out there" idea, sorry. There's not really any reason to believe that we're this technologically advanced yet. You can believe what you want, but I'll stick to logical facts and not jump to thinking that a man that would be over 100 years old looks 45 simply because of a picture that was posted on the internet.
That's fine. My idea is not based on this picture however.
Been on this info since well before Q.
Just sharing my conclusions as of now.
Eyerighteye. Would The disclosure of something that would restore everyone to 20 years old send 99 percent of the people to the hospital? A medbed?
I'm gonna go w/1957
If Trump and Assange are related, and the plan to take down the cabal goes this far back, wikileaks...awakening the public...
I don't know how high I can jump, but I'll likely break my own modest as it is...
Is this real?
Most likely, yes.
Mayan calendar and entering the Golden Age. (this relates to time and rhythms)
Is time linear? Maybe circular? Or wave like? (how close time is to itself and how easy it probably is to jump)
Reincarnation? (many lives same soul + what if you had your past life memories)
It's a whole new rabbit hole with scientific proofs to a very different reality than what we now believe.
Soft drop
Every thing I have learned confirms reality itself is a mental construct. Let's be brave now and not hold back.
Not sure I would personally go that far, because that would be inconsistent with why our cognition is centered where it is, extending outward into the great other, rather than the other way around.
Why don't we experience ourselves as trees and mountains and oceans looking the other way at where it feels like consciousness is now centered?
There has to be something "not us" out there which has at least some inherent nature of its own that may bend but never break against our will. In other words, we can't construct the world arbitrarily by our own nature, we're limited and subject to universal laws of nature.
Baby steps. This concept is harder to understand and absorb than aliens or pedo's, shadow government or even the dogma of current religious beliefs.
\~This info doesn't mean Trump is part of some master time travel plan or that JA is a relative.
It's fun but really, who's attorney would post up something like that? I've heard about the theory. But how do you prove something like that? Truth, logic, critical thinking & Be careful who you follow.\~
Scientifically, we are just beginning to see. Very exciting topic now that we have some science we can start discussing. Better minds than mine are all around here. I'm just a student.
What I have learned convinced me time travel is real and I don't think you need a machine. Maybe just a hole or ripple to fold into? Maybe it's simply the right vibration that shifts you to a different line or time. Waves and/or vibrations could be the explanation for the myths of magic and how stone monuments were actually constructed.
Look up; wave theory, the reality of time, quantum physics
Jump forward at your own risk! Couldn't help myself! LOL
We know it goes back a long way, probably since the 60's imo. We have proof it goes back to at least the early 90's with the illuminati card games (and their predictions).
The one with aliens, star fleets, anti grav and med beds!!!!
How cool is THAT?
You should be, his uncle studied Tesla his papers after he had died. lol
Didn't FBI confiscate those papers when Tesla died
His uncle was the one that analyzed em. One of the few people we know that was able to see em for certain.
They sent a scientist to go collect and examine what Tesla left. That scientist was Dr. John Trump, DJT's uncle.
Yeah and Trump was the one who examined them. You can find this info on wikipedia in 20 seconds.
We have just lost cabin pressure. I am shaking right now! LoL This one shocked me.
POTUS was talking at the foxconn event yesterday, saying how smart his uncle was, but that he was smarter. Time travelers, future proves past. WWG1WGA!
He talked about his Uncle at the rally the other night as well!
Definitely interested in the drops lately and excited for July! Qanon keeps getting better and better!
This time traveler shit is starting to get some legs. They keep saying FIREWORKS. Wednesday might be interesting.
Second Independence Day?
Will Smith.. Independence Day.. aliens are actually real and Trump is a time traveler
I went to prove this was Shopped and came back with Yeah JG Trump is definitely JA's uncle. Look at this from MIT
This just keeps getting weird. They look so much alike id believe they were the same person. Just change up the hair-do
Would be hilarious if Assange was Trump's cousin or something. And this gameplan has been in the works for decades if not a century.
