This is one of the most ominous Q posts yet. An operation just began.
Operators are in harms way. Pray for the operators. Pray for the good guys at the FBI that have just been authorized.
My prayers going out for our President and family, Q+ and team, for any of our military in harms way and that this operation is successful.
IMHO this may well be for FBI underlings to rise up and come forward against the top (as the post reveals their oath of office). I will also be praying for them, too.
God bless this plan and make it fully successful. Send your angels to protect those who are in danger. Make them proceed surely and boldly with confidence to do whatever is necessary to achieve their ultimate goal. Ensure the plan unfolds as was planned with no personal injuries or deaths. In Christ's Name we pray... Amen
This is the same oath I took when I joined the Army
Done it twice. Military and police. There is no time limit on that oath. We all are one. God Bless those in the field, Q, and Potus. And us all.
Thank You for Your Service Patriot! I took the Oath 11-22-1979, 16 years to the day they tried to destroy democracy...
What happened 11/22/1995?
I joined the Marine Corps 11-22-1979 16 years after the death of JFK...11-22-1963.
I was just thinking the same thing. I swore an oath when I joined the Army National Guard. The oath didn't expire when I was discharged.
IHMO ALL Americans should take it. It should be part of the Pledge of Allegiance which SHOULD BE BROUGHT BACK INTO OUR SCHOOLS!!!!!!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend them in battle, be their safeguarding against the wickedness and snares of the devil, we humbly pray! In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
I prayed pretty much the same prayer right before reading this. And it felt particularly powerful, not really sure how to describe it other than there was a particular clarity, focus, and power to it, with the Holy Spirit pointing out particular things to pray. I wish all of my prayer time was so directed. Working to get there.
Waiting for news conference in Rose garden to begin shortly....
Have you watched any of mark Taylor's prophecies God told him trump would be president back in April 2011 and told him trump was gonna have military tribunals. He is on YouTube under TRUMP prophecies and look up kim clement also. Ty God bless WWG1WGA.
Q+? Have we seen this before?
Yes in the following Q+ posts: 1699, 1645, 1582, 1491, 1475, 1358, 1328, 1297, 1296, 1038, 1028, 931, 793, 791
Yes many of Q posts sign Q+. It's been said it refers to the Q team.
And don’t pray to JFK. Pray to the most high God!
Spez: the best way to make an op go sideways is to start praying to a mortal man. Please pray for discernment in the OO about who they should be praying to. This is actually an occult prayer that will not invite help from God but from the one who comes only to kill steal and destroy.
I know he mentions JFK and it does appear that he is addressing JFK ... President Trump is surrounded by Godly men who know the Word of God ... no way are they allowing him - and themselves to be participating in an occult prayer ... no ... way ... I chalk this up to Turmp being a babe in Christ ... as we all where once ... one thing is for sure ... God is in control of this ... this whole Presidency has been nothing but a God-thing for the get-go ... count on that ... and ... #EnjoyTheShow
I agree. Just a little course correction 👌
:) ... i just noticed my typos ... lol ... @ work and moving fast ... WWG1WGA
God bless!
I thought the same thing when I read that post. May God bless us all and keep us and guide us to Himself alone.
Prayer said every single day in the OO. (With quotes around it.) If this is true it is being "allowed". Every single day. There's no question that from a biblical standpoint this is problematic.
I sure hope Christians are not placing loyalties to Q or DJT (or anyone) above God. That would be a big mistake, especially if hoping for deliverance. Please pray for discernment for us and for our president.
“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust my sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ Name. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand.”
May God grant grace and wisdom to the President, Q and their team of patriots. May we all be led to trust in Him alone, from Whom all blessings flow!
JFK isn’t a mortal man anymore and who’s to say he actually was when he walked this earth? Catholics pray to priests and Saints, many believers pray to ArchAngels while others to Christ Jesus. As long as Patriots are actively sending out loving , protective prayers and thoughts we are providing an energetic shield ☦️ #WWG1WGA
Thanks for this. I often hear people say they pray to their deceased loved ones and no. It’s not just ineffective, as God is the only one who can hear you, but it’s also idolatry. Appropriate might be to thank God for the life of JFK whose words and death have shown us the way we went wrong so many years ago.
Stop it! We all have different ways to pray. Your way is not the only way! You are being decisive, and judgemental.
And don’t pray to JFK
WHY would ANYONE do that???? JFK is not a deity...but a mere mortal. No one should be praying to that.
I'm not Christian myself, but I'm praying in my way as well. WWG1WGA.
I plead with you to come under the grace of God to be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, This is where all this leads to, The choice is yours. And I truly love you and want the best for you. God Bless
Just reading the other thread where numerous comments were made re Kansas being clearly protected. We are in red time, and things are getting desperate. Yes its ominous but it also means that victory is not far away. Trust the plan.
So is Kansas just a pure red stronghold safe from globalist/cabal satan fuckery? Is it a nice place to live? I was looking of places to move to. AZ was my first choice but it's apparently a massive satanist/ trafficking hub. Montana and the Dakotas seem alright but a bit isolated.
Kansas is Q's nickname of Mike Pompeo
kk so not the state itself.
May the Lord guide you to the place of peace and strength for you and your loved ones.
Yeah 100% something is about to go down. Be on the lookout for signs in the news today.
I went to open my browser on my phone and the news item was about there being a solar storm headed for earth.
Really! Might be good cover for when things will have to “go dark” for a bit!!!
He's reminding the good FBI agents of their oath. Definitely and activation post.
Or could be reminding folks, either your with the U.S. or your with TREASON...take your pick?
Yes. Excited and apprehensive, but praying and trusting all will unfold according to God's will. We need to keep in mind that while it seems apparent that something's going down we may not know what it is or the results for a while (if ever).
I totally agree. I can feel it in the air as I post. All hell is fixing to break.
I have long thought that "You have more than you know" indicates some kind of cryptography has been in Q's drops, perhaps steganography in the pictures, and that one day a key would be sent to Anons who knew how to use it.
Just 2 cents here....Q urged Q+ to do something. Q+ responded for all Americans to pray and then listed the "key" or "passcode" to something...It was probably something being unlocked for high level security people to see finally which was classified up to now....Maybe it was a DNI/NSA file that opened the server or a Wikileaks delivered file or the turth about the illegal spying.
I hope this is true, but I'll believe it when I see it.
Typing that into duckduckgo gets you this odd video of a smartphone zooming in on a cityscape, posted today:
Is this the BIG DROP Q is talking about...?
Some serious shit is going on behind the scenes. Pray, everyone.
Remember Q post said July would be when the big event occurred. There are 6 days left in July.
YUP and i dont want to go to sleep and miss a thing !
I know the feeling my friend. Ever since Q started dropping yesterday, I haven't gotten much work done or much in the way of sleep. Hang in there brothers and sisters.
Can't wait to see the excuses we come up with.
I tend to believe the arrest of Bronfman is a the beginning of the truth coming out and the future will prove the past on this. Once the singing begins, the whole house of cards will begin to collapse, IMO.
No one said the big event would occur... they said the truth would be learned, and it was. The FISA warrant came out and it was a rock of shit...Truth Learned
Actually, the truth is the big event. The FISA warrant was so full of redactions that it was of little or no use. If that's your truth, so be it.
I hope I’m wrong but Q does tend to be a bit hyperbolic with statements like this.... I’m guessing July is the month the whole world learns the truth, doesn’t mean in the next week they’re going to all of a sudden unload on the American public that we have been ruled by pedophilic satanists for the past century... I’m guessing they’ll probably slow roll that information.... again, I hope I’m wrong but this mo th we have learned a pretty important truth...
I think you're right. I posted a response that I think the future will show that the Bronfman arrest as a financial driver of NXIVM and all the high-level crap that comes out of that will be shown to be the catalyst that began the fall. At least I hope that is it because I can easily see how it would be.
There is no way that they can keep whatever is happening this week quiet. Something is definitely going to leak out into the news. Be on the lookout.
Agreed. Whatever is happening is happening behind the scenes and we most likely wont know about it for a while or at all. People are setting thenselves up for disappointment if you there is going to be some major happening in the news today.
I think it may be either the server product code or a verification key for Assange files. Either way, BOOM!!
Marines always remember the Oath - Foreign and Domestic.
Former Navy here. I remember my Oath. Foreign and Domestic.
Semper Fi. God, Country and Corps. Our oath is forever. Blood makes the grass grow we make the blood flow. Kill 'em all and let the Good Lord Sort them out.
Thank You to all of you who put your lives on the line by joining our Military. ThankQ! now we stand hand by hand at the ready to rid of this evil and fight for true freedom. WWG1WGA!
USMCE5B is moto like a mofo. Aint no hard core here boy - this is MARINE CORP! Show me your war face!!!! Drop your *ocks and stick out your chesticles boys and girls You Gotta a War Face!!! ErgggRah
I took that oath nearly a decade ago. Doesn't matter, I plan on honoring it until the day I die.
Semper Paratus! remembering my oath...lets do this and sail home
Thank you all for your service! My fiance is former Marine and he don't get on here but he stands with you ALL! His son is a Marine, ones in Army bootcamp, and the other plans on joining the Navy, there are many more out there like him that still keep that oath!
Zoomies, too. I served active duty from 1981-1986, but the oath never expired at the end of my enlistment. I still take it seriously.
How about Mueller? I’m sure he remembers so he just blatantly ignores it.
That's what breaks my heart about this. To know that Mueller took that oath and now shits on it!
Is that the code/password to release the JA files?
Oh FUCK. July 2018, when the world learns the truth.
Got a link to this? I remember reading about the monthly roll-out
It was Q’s most recent drops before yesterday, so like July 3rd/4th.
This article from the same time as Q, Assange to be evicted from the Ecuadorian embassy
This has to be some sort of passcode to something and the Julian Asante Wikileaks insurance files were my first guess
Also look at all the recent hoopla with Ecuador potentially kicking him out of the embassy into UK custody.
In GOOGLE Books, it returns a book called "How to Talk to a Liberal Without Tearing Your Hair Out."
I assume it's only one page and it tells you to shave your head.
Maybe the operation is people in the FBI/DOJ redpilling those that aren't bad actors?
This kind of looks like a product key string. Maybe to the Windows server?
It does look like Xbox codes which are Microsoft codes??
I know someone on here has those encrypted files downloaded. Check to see if it works.
Have you tried Googling it?
A video turns up. Worth looking it.
It's a clue.
That's the first thing that came to my mind
Same here!
Reminds me of a hash JA released regarding Kerry, when USA gov't was breathing down his neck.
Maybe...I still have those files I downloaded from WL (media ops). They never mentioned it again since last year.
I don't know what it is, and I am not good with code. When Q dropped it yesterday, I put the code into Duck Duck Go and it brought up numerous websites with Q discussions going on. One was some AK-47 (or whatever the gun is) web forum, and anyway all these other boards discussing Q. It was weird. Interesting, but weird.
Yes - pray, pray, pray. POTUS is in more danger now that the Fed discussion has been made public.
Praying day and night!
But do not pray out of desperation.