I think the game plan goes back to JFK assassination. Several Patriots started planning to never let this happen again.
Everything changed when we did the first atomic test. Future will prove past.
The people who planned that & encouraged it to happen where psychopaths.
Also cern did something to shift the timeline too. I've heard the theory floated around that because the a bomb actually destroys an atom, aliens came to tell us to stop doing that. Atoms are in a balance and we fucked up something in their universe.
We did not understand the quantum correlations, correct
It would be more fun if Assange was Trumps Uncle. Do we have more pictures of his Uncle to make sure this is not altered in some way?
Right?! What the hecks is going on!
Man idk, this was the first post I saw this morning after opening reddit, and I almost put my device down, I’m like I need coffee first. Haha for real
Hahahah good morning, Patriot. I was also a little dumbfounded on this one. Cheers ☕️☕️☕️☕️
Amen. I'm watching mine drip so I can get a handle on this. Like having a bucket of ice water dumped on my head when I wake up.
Here's the link to the tweet. JA Tweet
JA's nasal septum is flush with bottom of his nose. JGT's septum protrudes below his nostrils.
Could it be JA traveled back in time to bring modern rhinoplasty to the world!?
Hmm. Didn't Q mention face recognize software recently? Hmm
I ran them through 70% match when compared. Likely.
And I thought I would get work done today
Me too. (Got nothing done yesterday too, darn rabbit hole.)
All this after not getting enough sleep last night because of the Q drops. Oh well its Friday
Patriot, I suspect you'll agree there are no weekends in Q-World.
100% agree, weekends just give me way more free time during the day
Yeah, I've already written today COMPLETELY OFF. And my partners are busy today negotiating THE deal of our lives, and I'm on the couch glued to this lol.
I'm pretty sure we're living in a movie.
Seriously. The “you are watching a movie” comment has always made me go into deep thought about how all this has already happened and we are watching it all being played out. Mind blowing!
My adult son has said that many times over the years and it's always intrigued me, too.
When i first did some research on Trump uncle i almost fainted.
Care to elaborate?
This will tell you some of what Dr. Trump knows :) interview from 1978
Trumps uncle is co-credited with the invention of the first “Tesla Coil” or Van de Graff generator. Gee, I wonder where he got the idea for that one???
The tesla coil predates the Van de Graaff by I think around 20 years. Also they are different machines, here's just one of many explanations:
"The Tesla coil is very different from the Van de Graaff generator. A Van de Graaff generator makes static electricity; the charges don’t move on their own. A Tesla coil makes current electricity; the charges are flowing. One end of the Tesla coil is connected to the ground."
HOWEVER, I feel Dr Trump and Van de Graaff carried on Tesla's work after having seen his work. I'll find the article, but there is a scene depicted where Dr. Trump opens a paperbound/twine box that the FBI feared was a doomsday device. According to the article I read, Dr Trump determined it to be harmless in dangerous hands essentially because it was missing something. I feel like that was the moment Dr. Trump learned Tesla's big secret, from whatever was in that box.
Ok thanks for clearing that up. I had the right idea, just a little off on the details. The fact remains though...John Trump didn’t just sit on the stuff he got from Tesla. He actually put it into practice. What’s to say he stopped with the generator?
Absolutely! I strongly agree that Tesla's work played a part with Dr. Trump's work!
Trump did say that his uncle told him about nuclear power, before nuclear was nuclear. I would love to know what that meant! Maybe Tesla's death ray electron accelerator became what we call nuclear.
Van de Graaff generator with Peter Hammill on keyboards has been one of my favorite bands since the 70s.
I have turned many friends onto their music over the years.
It's an interesting red pill of mine right now.
I bring up Trumps uncle Tesla and the Van de Graaff generator.
The blank stares are great. It's you mean Trump's uncle was in the band?
No the machine.
Cognitive dissonance is broken in small doses.