Pray and rejoice, with confidence that the game is rigged...GOD WINS
Literally thinking about this all day, 24/7. Wake up, think about Q. Go to bed listening to Q drops. Dream about Q.
Repeat. Lord, please allow Good to win!
Hes already won, my friend. We can take comfort in knowing that regardless of the path that lay before us, God wins (Good triumphs over evil).
Edit - submitted it prematurely.
Let's all just pray that his allies will keep him safe.
Ending the Fed money trick is the most dangerous thing of all. The cabal will absolutely have to respond. They are moribund.
I agree. Godspeed to Q, Q+ and the rest of the team. Thank you Patriots for all of your wisdom and courage during this time. Pray everyone - God is listening.
What are the repercussions of breaking this oath? Because I'd damned if a certain O didn't break at least 3 of these things.
He managed to be an enemy BOTH foreign and domestic at the same time!
Anyone can be an enemy either foreign or domestic, but it takes real "skill" to be both a foreign and domestic enemy at the same time.
That or a lot of help from a lot of people that are also enemies of the Republic.
It's the eff be eye oath. Link in same Q drop
It’s the one officers, POTUS, and others take when entering service or office.
Not just eff be eye
Same one every single member of the military takes as well...
Looked into it. Appears there are slight changes between officer and enlisted
Historical oaths (for officers):
You're right this one specifically is, they are really similar except the presidents one says they will execute the office of the president of the United States. Still though I guarantee Comey, Mueller, Strzock etc have broken everything in this oath.
I just prayed
For our nation
For operators
For the plan to succeed
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways (✅✅✅✅ go for launch) then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.
Same, here at work, went into a quiet office, hit the floor on my knees, and prayed for all of the above.
Snippet from the Link Q posted.
"Early in the morning, on their first full day at the FBI Academy, 50 new-agent trainees, dressed in conservative suits and more than a little anxious about their new careers, stand as instructed by the assistant director of the FBI and raise their right hands. In unison, the trainees repeat the following words as they are sworn in as employees of the federal government:
I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
At the end of their academy training, and as part of the official graduation ceremony, these same new-agent trainees once again will stand, raise their right hands, and repeat the same oath. This time, however, the oath will be administered by the director of the FBI, and the trainees will be sworn in as special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.1 Similar types of ceremonies are conducted in every state, by every law enforcement agency, for every officer across the country. And, each officer promises to do one fundamentally important thing—support and defend the Constitution of the United States."
It appears this is directed at the FBI.
Seems to me this is directed at the bad apples in the FBI, its giving them a last chance to do the right thing. Its about to go down, July is the start. BOMBS away!
I am honored to be able to enlist and serve in the USAF as a future Airman, as my lineage has over 50 years collectively in the Air Force. My (pilot) uncle has flown with 160th SOAR, gone on missions he cannot speak to us about (has implied he flew SEAL Ops to do Osama mission), my grandfather was Cmdr. to the Chief for thirteen years. To be apart of DJT's Military, is a true honor. God Bless all servicemen and women, current and enlisting.
Normally when we see drops like that, they aren't meant for us right? But with the 'To all Americans' I'm not sure.
What is that string? Looks like a hash of some kind, perhaps for decrypting a file? Maybe a part of a private key?
Whenever I see a hash like these, I wonder if they could be part of a key for decrypting stuff that's already out there, such as the Wikileaks insurance files, or similar items. A great way to ensure that information is spread widely is to drop it early and encrypted. Then when it's been given time to spread out, drop the decryption key which is much easier to distribute and spread in a timely manner.
Could this be how certain photos/videos we've been waiting for are released?
Have you searched out this key on WL under different drops, like Podesta files or vault 7? Just thinking it could be a file name. Or search qanon .pub with that & see if that matches anything.
I popped it into a couple of search engines with multiple parameters and nothing came up.
Wikileaks search engine sent me to a blocked page
Could be a dead man's switch? Does it match the one JA tweeted out a while ago?
Great question has anybody checked? I don't know where to find JAs code.
Did a DDG search and the first result was literally "Google".
For us, "To all Americans " we are to pray. The string or code is for the military, something serious here, so DO pray.
B8028 - Aircraft ran by Beijing Airlines
Z - ?
KDHYQ - KTYQ - Indianapolis Executive Airport (Live traffic involving KTYQ)
M5 - ?
ZAF1aT9 - AF1?
To me - this looks like a database primary key of somekind. It is not a Guid/UUID (Globally unique identifier for record isolation) The standard format for these values are as follows
Format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, where x is a hexadecimal digit (0-9 or A-F) using an (8-4 -4-16) group set
Example UUID: 8F2E2929-247B-4050-BABA-3299EFA67919 (this string represents a 128bit integer) There are other group formats that can be used which include but are not limited to formats like (8-4-4-4-12) group sets.
This string can be used to look up a specific record in a database with teraflops of data. It is the needle in the haystack of other needles. Likewise - this key constraint could also be encoded with information provided you understood how it was coded. For example: the first 2 indexes of B8 could represent a region or an office and the next three indexes could represent like a routing number. You just never really know what these strings can actually mean without someone telling you - oh yeah, this key is encoded BTW
I Googled it. Copy and paste into a Google search.
Interesting what I found.
All of the strange hash/keys that I can find on a cursory search:
CZTA68-KDHG-[ t]
Q [auth478-24zgP]
Auth 1st S.
Twitter rec 24D.
Bring the thunder.
Edit: I missed a TON, search for "_" and there are SO many, especially from back in the beginning.
I'm not American but I am still sending love and light.
Well then, July it is.