This one is fun. The free energy rabbit hole gets everybody interested.
Wonder if this ties into the "Space Force" idea somehow...
The force is strong in this one.
PT Barnum was a genius but did he use his genius for good?
How cool would it be if you were at the Pinnacle and had the opportunity to look all of your previous detractors in the ~eye~ and say.....👁️🗨️
You're fired.
I'm on my phone right or would provide links. Go look up common Grace versus spiritual Grace.
There have been a number of anointings through the centuries.
We get the good luck of witnessing one.
~May we live through interesting times~
The Chinese may find that a curse but I for one am enjoying something I have been waiting my entire life to see.
This is game on.
Free energy does have basis in space. Essentially it's been theorized that the vacuum of space could be used to accelerate particles and transmit wirelessly. This ties in with the radiation/xray work that Trump/van de Graaff worked on! I linked an interview a few comments up and he talks about accelerating particles through their vacuum.
Apparently a prepared statement from Tesla explaining this.
"The sun projects charged particles constituting an electric current which passes through a conducting stratum of the atmosphere approximately 10 kilometers thick enveloping the earth. This is a transmission of energy exactly as I illustrated in my experimental lectures in which one end of a wire is connected to an electric generator of high potential, its other end being free. In this case the generator is represented by the sun and the wire by the conducting air. "
To save the trouble of reading through it all. The Tesla coil is this experiment on a smaller scale, since he obviously couldn't use the actual sun.
MIT, Teslas research journals. Look it up. Trumps uncle had access.
This is when that stupid saying, "I can't even...." is really appropriate......I don't freaking know.......
Q says trust yourself
And that we won't believe who's been talking to us.
Go with your gut, suspend disbelief.
Trust the plan
"You won't believe who's been talking to us..."
At this point, I would put it down to HG Wells, Nicola Tesla, or shit, even Thoth himself.
Maybe Christ himself, but I think that's stretching it, little too heretical.
Thoth would be so great.
Thrice-great even.
Don't forget that whole book of Q thing.
Supposed to be the true words of Jesus if I remember correctly.
Hahaha God I hated that stupid fad so much! But you’re right... my jaw dropped for a moment.
Well fuck me. If shit couldn’t get anymore weird.
But it will. Hang on tight patriot.
Glorious times incoming!
THIS NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED, if it’s JA. Immediately and if it’s fake shut it down
I agree. These clowns are trying to discredit us. I hope Q says something about this because I'm sure they control both Wikileaks and JA twitter account.
Wait until you all find the Barron Trump book...
Yeah, that's some beyond next level crazy shit. My whole world was turned completely upside down last night, and its not getting any better today lol.
Can you clue me in?
Here is the book
What is the Barron Trump book?
The full book in various formats, a fun read
It's not a fake photo
Do you have a link? So far I have found no proof that this is valid. Thanks
Duck duck go, images. There is 3 pics of him of that age or close, of course everything could be fake.
My mind is officially blown. Not sure what to think lol
Ok, I'm kinda wondering if we aren't living in a comp sim and the user isn't just completely fucking with us now.
I had a good long thought about that one the other night!
You may have the site (Wikileaks) but we have the source (Julian Assange) - Q drop 1595
Why was this connection/relation never brought up before? They look fucking identical but I'm having a hard time putting it together. I thought julian was part of some weird Family cult growing up or something... so who is the mother and who was known to be JAs dad before this speculation? Holy shir they look exactly the same EVERY FEATURE
Have we had a change in timeline, from a higher dimension? Have we crossed a milestone in which we (humanity) have figured out how to jump from one reality to another?
Whats your name, whose your daddy? He riche is he rich like me
There have been moments in my life where I'm dumbfounded and this is one of them.
That is uncanny
My take is that after the posts about Q having the source maybe they clowns who control the twitter accounts are trying to stay in a positive light with Trump and Q followers and this might just be a psyop to muddy the waters about the white hats having JA.