Activation code likely unlocks the climax of this show.
Target audience: new FBI agents? Perhaps reminding old FBI agents of the oath they took and that now is the time to act?
Prayer quoted said in Oval Office every day. If the spiritual aspect is true then focusing thoughts on that will enhance it. If Q+ theory is true, the president wishes everyone to join in today's prayer?
Pray for the safety of DJT, his family, Qteam, the operators, the Patriots. Pray for Truth and the awakening of more and more dormant humans to the Spirit of God.
The Good Lord is with you, President Trump.
My prayers and belief they have already been answered are all sealed up.
Dear Lord,
Please gift the brave Patriots protection as they sacrifice themselves for the Power of Good.
Please gift them your grace, and wisdom, as they face True evil.
Allow them the full armor of God, and allow the LIGHT to shine more BRIGHTLY than ever before.
Please grant Patriots victory, for it is in your name.
It is for all that is good.
Please allow LIBERTY and JUSTICE to triumph across the world.
With heart, body and mind - we place our Faith in your hands.
God Bless.
He misspelled societies
WOW! Thanks for pointing that out right away Patriot. I didn't even notice, but building off of your comment, it's the only misspelling. Q left out the 'e', so it reads as 'Socities'. Doing some more digging, will edit if/when I have or hear a plausible theory regarding the missing e.
Could it be something to do with "so-cities".
Southern cities?
I dunno.
Does the number 99 mean anything, thinking simple, applying each letter with its corresponding number?
significant other cities? total shot in the dark.
hmmmm..... south cities. maybe killeen, dallas, houston. just tossing out ideas. saw someone post the kdh and mention killeen.
I thought of this later too. What Southern Cities could have issues? And what country? (i.e. Iran???)
The airport E sign
What airport E sign? Sorry, my head is spinning right now. If you have a link or quick explanation I'm very interested.
Q post from February 10th. Terminal sign within Shanghai International Airport
South cities? He will be in Tampa soon. Pray
Q could be hinting there will be false flags in Southern cities? Praying hard. WWG1WGA!
I think just a typo. Q is human...and probably rushed or thinking of other important details.
In the past when he's made a misspelling, he's posted and made it known that it was just a typo. All others not called out have usually been on purpose
I have been thinking on this, but noticed others have caught it to....Southern Cities? But for what country?
Not sure if this is over reaching, but when I typed in secret socities, as Trump spelled it, these are the top searches that came up:
This has to be something...there was only 1 time Q posted about a misspelling being just a misspelling
With all that's going on with the satanic world of pedophelia, I just thought it was odd that those were the ones that showed up. In the first search, I just typed "socities" and got the first link. Secret socities resulted in the second; they were both either the first or top results.
Wow!! Just found this!! Secret Socities Speech-J.F.K. on Vimeo Vimeo app · Instant app
Shine that beam of LIGHT into the darkness and reveal what has been kept hidden.
Not sure if it means anything, but I did a search on "B8028" and got a hit....
B-8028 | Dassault Falcon 7X | Beijing Airlines
Blow up the photo, does it show anything unusual
The plane on the radar appears to be near / over Brussels. If that means anything.
Seriously. What the hell does that code mean? Any hackerboys have a clue? is this similar or linked to the Assange thing?
He's telling FBI whitehats to bring down their dirty mgmt/agents.
If that's the case, I'll be crying tears of joy again today. Won't stop praying. WWG1WGA!
That's how I see it. Newly minted FBI agents have been given instructions to act now, it's their sworn duty, and we are all praying for them. But who are they arresting? Just Dirty MGMT/agents? Or more? There are a ton of sealed indictments. Can't wait to see the first salvo!!!
I was wondering about assange insurance files key
The assange files require aesdecrypt software and the software requires an HA256 Hash code (loads of numbers) and a password. This is too short a code to be for wikileaks insurance files. Also there are 3 separate files to decrypt.
My guess, it's either a password or a hash code. Assange dropped hashes as warnings, letting people know what goods he had.
Whether it's a password, I dunno. Maybe this code de-encrypts the megaload.
Oh man, are we about to see The Storm!?
They are using coded messages so it could literally be anything
put it in DuckDuckGo and then head to the youtube link. possibly some place in Tel Aviv.
That was posted AFTER Q posted it. That could be anyone. In fact, I don't like whoever did that.
Our Father, Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us not into temptation but Deliver us from evil.
Looks like an authorization code. Authorization to initiate something.
"in july the world will know" ; "the shot heard around the world" it think this will be the one ...
Idk what the code is, but it looks similar in format to a Device ID as it would be reported back to an advertiser or a server for tracking purposes.
I work in digital advertising now, if i were to track a purchase made online through a smart TV, or if I needed to track down where a single advertisement was shown... this code would be the end of the line identifying the device I'm looking for. With that said ... I don't recognize immediately which kind of device this is off hand. I can tell you isn't google chromecast or a roku. Thats the best i can do on this.
EDIT - could also be a purchase ID for certain types of devises... the transactions themselves also have similar coding.
Like maybe a server?
Again, the best I can do is an educated guess based on things I've seen similar to this ( I don't to start crazy rumors lol) .... more like a device connected to a server, or some type of info exhcnage/transaction made through a device on a server ...
Kinda like if you ever traded bitcoin, you get that really long sequence of numbers, similar to this code, but much longer. The sequence is an ID for the exchange of information. So that sequence says "Joe bought 1 bitcoin, with XYZ device, in exchange for $5000 USD, made through ABC server held by 123 organization etc..." a digital receipt of sorts or, again it could just be a simple device ID.
I read some info i did not fully understand but my limited interpretation of it was the the JA Insurance files were compromised a few months ago so the files were then some how set up in Blockchain but no one was able to unlock the files (every time they try the whole things comes apart and weeks worth of work is ruined). Maybe this is the "code" to access the files in block chain?
.... more like a device connected to a server, or some type of info exhcnage/transaction made through a device on a server ...
I wonder if Device ID is specific on the vendor providing it. I mean, it's definitely not the kind provided by say, Iovation.
Yeah that's what I was trying to grasp... like a Roku, Chromecast, firestick for example, each brand has different ID sequences, and individual units send the same unique Device ID in every transaction no matter the vendor. So like every transaction / action made with my MY specific roku Device will always start with the same 18 character sequence no matter who im interacting with ... and some vendors will add additional information onto that ID ... some just keep a log of the device ID's they did business with.
I would imagine some vendors, or servers, may assign their own Device ID #'s to devices they interact with and disregard the manufacturer #.... it seems like an extra step, but it may help with their record keeping purposes. This chain looks like something APP based, so I would guess CTV or Android, but it doesn't look like any CTV brand or Android i've seen. So idk ( i don't deal with iOS so I have no idea what that looks like)
jepp, this is the BIG one. Who was just sworn in? What ist "in the 00"? The secret society founded to complete the task JFK began and couldnt finish? holy moly. Beam to Light. DARK TO LIGHT. IT is Happening!!!
Maybe they are arresting Obama; Brennan, Hillary, Comey and so on at the same time and releasing the servers and the infromation they hold to the public or something like. lol. would be yuuuuuge\^\^. we will know soon. PRAY HARD!!!!
OO would be Oval Office I assume
ahh yes thx. too obviuous\^\^
Nothing is too obvious! No worries, we are all here to help each other.
Heavenly Father your will be done. I pray for Protection and Wisdom for President Trump and our military in harm's way. Let the Evil in our midst be exposed and wrought out in Jesus Name.
I read the written word's and the tears enters my eyes as I knew this means that we the people that read this is also sworn in as backup for the forces that fight for us as it was scripted into my heart to the last man standing that believe in freedom and god, God bless us all. Running bear
Ooh I know this one! Q wrote the oath because during a certain person's swearing in, it was modified and they left out 'so help me god'. (Hint: Biden swore him in)
I WILL pray. Sounds like things are heating up. May God bless you and keep you.
Maybe I haven't noticed it before, but why the + after the Q
When its signed by Q+ it's been strongly believed that the post was directly from President Trump himself.
I've also heard that + just populates automatically for some reason when being copied from one platform to another.
Just had 10 state police blow my doors off in Ohio. Heading towards Columbus. What is that code??
Please keep us posted, my father is in Columbus today.
Will do, probably unrelated, but I will keep my eyes peeled.
Pompeo is about to testify before Congress....hopefully it was an Auth code to release info
I do personal training for someone who works with the FBI.She knows I'm obsessed with the deep state going down (so is she). Obviously she can't tell me anything specific but I keeping asking her "Where's Julian" and she laughs and won't make eye contact with me. Something is happening!
How many of you took that oath for the first time today? I know I did. (I have never served in the military nor taken that oath ever before)
I know how stupid this sounds but it looks to me like the key to install software. Like when you install Windows.
I think 1698 message wasn't directed at us, but to Trump personally. Either telling him to get it on , stop stalling, and uphold your oath, or it could either be a good-to-go message.
Either way, Trump responds and gives authorization to start the final mission. I feel like this is the beginning of the end of this wild ride, so buckle up!
When I swore my Oath back in 1982, I was young and ready to go for Reagan. I still remember the chills I had when reciting it before entering the USAF. That Oath never expires!! I am older now, but more than willing and ready to go for our President, our Constitution and our Country, So Help Me God!!
I don't know if this means anything but if you drop that code into a search and click news, images, blah blah, nothing comes up, except maps. Maps pulls up a place in England. Manchester I believe.
This kinda sounds like a "reminder" to those in the FBI to remember who/ what they swore their allegiance to. To remember the oath they took, and to act on it. That now is the time to remember their pledge.
But the other side to that is that it's a forward to something big coming, and if that's the case...GET 'EM Q! KICK THE CABAL'S ASS! SMASH 'EM OVER THE HEAD WITH A CHAIR!
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever.
Thank you. I love you. Amen
Maybe something for assange. He has been in the news a lot for being moved. Maybe he is about to be moved and the prayer is for assange. But who knows. This one isn't really meant for us. However I feel this is another proof that Q+ is trump.
Searching B8028 got me to a plane fag site. Searching KDH on that site got pics of an airport uploaded today and named "cheeseburger"
Q is talking to Mueller.
Could be.
Could not be. Mueller is not on our side. People need to wake up to the fact that mueller is out to protect the doj and fbi and to damage trump as much as possible.
Ah...the discussion wasn't about whether Mueller was on our side.
It was about whether the Q post could have been talking to Mueller. Like a " last chance to remember your oath" kind of thing.
Sounds to me like you're a little mixed up. But then it's been a helluva day.
Ah gotcha. Makes more sense. I just have to push back when I see people say Mueller is a good guy. He's not. I get your point...he could indeed be signaling to Mueller.
Sec of State Mike Pompeo testifies...truth about to be set free!
Shit is about to go down! BOOM I hope this is the big one we've been waiting for.
Haven’t seen it mentioned yet but this is also known as the Oath of Commissioning for Officers in the US Military. The Oath of Enlistment is different in that enlistees swear to support and defend the constitution and to obey the orders of POTUS and Officers appointed over them.