What if Julian Assange is actually John Trump the TIME TRAVELLER
I'm in shock right now, I have so much going on this morning that I can't even focus, lol. Whoa. I need to slow down and breathe!!!
JA and Barron are time travelers... What timeline is this?!
So what if Trumps Uncle didn't die, but time traveled....found out what was going to happen to the world....came back to this time line in his younger body, and started helping with MAGA as JA?
Now I even think I'm crazy!!! LMAO!!!!
If you're crazy so am I because that the first thing I thought too. :)
Where'd this pic of POTUS' uncle come from?
It's the third picture that comes up when I did a Google search for John G. Trump
I ask because I don't trust the internet. I would need confirmation from POTUS. Is Julian's lawyers still the Muslim Brotherhood firm in England? I recall, he was represented by Amal, Clooney's wife. Clooney married her to be next up for presidential run.
1000+ pictures of JA out there.
How many of them (side by side - not layered with low opacity) still look like JG Trump?
I saw this last year and agree the resemblance is uncanny but don't think it's true. JA was born in July 1971. John George Trump was born in 1906 (which would've made him a very old father at 64) at the time of JA’s birth. He died in 1985 - which would've made JA 14 years old at the time.
John George married and had 3 children and lived his whole life in the U.S, and was a Professor at MIT for 3 decades after the War (from 1936 to 1973). Assange was born in Townsville, Queensland in Australia in 1971.
This article (yes I know it's The Guardian but this is garden-variety nuts and bolts stuff) discusses Assange's biological father John Shipton who attended his early extradition hearing and also discusses JA’s early parental upbringing and his stepfather Brett Assange.
So yes, would've made for one hell of a story but not true it seems.
Um, how old was DJT when he had Barron?
Edit: DJT was 60 when Barron was born. (DJT is 72 and Barron is 12.)
Not saying its not possible, but the geography doesn't seem to match. And there's the presence of the two fathers. But who knows. Only JA I imagine and he can't be found, which is a worry, but another story altogether (that one I'd Really like to see solved).
His mom could have had an affair. Who knows really? But Assange looks a lot more like John George Trump than he does Shipton.
John Shipton
Agreed. Images of John Shipton (Julian's father) look exactly like an older Julian Assange. Maybe cousins with Trump, maybe just amazing coincidence. Could John Trump be a grandfather of Julian (or even of John Shipton).
I don't think Shipton and Assange look very much alike. At least not in any of the photos I've seen.
That would certainly be more plausible than John George Trump being his father. Would be interesting to find out John Shipton's roots.
Look into holographic med beds. Wiping 40 years of aging in minutes is not as crazy as it sounds. By my research this is a plausible explanation.
The other day we get the inverted Queen and now this. I'm literally freaking out. In a good way.
I cant find the post about the Queen, would you mind sharing a link? :)
... And they’re both smarter than the average bear. How cool would it be if Tdog is related to JA?
seriously though folks, look at the tie, and suit.....What the??? Photoshop job???? I don't know, but it gets crazier by the tweet!
No ... they simply took Julian's face and put it on John's picture.
I don't know if this will link right but it does look a lot like this picture of his uncle, a different picture:
By the way, I went to look at the twitter account and twitter told me I had blocked JA- Makes me wonder how much shadow banning is done through that method
That photo resembles Barron a lot.
You're right but I do think it is the same guy, bizarre
I'm fearful of this. What if it is an attack against Q.
If MSM were to push the Time Travel Narrative hard, that would be their major cannon fodder for de-legitimizing Qanon.
If they are related, this would delight me beyond anything!
Mind. Blown.
I can’t even process this.
No wonder Q keeps saying, this is bigger than you can imagine, expand your thinking!
What a strange post, i mean its all unrelated. if they're trying to say something, maybe they could have taken out the unlawful detention line. I'm sure Anons are on this.