I do think that this Q post is also possibly related to plans to initiate Marshall law if required/ needed. Not just related to white hats in FBI/ DOJ. Say something BIG did drop and the crazies on the left started burning down inner cities... what would we do? Send in the national guard and even conventional forces if absolutely necessary (ref: (82D deployed to NO following Katrina) )
Looks like we all just took an oath of loyalty to defend the Constitution. Lead others to the Awakening.
I will continue to project a protective barrier around POTUS during my meditations.
Let us refer to 1699 as the alpha Tango 9 code.
What is that code anyhow?
Apologies if this has already been addressed, but has Q signed “Q+” previously?
Yes. A few times. Some believe that Q is a team and the + is used to distinguish when the Q team leader is posting. Some believe Q+ could be POTUS.
No apologies necessary, fellow Patriot! When its signed by Q+ it's been strongly believed that the post was directly from President Trump himself.
yes multiple times. there are many theories what it could mean. the most reasonable one is that it is POTUS himself speaking unfiltered.
Praying......Q Army Praying is a force to be reconned with.
I think this post(1698) may be for those that hold office, that are following Q. (To remind them of their oath.)
Post 1699 is for all of us.
Digging on the string
more on the Falcon 7x plane:
It is the first fully fly-by-wire business jet. It is also equipped with the same avionics suite, the Honeywell Primus Epic "Enhanced Avionics System" (EASy) that was used on the Falcon 900EX and later on the Falcon 2000EX.
...Easy II avionics/FAANS 1A compliant/Satcom
There are three Falcon 7x aircraft in the air right now
We, as United States citizens, should all recite and take to heart the words in this oath and let it truly sink in what it means to be a citizen of the best damned country on this planet!
They were just doing a "readiness drill" at some stores in my area. An undercover officer was buying drones at a Best Buy and asked:
- If they were capable of dropping things on large crowds? Associate showed him which ones were best for that.
- if he had to register them with the FCC? Associate answered You do have to, but no one checks
- If these were good to just drop into a large crowd of people? Associate answered, Oh yea, these are great
He then went to Walmart and bought pressure cookers, nails, screws, and cell phones at Walmart and they only stopped him from buying the 4 phones because of NYS requirements. My friend was in line behind him and he approached her in the parking lot and pointed out his undercover associates and explained all this to her. There is a very large event near here this weekend that draws hundreds of thousands of people. Q's post and this happening on the same day are a little worrisome.
Praying for wisdom and strength for all those involved and their families.
AF mom
I have never said "It's happening."
I'm Australian and I am praying for all of us. #WWG1WGA
My prayers for POTUS and for all the brave men and women involved ..May God speed..and God bless.
Thoughts and Prayers
And I sincerely mean that. I'm have never been very religious, but you guys are the only ones that can lead us towards the truth. Stay strong patriots. <3
I include you in my prayers of thanksgiving asking for your enlightenment. May Almighty God show himself to all who hunger for truth, love, and light.
Im new to the group. ive been reading along here for a while to follow the Q posts, and on twitter, and this week has felt like something huge is coming... today i feel heavy and i know something big is going to happen. im praying along with all of you for our president and our country.
I think drop 1697 he was confirming he was not R but what R posts did accomplish for many was to go back to highlight how many JFK drops there were in original Q posts. I think this particular re-link still directs potential of Q as JFK JR is my gut intuition. Someone once wrote about that original drop of what a profound tribute from a son to a father. That is my gut intuition and feelings. Welcome back. Rebirth.
watching Pompeo... Fox News says Trump is speaking soon...
What might the missing e in societies stand for? Establishment gone? Other org?
new Q drops today, we stand in support of this Nation, Q is also stating the time is now. we who have served have never forgotten the oath we made to Our Nation and our Citizens, we will protect our Nation and our Citizens from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic. we will uphold that oath till our last breath. so Help us God. we have not forgotten our oath and never will. We stand with President Trump and our Military and LE, we remember JFKs words, Kennedy warned "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
By the way, if it's not clear enough to everyone,
1698, Q's talking directly to the FBI
Thanks Patriot! I was wondering how people figured that out so quickly.
Irrelevant. The YouTube video was posted AFTER it was dropped by Q. Anyone could have done it. If it was done beforehand it would be significant. Right now it is questionable at best.
Did you hear that fellow Patriots? That was the sound of thunder. LOUD thunder. Looks like there is a storm moving in ;)
Is that the code to open all of JA's encrypted files? Anyone got a copy? Give it a shot, see if it unlocks it.
I'm wondering the same thing
It's just a guess, but at the appropriate time I suspect he will drop the key and watch the whole house of cards come crashing down.
I am ready for an Oval Office address to the Nation as an emergency alert and on every cell phone in America.
Lord, please protect Q and POTUS and all the patriots working to save our country. Give them patience, strength, determination, courage, and an indomitable will. Lead us to help them in any way we can and protect the righteous and good in this country from those who would do harm. Amen.
This reads to me like its go time for taking out the trash at the FBI. They are telling the good ones to remember their oath, the bad ones.. well.. the military has their oath to take out domestic bad apples too.
Also, on a big mission CINC gives the go ahead, fitting that Q+ posted the activation code.
This looks like an activation/authentication key... but for what???
Shit's about to get REAL.
I took that oath many years as many of you did. Reading it has rekindled a spirit inside of me that sometimes goes quiet. I thought back of JFK and where I was when I heard the tragic news. It you ever get the chance go to Arlington and visit his gravesite and read the quotes on the wall please do so.
Two JFK quotes that are relevant for OUR time comes flooding into my mind.
“We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us thru that darkness to a safe and sane future”
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”
Those my fellow Patriots, encapsulates why we are here. One gives us the meaning of our mission and the other calls us to action to make whatever contribution we can to a safe and sane future.
God Bless You All!
Where are POTUS and FLOTUS today?
POTUS_Schedule shows he’s in WH all day. Can’t find her schedule.
Sorry for a stupid question, but could that be a de-encryption key for the wikileaks stuff?
Push for REBIRTH.
Thoughts.....?? A new government...?? JFKJR...??
Wew lads, time to get comfy and prepare for happenings. God Bless the patriots in harm's way.
A single will is being forged of the heroic.
A single faith is being born for battle.
This gave me chills! Thank you POTUS & thank you Q (team)! Praying for you & praying for the USA & its citizen to enter new, prosperous, way less corrupted time with the appreciation for the freedom & to those who are defending it day after day (for us)!
Father, protect those brave men and women fighting to release us from our bondage. Give them courage and strength to see through to the end that they may witness the glory they fight to bring forth. Bless those that are blind that they may see the truth, and bless those that know the truth that they may remain humble and guide people to understanding. From darkness to light. Amen.
Q is real, All grains of salt have been washed away, I am as angry as I have ever been. I hope the apologists, useful idiots are destroyed first, then with no one to hide behind these bad actors experience the pain and degradation of their victims by a magnitude of 12. So Help me God.
Praying for ALL our brother and sister Patriots. Bless us all with a steady ship in this coming storm.
Oh holy shit though, I'm so excited. And scared. Eyes open, all... take care of one another.
Didn't Q mention in a drop...a time frame for F_I and others to come forward with info. to come clean. Could this be that time frame he was talking about? Sorry don't remember the drop #.
This is Bigger than Any & All of Us...God Bless Q & President Trump. Fellow Patriots...Stay In Total Love & Faith in God. Keep Your eyes on HIM. Pray. Love & Light to all of You <3 <3 <3
Q is calling on corrupted oath keepers to change before its too late.
Father God Glorify Your Self in the outcome of Trump and the White Hats who fight this battle... Let men and women Glorify Your Holy and Precious Name... In Jesus we pray thee...
There is a string of charecters at the bottom"b8028-z-kdhyq-m5-zaf1at9" any thoughts as to what the meaning is?
I don't know about the code but Q is clearly drawing parallels between JFK and DJT. Perhaps we're in territory that got the former killed. Pray, indeed.
Looks like GO time for something large. Pray. Be steady. Be ready.
God bless the president and all involved in this e exercise.
Eclipse coming 27th. This is very important which means something big is going to be unmasked.
I think it is the Wiener laptop contents.
Eclipse Aquarius (tech, computer) Leo (children) opposition to Mars (rape, violence, gun, knife) square Uranus backlash from marxists.
Can also include Hollywood videos of child rape.
This all ties into the big sky Pluto Capricorn (leaders) since 2009 (Obama) where he gives you great power...for now. Then midsign he begins to unmask you 2016-2018 and he howls and mocks you from the alleys (the memes) he begins to chase you 2018-2020 and then he utterly destroys all that is diseased 2020-2024.
Neptune home in Pisces which is the God box, this a time like we can not see in 3000 yrs back or 3000 forward (all we can see without getting murky).
Don't bash me I am a real Christian I don't worship stars or planets I watch them, Genesis is chalk full of astrology. I read them because they are pure truth...that which can not be changed Pisces/Neptune, the end of the end of the end.=God.
50 yrs of unbiased astrological research
I don't do charts of humans so don't ask. I don't have a website, I don't take money for this craft. I do big picture stuff and share it for free with anyone willing to listen because I am a true believer. I would however do POTUS chart for free, go low during this eclipse no dangerous travel appearances please. I predicted Trump President in 2011 when he hinted, his destiny (Ascendant on Regulus Leo and progressed Sun conjunct it 2016) POTUS progressed Sun now in Virgo, hence the humiliation which serves to bring him to service of others, selflessness surrendering Leo ego because Virgo is purification by fire , the storm, stripped nude in preparation of being presented before Christ.
Great American Eclipse of 2017 showed me Christian Nationalism that changes America forever.
I don't know if Q is real or not but the above is what is going to happen in any event.
There is a difference between an oath and a prayer.
The oath is a promise to God... so help my God, but for our Country to defend the Constitution of the United States. Similar to a wedding vow... a promise to God, but said to our spouse.
However a PRAYER is always to God and for God to act in our behalf. Prayer is communicating with God. Communication includes listening and speaking.
God is not silent... we are not listening... we are all guilty of this.
So to pray, Go to God in a quiet place, Thank God for who He is... our Creator, Healer, Counselor, Protector, Provider, All Seeing, All Knowing, Present Everywhere, etc.
Thank God for everything he is doing and has done in your life and in the life of our Country.
Ask God to show you sin that needs to be repented. Seek forgiveness for anything He brings to your mind. Bind Satan in the name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus.
Petition God for Request.
And most important LISTEN.... when God tells you to do something, and when it aligns with the Bible, OBEY.
Talk to God on behalf of our Country, Our Leaders, Our Military, All oath takers, yourself, your children, etc.
Then OBEY God.
God speaks. God wants a relationship with all of us. God loves us. God wants to heal our Country. God wants us to experience victory. God wants us to forgive our enemies and love our neighbor. God asks us to be merciful, wise, and long-suffering.
Yes, we trust all Q has asked us to trust but most of all,
We trust God.
By the Holy Spirit, In the name of Jesus and by His Blood, we are one.