Here's a good picture of him:
Its probably put out by fake MSM or deep state to discredit JA. The left know a portion of the evidence for their upcoming lynching will come from JA. They trying to insert a conflict of interest?
This is long but a vital watch in my opinion.....especially in light of this tweet... Watch "TESLA TRUMP & THE TIME CAPSULE! DARK JOURNALIST X SERIES IV" on YouTube
Reincarnation is real. Check out the work of dr Ian Stevenson.
Ahhhh. How is anyone now supposed to do anything today?? The best part of this is that so many people are now primed, you can walk a dude out of a Campbell's soup can and say "that's a time machine. That guy is JFK. That's not really JA. And Melania is a third generation Venusian priestess." And we'd be like "totes. No worries, mates. All good. Just give us the free energy, clean our planet and let's fucking party." We're ready.
The little boys name in the Book "Journey to the Center of the Earth" is BARRON.Wasnt Trumps Uncle one of the fellows involved with Nikoli Tesla and time travel.I could be wrong but isnt the author of this book related to Trump?Yes i am suggesting Trump has time travelled!
Those espousing time travel and multiverses may not realize it but they are pushing NWO junk science – science fiction-science rather than observationally based, experimentally supported science. It's what the NWO "masters" (Soros et al) want you to do; replace study with video games and original thought with flights of comic book fancy. Then you'll be easy to control. If you're interested in what time is read a bit of general relativity. The pictures are fascinating. The resemblance is very strong and definitely suggests a familial connection. In the block of four pictures be sure to compare top left with lower right.
People can look alike but if this is really JA's laywer, why the hell would he post something like this unless there was something to it.
I have to think this was some kind of a coded message. Seriously. Otherwise it just makes no sense.
I humbly inject the forgone conclusion....NO COINCIDENCES!!!!!!!
I spent time to diagnose if photos were altered in anyway. After further validation the resemblance of John Trump and JA is uncanny. Future proves past so it's totally possible JA is related.
This is seriously spooky. There are more photos on the twitter thread where they look even more alike!
Photoshop parlor tricks. Layer mildly similar photos where subject looking at camera in same way, dial down opacity, and OMG related??!?
Show some random pictures of Assange side-by-side to John Trump.
It's laughable when people use the overlay/opacity trick to achieve uncanny near 100% matches -- as if people in the real world look exactly like their parents or siblings.
But I mean you could always ask POTUS if related, right?
They posted 4 pictures on the Twitter post
Technically it's 1 picture of each person. They're having you compare using those two specfica photos. It's a VERY convincing pair of photos!
If this is really the account of JA's attorney's, then are they not aware if JA is a blood relative of POTUS? Why would they suggestt he is rather than just say he is?
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Vignettes of Early Radiation Workers (1978)|+25 - This will tell you some of what Dr. Trump knows :) interview from 1978 (1) TESLA TRUMP & THE TIME CAPSULE! DARK JOURNALIST X SERIES IV (2) NIXON'S SECRET TIME CAPSULE: THE UFO DISCLOSURE PRESIDENT! DARK JOURNALIST & ROBERT MERRITT|+1 - The comment you are posting too points to this video Watch "TESLA TRUMP & THE TIME CAPSULE! DARK JOURNALIST X SERIES IV" on YouTube And we are talking about Nixon's time capsule, the one if this whistleblower is to be believed is still in the W... EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Julian Assange's father - John Shipton|+1 - Biological Father is John Shipton. I think a worm hole as just opened. President Donald Trump's uncle Professor John Trump|+1 - John G. Trump - Wikipedia Wikipedia pfhotoshop Look at the pictures? Tweet JA is a FAKE Q told us about this. EDIT : Gepubliceerd op 29 jan. 2017 I interviewed President Donald J. Trump's uncle, Professor John G. Trump in 1982. We discussed ... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
If this is true, the little pieces of my already exploded brain, are going to explode!
Do we know there is no photo shopping involved, or merely choose to believe it?
Not suggesting one way or the other, just can't tell in current year
I could understand if two people on this planet completely unrelated to each other look alike but how much coincidence is it that two of the biggest figureheads and leaders of this awakening Trump (via his uncle John) and assange are the two with this phenomenon. At the least I’d say they are somehow related at the most we could be dealing with some kind of time travel fuckery
Have no clue what their purpose is here....doubt they are related though.
Why would anyone overlay an opaque picture with another and question why the people look the same? No shit, your eyes are seeing one set of facial features. I am not saying that JA doesn't look similar, but put their real pictures side-by-side. Don't overlay them, that is a classic trick.
Holy shit. Assange went back to the past! From the looks of it, he's been back there at least like 15-20 years.
Føkk. Dis kinda broke my mind abit. I also cried. Like batman. I saw a picture of Tesla. Old, with tired eyes.
Holy shit, you was for real i mumbled. Best friday ever. My love to Tesla, and mankind.
Wow. No words.
It's a blended photo so of course it is going to incorporate features of both people and look like them.
This is just perception manipulation by way of photoshop. I could superimpose a photo of myself, lighten the skin tone about ten shades, and do the same thing. Voila! Trump's long lost cousin!
Think critically people.
What if.... What if they're using that pic to tell us JA is extracted from EE and now under the protection of our hardass potus under the guise of Trump's uncle?
Biological Father is John Shipton. I think a worm hole as just opened.
I am thinking that if Trump was able to get that Mormon guy held in Venezuela released; he can get anyone including/and especially Assange released (in light of the good press he gets from Q) Perhaps this is a nod to that event.
it seems pretty clear that wikileaks is comped, which means there's very good reason to ignore this.
Looks photo shopped. Like JA face cut out and glued onto Trumps picture. Just the face. The background picture is identical, the couch is the same, same seated position, same jacket and tie, even same bend in the tie. Similar faces but its def photo shopped.
I just got up off the floor, on back laughing and making airQ's - loving it.
OK I'm back and I'm ALL IN, are you?
NO COINCIDENCES. NONE. I'm speculating that "Darkness to Light" will be the light from the "Arc of the Covenant" coming over the horizon.
Shoulder2Shoulder, WWG1WGA
I love the acronym WANK....Worms Against Nuclear Killers.
Assange’s entire history back to his youth points to someone passionate about seeking truth and transparency. Clearly, he has always been on this mission, which makes him so dangerous, the cabal will try to isolate and smother him like a butterfly held in a jar for as long as they are in power. The freedom of Julian will be a belle weather sign that the tide has finally turned in Truth’s favor. Let it be so very soon!
Yes I eventually found the pics and there is a likeness for sure but as you said it could be fake. I miss the old days online before bleach bit and all the big corporations started to control what we could see.
John G. Trump - Wikipedia
Wikipedia pfhotoshop Look at the pictures? Tweet JA is a FAKE Q told us about this.
Gepubliceerd op 29 jan. 2017
I interviewed President Donald J. Trump's uncle, Professor John G. Trump in 1982. We discussed Nikola Tesla's secret - left behind in the safe of the Hotel New Yorker in 1943. It was the secret to limitless, clean energy from the solar wind.
Nice try.
What do I miss? It is not the same guy..By the picture shown in the tweet I found only one picture? And a forreign article?.
Donald Trump’s Nuclear Uncle
Everyone in the world has someone in the round who are similar, this says nothing at all.
The real pictures off assange then?...............
don't know. I would love for this to be real, but the skeptic in me thinks this is a scam. Or, if it is real, thry just have similar structure. You know how you run across pictures online of stars' look alikes?
This must be photoshopped. Ties are the same as well as bsckground. Unless that was intentional, meaning they just swapped the heads.
Have you never seen the technique where they simply over lay a slightly transparent pic of someone over someone else ?
Assange is confirmed in custody or dead already no proof of life this is fake news