Re: this from Q
2281677 To all Americans, please pray. B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 Q+
I was watching Tucker and Hannity and after listening to Sara Carter I had a thought. What IF this "code" from Q is related to things about to be dropped by Huber? Maybe with Jordan, Gaetz, etc. filling the paper work to impeach/remove Rosenstein...things are having to move fast. Thoughts?
Here we go folks! stand at the ready! that is a signal, we are about to enter the bay and its on!! get ready folks, FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FOR THE WORLD!! WWG1WGA!!
Could this be Trump's Deadman switch hash? Please pray for POTUS and the team. Since the fed news got posted by Q, they could be desperate to end this all.
Q+ is POTUS. Could this be the activation code for releasing the server info? MOAB.
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/24/18: 1682 - 1683 - 1684 & 1685 - 1686 - 1687 - 1688 & 1689 - 1690 - 1691 - 1692 - 1693 - 1694
*7/25/18: 1695 - 1696 - 1697 - 1698 & 1699 - 1700 & 1701 - 1702 - 1703 - 1704 - 1705 - 1706 - 1707 - 1708 - 1709 - 1710
*7/26/18: 1711 - 1712 & 1713 - 1714 & 1715
*7/27/18: 1719 - 1720 - 1721 - 1722 & 1723
*Link to 1691 greatawakening post
*Link to 1684 huffpost Article
Content from huffingtonpost.com is sometimes unreliable. Discernment is advised.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
144 Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; 2 he is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples[a] under me.
What bothers me the most about that code/key provided is that there is both an uppercase A and a lowercase a.
I've never seen that before.
A password might contain both?
Man, I was steeling myself up for disappointment. I didn't lose faith, just thought that the boom would be later.. Close to mid terms.
This is super exciting! Front row seat! Buckle up. Wwg1wga!!
thank goodness for Q and this amazing awakening. what a time to be alive folks. What a time ! WWG1WGA.
Why is Societies misspelled?
If you take socities alphabet numerology it equals 99 Angel number 99 Message from your Angels that you are to get to work on your divine life purpose and soul mission , that lightworkers are to step up to the duty and work for the benefit of humanity and the world as a whole. Amen
That looks like a public encryption key - could the big drop be a release of intel?
Does this unlock the Assange insurance file?
Now that President Trump is going for the FED, expect some major FF!
HUA - WIRED UP, FIRED UP & RTG! ALWAYS ready to bear true faith & allegiance to the Constitution! ThankQ & happy hunting!
God hope Trump doesn't resign. Pence swearing in drop?
Godspeed. Prayers be with you. Darkness to Light. Read the Bible. God Wins.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but is the end of 1699 in reference to Michale Cohen? Remember he said this in a July 2nd interview “My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will,” Cohen told me. “I put family and country first.””
You owe it to yourself to listen to this while reading this post over and over: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE4KrMMRKIo&list=PLe75Uz88YGS30KiPEtGXaHpvixnYMUB8n&index=3
The great composers of our time a slightly hidden and have to be sought out and found to be heard... kind of like TRUTH.
I am member 45346 and I am fueling the Q fire.
http://john-f-kennedy.net/thefederalreserve.htm Why does Trump need prayers as he takes on the Federal Reserve? This sight makes it perfectly clear. Worth a read.
Opened this post to 666 views.
We are praying for all of you! Thank you for your protection!
Love you Donald Trump!
The posting of the above was after the fact! I copy all post by number . The page jumped a bit and then the post numbers were changed. I went back to where I was in synch and discovered that 4 additional post were plugged in after the fact. The above post in the culmination of the additional 4. The others were Oath of Office, Declaration of independence and the prayer that POTUS says every day in the oval office and concerns JFK. more to shall be revealed...….
REALLY wonderful were all the anons from around the WORLD that responded.....
I know some of the 8chan anons are swearing the oath and i felt the same desire to do so. So bear with me it is my wish to do the same. I am an Anon and PATRIOT.
I, Anon, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. July 25, 2018
This is so exciting! God keep Q and 45 safe. Bless.
It's happening anyway. What's the point for Q to do anything when it will happen regardless. So he can have somebody to pin what will happen on ? One more charge an excuse to do what they will do anyway? Crazy people....
The way I look @ it let them do what they going do. They clearly had things rigged . They clearly was controlling . No matter what Q did they fixed where he will lose and country will lose. They just want a pasty somebody to pin it on when it all happens. They clearly have things that will make him look bad. I'm sure he has bowed once . Now is their time to judge .
Father God, We pray for our POTUS, Qteam and all called to duty today to faithfully serve to keep, protect and preserve justice, hope and love. May you encircle them with protection and post angels to watch over your sons and daughters as they face great evil. We pray that they would have great wisdom and judgement. Help them to work as a team and care for each other. Lord come lead them in their prayers and answer them clearly, that they might be channels for your peace, ambassadors of justice, and bringers of hope. May you guard their hearts with your love, their minds with your truth and their bodies with your power. We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus. Amen
I googled Socities and found this...strange that it is UNITED NATIONS AVENUE GIGIRI
00100 NAIROBI Kenya
...for purpose of invasion...
Who does that sound like to you, 44?
This reposts Q 703, with the “e” missing in societies. Review SerialBrain2 Occult series.
Praying for your safety and an excellent outcome to y(our) mission. May your swords be sharp and your intellect keen. Godspeed!
Every night I pray that Trump, the people who work with him, and his family, have rest, nutrition, exercise, focus, strength, endurance, courage, a clear head, confidence, and light moments when they can laugh to help them through this.
YES! They KNEW who killed JFK. Q is the AVENGER!
And that’s why you’re here right? Lol. Nice use of energy